What are the rules of telephone etiquette? Etiquette: rules for communicating on a mobile phone

Landscaping and planning 11.10.2019

According to experts, today over 50% of all business issues are resolved by phone. This is the most fast way communication, which allows you to establish contacts, arrange a meeting, business conversation, negotiations, without resorting to direct communication. But how your voice sounds, how you talk on the phone, depends largely on the reputation of the company and the success of its business operations. Therefore, the ability to speak correctly and correctly on the phone is now becoming integral part image policy of the company.

The culture of business communication involves knowledge of: the general rules of a telephone conversation and the basic rules of business telephone etiquette.

General rules for telephone conversation:

1. Pick up the phone before the fourth ring: the first impression of you or your company is already formed and how long you have to wait for an answer.

2. When talking on the phone, you should leave all extraneous conversations for a while. Your interlocutor has every right to attention to himself.

3. During a telephone conversation, it is considered indecent to eat, drink, smoke, rustle paper, chew gum.

4. Learn to listen carefully and not interrupt your interlocutor if this is not necessary.

5. It is unacceptable to pick up the phone and answer: "Wait a minute", make the caller wait until you do your business. This is only possible as a last resort and only within one minute. If in this moment If you're very busy and can't talk, it's best to apologize and offer to call back.

6. Call back whenever they are waiting for your call.

7. If you "got in the wrong place", you should not find out: "What is your number?". You can clarify: "Is this number such and such ...?", having heard a negative answer, apologize and hang up.

8. It is considered a violation of etiquette to dial a number and ask: "Guess who it is?", regardless of whether it is addressed to friends, colleagues or relatives. If you are not recognized, you should always introduce yourself.

9. Calling home is an invasion of privacy, so always ask if it's a convenient time for you to call: "Do you have time to talk to me?", "Are you very busy right now?" etc. If the answer is yes, you can talk at your own pleasure, but when you hear the first signs of a desire to end the conversation, you should politely say goodbye. In the service, the time of a telephone conversation is also limited.

10. Talking on the phone should be extremely polite. It is unacceptable to shout and get annoyed during a telephone conversation, this is a gross violation of the ethics of interpersonal and business communication. In response to the insult, they hang up. Swearing on the phone is illegal.

11. Telephone conversations in a strange house, firm, organization should be extremely brief and businesslike. It is very impolite to have a long conversation while at a party.

12. A conversation on the phone should be courteous, but immediately ended if a guest or a visitor to the office has come to your house. You should apologize and, briefly stating the reason, arrange a call. At home, you can say: "I beg your pardon, guests have come to me, I will call you back tomorrow evening (in the morning, ...)"; at work: "Sorry, I've got a visitor, I'll call you back in about an hour." Be sure to keep your promise.

13. If during a conversation the connection is interrupted, you should hang up; the caller dials the number again. If a company representative was talking to a customer or client, then he should dial the number.

14. The initiative to end a telephone conversation belongs to the one who called. The exception is a conversation with elders by age or social status.

15. Nothing can replace warm words of gratitude and farewell at the end of any conversation, conversation. At the same time, it should be remembered that the words of farewell should contain the possibility of future contact: "Let's call next Tuesday", "see you tomorrow", etc.

Basic rules of business telephone etiquette:

It must be remembered that a business telephone conversation should not exceed four minutes.

you need to call

1. The rules of etiquette require, upon hearing the subscriber's answer:

- say hello;

- introduce yourself;

- briefly state the essence of the issue;

- at the end of the conversation, thank and say goodbye.

Greeting and introducing during a conversation with a stranger is a mutual and mandatory procedure.

Main Rule business protocol– telephone conversation should be personalized. If the subscriber does not introduce himself, you should politely ask: "Excuse me, who am I talking to?", "Let me know who I'm talking to?" etc.

2. If the call goes through the secretary and where you are calling, they do not know you, the secretary has the right to ask about the reason for the call.

3. Regardless of the circumstances, try to smile, otherwise you will not be able to win over the interlocutor.

4. Always keep a notepad and pen handy for necessary notes.

5. As you prepare for the phone call, make a list of things to discuss. Calling back with apologies for missing something leaves an unfavorable impression and should only be done as a last resort.

6. If you could not find the person you need, ask when it is more convenient to call back.

7. Schedule a message in advance if you know the information will be relayed through a third party or through an autoresponder.

8. If you are leaving a message on an answering machine, after the greeting and introduction, state the date and time of the call, and then short message and words of farewell.

When they call you

1. According to the rules of etiquette, after picking up the phone, you need to:

- name the company, institution that you represent;

- say hello;

- for a presentation - a presentation;

- to the question - the correct polite answer.

2. If they want to talk not with you, but with someone else: "Wait a minute, I will now hand over the phone"; the one who is called to the phone should thank: "Thank you", "Thank you, I'll come right now."

3. If the required person is not in place at that moment, then the approacher clarifies that this person is absent. Such responses should include a request to call back after a certain time: "Could you call back in an hour," etc.

4. If the phone rings, and at that time you are talking on another device, you should, after picking up the phone, apologize, if possible, end the first conversation, hang up, then start talking with the second interlocutor or apologize and ask to call back after a certain time. It is unacceptable to make the caller wait for more than one minute.

5. It is better to refrain from answering calls if you are having a business meeting or business meeting. Priority always belongs to the live voice.

1. If you are called on an important matter when there are people in the office, it is better to answer the call from the next room or, in the absence of such an opportunity, ask to call back after a certain time, or reduce the conversation to a minimum.

In the modern business culture of communication Special attention give a telephone conversation. A few axioms of telephone communication, especially if you are calling for the first time.

1. Phone call - Your own business, even if you call on business.

2. You can call home only with the permission of the partner.

3. The vast majority of business telephone conversations are obtained only the second time because people call at a convenient time for them, and not for partners.

4. It is accepted to call home on business from 10:00. morning until 10 pm. Unless otherwise agreed.

5. At the moment of starting a conversation on the phone, try to smile - this will add warmth to your voice. After the obligatory presentation, take a short pause and try to understand the state and mood of your partner and his attitude to your call by the reaction to your name.

6. When introducing yourself by phone, state not only your surname and official position, but also the name with which you can be contacted. Your partner should not painfully remember your name.

7. If you call to a stranger for the first time, think over in advance what you will say, offer, ask - otherwise you will give the impression of an uncollected mumbler who does not value other people's time.

8. Business conversation, especially the first one, should not last more than 4 minutes. Its structure: introduction, purpose of the call, solution of the issue, agreement to continue contact, gratitude for the conversation.

9. You need to speak clearly and actively.

10. If you call the institution, be sure to ask who you are talking to. Leave a message or ask for advice only from competent people.

11. If they call you, answer politely and in detail. From home: "I'm listening to you." From the institution: name the company or department so that the caller immediately understands exactly where he got.

12. It is better to answer all phone calls, but if you did not agree in advance, and the other party is interested in contact, then you can leave the initiative to establish contact with her.

13. If you promised to call, then you need to call during the day.

The art of conversation mobile phone:

This invention brought with it its own etiquette.

If you are calling, after the introduction, ask if it is convenient to talk to you at the moment.

Remember that when a mobile phone is used, time passes. Therefore, discuss only urgent matters. Leave the rest to call the office.

If you receive a cell phone call, introduce yourself first.

If you have passengers in your car, then use the phone sparingly or better not talk on it at all.

Mobile phone must be switched off during business meetings, conversations, meetings.

Section III. Speech and sign.

1. Psychological h opportunities for verbal communication.

General principles verbal communication.

Speech strategies for business conversations.

Preparation rules public speaking.

The word denotes an object, process and relation. The word in the context is understood by us as information that has a cognitive, valuable and personal meaning. Any message has content, purpose, motives and reveals the personality of the interlocutor.

Verbal communication is continuous. We talk to each other all the time. At the same time, we sometimes speak consciously, but unconsciously make a reservation. For example, we call a partner by the name of another person. Sometimes we deliberately make a reservation, hoping that the partner will understand the hint, or informally communicated information. Often we make a reservation inadvertently, but we immediately realize the oversight and try to correct it. In addition, we misunderstand the rational content of information, misinterpret it, and misperceive the emotional content of speech. Experts say that if “conceived” is taken as 100%, then after “formulated”, “expressed”, “heard”, “understood”, only 24% remains in “memory”. Hence, the general enthusiasm for reading non-verbal signs, which does not bring too much benefit, since there is no unambiguous and typical connection between the content and the form of expression of mental states. You can definitely determine that a person is worried, but at the same time make a mistake and take simple excitement for irritation or protest against you personally. Even when the state of the partner is determined correctly, it is not always possible to take advantage of this; it makes no sense to tell a person who is turning a pen in his hands in a conversation with you that he is nervous.

What does it mean to understand another person? It is necessary to isolate information, comprehend it and adequately respond to it. In the words of the German philosopher Martin Heidegger, “Language speaks itself”, that is, the choice of words is not random, but expresses our attitude to the message being transmitted and to the partner.

There are forms of verbal communication that can be taught and worth learning. First, this speech etiquette, secondly, the ability to ask questions, thirdly, public speaking skills, fourthly, the features of talking on the phone, and fifthly, behavior in a business conversation. Experts define: a conversation is a situational contact, and a conversation is a substantive conversation, a dispute is a proof of the truth of one's own opinion, a discussion is an exchange of opinions, and a polemic is a struggle of opinions, brought to a conflict of grounds. Thus, in the process of business speech communication, it is necessary to take into account its form, psychological context and motivations of the main subjects.

In a situation of business communication, we use "speech in socially oriented communication." Speech serves joint activities. Therefore, its use is regulated by a number of rules.

The principle of cooperation:

The statement should contain as much information as is required for the current communication.

The statement should be as true as possible. Dont lie. Don't say things you don't know or don't know.

The statement must be clear. It is better to speak in a language understandable to the interlocutors.

Principle of courtesy:

Communication is interrupted by common agreement.

Complied general rules speech etiquette.

The use of ephemisms - formulas that replace harsh expressions.

Violations of the rules of politeness: bad manners and rudeness.

Course "Ethics and etiquette"

"Telephone Etiquette Rules"

Artist group 4110b,


“Do not speak often and in too much detail about your deeds and troubles experienced: it is not so pleasant for others to hear about your misfortunes as for you to remember your own” - this statement of the Greek philosopher Epictetus can be put as an epigraph to the etiquette of telephone communication.

Over the 130 years of the existence of telephone communications, certain rules etiquette, especially since the manner of your conversation on the phone, as in a personal meeting, carries important information about you and is part of your image. It is especially important to observe the rules of etiquette now, in our age of telephones, when, in addition to ordinary phones, almost every second person also has a mobile phone.

Basic rules of telephone etiquette

First of all (even before you dial the number), you should answer four questions to yourself:

Will your call be useful to the interlocutor?

Won't you disturb the person you call for nothing?

Does the matter you are calling about deserve to be bothered for?

Will this call be useful for you personally?

In accordance with etiquette, the time for phone calls should be limited to working hours if the calls are business, and waking hours if it is a personal conversation. Therefore, in weekdays It is not recommended to call by phone before 8 am, and on weekends - before 10 am. Phone calls must end no later than 10 pm.

There are circumstances that adjust the time of telephone conversations (your friend comes home late, the family has Small child etc.). If the matter is urgent, it is permissible to make a late call, however, if you do not answer the fifth or sixth signal, hang up and do not call again that day.

At the beginning of any telephone conversation, ask if you have interfered, if you have interrupted important matters.

Business telephone conversation, first of all, should be brief. Remember: while you are having a leisurely conversation on a work phone with a friend or girlfriend, your interlocutor or you may not be able to get through on an important matter.

Avoid empty chatter by phone. If you're in need of a heart-to-heart conversation, it's best to meet with a friend face to face.

If someone dialed the wrong number and accidentally came to you, do not be rude, but politely answer: - "You have the wrong number."

Remember, the phone is also used in order not to go to friends without warning!

In the absence of a subscriber, the one who answered the phone should offer his help: - “Shall I send him something? Could he call you back?" At the same time, you should not give the reason why a person cannot answer the phone or tell where and what he is doing. It is enough to ask to call back and indicate the time of the next call. If the caller asks to leave a message, you need to write it down and in no case forget to pass it on to its intended purpose!

If the conversation is interrupted, then the person on whose initiative the conversation took place should call back.

Remember that you are not obliged to provide your telephone to a stranger for urgent negotiations, even if they are of a very important nature.

Do not call from the apartment of neighbors, having an insignificant reason. Perhaps they are delicate people and cannot refuse a request, but you yourself need to understand: the presence of a stranger at an inopportune time embarrasses the family, and personal problems should not be made public. Better look for a pay phone.

To start a telephone conversation, there is a special word "hello". The subscriber will be pleased to hear this word if it is uttered with joy, as if you were waiting for his call. Be sure to smile before you pick up the phone. Your voice will immediately become softer and more pleasant! You will feel how your mood and attitude towards the one who called has improved. Remember, smile, heard on the phone!

Some, picking up the phone, say: - "Yes?" Please note that this word is too short, conducive to business communication. According to the researchers, the answer “I listen” sounds conceited. The phrase "on the phone" is an obsolete form. Where else can the person answering the phone be? The phrase "on the wire" remained as a joke, an expression of a playful mood.

The caller may introduce himself after the greeting. For example: - "Hello. It rings (do not forget - the stress is on the second syllable!) Oleg Vyacheslavovich. Can I ask Viktor Yuryevich to the phone? If you are not sure if you got the right number, ask: - "Is this the Fedotovs' apartment?", "Bookshop?"

If you call and ask to call the person you need, then it is appropriate to accompany this request with polite words: - “Ask Rogov, please”, “Please, call Natasha to the phone”, “I would like to talk to Tanya”, “Invite, if not difficult, Alexandra Semyonovna.

If you got to the wrong subscriber, then try to find out what's wrong. However, for this it is not customary to ask for the number of those to whom you got - they are not required to give such information. It is better to give the number you are calling to check if it is correct. For example: - "Excuse me, is this the number 557-89-96?" If they answer you: - “No”, then you made a mistake in the set of numbers, or the connection did not work. If they answer: - "Yes", then you wrote down the number incorrectly, and you should no longer disturb people by calling them.

The answering machine is a great invention, but in Russia it is far from being as popular as in Europe and America. Many get scared when they hear a recorded voice and silently hang up the phone. Others are embarrassed and forget about the most important thing, namely: to give their last name, phone number, the question they are calling about.

Keep your message simple and concise, give your name and phone number, and ask for a call back. You don't have to say hello! If you are not sure if the answering machine is checked daily, enter the date and time of your call. At the same time, it is also reasonable to indicate the time when you can be found at home.

An invitation recorded on an answering machine tape is considered impolite. It is also meaningless for those who invite: after all, it is not known whether it is accepted, and how many guests to expect. Therefore, it is better to call your friends and invite them personally.

When addressing telephone operators, workers of information or emergency services, verbal curtsies such as: - “Would you be so kind as to inform ...”, “Will you refuse me one small request ...” Of course, without “please” and "thank you" is indispensable here. But words of greeting or farewell are not required.

When a person needs emergency help, you need to quickly and clearly state the essence of the matter, without abusing the time of the operator.

Calling a stranger on the phone with “you”, even if it seemed that the child answered: the impression may be erroneous.

Calling the interlocutor “woman”, “man”, “grandmother”, “grandfather” - you don’t see who exactly answered the phone, and the voice can be deceptive. Impersonal appeal is better: - “Be kind”, “Excuse me”, “Please tell me”, “Do me a favor”.

Address an unfamiliar interlocutor with the words "kitty", "darling", "darling". These words can offend.

Having called by phone and without introducing himself, ask: - “Who is this?” As a rule, such a question is followed by a counter-question: - “Who do you need?”

Ask the caller: - "Who says this?" if they don't call you. If you are not sure that your call reached the subscriber you need, you should not ask: - “Where did I get to?” You should still give the name you are interested in, and if you confirm the error, apologize for the trouble.

Express sympathy and condolences over the phone: if your friend has lost loved one, then you must either come to him personally, or send a telegram with the appropriate text.

IN modern world The telephone has become such a common means of communication that many do not even think about whether they are using it correctly for business communication. Phone call- this is a way of communication that allows you to solve many issues as quickly as possible, without requiring a personal meeting of the interlocutors. Proper use of the phone allows you to achieve a favorable microclimate both between employees within the company and in negotiations with customers. From this article you will learn how to communicate with a client on the phone what are the rules for business negotiations by phone and how to achieve maximum efficiency from the very first call to the company.

1. Greeting the interlocutor

So, the long-awaited phone call came. You don't need to immediately rush to the phone, as this can give the impression that the company has no other business than answering calls. It is customary to endure 2-3 beeps, but it’s also not worth delaying the answer, otherwise the caller will start to get nervous and the effectiveness of the upcoming communication will drop sharply.

Pick up the phone to greet the interlocutor. Many organizations use this greeting scheme:

Depending on the time when the call comes in, they say: « Good morning!", "Good afternoon good evening!";
- further, pronounce the name of the organization;
- and then they introduce themselves, naming their name (sometimes, also their position).

Such a beginning of a telephone conversation helps the caller to get the maximum information in just a few seconds. A person, having heard such a greeting, will feel more comfortable, which will affect the effectiveness of the conversation. It is always a pleasure to deal with competent and educated people. From the point of view of psychology, such a greeting scheme allows the interlocutor to get comfortable and feel psychologically safe.

2. During a conversation - smile

The interlocutor cannot see what you are doing, so the slightest irritation or dislike will be immediately felt by ear. When communicating on the phone, almost 90% of the information a person perceives due to the intonation with which you are talking. The remaining 10% convey the meaning of the conversation directly in words.

When talking, do not take a reclining position on a chair, this will immediately affect the timbre of your voice. Thus, you will only aggravate the situation by showing your disrespect and indifference to the caller. With a smile and interest in your voice, you will not only win over the interlocutor, but also create a favorable impression of your entire company as a whole.

3. Respect your interlocutor

If a long conversation is expected, ask if it is convenient for the person to talk now. If necessary, offer to reschedule the conversation to a more convenient time. Communication on the phone for some people is a kind of stress, since he does not see the second participant in the conversation and cannot accurately assess his attitude towards himself. It only focuses on your voice and intonation.

4. Do not get distracted by extraneous topics

During business conversation do not jump to abstract topics. Questions about the weather, the war in Iraq, solar eclipse leave for conversations with your friends and loved ones. Keep your thoughts short and to the point. By doing this, you show your interlocutor your professionalism and business spirit.

5. Typical phrases.

Don't use phrases like: “Are you worried ...”, “It's okay if I disturb you ...”, “Wait a minute!”. With such phrases, you provoke your interlocutor to really start to get nervous and worried. Try to explain to the person why he should wait a while before you can give him an answer to his question. After that, politely thank you for waiting and continue the conversation.

6. Ask clarifying questions

After listening carefully to the client, do not hesitate to ask clarifying questions. You must make sure that you understand your interlocutor correctly. It is a mistake to assume that by asking again, a person shows his incompetence and unprofessionalism. On the contrary, by asking counter questions, you let the person know that you have listened carefully and do not want to miss important details.

7. Do not interrupt the interlocutor

Even if you are sure that your interlocutor has digressed from the topic and started to lead the conversation in the wrong direction, in no case do not interrupt it. Let the person finish, and then politely remind them of the essence of your conversation.

8. Do not put the phone on the table during a call

If you need to end a conversation, the best way to do this, it will use the special function "Hold" ("Hold"), or "Mute" ("Mute the microphone"). Now almost every telephone is endowed with such buttons. This is necessary in order not to embarrass the caller with their extraneous conversations. In addition, he may hear extra information that he should not know.

When using the hold function when talking on the phone, it is worth remembering that this should take less than one minute. If you know in advance that you need more time to resolve the issue, for example, move to the next office or make a parallel call, it would be best to offer to reschedule the conversation. Politely explain to the person that you will contact him as soon as you receive the necessary information.

9. Don't hang up immediately

If your company is called by a person who needs to contact a specific employee, but this employee is not at the workplace, do not hang up immediately. Inform that the person of interest to him is currently absent. Be sure to offer your help. You may be able to help with a number of issues. But, when a client categorically refuses your help, ask him to leave contact details or information that you can pass on to your colleague when he returns.

10. Don't switch to parallel calls

While talking on the phone, do not be distracted by other calls. First you need to end the current conversation, and only then move on to the next one. Jumping from one call to another will only show your disorganization and inability to prioritize.

11. Don't do other things

Many people think that if the interlocutor does not see them, then you can combine several things at the same time. For example, drinking coffee or eating a sandwich. This is unacceptable and will certainly be noticed by your interlocutor. The sounds of chewing food or sipping a cigarette are always clearly audible during a telephone conversation, and listening to this is extremely unpleasant.

12. Say goodbye to the interlocutor

Most people end a phone call by simply hanging up without saying goodbye. This is absolutely inappropriate, especially at the time of business communication on the phone. Before you end the conversation, ask if there is anything else you can do to help. And only after a negative answer, hang up, saying: "Goodbye!". It is important that the conversation ends in a positive way.

Telephone etiquette rules not taken from the ceiling. This is the result of numerous psychological research, practical experience and analysis of many telephone conversations.

70% of business communications are carried out by phone, which means that the success of the whole business depends on compliance with the rules of business telephone communication etiquette. Of course, interlocutors are different. The best thing to do in any situation is to keep your own style. polite person who is armed with the rules of etiquette in all cases.

Phone calls have long been an important part of life. We discuss household chores with relatives, chat with friends, and solve problems with business partners, colleagues, and superiors. Conversation styles should be different, and business conversation requires a special approach.

phone in life modern man occupies an important place: communication with relatives, friends, but, importantly, with colleagues and superiors.

Naturally, when talking to different people we use our own way of communicating, and it would never occur to anyone to talk to their boss in the same way as with best friend or even just a colleague. In this case, the conversation will be about business communication.

Also, business etiquette should be used by those employees whose duties include telephone conversations, various opinion polls and all other conversations that are conducted, as a rule, from the cool-center, that is, the call center.

Unfortunately, some in a telephone conversation behave quite familiarly, not at all like when they meet in person. Since employees feel at a safe distance, they easily hang up, and sometimes dissuade an invisible interlocutor with a couple of not very polite phrases, and this goes against the etiquette of telephone communication.

But sometimes it is a telephone conversation that becomes the starting point of good business relations. Here, in contrast to a personal meeting, a strict business suit, office furnishings, smiles and gestures on duty are not so important. In fact, the image of the enterprise may entirely depend on the manner of its employees to conduct telephone conversations.

Things to consider before talking on the phone

  • the goal you are going to achieve in the upcoming conversation;
  • is it possible to do without this conversation;
  • how ready the interlocutor is to discuss the topic of conversation;
  • Do you have confidence in the successful completion of the conversation;
  • what specific questions you need to ask;
  • what questions you may be asked during the interview;
  • what outcome of the negotiations can be considered successful and what can be secured in case of failure;
  • what methods of influence on your interlocutor can be used during a conversation;
  • how you will behave if your interlocutor starts to object, switches to a raised tone or does not respond to your arguments;
  • how will you respond if they do not trust your information.

Preparing for a conversation

Before starting a telephone conversation, you must do the following:

  • Prepare documents that will be required during the conversation: reports, prospectuses, correspondence, acts of work, etc.
  • To record information, prepare paper, tablet or other device. In the case of using a voice recorder, it is necessary to warn and ask for consent to use it.
  • Have before your eyes a list of officials with whom the conversation is supposed to be addressed in order to address the right person only by name and patronymic.
  • Put in front of you a conversation plan, with the most significant points highlighted with a marker.

Conversation Plan

The telephone conversation should not exceed 3 minutes of time, at least your opening monologue. Here's what it looks like rough plan similar intro:

  • introduction of the interlocutor to the essence of the problem (40-45 seconds)
  • mutual introduction with the naming of the position and level of competence in this matter (20-25 minutes)
  • discussion of the situation itself, problems (from 1 to 2 minutes)
  • conclusion, summary (20-25 seconds)

If the problem has not been finally resolved, you need to agree on a second call at a certain time. At the same time, it is important to clarify with whom the conversation will continue - with the same person or another employee who is more competent in this matter or has a wider range of powers.

Telephone etiquette rules

Always greet the person calling you and use etiquette when you call yourself. These may be words of welcome associated with certain time days ("Good afternoon!", "Good morning!", "Good evening!"). It is better to avoid such expressions: "I listen", "Hello", "Company".

Watch your intonation. It is with the help of the voice that one can cause the disposition of the interlocutor, create the correct perception in him, and for this, of course, you need to speak with kindness, calmly, but without unnecessary exclamations: excessive enthusiasm can also repel.

Be sure to introduce yourself. After greeting the interlocutor, name your organization so that the person knows where he turned. To make it easier for him to start a conversation, state your name and position so that the interlocutor can determine if he can continue the conversation with you, or if he needs to talk to a representative of a higher level.

When you yourself call an organization, try not to start the conversation with such phrases as: "You are worried about ..." or "It bothered you ...". Such expressions make the interlocutor alert, and your call may be perceived as unwanted.

Having called a specific interlocutor, specify how convenient it is for him to talk to you now. After making sure that they can communicate with you, immediately go to the subject of the call: business people should be brief and not deviate from the topic of negotiations.

When your company is called, etiquette is to pick up the phone after the second or third ring. If this is done after the first call, the potential interlocutor may decide that your company is not too burdened with work.

If the caller needs some other representative of the company, you do not need to hang up, "cutting off" the caller. It is necessary, using the hold function, to transfer to standby mode or switch to right person. If the right person is not in place, you can ask if you can advise him or provide other assistance. If he refuses to help, ask what needs to be conveyed, what message to leave.

When listening to a new interlocutor, try to adjust to his pace of speech: if a person speaks slowly, perhaps he not only perceives information, but also immediately analyzes it. If he speaks quickly, impatiently asks, he may be annoyed by your slowness and slowness.

During the entire conversation on the phone, you do not need to smoke, chew or drink anything. Be sure to put aside a cigarette or a sandwich, push aside a cup of coffee or tea.

At the end of the conversation, say goodbye to the interlocutor, but before that, ask if he has any questions for you. If you initiated the conversation, don't apologize for taking up the other person's time. It will be better if you thank the interlocutor in words: "Thank you for giving us your time. We look forward to further cooperation."

Instead of a conclusion

If your speech is not very developed, then talking on the phone exacerbates speech deficiencies. Therefore, you should try to avoid words that you are not very good at pronunciation, or words that you are not very sure about the accent. Names that are poorly perceived by ear are best pronounced in syllables or even spelled.

Talking on the phone is really a whole art that can and should be learned. After all, sometimes just one phone call can do something that could not be achieved in the process of preliminary meetings and negotiations.

It must be remembered that a look, smile, facial expressions, friendly handshakes can have a strong influence on your partner, and this is excluded in telephone communication. You can offend an unknown interlocutor with a careless word. Sometimes it is a telephone conversation that forms the first impression of a person. Make sure it's correct.

How many cases can "fail" from one wrong "ALE" on the phone. To prevent this from happening, you need to know telephone etiquette.

Tatyana Koshechkina, a business expert and director of the Augusta Maria company, shares the secrets of successful telephone communication.

By the way a person talks on the phone, one can judge him and the company he represents. Therefore, what are the rules for communicating on the phone?

The phone rang. And you picked up the phone. You can sound professional or you can sound very personal. Or like a sleepy chicken, if this is your first call of the day. The way you answer the phone creates the first impression of the company and of you personally. Imagine you are trying to call a company to place an order and give this company your money. At first the phone is busy. Then they don't answer for a long time. Finally, the phone is picked up, and you hear a sluggish, sleepy voice, pulling “Yes-ah-ah-ah-ah?”. I'm sure at this point you want to say "No" quickly and clearly. And buy what you were going to buy somewhere else.

After all, any sale, immediately now or in the future, begins with the first contact. And if, on duty, you have to communicate with customers, even if it's just switching the call to the right number, then you are just as responsible for financial indicators and the success of your firm, as well as other employees. You create the first impression, and as you know, it takes up to twenty additional positive contacts to correct a bad first impression.

Isn't it better to make a good first impression?

How to answer incoming calls correctly?

How to sound professional, a few basic basic tips:

1. The working day has begun. You haven't talked to anyone yet, but they could call any minute. So get your voice in working order. Cough if you need to, sing if you like. Just read something out loud.

2. Calls must be answered quickly. The handset must be picked up after the third ring, as soon as possible, but not later.

3. Smile before answering. A smile is always heard. And people love to talk to those who are in a good mood.

4. And focus on the call. Do not try to answer emails at the same time.

5. Be sure to say hello, say the name of the company, greeting the caller. This is the start of a professional conversation and a time saver if the caller has the wrong number.

6. It's good to say your name. If this is not a general number, but your direct line, then it is simply necessary to introduce yourself.

8. If you are asked to deliver something for an absent colleague, be sure to write it down and re-record it to avoid possible errors, for example in a phone number.

10. A phone call is the same business meeting in miniature. So please clarify your request/problem. Find a solution (it can be very simple - for example, call us back at 10:30 and I will put you in touch with the necessary specialist). Make an action plan (write a letter, send an order, send a message)

11. Don't forget to say goodbye.

12. The basic rule is to be kind and friendly, but remain businesslike and professional.

How to politely decline a phone call?

If you need to refuse a person, then you definitely need to apologize, explain the reason for the refusal without entering into lengthy negotiations and discussions, and it is very good to offer a compromise or an adequate replacement.

How to maintain confidentiality? Often the conversation can be recorded or the speakerphone turned on.

Turning on the speakerphone, and even more so recording, you must notify the interlocutor and obtain his consent. In most countries, recording without the caller's knowledge is considered illegal. As for confidentiality, it depends on the conversation and on the audience. It doesn't matter if it's a phone call or a face-to-face meeting.

If you think you are being secretly recorded, don't say anything you don't want to see/hear on the internet tomorrow.

Telephone etiquette is the ability to speak on the phone without wasting time and at the same time, solving all issues. The above rules of communication will help to conduct telephone conversations correctly.

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