What is Momordik and how to grow it. Momordika: landing and care

Gardening 13.06.2019

Useful, hardy, unpretentious and simple velvets in cultivation are indispensable. These seals have long been from urban flower beds and classic flower beds moved to original compositions, decorated the beds and potted gardens. The velvets with their easily recognizable yellow-orange-brown colors and even more inimage fragrances today are capable of surprising and their diversity. First, among the velvets there are both high and miniature plants.

Our grandmothers, grown with a strawberry garden, or strawberries, as we used to call it, not particularly worried about mulching. But today, this agroprium has become fundamental in achieving high quality berries and reduce crop losses. Someone can say that it is troublesome. But practice shows that labor costs in this case Paying for a hundredfold. In this article, we suggest you would like to meet the nine best Materials For mulching garden strawberries.

Succulents are very diverse. Despite the fact that more fashionable always considered "kids", to the assortment of succulents, with which you can decorate modern interior, It is worth looking attentively. After all, the sizes, sizes, patterns, the degree of thoroughness, the effect on the interior is only a few of the parameters for which you can choose. In this article, we will tell about the five most fashionable succulents, which in an amazing way transform modern interiors.

Mint used the Egyptians for another 1.5 thousand years before our era. It is characterized by a strong aroma due to the large content of various essential oils with high volatility. Today, mint is used in medicine, perfumery, cosmetology, winemaking, cooking, in decorative gardening, in the confectionery industry. In this article, consider the most interesting varieties of mint, as well as tell about the peculiarities of the cultivation of this plant in open soil.

People began to grow crocuses for 500 years before the onset of our era. Although the presence of these colors in the garden is fleeting, we are always looking forward to the return of spring of spring next year. Crocuses are one of the earliest primroses, whose flowering begins, as soon as snow comes. However, flowering time may differ depending on species and varieties. This article is devoted to the earliest varieties of crocuses that bloom at the end of March-early April.

Soup from the early young cabbage on the beef broth - satisfying, fragrant and simple cooking. In this recipe you will learn how to cook delicious beef broth and make light soup on this broth. Early cabbage is boiled quickly, so it is put in a pan simultaneously with the rest of the vegetables, unlike the autumn cabbage, which is preparing somewhat longer. Ready soup can be stored in the refrigerator a few days. Turning sch are tastier just cooked.

Blueberry - low-prolonged promising berry culture in the gardens. Blueberry berries are the source of biologically active substances and vitamins, possess anti-cutting, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, well-fascinating properties. Berries contain vitamins C, E, A, flavonoids, anthocyans, microelements - zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, as well as plant hormones - phytoestrogens. Blueberry berry flavor is reminiscent of a mixture of grapes and blueberries.

Looking at the variety of tomato varieties, it is difficult not to be confused - the choice is very wide today. Even experienced Gorodnikov He is sometimes confused! However, to understand the basics of the selection of varieties "for themselves" is not difficult. The main thing is in particular culture and start experimenting. One of the easiest to grow groups of tomatoes is grades and hybrids with limited growth. They always appreciated by the gardeners who do not have a lot of strength and time to care for the beds.

Once very popular under the name of indoor nettle, and then forgotten, the coles today are one of the brightest garden and indoor plants. They are not in vain are considered the stars of the first magnitude for those who are looking for above all non-standard colors. Simple in cultivation, but not so comprehensive to approach everything, the cakes require constant control. But if you care about them, bushes from velvety unique leaves easily eclipse any competitor.

Baked salmon ridge in olive herbs - "Supplier" delicious pieces Fish pulp for lightweight salad with fresh leisters of the abrade. Champignons slightly roasted in olive oiland then watered with apple vinegar. Such mushrooms are tastier than ordinary marinas, and they are better suited for baked fish. The shortcut and fresh dill get along perfectly in one salad, emphasizing each other's fragrance. Garlic acuteness of the abrade is impregnated and the flesh of salmon, and pieces of mushrooms.

Conifer tree Or a shrub on the plot is always great, and a lot of conifers - even better. Emerald needles different shades decorate the garden at any time of the year, and phytoncides and essential oilsSeparated by plants not only flavors, but also make air cleaner. As a rule, most of the zoned adults coniferous plants, are considered very unpretentious trees and shrubs. But young seedlings are much more capricious and require competent care and attention.

Sakura, most often, is associated with Japan and its culture. Picnics under the canopy of flowering trees have long been already the inalienable attribute of the Spring meeting in the country of the Rising Sun. Financial and school year here begins on April 1, when magnificent sakura bloom. Therefore, many significant moments in the life of the Japanese pass under the sign of their flowering. But Sakura is growing perfectly and in the cooler regions - certain types can be successfully grown even in Siberia.

It is very interesting for me to analyze how tastes and addictions of people have changed to one or another food products over the centuries. The fact that was once considered delicious and was the subject of trade, over time he lost its value and, on the contrary, new fruit cultures conquered their markets. Quince has already been cultivated for more than 4 thousand years! And even in the 1st century d. N. e. About 6 varieties of quince were known and then the ways of its reproduction and cultivation were described.

Please make your household and make thematic curd cookies in the form of Easter eggs! Your kids will gladly take part in the process - ascend to flour, connect all the necessary ingredients, knead the dough and cut the intricate figures. Then, with admiration will be observed as the pieces of the dough turn into real Easter eggs, and then with the same inspiration they will eat them with milk or tea. How to make such original cookies for Easter, read in our step by step recipe!

Among the tuber cultures of decorative-deciduous favorites are not so much. And Caladium is a true star among the volatile inhabitants of the interiors. It may not be decided to start the caladium. This plant is demanding, and first of all - to care. But still rumors about the extraordinary capriciousness of Caladiums never justify. Attention and care allow you to avoid any difficulties in the cultivation of caladiums. And forgive small mistakes, the plant can almost always.

In recent years, the cultivation of exotic cultures in the country area is increasingly interested in gardeners and gardeners, but not all of them know what Momordika is and what kind of plant wears this unusual name. However, this culture is so unique that it is worth paying special attention to it.

Momordik - common name A whole genus Lian family of pumpkin, growing in the tropics and subtropics of Asia, Australia and Africa.

From 20 species of plants for cultural cultivation Only one is suitable - one-name herbalist Liana Momordik Hararange, referred to as Chinese pumpkin, balsamic pear, indian cucumber, mad melony and crocodile cucumber.

Paddle, bizarrely carved leaf plates plants resemble the form of leaves watermelon or grapes and look very attractive, thanks to which the Momordik plant is superbly suitable for decorative landscaping. Yellow five-point Liana flowers, located in the sinuses of the leaves, fragrant with jasmine.

Momaordiki's fruits are no less aesthetically, coated with spikes and warthams, in the process of maturation they are yellowing, acquired a saturated fire-orange color. At the peak of maturity, the fruits burst, taking off from the inside and opening the seeds in a bright red flesh.

In the countries of Southeast Asia, the fruits of Momordics are eating like a vegetable. They are marinated, extinguished, cook, and also eating raw. For a long time, the dishes from the fruits of this miracle-liana were considered exquisite delicacy, the honor to taste them only to members of the imperial family and representatives of high nobility.

In addition, seeds and fruits were used to treat many diseases. Today, exotic dishes from Momordika are not uncommon. To prepare a snack worthy of the emperor, you can grow a culture yourself. It is unpretentious and successfully cultivated under the conditions of a changeable climate of the middle strip.

Features of growing Momordika

Since Momordika, let the Indian, but still cucumber, Her growing agricultural engineering is very similar to cucumber. The most common way to cultivate exotic Lianov is considered to reproduce Momordiki seeds. By analogy with cucumbers, in the middle of April, seeds are sowing to seedlings.

This is done like this:

  • Since Momordic seeds have a very dense shell, during the day before sowing, they should be soaked in a weak solution of manganese. When sowing dry seeds, the shell can be slightly imposed using for this sandpaper or file.
  • Small pots or cups fill soil mixture For seedlings.
  • Sowing is carried out two seeds in every pot to a depth of 1.5-2 cm.
  • We are moderately watered with warm water. In the next 2-3 days, watering seedlings is not required.
  • Speakers can accelerate the appearance of shoots, covering the containers with crops with glass or polyethylene.

For average temperature From + 20 ° C to + 25 ° C. The friendly shoots of Momordiki appear for the tenth day after sowing, and after 20-30 days the fastening seedlings will be ready for landing into an open ground.

In addition to reproduction by seeds, the cultivation of momordics can be carried out and by step-in. To do this, from adult liana, strong step-down shoots are taken and placed in nourishing substrate For rooting, after which they are transferred to the selected landing site.

Momordic Plant Care

In the open soil Momordik sit in the last days of May, when the flowering apple trees ends. Best of all it feels like fertile loose soils. Pandot cultures, potatoes and tomatoes are suitable as predecessor cultures for exotic beauty.

With the advent of side shoots, the stems of young Momordiki seedlings should be fixed on a vertical support, which can be chosen to choose a sleeper, an arch or pergola. Running, liana will be fixed independently, reaching a length of up to 2 m, and pay the supporting structure.

However, to get good harvest, There should be no strong thickeship to allow the crown, so at the level of 9-10 intercoums of Liana, it is recommended to adjust and rid it from unnecessary side shoots. For full development Culture will be enough to leave 2-3 main lets.

During the flowering of Momordik, being a good honey, attracts a huge number of pollinators insects, thanks to which future fruits are tied. When growing in a greenhouse, artificial pollination will need artificial pollination, since the flowers of the arrangement of separation.

Culture blooms simultaneously with the active development of shoots. Watering MomaDikov is recommended as the soil drying, due to the calculation of 10 liters of water for each adult plant.

It is important to remember that during the ripening of fruits, the leaves of the Momordik leaves greatly, so the access of children and domestic animals to the plant at this time should be limited. After the first fruit matures on it, this unpleasant property is lost.

Being a typical representative of his family, most often Momadik is amazed by diseases characteristic of its relatives: puffy dew, white Rot, bacteriosis.

Most dangerous pest Plants are considered to be a word. At the first signs of the disease or attack of pests, measures should be taken to save Momordiki, which will be suitable for treating any pumpkin culture.

Harvesting and the healing properties of Momordika

To continue the active fruction of culture, the crop should be collected more often. However, it should be remembered that the formation of too much fruit can seriously weaken the plant.

Therapeutic properties of momordic are due to the increased content of vitamins of groups A, B, C, E, PP and F, and by the number of nutrient microelements of Momordik left far behind such recognized "champions" as broccoli and celery.

Due to this, Momordika has a well-fastener and tonic effect on the human body. In addition, Momordika has antiviral and bactericidal properties, contributes to the regulation of blood sugar levels and increase hemoglobin in it.

Also, Momordik, actively participating in the girlfling processes, contributes to a decrease in harmful cholesterol and purification of vessels, thereby reducing the risk of strokes and heart attacks.

Numerous recipes of bravery and infusions, which include Momordik, are intended for the treatment of diseases such as psoriasis, furunculosis, rheumatic arthritis, burns, prostatitis, oncological diseases.

Vitamin F present in the composition prevents premature aging, and with long-term use, cell renewal contributes to human organism. Momaordic makes it possible to restore lost urgency and is successfully used to treat some eye diseases.

Despite beneficial features Momordiki, in some cases there are serious contraindications for its use. The reception of muscle and drugs on its basis during pregnancy can cause uterine bleeding and provoke miscarriage.

The use of plant seeds can cause poisoning and developing anemia in children, as well as cause aggravation of ulcers and heartburn in individuals suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Momordik, like all pumpkin, is a very thermal-loving plant that requires a lot of light and moisture during active growth. It comes from India, the indochy and southern regions of China, so often wears the popular name and Indian cucumber or Chinese melon. Both names are largely related to the appearance of the fruits of Momordik and with its complex taste.

In the open soil, Momordik can grow only in the southern regions, in our northern latitudes, mostly this plant is grown in greenhouses, on the balconies, in winter Gardens And on the windowsill. When cultivating this spectacular plant with large carved palpal leaves, nicely smelling flowers and unusual spiked large yellow-orange fruits need to remember that until the first fetus appears, the entire plant "bites", that is, burns hands like nettle. It is for this property a plant and got its name. Work at first with momordica will have to be in gloves and with a special precaution, since touch can cause an allergic reaction.

Momordik has some more unusual abilities. Before the appearance of full female fruiting flowers, it produces empty-flower - a kind of "trial ball". Ripe fruit effectively bursts, throwing out beautiful large red seeds.

The fruits of the plants are edible, in the countries of Southeast Asia they are eaten by unrite in a fresh form, until they bought bitterness, and also fry and extinguished, pre-carefully exaggerated in a strong solo solution. Momordik Kohinchinskaya, or Gak, in Vietnam and other Asian countries - medicinal plantwho can cope even with some forms of cancer.

Methodiki growing methods

If you or your friends already have a vegetable momordik, it can be broken with cuttings, but much easier to make it seeds. For cuttings take a segment of a stem with several nodes, remove bottom leaves And if necessary, cut the leaf plate at the upper. The cuttings are nice to give roots even in water, but rooting can successfully occur in the substrate - peat mixtures with sand. Roots grow pretty quickly, the plant is required high humidity Air, good uniform watering and excellent lighting, lack of drafts and temperature drops.

The cultivation of Momordika in room conditions largely resembles the same process for conventional cucumber. So that gardener who at least once has successfully raised cucumber seedlings, will be able to get beautiful and healthy seedlings of tropical momordic.

Growing conditions

MomaDick requires a stable high air temperature, good lighting, during the period of active growth of large amounts of water. Optimal conditions For this herbal, but powerful liana can be provided on big window, on a balcony or loggia with western or southern orientation. Plant does not like strong sun ray At noon, air and soil drought, as well as drafts and sharp temperature drops.

Also for Momordik, the danger has a stagnation of moisture in the ground, so it must be very nutritious and loose enough, with weak acidity. For prosperous growth Plants require good drainage and regular feeding.

Since the plant has a small and sufficiently surface root system, the maximum capacity of the cultivation of an adult plant should not exceed 10 liters, but Momordika can exist well in five-liter capacitance, if it is enough water and nutrients. The plants have sensitive roots, so the land in the pot will have to periodically pour it to the roots, so that the roots are not screamed during watering and the stormy growth of Momordika.

If the plant is suitable for the cultivation conditions you have proposed, it will develop powerful vacations and will release large palpat leaves that will look extremely effectively and elevated next to the unusual fruits decorated with spikes.

Seed Growing Instructions

The easiest I. available way Momajdiki is obtained - this cultivation of seeds. They have unusual shapeSome of the gardeners are compared with a turtle shell. As with all pumpkin, the Momordic seeds retain the germination for a long time and give a high percentage of seedlings received. They do not require any pre-sowing processing, only soaking per day in a weak solution of potassium mangartage for disinfection. It is impossible to withstand seeds before sliding, since in this case the seedlings do not care well and their output decreases sharply.

To obtain high-quality and strong plants, you can use our step-by-step instructions For the cultivation of Momordika from seeds:

  1. Like all pumpkin vegetablesMomordik has gentle roots and does not tolerate their damage, so for its landing, separate small pots or plastic cups are used.
  2. To obtain a healthy seedlings, a nutrient mixture is prepared from a sheet of land, good humoring, peat and half of the sand. The composition is stirred and sifted.
  3. On the bottom of the pots or cups are placed in a layer of drainage and poured the prepared burf, seal it and watered with warm water for uniform moisture.
  4. Seeds are placed in the center of the pot "on the barrel", rushing the earth, slightly pressing for a good clutch, watered.
  5. Seed seeds are placed in a very warm place with scattered, but quite bright light.
  6. To preserve the humidity of the crop can be covered with a film, periodically spraying them and conducting ventilation to avoid the "black leg" lesion.
  7. When the leaves appear, you need to provide young rabbid to good lighting, otherwise the shoots will stretch and be weak.
  8. Grown plants delicately pass several times as Momordika groves.
  9. Liana is formed in several stages, trying to remove unnecessary shoots as early as possible - so the plant suffers less from the loss of green mass.
  10. When the time comes to set a plant for a permanent place, it is transplanted in the most large potin which she lives all summer and autumn.
  11. As the shoots grow, they need to be fixed on Liane in the most difficult places, since the massive plant can hit under its own weight, without holding away on its own mustache. Weiss a plant with soft natural sword enough freely, "eight". Make it only for the most massive shoots, the rest perfectly keep themselves.
  12. Do not forget about regular watering, feeding and spraying Momordika.

This plant suffers exactly from the same diseases and pests as our usual cucumbers, therefore, treatment methods and the choice of fungicides and insecticides are no different from similar to other pumpkin vegetables.

Growing at home

Moma's care at home is simple. She needs to ensure approximately the same conditions of existence, as in nature, in the places of its natural growth. She needs warm, at least 20 - 22 degrees, good lighting, since when lacking light, the fruits either do not take place at all, either fall into small, high enough air humidity and the absence of sharp temperature fluctuations, which will also contribute to the fallout of the gouring. We need I. good watering Without moisture, therefore, in a pot with Momordik, it is necessary to arrange a very high-quality drainage.

Special attention should be paid to the composition and nutritional nutrition. In nature, all pumpkin plants are very "voracious", so the soil should be fresh, nutritious and at the same time permeable. Usually it includes a good turf, sheet land and some peat for moisture, as well as high-quality "bold" humus and sand as a tearful. With this composition of the soil, the plant will grow perfectly and will not require feeding until the moment of flowering and active fetus tying.

Since Momordika is a large liana with a rather large green mass, on balconies and loggias it is best grown on a spleker. To do this, choose a western or southern wall and installed on it or with her lattice or mesh support for the plant.

Liana form, removing the steps and pinch extra shoots. It is best to leave 1-3 the most powerful scourge, and the rest to clean up as soon as they start growing.

Fruit production

To obtain fruits in a closed soil, artificial pollination will need, as in nature they make insects, usually not allowed to our balconies. It is most convenient to make it a soft tassel, just foiling anthers on one flower and carrying pollen to another.

So that the plant is continuously blooming and fruit, it needs not only good lighting, warmth and moisture. In nature, everything is designed rational - if the fruit began to be angry, it means that the mission is fulfilled and flowering should stop. Therefore, the bulk of muscle fruits should be removed, as well as in a conventional cucumber, in the form of Zelents, that is, young crispy barriers. There is also a case in high taste qualities of young fruits, since more ripe acquire a strong bitter taste.

When you consider that the time has come to obtain a crop, that is, ripe high-quality seeds, choose one - two large fetus (depending on the magnitude of the liana) and leave them to full maturation. All other fruits and appearing flowers will need to be deleted. At this time, the plant should be watered more modest than with an active vegetation so that the seeds manage to grow well.

With the onset of cold weather, the plant will die, but with a margin of seeds and the acquired knowledge and experience you will begin again to grow this wonderful plant - Momordika.

Momordika - herbal tropical liana family pumpkin, growing in the countries of Southeast Asia, famous for gardeners as a Chinese pumpkin, Indian grenade, squirting cucumber, balsamny pear and cucumber crocodile. The last nickname, perhaps, is best suited to an exotic Asian: the peel of its oblong fruits covered with numerous growths and the fights is really similar to the skin of the reptile, and during the ripening period the fruit is revealed, as if the predator's mouth, "spoiling" brightly red berries. Mother-Momordik enjoys special respect and honor, dishes with her participation were allowed to bite only members of the imperial family. In medium latitudes, the culture appeared relatively recently, but its popularity among gardeners is rapidly gaining momentum, because healing power Fruits of wonderful lianas go legends.

Mothering and lover of indoor plants left without attention: in home interior Curly liana with carved leaves, yellow fragrant flowers And fantastic fruits looks very impressive. In addition, the plant feels quite comfortable and fruits no worse than on garden Groke. Perfect culture: and benefit, and beauty, and delicious dishes to the table!

When to plant

At home, Momordika can be grown yearly, but only if you can fully provide decent accommodation conditions (lighting, temperature mode). If there is no such possibility, then sowing seeds is better to postpone until the end of March - early April.

Preparation of seeds

Before starting the sowing work, carefully inspect and sort the sowing material: high-quality arrangement seeds are large (up to 1.5 cm long), dark brown, covered on two sides with an unusual pattern similar to an ethnic ornament. Light coloring of the seed shell is not very good sign: Most likely, these copies have not caused and hardly germinate.

Preparation of selected material is carried out in several stages:

  • Scarification - the sharp nose of each seed is lightly worn by sandpaper or manicure filling to disturb the integrity of the shell.
  • Disinfection - in order to avoid the development of fungal diseases, the sowing material for 2-3 hours is treated in a dark-pink solution of manganese, after which it is thoroughly washed under running water.
  • Soaking - the treated seeds are placed in a container with wet sawdust or wrapped in a gauze, generously moistened with water, and placed in a warm place.

At a temperature of + 25 ° C, the Momordic seeds will be jammed with dense, white roots and will be ready for sowing into the ground.

Technology Sowing

For the cultivation of vegetable lianas, a universal shot of a homemade substrate is suitable, cooked from the garden land, peat and humus taken equally. In order to disinfection, the landing ground is calcined in the oven or shrieked with boiling water. Like other pumpkin, Momordik is extremely painfully reacting to the pickup, so sowing is recommended to carry out in separate floor-liter peat cups. The technology is quite simple:

  • Sterilized soils fall asleep in glasses and compact it.
  • Seeds are pressed into the soil and sprinkle with clean sand.
  • After an abundant watering, glasses with crops are installed in a common container and to create a gentle greenhouse microclimate are covered with glass (film).

With the advent of shootouts, the glass is cleaned, the soil is moistened with warm water from the spray and arrange a cups with seedlings on a well-lit windowel. To protect against the battle rays of the Sun, the seedlings are diagnosed with fine paper or openwork curtain. In the phase of three real leaves, the plant together peat glasses are planted in spacious capacity - flower pots or shoulder volume of 25-30 liters. Do not forget to establish a suitable support for the growing momordik, because in the near future, the length of the Lian will reach 2-2.5 m. As a permanent residence of Momordik, a spacious light windowsill of the southeast side will suit.

At home Momordika does not arrive, but care for it should be competent and timely:

  • In hot weather, plants need frequent and abundant irrigation. The procedure is carried out in the evening, thoroughly misoading the earth with mild warm water. In the morning after irrigation of the soil under Liana, carefully loose. Momordika does not endure the progress of the roots, so as the soil is sedired in the pot, the fresh substrate is plugged.
  • We feed the lianas every 2-3 weeks, alternating universal mineral fertilizers with organic influences.
  • In the absence of insects, the pollination of Momordik in the room is carried out artificially. For this, pollen from sticky (male) flowers with a soft tassel or cotton disk are transferred to pedestal (female) inflorescences.
  • All side shoots (stepsing) are neatly pluck. For high-quality fruiting, there will be enough 2-3 flexible weaves.

Caution! Before the start of fruiting shoots and leaves of Momordika burn like nettle, no wonder the name of the culture (Momordicus) translates from Latin as a "biting fruit". Given this fact, you should work with a plant only in gloves and limit the access of children and pets to Lian. When the first marks will begin to appear on the spot of fragrant flowers, Momordik will change anger to grace and stop "biting."

Diseases and pests

When growing Momordika in decorative purposes, potent industrial preparations are used. In the fight against pests - insecticides (Aktellik, "Carbofos", "Phytoverm"), for the treatment of diseases - fungicides ("Ridomil Gold", "Fundazol", "Hom").


Momordika - the culture of grateful and in response to competent care will surely please you with excellent harvest. For culinary purposes, 8-10-day misunderstanding green or yellowish fruits are removed, whose flesh is like an eggplant or zucchini. To get rid of the characteristic mustard, which is not like everyone, the wonderful cucumbers are cleaned, cut into slices and soaked in salty water or blanched in boiling water. After such processing, the momordica is frying, extinguished, add to soups, salads and winegres. Juicy, fragrant, slightly bitter fruits of green colors are eaten with raw foods, and solid radlets can be marrying and shedding for the winter. Collect the harvest need as often as possible, otherwise a large number of The strings will delete Lian and it will stop fruit.

The sign of the full ripeness of "mad cucumbers" is considered to be a poisonous-orange painting of a tuberculous peel. At this stage, the seeds of momordics are harvested, of which a bitter decoction is prepared, intended for the treatment of prostatitis, hemorrhoids, urolithiasis. The sweet pulp of ruby-red berries contains a valuable oil rich in caromethium, increasing hemoglobin and promoting immunity to strengthen. Decoration from Lian leaf helps with hypertension, cough and migraine.

The list of indications for the use of exotic vegetable is very extensive - diabetes mellitus, obesity, oncological diseases, eye disease, mental exhaustion, sclerosis, etc. BUT! Momordic is categorically contraindicated by young children, as well as pregnant and lactating women.

An exotic plant, the birthplace of which is India and Southeast Asia, loved by Russian gardeners due to their high decorative and useful qualities. The cultivation of Momordika does not require special careTherefore, it can often be found not only in a garden or greenhouse, but also in the conditions of urban apartments.

Culture refers to the family of pumpkin and grows in the form of a curly one-year liana with a height of up to 2 meters. In contact with the plant, burning may appear, which allows him to defend him from different insects. This property disappears with the beginning of fruiting.

Cultivation of Momordics from Seeds

For reproduction of the plant can be used both the method of drawing and seed. The second method is more efficient and in demand. The cultivation of momigation from seeds can be carried out directly into open ground, but since the plant loves heat, it is better to wait for seedlings at home.

Sowing is carried out at the beginning or middle of spring in several stages:

  1. Forgive mature dark seeds;
  2. Spin the spout of seed with a sawmother or shallow emery paper, removing the layers of a dense shell;
  3. To disinfect seeds, lowered a short heat transfer solution for a while;
  4. Wrap it in a soft wet fabric and leave it in a warm place (not lower than + 23 ° C) until white roots appear.

Do not keep seeds in manganese too long, it can lead to shockting.

A high percentage of germination can be achieved by putting two seeds into a special peat tank with a nutrient ground to a depth of 1.5 cm and thoroughly watering. In further containers, cover the film by creating greenhouse conditions and leave. When complying with the necessary temperature mode, shoots should appear in two weeks.

Care for seedy

To grow Momordika on their own, after the first shoots appear, it is necessary to remove the film and put seedlings in a sunny place. It is necessary to monitor the moisture content of the soil, not allowing dryness and spray plants daily. After waiting for the appearance of two leaves on each of the sprouts, it is necessary to hold a pickup, leaving a strong mist in a pot. After that, you can begin the preparation of Momordik to the transplantation on the open soil. For this, the plants are hardened as follows:

  1. The pots into the street are made daily, gradually increasing the time of staying from 2 hours to day, adding 1.5 hours daily.
  2. Place the seedlings in the greenhouse and ventilate it in a similar scheme, while the sprouts should be protected from direct sunlight.

As soon as the maximum time staying on fresh air It will reach the day, you can proceed to a transplant in open ground.

Technology Transplant

Optimum termWhen momigation can be placed in open ground, it is considered to be 45 days after sowing. So that the plant does not die with cold nights, the air temperature should not be the lower + 15 ° C. Experienced gardeners Recommended to wait for flowering, or plant a greenhouse culture.

Low air temperature may entail the growth stop and the death of the thermal-loving muscle.

Stages of transplant:

  1. Dig a hole with a depth of 35 cm, in a step of 55 cm between them;
  2. Plant in the hole by transshipment, without disturbing the earthen com, or together with peat capacity;
  3. Fall asleep with a soil and pouring at the rate of 3l water under one root.

All actions must be made extremely careful, trying not to damage fragile roots.

Requirements for the composition of the soil and place

Landing into open soil Momordika requires certain conditions, since the thin root system does not tolerate the transplant. Optimal is considered clay soil With sand and slower with low or neutral. In the presence of sour soil, it is necessary to mix it with lime from the calculation of 200 g per 1 m 2 from the fall.

Before planting seedlings, it is necessary to explode and pour organic fertilizers. In the future, seedlings should be picked up twice a month, alternating potash and.

For growing Momordika indian cucumber You should choose a plot protected from drafts and direct sunlight, but with a sufficient amount of light. Culture feels good in those areas where tomatoes, legumes, pumpkin or potatoes grew.

Caring for Momordica

The cultivation and care of the Momordika has several nuances. If the plant is grown in urban conditions on the balcony, it needs to be polled. This can be done with a soft brush, by transferring pollen with male flower On female, or just touching them to the female individual.

To increase the amount of fruits, it is important to form a bustard in time. To do this, you need to remove all the side shoots located below 0.5 meters from the ground, as soon as the first ovary appeared.


The cultivation of Momordika in the period of active growth implies abundant regular watering. It is important to monitor the moisture content of the soil, not allowing it to dryness, but overflowing the plants is fraught with reinforcement roots. Each evening the culture should be sprayed with warm water.


The soil for the plant should be loose. It is possible to achieve this by mulching straw. In such conditions, worms are actively developing, which are saturated with Gumus land. A black film, which is covered with a landing, will help to get rid of regular loosening and weeding. In addition, she prevents the heat drying, holding evaporation.

Making fertilizers

The first feeding is carried out at the beginning of flowering, the second - during the formation of fruits, the last - a couple of weeks before the collection of fruits. As a fertilizer, you can use complex mineral formulationsbought in a special store, or organic formulations (a glass of cow manure on 10 liters of water).


Before growing at home Momordik, it is worth considering that this is a liana. For a full growth, it needs a vertical support. This role can be performed by the wall of the economic building with stretched vertically twine, or a specially installed frame. The lower support is located at an altitude of 85 cm from the ground level, and as soon as the plant reaches it, the bush must be fixed and discredited by retreating 25 cm above the crossbar.


When growing Momordik, nephritis is important in time to collect fruits. This should be done 14 days after their appearance, otherwise they will become bitter. The more often the harvest is carried out, the more actively the bush is fruit. If you leave the fruit on the plant, it will significantly weaken.

Before the appearance of fruits in contact with the plant, you can get burns, so care measures should be performed in gloves and closed clothes.

Fighting diseases and pests

Momordik is similar to cucumbers not only external signs. Cultures are subject to similar diseases and pests, each of which requires treatment:

  • bacteriosis (burglar mixture);
  • tLA (special chemical compounds);
  • puffy dew (fungicides);
  • white rot.

The plant can be yellowed as a result of the temperature difference. In such a situation, it can be treated with onion infusion or ash. When rooting the root system around the bustle, you must pour fresh fertile soil. To avoid diseases and attacks of pests, it is necessary to carefully treat the frequency of irrigation, since the plant weakens mainly due to damage to the root system.

Having understood when sowing momordika and how to properly care for her, you can safely begin landing for exotic culture on garden plot or even a balcony.

All about growing Momordika - Video

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