Elements of organizing effective e-learning for personnel. Organization of corporate training

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Chapter 3. The system of corporate training and personnel development

3.1. Corporate training as a factor in increasing the labor potential of employees of the organization

Labor potential is a concept that refers both to an individual employee and to the team of an organization, and one can also talk about the labor potential of society as a whole.

The labor potential of an employee is a set of physical and spiritual qualities of a person that determine the possibility and boundaries of his participation in labor activity, the ability to achieve certain results under given conditions, as well as to improve in the labor process. The definition of labor potential is based on the concept taken from physics “potential”, i.e. source of opportunity or funds.

In most educational and scientific-practical literature, it is used along with the concepts of personnel, labor and human resources, often mixed with them or even considered a more voluminous concept that absorbs the above terms.

We consider this approach to be methodologically incorrect, since by labor potential at any level (employee - team - society) we mean precisely the qualitative component that labor resources(human resources, personnel).

Under the labor potential of the employees of the organization should be understood as the sum of the set of qualitative properties that make up labor force all members of the organization, manifested in labor activity, by realizing existing abilities in order to increase labor efficiency.

One of the most important components labor potential is the qualification component, i.e. the level of education, the volume of special knowledge and labor skills, creative abilities, etc.

Accordingly, the development of the labor potential of the employees of the organization is not least realized through different kinds corporate training. It can be divided into two forms - in-house training and non-organizational additional education.

Training methods that affect the increase in labor potential.

The effectiveness of vocational training is largely influenced by the chosen teaching method. There is no single universal method of teaching - each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Their choice depends on a number of factors:

Goals and objectives of training;

The urgency of learning;

Financial capabilities of the enterprise;

Availability of instructors, materials, premises;

Composition of training participants (their qualifications, motivation, level of training);

Qualification and competence of teachers, etc.

Considering all of the above factors, personnel management officers or a specialized organization that an enterprise wishing to provide training can turn to for help should develop a training program that is optimal for a certain category of employees and meets the strategy of this company. Most often, such programs are a combination of several methods.

Modern teaching methods vary depending on the specific situation. A summary table of teaching methods is given in table 3.1.

Table 3.1.

Staff training methods

Specification of training needs

Teaching method

Specialized training programs (trainings for sales, negotiations, creativity)

Behavioral Training Methods

Team building programs

Active group and intergroup activity with subsequent reflection of the group process. Business and role-playing games, analysis of organizational problems.

Development of interpersonal and intracompany communication, formation of conflict resolution skills

Sensitivity training, role-playing games, simulation business games, internships, design corporate culture.

Management training

Lectures, seminars, practical classes, educational business games.

Preparation for organizational innovations (innovations)

Organizational-thinking games, project development, analysis of organizational situations.

Forms and methods of in-house training

The effectiveness of in-house training largely depends on who carries it out. In this regard, the organization may choose one of the following options:


Self-training of personnel is one of the most important sources of development of the organization. It is a system and process of acquiring the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities through self-study in the workplace and / or outside it.

Self-study is often underestimated. In fact, it is effective from the point of view that only an organized, diligent, demanding person, with a high level of personal potential and internal motivation, a person who is aware of the importance of his development, can learn independently. Therefore, this type of training can be extremely effective. However, this requires a number of conditions. Self-study is the simplest type of training - it does not require an instructor, a special room, or a specific time. However, in our opinion, self-learning will not be able to bring the organization the necessary results if it does not take any part in this process.

Sometimes self-study methods include distance learning. However, this teaching method is only partially independent, since the modern concept of distance learning implies the mandatory participation of a teacher (tutor) in the educational process, whose duties include group and individual counseling, recommendations on the organization and content of the educational process, monitoring the assimilation of material, etc. . Distance learning refers to learning based on the use of opportunities information technologies and multimedia systems. In particular, such means are used as computer training systems, audio and video, e-mail, electronic and video conferences, computer networks, incl. Intranet etc.

As noted above, the effective use of e-learning technology requires a very high discipline, even self-discipline. In Europe, this problem is solved by the maximum interactivity of the modules: these programs are aesthetically beautiful, it is literally impossible to tear oneself away from them, there is intrigue in them, and the employee's interest is constantly warmed up. In general, e-learning has existed in the West for about 10 years, and during this time they have reached such a level of development that even team building programs in many companies are implemented through e-learning technology. Therefore, in the field of corporate training in domestic companies, distance learning has great prospects.

On the job training

Workplace learning methods are characterized by direct interaction with normal work in a daily work situation. The defining characteristic here is that the training is organized and conducted specifically for a particular organization and only for its employees, taking into account their specifics and characteristics. In addition, it is distinguished by its practical orientation and, as a rule, provides significant opportunities for repetition and consolidation of the newly learned. Therefore, on-the-job training methods are preferred for developing the skills required to perform current production tasks. At the same time, such training is often too special for developing the potential of an employee, forming fundamentally new behavioral and professional competencies, the development of corporate culture, since it does not make it possible to abstract from a specific typical situation and go beyond traditional behavior. The advantages and disadvantages of training methods used in the workplace are presented in table 3.2.

Table 3.2

Advantages and disadvantages of on-the-job training methods.



Participants meet only with employees of their organization

Participants can be withdrawn with a simple notice, due to the production need to solve problems that have arisen at work

Participants may be interrupted more often with a simple notice than if they paid for external courses using a non-refundable form of payment

Can be used real technological equipment available in the organization, as well as procedures and (or) methods of performing work

Participants may be reluctant to discuss some issues openly and honestly among their peers or in the presence of a supervisor.

Can be cost-effective if there are enough employees with the same training needs, the necessary facilities, teachers who can provide training at the enterprise

It is easier to move from learning by case studies to doing the work directly if the training material is directly related to the work.

Consider the main methods of training used in the workplace.

Briefing is an explanation and demonstration of working methods directly at the workplace and can be carried out both by an employee who has been performing these functions for a long time (a colleague of the trainee) and by a specially trained instructor. As a rule, this training method is used when hiring a new employee or introducing an employee to a new position. At the same time, he is told and (or) shown what he will do at his workplace. Often such training is not even formal, but is a conversation, a story about the features of the practical work of an employee, department and organization as a whole.

Briefing, as a rule, is limited in time, focused on the implementation of specific operations and procedures that are part of the trainee's professional duties, is an inexpensive and effective means of developing simple technical skills. manual labor. Therefore, it is very widely used at all levels of modern organizations.

Mentorship as a teaching method has been known since ancient times: working alongside a master craftsman, young workers (apprentices) learned the profession. Later, this method became widespread in areas where practical experience plays an exceptional role in the training of specialists - medicine, winemaking, and management.

This method is widely used in Russia. However, there are a number of important issues related to its implementation in practice.

Firstly, this is the topic of rewarding mentors: to pay or not to pay? Abroad, this form of education is implemented without additional financial incentives for mentors. At the same time, there are forms non-material motivation: the title of the best mentor, honor and respect from colleagues, authority in the company, etc. However, in Russia, mentoring is paid extra in 90% of cases.

Secondly, which mentor is more effective - a leader or a colleague? In general, it is clear that mentoring is a principal function of a manager, but in most Western companies it is believed that a colleague is a more effective mentor than a manager.

Third, how to identify success factors for mentoring. In the UK, this issue is resolved with the help of mandatory control. Mentoring is a process that needs to be controlled like any other, even if the employee is a mentor, which is called “from God”. In British companies, the functions of monitoring the mentoring process are assigned to an employee of the HR department, who is responsible for the effectiveness of the system throughout the team.

Fourth, mentoring is often equated with coaching. This is methodologically incorrect. Since coaching is a prerequisite for mentoring in staff training and development programs, since it is aimed at changing some behavioral manifestations and at mastering specific skills. The coaching tool is asking questions. Mentoring is the transfer of experience and information.

This method has many motivational advantages: it reduces the likelihood of intra-service conflicts, reduces tension between people, creates an atmosphere of trust, contributes to the formation of a favorable socio-psychological climate in the team and prevents staff turnover. The use of mentoring is limited by the fact that this method requires special training and character from the mentor (patience), which is almost impossible to become by order from above. In addition, mentoring takes a lot of time from the mentor, distracting from the main work.

Rotation is a type of self-study in which an employee temporarily (usually for a period of several days to several months) moves to another position in order to acquire new skills. This method allows you to ensure full interchangeability of employees of the unit and avoid crisis situations in the event of illness, layoffs, a sudden increase in the volume of work, etc.

The advantages of rotation as a teaching method include the following:

Necessary for enterprises requiring polyvalent qualifications from employees, i.e. possession of several professions;

In addition to a purely educational effect, it has a positive effect on motivation;

Helps the employee to "find himself" in the organization;

Helps to overcome the stress caused by monotonous production functions;

Accelerates the promotion of highly qualified specialists;

Expands horizons and social contacts in the workplace;

Initiates new ideas, approaches to problem solving.

However, rotation has one serious drawback - high costs associated with the loss of productivity when moving an employee from one position to another. Therefore, this method of teaching in Russian practice has not received wide distribution.

Thus, the methods of this group of training contribute to the development of the labor potential of both high and low-skilled workers in a wide variety of fields of activity at enterprises of various organizational and legal forms.

Another common form of in-house training in large companies is corporate training centers

Currently, the largest companies have their own corporate training centers, such as the Central Bank, Sberbank, Gazprom, the Moscow Metro, Russian Railways, Rank Xerox, Ericsson, Coca-Cola, etc. Training in corporate training centers is usually oriented only on the employees of the organization, sometimes - on its partners (dealers or customers), and only in rare cases, people from outside get there on the terms of "open recruitment".

The task of the organization's training center is targeted training of employees, adjusting their qualifications to the requirements of the company. In some cases, training centers provide an opportunity to undergo more extensive training. But, as a rule, they focus their activities on technical training training in basic customer service skills. etc. The in-house training centers focus on the most typical, repetitive training courses on topics such as customer service skills, sales techniques, and basic managerial skills. Management development programs, especially for senior managers, usually go beyond the work of internal centers.

One of the varieties of corporate training center is "corporate university". In addition to the direct training of company employees, corporate universities solve two more important tasks. First, they train the staff that most closely matches the needs of the organization. And secondly, they allow to generalize the experience and knowledge accumulated by the company, to form a single culture of the enterprise. So a corporate university is, in fact, a marketing concept that should fill the old form of advanced training with new content.

Another form of in-house training is business trainings conducted by various training companies, selected according to certain criteria. Business trainings are highly effective in terms of training management personnel and specialists in terms of solving specific problems within the organization. Therefore, it is advisable to train employees precisely through the organization of corporate trainings.

Training companies are engaged in the development of fundamentally new methods of training and retraining of personnel based on innovative marketing strategies for functioning in the market, which allow in a complex to solve economic, organizational and financial tasks any organization. Such centers offer training programs in such areas as management, marketing, advertising, effective sales, business communications, conflict management, staff motivation, team building and others.

The duration of trainings in the company depends on the number of problems posed, the number of participants and a number of other factors. As a rule, one training takes place within 16 hours, i.e. two days.

As mentioned above, another form of corporate training is non-organizational, implemented at the expense of the company, in various training organizations on a contractual basis.

it various systems additional education, relating to non-organizational forms of learning.

One of the levels of the Russian system of additional education is long-term (over 1000 hours) training programs, which include various master's programs, second higher education programs, professional retraining of employees and MBA programs.

To enroll in this course, you must have higher education, work experience and pass an interview and test in economics and English.

However, the training of personnel under the MBA program is associated with significant financial costs for the company: in Russia, the price of such training reaches $12,000. In this regard, the majority of students in such programs are either top managers of companies or business owners. This status of students affects their attitude to the educational process, including the personality of teachers, at the same time, having no real knowledge and time for classes, they also have increased ambition, lack of tolerance and other qualities that impede the effectiveness of training.

Strong and weak sides non-organizational learning methods are presented in table 3.3

Table 3.3

Advantages and disadvantages of learning methods outside the workplace



Participants can exchange information, share problems and experience in solving them with employees of other organizations

May not meet the needs of a particular organization

Can be used expensive educational equipment, which may not be available within the walls of the organization

Availability and frequency can be set by an external organization

Participants cannot be withdrawn by a simple notice that they need to solve problems that have arisen at work

If participants are withdrawn from courses, fees may not be refunded and learning effectiveness will be reduced.

May be more cost effective if the organization has a small number of employees with the same training needs

Problems may arise in the transition from training (using the example of training situations) to the direct performance of real work.

Qualified training staff may only be available outside the organization

In a relatively safe, neutral setting, participants may be more willing to discuss a range of issues.

Consider the forms of non-organizational training of personnel.


Lecture is a traditional, one of the most ancient and currently very common method of teaching. The lecture is a monologue (speech, story) of the teacher with a limited amount of discussion.

Lecture Benefits:

It is an unsurpassed means of presenting a large amount of theoretical material in a short time;

It is extremely efficient from an economic point of view, since one teacher can work with dozens of students at the same time.

Disadvantages of lectures:

Does not contribute to the development of practical skills and abilities, the formation of a new type of behavior, relationships;

It is often boring, quickly forgotten, and therefore requires increased external and internal motivation.

To improve the effectiveness of lectures, experts use the following tools:

Clear and understandable structuring of the lesson for the listeners and rational dosing of the material in each of the sections;

Figurative speech with examples and comparisons;

Use of visual aids, diagrams, tables, models, graphs;

Referring to technical teaching aids such as slides, video and audio recordings.

Business, role-playing, simulation games

Games are a learning method that is closest to the real professional activity of the student - during the game, participants play the behavior of employees of a simulated company. Games allow you to solve the following tasks:

Increase participants' interest in learning;

Acquire decision-making skills, conflict resolution, etc. under conditions as close to real practical activities;

Activate the creative potential of a person, make training intense and more effective.

Business games are a very effective method of vocational training in terms of developing practical, managerial (planning, holding meetings, negotiations, making managerial decisions, etc.) and behavioral skills (customer satisfaction, quality orientation, cooperation). However, the games are not without drawbacks:

Less effective for mastering theoretical knowledge and mastering new professions;


Require the participation of specially trained instructors.

Business games are very diverse, they can be systematized according to a large number of features.

In conclusion of this article, it is advisable to consider several foreign corporate forms of personnel training that have not currently found their application in Russia, despite their obvious effectiveness.

secondment . This term even has an official definition: Secondment is the “secondment” of personnel for a certain time to another structure to master the necessary skills. At the same time, secondment has nothing to do with internships or business trips. Its essence boils down to the fact that the employee is temporarily sent to another department of the same company or even to another company. Secondment can be either short-term (about 100 hours of working time) or longer (up to a year).

Benefits of using secondment for all stakeholders:


Gets the opportunity for personal development

Gains a variety of experience in projects;

"Giving side":

Gets employees with improved skills;

Improves staff motivation;

· develops a network of contacts;

"The host:

· receives free resources for his projects and an employee who can be entrusted with almost any job.

Secondment is one of the most inexpensive training methods, although the payment is made by the "giving" side, but if the company sends an employee to training, then it pays him a working day plus the training itself, and with secondment, the employee receives only his salary.

In Russia, this method is not used at all, its popularization is still limited to rare discussions in narrow circles.

In Europe and the USA there is a kind of mentoring budding (from English buddy - friend, buddy). Buddying is, first of all, support, help, to some extent guidance and protection of one person by another in order to achieve its results and goals. This method is based on giving each other objective and honest feedback and support in achieving goals and objectives (both personal and corporate) and in learning new skills.

Mentoring differs from buddying in that the essence of buddying is to support the employee by his colleague or manager, but at the same time they both communicate in the learning process absolutely on an equal footing. This principle does not imply any hierarchy, and the feedback acts in both directions. Optimal time for buddying, one year. Buddying is used as a tool for:

Personal growth of employees;

Teambuilding - the task of both buddies is that each partner achieves his goal, and for this both make every effort.

Transfer of information about the implementation of changes

Employee adaptations.

shadowing. One of the most easily implemented and cost-effective methods of training and development of personnel. This method assumes that a "shadow" is attached to the employee (shadow - shadow (English)). This may be a university graduate who dreams of working in this company, or a person who has worked in the company for some time and wants to change the department or take an interesting position. The employer makes him a “shadow” for a day or two to see if the motivation of this person remains or not. Shadowing is considered a method of staff training and development, because when a “shadow” is attached to an employee that watches him all day, then everything will be fine with time management, the ability to prioritize and make decisions, because in the process of conscious observation, a person naturally changes his style of behavior. In Western companies, people themselves often take the initiative to put a “shadow” on them, because this motivates and organizes them, allows them to feel their authority and demonstrate professionalism.

Thus, it can be concluded that there is no universal methods and forms of education, as they all have their advantages and disadvantages.

Therefore, most modern corporate training programs aimed at increasing the labor potential of employees are a combination of various methods of presenting material - lectures, distance learning systems, business games, etc. Employees of training and development departments in companies should have a good understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of each of the training methods, as well as the degree of individual impact on individual employees, and with this in mind, develop targeted corporate training programs aimed at improving the quality of the labor potential of employees, job satisfaction and and consequently increase labor efficiency.

Shekshnya S.V. Personnel Management modern organization: Proc. settlement - M.: Business School "Intel-sintez", 2008., S. 215.

As you know, in Russia there are three levels of additional education: 1) short-term advanced training programs (up to 500 hours), 2) retraining programs (over 500 hours), 3) long-term programs (over 1000 hours).


Corporate training - this is the training of employees of the company (corporation), organized by this organization to improve the efficiency of its work. Corporate training is non-state, its goals and objectives, the content and methods of organizing the educational process, as well as the contingent of students and teachers are established by the company's management.

Main advantages of corporate training:
  • the focus of the educational process on solving specific problems of professional activity that are relevant for a given company, which ensures its high “return”, payback;
  • the opportunity to organize the educational process in such a way that the employment of employees learning activities did not reduce the productivity of their work during the training period (organize on-the-job training, use distance learning tools, allocate the most suitable time for classes, keep them in close connection with the daily practice of professional activities, additionally stimulate learning employees, etc.);
  • the inclusion of corporate training in the personnel management system allows you to quickly carry out advanced training in accordance with the constantly changing external requirements and internal needs of the organization;
  • the formation of employees not only new professional knowledge and skills, but also a special corporate culture, which is manifested in the interaction of personnel within the company, as well as in work with customers and partners.
Seeing these advantages, business structures are increasingly turning to corporate training for their employees. Large companies carry out systematic training of employees, creating their own training centers and universities for this. Almost all multinational companies with a branched structure of production and sales of products around the world have corporate training centers and universities. This is necessary, for example, to train qualified employees from among local residents, without which it is unthinkable to ensure uniform standards for the quality of production and service. However, corporate training is also relevant for companies doing business within the country or focused on the needs of one region.

Corporate training is practiced today even by recruitment agencies that provide personnel outsourcing services (hiring freelance qualified personnel). The range of their services often includes training programs for advanced training and retraining of temporary staff, because outsourcing hires not only seasonal workers, but also professionals whose specialty requires constant advanced training: accountants, IT specialists, designers, as well as other specialists (for example, , for various special projects).

Organization of corporate training

Since corporate training is carried out in accordance with the needs of the organization, it can be systematic, and one-time.

At systematic learning classes are held for specialists with constantly changing working conditions (more often this is due to changes in the regulatory framework and the emergence of new versions of software). So, accountants are constantly faced with new types and forms of reporting, accounting programs are periodically updated.

One-time training is aimed at solving a specific corporate problem, for example, the effective sale of a new product.

Corporate training can be conducted both full-time employees of the company (teachers, psychologists, business coaches), as well as invited specialists or training companies hired from outside.

A staff member who organizes corporate training is often a part-time employee, doing the training process as needed, and performing other functions the rest of the time (for example, being a personnel manager). The main benefit of this is cost savings. However, this option also has disadvantages:

  • one person cannot be a good specialist in all areas scientific knowledge and practical activities related to the needs of the company;
  • constant involvement in the activities of the organization prevents the full-time coach from looking at its problems "from the outside", from seeing new development prospects;
  • the fact that the staff trainer is one of the colleagues at work can interfere with the establishment of pedagogically appropriate relationships with students.
By inviting teachers and trainers from outside, the company has the opportunity to select the most qualified specialists in exactly the industry that employees need to study. In this case, the fees paid to such specialists are compensated by the high quality of education.

Corporate training is always focused on the practice of solving professional problems. This feature is seen in his forms which have a strong practical focus. Thus, lectures in corporate training usually occupy an insignificant part of the training time. Much more commonly used

The structure of corporate personnel training consists of preparing a business training plan, selecting appropriate programs and methods, agreeing on a list of tasks and appointing responsible persons. How to organize the process correctly, learn from the materials of the article.

From the article you will learn:

How to organize corporate staff training, types and methods

The structure of corporate staff training is developed taking into account the dynamic process of obtaining new knowledge. Previously acquired skills and knowledge become obsolete over time. It contributes to:

changes in the labor market and in the economy;

change technological process;

equipment upgrade.

In order for a company to function successfully, solve current and strategic tasks, produce competitive products or provide high-quality services, it is necessary to develop a structure for corporate staff training. Trainings are continuously applied, implemented short-term programs that help to update and improve knowledge as quickly as possible. This allows staff to master new technological processes, learn how to work with modern equipment or apply in practice various ways quality service delivery.

Corporate training of personnel is the most important strategic task effective management by human resourses. Business training is organized by HR specialists on the basis of an assessment or attestation. If the company has undergone changes in the technological process, updated equipment, all employees whose activities are directly related to the maintenance of such facilities undergo training.

Relatively recently, all types of training were trusted to external providers. Today, most large organizations are developing their own corporate training structure for personnel, equipping specialized classes or organizing trainings that allow them to gain the full range of new knowledge and skills on the job. If it is necessary to improve the qualifications of employees of the company, they conclude a direct contract with specialized centers or educational institutions with state accreditation

Read on the topic in the e-zine

Types of corporate staff training

The structure of corporate training of personnel is developed not only taking into account the tasks set, but also the allocated material resources for the development of employees. If the goal is to spend the minimum amount of resources, but at the same time obtain maximum reliability and efficiency, it is rational to use combined types of program development.

The types of corporate staff training include:

  1. trainings;
  2. business games;
  3. lectures and seminars;
  4. interactive methods, etc.

During trainings or business games, participants solve the tasks that arise daily in the conditions production activities. In the future, this helps to quickly navigate the situation and find an effective solution with minimal loss of working time.

The structure of corporate personnel training is being worked out taking into account the tasks set. If all working employees need to learn new methods and techniques, to study the features of servicing the updated equipment, it is rational to invite an outsourcing company specializing in the implementation of methods using training software. Within a short time, all employees will learn new ways of working. The organization will not have to spend additional funds to provide on-the-job training.

Kinds educational process using gamification with characteristic features and techniques of business games allows you to quickly master the implemented methods. The best employees receive prizes, badges. Trainings offer to choose from own will. The most successful implementations allow you to receive memorable valuable gifts.

Personnel is the most important strategic resource of the Company.

Providing the Company with employees with the necessary competencies and qualifications to achieve current and future business goals is one of the main tasks of the personnel management system. The corporate training system is an integral part of the personnel management system, a set of technological and methodological solutions, and processes that provide:

  • Preservation, systematization and distribution of knowledge.
  • Adaptation of employees when hiring and in the process of staff rotation.
  • Systematic and continuous professional development and development of personnel employed in various areas of the Company's activities.

The corporate training system is available to all full-time employees of the Company and includes both a portfolio of “internal” employee training and self-training programs and specially selected training programs for “external” suppliers.

Strategic Approach Aims of the COI

The strategic goals of the Corporate Training System are:

  • Creation of a unified knowledge management system;
  • Formation and transmission of a single corporate culture;
  • Organization of trainings.

Principles of organization of SKO

The corporate training system is based on the following principles:

  • The complexity of the entire process of training and development of personnel;
  • Implementation and maintenance of uniform policies and procedures in the field of training, retraining, assessment, rotation of personnel;
  • Creation and maintenance of mechanisms aimed at identifying needs for new knowledge;
  • Centralized management of planning processes, methodological support, preparation and implementation, evaluation of the effectiveness of training programs;
  • Communication with assessment, certification, rotation, motivation of personnel;
  • Availability of fragments of knowledge, teaching materials, plans and content of training and self-study programs in the information environment of the Company;
  • Voluntary participation of top managers, heads of structural divisions, specialists of the Company in holding events.

Priority areas of North Kazakhstan region

The priority areas for training and development of the Company's personnel are:

  • Managerial, professional and corporate competencies.
  • Effective communication skills.
  • Sales skills.
  • Knowledge of the company's product.
  • Information technology skills.
  • Profile education and advanced training of specialists in the field of management, marketing, legislation and law, economics / finance, logistics.

Organization Chart

General responsibility for the development and implementation of uniform policies, quality standards and procedures in the field of selection, training, retraining, education, evaluation, rotation of personnel lies with the Head of the HR Department. The overall responsibility for developing the concept, methodology, organization and architecture of the Corporate Training System, developing the content, forms and training plans in the Company in accordance with the identified needs lies with the Head of the Personnel Training and Development Division of the HR Department. The overall responsibility for organizing the processes of training and development of personnel in accordance with the approved methods and standards, for conducting post-training training support in the regions, is borne by the HR partners assigned to the regional divisions. Training programs within the framework of the Corporate Training System are conducted in accordance with the approved plans:

  • full-time trainers of the Personnel Development Department;
  • internal experts from among the Company's employees;
  • external trainers and teachers.

General Structure of QS Processes

The full cycle of organizing and conducting training implies the regular and consistent execution of the following processes:

  • Identification of key managerial, professional and corporate competencies;
  • Measurement of the formed managerial, professional and corporate competencies of employees;
  • Identification of the need for staff development;
  • Planning of educational events;
  • Selection of forms and methods of submission of materials, analysis of external suppliers;
  • Budgeting of team development processes;
  • Development of event content or selection of an external provider;
  • Organization and holding of events;
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of classes;
  • Post-training training support.

Definition of key managerial, professional and corporate competencies

The study of key managerial, professional and corporate competencies is carried out by employees of the HR Department annually, in the process of preparing a training plan for the next year, under the supervision of the Head of the HR Department. The main methods used in the research process are job analysis, predictive interview, direct attribute method, critical incident method, workplace observation method.

Measurement of formed managerial, professional and corporate competencies of employees

In order to identify training needs, a quarterly study of the formed managerial, professional and corporate competencies of employees is carried out according to the plan of the Head of the HR Department. The main methods used in the research process are a survey or questionnaire aimed at analyzing existing problems in the work, methods used by employees to solve standard work tasks. Lists of questions are developed separately for each group of personnel. The questionnaire is filled in both by the employee independently for himself and by the manager for this group employees.

Structured interviews with employees of different departments in order to clarify the most difficult topics in the work.
Double visit - work in tandem with an employee (departure "in the fields" or listening telephone conversations), aimed at analyzing the employee's behavior model and providing developing feedback.
Personnel assessment - analysis of the results of the standard personnel assessment procedure.

Identification of the need for training / professional development of personnel

Identification of training needs - the process of structured comparison of existing competencies, knowledge and skills of employees, with core competencies, knowledge and skills required to solve current and future business problems. The main methods for identifying training needs are a comparison of the results obtained in the course of research, an analysis of training requests from managers. Analysis individual plans development of employees, compiled according to the results of the standard personnel assessment procedure.

Planning of training events

Planning for the training and development of the Company's personnel is carried out on calendar year, with subsequent detailing and adjustment by quarters, months.

Annual planning

The Head of the Personnel Training and Development Department develops a Personnel Training and Development Plan for the next year based on an analysis of the following components:

  • Development strategies of the Company for the planning period.
  • Identified training needs.

Coordination and approval of the plan is carried out in accordance with the Training Plan for the year.

Monthly planning

The monthly training plan for the Company's employees is formed by the Head of the Personnel Training and Development Department on the basis of the annual training plan, the monthly training plan for internal experts, and the analysis of training applications received from the heads of the Company's divisions. Coordination and approval of the plan is carried out in accordance with the Training Planning Regulations.

Choice of forms and methods of training, analysis of external providers

The choice of forms and methods of training depends on the goals set for training.

Forms of training in the Company:

  • Webinar training.
  • On-the-job training (in the process of training support).
  • Selfeducation.
  • Training.

Teaching methods:

The choice of a particular method depends on a number of factors: the goals and objectives of training, the urgency of training, the financial capabilities of the organization, the availability of training materials, equipment and premises, the composition of training participants (level of training, qualifications, motivation).

Classification of teaching methods:

  • methods of training in the workplace;
  • learning methods outside the workplace;
  • combined methods (which include the first two groups).

Workplace learning methods:

  • mentoring, coaching, educational support, business game.

Methods of learning outside the workplace:

  • trainings, webinars, facilitation, moderation, round tables.

External providers of training and development services must meet the following criteria:

  • experience in implementing projects of a given specificity in large companies;
  • the presence of positive recommendations;
  • competent staff of teachers and trainers.

Development budgeting

Training costs are planned by the CFD during the budget period in accordance with the training plan. Planning takes place quarterly as part of the general budgeting regulations. Expenses are included in the item "Costs for staff training".

Types of expenses:

  • Payment for external training services for employees.
  • Travel expenses related to training.
  • The cost of renting premises and equipment for training.
  • The cost of purchasing equipment and Supplies to conduct training.

Development of the content of training programs. Selecting an external training and development provider

Persons conducting the training event are required to:

  • coordinate with the Head of the Personnel Training and Development Department the content, organization and methodology, place and time of the educational event;
  • follow uniform corporate quality standards in the field of preparation and conduct of training events (Appendix 5).
  • develop methodological materials for a training event - training design, entrance and assessment tests, handouts for training participants: case studies, workbooks, etc.

The involvement of an external provider of training and development services is carried out when:

  • The topic of training is narrowly specific and is not the area of ​​competence of the persons conducting the training.
  • The topic of training is aimed at the development of the Company's top management.
  • The training format is innovative, and the provider has the copyright to hold such events.

Organization and conduct of educational events

Organization of training events includes:

  • Methodological preparation of the expert conducting the training for the program (detailed study of the program, counseling on the program, analysis of tasks and exercises, etc.).
  • Preparing the classroom for learning.
  • Check necessary equipment and teaching materials to the training.
  • Calling the participants of the training in order to ensure full attendance of the group.

Unless otherwise provided by the methodology for conducting a specific training event, the training group should include at least six, but not more than 12 employees. Training events are conducted in accordance with the developed and approved training program and the established time schedule.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of education

Upon completion of the training event, the employees of the Training Department, together with the Head of the Unit, evaluate its effectiveness.

Post-training training support

Post-training training support is carried out in order to help the participants of the training to implement the knowledge gained during the training in professional activity, to provide advisory support on the application of new models of behavior at work. Post-training training support is one of the most milestones personnel training and development systems within the Company, providing

  • Practicing the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by the employee during the training in the course of professional activity.
  • Analysis of the employee behavior model and its further correction in case of low efficiency.
  • Formation of the most effective model of employee behavior for the Company.
  • Support for positive training effects (emotional uplift, inspiration, etc.).
  • Minimization of the effect of forgetting and devaluing new knowledge, skills and abilities.
  • Formation of employee motivation for training and development within the company.

Conducts post-training training support in the Company HR-partner. Post-training support in the Company is carried out 3-4 weeks after the training. The HR partner fixes the agreements with the head of the branch on the date and time of training support. At the appointed date and time, the HR partner arrives at the branch and conducts post-training training support at the workplace.

Stages of the system of post-training educational support:

The HR partner reinforces the employee's acquired skills and analyzes the behavior model using the "Double visit to the client" and "Role-playing" methods. The behavior model is evaluated according to the checklist. Further, growth zones are analyzed, the employee receives feedback, as well as recommendations for the development of weak skills. After working with the employee, the HR partner provides feedback to the immediate supervisor of the student employee, enters the results of the checklist into the system.

Permanent COC courses

A part of the Corporate Training System is a package of ongoing courses aimed at the adaptation and training of employees at three levels:

  • Newbie School.
  • professional faculty.
  • Faculty of Leadership and Management.

The topics of classes within the framework of these courses are determined in accordance with the strategic objectives of the Company and the general identified needs for personnel training. The organizer of the permanent training courses is the Personnel Training and Development Division. Primary information on the number and composition of groups of course participants is prepared and provided by HR partners, in accordance with the course schedule.

Freshman School

The training course is an obligatory part of the adaptation / internship process for new employees of the Company. The purpose of the course is to develop basic knowledge new employees (trainees) about the Company, its structure and activities, the Company's products, business processes and software, technologies of work with the client, regular processes. Training is conducted in working time. It is the responsibility of the HR partner and mentor to ensure that an employee attends this course. In case of admission of new employees, an additional entry to the “Schools for Beginners” group can be made no later than 1 day before training, by agreeing this information with the Head of the Personnel Training and Development Department.

Beginner's School Programs:

  • Program "Welcome!" (takes place every week, on Mondays).
  • Product training for new employees (takes place every two weeks on Wednesdays).
  • Software training.
  • Training in work technologies and regular processes.
  • Sales standards. Basic course. (takes place once a month, or at the request of the head).

Professional faculty

The training course is an obligatory part of the process of training and development of the Company's employees who have passed probation. Separate programs of the "Professional Faculty" can be assigned to employees as part of the development of professional competencies based on the results of the annual staff assessment. The purpose of the course is to form the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks.

Programs of the "Professional Faculty":

  • advanced sales course, business communication, effective negotiations, time management (Time Management, Time Management),
  • constructive behavior in conflict, team building (Team Building, Team building),
  • stress resistance (Stress Management, Stress management),
  • professional external training programs,
  • additional programs at the request of the business,
  • role-playing games and master classes on problematic topics of divisions.

Faculty of Leadership and Management

The training course is an obligatory part of the process of training and development of the Company's employees, whose level of competence development according to the results of the annual assessment is at high level and who are members. Separate programs of the "Faculty of Leadership and Management" can be assigned to managers as part of the development of professional competencies based on the results of the assessment.
The purpose of the course is to form the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the effective implementation of managerial tasks.

Programs of the "Faculty of Leadership and Management":

  • personnel management (planning and setting tasks, delegation, control, effective feedback, personnel motivation, organization of processes);
  • effective interview tools;
  • leadership;
  • time management (Time Management, Time management);
  • external training programs;
  • other additional management programs at the request of the business.

External education

An employee is allowed to participate in training programs conducted by external providers of educational services on topics that are important for the effective performance of their professional duties by an employee in the following cases: there are no courses on similar topics in the SKO; narrow-profile specialized training is required, including training in working with specialized software security.

To undergo external training, an employee sends an Application (Appendix 10) to the Head of the Personnel Training and Development Department, agreed by his immediate supervisor. Training and advanced training of employees on external programs, depending on the cost and duration of training, can be paid in full or in part at the expense of Companies ( legal entity where the employee works) if all of the following conditions are met:

  • The employee is studying at the "Professional Faculty" or "Faculty of Leadership and Management".
  • Cost and duration of external training are documented.
  • The payment scheme is approved by the Head of the Human Resources Department.
  • Between the employee and the Company, a “Student Agreement” is signed in the form of Appendix 11.

In case of partial payment, part of the funds is transferred by the Company, and part of the funds is withheld from wages employee. An employee who has undergone external training is obliged to transfer the acquired knowledge to colleagues and conduct training on the topic covered.

A responsibility

The responsibility of the parties is distributed taking into account the fact that the effectiveness of the development and training process depends on a set of factors:

  • corporate culture.
  • Built-in system of internal PR-training and development.
  • Leadership policies regarding the training system.
  • Management control over the training of the personnel of the assigned unit.
  • Correctly identified learning needs and correctly set learning objectives.
  • The choice of the form and methods of teaching.
  • The quality of curricula.
  • Employee motivation for learning.
  • The level of quality of self-learning.
  • Opportunities to consolidate the acquired knowledge in the process of work.
  • Linking employee learning outcomes to employee motivation.

Responsibility of the Department of Education and Development

The development department is responsible for:

  • Creation of a unified system of trainings for all regular employees of the Company.
  • Collection and analysis of the needs for new knowledge and skills acquisition.
  • Collection and analysis of applications for education from the heads of the Company's divisions.
  • Organizing and conducting high-quality trainings based on this analysis.
  • Formation of an internal "portfolio" of programs that reflect the work standards adopted by the Company.
  • Qualitative selection of external companies - providers of training programs.
  • Transfer of the corporate training and development system methodology to regional HR partners.
  • Super revision of the work of HR partners in the field regarding the development of employees in the regions.
  • Monitoring the work of HR partners regarding the organization of the processes of digestibility of the material and development and post-training training support in the field.
  • Advising local HR partners on the development of employees in the regions.
  • Advising the heads of departments in the field of information submission and development of employees of the departments entrusted to them.
  • Maintaining a database of trained employees.
  • Implementation of the system / performance evaluation in its part.

Employees of the HR Development Department are responsible for organizing and conducting the training process within their official duties. In case of violations committed by the parties in the course of the lessons, the Head of Personnel prepares a memo addressed to the Director of the Human Resources Department indicating the content of the violation, the persons who committed them, the date of the violation and submits it no later than the working day following the day on which the violations were committed.

Responsibility of HR Partners

  • Implementation of a unified education system for all Company employees in the assigned regional divisions.
  • Analysis of the needs for new knowledge of the Company's personnel in the entrusted regional divisions.
  • Reporting identified needs for new information to the HR Development Department.
  • Collection and analysis of applications for education from the heads of departments of the Company;
  • Transfer of the collected applications for executive education to the HR Development Department.
  • The collection of groups for education, the occupancy of groups.
  • Conducting effective courses, entrance and assessment testing, role-playing games, post-training educational support.
  • Monitoring the completion of feedback forms.
  • Maintaining established reporting and development statistics.

Responsibility of Heads of departments

Department heads are responsible for:

  • Monitoring innovations in their professional field and, accordingly, for determining the needs for new knowledge of employees of the departments entrusted to them.
  • Timely submission of an application for education in accordance with the approved lesson plan for the month.
  • Providing employees with information about the timing and content of programs.
  • Ensuring working conditions conducive to the attendance at the events on the set dates and times of all employees specified in the Application.
  • Application by employees in the course of work of knowledge and skills received by them during all course of occupations.
  • Contribute to the development of the necessary competencies of employees in the process of work.
  • Monitoring the implementation of recommendations based on the results (testing, additional assessment tasks, checking).

When sending employees to education during working hours, the Head of the department is obliged to adjust the workload in the department by redistributing duties between employees. If the employee of the department is unable to attend the lesson, the Head of the department is obliged to notify the Head of the Personnel Development Department no later than three working days before the start of the lesson.

Responsibility of an employee undergoing education

The assigned employee is personally responsible for:

  • Timely attendance at the event.
  • Full class attendance.
  • Inclusion in the process of the lesson - active participation in attended educational events.
  • Successful completion of credit events at the end of classes (testing, role-playing game, performance of evaluation tasks, checking).
  • Application of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in the process of work.
  • Organization of your working time, taking into account the mandatory attendance of the lesson at the stated time.
  • Effective self-learning.

If you are unable to attend the class, good reason(illness, unplanned employment, etc.), the employee is obliged to notify his immediate supervisor with an explanation of the reason no later than 3 working days before the start of the event. Missing more than 30% of a lesson for any reason other than force majeure is counted as absenteeism and is the basis for re-studying the materials and an extraordinary assessment of the employee. In this case, the percentage of absenteeism is calculated from the whole school day. Partial attendance of the school day is counted as non-attendance of the 1st school day. Lateness over 20 minutes is counted as a partial attendance of the school day.

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