How to disable Yandex Zen in the browser and remove it from the main page. What is Yandex Zen and how to remove it

Site arrangement 21.10.2019
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Zen in Yandex.Browser and Google Chrome is a customizable news feed displayed under the search bar and visual bookmarks bar. It is provided free of charge. Through the options, the user can set up Zen in the browser: generate a news feed from sources of interest (websites). Also, the included service can be adjusted through likes and dislikes. Its algorithm will analyze the user's reaction and, based on these actions, remove / add certain posts.

From this article, you will learn how to disable Yandex Zen in Yandex.Browser on Android, computer, in the Google Chrome browser. And also how to set up Zen in Yandex Browser.


A computer

If you download Yandex.Browser and immediately launch it, the news feed will not work in it. That is, it must be additionally included. But if you no longer need it, that is, you decide to disable Zen in Yandex Browser, do the following:

1. Click the "Menu" button (the "three bars" icon) in the upper right part of the web browser window.

2. Go to the "Settings" section.

3. To delete the news feed, in the "Settings" subsection appearance"Click the mouse to remove the" tick "in the add-on box" Show in a new Zen tab ...".

4. After you manage to turn off Zen, the preview of posts under visual bookmarks will immediately disappear.

If you decide to selectively remove news from Yandex.Zen (turn off the display of content from certain web sources), you must perform the following steps:

1. To change the settings for displaying incoming information, you need to put a dislike in the news panel.

2. In the submenu that opens, click "Block this source". After that, the disabled website will no longer appear in the feed.

Android and iOS

On mobile gadgets running Android and iOS, you can almost remove Zen. the same way(same as in browser):

  1. Tap the menu icon (icon in three stripes or three dots, depending on the device).
  2. Open the "Settings" section and select "Advanced".
  3. With a touch of your finger, uncheck the option "Display ribbon ...".

Google Chrome (Google Chrome)

In Google Chrome, the Yandex system also offers users to install their own feed when visiting its services.

Some visitors accidentally install it in Chrome by mistake.

To remove Zen from Google, but leave the Yandex panel on the home page, do this:

1. Under the bookmarks block, click the "Settings" option.

2. In the left setting panel, remove the checkbox in the "Show ... Zen ..." box with a mouse click.

To make the Yandex tab completely disappear, perform the following operations:
1. If you see that the browser home page does not work properly, after the next launch it displays not Google, but Yandex with the Zen service, open the browser menu (the “three dots” button at the top right).

2. Select "Settings" from the list.

3. Remove Yandex service add-ons: click the "Cart" button in their blocks.

4. Go to the "Settings" section.

5. In the "Open at startup" section, enable the "Defined pages" setting and click the "Add" link.

7. In the "Search" block, also set another required search engine. Click "Customize ...".

9. Close the browser. On your PC desktop, open:

Start → Control Panel → Programs → Uninstall a program

10. Right-click on the Yandex applications in the catalog (everything except the browser, if you need it) and then activate the “delete” command with a mouse click. Follow the instructions of the uninstaller.

Good luck with your browser settings!

More than 2 years have passed since the launch by Yandex of the personalized service for selecting Internet publications Yandex.Zen. According to the company, more than 20 million people use the service's capabilities, and Yandex itself turns the popularity of Zen into real money through advertising built into the product. At the same time, not all users are delighted with the capabilities of the service; many are annoyed by the constantly appearing news publications at the bottom of the browser window. AT this material I will tell you how to get rid of Zen in Yandex, and what methods will help us with this.

Let me remind the reader that "Zen" is a service that recommends the user to read various Internet pages. In the selection of appropriate content, the wishes of the person and the resources he visits are taken into account, therefore, every day, Zen will more and more accurately select material that will interest you.

This tool is built into the Yandex browser by default, and can be easily activated / deactivated by the user himself. It can also be found on other browsers (including after hidden installation as a result of bundling), and most often in the popular Mozilla and Chrome web browsers.

How to remove the Zen service from the main page of Yandex

  1. To disable the functionality of the service from the main page of Yandex.Browser, you must click on the settings button in the upper right (three horizontal lines).
  2. Select "Settings" from the menu that appears.
  3. In the optional window that opens, find "Appearance Settings", where uncheck the option "Show in a new Zen tab".

An alternative method of getting rid of it is to log out of your Yandex.Browser account (in this case, you will lose a number of relevant benefits, for example, the browser will not save your passwords on the server and your browsing history).

If you want to selectively disable news from a specific resource, find the specified resource in the Zen feed, give it a dislike (thumbs down), and select "Block" in the menu that appears.

If you just dislike a post, you'll see fewer posts like this in the future.

How to get rid of the service on mobile platforms

If you have smartphones on "Android" and "iOS", then the removal of "Zen" on these is carried out according to a similar principle. Click on the settings icon in the browser (with three bars or dots), select "Settings", then "Advanced", and uncheck "Display ribbon ...".

How to deactivate "Zen" in Chrome and Mozilla

  1. To remove this service in Chrome, you need to go to the settings of your navigator located under the tabs (on the main screen under the tabs there is an inscription "Settings").
  2. And in the settings panel that opens, uncheck the box "Show in a new Zen tab - ribbon."
  3. Then you need to go to the browser settings, to the extensions tab, and delete extensions there that somehow mention Yandex.

In the "fox" browser, the deactivation of the mentioned service occurs in a similar way. You need to go to the settings of your navigator, and uncheck the option "Show in a new Zen tab ..".

radical way

If these methods turned out to be ineffective, and for some reason you are unable to remove the Zen service from the browser, it would be rational to completely uninstall your Yandex.Browser. Then restart your PC, download and install new version this web browser and follow the steps to disable Zen described above. Such an algorithm is quite effective, especially if, for reasons of any dysfunction (in particular, damage to the registry or the browser core), you cannot remove the service in the standard way.


In the vast majority of cases, you can get rid of the Zen service by going to the settings of your web browser and unchecking the corresponding option. If this method turned out to be ineffective, then both logging out of your Yandex account and a total reinstallation of the browser with subsequent deactivation of the service will help, which will help get rid of its annoying functionality on your PC.

In contact with

Those users who have been using Yandex Browser for a long time on their mobile devices and PCs have probably already managed to get acquainted with another innovation from Yandex called Zen. This service is designed to form a user's news feed, taking into account his specific preferences, but not all people liked this service. Given the wealth of negative comments and negative ratings of the service, I decided to help users, and below I will tell you in detail how to disable Yandex.Zen from Yandex.Browser.

The technologies involved in the Yandex.Zen service are based on the use artificial intelligence and is designed to give the user the content that he needs. The Yandex browser collects information about the user's preferences, and then, in accordance with this information, displays new materials at the very bottom of its window. I will tell you how to disable and remove Yandex Zen from the browser later.

The user is invited to mark the content he prefers by clicking on the “Like” button, as well as to exclude unwanted content from appearing in the future by clicking on “I don’t like it”. This is how the user helps the service in forming its own preference model, so that the service in the future will more accurately and congruently find material for the news feed of this person.

How to remove Yandex Zen

As I mentioned above, not all users have appreciated the benefits of the service from Yandex - Zen. A lot of people complain about the poor quality of the material provided in the Zen feed, about a significant slowdown in the computer and brakes while surfing the net after activating this service. According to user feedback, using this service has brought them more problems than visible benefits, so many people want to turn off Zen from a computer or mobile device, but do not know how. Below I will tell you how to do it.

Disable Zen from PC

How it looks like turning off the Yandex Zen service can be seen in the video:

Those users who use Yandex.Browser and have not yet noticed the actions of the Zen service, I hasten to warn you that the service does not turn on immediately, but only after collecting some information about the user's preferences. Therefore, sooner or later, you will come across this functionality, and you will have to decide whether to leave it or disable it. detailed instructions to enable the service.

Remove Zen from mobile devices

You can also remove the described Zen service from mobile devices.

  1. To do this, just go to Yandex.Browser on our mobile device, press the button to go to the settings (or the "Menu" button on the phone).
  2. Select Settings, then Advanced.
  3. And uncheck the menu item "Display Yandex.Zen recommendations feed".


The Yandex.Zen service for computers and smartphones is just beginning to win its audience, its development, successes and achievements are yet to come. However, very often everything new meets the fierce resistance of conservatives who want to maintain the existing status quo. I recommend that such people take a closer look at Zen, but if you really don’t like the service, then use the above tips and turn off Zen forever. Or for a while.

In contact with

Yandex.Zen is a personalized feed of recommendations in the Yandex browser. Depending on what sites the user visits, what video he watches, what articles he reads, the system generates an individual list of materials.

Both permanent and temporary interests are taken into account. For example, if you become more interested in fishing, more information on this topic will appear in the feed.

Zen finds the most interesting news, including on sites that the user has never visited. And the duplicated information is cleared.

In Yandex.Browser latest version the system should work by default - you do not need to connect it additionally. The ribbon is shown immediately when you open a new tab at the bottom.

You just need to go down the page and more and more new materials will be shown. More precisely, their brief announcements. If you want to read more, click on short version- and a full one opened in a new tab.

Please note that above each announcement, the source of the news is indicated, that is, the site on which it is located. Yandex selects only verified sites for its feed.

Note: if the browser is recently installed, then the ribbon will not be displayed in it, even if all the settings are correct. After all, in order to show recommendations, the program must know something about your preferences, and the database for this has not yet been assembled.

How to enable Yandex.Zen

If you have been using the browser for a long time (more than a week), and the recommendation feed in a new tab is not visible, it may simply be turned off. To turn it on, press the menu button (in the upper right corner) and select the “Settings” item.

We find "Appearance settings" and put a tick in front of the item "Show in a new tab Zen - a feed of personal recommendations."

If there is no such item, the new browser interface may be turned off and then it must first be turned on.

After that, restart the program - close it and reopen it.

Refresh browser

In the event that you do not find such settings, most likely your browser is outdated and needs to be updated.

one . Press the menu button, then go down, select the item "Advanced" and "About the browser".

It may be called differently, for example, “About Yandex”, “Yandex Browser”, but according to the score, it will still be approximately in the penultimate place.

2. Click the "Update" button.

3 . After the update, click "Restart".

The program will close and reopen. The recommendation feed should now work.

If it doesn't work

It happens that the browser does not contain the Zen feed, but it is also impossible to update it. So, most likely, one of its important modules is damaged or it was not installed from an official source. To solve this problem, reinstall the browser manually.

one . Go to the official website and click the "Download" button.

Perhaps the program will display the following message:

Pay no attention to him.

2. When the Y icon appears in the upper right corner, close the Yandex browser.

3 . Go to "Start" and select "Control Panel".

four . Open "Programs and Features".

If the Control Panel window looks like this, then select the "Uninstall a program" item in the "Programs" category.

5 . Find our Yandex in the list, right-click on it and select "Delete".

And wait for the message that the browser has retired. It is advisable to restart your computer after that.

6. Now you need to reinstall the program. To do this, open the Downloads folder and run the Yandex.

You can go to "Downloads" from any folder on your computer, through the list on the left side of the window.

7. Wait for the installation to finish. When the process completes, your Zen feed should be running by default.

How to set up Yandex.Zen

Everything is very simple: under each news there are two pictures - like and dislike. Or, as they were called in Yandex, “more than this” and “less than this”.

If you really liked the news, and you want more such materials in the feed, put a like.

But if it's the other way around, dislike. Then Yandex will inform you that this particular material will be hidden from the feed. You can also disable all news from this site by clicking on "Block Source".

Thanks to these buttons, the system will very soon learn to select only those materials that you are really interested in.

A program such as "Zen" has recently become available to all regular users of Yandex.Browser, it works on Windows and even on operating system Android. She can determine your interests by queries in the browser and search for interesting material for you. You will see such a ribbon on your updated tab in the browser.

What is Zen?

Zen is not a selection of editorial software from developers. The interests of a person are determined in this way: the program starts the analysis and looks through the history of the entire browser, draws conclusions and searches the Internet interesting materials that relate to your interests first. In the end, all this is arranged in the final tape. All these processes are quite complex. The most interesting thing that this program is looking for is not only interesting news for your previous queries, but also videos and pictures that you were looking for earlier, there is even a Peekaboo. The difference from the world-famous Opera is that it searched only RSS, and Yandex.Browser searches only web pages for queries and for this special training work-search engines are used. Another interesting fact is that the program itself learns. If she learns more, then her recommendations become smarter and more useful. This also contains your help, since Zen gives the function of buttons for help, it is “more of this” or “less”, or you can block the site altogether. If you are a new user of the Yandex browser, then you are given the opportunity to choose your favorite sites, and then recommendations will come only from them. And in the future, the program itself will select sites for you, taking into account your activity on various sources, and look at your behavior.

Since the release, the company has been trying to push its service further and further, because, according to them, it brings enough benefits to its users, making it possible to keep abreast of all the current world news. Although, when the program was just created by the developers, its main task was to introduce and provide browser users with new, interesting sites, on which from time to time links popped up that were absolutely not suitable for it. And of course users will not like it and they are trying to find information on how to disable this Zen in the browser.

Among other things, Yandex has its own official website, and if you find it in your account, you will be offered different kind sites, this means that you do not yet have enough information for the program to work, which means you need to use the search more often.

How can I remove Yandex "Zen" in a computer browser

If you want to remove Zen from your installed browser, all you need to do is open the settings, you need to left-click your mouse on the "Settings" icon in the corner. Find the line that says "Show in a new Zen tab - a feed of personal recommendations", you will see a checkmark there by default, uncheck it.

If you want to completely get rid of this program so that it stops bothering you and picking up information for you and keeping track of which sites you visit, then you just need to leave your Yandex account. You can simply uninstall and reinstall the app. And if you used it on a computer, then just turn off this tab. You can remove all Yandex applications on your computer and then clean the registry or download the previous version.

How to turn off the application on the phone

If you want to turn off Zen on your phone, then find the dots in the corner, there should be three of them. Click on "Settings", turn on "Advanced". Next, you'll find the "Display Zen Recommendations Feed" feature.


In the end, I would like to say that this application can even be useful, because it helps to spend time on the Internet not only with benefit, but also makes it much more interesting. Remember that the longer you have used the browser, the much better its options will work. The problem remains only
that Zen can sometimes be annoying, and especially sometimes very distracting if you urgently need to go online on business and don’t want to be distracted by some toys. It is also very difficult to remove it from a PC, so Yandex can lose its users because of this application and go to competitors.

Of course, it is too early to judge the benefits and harms, but Zen has definitely already gained its audience and can be popular among its regular users.

If you still don’t know how to remove it from your laptop, then just go to the browser and uncheck the box that is set by default, or you can remove the Yandex browser from your computer. In general, you decide whether you need this development, if the function does not interfere with you a little and you are happy with it, then use it, but if you are still tired of it, then just turn it off. At any time, you can turn on this application and use it.

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