Where to learn robotics. Modern education: robotics at school

garden equipment 20.09.2019
garden equipment

In Russian educational programs, robotics acquires everything greater value. students Russian schools involved in the design and programming of robotic devices, using LEGO robots, industrial robots, special robots for the Russian Emergencies Ministry



Robotics in education

Merzlikina N.V.

Modern life is very difficult to imagine without the use of information technologies. The intensive transition to the informatization of society causes an ever deeper introduction of information technologies in various areas of human activity. In November 2015, a meeting of the commission for the development of the information society in the Federation Council was held. One of the topics discussed at the meeting was the development educational robotics.

Robotics is becoming increasingly important in Russian educational programs. Students of Russian schools are involved in the design and programming of robotic devices, using LEGO robots, industrial robots, special robots for the Russian Emergencies Ministry.

Robotics is an applied science dealing with the development of automated technical systems. It is based on such disciplines as electronics, mechanics, programming. Robotics is one of major areas scientific and technical progress, in which the problems of mechanics and new technologies come into contact with problems artificial intelligence.

Educational Roboticsis a tool that lays a solid foundation for systems thinking, the integration of computer science, mathematics, physics, drawing, technology, natural sciences with the development of engineering creativity.

Technology implementationeducational roboticsin the educational process contributes to the formation of personal, regulatory, communicative and cognitive universal educational activities, which are an important component of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Today, there are different points of view on the issue of educational robotics. Here is how this question is revealed by Arkady Semenovich Yushchenko - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman: “A roboticist is someone who can combine mechanical, power, computer parts (and the work of these specialists) together. But when I come across robotics at school, for me it's just a kind of developing educational equipment, which is used to improve the student's knowledge school curriculum and gain the necessary additional skills.

Vladislav Nikolayevich Khalamov, Director of the Educational and Methodological Center for Educational Robotics: “Robotics is a universal tool for general education. Robotics fits perfectly into additional education, and extracurricular activities, and teaching subjects of the school curriculum, and in strict accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. It is suitable for all ages from preschoolers to students. And the use of robotic equipment in the classroom is both learning and technical creativity at the same time, which contributes to the education of active, enthusiastic people who have engineering and design thinking.”

Until the 60s of the last century, robotics was treated exclusively as an invention of science fiction writers, which undoubtedly contributed to the fact that the term "robot" itself was coined by Karel Capek and his brother Josef (the term was first used in the play by K. Capek Rossum's Universal Robots, 1921).

The engineering and technical orientation of the use of educational robotics is a brilliant opportunity for a child to demonstrate their knowledge in the field of engineering and technical thought through the rapid (mobile) creation of constructors using simple and complex engineering mechanisms and technical solutions. Currently, various robotic systems are used in education, for example, LEGO Education, FischerTechnik, Mechatronics Control Kit, Festo Didactic and others.

One of the important aspects of stimulating children to independent development of creative mental activity and maintaining interest in technical education is their participation in competitions, olympiads, conferences and festivals of a technical nature. Exist whole system robotics competitions different levels: regional, interregional, all-Russian, international.

Educational robotics has recently been developing at the speed of light, being introduced into all spheres of life, like computers in the 80s of the last century. Today, educational robotics makes it possible at an early stage to identify the technical inclinations of students and develop them in this direction. This understanding of robotics allows us to build a model of continuous learning for all ages - from pupils kindergarten to students. One of the important features of working with educational robotics should becreation of a continuous system- robotics should work for the development of technical creativity, the education of a future engineer, from kindergarten to the moment of obtaining a profession and even entering production.

This material was written by Vladislav Nikolaevich Khalamov, at his request I publish this post.

Dear colleagues!
The director of the educational and methodological center for educational robotics is contacting you. Our center brings together teachers of preschool, general, additional, vocational education, heads of resource centers for robotics, which conduct scientific and methodological developments in the field of application of educational robotics in the subject environment.
As a specialist at the origins of educational robotics, in November 2015, I was invited to a meeting of the commission on the development of the information society in the Federation Council. One of the topics discussed at the meeting was the development of educational robotics. Despite the popularity of this direction, there were many questions that have yet to be resolved. In my article, I made an attempt to consider them from the point of view of the professional community of teachers.

We want to know the opinion of educators, scientists and everyone who is interested in educational robotics on the issues discussed at the meeting of the Committee of the Federation Council, and we invite them to dialogue and exchange of experience.

Sincerely, Vladislav Nikolaevich Khalamov
Tel: +79823419526

What is educational robotics? Opinions of experts of the commission of the Federation Council

The Council of Federations hosted a meeting of the commission for the development of the information society.
Representatives of regions, universities, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Robotics Program of the Volnoe Delo Foundation, and other interested structures were invited to the commission meeting.
Three items were on the agenda:

So what exactly is "educational robotics"?
How is it different from conventional robotics?

This question was fully revealed by Arkady Semenovich Yushchenko - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman. He said that he has been involved in robotics for many years.

For me, the robot consists of several parts, each of which is served by the appropriate specialists, whom we have always trained. For example, the mechanical part - mechanics, the power part - electricians, the computer part - electronic engineers and programmers. And a roboticist is someone who can put all these parts (and the work of these specialists) together. But when I come across robotics at school, for me it is just a kind of developing educational equipment that is used in order for the student to better master the knowledge of the school curriculum and acquire the necessary additional skills.

As a specialist standing at the origins of educational robotics, who knows this issue from the inside, I cannot but agree with this point of view.
On my own behalf, I want to note that robotics is not some abstract object from the category of “highest” technologies, accessible for understanding and mastering only by the elite, as they often try to present it to us. On the contrary, it is a universal tool for general education. Robotics fits perfectly into additional education, and extracurricular activities, and teaching subjects of the school curriculum, and in strict accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. It is suitable for all ages from preschoolers to students.

And the use of robotic equipment in the classroom is both learning and technical creativity at the same time, which contributes to the education of active, enthusiastic people with engineering and design thinking.

Educational robotics makes it possible at an early stage to identify the technical inclinations of students and develop them in this direction.

This understanding of robotics allows us to build a model of continuous learning for all ages - from kindergarteners to students.

Such continuity becomes vital in the framework of solving the problems of training engineering personnel. After all, according to educators and sociologists, a child who has not got acquainted with the basics of design activity before the age of 7-8 will in most cases not connect his future profession with technology.

However, the implementation of the technology education model requires appropriate methods. And each of them must be age appropriate.

My long-term experience of practical work with teams of professionals in the field of preschool, general, professional and additional education made it possible to build a coherent educational system based on the principles of continuity and developmental learning.

For preschoolers, this is propaedeutics, preparation for school, taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. This is a kind of preparatory course for technical creativity in school age. The basis of any creativity is children's spontaneity. Adults know how not to, how to do it right. With such attitudes, there is no creativity. It is important for us to start classes at an age at which the child has not yet had time to explain why this is not possible. Children feel the need to create much more acutely than adults, and it is important to encourage this need with all your might. Psychologists and educators have long known that the technical creativity of children improves spatial thinking and helps a lot in the future in mastering geometry and engineering. Not to mention the fact that against the backdrop of such interesting activities, video games and smartphones lose their appeal in children's eyes.

Work at the school is aimed at forming the student's interest in the study of the physical properties of objects, various phenomena of the surrounding world, in obtaining technical education.

It is possible to combine theory and practice if educational robotics is used in the study of various subjects.
AT primary school educational robotics can be successfully applied in the lessons of the world around, mathematics, technology, which will provide a significant impact on the development of students' speech and cognitive processes (sensory development, development of thinking, attention, memory, imagination), as well as the emotional sphere and creative abilities.

In middle and high school, students are not only and not so much involved in robotics as they use it as a kind of interactive element, with the help of which theoretical knowledge is easily consolidated in practice. Educational robotics can be used both in the lessons of mathematics, computer science, physics and technology, as well as chemistry, astronomy, biology, and ecology.

The RAOR Educational and Methodological Center has developed laboratory workshops in physics, computer science, and technology for students in grades 6-9, which will help consolidate the material covered in natural disciplines and gain additional knowledge on certain topics.
The laboratory workshop includes a collection of practical tasks and guidelines for educators.

Moving on to the stage of vocational education, a student, thanks to educational robotics, as a rule, has already made his professional choice. Embedding robotics in the educational process of vocational education institutions helps a teenager not only develop technical inclinations in himself, but at this stage there is an understanding of the essence of the chosen profession. Robotics allows you to implement already professional knowledge through modeling, design and programming, examples of such practices are presented on the portal of educational robotics www.fgos-game.rf.

For a number of specialties, the RAOR Educational and Methodological Center has developed standard modules: "Digital Technologies", "Robotics", "Radioelectronics".

The main goal at the stage of vocational education is to ensure the interaction of education, science and production.
As for the organization of out-of-school or so-called non-formal education, here, too, educational robotics occupies a worthy place. Schoolchildren can be engaged in creative associations, on electives, attend classes on the basis of institutions of additional education. Forms of work can be varied: general developmental classes for children of primary and secondary level; design and research activities in scientific societies for high school students, and much more.

The organization of robotics associations allows solving a whole range of tasks, including attracting children at risk, creating conditions for adolescent self-expression, creating a situation of success for all children, because robotics is also a way to organize leisure for children and adolescents using modern information technologies.

In addition, thanks to the use of educational kits, we can identify gifted children, stimulate their interest and develop skills in practical solutions to urgent educational problems.

One of the important aspects of stimulating children to independent development of creative mental activity and maintaining interest in technical creativity is their participation in competitions, olympiads, conferences and festivals of a technical nature.
There is a whole system of competitions in robotics at various levels: regional, interregional, all-Russian, international.
To guide children to the real sector of the economy, in order to educate future workers, a unique line of competitions IKAR (Engineering Personnel of Russia) for children and adolescents has been created. The smallest participants in the competition are 4-5 years old.
Such competitions differ from other competitive events in several ways:

Spectacle: the child sees the positive work of their peers, advanced engineering and technical achievements, new solutions in the field of robotics. And not achievements in general, but those related to specific production.
Competitiveness: allows you to identify the most prepared team that can quickly solve the problem set by the coach (organizer).
Gambling: the desire of children for leadership, the quick solution of the task is best manifested during competitions in robotics.

And most importantly, they are not tied to a specific designer or manufacturer. At our competitions, you can use robots assembled from any constructors or from individual parts.
The meeting of the commission in the Federation Council confirmed that it is time to set new tasks that will allow developing robotics not pointwise, but systematically. This is the only way to educate trained engineering personnel, starting from acquaintance with Lego blocks in kindergarten to obtaining a profession and the necessary competencies.

Educational and methodological center of educational robotics RAOR has great experience work in the field of development of educational robotics. The Center has already prepared unique teaching aids designed for children different ages. They take into account the relationship between kindergarten and primary school, general and additional education, programs of secondary, high school and secondary and higher vocational education.

To help teachers, a set of educational and methodological literature has been developed, which includes: programs, class notes, handouts. Teachers willingly share their accumulated experience in the implementation of "educational robotics".
Dear colleagues and associates! I invite everyone who is interested in educational robotics and the issues discussed at the meeting of the committee of the Federation Council to discuss and exchange experience. My personal mail.

Department of Education and Science of the Tyumen Region

Tyumen Regional State Institute

development of regional education



Compiled by:

Boyarkina Yu.A., Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of Natural and Mathematical Education, TOGIRRO

Educational robotics.

Toolkit. / Compiled by Boyarkina Yu.A.-

Tyumen: TOGIRRO, 2013

This manual is a methodological assistance to specialists and teachers of educational institutions, leading practical activities for the implementation of educational programs in the field of educational robotics.

The manual discusses a range of issues related to the use of educational robotics in the classroom. primary school, basic and high school in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard. The manual contains proven materials summarizing the experience of implementing educational robotics educational institutions Tyumen region.

The methodological manual is recommended for teachers implementing general education programs in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard in an educational institution, methodologists in charge of the implementation of the robotics direction, students of advanced training courses, heads of educational institutions.



A good engineer should consist of four parts: 25% - be a theorist; 25% as an artist, 25% as an experimenter and 25% as an inventor

P. L. Kapitsa

At school, children should be given the opportunity
discover your abilities, prepare for life
in a high-tech competitive world

D. A. Medvedev


Robotics- Applied science dealing with the development of automated technical systems. Robotics is based on disciplines such as electronics, mechanics, and programming.

Robotics is one of the most important areas of scientific and technological progress, in which the problems of mechanics and new technologies come into contact with the problems of artificial intelligence. On the present stage in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, there is a need to organize a lesson and extracurricular activities aimed at meeting the needs of the child, the requirements of society in those areas that contribute to the implementation of the main tasks of scientific and technological progress. Such modern areas in the school include robotics and robotic design. At present, in many educational institutions Russia and the Tyumen region, an attempt is being made to integrate robotics into the educational process of Lego. Competitions in robotics are held, students participate in various competitions, which are based on the use of new scientific and technical ideas, the exchange technical information and engineering knowledge.

AT modern society robots are being introduced into everyday life, many processes are being replaced by robots. The areas of application of robots are different: medicine, construction, geodesy, meteorology, etc. A person can no longer imagine many processes in life without robotic devices (mobile robots): a robot for all kinds of children's and adult toys, a robot - a nurse, a robot - a nanny, a robot - a housekeeper, etc.

Specialists with knowledge in the field of engineering robotics are currently quite in demand. Due to this, the issue of introducing robotics into the educational process, starting from elementary school and further at each level of education, including universities, is quite relevant. If the child is interested in this area from the very younger age, he can discover a lot of interesting things for himself and, importantly, develop the skills that he will need to get a profession in the future. Therefore, the introduction of robotics in the educational process and extracurricular time is becoming increasingly important and relevant.

The purpose of using Lego construction in the system of additional education is to master the skills of initial technical design, the development of fine motor skills, the study of the concepts of construction and basic properties(rigidity, strength, stability), the skill of interaction in a group. The children have at their disposal constructors equipped with a microprocessor and sets of sensors. With their help, a student can program a robot - a smart machine to perform certain functions.

New learning standards have distinctive feature- orientation towards the results of education, which are considered on the basis of a system-activity approach. The Lego educational environment helps to implement such a learning strategy.

The main equipment used in teaching robotics to children in schools is LEGO-constructors.

Constructors lego there are various kinds aimed at educating children, taking into account the satisfaction of the age characteristics and needs of the child.

Consider constructor classification used in educational institutions.

  1. WeDo- a constructor designed for children from 7 to 11 years old. Allows you to build models of machines and animals, program their actions and behavior.

  2. E- laboratory "Energy, work, power"- for children from 8 years old. Introduces students to various sources energy, ways of its transformation and conservation.

  3. E- laboratory "Renewable Energy Sources"- for children from 8 years old. Introduces students to the three main renewable energy sources.

  4. "Technology and Physics"- for children from 8 years old. Allows you to study the basic laws of mechanics and the theory of magnetism.

  5. "Pneumatics"- for children from 10 years old. Allows you to design systems that use air flow.

  6. LEGO Mindstorms Entertainment Industry. Pervobot" (RCX) - this is a designer (a set of mating parts and electronic components) for children from 8 years old. Designed to create programmable robotic devices.

  7. LEGO Mindstorms “Automated Devices. Pervobot" (RCX) - for children from 8 years old. Allows you to create programmable robotic devices.

  8. LEGO Mindstorms "Pervorobot" (NXT) - for children from 8 years old. Allows you to create both simple and fairly complex programmable robotic devices.
All school sets based on LEGO ® PervoRobot RCX, NXT are designed for students to work mainly in groups. Therefore, students simultaneously acquire the skills of cooperation and the ability to cope with individual tasks that are part of common task. In the process of designing, to ensure that the created models work and meet the tasks that are set for them. Students have the opportunity to study own experience to be creative in problem solving. Students master tasks of varying difficulty in stages. The basic principle of step-by-step learning, which is key to LEGO®, allows the student to work at their own pace.

PervoRobot NXT constructors allow the teacher to improve himself, take new ideas, attract and hold the attention of students, organize learning activities using various items and conduct integrated classes. Additional elements, contained in each set of designers, allow students to create models of their own invention, design robots that are used in life.

These constructors show students the relationship between various areas knowledge, in computer science lessons to solve problems in physics, mathematics, etc. Models of the PervoRobot NXT constructor give an idea of ​​the operation of mechanical structures, about force, movement and speed, and help to make mathematical calculations. These sets help to study sections of computer science: modeling and programming.


As part of the school lesson and additional education, Lego robotic complexes can be used in the following areas:

  • Demonstration;

  • Frontal laboratory works and experiences;

  • Research project activity.
The effectiveness of teaching the basics of robotics also depends on the organization of classes conducted using the following methods:

  • Explanatory - illustrative - presentation of information different ways(explanation, story, conversation, briefing, demonstration, work with technological maps, etc.);

  • Heuristic - a method of creative activity (creation of creative models, etc.);

  • Problematic - the formulation of the problem and the independent search for its solution by students;

  • Programmed - a set of operations that must be performed during execution practical work(form: computer workshop, project activity);

  • Reproductive - reproduction of knowledge and methods of activity (form: collecting models and designs according to a model, conversation, analogy exercises);

  • Partially - search - solving problematic problems with the help of a teacher;

  • Search - independent problem solving;

  • The method of problem presentation is the formulation of the problem by the teacher, the solution by the teacher himself, the complicity of students in the solution.
The main method used in the study of robotics is the project method. The project method is understood as the technology of organizing educational situations in which the student sets and solves his own tasks, and the technology of supporting the student's independent activities.

Project based learning is a systematic learning method that involves students in the process of acquiring knowledge and skills through broad research activities based on complex, real questions and carefully designed assignments.

The main stages of the development of the Lego project:

  1. Designation of the theme of the project.

  2. Purpose and objectives of the presented project. Hypothesis.

  3. Development of a mechanism based on the Lego model NXT (RCX).

  4. Drawing up a program for the operation of the mechanism in the environment Lego Mindstorms(RoboLab).

  5. Model testing, elimination of defects and malfunctions.

When developing and debugging projects, students share their experience with each other, which very effectively affects the development of cognitive, creative skills, as well as the independence of schoolchildren. Thus, one can be convinced that Lego, being an additional tool in the study of computer science, allows students to make decisions independently, applicable to this situation, taking into account the surrounding features and the presence auxiliary materials. And, importantly, the ability to coordinate one's actions with others, i.e. work in a team.

An additional advantage of studying robotics is the creation of a team and, in the future, participation in city, regional, all-Russian and international robotics olympiads, which greatly increases the motivation of students to gain knowledge. The main goal of using robotics is the social order of society: to form a person who is able to independently set learning goals, design ways to achieve them, monitor and evaluate their achievements, work with different sources of information, evaluate them and, on this basis, formulate their own opinion, judgment, assessment. That is, the formation of key competencies of students.

The competence-based approach in general and secondary education objectively corresponds to both social expectations in the field of education and the interests of participants in the educational process. The competence-based approach is an approach that focuses on the results of education, and the result of education is not the amount of information learned, but the ability to act in various problem situations.

The main task of the general education system is to lay the foundations for the information competence of the individual, i.e. help the student to master the methods of collecting and accumulating information, as well as the technology of its comprehension, processing and practical application.

In more detail, the possibilities of including robotics in the study of general subjects are presented in Table 1.

Table 1

Possibilities of using robotics in the educational process




lesson activity

Educational construction sets: The world around us


Protozoa geometric figures
Equal figures
Area, area units

Logic and combinatorics

Properties of objects, classification by features
Sequences, chains
Pairs and groups of objects. Same and different sets. Bags
Logic and combinatorial problems

DUPLO projects

At the lessons of technology, speech development

DUPLO letters

In English lessons

First Robot Lego

The lesson of the world around

Section "Animal World"

Demonstration of programmed robots in the lessons of the surrounding world, mathematics (spatial relations).

Informatics (robot programming)
Technology: group work with WEDO


http://gaysinasnz.ucoz.ru/index/planirovanie_na_2011_2012_uchebnyj_god/0-35 - email portfolio Gaysina I.R., computer science teacher, Snezhinsk

A roboticist is an engineer, programmer and cybernetician at the same time, he must have knowledge in the field of mechanics, design theory and control automatic systems. Therefore, to become a qualified specialist in this field, you need to have tremendous knowledge and practical skills in various fields.

The most demanded specialties of the future related to robotics

Robotics engineers are engaged in the creation of robots. Based on the goals of the project, they think over the electronic filling, the mechanics of movement, program the car for certain actions. Moreover, the work on creating a robot is usually carried out by a whole team of developers.

However, it is not enough to create innovative automated equipment, it is necessary to manage its work, carry out regular inspection and repair. This is usually done by maintenance personnel.

In addition, robotics is constantly evolving. Cybernetics begins to flourish, which involves a combination of bio- and nanotechnologies. Qualified specialists in this field are regularly engaged in research and make revolutionary discoveries.

In robotics, there are 7 popular specialties:

1. Electronics Engineer - Designs robotics, repairs equipment, and ensures reliability electronic elements management.

2. Service engineer - deals with maintenance and repair of robotics, performs diagnostics of equipment, and also provides training and consultations for operators who will control robots.

3. Electrical engineer - a universal specialist in electronic devices, which is responsible for the correct generation, conversion and formation of electrical signals, and also ensures the implementation of many other processes. Must have extensive knowledge of physics, mathematics and chemistry.

4. Robotics programmer - develops software for robots, according to their purpose. Also participates in service maintenance, launches and debugs innovative mechanisms.

5. 3D modeling specialist - combines the skills of a visualizer and a modeler. The responsibilities of a specialist include the development of three-dimensional models of robotics.

6. Application developer - is engaged in the creation of functional applications for remote control robotics.

7. A teacher of the specialty "Robotics" - can train schoolchildren, students of specialized universities, teach at advanced or preparatory courses, conduct advanced training courses, participate in seminars and lectures.

Where is robotics taught in Russia?

Universities that train specialists in robotics:

1. Moscow Technological University (MIREA, MGUPI, MITHT) – www.mirea.ru

2. Moscow State Technological University "Stankin" - www.stankin.ru

3. Moscow State Technical University. N. E. Bauman - www.bmstu.ru

4. National research university MPEI - mpei.ru

5. Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology - sk.ru

5. Moscow State University means of communication of Emperor Nicholas II – www.miit.ru

6. Moscow State University food production– www.mgupp.ru

7. Moscow State Forest University – www.mgul.ac.ru

Distance courses:

The first Russian university to launch online courses in robotics. On the this moment students and high school students can enroll in two streams: "Practical Robotics" and "Fundamentals of Robotics".

2. Educational project "Lectorium" - www.lektorium.tv

Conducts online courses on the basics of robotics for high school students, students and professionals.

3. Educational program Intel – www.intel.ru

Clubs and circles for teenagers:

Innopolis University launched a school education program in three regions of Russia.

2. Club "ROBOTREK" in Saratov - robotics-saratov.rf

3. "League of Robots" in Moscow - obraz.pro

4. Edu Craft Training Center in Moscow – www.edu-craft.ru

5. My Robot clubs in St. Petersburg - hunarobo.ru

6. Academy of Robotics in Krasnodar - www.roboticsacademy.ru

7. Robotics Laboratory of the Moscow Polytechnic Museum – www.roboticsacademy.ru

A complete list of circles and clubs in all cities of Russia can be found on the website: edurobots.ru.

Thus, people of any age and specialty have the opportunity to as soon as possible master the skills of creating automated systems. Almost all training courses issue a certificate confirming the fact that the student has acquired theoretical and practical knowledge in the development of robotics.

Robotics in education

There are many important issues that no one wants to pay attention to until the situation becomes catastrophic.

One of such problems in Russia is its insufficient supply of engineering personnel. Increasingly, space rockets and satellites fall, man-made disasters occur due to insufficient professionalism of service personnel, developers and designers.

This is due, of course, to a number of reasons. However, everyone connected with the educational environment unanimously notes that in the past few years there has been a decrease in students' interest in the study of physics, mathematics, astronomy (which, by the way, was generally taken out of school course) and other exact sciences, and, as a result, a drop in the quality of education in general.

For example, A.M. Reiman, a senior researcher at the Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, believes: “I have a general feeling that education in the middle level is degrading, leading to a decrease in the number of high school students interested in studying .... Physics can and should be educated. And this should be done early, while the child's eyes are burning and a utilitarian approach to life has not developed. ... And they will also know something about modern science, and they will not be allowed to hang noodles ... "

Work to motivate children to engage in serious science should be started as early as possible, preferably in elementary school! Where does such a conclusion come from? When questioning children about whether they want to engage in technical circles, the following picture emerged: in the ninth and older grades, there was practically no interest; of additional education are engaged in Lego design, radio electronics, programming. But the students fourth grade the interest was enormous. That is, if children under 11-12 years old did not touch technical creativity, then with age it is quite difficult to arouse their interest in this activity. Therefore, work on the propaedeutics of robotics, physics, familiarity with the beginnings of programming must be carried out in elementary school and fifth grade. As a result, in high school children will come who have decently developed design skills, algorithmic thinking is formed, and an interest in experimentation is instilled.

Thus, it is necessary to actively begin the awakening of interest in the exact sciences and the mass popularization of the profession of an engineer, and such steps must be taken for children from a fairly early age. It is necessary to return to society a massive interest in scientific and technical creativity.

At present, there are a sufficient number educational technologies that contribute to the development critical thinking and problem solving skills, however, in educational environments that inspire innovation through science, technology, mathematics, promote creativity, the ability to analyze the situation, apply theoretical knowledge to solve problems real world Today there is a certain deficit.

The most promising way in this direction is robotics, which makes it possible to acquaint children with science in a playful way. Robotics is effective method to study important areas of science, technology, design, mathematics and is part of a new international paradigm: STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics).

The organization of a robotics laboratory at a school or an additional education institution is:

  • introduction of modern scientific and practical technologies in the educational process;
  • promoting the development of children's scientific and technical creativity;
  • popularization of the profession of engineer and achievements in the field of robotics;
  • new forms of work with gifted children;
  • effective forms of work with problem children;
  • innovative learning opportunities;
  • game technologies in education;
  • popularization of science and technology professions.

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