Chemical experiment volcano at home. How to DIY a Volcano Experience at Home How to Create a Volcano at Home

landscaping 16.06.2019

During a volcanic eruption, ash clouds are thrown into the air, and lava flows along the slopes. This is a very exciting sight, it is life-threatening to watch it in close proximity.

But you can make a volcano at home and conduct experiments daily, admiring the eruption without a threat to life and health. By demonstrating active volcano friends, you will surprise them. You can prepare a presentation for a school lesson, and thereby add variety to boring lessons, and teachers in geography and chemistry will surely mark your efforts with good grades.

First make the volcano itself.

How to make a paper volcano

To make a volcano, it is best to use thick paper or cardboard.

Draw a large circle on paper. Cut it out and glue the cone.

From the second sheet of paper, twist the tube and glue it. This will be the mouth of the volcano. Put a cone on it and fasten the structure with glue.

Cut out the ground from the third piece of paper. It can be given any shape, as long as it is larger than the base of the volcano. Glue the volcano to the ground, cover it with tape. Apply superglue on top and sprinkle with sawdust, sand. You can use colored sand. Paint the model with gouache or acrylic paints and give the volcano a natural look.

To prevent paint from running during or after an eruption, cover the volcano protective layer. The composition can be prepared independently: mix 1 part glue and 3 parts water. After thorough drying, the volcano model is ready for use. Lava in a test tube is inserted into the mouth of a volcano.

How to make a volcano video

Volcano how to make from plasticine

Plasticine is divided into 2 parts.

The first part is rolled into a pancake (base or land). From the second part, fashion a hollow cone, with a hole in the middle.

Place a bottle with a cut neck on the base. Put a cone on top, stick around the bottle opening with plasticine. Fasten the base and cone of the volcano together to form an airtight structure.

Color the model and sculpt the slopes. The prepared substance for lava is poured into the bottle through a watering can.

How to make a plasticine volcano model the second way

Instead of plasticine, you can use salt dough, modeling mass, papier-mâché.

Glue the bottle to the base (upside down plastic bowl, thick cardboard, chipboard) with tape so that you get a cone-shaped tent.

Cover with plasticine on top. Form lava flows, mountain range elements, channels. If you used salt dough, dry the volcano.

Now you can paint the model. For a more spectacular eruption, red paint can be applied to the mouth of the volcano. Once the paint is dry, apply a clear sealer.

Attach plastic plants to the base (usually they decorate aquariums) - you get trees and shrubs. Dry the volcano well again before use.

How to make a cold porcelain volcano model

If you wanted to use modeling mass to make a volcano, but did not find it in stores, or the price turned out to be high, you can prepare cold porcelain. It is a soft material, homogeneous in structure. It is convenient to sculpt from it small parts, because it is very plastic, and hardens when solidified.

Mix one part starch (corn or potato), soda, water. Add a drop of vegetable oil.

Put the mixture on the fire and cook until it thickens, stirring constantly. Remove the thick mass from the pan and cover with a damp towel. When the mass becomes warm, knead it. It should be soft, and resemble plasticine. The mass can be dyed desired color during cooking. Best for this Oil paint. But keep in mind that then "cold porcelain" will quickly harden. So that the mass does not stick to your hands, grease them with oil or a fat cream. Sculpt the volcano as described above and let it dry. Then paint with acrylic paints.

Eruption preparation.

How to make a soda volcano

The easiest way to make lava is from baking soda and vinegar. The quantity is given for a volcano with a "volume" of 100-150 ml.

1 st. mix a spoonful of soda with 1 teaspoon of dishwashing detergent (preferably red), and red dye (you can use beetroot juice). Stir the mixture well, if the lava is very thick, add water. Pour it into the crater of the volcano.

To start the eruption, you need to add 2.5 tbsp. spoons of vinegar. The vinegar will react with the baking soda and carbon dioxide will be released. As a result, a bubbling red foam will form.

How to make a homemade green ash volcano

For this experiment, you will need ammonium dichromate (NH4) 2Cr2O7. It is included in any standard set"Young Chemist" The experiment must be carried out on a non-combustible surface.

Pour ammonium dichromate into an unnecessary jar of tin 7 cm high. In the center of the slide, make a recess and put a cotton swab moistened with alcohol.

From brown paper, roll a cone 15 cm high, 20 cm in diameter. Cut off the top of the cone by 5 cm. Cover the reagent jar with the cone. Make sure that the cone is slightly lower than the slide, if necessary, cut the paper further. Set fire to the cotton wool and admire the flying green flakes.

How to make a do-it-yourself volcano that erupts with a sheaf of sparks

The eruption turns out to be spectacular, but it must be carried out, observing the rules for working with combustible substances, and conducting the experiment on the street under the supervision of adults. If careless, you can start a fire or get fourth-degree burns.

4 parts potassium nitrate mix with 2 parts aluminum (source of sparks) filings and 1 part sulfur. To get enough sawdust, drill a few holes in the metal.

On the bottom of the cardboard sleeve (you can buy it or take it after the used factory pyrotechnics, you can make it yourself) install a clay plug. The wall thickness of the sleeve is 4 mm. Pour and tamp the mixture into a sleeve. Top with a cardboard circle (its diameter is inner diameter sleeves), and then fill with plaster.

In the middle of the plaster plug, drill a hole for the pyrotechnic mixture and pass the wick. This will be the crater of the volcano, before the eruption, light the fuse and move to a safe distance.

Within the framework of this article, a simple and accessible step by step guide on how to make a volcano at home. As the child develops, he asks more and more questions. It is best to give an answer to them, confirmed good example. And one of them will be given in the framework of this article.


To solve the question of how to make a plasticine volcano at home, the following components and materials are needed:

  • Plastic containers (you can take any bottle with a capacity of 0.5 to 2 liters).
  • Plasticine to create a layout (depending on its size, you may even need several packages).
  • Food foil.
  • Two glass flasks for mixing ingredients (in extreme cases, you can use cups).
  • Dishwashing liquid.
  • Red paint.
  • Acetic acid.
  • Sand.
  • Syringe medical disposable.
  • Scissors.
  • A spoon.

We prepare all this in advance, so that later, in the process of conducting the experiment, there are no various hitches. Most of Every housewife has this list. What is missing - we buy.

Making a layout

The most difficult step in how to make a volcano at home is creating a layout. Here you need to turn on the imagination and properly arrange it. We use a plastic bottle as a base. It should be in the center, and symbolic lava will erupt from it.

Next, plasticine is superimposed on it in layers so that a slide is obtained. We cover the crater of the volcano with food foil. At the same time, it is necessary to make a hole in it with the help of scissors in order to be able to mix the ingredients of the lava. At the final stage, the surface of the plasticine is covered with sand. If desired, for the naturalness of the layout, it can be painted with paint.

We mix and get the result

Now let's figure out how to do it at home. To begin with, in one of the cones, mix the paint. Then add to them. Mix the resulting solution in detail until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Pour acetic acid into the second flask. Now pour the solution from the first vessel with a spoon through a pre-prepared hole into the volcano.

After that, everything is ready for the eruption. It is enough just to fill the syringe with acetic acid and then quickly inject it into the nozzle of the volcano. In this case, a reaction will begin inside, as a result of which lava will flow through the hole made. If desired, the experiment can be done several times. To do this, it is enough to re-add

Thinking about how to make a volcano at home, do not forget that lava will flow from its mouth. Therefore, it is recommended in advance to arrange it so that nothing deteriorates (for example, on a pallet or in a bathroom). Another nuance is that the plasticine model can be repeatedly used during such experiments. Therefore, in the future, only soda will be needed to obtain a "volcanic eruption", acetic acid, red paint and dishwashing liquid.


As part of this article, an algorithm was given on how to make a volcano at home. Most of the materials used are available for every housewife, the rest can be bought. There is nothing complicated about this, so you can conduct a bright and informative lesson with your baby. If desired, this experiment can be repeated already in the circle of his friends and use the same layout. The only thing you need is the lava imitation ingredients, which shouldn't be a problem.

Creating a working model of a volcano that will foam (a la smoke) and spit lava is actually not as difficult as it seems.

And such a toy will always come in handy for entertainment, as original decoration table, or even school project that will amaze teachers and classmates.

If you have children, let them help you. Not only because the process is so easy that everyone in the family can do it, but also because you will be able to teach them a lot during the creation.

You will need:

Empty two-liter bottle;
- spray or acrylic paints;
- transparent sealing composition;
- baking soda;
- liquid dish soap;
- white vinegar;
- brushes for paints;
- papier-mâché paste, or salt dough, or putty, hardening like plaster;
- a piece of strong plywood;
- newspaper;
- red food coloring

1. Place a piece of plywood at least 21 cm long and wider than the approximate diameter of your future volcano on the floor - this will be the base on which you can transfer your creation. It will also prevent lava from getting on other surfaces (the lava is painted!) during the eruption.

2. Use salt dough, hardening plastic, or papier-mâché paste to form a mountain around an empty two-liter bottle placed right in the middle of the plywood. Be sure to remove the cap from the bottle.

3. Form and stick the open top of the volcano on the model so that it fits snugly on the top of the bottle, but hides the bottle itself.

4. Sculpt parts of the ridge and channels, you need them to start at the very top of the volcano and go down in uneven paths - so that lava can flow beautifully along them.

5. Let the volcano dry properly - given the size and amount of plastic/papier-mâché/dough, this can take a long time.

Then paint it with acrylic paints using brushes or spray paints. Draw a mountain river for a change.

The top of the volcano mountain can be left white or dark for classic version, or immediately paint it red and yellow for special effect during the eruption. Plastic plants, which are usually placed in an aquarium, can be cut and attached to the volcano with glue - you get trees.

6. Spray the volcano and plywood with clear sealer after the paint is completely dry.

7. Mix one tablespoon liquid soap for dishes, 1 tablespoon of baking soda and a few drops of red food coloring in a cup (it's better to use a paper cup so you don't wash a regular cup later).

8. Carefully pour the mixture into the bottle in the volcano (use a funnel).

9. Put the finished volcano on open space where it won't splash anything, preferably outdoors.

10. Pour ¼ cup of white vinegar into a bottle and step aside to watch your volcano erupt.

Additions and warnings:

Use balls of crumpled newspaper spread around the bottle - under the plastic / dough / papier-mâché paste - to give the volcano the desired shape, but make sure that the surface of the mountain is hard and smooth so that the volcano can later be put into a box and saved for later. use;

If the lava is too thick, add 1 tablespoon of water to the soap and stir;

- If you are going to use the volcano indoors or on a table, reduce the proportions of the mixture in the bottle;

To use the volcano again later, simply wipe it with a damp, clean cloth - from the traces left by the liquid;

Together with the time required to dry the volcano, it will take at least two days to create it;

Do not try to close the bottle after you have added the vinegar inside - to the baking soda mixture: as a result of internal pressure due to chemical reaction the bottle might just explode.

So, as you can see, it’s easy to create your own little volcano, and then the pleasure will last for many years - the children are delighted with such a “live” toy! It is no worse than purchased radio-controlled models.

Most likely, I won’t be mistaken if I say that the “Volcano” experiment from soda and vinegar is one of the most spectacular and favorite experiences for kids. Children can repeat it endlessly. But I do not want to do it every time according to the same template. As it turned out, with the same ingredients - soda, vinegar ( citric acid) and water - you can come up with quite a few variants of a well-known experience. We will tell you about them.

Required Ingredients

Just in case, let me remind you the ingredients that will be needed to conduct the Volcano experiment:

  • soda,
  • vinegar, acetic acid or citric acid,
  • water.

The ratio of ingredients:

  • 100 ml of water, 1 teaspoon of vinegar, 1 teaspoon of soda;
  • 1 cup water, 2 teaspoons baking soda, 1 teaspoon citric acid.

I use citric acid more often, as it has no smell, and it is much more comfortable and safer to experience with it.

There are several secrets of how you can add variety to the course of the reaction:

  • To make the experience run more rapidly, you can use sparkling water instead of water.
  • To delay the start of the reaction a little, do not mix water and citric acid directly. Pre-dissolve citric acid or vinegar in water, and pre-wrap soda in a paper napkin or paper towel.
  • The reaction will be more effective if you add a dye to the ingredients (you can use gouache, but dry food dyes for Easter eggs or liquid dyes for homemade soap are more suitable).
  • For a thicker and more stable foam, add a drop to the volcano detergent.
  • Also, the reaction will be more interesting if sparkles or small sequins are added to the volcano mixture. The foam coming out of the volcano will also pull out the sequins. In the same way, lava coming out of a real volcano brings stones from deep bowels to the surface of the earth.

Although the Vulkan experience is the same ingredients every time, albeit in different containers, there is something to think about in each case. Questions that you can ask the baby or think about them together, I have identified in the blocks “Things to think about”.

Classic volcano - almost like a real one

The easiest option is to mold a volcano from plasticine or salt dough. It is not at all necessary to use new plasticine, the plasticine that was used earlier, but now it has turned into a gray mass, is quite suitable. In the volcano that you see in the photo below, we added sequin stars. To bring them to the surface, we had to wake up the volcano several times, each time increasing the amount of ingredients. In the end, everything worked out with 3 teaspoons of soda and 1.5 teaspoons of citric acid. And another tip: sequins are best poured last. And if you have them under reagents, after adding water, quickly stir in the mouth of the volcano wooden stick.

Another option is a glass or plastic bottle with a tall, narrow neck (I prefer glass because it's more stable). It is very interesting to watch how the foam rises up the narrow neck from the inside up, and then flows down the walls of the volcano.

Having carefully examined our kitchen, we noticed that a funnel is very similar to a volcano. The lower part of the funnel must be covered in several layers with cling film. From above the funnel can be closed with a layer of foil. And, in order to avoid surprises, it is better to put the funnel closed with a film on a tray.

Something to think about. If you don't spare the ingredients and your reaction is violent, you'll end up with a spitting volcano. Discuss with your child why? What causes a volcano in a funnel to spit?

Answer. The neck of the funnel is narrow, carbon dioxide is released rapidly and in large quantities. Hurrying out of the funnel, carbon dioxide captures water with it.

If there was no funnel at hand, you can use the top of a plastic bottle instead: cut off upper part plastic bottle (the cut off part can be 7-10 cm high), cover the bottom in several layers with cling film or foil. The volcano is ready - you can make the filling.

Volcano in a glass, or how to make water boil without heat

If you don’t feel like sculpting a volcano, and you don’t have a funnel or a plastic bottle at hand, you can make a volcano in an ordinary glass or jar and it’s interesting to beat it. For example, tell your child that you can make water boil without using an electric kettle or stove.

Dissolve 2 teaspoons of baking soda in 1 glass of water (the glass must not be filled to the top, otherwise your volcano will burst its banks). Pour 1 teaspoon of citric acid into a glass. The water in the glass will “boil” - it will boil. Invite your child to touch the glass. Is he hot? Is the liquid in it hot?

Instead of soda water in this experiment, you can make a solution of vinegar or citric acid (0.5 liters of water - 2.5 teaspoons of citric acid or vinegar). Then you will not add citric acid or vinegar to the glass, but soda.

Things to think about 1. Now pour water into another glass, add 1 teaspoon of citric acid. Nothing will happen. Let the kid express his assumptions, why this happens, what is the magic of water in the first glass.

Add 2 teaspoons of soda to the second glass, now the water will “boil” in this glass as well. Discuss with the baby what is happening, what reaction makes the water “boil”.

Answer. Meeting in water, soda and citric acid interact. This releases carbon dioxide. Since gas is lighter than water, gas bubbles rise to the surface of the water. Here they burst, thereby causing the water to "boil".

If you pour a little of the liquid from each glass before putting a spoonful of citric acid into the soda and ordinary glasses, you will have another way to show that the liquids in the glasses are different - add red tea to them. In a glass of plain water, tea will become a little paler, and in a glass of soda water, it will turn blue.

Something to think about 2. Mix baking soda and citric acid in a bowl. Watch, is there anything going on? Nothing.

Answer. To start the reaction between soda or citric acid, the presence of water is necessary, or that one of the components is in the form of a solution.

Something to think about 3. Pour the same amount of citric acid solution into two glasses. In one glass, lower the whole spoon with you, and carefully pour the soda from the spoon into the other glass. In which glass will the volcano turn out to be more violent?

Answer. The volcano will be more violent in the glass where you lowered the whole spoon with soda, since in this case a larger number of molecules meet, combine and react at once.

You can also compare soda and lemon water volcanic eruptions. With the same amount of ingredients, which one will turn out to be more violent?

boiling lake

What I especially like about this option: you can give the baby two teaspoons, containers of soda and citric acid and give him the freedom to experiment for a while.

You will need: a bowl of water, citric acid, baking soda, 2 teaspoons and a large spoon for stirring. Let the water in the bowl be a lake. Show your child that if you add a little baking soda and citric acid to the lake, the lake will boil. Repeat and let the baby try it himself. And I assure you: until the containers with soda and citric acid are empty, the baby will be busy, and you will have time to do some of your business.

What to think. Try stirring your lake with a spoon or chopstick. Will the lake boil more or less?

Answer. A disturbed volcano erupts harder, because by mixing the water in the lake, we help the soda and citric acid molecules meet faster.

What to think. Add citric acid and soda to the water not at the same time, but one after another. Let's start with citric acid, then add soda. The lake boils and stops boiling. We add a little more soda - nothing happens. What needs to be added? Citric acid. Added. The lake is boiling again. It's gone. Add more citric acid. Nothing. What needs to be added? Soda. Added. The lake is boiling again, and so on.

Answer. Only a certain amount of soda and citric acid can meet and react. If there is too much soda in the water, after the end of the eruption, the excess will settle to the bottom. If there is too much citric acid in the water, the lake will eventually fall asleep as well. To “wake up” the lake again, you need to add what is missing.

Rough River

We had a boiling lake. Why not create a boiling river? Ideally for this purpose, the designer "Funny Slides" from Bauer or "Marbutopia" is suitable. This will be the riverbed. If you do not have such a constructor, you can cut along either a plastic or foam pipe. We will establish the bed of our river in a basin or bath.

We prepare a mixture of soda and citric acid (2: 1 ratio) and a jug or bottle of water. A dye can be added to a mixture of soda and citric acid or to water. We pour this mixture into the bed of our river, then we begin to pour water from above. The water moves down and the river begins to churn.

If you close the opening of the bathtub with a cork in advance, you will get a colored lake below. Let, for example, blue. Follow a red river and your lake will turn purple.

Do you want to play with your child easily and with pleasure?


Bombs are balls made of baking soda and citric acid that bubbling when placed in water. Except

  • 4 tablespoons of soda
  • 2 tablespoons citric acid

needed to make bombs

  • 1 teaspoon oil (sunflower or olive)
  • water in a spray bottle.

You can add dry or liquid dye.

Mix baking soda and citric acid well, add oil and mix again. Flakes will appear. Try to mold the bombs, if they are poorly molded, lightly sprinkle the mixture with water from a spray bottle. A reaction will start, but it's not scary. The main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of water, otherwise there will be an active reaction and the bombs will turn out to be self-exploding.

We make bombs with our hands. If you want to make large bombs, snowballs or transparent blanks for creating Christmas decorations are perfect for this purpose.

Soda and citric acid bombs explode in ordinary water.

By the way, these bombs can also be used for games in the bathroom. And if you add to the ingredients sea ​​salt and a bit of your favorite essential oil, you can arrange a bath with bombs not only for the baby, but also for yourself.

You can make bombs simply from soda with the addition of oil or plain water. As you understand, such bombs will explode only in water to which citric acid or vinegar is added.

What to think. Blind with the baby soda bombs with the addition of oil or plain water. Place two containers of water in front of the baby, add vinegar or citric acid to one of them in advance (I added 2 tablespoons of vinegar or 2 teaspoons of citric acid to the cup that we have).

Throw bombs into two containers at once. The bomb will only explode in one of them. Ask the kid why? You can ask the question in a different way. For example, like this: “Although the liquid in both cups looks the same, in fact, different liquids are poured into the cups: one contains water, the other contains a solution of citric acid. Can you tell what's in each cup without trying the water? The bombs will help you."


By the way, do not rush to pour out the water into which the soda bomb was bare. Soda solution will come in handy when washing dishes!

Ice Volcanoes

Did you know that on one of the satellites of Saturn, on one of the satellites of Pluto and other objects solar system ice volcanoes have been found? (If you want to learn about ice volcanoes and much more - go with us to .) To see ice volcanoes, it is not necessary to fly so far in a spaceship. Everything can be done at home.

Prepare the soda solution in advance and freeze it in small cubes. You can add dye. Before starting the game, prepare a lemon solution and a syringe. Put a few soda cubes on a flat plate and sprinkle them with lemon water from a syringe. The ice will melt and sizzle and bubble. You can do the opposite: freeze lemon water, and pour water from a syringe.

What to think. Don't tell your baby the two big secrets about what water the ice cubes were made from and what water the syringe was filled with. If you've played with volcanoes before, your 5-year-old will probably figure it out for himself.

Something to think about. Before freezing soda or lemon water, add coloring to it. It is very good if you get cubes of red, yellow, blue, white flowers. Putting ice cubes on plates for the baby, put yellow and red, yellow and blue, red and blue next to each other. When the volcanoes melt, pay attention to the baby, what color puddles are left of them.

As you can see from the photos, we had cubes of clear, blue, and red soda water. Watching the volcanic eruption, we saw pink, yellow colors and lots of green. These are the miracles! yes and only!

An ice volcano can also be arranged in a glass: pour water into the glass (not to the very top, otherwise the volcano will immediately overflow its banks), add citric acid or vinegar, throw a cube of frozen soda water into the glass. (You can freeze lemon water and make soda water in a glass.) The eruption will begin immediately and will continue for a long time - until the whole cube of soda coda has melted. If you make the soda ice cubes colored, the eruption of an ice volcano becomes visual. Do not forget to draw your child's attention to how the intensity of the color of the liquid in the glass changes as the ice volcano erupts.

The duration of the eruption and visibility are the main advantages of an ice volcano compared to the method when we simply add soda to a solution of citric acid, or vice versa.

You will find more experiments with ice in the article.

rainbow volcanoes

Volcanoes look very impressive when there are several of them, and they are colored. It is convenient to make such volcanoes in containers of the same size. We fill them with a solution of vinegar or citric acid, add a dry or liquid dye, a drop of liquid detergent for a thicker and more stable foam, pour in soda and observe.

A lot has already been written about the use of baking soda in one area or another. Properties given substance allow you to use it in the kitchen when cooking, at home for cleaning various surfaces from fat and plaque, in treatment various diseases and so on. Another use of sodium bicarbonate is the ability to arrange educational performances for children, for example, you can make your own volcano out of soda.

Stock up on baking soda and vinegar because your kids will be asking you to do it again and again!

This is possible due to the ability of soda to react violently with certain substances, such as vinegar. And one of the most common experiences associated with this property of sodium bicarbonate is the demonstration of a volcanic eruption. Below is a detailed look at how to make a baking soda volcano.

Experience "volcanic eruption"

The first thing you need to know is why such a reaction occurs when soda and vinegar are combined. Without going into details: soda has pronounced alkaline properties, while vinegar, on the contrary, is acidic. When their molecules are combined, both media are neutralized to neutral, as a result of which carbon dioxide is released, the rapid release of which causes the appearance of foam.

Experience with the combination of these substances can be used not only as a demonstration natural phenomenon. This is a good moment to explain the basics of the interaction of various substances and the reactions between them.

Preparation for the experiment begins with the manufacture of the volcano itself. This can be done in several ways, which will result in a reusable inventory or, accordingly, a disposable inventory. To create the first, you will have to make more efforts and time, while the second is suitable for a spontaneous decision to please children with an interesting spectacle.

Method number 1

AT this case a reusable model is created for repeated execution of the experiment.

To make the body of the "volcano" you need the following components:

  • an ordinary plastic bottle for any drink with a volume of 1.5 liters;
  • a flat plastic lid (for example, from disposable food containers);
  • adhesive tape of any kind;

It is not necessary to sculpt a "volcano" from a new plasticine, an already used one is quite suitable
  • gypsum or alabaster (can be replaced with salt dough);
  • gouache with PVA glue, in a ratio of 1: 1 (replacement is possible acrylic paint);
  • cutting tray or cutting board (as a base);
  • paper;
  • foil.


  1. Building the foundation. plastic bottle it is necessary to cut, measuring the desired height of the cone (you need the upper part). The resulting base is carefully attached with adhesive tape to the above plastic cover.
  2. Attaching the base of the volcano to the base. The resulting design is attached with adhesive tape to a tray or cutting board. You can also use a suitable piece of plywood or a thin board as a base.
  3. Cone formation. With the help of pieces of paper and adhesive tape, a cone is formed around the bottle with an upper base at the edges of the neck. To avoid subsequent soaking of the paper pulp, the cone is wrapped in foil.
  4. Finishing the "walls" of the volcano. Dilute gypsum or alabaster to a state of thick sour cream. The resulting mixture covers the slopes of the "fire-breathing mountain". With the help of a toothpick or a fork, the relief of the "mountain slopes" and the troughs are formed for the preferred movement of the "lava".
  5. Final finishing. After the "slopes" have completely dried, they should be painted with gouache mixed with PVA. It's best to use brown and black paint and paint the "lava" chutes a little red.

After preparing the "volcano" it is necessary to deal with the "lava". It, of course, must be prepared immediately before the demonstration of the "eruption". The components in this case are:

  • baking soda - 10 gr;
  • dishwashing detergent - 2 drops;
  • gouache or red food coloring;
  • vinegar - 10-15 ml.

This number of ingredients is indicated for the minimum amount of "lava" and low "volcano". If it is necessary to increase the intensity of the "eruption", the number of all components increases accordingly. The sequence of actions in this case is as follows:

  1. Mix the baking soda, the chosen type of dye and dishwashing detergent, mixing thoroughly.
  2. Pour the resulting mixture into the "crater of the volcano".
  3. Add vinegar carefully to the "vent" and enjoy the result.

For a more active reaction, vinegar can be poured quickly. By the way, the added dishwashing detergent is responsible for this.

Method number 2

As mentioned above, a volcano made according to the previous method makes it possible to obtain props that can be used repeatedly. However, this takes a significant amount of time. For a single use, you can make props using a simplified method.

The spectacle is really spectacular

In this case, the ingredients will be:

  • a sheet of cardboard;
  • plasticine;
  • small jar;
  • tray or cutting board (as a base).

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Fold the cardboard into a cone, giving the required angle of "slopes". Glue it in this position or secure with tape. Cut off the top to get a "vent".
  2. The outer part of the cardboard is covered with plasticine, with the formation of "ledges" and "gutters".
  3. Before the demonstration of the experiment, the jar is filled with a mixture of soda, dishwashing detergent and dye, after which it is placed on the base and covered with a “mountain” cone.
  4. Next, vinegar is poured into the vent and the "eruption" begins.

It is possible to conduct an experiment with citric acid or lemon juice. In this case, vinegar is not used, and soda should be poured last.

The properties of baking soda allow this product to be used in the most different situations. And as all of the above shows, even as a means of entertainment or to expand the horizons of children. Thanks to the simple preparation and the property of soda to enter into a violent reaction with vinegar, you can give your children an unforgettable spectacle, which they will ask for pleasure more than once.

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