Potassium nitrate - properties, application, composition. Potassium nitrate and its uses

Decor elements 13.06.2019
Decor elements

Chemistry has long entered a person's life and occupied everything in it. free space. A wide variety of compounds are eaten daily, used in the manufacture of consumer goods, used in industry or in rural fields. And one of those useful chemical substances, which has become a constant companion of man in many areas of life, is potassium nitrate.

Potassium nitrate, Indian or potassium nitrate is an inorganic compound formed by nitric acid and potassium. In recent decades, it has received very wide application in industry, chemical and food production, in agriculture.

This unique substance has a fairly simple chemical formula KNO3, and its properties have been thoroughly studied by experts.

Potassium nitrate can be obtained not only by artificial laboratory means, it is also found in wildlife. The main source of natural potassium nitrate are deposits of a mineral called nitrocalite. The largest of them were discovered in India, thanks to which the substance received a second name - Indian saltpeter. In addition, potassium nitrate is part of some plants and even animals.

Potassium nitrate cannot be called a discovery modern science. People knew how to get this salt already in the Middle Ages. They did this with the help of compost pits, in which, under the influence of oxygen in a warm and damp microclimate, organic matter rotted under a layer of limestone. The resulting substance served as fertilizer or was used to make gunpowder.

The composition and properties of potassium nitrate

The basis of the substance is nitric acid and sodium. The salt obtained as a result of the combination of these elements is a white or yellowish powder, endowed with neither smell nor taste. In its natural form, the substance consists of colorless crystals of an elongated needle shape.

Especially popular and wide range of applications potassium nitrate owes its properties:

  • does not have volatility;
  • has a slightly pronounced hygroscopicity;
  • non-toxic;
  • absolutely harmless to humans;
  • highly soluble in water, liquid ammonia, glycerin and hydrazine.

In addition, potassium nitrate is one of the strongest oxidizing agents, and when exposed to high temperatures it becomes explosive. It is capable of explosive contact with combustible materials. This property of the substance allows it to be successfully used in the production of fireworks.

If the reaction involves organic matter- saltpeter can easily ignite them, so the use of potassium nitrate requires caution and special safety measures.

Who needs potassium nitrate

Potassium nitrate surrounds a person from all sides. This substance is actively used in many economic areas. Modern man daily uses items made with potassium nitrate. He even eats it along with food.

  • Agriculture. It is used as a universal fertilizer that can greatly increase the yield of vegetables and fruits.
  • Food industry. Included in the composition of products in the form of preservative E252. Responsible for their protection against the development of putrefactive bacteria, retains color and attractive appearance. In addition, potassium nitrate is used in the manufacture of certain types of cheeses, sausages, and canned fish.
  • Glass production. Used to brighten crystal.
  • Space industry. Potassium nitrate is the basis for the manufacture of solid propellant for rockets. Its mass in this product reaches 65%.
  • Metallurgy. Due to its pronounced oxidizing properties, it is used in the process of nickel-containing ores.
  • Pyrotechnic products. It is the basis for obtaining gunpowder, which is used in the military industry, and is also used to make fireworks.
  • Pharmacology. When added to toothpaste can significantly reduce the sensitivity of tooth enamel. Included in some types of eye drops.

Rules for the use of potassium nitrate

Regardless of which industry National economy potassium nitrate is used, its properties force users to strictly follow the rules of use.

Given the ability of saltpeter to ignite spontaneously, as well as to enter it into chemical reactions, the substance was assigned hazard class 3, which must necessarily be reflected in the conditions of its transportation and storage:

  • Transportation. Transportation of potassium nitrate is carried out only in wagons specially designed for this purpose or on other specialized modes of transport. closed type.
  • Storage. To prevent the powder from compressing over time, saltpeter should be stored only in hermetically sealed packaging. It should be located away from flammable substances and hot objects. The warehouse should be a closed-type room equipped with a fire alarm system.

Safety rules for use as a fertilizer

Potassium nitrate is very actively used in agricultural production as a fertilizer. It contains in its composition the elements necessary for the growth and strengthening of the vegetative functions of plants, but in this area of ​​​​application, safety rules should be followed.

  1. Plants can only be fed with a dry substance or a solution of saltpeter with water. Under no circumstances should it be mixed with organic fertilizers such as peat, straw, sawdust or manure.
  2. When using fertilizer, you must strictly observe the measure. During the summer, experts recommend no more than 3-4 dressings. In case of excessive use of saltpeter, plants can accumulate a large number of nitrates, which can have a harmful effect on the human body.
  3. Workers in direct contact with the fertilizer must follow personal safety precautions, using respirators for protection. respiratory tract, rubber gloves and utensils not intended for eating.

Potassium nitrate belongs to the category of "useful" chemistry, which can greatly facilitate and even decorate a person's life. Do not be afraid when you see the designation E252 on the label of your favorite sausage. It has been proven that potassium nitrate is not dangerous to humans.

However, it should be remembered that its excessive use with products containing high level nitrates, may have Negative influence on health, which is why it is so important to observe safety measures when using this substance in agriculture.

The use of fertilizers becomes an integral part horticultural work. The most popular compound is potassium nitrate. It is also applied to household plots, and in large crop complexes. Potassium nitrate has a wide spectrum of action.

Formula, description and application

Potassium nitrate (potassium nitrate or potassium nitrate) can be found in nature in India, so it can be called Indian nitrate. It is found in small amounts in plants.

Potassium nitrate refers to an inorganic compound. Potassium nitrate formula - KNO3. The compound is crystalline, odorless and colorless, does not pose a danger to living organisms.

The substance is completely soluble in water, which allows it to be used for plant nutrition. The formula for potassium nitrate has 1/3 nitrogen and 2/3 potassium, is the most valuable fertilizer for crops.

The essential elements for proper development and plant growth are nitrogen and potassium. Nitrogen contributes to the growth of green mass, and potassium is actively involved in flowering and fruiting processes. With his help developing immunity against disease, the ability to withstand frost and drought appears. The tool is involved in the processes of photosynthesis, as well as ammonium nitrate, thanks to nitrogen, improves metabolic processes in plants.

Nitric acid potassium as a fertilizer can be used on any type of soil. The main time for making saltpeter is summer period . Berries, root crops, trees and berry bushes, flower and ornamental crops are fed with fertilizer.

Saltpeter is useful for the following types of plants:

  • Root crops (beets, carrots).
  • Berries ( garden strawberry, raspberries, blueberries, currants).
  • Vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, onions).
  • Flowers (tulips, lilies, daffodils, hyacinths, some types of indoor flowers).
  • Ornamental and fruit trees, shrubs.

It is not advisable to add potassium nitrate to beds with greens, potatoes, cabbage and radishes. These crops require other types of fertilizers.

Saltpeter is used in the form of an aqueous solution for root dressing and foliar fertilization, scattering granules over the soil around the plants. Introduction of potassium nitrate increases soil acidity, therefore, if the soil has an acidic pH, fertilizer is not applied in large quantities. The norm is reduced several times.

Properties of potassium-nitrogen mixture

Fertilizer acts on plants in a wide range. Its use on the site will allow you to get:

Top dressing with potassium nitrate can be carried out throughout the season. The introduction of potassium-nitrogen salt is carried out by root and foliar top dressing.

Root top dressing involves the application of fertilizers to the soil using an aqueous solution. You can irrigate with dissolved saltpeter or sprinkle a certain amount of dry matter around a plant, shrub or tree.

Root top dressing more productive saturates the plant beneficial substances. For the introduction of minerals into the soil, it is necessary to make the following solution:

  1. 1.5 kg of saltpeter is dissolved in 100 liters of water. For watering vegetables and flowers.
  2. Dissolve 1-2 kg of potassium nitrate in 100 liters of water for irrigation of decorative and berry bushes.
  3. 2.5 kg of saltpeter is diluted in 100 liters of water to water fruit trees.

The frequency of watering during the summer season is made no more than once every 14 days.

foliar top dressing spraying method is produced according to following scheme: you will need to prepare a 2% solution of potassium nitrate: dissolve 25 g of nitrate in 10 liters of water. Application of the solution:

  1. Spraying vegetables and flowers is carried out with one liter of a 2% solution. This volume of potassium-nitrogen liquid is sufficient for spraying 1 m².
  2. To feed the berry bushes, you will need 1.5 liters of solution for spraying one bush.
  3. young shrubs and fruit trees 2 liters of solution are sprayed, adult trees need 5 - 8 liters.

spraying produce no more than 4 times during the vegetative period. Fertilization should be stopped 4 weeks before harvest.

For the introduction of potassium nitrate April is the best time. Application as top dressing during sowing of seeds in open ground can be made in May. The best time to fertilize fruit trees considered autumn. Top dressing will help to endure the cold and winter without loss.

Don't get carried away with fertilizing. The chemical composition of potassium nitrate, the formula of which contains nitrogen and potassium, is perfectly balanced. An excess of these substances in cultures will have the opposite effect. Any fertilization must be done in a measured and measured manner.

Release form

Potassium nitrate is packaged in plastic bags of various sizes. For personal household plots you can find packages with a mass of matter from 0.5 to 5 kg. Agricultural enterprises buy saltpeter in bags weighing 25 and 50 kg.

Saltpeter available in powder form and has the properties of compacting and caking, so store the opened package in a container without air access.

Good water solubility makes this fertilizer suitable for hydroponic systems and drip irrigation.

Security measures

Potassium nitrate, in addition to agriculture, is used in pyrotechnic products due to its self-igniting properties, when the powder reacts with combustible substances or reducing agents. Therefore, a place should be found for storing the substance away from heating systems, flammable and alkaline materials.

When working with a dilute substance safety precautions must be followed:

  • To work in rubber gloves, wear clothes that cover all parts of the body: trousers, a long-sleeved shirt.
  • Use a respirator to prevent inhalation of the substance. Goggles will help protect your eyes from the sprayed solution.
  • Do not use utensils intended for cooking and pet food to prepare solutions.
  • When carrying out the spraying or watering procedure, it is unacceptable to smoke and make an open fire.
  • Spraying of plants is carried out early in the morning or in the evening in calm or cloudy weather to avoid burns on the stems and leaves.
  • If the solution comes into contact with open areas of the body, it must be washed off. large quantity water.

Preparation of solutions strictly according to the instructions indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer.

Attention, only TODAY!


Would you like to have your own chemical experience. Not a bad desire, but for this you need to have a specific goal, and most importantly - the ingredients. So you sit down at your computer and look for interesting recipes. Oh, it seems that they found what they need - "Making a smoke bomb." We read the list of ingredients: "Sugar, soda, so-and-so ... Potassium nitrate? What kind of animal is this?" - the standard train of thought for those who read this recipe. Usually in this way they learn about the existence of potassium nitrate. Naturally, immediately there is a desire to find more information about it. Today I will try to satisfy your interest.

origin of name

First, let's talk about its name. Saltpeter is any salt that has an acidic NO3 residue taken from nitric acid, i.e. is a nitrate. Chemical formula The saltpeter being discussed now is KNO3, which means that the adjective "potassium" must be added to its name. But there are other spellings as well. In various sources, it can be called potassium / Indian nitrate, potassium nitrate, potassium nitrate, etc. All of these names will be correct.


This saltpeter under normal conditions is colorless crystals, but crushed it resembles a white powder. It also has an ionic structure and a hexagonal or rhombic crystal lattice. Potassium nitrate is slightly hygroscopic, tending to caking slightly over time. It is also non-volatile and odorless. It dissolves well in water, to an average degree - in liquid ammonia, glycerin, hydrazine, does not dissolve in pure ether and ethanol (it can dissolve poorly in them only if the latter are diluted with water). Acicular and very long crystals can grow from potassium nitrate during its slow crystallization. At a temperature of 400-520 ° C, it decomposes, at which potassium nitrite and oxygen are formed.

Also this strong oxidizing agent, which reacts with reducing agents and combustible materials, and if it is crushed in addition, the reaction is very active and often accompanied by an explosion (photo). Potassium nitrate can independently ignite some organic materials if they are mixed with it. A melt of potassium nitrate can be used to obtain potassium through electrolysis, but, as she has high oxidizing abilities in this state, for this experiment it is better to take potassium hydroxide.


In the Middle Ages and the New Age (that is, in the period when gunpowder was in frequent use), potassium nitrate was mined from saltpeter - heaps consisting of limestone materials, manure and other decaying components, which had layers of brushwood or straw. They were covered with turf to contain the resulting gases. Ammonia, which was formed due to rotting manure, accumulated in the layers, nitrified and became first nitrous, and then nitric acid. The latter, when interacting with limestone, formed calcium nitrate, then it was leached with water. When wood ash was added to this mixture, the calcium carbonate in the first one settled. And the result was a solution of potassium nitrate. The interaction of potash and calcium nitrate is the oldest way to obtain potassium nitrate, which is still popular. Although potash can be replaced with potassium sulfate. Potassium nitrate can be obtained in the laboratory with the following reactions:

  • Potassium chloride and sodium nitrate.
  • Ammonium nitrate and potassium chloride.
  • Potassium hydroxide and nitric acid.
  • Potassium and nitric acid.
  • The corresponding alkaline potassium oxide (K2O) and the corresponding acid (nitric).
  • Potassium hydroxide and nitric oxide (5).
  • Ammonium nitrate and potassium hydroxide.
  • Potassium carbonate and nitric acid.

Being in nature

In nature, potassium nitrate is known as the mineral nitrokalite. The places of its largest deposits are Chile and the East Indies (which is why potassium nitrate is often called Indian). Natural potassium nitrate is azotobacteria associated with ammonia, which is released during the decomposition of nitrogenous substances. Moisture and heat contribute to this bond, so largest deposits potassium nitrate are found in hot countries. It is also present in very small amounts in animals and plants.

Potassium nitrate: application

It is mainly used as a valuable fertilizer for plants (photo). It is also a very important ingredient in the composition of black powder ("smoke guns", smoke bombs). This saltpeter is also useful in optical glassmaking, discoloring and brightening technical crystal glasses and giving strength to glass products. AT Food Industry this saltpeter is known as preservative E252.


Potassium nitrate (formula KNO3) can be used not only in chemistry, but also in many other industries. It can be both useful and very harmful to a person.

Potassium (potassium) nitrate or potassium nitrate- This is a potassium-nitrogen fertilizer that is used for all types of crops on all types of soil. Most often, potassium nitrate is used as an additional top dressing in the summer for plants that do not tolerate chlorine.

In agriculture, potassium nitrate is used for strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, beets, carrots, grapes and many other plants.

Potassium nitrate is highly soluble in water and is non-toxic. This fertilizer is an anhydrous crystalline salt white color(sometimes with a yellowish tinge). Potassium nitrate is used for both root and foliar top dressing throughout the growing season.

In some sources, potassium nitrate is called Indian.

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Properties of potassium nitrate

The properties of any substance are usually divided into physical and chemical. AT vivo the substance is colorless crystals, when crushed, a white crystalline powder is obtained. During long-term storage, the powder tends to cake (to prevent this from happening, it is necessary to hermetically close the bags with fertilizer), but it Chemical properties it doesn't get worse.

When using potassium nitrate as a fertilizer, it is dissolved in water. It also dissolves in glycerin, hydrazine, liquid ammonia. Potassium nitrate formula: KNO 3.

What is potassium nitrate for?

It is the chemical properties of a substance that determine the scope of its use and application. The composition of potassium nitrate includes two main components: nitrogen (13%) and potassium (44%). This ratio of elements allows the successful use of potassium nitrate even after the plant has faded and formed ovaries.

Thanks to potassium nitrate in plants:

  1. growth accelerates;
  2. the sucking power of the root system increases;
  3. improves respiration of plant cells;
  4. the immunity of the plant is activated, which protects it from many diseases, which leads to an increase in yield;
  5. the size of the fruits increases and theirs improve taste qualities;
  6. increases the shelf life of the crop;
  7. berry and perennial fruit crops increase their winter hardiness and frost resistance.

Potassium nitrate is used for both root and foliar dressings. This fertilizer contains almost no chlorine and is therefore ideal for chlorophobic crops such as potatoes, tobacco, grapes and others. The following crops also respond well to potassium nitrate:

  • carrots and beets;
  • most berry crops;
  • tomatoes, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries;
  • currants, all flowers and ornamental plants, as well as fruit trees.

Experienced farmers do not recommend fertilizing radish, cabbage or greens with potassium nitrate. Also, many villagers talk about the low efficiency of this top dressing for potatoes - this crop responds better to phosphate fertilizers.

During the fruiting period, potassium nitrate is fertilized for cucumbers. The peculiarity of this fertilizer is that it contributes to their productivity, while there is no active growth of greenery, which takes everything from the plant nutrients. Most feeding the plant directs to the formation and maturation of greens.

Top dressing with potassium nitrate can be carried out throughout the season. The fertilizer itself is sold in packaged form from 1 to 5 kg for household plots, as well as in packaging of 25-50 kilograms within industrial agronomy and for vegetable farms.

Potassium nitrate as a fertilizer can be applied both in liquid and dry form. Since liquid top dressing acts much faster, it is used much more often. According to the experience of farmers and gardeners, the following proportions of potassium nitrate application are the most effective:

  • Flowers and ornamental plants - 15g of fertilizer per 10l of water;
  • Currants, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries - 20 g of dry fertilizer per 10 liters of water;
  • For fruit trees - 25g per 10 liters of water.

Such proportions are only suitable if you bring a liquid solution of saltpeter under the root - in the near-stem circle or hole. And if you want to make foliar top dressing, then it is better to make a more concentrated solution, since in any case, part of the fertilizer will be lost by evaporation from the leaves or washed away during watering. Therefore, an increased concentration should be made - about 25 g of fertilizer per 10 liters of water. The prepared solution is used for spraying plants. It is recommended to use it in the following quantities:

  1. For flowers, ornamental plants and strawberries - 0.7 l per 1 sq.m.
  2. For berry bushes - 1 liter per 1 square meter.
  3. For fruit trees - from 1.5 liters to 6 liters per 1 square meter, depending on the density of the crown of the tree and its age.
  1. 10 days before harvesting, it is necessary to water the berry rows and tree crowns with water (it is best to use a hose with a sprayer);
  2. watering should be repeated every other day (three times) and stop it 2-3 days before harvesting;
  3. this procedure must be performed very carefully so as not to knock the fruits and berries off the stalks.

Potassium nitrate for cucumbers and tomatoes is considered to be one of the the best fertilizers. It accelerates the processes of photosynthesis, helps to strengthen the root system and increases productivity. Most often, in the agricultural technology of growing these vegetables, liquid potassium nitrate is used. It can be purchased as ready solution or make your own from the powder.

The question of how to make potassium nitrate is not difficult, the main thing is to keep the proportions. So, to feed cucumbers for 15 liters of water, you need to take 25 grams of saltpeter. Such a solution is enough to make a one-time top dressing at the beginning of the growing season of one large greenhouse with cucumbers.

For tomatoes, you can use the same proportions of potassium nitrate, but carry out basal feeding. Under each bush, it is necessary to pour about 0.7-1 l of solution. Thus, 15 liters of solution will be enough for 15-20 tomato bushes. Root top dressing with potassium nitrate is carried out during the period of active flowering.

Potassium nitrate is also used to fertilize tomato seedlings. Tomato seedlings can be watered with a liquid solution already at the stage of the appearance of 3-4 leaves, as well as before planting in the ground, about a week in advance. It is also advisable to use this fertilizer during the picking of seedlings.

Application rules

In addition, watering with the addition of potassium nitrate should also not be carried away. In fact, over the summer it is enough to feed the plants with saltpeter no more than 3-4 times (in most cases, 2 top dressings are enough). Otherwise in fruits vegetable crops nitrates will accumulate. To prevent this from happening, after the saltpeter is used, the plants must be provided with abundant watering. You can also feed the plants during the rainy season. This is especially true for tomatoes and cucumbers - in the future it will be easier for them to resist diseases.

In rainy summers, tomatoes are prone to late blight, and scab appears on cucumbers. Potassium makes the plant less susceptible to these diseases.

Features of the use of saltpeter for root crops

When growing root crops, potassium nitrate is used in dry form. Crystals of the substance are applied directly to the soil before planting in a proportion of up to 50 grams per square meter site. You need to do this when digging the soil. Root crops should be planted after fertilizing in a couple of days.

For potato and cabbage beds, saltpeter is recommended to be used in combination with other fertilizers. For cabbage, saltpeter should be mixed with calcium, and for potatoes - with phosphorus. Carrots and beets love potassium nitrate in its pure form, but calcium can also be added.

Flower crops also need potash fertilizers. Potassium nitrate for flowers has the same meaning as for vegetables and root crops. Before planting flowers, during the preparation of flower beds, saltpeter crystals can be applied directly to the soil when digging. This contributes to the mineralization of the soil. In addition, harmful insects leave the soil.

In its pure form, saltpeter is loved by rhododendrons. Positive attitude to potassium nitrate and small-bulb flower crops. For their fertilizer, it should be mixed with ash. In early spring potassium nitrate can be fertilized with lilies, or its crystals can be used when planting dahlias, gladioli, tulips. During budding, liquid nitrate is used. Clematis for the whole season with saltpeter is fed no more than two times. Found potassium nitrate application in floriculture and cultivation indoor plants. It has a good effect on the growth of begonias and violets.

Safety Rules for Using Potassium Nitrate as a Fertilizer

Potassium nitrate is an oxidizing agent that quickly reacts with combustible substances, so it is often used in pyrotechnics. When storing and using potassium nitrate as a fertilizer, the following rules must be observed:

Potassium nitrate is also known as potassium or potassium nitrate, as well as potassium nitrate, a substance that has been successfully used to fertilize soils. However, this component is found not only in the agricultural sector. Interestingly, potassium nitrate is also found in nature, often in salt deposits. However, natural reserves are not enough for industrial use, so the substance is synthesized in laboratories, so saltpeter for production processes is of synthetic origin.

Additive E252, which can be found on the labels of some products, is just potassium nitrate. Its use in the manufacture of food leaves many questions, since most of the countries of the world have already banned this method of using potassium nitrate, leaving it for technical needs. The rest of the countries, although they regulate the content of the substance in food, nevertheless do not see a particular problem in the fact that the consumer may encounter it in the composition of sausages or cheese. In international classifications, the additive E252 is assigned an average level of danger.

Obtaining a substance and its chemical properties

The preservative potassium nitrate has been known to mankind for more than one hundred years. The first mention of it dates back to the end of the 14th century - then the additive began to be mined in Frankfurt from human waste. However, the yield of the finished substance from such raw materials was negligible - about 0.3%, and already at that time the need for saltpeter was significant, so scientists proposed another way to obtain potassium nitrate: using copper sulfate, alum, sodium nitrate and potash. The last component was extracted from wood.

Today, to meet the needs of the industry, potassium nitrate is synthesized in several ways. One of them is the interaction of potassium chloride and nitric acid. The solution is mixed with compressed air and heated with live steam to a temperature of 75-80 degrees Celsius. This method is energy-intensive and time-consuming, so it is used less frequently. Another option for obtaining a substance is the conversion of potassium chloride with magnesium nitrate. Maximum amount potassium nitrate obtained as a result - up to 96% of the mass of the initial mixture.

In order to obtain potassium nitrate with a more marketable appearance, with good friability and minimal moisture, wet crystals of potassium nitrate are first melted, and then the resulting substance is granulated in the air.

In appearance, the substance is a colorless or white powder, consisting of small crystals. Sometimes it can have a yellowish-brown tint. The additive has no smell, and it tastes salty and has a cool feeling that it leaves behind as an aftertaste. At a temperature of 400 degrees Celsius, potassium nitrate begins to decompose and release oxygen. It has excellent solubility in water, slightly soluble in glycerol, and insoluble in ether. In reactions with solvents and combustible substances, it acts as an oxidizing agent. In his chemical composition may contain impurities of nitrites or chlorides, sometimes used in production in a mixture with cooking.

The main purpose of the substance is to use it as a preservative and: potassium nitrate is able to extend the shelf life of products, they do not deteriorate so quickly, they become less weathered.

Industrial purpose of preservative E252

For production food products potassium nitrate is of no small importance: with its help, manufacturers ensure that the product retains its freshness longer, marketable condition and taste qualities. The additive is used in the following products:

  • cheeses;
  • meat delicacies (smoked meats, dried meat, salmon, sausages and sausages);
  • fish products (pickled and salted fish);
  • semi-finished pizza

The production of cheese practically cannot do without potassium nitrate - an additive in the composition of the raw material allows you to stabilize its structure, slow down the process of swelling and the formation of voids in the cheese.

For fish and meat, the substance gives more long term suitability, and also enhances their characteristic pink color.

In addition, potassium nitrate is in demand in the glass industry, rocket fuel, toothpaste for sensitive teeth. Agriculture uses it as a mineral fertilizer for soils. And due to the fact that potassium nitrate is one of the components of gunpowder, the manufacture of various pyrotechnics and explosives is indispensable without it.

Features of substance storage

For industrial purposes, the additive is usually delivered, stored and transported in polypropylene or paper bags. To protect the substance from moisture, its packaging often contains a polyethylene lining inside. For this purpose, only food-grade polyethylene can be used.

The harm and benefits of a preservative

Potassium nitrate has not shown any useful properties for a person. But, according to the results of experiments and studies, scientists gave unambiguous conclusions: the substance can be dangerous for humans and harm them. It is prohibited to use in baby food, although some unscrupulous manufacturers bypass this ban, preferring simply not to indicate the code “E252” on the label, for example, sausages with the eloquent names “children”.

The main problem with the use of this preservative in food is that in the human body it turns into nitrites - dangerous carcinogenic elements that are quite capable of provoking the growth of malignant tumors.

The additive also negatively affects the state of the blood, disrupting the processes of oxygen exchange in it. In asthmatics, it can cause asthma attacks, for other people, even relatively healthy ones, daily intake of food with potassium nitrate threatens with anemia and kidney failure. Prolonged use of even small amounts of potassium nitrate causes headaches, nausea, vomiting, impaired coordination, muscle weakness and arrhythmia.

And if, for example, the amount of saltpeter eaten with sausage or cheese can still be somehow controlled, then the harm from vegetables, fruits, for which the additive was a fertilizer during the growth process, and even from where potassium nitrate could get from the soil, track and evaluate quite difficult.

There is information that the substance negatively affects male reproductive function, but the world community has not yet scientifically substantiated this fact.

Potassium nitrate is a food additive that most countries of the world have long “excommunicated” from the process of cooking for the population. In developed modern countries her lot - Agriculture, chemical industry but not food. In Russia and Ukraine, today the substance is allowed for use in food production. Due to the fact that the additive has a low cost and powerful preservative properties, it is put into sausages, cheeses, fish products, thereby turning them into a time bomb. Given the fact that potassium nitrate is able to turn into nitrites, and the latter tend to accumulate in the body and cause cancer, it is better to refuse to use the supplement and food with it not only for children, the elderly, pregnant and lactating women, but also for healthy people without any age or physiological characteristics.

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