Own business: opening a psychologist's office. How to open a counseling center

Plant encyclopedia 30.09.2019
Plant encyclopedia

Often, each of us needs psychological help. And all kinds of psychological trainings are at their peak of popularity today. Therefore, the organization of this type of business as psychological center can bring considerable stable income to its owner.

Just one training can bring about three thousand in two or three days. And provided that at least ten people visit it, the income will increase to thirty thousand. For the income received in just a few days, I must say, a very decent amount.

To organize all kinds of psychological trainings, as well as for consultations, you can open your own small psychological center. And, what is most interesting, there is no need to be a psychologist to organize such a business. These functions can be entrusted to hired personnel, while the functions of the organizer himself include exercising leadership over this personnel, as well as resolving issues related to renting premises, paying wages and other organizational issues.

To open a psychological center, you must obtain an appropriate license and go through the registration process as a legal entity or individual entrepreneur. After that, you should find a suitable building to accommodate an office in it. The area of ​​the office depends primarily on the available financial capabilities. The best option is to carry out group and individual therapy in different rooms. For this reason, it is best to rent at least two rooms.

The design of the office, as well as its decoration, is best done together with a psychologist due to the fact that the psychological center should have a good, cozy atmosphere conducive to frank conversations and disclosure of people visiting it.

The next step in organizing a business is recruiting and hiring personnel... Here it is necessary to take into account that such work can be carried out by a psychologist who has the appropriate license for the right to engage in this type of activity. In addition, the psychologist must have a good command of the methods of individual and training work. For this reason, new graduates of universities are not suitable for work, but people who already have some experience are needed.

A good psychologist must go through several stages:

1. Undertake a specific course of therapy on your own as a patient and demonstrate a stable remission. If in the course of therapy the fact is revealed that the psychologist himself suffers from a neurosis that cannot be cured within the framework of a specific method, then first you need to heal yourself.

2. Complete theoretical training, the full course of which is presented in the form of part-time education and can take from several months to two years.

3. To carry out control and test psychotherapeutic consultations of ordinary patients under the supervision of checking consultants - representatives of the training center.

Among other things, it is good if the psychologist is a member of one of the psychological communities and regularly pays membership fee... This membership allows psychologists to attend all kinds of conferences, seminars on new methods, as well as acquire scientific publications in journals published by this community.

The main advantages of this type of business are:

1. The ability to generate large income in a short time.

2. The constant growth of popularity and, accordingly, the demand for psychological consultations and trainings, which, with the correct organization of the business, can ensure a constant increase in income.

3. No need to purchase a large amount of equipment. For a psychological center, the purchase of furniture and the cost of decorating offices are sufficient.

It is worth noting, however, that given view business has its own limitations... Among them:

1. People's distrust of the profession of a psychologist, which still exists despite the rapidly growing popularity of this type of activity. Moreover, very often people confuse the profession of a psychologist and a psychiatrist. All this leads to the fact that it is quite difficult for the psychological center to spin up for short term... Most likely, this will require enough long time, for which the center will be able not only to declare itself, but also to form a certain positive image and reputation.

2. Growth of competition. Today, such psychological centers already exist. Moreover, their number continues to increase. And in order to attract customers, you need to spend a lot of effort and put into practice any original idea, which is not in the list of services of other psychological centers.

Concerning payback of the psychological center, it is worth noting that, first of all, it depends on how fast the business is developing. For example, if the psychological center attends enough a large number of people at least on weekends, then the payback period of the business will not be long. On average, such a business pays off in six months or a year. All in in this case depends on the number of clients.

Often, each of us needs psychological help. And all kinds of psychological trainings are at their peak of popularity today. Therefore, the organization of this type of business as psychological center can bring considerable stable income to its owner.

Just one training can bring about three thousand in two or three days. And provided that at least ten people visit it, the income will increase to thirty thousand. For the income received in just a few days, I must say, a very decent amount.

To organize all kinds of psychological trainings, as well as for consultations, you can open your own small psychological center. And, what is most interesting, there is no need to be a psychologist to organize such a business. These functions can be assigned to hired personnel, while the functions of the organizer himself include the management of these personnel, as well as resolving issues related to renting premises, paying salaries and other organizational issues.

To open a psychological center, you must obtain an appropriate license and go through the registration process as a legal entity or individual entrepreneur. After that, you should find a suitable building to accommodate an office in it. The area of ​​the office depends primarily on the available financial capabilities. The best option is to carry out group and individual therapy in different rooms. For this reason, it is best to rent at least two rooms.

The design of the office, as well as its decoration, is best done together with a psychologist due to the fact that the psychological center should have a good, cozy atmosphere conducive to frank conversations and disclosure of people visiting it.

The next step in organizing a business is recruiting and hiring personnel... Here it is necessary to take into account that such work can be carried out by a psychologist who has the appropriate license for the right to engage in this type of activity. In addition, the psychologist must have a good command of the methods of individual and training work. For this reason, new graduates of universities are not suitable for work, but people who already have some experience are needed.

A good psychologist must go through several stages:

1. Undertake a specific course of therapy on your own as a patient and demonstrate a stable remission. If in the course of therapy the fact is revealed that the psychologist himself suffers from a neurosis that cannot be cured within the framework of a specific method, then first you need to heal yourself.

2. Complete theoretical training, the full course of which is presented in the form of part-time education and can take from several months to two years.

3. To carry out control and test psychotherapeutic consultations of ordinary patients under the supervision of checking consultants - representatives of the training center.

Among other things, it is good if the psychologist is a member of one of the psychological communities and regularly pays membership fees. This membership allows psychologists to attend all kinds of conferences, seminars on new methods, as well as acquire scientific publications in journals published by this community.

The main advantages of this type of business are:

1. The ability to generate large income in a short time.

2. The constant growth of popularity and, accordingly, the demand for psychological consultations and trainings, which, with the correct organization of the business, can ensure a constant increase in income.

3. No need to purchase a large amount of equipment. For a psychological center, the purchase of furniture and the cost of decorating offices are sufficient.

However, it should be noted that this type of business has its own limitations... Among them:

1. People's distrust of the profession of a psychologist, which still exists despite the rapidly growing popularity of this type of activity. Moreover, very often people confuse the profession of a psychologist and a psychiatrist. All this leads to the fact that it is quite difficult for the psychological center to develop in a short time. Most likely, this will take a fairly long time, during which the center will be able not only to declare itself, but also to form a certain positive image and reputation.

2. Growth of competition. Today, such psychological centers already exist. Moreover, their number continues to increase. And in order to attract clients, it is necessary to spend a lot of effort and put into practice any original idea that is not in the list of services of other psychological centers.

Concerning payback of the psychological center, it is worth noting that, first of all, it depends on how fast the business is developing. For example, if a psychological center is visited by a large enough number of people at least on weekends, then the business payback period will not be long. On average, such a business pays off in six months or a year. Everything in this case depends on the number of clients.

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Reflecting on this article, I could not in any way reduce the number of thoughts that came into my head. Having gained the experience of opening my own center for scientific and practical psychology, I think that everything is not as difficult as it seems. However, there are many important "little things" that must be paid attention to. Otherwise, they will turn into great difficulties.

I personally always wanted to do my own business! Exactly so - with a capital letter - Deed! I have worked for a long time as a specialist in the field of motivation and corporate culture in large companies, received clients at home and suddenly realized that I wanted to work in a different way. I wanted me to have my own small office, which would be cozy and good. So that there are many books and magazines, paints, pencils and paper, toys and plasticine in the cabinets. Tea and sweets, and, of course, a kid-laptop with the Internet, so that during breaks between clients to do various pleasant reading.

Thinking and dreaming, I looked closely at the situation on the market, in the country, in the world, assessing my capabilities. And the most interesting thing is that as a result, the center of scientific and practical psychology was not opened in the best time, in terms of the economic situation in our country and in the world (March 2009), but it exists and flourishes to this day. Of course, not much time has passed since the opening day, but this experience is valuable to me, and I hope that it will be useful to you as well.

Thoughts and memories were grouped by themselves into semantic blocks - which is worth thinking about before tackling this business. So let's start.

Product or "What can you offer the client?"

It is clear that the product of a psychologist / psychotherapist is the service itself - a psychologist's consultation or long-term psychotherapeutic work.

And if you are a very young and green specialist with a fresh diploma, then you should wait a bit. Firstly, in order to understand how you work and with what. What is needed for your service to be in demand. And, in my opinion, it is very important point, do not neglect additional education in the field of psychotherapy. We are not talking about short-term trainings, but about long-term educational projects that will give you what you could not get at the university. This is the experience of group therapy, one-to-one, acquiring skills and training them, receiving supervision and developing your own individual style of working with the client. Secondly, in order to “build up” a certain base of regular customers who will already know you, rejoice with you in opening your own center and confidently recommend contacting your organization.

If you are an experienced, knowledgeable person and have been working in the field of psychotherapy for a long time, then try to devote enough time to realizing and understanding why you need your own center. So that in the future the result of the work meets your expectations and does not bring disappointment.

I have already said about myself that for a long time I worked in large companies and received clients at home. So the work experience was already quite serious. In addition, immediately after studying at the university, having entered graduate school, I simultaneously began my studies at the Moscow Gestalt Institute. And by the time the center was opened, I had education, experience, a method (which I liked and promoted me as a specialist) and some client base.

People or "One for all and all for one!"

Is it possible to imagine a psychological assistance center in the form of one single employee. He's a specialist, he's an administrator, he's a jack of all trades. In general, this is a possible situation, but it causes some surprise (for both colleagues and potential clients). And that is why it is worth thinking about which of your colleagues you could suggest to take part in this idea.

Why should you keep competitors next to you, you ask? And I will answer you, there are no competitors in the field of psychological services! There are colleagues with their own style of work, experience, knowledge and personal characteristics. And, perhaps, one client should work with Ivan Ivanovich, while another will be useful with Peter Petrovich, and the third with you. Because clients, like you and me, are different people, with different needs, desires, goals.

In addition, it is great when you can get a full range of services in the center of psychological assistance - a child psychologist; family psychologist who works with married couples; a specialist who works with adolescents and adults individually. An additional advantage is the ability to conduct therapeutic groups (for children, adolescents and adults), psychological trainings on various topics.

So, when choosing who to collaborate with, think about what your colleagues will be able to do, and what you will be able to do.

In addition, if you work together to open a center, then the costs will be divided among all, which eases the financial burden on your pocket.

You will not need an administrator or secretary at first, so you should not focus on this position yet. But in the process of work (the first 6-10 months), try to note what kind of work you would like to transfer to the secretary, and when there is enough of it, then you should think about an additional person in your office.

Place or "My office, my fortress"

Geographically, it is better to look for an office in those places where there is a convenient transport interchange. At the same time, the prestige of the location becomes completely irrelevant, the office can be located in an apartment, in a business center, and in university buildings. It is important that the place is quiet enough and that you are not bothered by neighbors (who think that you are walking too loudly) or neighboring tenants (ask for sugar) while working with a client.

Therefore, if you liked the premises, agree with the landlord so that you can look at it at least two more times. To understand what is the situation around in the daytime and in the evening, on weekdays and weekends, pay attention to the neighbors and look at the landlord himself.

The number of rooms must naturally be chosen based on the number of specialists who will work there. And pay attention to the area of ​​the premises if you plan to conduct groups. It is also very convenient if the room has a small hall (for outerwear / shoes, for tea parties, for waiting).

Despite the fact that there are three of us, the office had two work rooms and a hall. The location pleased - office space in the building of a former hostel, next to us are a maternity hospital, a university, a school and the metro is only 7-10 minutes walk. Due to the fact that work with different clients takes place in different time(with children mostly in the daytime, or on weekends, and adults - mostly weekdays after 17-00), then we manage to divide two working rooms into three.

Every year thousands of psychologists graduate from universities. Some of them never dare to work in their specialty, since in government institutions the salary is not very high, and it is scary to open a psychological business because of the vague prospects.

Although the current society or the time of changes can put a person in such conditions that his psyche will be tested daily for endurance. A person will need help, support that relatives or relatives are not always able to provide, and not everyone will go to complain about life to friends.

This is where a profitable business today comes in handy. A psychologist is the person who will always listen, analyze the situation, and help. This profession is in great demand today. That is why we will talk about what is needed to open a psychologist's office, consider in more detail all the stages of the formation of a promising business.

Where to begin?

Once you decide to master this business, you should make every effort to avoid competition. To do this, decide on the services that you will provide in the center. Study the distribution of business in your region, determine the target audience, its priorities and preferences.

Before opening a psychological office, you need to understand what services the population will need in the place where you are going to open the center. What are your potential customers most worried about? These can be: difficulties in raising children, depression, anxiety, grief, personal success and achievements, addictions, family problems.

And that's when you make up sample list of those questions that will be addressed to you, outline the ways to solve them: seminars, trainings, personal conversations, group lessons, watching films. Naturally, to provide a full range of services, you need employees, the selection of which is also worth worrying about at this stage.

You should roughly distribute responsibilities between them (one conducts trainings, the other conducts conversations, etc.). By the way, if you yourself are not an expert in this field, then you should still consider the business plan of the psychological office, since there are many professionals, and the idea is very promising.

Business registration

In order to legally draw up all the documents, you need to choose the organizational and legal form that suits you - SP ( individual entrepreneur) or LLC (limited liability company). What is the difference? The first form of registration (IP) has some advantages. This means that the amount of tax will be less (single tax), and the system for submitting all reports is much simpler.

You should choose an LLC if the business plan of the psychological center involves working with legal entities... Do not be afraid to make a mistake, you can change the legal form at any time. If you have the time and desire, collect all the required documents yourself, otherwise find an intermediary who will do everything for you for a fee.

More about recruiting

This is a very important point on which the success of your enterprise depends. Having once asked for help in your center, the client will either come back and advise a specialist to his friends, or he will forget the road to you forever, and even start up the appropriate rumor. If you yourself are an expert in this field, remember those people with whom you studied, worked, crossed paths at seminars, etc.

If you are not a psychologist, then carefully study the recommendations of everyone who wants to work for you, check them, call the previous place of work and ask professional qualities person. The business plan of the psychological center should also contain such an organization stage as the selection of other employees: a secretary, an accountant, a cleaner, etc.

The next stage is the selection of premises

As you understand, the premises for the center can either be rented or bought. Naturally, in most cases on initial stage it is more practical and economical to choose the first option. However, do not forget that the owner of the premises may significantly increase the fee or even decide to sell your office. In this case, there is no guarantee that those clients who contacted you (because it is close and you don’t have to go far) will remain yours and follow you to another area.

If we talk about the area of ​​the premises (and the business plan of the psychological center will definitely include this point), everything here will depend on your goals. For a center where one specialist works, 30 square meters will be enough, and more than one such office will be required to accommodate several psychologists with groups and clients. Square meters should be enough both for a cozy hall where the reception will be located, and for a utility block with a plumbing unit.

Special attention should be paid to interior decoration. A psychological help center is a place where it is easy and pleasant to be, where comfort relaxes and sets you up for conversation. Choose carefully the color of walls, furniture, do not forget about quality sofas, lamps, colors.

It is important!

If you are new to this business, do not have a client base and do not know how to open a psychologist's office and where, then remember: this should be done not in the suburbs, not on the outskirts of the city, but in that part of it where there is always a large crowd of people, where schools, kindergartens, various organizations, institutes, etc. are located nearby. There you can hold promotions, distribute brochures, but more on that later.

Promotion and advertising of the psychological center

The business plan of the psychological center simply cannot exist without this item. Successful activity is possible only if there are regular customers who will come to you themselves and advise your services to their friends, acquaintances, colleagues.

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