How to call a job ad? The basic rule of any telephone conversation. First conversation with employer

Landscaping and planning 11.10.2019
Landscaping and planning

Everyone knows that even the greatest career starts with a simple job interview. However, no one needs to explain how important the first job interview is. It is also unnecessary to explain that improper preparation to an interview with an employer, your career in a particular campaign may not start.

How to behave at the beginning of an interview

To feel comfortable in the process of communicating with the employer, in no case be late for an interview. Better come 20 minutes early. This time is enough to navigate in an unfamiliar place and tune in to the upcoming conversation.

Before entering the office, knock on the door, and when you enter, introduce yourself loudly and clearly. And no chewing gum - this trifle will fundamentally ruin the whole idea of ​​\u200b\u200byou. Do not be an idol and try to smile more.

Remember that the first impression of yourself can only be made once, so everything is important: how you look, how you behave, how you talk.

Sometimes it is not enough to show only professional skills. You should generally leave a good impression of yourself. Try to win over the employer from the first minutes of communication. To do this, clearly say why you came and smile.

Wait until the interviewer extends his hand to say hello, and only then shake his hand, as the employer may not do this, because it is not customary to shake hands with a future employee when applying for a job. After graduation, you can thank the employer for making time for you.

Important: find out the name of the interviewer in advance, or clearly remember his name when he introduces himself to you. During the interview, call the interviewer as he introduced himself to you.

We are all human and most of us tend to worry. Therefore, there will be nothing wrong if you admit to the employer that you are a little worried. As a rule, after such recognition, there comes some relief. This will allow you to relax a little.

However, it is not worth focusing on your strong excitement. If you constantly remind about it, you will be credited with a "minus".

After you have introduced yourself, try to find a place that is most convenient for the conversation. It is good if this place is not opposite, but next to the interviewer. One of the most common mistakes during an interview is the wrong position in relation to the employer.

Many job seekers sit opposite, subconsciously perceiving the interlocutor as an adversary that prevents them from getting the desired job. Therefore, it is better to sit next to the employer, then it will be easier for him to perceive you as an ally and like-minded person.

If the only seat is in front of the employer, then try to sit up straight, taking a neat and collected pose. Try not to cross your arms and legs and be as open as possible.

Your look should be sincere and open, you don’t need to look at the floor or stare at the employer. Mentally draw a circle between the eyebrows of the employer and look at its center.
Once you get into the right posture, think about your hands. Excessively violent gestures will not leave a very good impression of you, especially since excessive waving of your arms during a conversation is a sign of a lie. Try to control yourself.

How to behave in an interview with a manager

If you did everything right at the beginning of the interview, now your task is to set the interviewer on the same emotional wavelength as you. The technique of "mirror pose" will help you with this.

This does not mean at all that you should behave in the same way as the interlocutor, it is enough to unobtrusively copy his posture and, if possible, gestures. Do it carefully. If the employer notices that you are copying it, then the interview will fail.

In the process of communication:

  • do not use slang words and expressions
  • avoid topics of personal and financial problems
  • Do not talk about politics and religion at the interview.

During the interview, do not take on the role of leader and do not flaunt your knowledge. This can cause aggression in the employer, and his image of you will be extremely negative.

Speak the truth in interviews. If the interviewer suspects that you are not telling the truth, then he will start to chase you through the same events and facts over and over again, skillfully confusing until you finally split.

If you privately carried out some projects, then it’s better to say that you did this and that, but this is not reflected in the work book.

In an interview, people often ask about the shortest period of work, in particular, why did you leave so quickly. Answer this question honestly, because there is a very specific reason why you left your last job, and this should also be told to the future employer.

During the interview, do not focus on your biography. Better build your story in such a way that it reflects the most important events your work activity.

If during the interview process, you made some mistake or misspoken, modestly apologize and move on. Do not draw the attention of the employer to your mistakes.

What not to say in an interview

  • During the interview process, you do not need to put pressure on the interviewer's pity or try to arouse sympathy;
  • You should not mention family problems, illnesses and your difficult financial situation;
  • Don't talk too much in an interview. They don't like talkers. No leader needs you to distract other subordinates with your conversations;
  • Do not crush the interviewer with your knowledge, especially if he is younger than you;
  • Don't speak negatively about your previous job, but don't praise your former boss either. Be neutral about your past.
  • Even if you don’t pass the interview, at least you will gain invaluable experience, and next time you will definitely succeed.

Aug 13, 2013 LittleTOXA

The first telephone conversation with the employer is most important, because the impression of the applicant depends on it. Based on the results of such a conversation, a decision is made whether to invite the applicant for an interview. How to make a good first impression on the phone.

Almost all of us know the feeling of some kind of embarrassment when you have to call to a stranger. Especially if this is your potential employer. Here are some tips to help you overcome your fear of communication by thinking through your conversation in advance.

Let's make a reservation right away that you are not alone in your fear, and it even has a definition - telephonophobia (fear of the phone). To a greater or lesser extent, everyone who has at least some negative experience of communicating on the phone is subject to this fear.

It can be anything - some kind of rudeness, refusal, or unpleasant news that you happened to hear on the phone. Sometimes the cause of telephonophobia is the lack of a visual image - a person does not see his interlocutor, and this causes him discomfort and anxiety. Removing this state is quite simple - you just have to imagine that the interlocutor is sitting next to you. Turn on your fantasy and create a "body shell" for the person you are talking to.

Imagine it the way you would like it to be, it's not difficult at all. Before a responsible and important call, you need to relax and focus. Don't think about your fear. Think about what you want to get out of this conversation. Concentrate only on the upcoming call. Take your time with the answers, pause for 1-2 seconds. Remember that you are not in any danger, and being afraid of talking on the phone is simply stupid.

What is all this for?

According to the results of numerous studies, when a man is tense, his voice sounds monotonous, and tension is heard in him. The voice of women sounds confused, indistinct, emotional.

When talking on the phone, try to act as if the other person is right in front of you. And if you tend to gesticulate during a normal conversation - gesticulate, you can walk around the room, do everything that comes naturally to you during a conversation.

You can talk standing up - this gives your voice some representativeness and confidence, and also sharpens your thinking. Standing up to talk well when you argue with someone, and defend your position. And if, on the contrary, you want your interlocutor to perceive you as a soft and calm person, take a comfortable position - fall apart on the sofa, in an armchair, on the floor. And smile! A smile gives the voice a unique peppy note that is positively perceived by any person.

Conversation with the employer - a short "scenario"

Do not rush to call, first think over the whole course of the upcoming conversation. Don't "pour water" once you've said everything you need to say and have your questions answered, say goodbye politely and hang up.

A sheet of paper and a pencil should always be “on duty” near the phone. In order to overcome the excitement at the very beginning of the conversation, you can use pre-prepared theses. Say hello and introduce yourself. Briefly state the reason for your call, say who exactly you would like to talk to. Tell us what kind of position you are interested in, ask if the employer has received your documents. If you are arranging an interview, please the exact date and the timing of it.

If you need to meet someone or contact additionally, find out their coordinates - addresses Email, phones. At the end of the conversation, be sure to thank the interlocutor for the attention paid to you and say goodbye politely. Do not forget that the conversation should be extremely short and to the point - do not be distracted by extraneous topics.

If an answering machine answered you

Don't hang up. Leave your message briefly describing the essence of the call. Say, for example, that you wanted to know if the employer received your resume and that you would like more information about open positions. Be sure to introduce yourself and provide your phone number. And do not be upset if your rhetorical skills leave much to be desired. The more often you resolve issues by phone, the more confident you will feel.

To paraphrase a well-known aphorism, we can say: who owns the information, he owns the situation at the interview.

Before heading to the office, find out:

  • with whom you will talk: with the boss, the head of the personnel department or his ordinary employee;
  • interview format (group or individual, question-answer or self-presentation);
  • dress code and things you need to have with you (documents, gadgets, etc.);
  • how to get there (it is unacceptable to be late).

It will help to find out if this is the company's website or a call to the office.

Map answers to common questions

Interviews when applying for a job are of the same type and at the same time they are not similar to each other. Many have heard of stressful interviews where they can suddenly start yelling at the applicant to unsettle him. There are also so-called case-interviews: the applicant is placed in certain circumstances (for example, a conversation with dissatisfied customer) and watch how he solves the problem.

It is not always possible to find out what type of interview is preferred in a particular company, so you need to be ready for anything.

To do this, make a card with answers to typical questions and requests (they are asked in 99.9% of cases):

  • top 5 of your main strengths;
  • what are you good at;
  • strategic directions of self-development;
  • proposals for the work of the company;
  • your life and work philosophy;
  • your short and long term goals;
  • unusual tasks that you had to solve.

You should also prepare in advance a list of topics that you would like to discuss with the HR manager.

Interpret the employer's questions

"A" doesn't always mean "A", and two times two doesn't always mean four. Recruiters sometimes ask insidious questions, where behind the simple wording lies a cunning plan - to get the applicant to say more than they should.

A simple question: what wages would you like to receive? But the answer helps the interviewer understand your motivation: money, social security, work schedule, and so on. If you are asked if you had conflicts with management and how you resolved them, then most likely the HR manager wants to know if you tend to take responsibility or are used to shifting it to others.

Tricky questions are many. You need to be able to see the "double bottom" (without fanaticism!).

Consider your non-verbal behavior

HR managers are people, not machines. They, like everyone else, pay attention to non-verbal signs: appearance, facial expressions, gait, gestures, and so on. An experienced professional can be refused just because he behaved incorrectly.

Consider body language ahead of time. If from excitement you habitually twitch your leg, then sit cross-legged. If you're tapping your fingers on the table, try something to occupy your hands with, like a ballpoint pen.

HR managers are people, not machines. They understand that you are worried. But the natural non-verbal communication increase your credibility.

Set taboo on some topics

“Tell me about yourself,” the interviewer asks. “I was born on April 2, 1980 (according to the horoscope Taurus). In his youth he played football, was the captain of the city team. Then he graduated from the institute ... ”- if the applicant’s story is something like this, he will not see the position as his ears.

There are things that are absolutely uninteresting to the employer and which in no way characterize you as a professional. In the given example, this is the year of birth (this can be read in the resume), the sign of the zodiac and sports achievements.

There are topics on which you need to impose a taboo for yourself:

  • summary summary;
  • personal life goals (buying a house, having children, etc.);
  • reputation of the company and its employees;
  • skills and experience unrelated to future work(I cook well, understand plumbing and the like);
  • failures that demonstrate incompetence.

Just as you have made a plan for what you will talk about, write down and memorize the topics that should be ignored. Also think about how to correctly answer if you are still asked about it.

Contemplate to calm down

Interviews are nerve-wracking. You can forget your name, not to mention the demonstration of business qualities.

Take a look around to calm down. Inspect the office, equipment, employees. The details will tell you a lot about the company where you are going to get a job, and their analysis will help bring the nervous system back to normal.

Taking a critical look at the firm and future colleagues can increase your sense of self-importance. Remember: the company needs good worker as much as you are in a good job.

Take the initiative

In an interview, as a rule, there comes a moment when the interviewer and the interviewee change places and the applicant has the opportunity to ask questions of interest to him.

Do not waste time on useless “Will you call me yourself or should I call you back?”, “Why is this position open?” and so on. Show yourself as a proactive employee. Ask:

  • Does the company have any actual problem? How do you think I can help you?
  • Could you describe your ideal candidate for this position?
  • What advice would you give to someone who is starting to work for your company?

There are also a number of questions that should not be asked. Which ones - click on the button below.

Following these tips will prepare you for your interview and increase your chances of getting hired.

Are there additions? Write them in the comments.

Done - THEY called!! So, they noticed your resume, singled it out among others, and now they are eager to see you! In the meantime, you need to arrange a cherished meeting by phone ...

It is common knowledge that first impressions are extremely important and all that... But does this rule work when communicating on the phone? After all, we have no idea with whom we are talking, and we cannot be seen ...

Talk to the invisible, knowing that the future may depend on the conversation?! Most of this situation is much more frightening than a personal visit. The reasons for unmotivated, at first glance, fear are understandable. We are deprived of many opportunities for the "presentation" of our own person: we cannot demonstrate a lively manner of communication, look into the interlocutor's eyes, show a business card, in the end. But you can’t get away from telephone communication: the first two-way contact with potential employer usually happens over the phone.

And after putting the tube on the lever, very suspicious persons are haunted by the thought: “What did they think of me? What if they don't like me?"

Let's say right away: suspiciousness is not a trait that helps to live. But really, is it possible to harm yourself or, conversely, help through five-minute telephone conversations with the staff?

Neither yes nor no. You can only create a certain preliminary basis, the ground for the interview. Will she become hard ground or swamp swamp - it depends on you.

No false starts!

The first impression of a job seeker is formed before the voice finds its flesh-and-blood master, long before the Rubicon, called the interview. The image - temperament, character, strengths and weaknesses of the applicant - "materializes" in the mind of the employer during about the first 15 seconds of the conversation.

So the "basics" of the conversation are very important, but at the same time trivial. And how do you usually behave at the beginning, when you communicate with the personnel officer not “through the phone”, but in the real three-dimensional reality? Entering the office, you glance at the interlocutor, nod to him with a smile, shake hands, sit down ... The beginning is a mini-performance, exchange of glances, conversation at a reduced distance: gradually, from general phrases, and not right off the bat: “what and koKA.

AT telephone communication everything happens in a stripped-down version, but in principle, according to the same scheme: greeting - polite neutral phrases - transition to the point - an appointment to meet - farewell.

Did you get a call? When answering, smile!

More natural!

Barrier. Is the smile crooked? Are you uncomfortable for some reason? Observation is important not only in communicating with the employer on the phone, it is important for the entire process of "competition" and for life in general. Temporarily out of work, "vacant" workers often fall into two extremes (which is manifested in the voice). First: from the rich range of intonations of their own voice, applicants choose the most timid and ingratiating. And who will be imbued with respect for the petitioner? Moreover, in such a situation, not only the candidate will feel awkward, but minor plaintive notes also have a depressing effect on the employer. Therefore, he also tunes in not for the most favorable outcome of the interview ...

Just as often, the diametrically opposite mistake is made: the applicant is so unwilling to act as a petitioner that he deliberately makes his voice hard or cheeky, as if declaring: “I am a priceless treasure, you are incredibly lucky that I deigned to send my resume!”. Such a pseudo-protective reaction will completely spoil the impression in the very first seconds. The HR manager will have no choice but to meet you at the interview fully armed, aggressively puffing up, biasedly looking for shortcomings, imaginary and genuine.

Bounce! Both one and the other extremes are connected with a conviction deeply embedded in our minds: it is shameful to offer one's work. The paradox has a quite simple explanation: most of our compatriots grew up in an era of total employment, when only those who had sunk to the very bottom of society remained without work. Our compatriots have not yet formed a normal attitude towards job search as an ordinary episode in the biography.

Then for business - form! Think, what are you ashamed of?! For example, draw a parallel: when someone is looking for housing, this indicates that he cares about how to improve his quality of life. And when a person is looking for a job, this testifies to the same thing: he has aspiration, strength, choice. Forward!

Erase the negative

Barrier… Was the previous dialogue held in a raised voice? We receive many incoming calls throughout the day. It is possible that just before the personnel officer called you, you just finished an impartial conversation - with your boss, wife, mother-in-law ... In a word, you had a fight. Well, of course, you experienced a whole range of sensations ... Or just someone in your environment did something wrong, and you are disappointed. Or maybe just tired or sick. Caution: all troubles - small and large - affect the tone for many minutes and even hours after the excess! Therefore, it is possible that your intonations in the current conversation will retain “remnants of the past” and will sound somewhat uncertain and depressed. And the voice, by the way, should be adequate - to reflect what is happening in this moment, not what happened an hour ago.

Bounce! If you always want to murmur like a crystal brook, “erase” the “records” of previous conversations from your memory: exorbitant harshness or resentment, a guilty tone or an angry roar. Don't focus on the negative! After a squabble, it’s generally better to immediately switch to something pleasant: eat a chocolate bar, pet a cat, chat with a friend ... Let off steam! This will bring your voice back to normal. The speech apparatus is a very sensitive mechanism, it perfectly responds to an ambulance psychological help his master. And if, while talking with an employer, you contemplate something pleasant (a photo of your baby, an aquarium or a poster with a popular actress), a piece of your positive will be transmitted to your interlocutor ...


Barrier... When you saw the number of a particularly important subscriber flashing on the display, did you immediately tense up? And the tone - after you! So excessive responsibility and special hopes placed on a call from a high-ranking person can do a disservice. We paid attention to the fact that at various meetings and performances we sometimes “sound” unnaturally and monotonously. Until we get carried away with content or communication?

Bounce! Breathe in and out and smile broadly. A smile (by the way, scientists have long proved this) can act on the principle of feedback: even a “stretched one” causes the brain to produce the hormone of happiness. Now boldly answer the challenge! You will sound as natural as when communicating with household members, and the interlocutor on the other end of the wire will not even have a shadow of a doubt that your voice and consciousness are clamped in the vise of fear.

Don't chatter

Barrier… Do you think that by setting an excessively fast pace of conversation, you will make it clear to the personnel officer that you can work just as quickly? Not at all business qualities are even less associated in the mind with the art of tongue twisters than with the ability to gobble up both cheeks. Slow down! The speed of perception does not help - it hurts.

Bounce! The best moment for the manifestation of efficiency is a clear and detailed answer to question asked, without long pauses, stutters and all sorts of "shorter" and "as if". And in order to be asked again less, do not increase the pace of speech, it is better to make distinct and appropriate pauses and correctly place logical stresses. These two techniques will help convey the necessary information (including about your merits) to the opponent making the decision.

Well, if you know for yourself a “sin” to quickly and aggressively issue verbal volleys, take this habit under control. Try not to fill your lungs with air before the mini-speech - then there will be no temptation to chatter.


Barrier ... Long and stubbornly kept silent? Or just woke up? Most likely, your voice will sound muffled, if not hoarse. Before getting to work, the speech apparatus, like any other system or “option” of our body, needs a little warm-up.

Bounce! In order to “be heard” with trills louder, it would be nice to practice for five minutes in the morning. In extreme cases, you can take a sip of hot tea or a sip (no more!) of red wine. So, the "apparatus" is ready - the timbre is restored. Only having found your true voice, you can appear as a stentorian interlocutor in every sense of the word, a person with a lot of virtues, which you must definitely tell in a personal meeting, thereby “cementing forever” the pleasant impression of telephone communication.

Draw conclusions optimistically

Barrier… Thinking in advance or “keeping in mind” a possible refusal, we thereby program the interview for failure. Do not feed evil fate with despondency! Be aware: manner, intonation, tonality are not the root cause of a possibly undeveloped relationship. Yet these factors can have an indirect impact on the outcome of "unemployment".

Bounce! After each conversation with the personnel officer, it is worth remembering not only the essence, but also the details of the conversation, and analyzing the mistakes. Believe me, this is a necessary experience that will be useful not only for “fraudulent” employers.

Much determines the fact how exactly you will speak in these first seconds. If you are confused, do not know the answers to counter questions, your chances, alas, are drastically reduced. And how often we exclaim later - oh, sorry, I didn’t think to say this or that ...

Of course, it is impossible to foresee everything, but the most typical mistakes that applicants make in the first telephone interview with an employer can be easily avoided if you follow a few simple rules.

So, start with such a seemingly trifle as pen and notebook - they must be at hand.

Here is a simple situation: you get through and ask a question about employment, and you are immediately given another number mobile phone, as well as the name, patronymic, surname (foreign!) Of the person who is recruiting, and finally, the day of the week is called tongue twister and exact time when to call this gentleman.

Think about whether your interlocutor will wait patiently while you run into another room and, after a break everything upside down, find a pen that, unfortunately, turns out to be faulty?

And it goes without saying that you should not even try to remember this information by ear. Suddenly, you still make a mistake and, having called back the personnel manager at the specified time, shamelessly distort his last name.

Needless to say, in this case, it will be much more difficult for you to make a winning impression. But all these real risks and their sad consequences can be eliminated very simply: at the beginning of a telephone interview about a job, put a pen and notepad on the table next to the phone.

The next step that will bring you closer to being invited to an interview is find in advance documents that are somehow related to your work activity. This and employment history, and a passport, and a diploma of education.

In addition, it is very useful to have at hand during a conversation own resume, which will allow you to name all the main dates of your work biography without hesitation.

In principle, the more documents you have at hand, the better, because it is possible that the detailed information that you promptly provide during the first conversation will present you as a neat, pedantic person, able to answer exhaustively the questions posed.

The main thing is that all documents are reasonably laid out and any of them can be quickly used.

Often, in the first telephone conversation with the employer, job seekers in a hurry interrupt the interlocutor. This is, firstly, impolite, and secondly, unreasonable: let the employer calmly ask you about everything that interests him. Perhaps then you will not have to waste time on your questions - you will be denied immediately.

If you are invited for a job interview, do not hesitate to ask about what interests you. However, do not try to find out by phone unimportant details - ask only about what is really important.

Let's say you can only work part-time, and it is not clear from the text of the ad what kind of job is offered. Ask if there are such vacancies.

It is quite likely that in this case This is a full-time job working week, and then, of course, you should not waste time on further actions.

When asking questions, remember that your interests are part of your image, and an important one at that.

Many job seekers set themselves up for a phone conversation as if they expect to get a job immediately after the interview. But the main task at this stage is to get an invitation for an interview.

Therefore, do not show excessive interest. Agree - few people like people who ask a lot of questions. And among the managers involved in the selection of personnel, such people are the least. After all, they daily, by the nature of their service, have to answer phone calls applicants. Therefore, the fewer questions you ask, the more likely you are to please the employer.

So what's best write down in advance all the necessary questions on a separate sheet. This will help you feel more confident, and therefore your tone will be more calm and personable.

If the telephone connection is bad, do not try to shout - better call back. A screaming person does not dispose to himself even when he does it by force.

Never start a conversation with questions like: "Where did I get to?" First, of course, say hello, then you can clarify: "Is this a firm such and such?". And only after that you can say the sacramental phrase: "I'm calling about work ...".

If you immediately got through to the HR manager, give your name and try to find out, but unobtrusively, the name of your interlocutor - if an employee of the company introduced himself to you, he will already feel some personal responsibility for communicating with you.

deserves a special comment salary question. Often it is not indicated in the ads, and it is possible that you will come for an interview in vain - the proposed salary will not suit you. Therefore, it makes sense to ask such a question by phone. However in any case, it should not be the first. Do not forget that you need to talk to people not about what interests you, but about what interests them. The employer is interested in his work, not your salary.

And he offers you, in fact, a job, and not a salary, which, to be honest, the employer pays not from a pure heart, but involuntarily. Therefore, if you want to find out by phone how much you will be paid, first clarify what exactly you will have to do, what knowledge is needed in order to do the job efficiently. After the employer sees that you care about his problems, he will more favorably discuss what interests you.

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