Business communication by phone. Important rules of etiquette of a business telephone conversation with outgoing calls

Decor elements 12.10.2019
Decor elements

1. Ethical standards of business telephone conversation.

It is not always possible to talk directly with the partner or the client. Therefore, very often we have to contact the phone. It is estimated that business people spend on telephone calls from 4 to 25 percent of their working time. Thanks to the phone, the efficiency of solving a huge number of issues increases, there is no need to send letters, telegrams or go to another institution, an enterprise or a firm. Telephone communication provides a continuous bilateral exchange of information at any distance. Negotiations are held on the phone, orders are given, requests are given, consultations are given, certificates are given, and often the first step to conclude the contract is the telephone conversation.

With the ability to speak in many ways, the personal image of each employee of the company is largely connected. After all, when telephone conversation, your interlocutor cannot appreciate anything you are dressed, nor the expression of your face with certain words or the interior of the Bureau where you are sitting, no other non-verbal funds that help to judge the nature of communication.

It should also be borne in mind that unreasonably frequent use of telephone communication leads to the fact that errors standing for business are quite expensive. In addition, the phone, being one of the effective tools for saving a businessman, is one of the most common "absorbers" of its working time. Thus, all of the above makes it possible to conclude that knowledge of telephone decays and rational rules of conducting telephone conversations are necessary to every civilized person.

There are unwritten rules for business telephone communication. They cover both the usual phone etiquette and features of business administration. Consider these rules in relation to two cases: first, when they call you, and secondly, when you call.

2. Rules for maintaining a business telephone conversation when they call you

Remove the tube is best after the first call. If you are sitting in the room one, you have enough time to add a proposal or read the paragraph in the letter sent. It is quite acceptable to remove the tube after the second or third call. If you have a visitor, you have enough time to finish the phrase and, saying the interlocutor "Sorry", take off the phone.

Sometimes there is a bad hearing in the tube. But this does not mean that you need to raise your voice. The conclusion that if you do not hear the interlocutor, then he does not hear you badly, and it means that it is necessary to speak louder, is erroneous. Therefore, in the case of bad audibility, you should not raise the voice itself, but ask for someone who calls you, speak louder, in charge of how he hears you.

The most common options for the first word pronounced in the removed handset are "yes", "Hello", "listen". These words on their informativeness are completely the same and impersonal and therefore do not characterize the one who says them.

Feedback "Yes", "Hello", "listen" can be called neutral, as they do not carry information about who exactly took off the phone and in which organization or firm. Therefore, in business communication should be abandoned by neutral reviews and replace them with informative. According to the outer telephone, they are usually called not their last name, but a company, organization or division. On the inside phone call the unit and surname. Thus, answering the call, you must always see. People want to know who they are talking to. This, in addition, creates a confidence situation and helps to better understand the interlocutor. Find a benevolent form, like the form yourself (no matter how you wanted you to answer).

With frequent calls or with a rush, it is commonly called the name with the addition of the word "listen" (Ivanov listens) or indicate only the name of the institution or its department: "Accounting", "First Department".

In all the above cases, the Subscriber should know with whom he speaks or at least where he fell. If an error occurred when the number is set, the misunderstanding will immediately explain and will not entail the loss of time to find out.

The phone rang. You removed the tube. Again ~ once again - asking for a colleague missing in place. Displeased to freeze, you answer sharply: "It is not!" And immediately put the phone. But let's think about - do not you answer the response? Where is the way out? He is in a polite and more detailed answer to each telephone call to the missing employee, no matter how annoying you. The optimal response in this case can be approximately the following: "It is not, it will be then. Maybe he can pass something? "

When the phone is asked to your colleague, sitting at the next table, you can answer the request: "Now" or "one minute", after which they invite college to the device.

Make so that the information transmitted in someone's absence has reached the addressee. Although it is not easy to organize the exchange of information through third parties, it can pay off a hundredfold. In order to find out what you need, ask questions about the questionnaire ("Where do you call?", "Your surname and number of your phone?", So p.).

Below is a brief list of what follows and what should not be done when the phone is calling in your company.

Do not do it


1. Do not lift the tube

1. Make a phone to a four-turn phone

2. Hi, "Hello", "Yes", "say" when you start talking

2. Jull: "Good morning (day)," introduce yourself and call your department.

3. In order "Can I help you"

3. Stand: "How can I help you?"

4. Moving two conversations immediately.

4. Concentrate attention on one conversation to listen to it.

5. Support the phone without supervising it would be briefly.

5. Do not call back if it is to find out the details.

6. Use for the notes of Klochbumagi and the calendar sheets.

6. Use forms to record phone numbers

7. Transfer tubepho many times .

7. Remember the caller's number and call him back.

8.G. "Everyone dine", "no one", "Please call back"

8. Recommend information and promise to clienteur-via him.

This list can be continued infinitely. For example, it is impossible to turn the conversation into question, ask questions like "Who am I talking to?"or -"What you need?"We must follow your diction. If you speak with an accent, try to speak clearly. Avoid habits to clamp a microphone with your hand to say something to colleagues - the client can hear *.

If your partner or client expresses the complaint by phone, do not tell him: "This is not my mistake", "I'm not doing this", "Our products never fail"etc. If you say so, it may adversely affect the reputation of your company and will not help the client in solving his problems. So let him speak to the end; Express him sympathy, and if you are to blame, apologize; Write down its name and phone number, order number or other data. If you promised to call him back, do it as soon as possible, even if you failed to solve the problem to the appointed date.

Remember: When the problem is finally solved, the client, as a rule, feels your debtor. And this can be used in the future for business contacts and business expansion.

Exist Expressions that followed bywhen telephone conversations, so that your company does not work out. These, in particular, belong to them *.

1. "I dont know".No other answer can undermine trust in your company so quickly and thoroughly. First of all, your job is to know - that is why you take your place. If you are not able to answer your interlocutor, it is better to say: "Good question. Allow me, I will clarify it for you *.

2. "We will not be able to do this."If this is true, your potential client will turn to someone else, and it is very likely that his new conversation will be more successful. Instead of failure "from the threshold", offer, for example, wait before you understand what you can be useful and try to find an alternative solution. It is always recommended to focus on what you can do, and not on the opposite.

3. "You must...".Serious error. Your client should not do anything. The wording should be much softer: "It makes sense to you ..." or "it would be best ...".

4. "Wait a second, I will come back soon."Think, at least once in my life have managed to manage with your affairs per second? Unlikely. Tell your interlocutor something more similar to the truth: "In order to find the necessary information, I will need two or three minutes. Can you wait? ".

5. "Not",pronounced at the beginning of the offer involuntarily leads to the fact that the path to a positive solution to the problem is complicated. Universal recipes, how to get rid of "negative evasion" does not exist. Each phrase containing disagreement with the interlocutor should be thoroughly thought out. For example, to reflect the client requiring money compensation for poor-quality goods, an explanation of the type is suitable: "We are not able to pay you compensation, but are ready to replace your purchase."

As practice shows, even when the work of employees is significantly improved, the work of employees is significantly improved and at the same time increases the level of satisfaction of their own work - with polite people it is pleasant to talk. Check the same as the employees of your company learned the lessons of phone etiquette, it is very easy to call the office and introduce yourself to the client.

Very valuable for the company when professional experience of workers is combined with the ability to establish human contacts. If the relationship with the client is good and it is pleasant to deal with your company, we can assume that the transaction is committed.

A large number of potential customers or partners calls to the company, and the manner of conducting a conversation depends largely whether the deal will be concluded. If the calling, without introducing, immediately begins with an explanation of what he needs, politely ask him by his name, title and telephone company and only then continue the conversation. Try not to accept orders, not to report information by unresponsible interlocutors. You can, for example, do not understand what you are talking to a large buyer who has the right to a discount, and offer him a firm price without discounts, thus losing a favorable order.

Some buyers very accurately determine their requirements: type, color, product delivery conditions, etc. Another need to help in this sense. Very often you have to "pull out" from the client additional information. To do this, use questions starting with "What", "When", "Where", "Who", "How", but avoid "why",since it contains a shade of distrust.

Undoubted the requirements of the client, you start convincing it in the advantages of your product. If the client called specifically to make an order, your arguments should be aimed at increasing the volume of purchases, expand the range of goods or sales of related products. If the client is only interested in preliminary information, your task is to convince him to start a deal with trial purchases.

Often when communicating with the interlocutor, we prefer conversation on the phone. This is not quite logical. Why is the one who called you by phone, has the right to kill your conversation? After all, he appealed to you later than one who next to you and who you were talking to. The came to sit and wait, listening to a telephone dialogue, and then restore the torn threads of the interrupted conversation, and sometimes re-remind what was discussed before. That is why, if a conversation with a person sitting in you ends, you need to ask the phone interlocutor to wait, not squeezed. If you feel that the conversation will last another 10-15 minutes and it is serious enough, you need to ask you to call one another quarter when you are free.

In some cases, telephone communication is used with telephone communication. A telephone program, as a rule, contains information by volume not exceeding 50 words. If the conversation on the phone is a dialogue that is not limited to time, then the telephone line is a written fixation of the monologue, regulated by time.

Communicable details of telephones are the name of the institution (firm) of the addressent and the addressee, the details of "from whom" and "to" with the position, surnames, the name and patronymic of officials, numbers, date and time of transfer and reception of the telephone programm, the names of the telephone and the philogram phone numbers, text and signature.

The telephone message must have a header. It is compiled as for a service letter, that is, it must begin with a noun in the proposed case with a pretext "O" or "OB", for example: "On the change in the meeting time of the editorial board", "On the arrival of the seminar participants."

Telephoneies are written by telegraph style, i.e., briefly, clearly, for sure, definitely, simple offers. A two-sufficient composition of the telephone program is allowed: the first part are stated by the facts that prompted to give a telephone program, in the second - the actions taken. As a rule, the text of the telephone appearance is presented from the first person (for example: "We remind ...", "We inform ...", "I will send it ...").

In the modern world, the phone became so familiar to the communication means that many do not even think about whether they use it for business communication. Phone call - This is a way to communicate, which allows you to solve many questions as quickly as possible, without requiring a personal meeting of the interlocutors. Competent use of the phone allows you to achieve a favorable microclimate both between employees within the company and in negotiations with clients. From this article you will learn how to communicate with the client by phoneWhat are the rules of business negotiations on the phone and how to achieve maximum efficiency from the first call to the company.

1. Greeting the interlocutor

So, the long-awaited phone call rang. You do not need to immediately rush to the tube, as it can create the impression that other cases except to answer calls, there is no company. It is customary to withstand 2-3 beeps, but also it's not worth pulling with the answer, otherwise the caller will begin to be nervous and the effectiveness of the upcoming communication will sharply decrease.

Raising the phone you need to greet the interlocutor. Many organizations use such a greeting scheme:

Depending on the time when the call comes, they say: "Good morning!", "Good afternoon!", "Good evening!";
- Next, pronounce the name of the organization;
- and then submit to calling their name (sometimes, also a position).

This beginning of a telephone conversation helps the calf to obtain maximum information literally in a few seconds. A man hearing such a greeting will feel more comfortable, which will affect the effectiveness of the conversation. With competent and educated people, it is always pleasant to deal with. From the point of view of psychology, such a welcome scheme allows the interlocutor to be mastered and to experience himself in psychological safety.

2. During the conversation - Smile

The interlocutor cannot see what you do, therefore the slightest irritation or dislike will immediately feel on the rumor. When communicating by phone, almost 90% of the information, a person perceives at the expense of that intonation with which you are talking. The remaining 10% convey the meaning of the conversation directly words.

When talking, do not take a semi-sick position on the chair, it will immediately affect the tech. Thus, you only aggravate the situation by showing your disrespect and indifference to the calf. You not only position the interlocutor with a smile and interest in your voice, but also create a favorable impression about the whole of your company as a whole.

3. Respect your interlocutor

In the event that a long conversation is assumed, ask if it is convenient to talk to a person. If necessary, offer to postpone the conversation at a more convenient time. Communication by phone for some people is a kind of stress, as he does not see the second participant of the conversation and cannot accurately appreciate his attitude towards himself. It only focuses on your voice and intonation.

4. Do not be distracted by foreign topics

During the business conversation, do not jump on abstract themes. Questions about the weather, war in Iraq, leave the sunny eclipse for conversations with your friends and loved ones. Say your thoughts briefly and in the case. By this you show your companion your professionalism and business attitude.

5. Typical phrases.

Do not use such phrases as: "You are worried about ...", "Nothing, if I spend you ...", "Wait a minute!". Such phrases you provoke your interlocutor to really start nervous and worry. Try to explain to a person for what reason he should wait some time before you can give him the answer to the question of interest. After that, speak politely for waiting and continue the conversation.

6. Set clarifying questions

After carefully listening to the client, feel free to ask clarifying questions. You must make sure that they correctly understood your interlocutor. It is mistaken to assume that, asking, a person shows his incompetence and non-professionalism. On the contrary, by asking counter questions, you give a person to understand that you carefully listened to him and do not want to miss important details.

7. Do not interrupt the interlocutor

Even if you are sure that your interlocutor is distracted from the topic and began to talk in the wrong direction, in no case interrupt it. Give a person to finish, and then politely remind him of the essence of your conversation.

8. Do not put the table on the table during the conversation

If you have the need to interrupt the conversation, the best way to do this will use the special function "Hold" ("Holding"), or "MUTE" ("Turning the Microphone"). Now almost every telephone is endowed with such buttons. This is necessary in order not to confuse the caller with its foreign conversations. In addition, he can hear unnecessary information that he should not know.

Using the restraint function when talking on the phone, it is worth remembering that it should take less than one minute. If you know in advance that to solve the question you need more time, for example, to move away to the next room or make a parallel call, it will be best to offer to move the conversation. Politely explain to the person that you will contact him immediately, as soon as you get the necessary information.

9. Do not hang the phone immediately

If a person who needs to contact a specific employee called into your company, but this employee is not in the workplace, do not put the phone immediately. Notify that the person of interest is currently missing. Be sure to offer your help. You may be able to help solve a number of questions. But when the client categorically refuses your help, ask him to leave contact details or the information you can transfer to your colleague when it returns.

10. Do not switch to parallel calls.

During communication by phone, do not be distracted by other calls. First, it is necessary to finish the current conversation, and then go to the next one. The leaping from one call to another will show only your inorganic and inability to arrange priorities.

11. Do not exist

Many people think that if the interlocutor does not see them, then you can combine several things at the same time. For example, drink coffee or emes sandwich. It is unacceptable and will definitely be seen by your interlocutor. Sounds of fierce food or cigarette cigarette is always clearly audible during a telephone conversation, and it is extremely unpleasant to listen.

12. Say goodbye to the interlocutor

Most people, ending the telephone conversation, just put the phone, while not saying goodbye. This is absolutely not appropriate, especially at the time of business communication by phone. Before finish the conversation, you ask if you can still help anything. And only after a negative response, put the phone, saying: "Goodbye!". It is important that the conversation ended in a positive way.

Rules for ethiation of communication by phone Not taken from the ceiling. This is the result of numerous psychological research, practical experience and analysis of multiple telephone conversations.

70% of business communications are carried out by telephone, which means that the success of the entire case depends on the observance of the rules of etiquette of business telephone communication. Of course, interlocutors are different. The most faithful in any situation to preserve your own style of a polite person, which is armed with the rules of etiquette with any cases.

Successful negotiations directly affect the number of successful transactions and satisfied customers in the offline and online business. After all, you met such masters of telephone decidification in business communication, which in a few seconds can arrange a person to them and affect his decision, regardless of distance?

Of course, such techniques should be studied constantly, but basic rules for doing business telephone conversation It is necessary to know everyone who uses the phone for business.

Important rules of etiquette of a business telephone conversation with outgoing calls

  • If you think that you are mistaken by the number, do not ask stupid questions , It seems "What is your number?" Or "This is so ...?". It is better to re-clarify the number independently and call back.
  • Do not forget to introduce yourself . For example, in response to a greeting at the other end of the wire, you must answer in the form "Welcoming words, the name of your company, posts and surnames. And only then go to the goal of the conversation.
  • As for the goal of the conversation, then it is desirable to clearly plan it in advance . You can use a graphic, textual or schematic conversation plan. You must see your tasks and a call to celebrate their execution, permission or problems that have arisen, which is also important.
  • Do not tighten the conversation. The average time should be not more than 3 minutes. If you can't do in this interval, you may have poorly thought out a conversation plan or a problem requires a personal meeting.
  • Never make calls to the early morning, at lunch break or at the end of a working day.
  • If your phone business conversation broke out due to breaking, you must call back Since they called first.
  • If your call has not been previously scheduled, and you are calling on an unexpected question, then according to the rules of business telephone conversation need to ask if a partner has time to answer, And specify an approximate time to solve your question. For example, "Hello, I am such something that calls such a question, it will take about ... minutes, do you have free time now?" If not, then agree on a different call or meeting.
  • After the conversation, do not forget to thank for the call or new information. Such a simple feature of a business telephone conversation makes a conversation completed and implies further cooperation.

The rules of the ethics of telephone conversations for incoming calls

  • Respond to the phone no later than 3 beeps - so reads the etiquette of a business telephone conversation.
  • All materials should be at hand And before you should be a general conversation plan with predugal deviations. This will help to avoid unnecessary stress in the workplace and increase your competence in the eyes of customers and bosses.
  • Avoid parallel communications . With several calls, take them in turn. Believe me, you will save your time and show interest in the proposal of another person.
  • If the interlocutor expresses a negative opinion about your company, product or work - try to understand and take part of responsibility for yourself. It will increase the confidence from the partner and perhaps will return your client.
  • Use an answering machine for non-working time or with a large call stream. In the message, write down useful information for all clients, as well as the capabilities of the callback at a convenient time.

The main errors of the telephone business conversation - how to avoid them?

  • Incorrect diction or negligent pronunciation It makes it difficult to understand between two people. Business telephone etiquette assumes competent, legitious and unhurried speech.
  • Foreign noise There may be a unpleasant to the interlocutor who is difficult to imagine not only you, but also the surrounding environment. In this case, he may think about the lack of confidentiality of information, inattention to his problem or negative reviews about your company from competitors. It is not worth portraying "boiled activities" - a fairly attentive and respectful attitude to the partner's issues.
  • Excessive emotionality says about your non-professionalism, and your mood may be incorrectly understood on the other end of the wire. It is enough to answer with an easy enthusiasm in my voice, preferably on a smile. Be sure to understand what you are carefully listening, using "I understand, yes, perfect, I agree." If you do not understand, ask "I correctly understood you?", Repeating the words of the client. The main rule of the telephone decidification is calm and sincere desire to help in the voice of the answer.

Communication by phone has long been an important part of life. We are discussing home affairs with relatives, chatting with friends and solve problems with business partners, colleagues and bosses. Conversation styles should be different, and business communication requires a special approach.

The phone in the life of a modern man occupies an important place: communication with loved ones, friends, but, which is important, with colleagues and bosses.

Naturally, when talking with different people, we use our way of communication, and no one comes to mind talking to your boss as well as with a better friend or just a colleague. In this case, the conversation will go about business communication.

Also, the business etiquette should be used by those employees whose responsibilities include telephone conversations, various social skins and all other conversations that are usually conducted from the Cool Center, that is, call center.

Unfortunately, some in a conversation on the phone behave pretty familiarly, not at all like a personal meeting. Since the employees feel at a safe distance, then they are easily thrown by a tube, and sometimes discouraged from the invisible interlocutor a couple of not very polite phrases, and it comes against the ethricter of telephone communication.

But sometimes there is a telephone conversation that becomes the point of reference of good business relations. It is not so important here, unlike a personal meeting, a strict business suit, an office furnishings, a smile duty and gesture. In fact, the image of the enterprise can fully depend on the manner of his employees to lead telephone negotiations.

What you need to think over before talking by phone

  • the goal you are going to achieve in the upcoming conversation;
  • is it possible to do without this conversation;
  • as far as the interlocutor is ready to discuss the topics of the conversation;
  • do you have confidence in the successful conversation conversation;
  • what specific questions you need to ask;
  • what questions you may ask during a conversation;
  • what is the outcome of the negotiations can be considered successful and what can be enlisted in case of failure;
  • what applications on their interlocutor can be used during a conversation;
  • as you taught yourself if your interlocutor starts to object, goes to an increased tone or will not respond to your arguments;
  • as you will answer, if you manifest distrust of your information.

Preparation for conversation

Before you start a telephone conversation, you must make the following actions:

  • Prepare documents that will be required during a conversation: reports, prospectuses, correspondence, acts of work and so on.
  • To write information to prepare paper, tablet or other device. In the case of the use of a voice recorder, you need to prevent and ask consent to its use.
  • To have a list of officials with whom the conversation is supposed to contact the right person by name only by name and patronymic.
  • Put the conversation plan in front of you, with the most significant marker marker.

Conversation plan

The conversation on the phone should not exceed 3 minutes of time, at least your introductory monologue. Here is what the exemplary plan looks like this:

  • introduction of the interlocutor in the essence of the problem (40-45 seconds)
  • mutual idea with the name of the post and level of competence in this issue (20-25 minutes)
  • discussion of the situation itself, problems (from 1 to 2 minutes)
  • conclusion, summary (20-25 seconds)

If the problem has not been solved finally, you need to negotiate a repeated call at a certain time. At the same time, it is important to clarify with whom will continue the conversation - with the same person or other employee, more competent in this matter or possessing a wider range of powers.

Telephone etiquette rules

Always welcome the caller of the person and use the etiquette words when call themselves. It can be the words of greetings associated with a certain time of the day ("Good afternoon!", "Good morning!", "Good evening!"). It is better to avoid such expressions: "Listen", "Allo", "Company".

Watch your intonation. It is precisely with the help of a voice that the interlocutor is the location of the interlocutor, to create a right perception, and for this, of course, you need to talk with friendly, calmly, but without unnecessary exclamations: an excessive enthusiasm can also push away.

Be sure to submit. Having greeted the interlocutor, call your organization so that the person know where he turned. In order for him to be more convenient to start a conversation, name His name and the position so that the interlocutor could determine whether he could continue the conversation with you, or he needed to talk to a higher-level representative.

When you call some kind of organization yourself, try not to start a conversation with such phrases: "You are worried ..." or "it disturbed you ...". Such expressions cause the interlocutor to alert, and your call can be perceived as unwanted.

By calling a specific interlocutor, specify how convenient it is to talk to you now. Making sure that you can communicate with you, immediately go to the topic of the call: Business people must be brief and not to move away from the topic of negotiations.

When they call into your company, the etiquette assumes to remove the tube after the second or third call. If this is done after the first call, the potential interlocutor can decide that your company is not too burdened by work.

If you need some other representative of the company, you do not need to hang the phone, "cutting off" the called. You need using the retention function, translate to standby or switch to the right person. If there is no right person on site, you can ask if you can not advise it or provide other help. If he refuses to help, ask what you need to pass what to leave the message.

Listening to a new interlocutor, try to adjust the tempo of speech: if a person speaks slowly, perhaps he does not just perceive the information, but also immediately analyzes it. If he quickly speaks, it is impatiently asked, it can be annoyed by your slowness and slowness.

During the entire conversation on the phone you do not need to smoke, chew something or drink. Be sure to set aside a cigarette or sandwich, move the cup with coffee or tea.

After graduating from the conversation, say goodbye to the interlocutor, but ask you if he has questions about it. If you were the initiator of the conversation, do not apologize for the time of the interlocutor. It will be better if you thank the interlocutor loves: "Thank you for paying our time. We hope for further cooperation."

Instead of imprisonment

If your speech is not very developed, then the conversation on the phone aggravates the shortcomings of speech. Therefore, you need to try to avoid words, whose pronunciation you are not very good, or words, in which you are not very confident. Names, poorly perceived on rumor, better pronounce in syllables or even spelled.

Talking on the phone is really a whole art that can and need to learn. After all, sometimes only one phone call can do what it was impossible to achieve in the process of preliminary meetings and negotiations.

It should be remembered that a strong impact on your partner can look, smile, facial expressions, friendly handshakes, and in telephone communication it is excluded. You can take careless words to offend an unknown interlocutor. Sometimes the telephone conversation forms the first impression of a person. Try to be correct.

According to experts today, over 50% of all business issues are solved by telephone. This is the fastest way to communicate, which allows you to establish contacts, agree on a meeting, business conversation, negotiations without resorting to direct communication. But from how your voice sounds, the reputation of the company and the success of its business operations depends on your manner on the phone. Therefore, the ability to speak correctly and correctly talking on the phone is currently becoming an integral part of the image policy of the company.

Culture of business communication involves knowledge: general rules of telephone conversation and basic rules telephone business etiquette.

General rules of telephone conversation:

1. Raise the tube to the fourth call: the first impression of you or your company is also developing from how long you have to wait for an answer;

2. Chatting on the phone, you should leave all foreign conversations for a while. Your interlocutor has full right to attention to himself;

3. During a telephone conversation, it is considered indecent, something is, to drink, smoke, rustle paper, chew a gum;

4. Invalid, removing the phone and responding: "minute", to make the caller wait for you to handle your business. This is possible only in extreme cases and only within one minute. If at the moment you are very busy and can not talk, it is better to apologize and suggest call back;

5. Transfer always when you are waiting for your call;

6. If you "didn't get there," one should not find out: "What is your number?" Can be clarified: "Is this a number of such that ...?", Having heard a negative answer, apologize and put the tube;

7. Call home is the invasion of a personal life, so always ask, at a convenient time you call: "Do you have time to talk to me?", "Are you very busy now?" etc. If the answer is positive, you can talk to your pleasure, but having heard the first signs of the desire to complete the conversation, you should say goodbye. The service of telephone conversation is also limited;

8. The conversation on the phone should be extremely polite. It is unacceptable to scream and annoyed during a telephone conversation, it is a gross violation of ethics of interpersonal and business communication. In response to an insult put the phone. Rugan on the phone is considered illegal;

9. The conversation on the phone should be partitioned, but immediately completed, if a guest or a visitor came to your house to the house. You should apologize and, briefly calling the reason, to negotiate the call. At home you can say: "I apologize me, guests came to me, I'll call you back tomorrow evening (in the morning)"; At work: "Sorry, a visitor came to me, I will call you back in about an hour." Be sure to fulfill your promise.

10. If the connection was cut off during the conversation, the tube should be put; Reaps the number one who called. If the company's representative talked with the customer or client, then he must dial the number;

11. The initiative of the completion of a telephone conversation belongs to someone who called. The exception is a conversation with elders by age or social status;

12. Nothing will replace warm words of gratitude and farewell at the end of any conversation, conversation. It should be remembered that the words of farewell should contain the possibility of future contact: "Let's call the next Tuesday," see you tomorrow, "etc.

Maintenance regulations Business telephone etiquette:

It must be remembered that the business telephone conversation should not exceed four minutes.

You need to call

1. The rules of etiquette require, having heard the response of the Subscriber:

Greeting and presentation during a conversation with an unfamiliar person - the procedure is mutual and mandatory.

The main rule of the business protocol - the telephone conversation must be personalized. If the subscriber did not introduce himself, it should be politely asked: "Sorry, who I speak with?", "Let me find out who I'm talking to?" etc.

2. If the call goes through the secretary and where you call, you do not know, the secretary has the right to ask about the cause of the call.

3. Regardless of the circumstances, try to smile, otherwise you will not be able to arrange the interlocutor.

4. Always keep at hand notepad and handle for the necessary records.

5. Preparing for a telephone conversation, make a list of questions that need to be discussed. Repeated call with apologies about the fact that you missed something, leaves an unfavorable impression and admit only as a last resort.

6. If you could not find the person you need, ask when it is more convenient to call back.

7. Plan a message in advance if you know that the information will be transmitted through a third party or through an answering machine.

8. If you leave a message on an answering machine, after greetings and views, name the date and time of the call, and then a brief message and the word of farewell.

When you call you

According to the rules of etiquette, removing the tube, you need:

1. If you want to talk not with you, but with someone else: "One minute, I will pass the phone now"; The one who is called to the phone should thank: "Thank you", "Thank you, I'm going now."

2. If there is no need at this moment on the spot, the approached clarifies that this person is absent. Such answers should include a request to call back at a certain time: "Could you call back in an hour", etc.

3. If the phone calls, and at this time they speak on another device, it should, remove the phone, apologize, whenever possible, complete the first conversation, put the phone, then proceed to a conversation with the second interlocutor or apologize and ask to call back at a certain time. It is unacceptable to make waiting for the caller more than one minute.

4. It is better to refrain from answering calls if you make a business meeting or business meeting. Priority always belongs to a living voice.

5. If you are calling on an important case, when people are in the office, it is better to answer a call from the neighboring room or in the absence of such an opportunity to ask you back at a certain time, or reduce the conversation to a minimum.

In the modern business culture of communication, special attention is paid to a telephone conversation. Several axis of telephone communication, especially if you are calling for the first time.

Art conversation on a mobile phone.

Mobile phones firmly entered our lives. Probably the need and advantages of this means of communication are indisputable, and mobile communications should be taken as a fruit of civilization.

Therefore, we can formulate some General rules of etiquette when using a cell phone.

Examine its characteristics and functions, in other words, read the manual.

Remember when you should turn off the phone or put the vibration mode.

Switched off: Meetings, Cinema, Sports Games, Worship, Seminars, Communication with the Client.

In vibration mode: In public places where you can answer the call without interfering with others.

If people around you are, but you need to talk, do not shout. The cell phone is really more sensitive to sound and voice than a regular phone. You can even say a little quieter than usual, and your subscriber will hear you (and not other people in the room).

Avoid conversations by phone at the table in the restaurant. If you need to answer a call, ask the caller to wait a minute, apologize, exit because of the table and talk about the telephone vehicles in the restaurant or on the street.

Avoid conversations where you can distract the attention of people.

Avoid conversations on personal topics where you can hear. Measure who around you. Do not move dirty underwear in people.

Reduce call volume.

If you still enrolled incorrectly, it is better to avoid unnecessary excuses. Say: "Sorry, I forgot to turn it off" - just as bad how and leave the phone to call.

Be brightest. If you called and you are not alone, 30 seconds are a maximum.

If you are called in a public place or on a private meeting, it's unpleasant in triple: 1) puts you in the bad light, and you are ignorant and stupid look like; 2) all causes confusion; 3) You put the caller in an uncomfortable position, giving him to understand that "you are at the meeting" (a big deal!), And he sticks with a chatter.

Reality shows: answering a call during the meeting, you are the easiest to tell your future client or customer: "I do not appreciate you and your time spent with you. You are not as important as a person who can call. "

But keep in mind: there are situations where you must answer the call- Sick child, waiting for a big deal, an important message.

According to the rules of etiquette, before the meeting, it will be necessary to prevent those present that you are waiting for an important call, and get permission.

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