Begonia care at home. Why begonia does not bloom, but only leaves

Encyclopedia of Plants 13.06.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Begonia blooms in summer and autumn, and indoor begonia does not fall until December. Inflorescences consist of several small, medium or large flowers. Begonia is rich in an abundance of colors: red, yellow, pink, orange, white. In addition to monochromatic colors, there are flowers with a border. various shades along the edges of the petals. We talked about the types of begonias in.

Description of the buds

The begonia inflorescence consists of male and female flowers, over which, after pollination, a fruit is formed - a trihedral box, with small seeds inside.

The flowers resemble peony, carnation, or rose buds and consist of 2-5 petals, some have 6-8 petals. Collected in racemose axillary inflorescences, the buds form at the very tops of the shoots. Begonia blooms brightly and profusely, and the flowers themselves delight with their diversity.

Why the plant sheds leaves and flowers - the main reasons

Why does the plant disappear? In general, not difficult, but any mistake can lead to plant disease, dropping leaves and buds. To avoid this, you must carefully monitor the condition of the flower, and follow the following recommendations:

You can read more about plant diseases, as well as pests that destroy begonias, in, and you will learn why buds and leaves fall on begonias.

Preventive measures

To avoid falling off the buds of begonias, it is necessary to regularly ventilate the room.. You should also prevent too low temperatures, monitor the frequency of watering, prevent thrips and aphids on the plant, and also spray the plant from time to time with excipients such as a five percent suspension of copper oxychloride.

Thus, begonia is a grateful flower, if properly cared for. More care tips houseplant you can find out. When growing decorative and deciduous varieties, you can achieve the creation of whole green corners, where the beauty of begonia leaves will manifest itself in full force. And bright and densely flowering specimens will bring extraordinary colors into your life and give you many unforgettable pleasant minutes. To create such beauty, you can use varieties such as "Women's Weapons", "Burning Passion" and " male flowers". We discussed these types in more detail in

Why do begonias drop buds and how to solve the problem Wrong conditions of detention are the most common reason why begonias dry and fall off buds. The natural habitat of this plant is tropical rainforests and subtropics, and home air is too dry. So that the begonia does not get sick and pleases with flowers all year round, it must be moisturized, and this is a whole science.

Water should not be allowed to fall on the leaves, growing point, and even more so flowers. You can humidify the air only by spraying water near the flower. Also, do not allow stagnation of water in the pan - this can rot the roots. Begonia should be watered often, but without fanaticism, pouring water along the edge of the pot so that the root does not rot, as is often the case with tuberous begonia. As for heat and lighting, begonias are contraindicated in direct sunlight. From exposure to the sun on the foliage, a burn and redness may appear. The best place for the plant are the southeast and southwest window sills, and then in hot weather they should be shaded. Comfortable temperature is 20–22 °C, in winter - 16–18 °C. In hotter conditions, the begonia flowers dry, the leaves wither, and their color turns red. Lack of minerals

Indoor begonia grows rapidly and eventually begins to experience a lack of nutrients. The ideal soil for this plant is a mixture consisting of the same parts of sod, coniferous and leafy soil with the addition of sand and peat. This substrate promotes good flowering. If the flower has become weak, the leaves have brightened, and the buds are falling off, this is a sign that the soil is depleted. You can correct the situation by applying complex mineral fertilizers, such as Kemira Lux. During the flowering period, fertilizers are applied 1 time in 2 weeks, in winter - 1 time in 1-2 months. It is desirable to alternate mineral mixtures with organic matter (biohumus, mullein). In order for flowering to be plentiful, nitrogen fertilizers should be avoided, as they contribute to the growth of foliage and inhibit the formation of buds. Flowering begonias need more phosphorus, potassium and trace elements.

True fans of begonia appreciate not only its bright and lush bloom, but also unusual, beautifully colored asymmetrical decorative leaves. The homeland of the perennial is tropical forests and subtropical regions of America, Asia and Africa.

Popular types of indoor flower begonia and photos

Today, about 900 species of begonias are known in the world and at least 2 thousand hybrids have been obtained. Crops for growing in room conditions conventionally divided into two large groups- deciduous and flowering. Decorative and deciduous are different original form and leaf color. Flowering varieties of begonias are divided into groups of tuberous, evergreen and bushy, in need of a dormant period. Let's take a closer look at the most popular types:

  • tuberous- has simple and double flowers white, pink, yellow, bright red, orange colors. Petals can be two-tone or bordered. The sizes of the flowers range from 5 to 15 cm, the shapes are similar to a rose, carnation, peony;
  • ever-blooming- the most popular begonia from the bushy group. It is grown as garden culture as well as in room conditions. In the latter case, the plant is able to bloom all year round. It has glossy leaves of red and green shades, dissolves small flowers of red, pink, white colors;
  • royal- decorative-deciduous species is distinguished by large, up to 30 cm in length, leaves of a heterogeneous color of dark green, brown, red tones. The shapes of the leaf plates are similar to the heart or resemble the spiral of a snail;
  • ampelous- this subspecies of tuberous begonias is used in vertical gardening. Shoots hanging in garlands 25-50 cm long are strewn with many white, raspberry, orange, yellow flowers, which bloom during the entire growing season;
  • elatior- this tuberous begonia hybrid is intended for cultivation exclusively at home. It has thin shoots of red shades that need support. Blooms in autumn and winter. Petals in white, yellow, red, orange tones. glossy leaves round shape, flowers about 5 cm in diameter.

Home care for indoor flower

Begonia is demanding on lighting, it should be placed in a well-lit place.

Homemade begonia is unpretentious in planting conditions and easy to care for. It does not need frequent transplants, grows at moderate temperatures. Its tropical character makes special demands on air humidity. Some species after flowering arrange a dormant period.

Lighting and watering

Begonias are suitable for a well-lit room. Abundantly flowering varieties prefer diffused light. Decorative leafy specimens develop best in partial shade. good location flower pot there will be a window sill on the east or west window. In the winter months, it is recommended to arrange additional artificial lighting.

Begonia is hygrophilous. For irrigation use soft settled water, the excess is drained from the pan. Adhere to the following rules:

  • in summer watered abundantly twice a week;
  • in extreme heat, the soil is moistened daily;
  • since October, the plant is watered as the top layer of the earth dries up;
  • in winter, watering is reduced to a minimum;
  • in March, the intensity of moisture is gradually increased.

Tuberous species hibernate for the winter. For this period, they are placed in peat, and watering is completely excluded.

Air humidity

Not when do not spray begonia it can lead to illness

The tropical origin of the plant makes high demands on indoor air humidity. It is not recommended to spray begonia, because of this it starts to hurt, spots appear on the leaves.

To satisfy the requirements of a flower, a special microclimate is created for it. For this:

  • the pot is placed on a saucer with wet peat;
  • pebbles are poured into a tray with water, on which a flower is placed.

Evaporating, the water will provide the plant with the necessary level of humidity.

Optimal temperature for begonias

The plant does not like drops and prefers moderate temperatures. In summer, it is desirable to keep the flower at + 18 ... + 20 ° С. In winter, the air temperature should not fall below +15°C.

Soil for begonias and fertilizer

After transplanting begonias, frequent and plentiful watering is necessary.

Begonia required nutrient soil. It is made up of:

  • 2 pieces of leaf ground;
  • 1 part peat;
  • 1 part black soil.

A layer of coarse-grained river sand is laid at the bottom of the pot. Half of the container is filled with sheet earth. Top filled with a mixture of peat and black soil.

It is difficult to grow a beautiful begonia without such an important component of care as fertilizer. Top dressing is carried out no more than twice a month during the formation of buds and intensive flowering. This usually happens in spring and summer. For this, complete mineral fertilizers are used.

How to transplant

Transplantation of begonias is carried out in early March once every two to three years. The need for this procedure is indicated by the roots that do not fit in the old pot. A new one is chosen 2-3 cm larger in diameter.

The begonia is carefully removed from the substrate, the roots are cleaned of the remnants of the earth. For an hour put in a container with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. After root system checked for rot or pests. Remove diseased areas to healthy tissue.

A layer of expanded clay is laid at the bottom of the new pot, and coarse sand is on top. The plant is placed in a container and the roots are carefully sprinkled soil mixture. After transplanting, the flower needs abundant watering.

flowering begonia

Begonia blooms profusely and very brightly. To extend this period, at the very beginning of development, remove female flowers. When the goal of the grower is the quality formation of tubers, new buds are removed in September. Then the plant will not waste energy on flowering.

When propagated by leaf cuttings, a strong copy is taken

Begonias are planted with seeds and tubers, propagated vegetatively - by cutting leaves and stems, dividing the bush.

Propagation by cuttings

This method is used in the spring and summer. stem cutting for rooting must be at least 7 cm long. Immediately after the cut, the planting material is planted in a wet substrate of sand and peat in a ratio of 3:1. The landing container is placed in dark place. After 1-2 months, the plant takes root.

For propagation by leaf cuttings, the strongest specimen is chosen. The stalk is dug into the ground so that the leaf does not touch the surface of the soil. Until rooting, containers with leaves are kept in a dark room.

Growing begonias from seeds

Propagation by seeds is carried out from December to March. The nutrient substrate for sowing is prepared from leafy soil, peat and sand. Seeds are distributed over the surface of the soil, slightly pressing into the ground. Shoots appear in 10-15 days.

The grown seedlings dive. Young plants are transplanted into separate pots with a clod of earth. In the middle of summer, strengthened begonias may already bloom. By winter, a tuber of the plant is formed. In autumn, the tubers are stored in sand or peat. planting material contain at a temperature of +8 ... + 10 ° С. In the spring, the tubers are again planted in pots.

Care of tubers after planting

How and when tuberous begonias are planted depends on when they expect to get flowering plant. They begin to plant in February, and continue until June. For this:

  • the tuber is deepened into the ground by half;
  • leave in a cool dark room;
  • water moderately for several weeks;
  • when the shoots sprout, the tuber is completely covered with earth, and the pot is transferred to a bright, warm place.

Diseases and pests of begonia and plant care during this period

Spider mites and aphids are the most common pests in begonias.

Careless care and maintenance errors lead to the fact that the plant begins to hurt, drop leaves and buds. To understand the reasons for this condition, take a closer look at the begonia:

  • if the tips of the leaves turn brown and begin to fall off, the flower lacks watering and air humidity;
  • a pale leaf plate indicates a lack of lighting;
  • excess moisture at low temperatures leads to the formation of fungus. The affected foliage and shoots are removed, and the flower is treated with fungicides;
  • dry air and temperature fluctuations are a favorable environment for powdery mildew. She looks like a white patch. To combat it, begonia is treated with a 1% aqueous solution of colloidal sulfur.

Memo to the grower

Begonias may not bloom for a number of reasons, ranging from poor lighting to excess fertilizer.

In the process of growing begonias, non-standard situations may arise and flower growers have additional questions about how to deal with them.

If the begonia does not bloom, the reasons may lie in the following factors:

  • the plant does not have enough light;
  • low humidity in the room;
  • unsuitable temperature conditions;
  • excess fertilizer;
  • watering with hard water;
  • lack of a dormant period;
  • drafts.

Change the conditions of detention and watch the pet. You may need to transplant the flower into a fresh substrate. The lack of flowering may also indicate that it is time to rejuvenate the plant.

Why do begonias drop buds immediately after they appear?

This phenomenon indicates a weakened state of the flower. It can be caused by improper watering and lack of minerals. Such a flower needs top dressing.

Why do begonia leaves turn yellow?

Begonia is able to purify the air

Begonia leaves are rich in phytoncides, thanks to which it has amazing properties to purify and improve indoor air. With its help, they fight pathogens. In particular, it is effective in the fight against staphylococcus aureus.

It is noticed that the presence of begonia improves immunity, increases efficiency and relieves fatigue. It is recommended not only as a home plant, but also as an office plant, as the flower helps to increase mental activity.

The plant has the ability to purify the air from dust and absorb toxic chemical compounds. Therefore, it is advised to start a begonia at home immediately after repair.

It is believed that begonia is able to give its owner strength and determination.

It is believed that begonia helps in achieving personal success. It contributes to the birth of new ideas, therefore it is useful for writers, journalists, and scientists.

Begonia is an Aries plant. The flower generously endows with energy, like all fire signs:

  • useful for Leo and Sagittarius, as it helps to balance their energy chaos;
  • Capricorn, Gemini, Libra - develop prudence;
  • Pisces, Cancers, Scorpios - to establish harmonious relationships.

The influence of begonia on other zodiac signs is neutral.

Energy and symbolism

Due to its strong energy, begonia is able to give strength and determination. It is necessary where pessimists live, there are frequent quarrels. It transforms negative energy into positive. It has a calming effect on irritable people and perfectly cheers up.

Begonia is a symbol material well-being . She represents purity and virtue. To see begonia in a dream means that a person has a negative program that needs to be cleansed.

Healing properties of begonia

The plant is widely used in traditional medicine. It is a good analgesic and antispasmodic agent, has anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects.

An infusion of flowers is used to treat wounds and burns, irritation and ulcers. The juice from the leaves is used to soothe headaches. The root is used in the treatment of conjunctivitis.

Begonia - home care

What to do if the begonia leaves curl? If dry and curl only lower leaves plants, then this may be a natural process of dying off old leaves, but if the leaves darken and dry all over the begonia, you should start to worry.

Watering should be moderate: do not overdo it with moisture, but do not let the soil in the begonia pot dry out. Curling leaves on a begonia can be a sign of a nutrient deficient soil, which means it's time to feed the plant.

How often to spray begonias? Begonia loves wet air, but reacts sharply to excessive moisture of the earth in a pot. Varieties of begonias with smooth leaves can be subjected to water procedures, and varieties with "fluffy" leaves are better not to spray, but to spray water around the flower, moistening the air.

Where to place a pot of begonia? Begonias feel great on windowsills, the windows of which face the southwest and southeast.

What to do if dark spots and holes appear on a begonia leaf? Very often, with improper watering, begonia leaves become stained from cold or hard water. And holes can be a trace of a burn formed by a drop of water and a sunbeam.

Why do double begonias have non-double flowers? This mysterious phenomenon is quite understandable: female (pistil) flowers of a simple form and male (staminate) flowers develop on terry begonia. male flowers have a curly shape. Male and female buds open in different time. Women's if desired non-double flowers can be removed, this will save the plant strength, and it will bloom profusely with double flowers.

When should the first flowers appear on begonias? Not earlier than the main stem will have 5-6 knees. In rare cases, begonia at home blooms earlier.

What to do if flowers darken and fall on begonias? The reason may be the ingress of water on the begonia buds.

What to do if mealy spots appear on the leaves? It could be powdery mildew or gray mold. Remove diseased leaves, treat the plant with a fungicide. Ventilate the room more often.

Why do begonias drop leaves and flowers? Possible reasons a few: water got on the plant, the air in the room is too dry or the fault is insufficient watering.

Begonia pests. Most often, at home, begonias are harmed by insects such as aphids and spider mites.

When should begonias be transplanted? Spring - the best time for transplanting begonias.

What is the best soil for begonias? The ideal mixture for begonias: turf, leafy, coniferous soil, peat and ordinary river sand.

Why do begonias drop buds? There are many reasons: waterlogging or vice versa - insufficient watering, drafts, and even a change in the position of the flowerpot relative to the light source by several degrees, not to mention the movement of the flower from one room to another.

Why is the begonia not blooming? Maybe your begonia doesn't get enough light, the room has low humidity, it's too hot or too cold, or maybe you put it in a draft or overfed it with fertilizer.

If, despite all your efforts, the begonia will wilt, just in case, root the branch, perhaps your begonia is saying goodbye to you.

Diseases of room begonia

In addition to powdery mildew, tuberous begonia is affected by diseases such as gray rot, ring and bacterial spot.

Gray rot

causes the fungus botrytis, which exists everywhere, but is activated in humid warm weather, forming white watery spots with a gray coating on leaves, flowers and apical shoots, which eventually become weeping rot spots. As a result, the stems break, the leaves turn black and curl up, the flowers and buds become covered with mucus. When the first signs of gray rot appear, the plant is sprayed with a one percent solution of Bordeaux liquid or a soapy-copper solution of 2 g of copper sulfate and 20 g of laundry soap per 1 liter of water. If the disease progresses, you will have to spray the begonia with a 1% solution of foundationol.

Bacterial spotting

manifests itself as small watery glassy spots on the lower surface of the leaves. It is useless to fight the disease, so the affected specimens are destroyed, and the soil in which they grew is disinfected. For the purpose of prevention, the plant is sprayed twice with an interval of two weeks with a five percent suspension of copper oxychloride.

ring spot

caused by a tomato virus and appears as yellow-green concentric lines on the leaves, turning into bronze spots and necrosis. Sick plants should be destroyed, and as a preventive measure, prevent aphids, thrips and other sucking insects that carry the virus from appearing on plants, and remove weeds in a timely manner.

The begonia flower is valued by gardeners for its abundant flowering and beautiful bright inflorescences. The loss of the original color of the leaves, the folding of the leaf plates into a tube or drying out, speaks of mistakes made in caring for the crop. The flowers in question do not require special conditions of existence, but a deviation from the norm leads to a loss of color of the green mass. From our article we will learn why begonia leaves dry and what to do with this unpleasant phenomenon.

The main reasons for the drying of leaves in begonias can be:

Note! The begonia pot should have special holes and expanded clay drainage to prevent stagnant water.

What to do if the begonia leaves dry

We figured out the solution to the main problems of drying out begonia leaves. Now we will find out what to do if the culture is affected by diseases and pests.

Disease control

Diseases and pests enter the plant if the rules of care are not followed. The main disease of the flower is powdery mildew. Its symptoms can be unmistakably identified by the appearance white coating on the leaves. As the disease progresses, the area of ​​the spots increases, covering the entire leaf blade. After a while, the leaves turn brown, then dry out. To fight with powdery mildew possible with the help of chemicals like Morestan or Fundazol. Can overcome the disease folk remedy- copper soap solution. To prepare such a preparation, 20 grams of tar soap and 2 grams of copper sulfate are dissolved in a liter of warm water.

Another popular begonia disease is gray rot. The peak of the development of the disease falls on warm and humid weather, in which spores of pathogenic bacteria move. The first symptoms of gray rot can be identified by the appearance of gray watery spots on the leaves of the culture or the tops of the shoots. Delay in treatment leads to the death of the entire bush. You can prevent the further spread of gray rot with the help of Bordeaux mixture or copper soapy liquid prepared according to the above recipe.

top dressing

Drying of begonia leaves can occur through improper feeding culture. Nutrients are introduced into the soil during the warm season (from March to September with an interval of 10 days). For this purpose, it is recommended to use special complex mineral fertilizers with minimal doses of nitrogen. In some cases, culture is introduced potassium nitrate(the interval between adjacent dressings is 15 days). In hot weather, flower leaves are sprayed with Potassium Humate, Zircon or Epit. All of these substances are applied during flowering.

Important! The ideal option top dressing for decorative deciduous varieties of begonias is considered top dressing with solutions with a high nitrogen content.

How to prevent

Help prevent dry leaves on begonias proper care behind the plant. First of all, you need to put the culture pot on a well-lit windowsill, but prevent direct sun rays. Protect the flower from drafts and sudden temperature changes, make additional nutrients into the soil, water as needed and the begonia will thank you abundant flowering and lush foliage.


You can learn more about how to deal with the appearance of dry leaves in begonias from this video.

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