Excellent campanella. The flower is capricious, but very beautiful

Engineering systems 14.06.2019
Engineering systems

The plant is also called a bell because of the shape of its small graceful flowers. It is believed that the campanula brings family happiness to the house if you get a "groom" - a plant with blue flowers and a "bride" - with white bells.

Settle Campanula in your house - and you will not regret this acquisition. And MirSovetov will tell you how to properly care for this beautiful plant at home.

ancient bell

Today it is quite difficult to determine when the campanula plant appeared. It is known that this is a very ancient flower and already in those days it became one of the most beloved houseplants among women. They grew it not only at home, but also in flower beds. Later, Campanula was planted on balconies, as this flower has hanging shoots. Bells look great in boxes that are attached to the outside of balconies.

Campanula from the Kolokolchikov family is widespread. This plant is still found in the wild today, in particular in the countries of Southern Europe. However, many species have been cultivated, today they are very popular precisely as decorative flowers.

Campanulas are annual and perennial, have various sizes and shapes differ in color. But at home, only one type of plant is grown - Campanula is equal-leaved.

Plant appearance

Campanula has creeping shoots of a light green color. Their length can reach half a meter. The shoots are strewn with small flowers, the length of which barely reaches four centimeters.

Their color is very diverse - there are white, pale pink and lilac campanulas, there are also plants with lilac and lilac colors. The most common are two types of equal-leaved campanula:

  • "Alba" - a plant with white flowers;
  • 'Mayi' is a plant with blue flowers.

By the way, they deserved the popular name "Bride and Groom".

Do you have bells in your house?

So, you have decided to start a campanula. After its acquisition, the flower must be planted. To do this, we recommend taking a wide pot, as the roots of the plant grow rapidly. Campanula loves loose soil, so its roots "breathe" better. Therefore, you can purchase a mixture of humus or leafy soil and sand in equal proportions.

Where is the best place to put a flower pot.

Remember: campanula loves light very much. And the more it is, the better!

However, the flower cannot withstand a direct hit. sun rays. Because of this, the bell will begin to fade - the leaves will curl and dry.

When the campanula is located in dark place, the stems will begin to reach for the light, the distance between the leaves will increase, and the plant will lose its decorative look. Therefore, the most best option- East-facing windows. But it is better not to put flowers directly on the windowsill, it is better to place them on a flower stand nearby. You will see how quickly the plant grows, so soon your rack will be strewn with beautiful bells. Campanula will also look very nice on a planter hanging from the wall near the window.

Attention! Bell flowers turn towards the sun. But do not turn the pot abruptly, as this may adversely affect flowering.

Campanula does not like heat.

AT summer period, if possible, the plant can be taken out into the open air. If it is always in the room - provide it with an inflow fresh air. The approximate temperature of the content is 20-22 degrees Celsius.

AT winter period Flowers should be kept cool. It is desirable that the temperature was not more than 20 degrees Celsius.

Air humidity.

Campanula care at home is considered quite unpretentious, it has one very remarkable property: this green “pet” does not need special moisture. The flower adapts to any conditions, so there is no need for constant watering, no need to worry about installing any special pallets, etc.

However, in the heat and heating season, the bells will not refuse daily spraying.

How to water?

When the plant is in active growth and flowering, and this happens in the spring and summer, the campanula needs frequent watering. The soil must be abundantly moistened, but at the same time, water stagnation should not be allowed. The liquid should not fill the pan or remain on the ground in the pot.

In autumn, the plant is watered less. Enough 1 time per week. And in winter, reduce to 1 time per month.

Attention! If you forget to water the campanula, the flower will not dry out. The plant survives without water for about two weeks. However, you do not need to use this property of bells - they also need to be moistened.


In spring and summer, the plant can be fed with fertilizer for flowering ornamental plants. Do this no more than twice a month.

What can be done when the plant is at rest

Around October, the plant stops growing and is in a dormant period. The plant is not fertilized by watering it moderately.

To preserve the decorative appearance of the campanula, it is advisable to prune the elongated stems. The length of the lashes should be about ten centimeters.

It is better to put the pot in a cool place - on the windowsill closer to the glass. Coolness and light will create ideal conditions for a plant.

In the spring, watering can be gradually increased. Do not forget to gradually remove the dried shoots and move the pot to a warmer place.

When to transplant a plant?

Like many plants, Campanula needs to be repotted in the spring. It is during this period that her bush grows. However, many flower growers agree that it is still necessary to transplant only if the plant is very crowded, since the flower really does not like this procedure.

The transplant is done like this:

  • in new pot pour a layer of drainage (pebbles) by one third;
  • in the prepared layer (from an equal amount of leaf or humus earth and sand), transplantation begins.

Reproduction of domestic bells.

The plant reproduces in two ways:

  • cuttings;
  • seeds.

The simplest and most common type is propagation by cuttings.

In the spring, when small shoots have already grown in length by 10-12 centimeters, they are torn off and immediately placed in water or planted in an earth mixture with sand. Usually the cuttings take root quickly. They do not need special care at this time. Do not forget to water them periodically and keep them in a place with a temperature of about 20-25 degrees Celsius. Already after 15-20 days, the bells can be put on the windowsill. Here they will grow rapidly.

The plant also reproduces by seeds. in early spring. They are quite small, they are sown in bowls and sprinkled with earth a little. The seeds do not need watering - you need to spray them regularly.

What is sick campanula?

Most often, plants get sick due to improper care followed by. For the most part, due to improper watering. Campanula is no exception.

If the plant is over-moistened, it can "catch" a disease called gray rot. It infects the campanula stem and its root system. As soon as you see that your flower has become sluggish, the soil is wet and has bad smell- take immediate action! You can save a flower only if the process of decay has not gone very far. All affected areas of the plant must be removed, it is advisable to transplant into another pot. Reduce watering significantly.

Campanula can also be affected by the so-called spider mite. In this case, only insecticidal agents that can be purchased in specialized stores will help her.

Campanula (or bells, balabolka, keys, Adam's staff) takes pride of place among all the abundance garden plants. You can recognize the flower by its delicate bell flowers and bright green foliage. It was for such an elegant outfit that the campanula was nicknamed the “bride-groom”. You will learn everything about the campanula flower from today's article.

Campanula is a numerous genus herbaceous plants belonging to the Bellflower family. The birthplace of bluebells is the Mediterranean. In nature, they grow well in conditions temperate climate- in the Caucasus, in Asia and Siberia, North America. Campanula is a perennial, but biennial varieties also exist.

The habitat of bluebells is diverse. They fill meadows, forest edges, steppes, and some species can be found on rocky areas and in wastelands, in the alpine mountain belt.

The name of the plant Campanula has a scientific interpretation. It comes from Italian. campana, which in translation sounds like a "bell" and fully characterizes appearance flower.

  • The corolla of the plant is clearly bell-shaped, the inflorescences are paniculate, rarely one-flowered. They can be simple and terry, reach a diameter of 2-6 cm. The leaves are beautiful green, whole single.
  • Bluebells are simple and at the same time exquisite plants, in color they are painted in pastel and bright purple, white, lilac colors. During the flowering period, in addition to a beautiful sight, you can catch a light sweetish aroma.
  • The stems of garden campanula can be dense and straight or thin and curly. The height of the shoots ranges between 40 and 150 cm and is determined by varietal characteristics.
  • The flowering of bluebells lasts the entire summer season and often lingers until the end of September.
  • The fruit of the campanula is a box with several slit-like holes (usually 4 or 6).

Many varieties of bluebells are endangered. They are massively collected for bouquets, ruthlessly destroying their habitats. 12 species have already been included in the Red Book.

Types and varieties of campanula

There are 440 species of Campanula, which have been studied and described in detail. But only a few dozen are popular in gardening. Let's get acquainted with the most beautiful of them.

Campanula Pozharsky's bell

A low twenty centimeter perennial found in the Balkans. It has creeping stems that spread up to 30 cm wide. The leaves are large and round, the flowers resemble graceful stars or small bells. It blooms throughout July, the color of the buds is pale blue, lavender, pinkish.

The species is quite hardy and tolerates shade and frosts down to -40⁰С. A well-known variety of this species is "Bliranka". It has star-shaped flowers, 2-3 cm across and dark green foliage.

Campanula Carpathian

The flower was first discovered in the Carpathian forests, hence its name. Perennial up to 35 cm in height. The petiolate leaves are small and collected in a rosette, the basal leaves are larger and ovoid. Cup-shaped flowers do not exceed 5 cm in diameter, their color is sky-blue, snow-white, violet. Several beautiful varieties have been bred:

  • "White Wonder" is a terry campanula. Large flowers outwardly resemble a fluffy violet, which stands out strongly among the green leaves. Often grown as a houseplant.
  • "White Star" - a variety with increased decorativeness, it has large semi-open milky inflorescences.
  • "Blue Wonder" is another potted variety of terry campanula with violet-colored inflorescences.

campanula nettle leaf

A beautiful honey plant with nettle-like leaves. In addition to high decorativeness, bells are distinguished medicinal properties and are used to treat colds. Also, the young greens of this campanula are used in cooking for soups and salads. It grows up to 70-100 cm in height, the leaves are ovate, sinewy; the flowers are small and painted in snow-white, pale blue or lilac. Flowering time - 2.5 months.

peach-leaved campanula

A perennial variety with broad bell flowers in white or light blue. The stems are erect, mostly bare, reaching a height of 90-140 cm. The leaves are dark green, narrow. The flowering period is June-July. Among the varieties stand out:

  • "Alba" - a royal variety with luxurious snow-white flowers up to 5 cm in diameter.
  • "Cerulea" - a variety with a fragile erect stem 60-70 cm high; inflorescences are large, blue-violet, collected in racemose inflorescences.

lactiferous campanula

White beauty with high branched stems. They flaunt numerous milk buds, collected in pyramidal inflorescences. This is the highest (up to 170 cm) and hardy type of bluebells, the bush of which can grow up to 150 cm in diameter.

They come in two colors: lilac with a white center or blue with a beige neck. This is a very fragrant flowering species with long flowering. The most famous variety is "Paradise". This is an unpretentious bell with increased frost resistance. The variety forms a large spherical bush with large funnel-shaped flowers of different shades: from delicate milky to dark purple.

Campanula crowded

Compact view with a branched stem up to 35 cm. The flowers are large, cupped, 4-5 cm in diameter. The leaves are rich green, ovate, the color of the buds is light blue, milky, violet.

  • "Superba" - the variety blooms until last days August, grows up to 40-45 cm, the buds are large, pale white.
  • "Acaulis" is a short hybrid with white-blue and blue-purple bells.

Campanula, planting in open ground

Planting campanula is better seedling method, but gives a good result and seed propagation. This is done at the end of spring or in the first summer days. It is better to choose an open part of the garden, not obstructed by tall trees, dense shrubs, and structures. If you need to plant an already adult bush, you can do this in the fall, namely in October, so that the plant takes root successfully and prepares for the winter cold.

Sowing campanula seeds in the ground

Having decided to breed bells by the seed method, it must be taken into account that in open ground seeds are sown either in May or October. On the dug-up bed, you need to form grooves, sow seeds and sprinkle with earth 3 cm. With the advent of spring, young shoots are thinned out and, if desired, transplanted.

To grow campanula, the seeds are sown in pots with a light wet soil without deep embedding. This should be done in May-June. It is better to use homemade soil, which consists of three parts of turf, six parts of humus soil and one part of sand.

Then the containers are covered with a film, and periodically moistened with a spray bottle. After two weeks, the first shoots hatch, which after 19-21 days can be dived, and in August transplanted to a permanent bed.

Advice! Campanula seeds do not need preparation, so they are immediately sown in the soil.

Soil selection and planting of campanula seedlings

Young shoots should be planted on a prepared bed. The soil should be dug up, without weeds. If the soil is heavy on the site, you need to add sand and humus. Since campanula is prone to fungal diseases of the rhizome, manure and peat are not recommended.

A place for a flower bed should be chosen spacious, not swampy, sunny. For shade-loving varieties, a site with light diffused light, but without barriers, is suitable.

Although bluebells are very moisture-loving, they prefer loamy soil without stagnant water, so drainage is a must. If the soil is acidic, it will have to be limed.

The distance between seedlings depends on the type: for dwarf bells - 10-12 cm, for medium-sized ones - 20-25 cm, for tall ones - 50-70 cm. Plants are planted in prepared holes 8-10 cm deep, then the soil is trampled down and watered, and seedlings are sheltered from the sun. For the winter, young bushes should be covered with spruce branches or foliage.

Advice! The blue-violet colors of the bells are just a godsend for blooming garden. Such dignity can be emphasized by a successful flower "neighborhood" with roses, clematis, aquilegia, iris, echinacea.

Campanula, care in the garden

Bluebells boast endurance and unpretentiousness. Therefore, if you provide the most basic care, they bloom profusely, rarely get sick and live for about 6-8 years.

Rules for watering and loosening the soil for campanula

The bell needs large volume moisture, but it should be supplied in a rationed way, as the soil dries out. Therefore, it is necessary to properly organize watering so that the plant does not dry out and at the same time does not rot from excess water.

You can use rainwater or well-settled water; Campanula should be watered after sunset. The frequency of watering is determined according to weather conditions. During the period of drought, it must be increased, otherwise the flowers become smaller, the leaves lose their brightness, and the growth of the plant stops.

After each watering, the soil must be loosened. To slightly reduce moisture loss, the soil around the campanula is mulched with pine litter.

After the last bud blooms, watering is reduced to 1-2 times a week, and with the advent of cold weather, two to three waterings per month will be enough.

Campanula fertilizer schedule

All garden molds campanula need nutrient soil and regular feeding. You need to fertilize at least three times per season:

  • In May-April, nitrogen-containing fertilizers are used, which provide good development foliage.
  • At the stage of bud formation - the best choice there will be complex mineral compositions.
  • Flowering period - apply fertilizers with a high content of potassium and phosphorus.

Pruning, transplanting and campanula dormancy

Bluebells bloom, as a rule, in the second year of life. Often they produce several flower stalks at once. This greatly depletes the young plant, so it is better to cut off the extra flower arrows so that the campanula can fully get stronger.

The growth activity and abundance of flowering is affected by the flow of oxygen to the rhizome. Therefore, it is important to regularly loosen the soil near the roots and remove weeds in a timely manner. Also, do not forget to remove faded inflorescences.

Bluebells react capriciously to transplantation. If there is such a need, it is better to transplant at the end of summer. When digging up a bush, always leave an earthen ball on the roots to reduce their trauma to a minimum. After 19-21 days, you need to feed the roots.

Campanula bell tolerates frost well, but for this he needs preparation. Experienced gardeners it is advised to cut off the aerial part before the arrival of winter, leaving stems 10-15 cm long. Such care will allow the plant to winter quietly, and next year to release strong young shoots.

In regions with severe winters, it is better to cover the bluebells with foliage or other snatch material. But in the spring it needs to be removed quickly so that the flower does not rot.

How to deal with pests and diseases of campanula

Common campanula diseases are associated with excessive watering of the soil. This usually leads to the development powdery mildew, fungi, nematodes. For the treatment of a diseased plant, copper preparations, foundationazole and a solution of potassium permanganate are used.

Of the pests on the bushes of bluebells, you can see slugs, slobbering foam, ants and aphids. To neutralize them, you have to use an insecticide, an infusion of garlic.

Campanula, propagation by cuttings and dividing the bush

Bluebells reproduce perfectly vegetatively - by cuttings and dividing the bush.

To grow a plant from a cutting, young shoots are cut in early April. They are immersed in a loose substrate and covered with a glass or plastic bowl from above. Four weeks later, rooting occurs, and the cuttings are transplanted to a permanent place.

The division of the bush is carried out in a plant older than 3-4 years. Between May and August, large healthy bushes are dug up and carefully divided into fragments. Then each new bush is checked for the presence of a root and a kidney, and then it is planted in the ground.

Knowing all the subtleties of growing Campanula, you can enjoy the exquisite flowering of this beauty for the whole summer. With its help, you can revive even the most faded parts of the garden, settling bright colors of summer there.

Campanula, photo

Campanula is very popular ornamental plant, which is often used for cultivation in room conditions. Many people know her under the name "Bride and Groom". Visually, Campanula flowers resemble bells. Consider the features of caring for a flower at home.

Campanula is an unpretentious culture in care. Cope with the cultivation of culture can even not the most experienced florist. However, in order for the campanula to please with its bells, and the plant itself to be healthy, it is necessary to follow some rules for caring for it.

Campanula is characterized by tenderness of shades

The color of the flowers is delicate. Possible shades: white, blue, purple.

Campanula is called the "flower of family happiness." This is due to the fact that there is a sign that claims that if it (with blue and snow-white flowers) is presented to newlyweds for marriage, then peace and love will always reign in their family.

Location in the apartment

It is recommended to choose west or east windows. If you keep the culture on the south window, then you will need to shade it from direct rays of the scorching sun. On the north window, the light will not be enough.

AT summer time it is advisable to take out a pot of culture on a loggia, balcony or veranda. You can take the campanula outdoors to the yard, where it will grow faster and bloom profusely.

Many flower growers recommend placing the flower not on the windowsill, but on a special flower stand near the window, since the campanula grows very quickly and luxuriantly. Some are grown in hanging baskets, because with this cultivation the Campanula shoots fall down very gracefully, and the plant looks like an ampelous one.

It is not necessary to grow a flower in a suspension - it is the choice of the grower himself

Humidity and watering conditions

Campanula needs regular and abundant watering. This is especially important in hot summer time, and also if the plant is located next to heating appliances.

Water should not stagnate in the ground.

Culture needs enough high humidity air. For this purpose, it is recommended to regularly spray the crop, especially in hot weather. In winter, it is also necessary to periodically spray the plant if it stands near radiators and heaters.

Water drops should not fall on flowers, therefore, during the flowering period, humidity must be raised in other ways.

Temperature and lighting

In summer, the air temperature should be within 23 degrees. It is normal for temperature fluctuations. At the dormant stage, it is recommended to lower the temperature to 15 degrees.

The plant does not tolerate heat well.

Campanula prefers bright diffused light. The direct rays of the sun are not desirable for her. Therefore, it is better to place culture on the western and eastern windows.

flowers able to turn on their own to the side sunlight. However, turning the crop towards the sun is not recommended, as this will adversely affect flowering.

Soil and fertilizer

It is required to select loose, permeable soil. The substrate can be prepared independently by combining the following components:

  • Peat land;
  • Leaf land;
  • Sand with large granules.

All components are taken in equal parts.

Can be purchased ready ground for indoor plants, adding peat and sand with large granules to it in equal parts.

A drainage layer is required at the bottom of the pot. For these purposes, you can use small pebbles, expanded clay or broken bricks.

The classic version of drainage is expanded clay. It is sold in many places and is inexpensive.

At the stage of active growth, the culture needs top dressing. As a top dressing, you can use complex mineral fertilizers for indoor plants, preferably in liquid form. You need to feed once every 10 days.

Trimming the room "bride"

Pruning is done for the purpose stimulate flowering and growth new shoots. Also pruning will help to give a decorative look. At the end of flowering, it is required to remove dried flowers and leaves.

In the spring, the upper leaves and side shoots are also removed.

How a flower reproduces

Culture propagation is possible in the following ways:

  1. The division of the bush;
  2. cuttings;
  3. seed method.

By dividing the bush

Do not forget about the sterility of the tool with which you cut the flower

Dividing a bush is not the rarest way to propagate plants. Fits not all indoor plants . So, we have already described.


  • Cut off the lower shoots with a few leaves;
  • For 10 hours, place the cutting in a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • When the roots appear, transfer the stalk to a container with cool water;
  • Plant the cuttings in a substrate of sand and peat to a depth of no more than 3 cm;
  • Cover containers glass or plastic film;
  • Air and spray seedlings regularly.

Reproduction by seeds

  • Sowing seeds is done in early spring;
  • Place a layer of moistened soil at the bottom of a small glass, and cover with a layer of dry soil on top;
  • Sow the seeds in cups and moisten a little;
  • Periodically, crops need to be sprayed with water;
  • Seedlings need to be transplanted into the pot when at least three leaves appear.

How to transplant

Transfer required only when when the culture becomes cramped in the pot. Transplantation should be done in spring or autumn.

How to transplant?

  1. Prepare a new pot for transplanting. Its diameter should be several centimeters wider than the previous one;
  2. Lay a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot, and lay fresh soil on top;
  3. Remove the plant from the old pot along with a clod of earth;
  4. Put the plant in a new container, align the roots on the surface of the soil;
  5. Compact the soil with your hands and pour abundantly.

Diseases and pests

The most common flower diseases:

  1. Root rot;
  2. Gray rot.

root rot manifests itself in the form of brown spots on the leaves, blackening of the stems and the formation of mold on the ground. You will need to remove all damaged leaves, shoots and roots.

Finish cuts with crushed coal. Soak the root system in a solution of potassium permanganate or fungicide for 30 minutes. Then transplant the plant into a new pot and fresh soil.

Gray rot appears as spots on the leaves gray color with villi and black dots. In this case, all the affected parts of the flower must be removed, and the cut points should be treated with crushed coal.

Rot is a dangerous disease, infected areas must be removed

Plant transplant into a new container and fresh soil. The number of waterings must be reduced, it is required to water the plant with a solution of potassium permanganate once a week.

The most common pests:

  1. Spider mite;
  2. Shchitovka.

It is required to pay attention to the leaves, their changes. The spread of pests leads to the fact that the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off.

When pests appear, use soapy water and insecticidal preparations.

Growing problems

Often, owners have to deal with the following problems:

  • Yellowing and dropping of leaves- this is a sign of excess sunlight and dry air;
  • If a stems are thinning and are strongly drawn out, which means that the flower does not have enough light;
  • If a the leaves wither, then the reason is excessive watering.

Campanula, which is sometimes referred to as "Campanella", has its own group in social network VK. There people discuss issues related to growing a flower.


The plant includes several varieties.

Campanula pleases flower growers with its diversity Variety Equal-leaved Variety Terry Real bell Variety Campanella


This is another name for Campanula. Shoots have a length of no more than 25 cm. They creep or fall. The light green leaves are heart-shaped. The leaves are up to 7 cm long.

The flowers have a diameter of no more than 4 cm. Colors: snow-white, blue, lilac and pale pink. They form inflorescences-panicles on the tops of the shoots.

Flowering lasts for throughout the summer season if you create a plant right conditions content.

Home bell

Campanula is also called home bell, as the flowers look very similar to bell flowers.


This is a hybrid look. Represents a small bush strewn with small double flowers various colors: white, blue and lilac. This is a much more capricious type of plant. Blooms throughout the summer with proper care.


This is most popular type in indoor floriculture. The height of the bush does not exceed 30 cm. The plant is grown as an ampelous plant, so it is planted in hanging baskets. Thin stems of culture fall down.

White and blue flowers-bells plentifully cover the culture. It is this variety that I usually refer to as "bride and groom." Blooms all summer.


This is perennial species campanula. The leaves are located in the root zone and have a rounded shape. The colors of numerous flowers are varied: white, lilac, blue and pale pink. Flowering lasts throughout the summer period.


Plant height - no more than 20 cm. The species is distinguished by the large size of flowers and leaves. Flowers have a blue tint.

species can be grown not only indoors, but also on garden plot. Blooms all summer.

Homemade bell will perfectly decorate any place where you put it

Thus, campanula is very tender, beautiful plant. The plant is quite unpretentious, but requires removal throughout the year. There are many different varieties of plants that differ in size and color of flowers.

A unique plant whose flower is shaped like a bell - campanula - belongs to the largest group of profusely flowering perennials. Also, the culture is known to domestic flower growers under the name "bell". In catalogs landscape designers this plant can be found in many projects. But not all photos can convey the beauty and versatility of Campanula.

The genus takes its name from the Latin word Campana (bell), which means bell. In Scotland, the plant is called "witch's thimble". The characteristics of this perennial plant, depending on the habitat, can vary significantly. The field of application of campanula is extensive and varied.

Among other common species, southern bluebell, with huge broad leaves and small white or pale lavender flowers, are characteristic crops for damp, grassy meadows.

A more familiar type of bell ( rapunculoides), common in gardens, parks and adjoining plots, has flowers of white, pink, blue or lilac hue. Peduncles are usually placed on one side of the stem, and have lanceolate or heart-shaped leaves.

In 1753 Carl Linnaeus described 41 species. For centuries, research breeding work. European nurseries have been able to achieve impressive results. Now there are 350 species in the genus Campanula. Most of distributed in the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere.

The plant is different beauty and durability, hundreds of species are used as ornamental crops. In some European countries, certain species of this plant are wild crops and are under state protection.

Campanula can be grown as an annual, biennial or perennial plant. This determines the way of cultivation and care.

Most species have bell-shaped flowers with shades of blue, purple, pink, or white.

Plants can vary in size from low-growing miniature species to vines used in vertical gardening. Each species requires its own care.

plant species

round leaf bellflower, also called Campanula of Scotland.

  • Grown as a perennial.
  • Has blue, purple and pink flowers. In some cases, the flowers may be white.
  • Light-loving plant, long daylight hours.
  • It develops well and blooms in slightly shaded areas.
  • Flowers suffer from direct sunlight.
  • Campanula of this species is able to tolerate short-term drought, but requires periodic watering.
  • Blooms from June to September.

Is undersized perennial plant. It has blue or white flowers.

Prefabricated bell grows vertically, has light green fuzzy spear-shaped leaves.

  • Reaches a height of up to two meters.
  • Constant care is required - removal of faded peduncles along with a dried stem.
  • It tolerates a short drought, but, nevertheless, requires constant plentiful watering.
  • Light-loving plant, but can be cultivated in slightly shaded areas.

Soil and growing areas

Campanula can be grown in different climatic zones . Healthy, mature plants successfully tolerate cold snap and drought. Individual specimens are grown in the northern regions, in conditions with severe winters.

Well-drained soils of various compositions are required for the development of a quality root system. Plants perfectly tolerate the soil of any acidity. Some species, predominantly intended for cultivation in the southern regions, require abundant watering and grow successfully on moist soils and in lightly shaded conditions. Campanula - care does not require much time.

Campanula plant varieties


Bluebell can be grown seeds, seedlings or rhizomes. Small seeds remain viable only in the light, which is why it does not require incorporation into the soil.

Seeds can be sown in open ground, flowering occurs with this method the next year. Sowing can be started when the soil is warm, and the air temperature should be consistently warm.

When growing seedlings, seeds must be sown in a greenhouse in late February, early March.

For propagation by rhizome, it is necessary split the mother material into parts. Each part must be treated with a special disinfectant composition. This method is less productive and more costly, but allows you to get a powerful and abundant flowering plant- campanula.


Most types of bells do not require special care. Campanula, like many other perennials, are hardy and they are able to endure adverse conditions. weather, including short-term drought.

For some types care is to remove wilted flowers. To receive abundant flowering some cultivars require flower stalks to be removed before seeds are formed. To rejuvenate the bush, it is necessary to cut off the entire aerial part in the fall. In the spring, new, young shoots will appear.

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Campanula mini terry care at home

Growing at home such an unusual, beautiful and bright plant, such as mini terry campanula, will not bring too much trouble. This indoor flower will bring an atmosphere of comfort into the home and will delight every day with its originality.

Campanula is also sometimes called the bluebell.

More given plant popularly called the bell because of a large number very graceful flowers. Many people believe that campanula has a positive effect on the relationship of spouses. The plant has creeping shoots of bright green color, the length of which sometimes reaches 50 cm. The shoots themselves are simply strewn with small flowers. Their color is quite varied. You can find purple, white, pink, lilac species.

The necessary conditions

After making a purchase of a campanula, you need to start planting it. For this, it is best to use a wide pot, as this plant grows roots very quickly. The flower prefers loose soil, as in this case its roots receive a sufficient amount of oxygen. Best to use leaf ground which is mixed with sand.

Campanula loves bright sunlight.

It should be remembered that the terry campanula is very fond of light, but the flower does not tolerate direct sunlight. Due to prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light, the bells will begin to wither, and the leaves themselves will dry out rather quickly. If you put the plant in a dark place, then its stems will gradually begin to reach for the light, the distance between the leaves will become larger and the flower will very quickly lose its beautiful appearance.

That's why the best way is to put the pot on the window that faces the east side. However, if possible, then install the flower on a special stand, which is located near the window. AT this case it will be possible to see how quickly the campanula mini develops. Quite interestingly, the flower looks on a planter that was hung from the wall.

Such a delicate flower does not like hot weather. In the summer, if possible, gardeners recommend taking it out into the open air. When the flower is in the room every day, you need to provide it with a normal flow of air. The temperature in the room should not exceed 22°C. In winter, Campanula feels great in a cool room.

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