Azalea leaves fall green what to do. Air temperature control

Landscaping and planning 12.06.2019
Landscaping and planning

Azalea is very beautiful unusual plant. But at the same time, it is quite gentle, demanding care. That is why the plant is very often susceptible various diseases and troubles, including the azalea may dry out or lose all its leaves.

Plant features

It is able to decorate the home with its flowering at any time of the year. Its main advantage is considered to be enough long flowering, which is distinguished by its elegance.

it evergreen shrub With large quantity branches. Its leaves are lanceolate, elliptical, ovate, pubescent on both sides. There are hybrids that have semi-double or double bell-shaped flowers, the color of which is quite diverse. The plant can be early flowering, medium or late flowering.

Difficulties of care

The most common problem that can be encountered while growing azaleas at home is the fall of leaves from the bush and its drying. To know how to save the azalea in this case, you need to find out the cause of the problem. She may not be alone.

Causes of leaf fall and solutions

What to do if the azalea dropped all the leaves and withered? Answering this question, first of all it is worth noting that this problem is the most common. The main reason for this phenomenon is the lack necessary conditions for normal plant development. Azalea requires balance in everything and does not tolerate dry air and high humidity, too low temperatures and too high.

If the azalea is sick, the leaves fall. What to do in such a situation? Everything is quite simple. It is necessary to carefully control the humidity in the room. It is recommended to do this with the help of a pallet in which you can place a certain amount of wet expanded clay and peat. In addition, you need to spray the surface of the leaves several times a day, but this is strictly prohibited during the flowering period. It is also possible to lower the plant pot itself into a container of water at room temperature. This is to allow the overdried soil to absorb required amount water for the normal development of the shrub.

How to save the azalea in this situation? To reduce the risk of such a nuisance, you need to use only the water that has previously settled for at least three days. Use is also allowed.

Another reason for yellowing and further falling of leaves and buds can be a spider mite. A thin cobweb, which is located in the internodes of the stems, will tell you about his presence. To eliminate the problem, the plant must be sprayed frequently and abundantly; during flowering, use a soap solution or special chemicals.

Causes of yellowing leaves. Troubleshooting

The main reasons for the appearance yellow leaves and their further fall are two:

  • The development of chlorosis, which is a consequence of the increased content of calcium in the soil. You will see that the azalea is suffering - the leaves are falling. What to do to solve this problem? Everything is quite simple: you just need to slightly acidify the water with which you water the azalea. At the same time, do not forget about the comfortable temperature of the water, which should be about 15-16 ° C.
  • The presence of a thyroid gland on the surface of the plant. This insect leaves brown plaques on the leaves. In the future, this leads to the fact that the color of the leaves fades, a sticky coating forms, shine, and soon the leaf falls off. The way to deal with insects depends on the stage of the lesion. On the initial stage azalea needs to be treated with soapy water. For more complex lesions, the use of special chemicals is required.

Reasons why azalea leaves dry. Methods for dealing with the problem

What to do if azalea leaves fall and dry? First you need to find out the reason for this phenomenon. There may be several.

One of the reasons why azalea leaves dry and curl up may be azalea moth. It will not be difficult to detect it, since this insect is quite large, has the shape of a caterpillar. To get rid of the misfortune, you need to manually collect all the insects and then treat the plant with special chemicals.

If the azalea is not completely dry, how to sleep the plant? The situation when the leaves do not fall, but simply dry, may indicate overdry air. The reason for this may be the high temperature in the room or the location of the flower pot in a sunny place. However, there is no need to panic if some leaves withered immediately after flowering. This process is quite natural. If the leaves dry during flowering, then most likely the plant lacks moisture.

Is there a solution to the problem when the azalea withered? How to save her? You can solve the problem of dry leaves by increasing the amount of watering. You can use melt or rain water. Once a month, it is recommended to water the plants with acidified water (add 5 drops of lemon juice to 1 liter of water).

Why did the azalea shed its leaves and wither?

When growing azalea, it should be understood that twigs that dry out are not the norm, but lead to the death of the plant. In order to know how to reanimate an azalea, you need to find out the cause.

There may be several. Among them are:

  • disease damage;
  • possible stressful situations;
  • transplanting during the period of active flowering;
  • insufficient level of feeding;
  • insufficient lighting;
  • possible insect infestation.

If yours is, it will help you find out detailed instructions.

How to revive an azalea?

First of all, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • the soil;
  • some cold water;
  • a little boric acid, can be replaced with citric acid;
  • pine needles;
  • ash, fit and Activated carbon;
  • sand;
  • means "Zircon".

If you don't know how to revive an azalea, just follow these steps.

First of all, the plant must be freed from the pot and placed with its roots in the cooked cold water. Rinse roots thoroughly and gently. After complete cleansing of the substrate, lower the azalea under running water which should be cool.

After cleaning, the azalea must be planted in new ground. It is better if you use a special substrate for flowers. Leave the plant to spend the night and in the morning cover the ground with ice, while watering is very necessary. cold water. You should also avoid direct contact with the plant, especially in summer.

Prepare water in a special way: let it stand for two days, then add a few drops of boric or citric acid, you can also use the Zircon preparation. Water the plant with this solution for several days in a row until the desired result.

At the end, the pot with the transplanted plant must be placed on a surface covered with wet expanded clay, in a draft. In the summer you can even put it in the refrigerator. Water the plant every other day with very cold water. On the upper layer it is recommended to put pine needles in the pot, but this is an optional condition.

Preventive measures

It is much easier to prevent a problem than to solve it. That is why you will keep the plant healthy for a long time if you take into account the peculiarities of caring for the azalea.

The main components of caring for this flower are: watering, top dressing, temperature and light conditions. The plant should not be waterlogged, as this can lead to its death. You can use water for irrigation at room temperature or 2-3 degrees warmer. Once a month, you need to use acidified water or a liquid with the addition of boric acid.

If necessary, excess stems should be removed. The plant needs to be fed in the autumn, summer and spring periods.

Very often you can see that after flowering, the azalea withered. How to save her in such a situation? To do this, the pot with the plant must be placed in a cool place. And at the moment when it begins its active growth, transplant into a new prepared substrate.

Azalea is famous for its whimsical and fastidiousness. However, her beauty is worth the time and effort that you spend on care. And even if your azalea has dried up, you now know how to save it.

This indoor flower hard to call unpretentious. Its cultivation requires compliance with certain nuances. But despite this, home flower Azalea is very popular with flower growers. This is explained by its incredibly beautiful and long flowering. On a flowering bush, because of the buds, the leaves are not even visible. You can admire such beauty only if you follow all the rules for caring for the plant and study the reasons - why does the azalea shed its leaves?

In order for the plant to please with a riot of colors during flowering, after buying it, it needs to find a suitable place. Azaleas love a lot of light, but the pot should not be placed in direct sunlight. Light must be diffused. If the apartment has only windows facing south, then you should definitely cover the bush from the scorching rays of the sun. AT winter time year the plant requires artificial lighting.

Air temperature

The optimum temperature for good growth of azaleas is no more than + 20C. Buds on the bush begin to form from mid-autumn. At this time, it is necessary to reduce the temperature to + 5 ... + 8C, and slightly reduce watering. Before flowering, the temperature rises to + 15C, and when the bush is covered with beautiful blooming flowers, the air temperature in the room should be no more than + 18C.

At the same time, it is not necessary to freeze the room in order for the azalea to bloom. You can create cold with the help of ice, wrapping it around a pot. In autumn, the flowerpot can be put on a glazed loggia. Even in winter, when there are no severe frosts on the street, the warmed loggia for the plant will have the most suitable temperature of about + 10C ... + 15C.

Humidity and watering

Azalea - indoor plant who loves very much wet air and watering. It is best to water the plant through the pan, filling it with water for several hours. If the room is hot, then it is recommended to water every other day. It is best to water with rainwater or after the snow has melted. Tap water must be settled. The flower loves acidic soils, so sometimes citric acid can be added to the water for irrigation (one teaspoon per two liters).

If the azalea sheds leaves, then it is possible that the air in the room is too dry. In this case, the bushes must be sprayed daily. For this flower, the heating season and too hot summer become a real test. At this time, he needs more careful care. In addition to spraying, water containers or air humidifiers can be placed next to the bushes. Hot radiators should be covered.

top dressing

AT flower shops you can buy special fertilizer for azaleas, which should be watered from spring until buds form. In November, when the plant begins to lay buds, it is recommended to use phosphorus fertilizers for top dressing. To do this, you can take superphosphate, which will improve the quality of flowering.

Azalea - home care after purchase, transplant

A flowering bush bought in a store must be placed in a well-lit place and taken care of according to all the rules described above. Transplant immediately to new pot plant is not allowed. If in the early days Azalea sheds leaves after purchase, then there is nothing wrong with that. The flower simply adapts to a new place. A change of "place of residence" for any plant is stress, to which they react by dropping a small number of leaves. For better acclimatization, a blooming beauty can be watered with water with the addition of Zircon.

Transplant and pruning

The bush will need to be transplanted after it has completely faded. A new, not very deep container with drainage holes is selected. You can buy special acidic soil for azalea at a flower shop or make your own by mixing:

  • rotted coniferous land - 2 parts;
  • moss - 1 part;
  • river sand - 1 part.

Too long roots are cut off when transplanting azalea. The transplanted bush should be cut off immediately so that the plant takes root faster and blooms well in the future. To do this, the tops of new shoots are pinched, and the faded stems are cut off. Brown leaves are removed.

Ignorance or non-compliance with the rules for caring for this capricious, but insanely beautiful flower may cause yellowing and loss of foliage. There can be many reasons for this:

Azalea sheds leaves if indoors too dry air. To eliminate this problem, regular spraying of the plant or placing the flowerpot on a pallet with wet claydite or moss is required.

The cause of leaf shedding may be improper watering . The plant loves watering, but it can not be flooded. Watering should be done only after the topsoil has dried. After watering, it is recommended to loosen the earth.

Nutritional deficiencies and suitable soil may cause leaf drop. It is necessary to fertilize regularly, using only special fertilizers for this. The soil mixture into which the flower will be transplanted is best purchased at the store.

Spider mites and other pests plants - another reason for yellowing and falling leaves. Having carefully examined the leaves and found small dots and cobwebs on them, you can be sure that this is a tick. In this case, the bush must be washed in the shower and sprayed with a special insecticide. For example, Aktelik. The same drug will help get rid of other pests.

Azalea can drop leaves if the roots of the plant have grown, and flowerpot became for him too small. After making sure that the roots occupy the entire pot, you need to transfer to a wider flowerpot.

Irrigation with hard water leads to alkalization of the soil and yellowing of the foliage. In this case, you need to reduce alkaline reaction, watering the plant with soft water with the addition of a small amount of oxalic or citric acid. best temperature water for azalea - not higher than + 16C.

Foliage can wither and crumble when late blight. This disease also leads to rotting of the root system. A solution of any antibiotic or fungicide will help in the fight against it. You can use a solution of copper sulfate.

If a azalea sheds only old leaves, but every day, then it can be placed under the package. At this time, the sun's rays should not fall on the flower. It needs to be watered in a timely manner and ventilated daily. Improvement should come in 20 days.

Home azalea flower in the warm season can be grown outdoors. The bushes will feel good on open balcony or in the garden, where direct sunlight does not fall. Some experienced flower growers plant a beauty for the summer even in open ground. On hot days, the plant is sprayed with settled water, and its roots are wrapped in wet moss.

Subject to all the rules for caring for an azalea at home, the flower will thank you with its chic and long flowering.

This flowering plant can hardly be called unpretentious. For flower growers who are just starting to grow flowering flowerpots on the windowsill, it is worthwhile to familiarize yourself in advance with the reasons why the leaves of the azalea fall, as this is almost always due to improper care.

Azalea - dry and fall leaves

As a rule, all flower growers face the problem of dry tips of foliage during the period heating season. This plant does not tolerate heat. As soon as you notice dry spots, change the location. It is best to choose a north or west window for the flower, as the direct rays of the sun will simply burn it. AT winter period with a sunny short day, the reason why the azalea sheds its leaves is low air humidity.

It happens that in an azalea only old leaves dry and fall off every day. In such a situation, we place the plant under the bag. After 20 days, improvements should appear, then the package can be removed. During the rehabilitation period, do not forget to ventilate the flower.

Azalea leaves are falling - what to do?

Not only dry or twisted leaves fall. Sometimes a dark brown border appears on them, and sometimes the plant simply sheds completely green leaves at once. Consider a few effective ways how to save an azalea when its leaves fall.

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Azalea belongs to the rhododendron family.

Why do purchased indoor flowers die?

Today it has become fashionable to give flowering plants in pots instead of bouquets of cut flowers. Azaleas, thanks to their luxurious abundant flowering, are purchased as a substitute for a bouquet most often. Indeed, in flower shops, this small bush looks so attractive!

Description of Indian and Japanese azaleas.

Unfortunately, those who received an azalea as a gift are not always experts in home floriculture. Therefore, in a plant that does not receive proper attention, the buds dry up without blooming, the leaves of the azalea turn yellow and fall off, and sometimes even resuscitation cannot save it.

Often, the matter may not only be that the newly-minted owners do not know how to create right conditions for a plant. Sometimes the problem is that in the store before the sale, the plant was abundantly "fed" with bioactive compounds that stimulate flowering. At the same time, the plant did not receive other conditions necessary for it.

So that your luxurious azaleas live long, please the eye and soul with their lush bloom, you need to know the features of home care for this capricious.

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How not to harm a houseplant?

Today, there are many varieties of flowering indoor plants from the genus Rhododendrons on sale (in floriculture, azaleas continue to be separated from other representatives of rhododendrons).

Azalea Sims is of Indian origin.

All modern varieties This domestic beauty is descended from two species: the Sims azalea and the Japanese azalea.

Hybrids have different shape, the size and color of the buds - from snow-white to rich coral and dark lilac. Among them there are varieties bred by our breeders. This, for example, is the indoor beauty Cinderella, which has not very large multi-layer flowers of pale lilac color.

Indoor shrub from the genus rhododendron is quite capricious and requires special attention to yourself.

Despite the fact that all varieties of indoor shrubs are bred by selection, artificially, when caring for it, one should take into account the peculiarities of the life of this plant in the wild. His care is based on this.

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Light and temperature

In nature, rhododendrons like to hide in the penumbra of other plants. After all, they grow in mountain forests.

In winter, the temperature for growing azaleas should not fall below 15 degrees.

Home varieties also do not like sun rays pointing straight at them. Therefore, you need to place pots with shrubs in somewhat shaded places.

If the indoor shrub is constantly on the southern windowsill, yellow or simply dry spots may appear on the leaves. These are sunburns.

In general, azalea is very sensitive to temperature regime. In summer, the air should be 20 - 22 ◦ C, and in winter - no higher than 15 ◦ C. Therefore, it definitely does not belong on the windowsill above the radiators. Because of this, the buds and leaves can dry out and fall off.

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Humidity and watering

Since plants of this genus come from the mountainous regions of India and China with a humid climate, rhododendrons at home also like air with high humidity. They are great for spraying and even warm rain in the garden or on the balcony.

Frequent spraying of the plant helps with a lack of moisture.

The flower should be sprayed 1 - 2 times a day. But, when it blooms, spraying is stopped, because tender buds, without blooming, can fall off.

At the same time, the plant does not tolerate overflow, stagnant water. Because of this, the leaves may become covered with brown spots or blacken at the edges. In addition, due to stagnant water, the thin roots of the plant can rot. This will lead to the death of the bush.

Do not water it with water directly from the tap. Better to use rain river water. But it should be at room temperature.

Azalea is very demanding on the soil.

This is one of the few indoor plants that prefers acidic soil - a mixture of peat with coniferous humus.

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The main problems with azaleas and emergency care for them

Purchased in a store or received as a gift, a luxuriously blooming azalea suddenly begins to wither: the leaves and flower buds wither and dry, the leaves fall off.

This is the most common problem with this plant. Most likely, the problem is non-compliance with humidity and temperature conditions.

As it was said, you can save the azalea by providing the right humidity and an acceptable temperature for it (see above for this).

Azalea roots can cover the entire pot.

Sometimes the reason may be that in a pot with a newly acquired flower there is practically no soil - only roots. In this case, you need to transfer (not transplant!) The flower into a wider, but not deep pot. After all, this bush has a superficial root system. The soil can be made independently, or you can buy a specialized one designed specifically for azaleas.

In general, it should be taken into account that young plants should be transplanted annually, and adults - once every 2 - 3 years.

The reason for the fall of the leaves may be drying out of the soil. If the plant looks like it is on its last legs, you can revive the azalea by placing the pot in a bucket of water for a few minutes. Then put a bag on the flower pot, creating an increased humidity regime in it. Leave it like that for several days, airing it every day for 5-10 minutes and spraying it with biopreparations - growth stimulants.

If the leaves turn yellow, then most likely the pH level is elevated.

Azalea diseases: why does it shed its leaves, dry up and not bloom? How to save and revive?

To lower it, you can add a few grains of citric acid per 1 liter of water to the water for irrigation.

If a home plant develops poorly, withers, few buds form on it, this is most likely caused by poor nutrition.

In this case, you must first replace the soil by transshipment, and then fertilize with universal or specialized (chlorine-free) biological products.

At home (not open ground in the garden or in the greenhouse) in the azalea, diseases are mostly caused not by pests, but by improper care of it. Therefore, you must follow all the rules for keeping this plant in the house.

If, nevertheless, a spider mite or a rhododendron fly starts, then you need to remove the curled leaves, cut off the damaged shoots and apply chemicals to control these pests.

It is worth noting that the azalea is not a plant for the lazy. She needs an eye and an eye, like a child.

When growing an azalea, you may encounter the fact that growth stops, buds are in no hurry to appear, but the main problem is leaf fall. Let's try to figure out why the azalea sheds leaves.

The reasons may be the following:

So the first reason is improper care, which contributed to the drying of the leaves. To save the situation, you need to cut the leaves that have dried up and create a plant favorable conditions for growth. The plant loves coolness, clean water, as well as a sufficient amount sunlight. When the heating is turned on in the house, it is better to place the azalea away from the batteries. If the air in the room is too dry and the temperature is high, the leaves of the azalea begin to fade prematurely. The leaves turn yellow and fall off if the humidity is low in the room. To solve the problem, you need to put the flower on a pallet with wet peat.

What to do if the azalea intensively sheds leaves during the heating season? First aid is regular spraying. You can't do without it. The only time when this procedure should be abandoned is the time of flowering. If water gets on the leaves at this time, they may fall off. This should be done regularly with settled water.

If the soil in the pot is not sufficiently moistened, then waking up in the morning, you can observe an unsightly picture: the azalea has dropped all the leaves. The reason for the fall of the leaves may be unsuitable soil. By placing the plant in the right soil and fertilizing the soil regularly, you will solve the problem. If the plant is rearranged during flowering, then it is experiencing stress. As a result, the leaves dry. If the plant is damaged by pests, for example, spider mite, then the leaves of the azalea turn yellow. The appearance of a tick threatens not only with leaf fall, but also with shedding of buds, since the pest feeds on the juice of flowers.

How to save an azalea

What to do if the azalea began to slowly die, how to save the beauty? The plant needs to be grown in acidic soil. You can get it if you mix peat and pine needles. You can also simplify the procedure by buying a ready-made substrate in the store. But why do leaves fall, despite the fact that you have chosen the right soil? We already wrote that the appearance of a tick may be the cause of leaf fall. A barely noticeable cobweb appears in the internodes of the stalk, because of which it dries up.

It all ends with twisting and falling leaves and buds. Azaleas can be saved by regular spraying and treatment with soapy water. Why do leaves dry and curl anyway? Perhaps this is an azalea moth, which looks like a caterpillar. If you find a pest, then immediately collect the moth and treat the houseplant with an insecticide.

So, there can be several reasons why the leaves of the azalea dry and fall off, so carefully watch your beauty so as not to miss a potential threat. Why did discolored spots begin to appear on the plant? These are traces of a rhododendron pest. The bug, 3-4 mm long, leaves brown eggs that spend the winter in tissues, and by the summer a young generation appears. The fight against this pest is carried out with the help of "Diazinon".

In a humid environment, Fusarium can develop, which threatens the plant with yellowing of the leaves. The tips of the leaves first turn pale, curl, the buds turn brown. As a result, not only the leaf dries out, but the roots and stems rot. You can cope with the disease by spraying with special preparations.

When the leaves are affected by cercosporosis, spots are observed on the lower part of the leaves. Brown color. Fungicides will help in the fight against the disease. During treatment, it is worth reducing the amount of watering and refrain from spraying with water.

In order not to wonder what to do if the leaves of a beautiful azalea fall, you should create the proper conditions and care for the plant. And then the plant will allow you to enjoy its beauty and magnificence. The flower should be protected from direct sunlight. Azalea loves low temperatures. Dry air is also contraindicated for her. The beauty should be watered only with settled water. You need to spray regularly, but be careful not to get on the flowers.

The plant prefers acidic soil, so you can add a couple of drops lemon juice for one liter of water.

Azaleas need to be repotted once every two years in the spring. The pot for the plant should not be narrow, so as not to damage the roots. Azaleas must be fertilized so that there is always enough in the soil. nutrients. If suddenly the branches began to dry out, this is a signal that the plant is dying. Dried shoots should be removed and the cause of her poor health should be found out.

Avoid transplanting during flowering - this is one of the causes of drying. Do not overdo it with watering, so as not to destroy your pet. Check your plant regularly for pests. If found, immediately resort to their elimination. If you do inspection regularly and find uninvited guests, then immediately treat the leaves with soapy water. If you have done the procedure, but the azalea is still shedding leaves, and you do not know what to do, proceed to the more effective measures described above.

The question "How to reanimate an azalea?" most often occur in people who are unprepared for the appearance of this flower in the house - they usually give it in an attempt to please the hostess. At first everyone admires flowering plant, and later unrest begins due to yellowing, blackening or drying of the leaves, as well as falling flowers. In such cases, it is urgent to decide how to save the dying azalea.

It is advisable to know at least something about rhododendrons before settling them at home. Because of the complexity of care, Azalea is called a capricious beauty. But if she settles in comfortable conditions, it will delight the owners with a healthy look and lush flowering. You just need to line up behind it so that everything is in balance.

Azalea feels great at an air temperature not higher than +22 ° C in summer and +15 ° C in winter. It should be bright enough, but without direct sunlight. It should be humid in a pot and air (80%), but it is impossible to spray during flowering. The soil needs to be acidic. Trouble begins when these conditions are violated.

If the leaves began to dry out, change color, become stained, you need to find out why this is happening and eliminate the cause. Leaves can fall off very quickly. They turn yellow as a result of the attack of pests - then you need to take action quickly. And if a lot of calcium has accumulated in the soil, then adding a little citric acid to the water will help.

The main cause of leaf fall is excessive dryness and high air temperature. As soon as the drying of the greens began, you need to lower the air temperature (this way the plant will recover more easily), pour settled acidified water, spray the flower.

If the azalea dries, it is necessary to give her a cool shower. Most likely, tap water contains a lot of salts and unnecessary impurities (which is why it is defended), so you will have to use a watering can with a fine sieve to bathe it with clean, settled water with the addition of citric acid. You can immerse the pot in a bowl so that the water is 2 cm above the edge, leave it for 20-30 minutes, then let the excess water drain. Just fill the flower with acidified water!

If the azalea is dry

What to do in the event that the azalea has dried up, completely losing its leaves? Do not rush to throw it away, even if it is dry. If the roots are still alive, i.e., not dried out, then the plant can be reanimated with water, cooling and boric acid. Just need to be patient.

First you need to get rid of the old soil. To do this, the plant is taken out of the pot, the roots and a clod of earth are poured with clean water. As the soil soaks, slowly and carefully remove (wash) it with your hands, you can substitute the soaked roots under running water and rinse. Then the plant can be planted in a new soil, purchased specifically for azaleas and laid on a high-quality drainage layer in a new pot. It is desirable to add wood ash or activated carbon to the soil, put a layer of pine needles on top. The transplanted flower should be placed in a softly lit place with an air temperature of no higher than +20 ° C and left until the morning.

The next day, the plant must be watered with water that has been settled for at least two days, adding a few drops of boric acid and Zircon to it. When all the soil flows well with water, the excess must be poured out of the pan.

Roots will absorb better useful material at a low temperature, so the pot can be overlaid with ice. Some flower growers argue that in the summer, a pot of azalea should be put in the refrigerator for a day. Such procedures - watering with boric acid and Zircon, cooling - must be repeated daily until new leaves begin to grow. Then you can water every other day, sometimes replacing boric acid lemon, and replace the refrigerator with sprays.

How to reanimate after pests

Having got rid of the reason why the azalea, damaged by pests, dried up, you can start restoring the plant.

Affected leaves must be removed (if they have not fallen off on their own), bare branches should not be cut. In order for the azalea to revive its branches, it must be in comfortable conditions, but it is desirable to increase the humidity of the air even more by covering the plant with a transparent lid (bag, jar). To enhance immunity, it is sprayed with a solution prepared from the Elina preparation. Water frequently (daily or every other day) with acidified settled water.

How to reanimate after illness

Azalea diseases are the result of errors. These can be caused by fluctuations in air temperature, humidity levels. If the leaves of the azalea turn black, then the cause may be a black trias or infection with fungal diseases. Septoria (red-yellow spots with black dots), cercosporosis (brown spots with red edges on the underside of the leaf), phyllosticosis (brown or gray spots) are characterized by the presence of spots that appear and grow on the leaves, stems of the plant. Late blight affects the roots, and the twisting and drying of the leaves indicates it, which first darken, starting from the very tips, change color, and then curl and.

These diseases will not be allowed to progress with special preparations that need to be started as early as possible: Bordeaux liquid, Fundazol, Ditan, Topsin-M or other fungicides. With verticillium, the base of the stem darkens, and not the leaf, this can most likely lead to death. Timely treatment with copper sulfate or fungicides will save. The sooner the disease is established, the sooner treatment will begin, which means there will be more hope for a full recovery of the plant.

After application special preparations all affected parts of the plant must be destroyed to prevent the disease from returning. An azalea that has survived a disease needs restorative procedures no less than after an invasion of pests or drying out due to poor care. The main goals are the same: restore immunity, improve conditions, help absorb nutrients.

Azalea will certainly be transplanted into a new soil, be sure to check the condition of the roots. Then apply frequent watering and spraying with water with boric and citric acid alternately, sometimes using the Elina solution to enhance immunity.

It is important that at this time the air temperature does not rise above + 20–22 degrees, and the lighting is soft without direct sunlight.

Video "Why does the azalea wither"

From this video you will learn how to cure an azalea that has begun to wither.

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