How to make a school project. Project design rules

Encyclopedia of Plants 10.10.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

The design of the project is carried out according to certain rules. Separately, it is necessary to pay attention to the title page, since it, by right, can be considered any creative or design work. How is registration carried out title page project? Let's try to find the answer to the question.

Front page requirements

First you need to choose a font size. Depending on the purpose of the project, its type, there may be some differences in the font size. The font used is Times New Roman, size 16. The main text is centered on the page. The project design rules require the placement of the full name of the educational institution (organization). An important point is to set the margins on the page. Depending on the requirements for a particular project, the size of the fields can be selected automatically, as well as manually configured.


Classic option consider the upper and lower parameters of twenty mm, the indent on the right side is fifteen millimeters, on the left - thirty mm. The magnification on the left is necessary so that the submitted work can be attached to the binder.

Next, the cursor is placed in the middle of the page, the font size changes from 16 to 24. The author indicates creative, scientific, abstract. The next line indicates the title of the work without quotation marks and a dot, 28 font size is used.

Stepping back about six lines to the bottom of the page, you need to enter information about the author of the work, as well as about his supervisor.

The last line of the title page is given to indicate the year of the work. This is a classic project design. A sample title page is shown in the photo.

Depending on the rules established by the educational institution or the organizer of the conference (competition), some nuances are allowed in the design of the title page.

Titles in the project

Project design requirements require headings to be written in bold. It is printed with a capital letter; a period is not put at the end of the sentence. Note that word wrapping is not allowed in the headings of individual chapters of the project work. Between the main text and the title of the section, you need to make an indent of two intervals.

Making a creative project involves writing each chapter on a new page. Chapters are numbered in Arabic numerals, and paragraphs are indicated by double numbering. If they contain additional items, triple numbering in Arabic numerals is used.

Using abbreviations in design

The design of the project involves the use of abbreviations only in exceptional cases. For example, you can use them when specifying the literary source that the author refers to in his project. When using information about co-authors, first indicate their initials, then write the person's last name.

The design of the project allows the use of economic and mathematical formulas, but they must have a decoding of each character.

Application design specifics

The rules developed for creative projects allow the use of sketches, diagrams, graphs, photographs, drawings at the end of the project. The literature list is indicated first, followed by separate sheets applications are hosted. Each of them must have a name. In the upper right corner indicate the number (for example, application 1), then its name.


Accompanied by an indication of the number of each sheet. It is not put on the first sheet, so the numbering comes from the table of contents. The classic option is the location of the number in the center at the bottom of the page.

There should be no additional decorations: frames, font changes, underlining, different colors when designing a design work. In this requirement, the authors are often mistaken.

School Project Features

An example of project design is given below, first we will dwell on some features of the school creative work. Its structure uses the same requirements that apply to scientific and design adult work. On the main sheet indicate the name of the school, as well as information about the teacher-adviser, under whose leadership the project was made. The main text contains references to literary sources. The project allows the use of five applications, which are indicated at the end of the project, are numbered, have names.

Table of contents example

1. Introduction. Page 3-4

2. Types of engines used in modern vehicles.

2.1 Characteristics of the gasoline engine. Page four

2.1.1 Composition of exhaust gases. Page 5

2.1.2 The impact of exhaust gases (CO/CH) on the environment and human health. Page 5

2.2. Characteristics of the electric motor. Page 5-6

2.2.1 Advantages of the electric motor. Page 6

2.2.2 Environmental performance electric motor. Page 6-7

3. Experimental part of the work. Page 7-10

4. Conclusion.

4.1 Conclusions on the research problem. Page 10-11

5. Bibliographic list. Page 12

6. Applications.

Annex 6.1. Appearance of a gasoline engine. Page 13

Appendix 2. Appearance of the electric motor. Page fourteen

Project abstract example

In addition to the project work itself, it is important to correctly highlight its main content with the help of theses. Depending on the purpose of the project, there are also certain requirements for abstracts. We offer a variant of theses for a school project.

Let's demonstrate a version of the work on the topic: "The influence of temperament on the choice of profession in adolescence." The title must contain all the information about the author:

  • surname, name and patronymic, address, position, place of study, electronic contacts;
  • the data on the supervisor are specified in the same way;
  • do not forget that the home page project is published by the organization where it will be demonstrated or defended.

AT without fail need to demonstrate the relevance of the work. On the example of a given topic, it can be clarified that the problem of professional self-determination is relevant in modern school. Many guys want to get in-demand specialties, regardless of their interest, inclinations and abilities. Children get the desired profession, but they cannot take place in it, realize their talents. Therefore, an important part of the profile training of students is the timely diagnosis of their inclinations, personal qualities, abilities and interests. She will help the children right choice future profession.

The final word is also pronounced. Alternatively, it can be arranged in this way: “A study of the relationship between temperament and the choice of a profession among schoolchildren.”

The tasks of the work are prescribed separately:

To study the history of the doctrine of the types of temperament;

To get acquainted with the methods of studying the types of temperament;

To identify and justify the influence of temperament on professional choice;

To study the types of temperament in students;

To establish the relationship between a certain type of temperament of students and the professions they choose, types of professional activity;

Inform the school psychologist about the results obtained, class teacher, teachers and parents.

Theoretical analysis of psychological, methodological and special literature, observation, individual testing of participants in the experiment, statistical and comparative analysis the data obtained relate to the methods of doing the work.

It is mandatory to highlight the main results of the work that will demonstrate its outcome. The formulation may look like a comparative analysis of testing, which showed a single relationship between the type of temperament and the propensity for certain professional areas. This is especially important if the author was able to prove that the type of temperament in adolescence has a significant impact on the choice of a future profession.

Conclusion and possible ways of development are the final part of the whole project. In this section, the result of the experiment is written off. In our example, it sounds like evidence that, having an idea of ​​the sphere of one's inclinations and interests, one can make the right choice of a future specialty in adolescence. This will avoid disappointment in adulthood. The diagnostic options proposed by the author will help teachers and parents to identify the professional areas of schoolchildren, and together make a choice of their future specialty.

Stages of work on the project

In addition to certain requirements for the design of the project, there is an algorithm for the activity itself. First you need to decide on a topic that will be of interest not only to the author himself, but also to reviewers. Further, the main goal of the project is set, its tasks are defined.

The next step is to review the literature on the problem that will be considered in the project. The hardest part of a creative project is the experimental part. The author, having analyzed the existing information on the topic, offers his calculations, drawings, drawings.

An important stage in the preparation of any project is the formulation of conclusions, analysis of the feasibility of implementing the results obtained into practice.

The project is accompanied by a list of references, the rules for registration of which were presented above. For technical work, various drawings and diagrams will act as numbered applications, and for a creative project, you can use colorful photographs, drawings, layouts.

When writing a creative or scientific project, there are strict rules for the design of the title page: you must indicate your scientific adviser, the name of the educational institution, the year the work was submitted and the full name. How exactly to place this data on the sheet and what fonts to use, you will learn in this article.

Start writing the title page: go to the program Microsoft Office Word or more convenient for you, and set the font to Times New Roman size 16. Mark the text alignment to the center.

Write the full name of your educational institution, you can ask about it on the Internet or in advance with your scientific consultant.

You should make page markup that complies with the design rules. Go to the “Page Layout” tab in the program header and select the “Margins” box. At the very bottom of the list, you will see the line "Custom fields".

In the menu that appears, set the following values:
  • Align top and bottom by 15 mm.
  • Right 10 mm.
  • Left 20 mm.

This way your project will look neater, and later on you will be able to flash it on the left side.

Move the cursor to the middle of the page and leave the alignment centered. Change the font size from 16 to 24. Write the type of work: scientific project, creative project, report, independent work etc.

On the next line, enter the title of the work without the period and quotes. The font size will be 28.

Move to the very bottom of the page. Leave about six lines to the end of the sheet and start entering information about the author and consultant.

Change the font back to 16 and set the alignment to right. Write your name after the words “Author:” and the name of the scientific adviser after “Consultant:”. Don't forget to put a colon and make these words bold.
Names are given with initials.

On the very last line of the page, put the current year. To do this, do not change the font settings, but set the alignment to the center. You don't need to put a dot.

Look at examples of completed work, such design will be counted as correct.

Check with the consultant beforehand on how to record their role in your work. If the teacher gave you advice and guidance throughout the work on the project, then, most often, he fits in precisely as a consultant. In serious and voluminous works for scientific conferences, the teacher can be written as “Research Associate”, if he was directly involved in writing the work.

You can see some other design options in the short video below:

A school project is one way to ensure student development. These activities are required for students. Often, high school students pass exams in exactly what allows them to better assess their knowledge and ability to absorb information.

Why are these assignments needed?

Interesting topics for projects are the opportunity for a student to develop his abilities, to believe in himself as a student. After all, often children choose for themselves such topics for research work that captivate them. Thus, in the design process, the independence of the student increases, he forms a strong motivation for further education. He also learns to properly conduct a discussion, to argue his point of view. Work on the project allows the student to combine lesson and extracurricular activities.

Topics for Middle and Junior School

Interesting topics for projects are a guarantee that the work will be exciting for the student. If the project is research, it must include elements scientific work- hypothesis, its verification, laboratory research, analysis of the results obtained at the output. For example, the topic chosen was about growing beans at home. The student can prepare in advance - read desired material in natural history; conduct an experiment - germinate beans; take photos of the plant at each stage. Next interesting topics The project is suitable for students of middle and lower grades:

  • Cars of the past and modern.
  • About how dinosaurs lived. Estimated options for their death.
  • My favourite dog.
  • Professions that every student dreams of.
  • Color in human life.
  • Cartoons and their role in the life of kids.
  • Aquarium and its amazing inhabitants.
  • How to grow a crystal yourself?
  • Features of a healthy lifestyle.
  • Sports in my family.
  • Ancient fun in Russia.
  • Human development outer space.
  • Music history and musical instruments.
  • Robots of the future.
  • Features of the life of bees.
  • Most beautiful legends about flowers.
  • The history of money - from antiquity to the present.
  • Tea and coffee. History, legends, traditions.
  • Growing beans at home.

Topics that will arouse interest among the school audience

There are many areas that could be of interest. It could be gadgets, various products, questions of love and friendship. The following interesting topics for the project will not leave the school audience indifferent:

  • Emoticons in messages. History, features of use.
  • The brightest and most unusual advertising.
  • What do young people think about family life?
  • Is Barbie the standard for female attractiveness?
  • The problem of cleanliness in public places.
  • Why do I need to turn off my phone during a flight?
  • Anglicisms in modern speech.
  • Horoscopes and astrology - truth or myth?
  • How to achieve prosperity?
  • What does a person need to achieve emotional balance?
  • The principle of operation of the microwave.
  • How to develop logical thinking?
  • Is chewing gum good?
  • Lies: causes and consequences. Why do people lie to each other?
  • How to become a photographer?
  • How 3D cinema glasses work.
  • Does the pace of the speaker's speech affect the perception of the report by the audience?
  • Crib - helper or enemy?
  • Why is everyone learning English?
  • Do our little brothers understand speech?
  • Tea traditions of China.
  • What is a person: good or evil? Examples from history and life.
  • Stress and disease - is there a connection? What are psychosomatic illnesses?
  • How to forgive a person? Does it need to be done?
  • "Leopold's cats" in modern society.

Topical topics for the preparation of projects on Russian literature

One of the most interesting works for many students will be a literary project. Its problems should be selected in accordance with the knowledge and level of training of the student. The topic of a literature project can be a biography of a poet or writer, or the features of his work. Such work will help to learn a lot of interesting things about the author, whose works the student liked. The project can be dedicated to the features of a literary hero or a whole work. In the process of work, the student will be able to refresh information about his favorite work in his memory, once again plunge into his events.

The following literature project topics are approximate. The student can always choose the question that causes him the greatest interest.

  • Features of I. Bunin's creativity.
  • The role of the appearance of the hero in his characterization (on the example of several
  • Peculiarities romantic hero(on the example of several works).
  • The theme of love in the lyrics of Akhmatova.
  • Nature in the work of V. A. Zhukovsky.
  • History in Pushkin's works.
  • The problem of the motherland in the work of Yesenin.

Labor projects

Also, a task on technology will be a great scope for creative work. The project topics discussed below are for girls:

  • How to arrange a kitchen-dining room.
  • Dishes of Russian cuisine.
  • Houseplants and interior space.
  • DIY accessories.
  • Decor and table setting.

But what projects can the boys prepare:

  • Production of wall shelves for CDs or books.
  • How to make a cutting board for vegetables.
  • Models of planes, ships, cars.
  • Bench making.
  • How to make a folding table for a balcony.

Scientific design

Often students need to find suitable topics research projects. The scope of options is wide, because how many scientific branches, so many different areas research. From the following topics, perhaps the student will be able to choose something for himself:

  • Earth's atmosphere: composition, structure, movement of air masses.
  • Newton's laws and their application.
  • Aggregate states of matter.
  • Physical properties carbon.


Determine and designate the type in the passport project a (informational, research, information-research, creative, gaming). Specify type project and according to the subject-content characteristic: mono project(one subject) or interdisciplinary (combines several academic disciplines, subjects).

Describe academic work by: the number of participants (individual, collective), terms (short-term, medium or long-term), the nature of students' contacts in the process of implementation project a (interschool, intraschool).

Write a short summary project a. Tell about your work in such a way as to interest readers, show the specifics, the meaning of your project noah work. To do this, break the text document of your work into semantic parts, highlight key thoughts in each part, formulate the main theses, list the main problems, and draw conclusions.

Design a business card project a. The business card indicates: the author, educational institution, topic, goals project noah work. Also list the competencies and skills that are formed in the course of the work. Specify the tasks that you set for yourself. Describe what independent research was carried out in the course of the work. Name the subject areas covered project ohm; registration of results; describe the software and hardware of the work and the criteria for evaluating the activities of students.

During the implementation of the training project and keep a diary in which you briefly describe what types of work you did at each stage. Write a report based on . Ask a supervisor project but a review.

Prepare a presentation of your educational project a. It must be calculated for public speaking with protection project and at a scientific and practical conference, district, etc. This is a kind of creative report on the work you have done. It can be issued in paper form. But it is better to make an electronic presentation in Microsoft Office PowerPoint. Think of a persuasive and emotional presentation.

Creative project may be in completely different specialties, subjects at school, even if these subjects are not associated with the right hemisphere of the brain. Any business can (and should) be approached creatively, then the material is easier to perceive and assimilate.


To begin with, decide what goal your creative is pursuing and in what format it needs to be done. It can be set in the form of Power Point, in the form of walls - on whatman paper, in the form of some kind of . Or maybe it will be independently computerized. In addition, the teacher or teacher will set you a limit on creative freedom in advance: someone will be happy with the original surprise, the other will be angry.

Deciding in advance given parameters project ah, get down to business. You can issue project focusing on visual perception. Then you need to choose so that they are appropriate and fully illustrate the material that you give in project e. Keep an eye on the ratio of pictures and text so that it doesn’t turn out that the images in your project they prevail.

Use highlighting, but also within reasonable limits. You don’t need to light green a whole piece of text if you consider it important; it is enough to mark some keywords in this way. It is unlikely that your supervisor, teacher or teacher will evaluate your work as creative if it simply has all the text streaked with multi-colored markers.

You can choose more interesting solution problems, especially if no one limits you in time. You can, for example, write individual theses on pieces of paper and put them inside a homemade one, on which, in turn, some provisions will also be written. This way you can show what is the essence of the phenomenon (what is inside) and what opinions are associated with it (what is visible from the outside). Here it is up to your personal creative taste.

Don't forget that creative project e important - not external at all. No matter how you fight over rationality, originality, exponentiality appearance your work, if it in itself is of no interest, then all external tinsel will simply be useless. So get started external design project but only when you are fully convinced that internally project can also rightly be called creative.

Business cards are an invariable business accessory of the present. A small paper triangle contains all necessary information to identify a person. After all, when an employee always has phones at hand, Email, addresses of business partners or customers, he does not spend his working time looking for the right contacts. Therefore, it is very important to design business cards correctly.


If you work for a large corporation, you most likely have corporate style. And that it must be adhered to in the design of a business card. Ask colleagues. Perhaps you will be given a ready-made layout, where you will need to add only the position, first name, last name and contact phone number.

If you want to design a layout business card independently, then you need to decide for what purposes you need it. If you want to express yourself, be remembered, impress - choose an original business card. Now you can do anything - curly cards, business cards made of rubber, transparent and even. The choice of material is so diverse that it remains only to choose the right one for you.

What information is required on a business card? If you have a serious position, then there should be only information -, phone, office address, company name, your name, and position. If you work with foreign partners, you can duplicate this information on the other side of the business card in a foreign one.

During the meeting of tenants, it is necessary to immediately decide how the costs will be distributed, where they will be spent, if there is a fee, etc. It is advisable to raise such organizational issues before you are allocated a site. Make a plan for the future and call the experts who will carry out boundary work. With a project that defines the boundaries, please contact the registration department of the administration. Now the site must be put on the cadastral register. Legal entity need to make a plan.

Coordinate everything with the administration design work and communication, if necessary. The construction of capital structures must be coordinated with the architectural department.

After completing the documents, start purchasing materials for the construction of fences. Plan your construction and Finishing work. Even if the parking lot is open, at least you need to build a booth for the guard.

Find staff to guard and clean the area. It is better to entrust security to a specialized one by concluding an agreement with detailed analysis clause on responsibility for the safety of transport.

Useful advice

If in any instance in the process of registering a parking lot you are denied signing papers, seek a written refusal and file a complaint with higher authorities.

The relevance of the issue, which concerns the execution of the contract, today is as obvious as the need to adhere to the points of the law in the process of drawing up the same contract and not only.

For the day, a contract is a transaction that is most common, between several persons. The basis for such a transaction is the desire to establish, change or terminate existing civil rights or obligations. When you need to know that it consists of two main ones, represented by an introductory part and conditions. In turn, the conditions can be divided into three main ones, among which are essential, ordinary and others.

It is simply necessary to draw up a contract correctly today in order for this particular document to play a sufficiently important role in existing market relations and in general. The contract is the basis for effective activity and is a serious document, the process of registration of which is quite complicated.

In order to draw up a contract that will be valid, it is necessary, first, to carry out pre-contractual work with business partners, which consists in preparing protocols of disagreements for contracts. Then it is necessary to prepare a contract with preliminary characteristics. At the next stage, it seems necessary to carry out the procedures for terminating earlier contracts and analyze the remaining contracts. If necessary, before drawing up the necessary contract, it is required to carry out claim activities on the basis of non-fulfillment of certain obligations.

When drawing up a contract, for the correct implementation of all procedures, it is necessary Special attention pay attention to the essential terms of the contract, which are its most important part. It is on the basis of the parties reaching a full agreement on all the proposed essential conditions that we can say that the contract is drawn up and concluded correctly.

The essential terms of any contracts are necessary: ​​conditions that determine the subject of the contract, conditions that, in accordance with legal and legislative acts, are essential and necessary for each specific document. As well as other conditions that are included in the contract at the insistence of one of the parties.

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Good day, dear reader! In this article, we will tell you about where to start writing a project. Many students and adults who write a social project for the first time often face the problem: where to start? After all, a project is a concentration of a wide variety of information within the framework of a chosen topic. Maybe start with the goals of the project? Or his tasks? Maybe write it first short summary and only then start writing a project? However, all such proposals are only partly true. Therefore, we stop guessing, and carefully read further, because below we will clearly tell you how to start writing a social project on any topic.

In general, the design process is a very responsible thing. This is especially true for various calculations and calculations. A mistake on paper can later lead to an irreparable mistake in life. Therefore, always responsibly treat the writing of projects, and, in particular, various kinds of calculations.

However, let's move on to a direct consideration of the project. Let's be clear, though. how do we start writing a project. As we said above, many people suggest starting with a goal, or a mission, or tasks, etc., as a “seed”. etc. In all this, of course, there is a rational grain and common sense. However, all these elements are somehow very much separated from each other. Don't you think so? It would be nice if as a starting position when writing a project, all the elements would immediately act at the same time, because. they would go "united front".

After all, you must admit, when such fundamental things as the goals and objectives of the project, the definition of the relevance of the problem are consistent with each other at the very beginning, then the further writing of the project will proceed cheerfully and competently. So, after all, what can unite all these components together? What will help create the "skeleton" of the project?

Climax... This integrator is... meet - .

What is the project logical framework? This is a kind of "skeleton" on which all other components of an effective project are "strung". This is the foundation of the basics.

What is the logical framework of the project?

To a greater extent, it consists of precisely those sections that were listed above in this article. In order for your own logical framework to be formed in your head about the logical framework of a social project, then we will write down the main components of this framework point by point.

The main components of the logical framework of a social project are:

1. Problem (relevance of the project).

Within this section, a statement of the problem is carried out and, accordingly, the relevance of your project is described. A problem is a specific description of an aspect that does not satisfy you. modern life(negative phenomenon) indicating significant factors causing and supporting this phenomenon.

For example, you may not be satisfied with the catastrophic spread of drug addiction among young people in your city. This is a vivid example of a description of a negative phenomenon associated with the lack of positive ideals among young people, an attractive image of a sober life.

After describing the problem, the person (expert) who will read your project should understand that this project is needed and the problem needs to be resolved as soon as possible. The description of the problem should be objective, based on facts and have links to trusted sources. It would also be nice to indicate in the statement of the problem on the forecast negative consequences development of the current situation.

Among other things, the problem can be naming, causal, and antithetical.

Nominative character: given Full description negative event.

Causal nature: the causes (both objective and subjective) of the emerging negative phenomenon are identified and the consequences of this phenomenon are determined.

Antithetical character: (comparison "yes, but") - a link is indicated to some resources that can be used, but are not used, specific facts and activities that have not yielded any results are indicated.

Summing up the intermediate result, let's say that the whole project follows from a well-formulated problem.

We hope that you have already slowly begun to understand what the formation of the logical framework of the project is. Start writing a project it is always difficult, but with the knowledge that you will gain in this article, you will be able to write more than a dozen different projects.

2.Objective of the project.

This is a specific description of a situation that satisfies you, which could resolve a specific current situation.
A project can have multiple goals.

For example, Goal 1: Reduce the number of young people who use drugs, Goal 2: Increase the number of young people who choose healthy and law-abiding lifestyles.

The description of the goal should be, if possible, specific (answering the questions where? in what area? who? or what and what new qualitative and quantitative signs the goal will acquire).

Example: Increasing the number of young people who have chosen healthy lifestyle life is the answer to the question "who?" - young people living in city N - this is the answer to the question "where?", to make young people healthy - these are the signs that we want to get as a result of the project.

3. Project tasks.

These are necessary and sufficient conditions for achieving the goal. Objectives are those results (quantitative and qualitative) that can be seen and somehow measured.

a) identify young people leading an interesting lifestyle and summarize their experience;

b) hold a youth festival;

c) organize a tourist camp and hold 15 sports competitions;

d) inform young people about interesting and healthy ways to spend time.

4. Strategy and methods of the project.

Strategy- These are the main activities for the implementation of the project.

Methods- these are various kinds of activities that contribute to the solution of tasks and the achievement of the goal. They follow from the tasks set.

An example of a strategy would be the joint work of various institutions of society in order to get the maximum effect from the work done. After all, when some work is done by various organizations with a wide variety of resources, technologies, etc., it is always easier to achieve a new breakthrough result than if you work alone, not having all the necessary resources to implement the project. In general, the motto is appropriate here: “As long as we are united, we are invincible!”

An example of methods: due to the fact that in the example with tasks we have the task of holding a youth festival, based on this task, we can use the following methods.

But first, let's ask ourselves the question: what needs to be done to organize this festival? That's right, to agree with the local authorities on the time and place of the event, to assemble a working group that will write the script for this festival, etc. In short, methods, as already mentioned in the definition, are subtasks, the solution of which provides a solution to the whole problem.

By the way, and the solution of problems leads to the implementation of the goal. And the implementation of the goal favorably affects the change in the current situation. Everything is logical. Everything is crisp and clear!

Conclusion: In order to start your project right you need to know where to start. Always at the beginning, a logical framework of the project is created, which is designed to structure the entire future project. This framework includes:

1) problem (relevance of the project)

2) project goals

3) project objectives

4) strategy and methods of the project.

We hope that now you will write your social projects without hesitation, since now you already know how to start writing a project.

We wish you success in this exciting business!

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