Where to put a violet in the apartment. What conditions are needed for the successful growth of violets

Decor elements 07.06.2019
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Julia Adamonis 06/20/2014 | 41752

Violets, or saintpaulias, are the most common and favorite houseplants for flower growers. Let's try to find answers to frequently asked questions regarding the care of these flowers.

Where is the best place to place violets?

So that the violet pleases with a healthy appearance and lush bloom, she needs to create such conditions in which representatives of her kind exist in nature. For example, violets prefer to grow in the shade of trees because they cannot stand the scorching sun. Accordingly, when kept indoors, they should also not be placed where they can suffer from the bright sun. In such conditions, Saintpaulia leaves can get sunburn, their flowers will become small and will quickly crumble. But this does not mean that violets cannot be placed on the south window. You just need to organize the plant shading on sunny days. This is easy to do with thick paper or light curtains that transmits light. On cloudy days and autumn-winter period it is not necessary to shade the Saintpaulias.

If the leaf petioles began to lengthen at the violet, it means that the plant does not have enough light. It is important to remember that for the laying of Saintpaulia flower stalks, daylight hours lasting 12-14 hours for at least two months are needed. If it is not possible to rearrange the plant to a more sunny place, then you will have to transfer it to the mode artificial lighting. In addition, the use of fluorescent lamps will allow you to place violets in any part of the apartment. Plants with dark leaves need more light than violets with light green leaves.

What determines the health of violets?

The basic principle of the correct maintenance of violets is that they need to provide the same conditions throughout the year. This mainly concerns temperature and humidity: daytime temperature is 24-26°C, night temperature is 22-24°C, humidity is 60%. Of course, it is almost impossible to create such conditions in an apartment, so you should take care mainly of proper watering violets.

One of important rules when watering, it is based on the fact that the earthen ball should always be slightly damp. Otherwise, the leaves of the plant will become soft and lose turgor. If you still overdried the plant, abundant watering will help to revive it. However, it is important to remember that overflowing is just as dangerous as overdrying the substrate. Too wet soil becomes heavy and blocks the access of air to the roots, which can cause them to rot. In a flooded violet, the leaves also become soft, and it itself takes on an oppressed appearance.

If you have poured a plant, you need to carefully remove it from the pot, clean the roots from the substrate, rinse them running water and then cut off the rotten parts with a sharp razor. After that, you need to sprinkle the remaining root system fine sand and plant the violet in loose soil.

What water to water violets?

Saintpaulia require watering with soft water. Boiled water at room temperature is quite suitable for this. But you can water the flowers with ordinary running water, settled for 2-3 days.

Once every 2 months, it is advisable to feed the plants with acidified water. This will protect them from nematode attack and salt deposition on the surface of the substrate. In addition, such watering will be a good prevention against saprophyte fungi, which often appear on the cuttings at the base of the rosette, preventing water from penetrating to the leaf blades.

In order to prepare acidified water, it is enough to dilute 1-2 tsp. 6% apple cider vinegar in 3 liters of water. And you can do it differently: add crystals to the water citric acid at the rate of 5 pcs. for 1 liter of water. Several times during the winter, you can water the plant with a light pink solution of potassium permanganate. It disinfects the soil and leaches some of the harmful salts out of it.

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In appearance, the plant is quite attractive - handfuls of beautiful small flowers look festive and elegant. The color of the flowers can be very different - from white and pale pink to dark purple.

What conditions are needed for the successful growth of violets

For violet, there is no need to maintain a special temperature regime- She is quite satisfied with the usual room temperature. Bright color the plant generally "likes", but it is better to protect it from direct sunlight. Most good location the north window is considered. You can also hang thick curtains - they slightly muffle the effect of strong sunlight.

In the room, there must be sufficient humidity. Watering for violets should be maintained moderate - twice a week is enough. Blooming violet should be watered as carefully as possible, try not to flood the inflorescences with water. At this time, even spraying can damage the plant. We have to use a gentle method - watering from a pallet.

Where violets feel best

Keeping violets in your home is not only pleasant, but also useful - they absorb some of the carbon dioxide present in the air and release oxygen. With their help, the atmosphere in the home is significantly improved. If used for cooking gas stove, it is most appropriate to place violets in the kitchen, that is, where its concentration is increased. But you should not place them in the immediate vicinity of the stove so that the fumes from food do not create deposits on the leaves that prevent them from breathing. Many flower growers note that after the plants are moved to the kitchen, they grow and develop better than when they were in another room.

The kitchen in a home is a special functional room where humidity is usually high. In addition, because of the food being cooked, it is usually warmer here than in other rooms. During the flowering period, the violet, which should be watered with great care, and even then only the roots, will receive as much moisture as it needs. If you do not put the plant near the stove and choose a place for it with sufficient lighting, better cuisine space is simply not to be found.

As for the careful selection of lighting, this is not a whim. In order to bloom, the violet needs good portions of lighting, daily, for 12-14 hours. Please note that violets, constantly occupying the same place on the windowsill, usually bloom in May. After the winter dim sun, two months pass - March and April, and just this time is enough for the peduncle to develop. When using a special backlight that illuminates Saintpaulia for 12-14 hours, it will bloom more often and grow faster.

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Folk omens always arouse great interest. There is an opinion that they appeared from everyday psychology through centuries of observation. Supported by real events, they are firmly rooted in the minds of people, influencing the course of their lives.

The secret of influence will be concluded in the fact that what happens to people is what they expect. To a certain extent, the phenomenon of enduring popularity folk signs consists in the eternal human desire to shift all responsibility for their actions to a random coincidence. This is what makes some people believe in them even now, in the age of computer technology. Appropriate ones can be selected for any sphere of human life, they did not bypass the cultivation of indoor flowers. The same fate befell the violet.

Signs associated with violets

Usambara violets are one of the most beloved flowering plants due to the variety of their shapes and colors. They come from the mountain range of the same name, located in Africa. The arid climate contributed to the formation of beautiful fleshy leaves in them, which can accumulate moisture and economically evaporate it not with the entire surface, but with numerous thin villi.

It is believed that with the advent of violets in the house, peace and tranquility reign in the family. This plant is able to smooth out any conflicts, helping family members to reach mutual understanding. In addition, the uzambara violet contributes to the achievement of material prosperity and well-being. Such a flower, placed in the children's room, helps to strengthen the health of the baby.

violets white color expel heavy thoughts and relieve suffering. Blue flowers give inspiration and encourage the development of creativity in their owner. Red violet helps a person get rid of a harmful addiction to gluttony and excessive concern for his material wealth.

The negative impact of violets on humans

However, this plant is often associated with rather negative circumstances. For example, it is believed that a girl or woman who breeds violets has very little chance of getting married. But this one is successfully refuted large quantity collectors and lovers of these indoor plants.

You can also often hear that the violet is an energy vampire. In fact, this is due to the fact that, like other plants, violet releases oxygen during the day, and at night, on the contrary, absorbs, releasing carbon dioxide. The lack of oxygen causes weakness and drowsiness, therefore, in order to prevent this, you just do not need to place too many plants on the windowsills in the bedroom, including violets.

Hello, lovers and connoisseurs of violets. I will continue to talk about how my violets live. Some more about watering. These are things that I use constantly or often.

A large medical syringe with a needle for washing wounds (it was shortened a little, made of some synthetic material). I water violets from it. This is handy when you are just starting out with violets to control the amount of water. When there was an ordinary needle, it often injured the lower leaves, especially if there are a lot of them and it is difficult to get close to the pot. Now everything is in order, the leaves are not injured. A measuring cup for water and a 2-gram syringe are needed when you need to dilute a small amount of fertilizer or some kind of drug.

I have top watering for all violets. Maybe not modern, but classic and reliable. You can adjust the amount of water for different outlets, the amount and type of fertilizer you need. Yes, it takes more time, but it allows you to see and communicate with each outlet individually, see how it grows, blooms, and, if necessary, provide assistance.

I used to water with settled tap water, but our water is very hard. I even sometimes added a few drops to the water when watering. lemon juice 1 liter to remove a little stiffness. Now in winter I water with melt water, at other times rain. I just have such an opportunity, since I live in the suburbs. Can be watered in the hot summer time with water from the air conditioner. And when there was no rain for a long time, she took water from a spring, since it is not far from home. Sometimes I water boiled water. I add boiling water from the kettle to the container with irrigation water so that the water is warm enough, but not hot.

After I was able to root the cuttings, I began to buy babies rarely, I bought cuttings of new varieties and my first rack quickly filled up. Yes, and the kids were growing up, I had to take them away more space on shelves so that they grow even and beautiful and do not touch each other with leaves.

Please note that some babies are almost white or yellow. I planted them when they had no green at all. And this greenery will appear in not in large numbers much later, nothing, grow normally. I don't feed them anything to make the leaves turn green. I can’t say anything about the standards, I didn’t have very variegated children, but with the mini everything is as I wrote, I don’t wait until they turn green, I plant them when there are 3-4 leaves on the children, like with ordinary varieties.

The children were growing up, I wanted more and more new varieties, since there are a huge number of them, so the 2nd, and then the 3rd rack was bought. And the standards were also increased, soon there was no more space left on the non-solar window sills. And this summer, some of the pots with standards just stood on the floor. In winter, in the bedroom, I did not allow my husband to open the window, he got angry and grumbled at this. Therefore, in October I decided to make a rack for standards

The design is quite simple. In Leroy Merlin, 4 tubes 2 m long, 6 panels 50/120 and fasteners were bought. It turned out 5 shelves with lighting. The distance between the shelves in height is 30 cm. Holes for tubes were made in the panels. Shelves are attached to the pipe with the help of such details.

and dress like this on top decorative overlay, which is attached to the panel

At the top and bottom, the tubes are dressed with finishing elements. There was an idea to make a rack on wheels, but for now I decided to wait. Shelving placed sideways against the wall

It receives some light from the window. It turned out to be very convenient to hang several adult trailers on it. Only 2 so far, more to come. While everything is in the stage of moving and placing ... For a long time I could not decide on the light, I wanted to put LEDs that are now fashionable, but after reading a lot of conflicting reviews about them, I decided to wait a little ... For this size of shelves, according to science, you need 2 lamps of 36w each. I put according to the temporary scheme (fixed them on the wire) 1 lamp each. These lamps had already been bought and were on the windows, attached to the blinds, to illuminate the violets. Now I have hung them on a new rack and decided to see how the violets behave. After 3 months, the violets have even rosettes, the leaves do not rise, everything suits them.

And when I put pots with violets on trays with moisturizing material - watering mats when moving from the windowsills, they immediately came to life. They like it very much wet air around outlets. I try to gradually accustom them to watering through mats. But I constantly check the moisture content of the soil in pots. If it is very wet, then there are pallets nearby and I put the pots on them. If in some pot the earth has dried faster than in others, then I water from the top. So far I can’t adapt to these mats in any way, I’m still afraid that my violets will close. Already one trailer and a young standard rosette are being re-rooted ... Most likely, I'll leave them just to humidify the air. But I'm trying to teach children and starters of standards to watering mats and I'm learning myself.

When the new rack was just assembled, it seemed to me that a very large number of violets could be placed there. But when I put all the pots with the standards, almost all the trailers and part of the semi-mini with large sockets, there was no room left, and the children of the standards are still growing up, the cuttings are rooting ... The eternal problem with lack of space!

In the next last part, I will tell you in more detail about watering mats, how I place violets on racks, where and how cuttings take root and children grow.

And some photos of blooming violets

Mac's Southern Springtime - beloved and easily recognizable by many

This variety bloomed for me with simple, not double flowers. In the description of I. Milekhin, I bought a cutting from him, terry flowers. At an exhibition in the Far East, I saw this variety with the same colors as mine under the name Jolly Gold. Now I don’t know if I have a variety or a sport ... But the flowers are very beautiful, large, with golden rays.

All the best. If you have any questions, ask, I'll try to answer.

Very often you can hear that caring for violets is a very troublesome business. It is because of this that many refuse to start them on their windowsill. They may be capricious, but how beautiful they are! To indoor violets grew and did not get sick, we will give you some advice.

To date flower shops filled huge amount varieties of these "simpotyazhek", which are adapted to living in your apartment.

What temperature is needed to grow violets?

Violets require a stable temperature. It is necessary to protect them from sudden changes in temperature and from drafts. The optimum temperature is 16-20 degrees.

With the onset of winter, remove the pots from the windowsills to a warmer place. If you do not adhere to this condition, the color of the leaves of the plant will begin to lighten, the petioles will lengthen. If hypothermia continues frequently, then the plant becomes weak and dies.

Where to put violets in the apartment

Indoor violets love light. With its lack, the flower may not bloom at all. You should not keep it under the sun, as a consequence of this may be yellow spots, which can then turn into holes. If the flower is rearranged in a timely manner, then it can still be saved, but appearance no longer change.

How to water violets

Watering should be careful. Do not let water get on the leaves, it is detrimental to them. Use warm water, cold water can kill the plant, minimal damage is yellow spots on the leaves.

High humidity suits violets. Do not splash water on the leaves, as this causes scalding in summer. In winter, drops freeze the plant even faster. To increase humidity, you can place vessels with water between the pots.

Top dressing only in spring and summer.

How to transplant violets

Violets do not need to be transplanted, you can think about it only when the roots have already occupied the entire space of the pot. Violets reproduce with the help of leaves. Tear off healthy leaf, plant in the soil, the roots are formed in a month.

Caring for these flowers is not as difficult as they say, so if you have not decided to get this delicate flower, start it, just do not forget the care tips.

Hygiene procedures

On many websites and in magazines you can read that violets cannot be washed and sprayed - this is not true. Can. After all, these are also flowers - flowers that were not originally born in pots, but grew in nature on fresh air, at normal climatic conditions- rain, wind, etc.

Therefore, when the violet leaves turn pale from dust, you need to carry the flowers to the bathroom, turn on the shower and pour over the violets, washing off the dirt.

The shower jet washing violet leaves should be gentle and warm.

After a shower, you need to leave the flowers in the bathroom until all the water has drained, the leaves have dried. All success will come to naught if you put wet violets in the sun or bright light - spots will appear on the leaves. Every year you need to change the ground for violets and plant them again in the same pots.

Why violets do not bloom:

Tips for beginners:

Spring care:

What soil is needed for violets:

In order for both simple purple saintpaulias and chic chimeras to bloom well from year to year, you need to know how to care for violets of different varieties. If you are just starting to grow these charming indoor flowers, first of all, get violets of simple species - they are not too capricious. But rare varieties, despite their unusual beauty, are best left for later, when you have already gained experience in growing saintpaulias, because with the slightest mistake in caring, violets of rare varieties may well lose their beauty.

The best conditions for violets: lighting and temperature

It is advisable to understand in detail before buying how to care for a flower - in any case, the violet will experience stress when it gets into a new environment, but at least you can prepare suitable conditions for it in advance and help the plant get used to it faster. The change of scenery is less painful for young plants that are six months old, but it is not recommended to immediately transplant them into a pot. bigger size, at least a month you need to give the flower to adapt.

The ideal location for uzambar violets is the western and eastern windows; when located on the southern windows, the flowers need to be shaded. Saintpaulias love bright light, but scorching Sun rays are detrimental to tender plants: first, the leaves begin to turn yellow or become covered with light spots, and then holes appear in place of the burnt areas. To protect violets from the strong spring sun, strips of parchment glued to the window or installed mosquito nets that scatter light help. To shade the saintpaulias from the midday sun, curtain the windows with curtains.

If you plan to grow violet flowers in large numbers, it will be much more convenient to care for them by placing pots on racks. At the same time, shelves must be equipped with fluorescent lamps to provide the necessary illumination of plants. Saintpaulias feel great even under artificial lighting, the main thing is to provide them with a 12-hour daylight hours.

Suitable temperature conditions for uzambar violets: + 20 + 22 degrees, but not lower than +16 degrees. At this temperature, plants bloom willingly and have a healthy appearance. With the onset of the July heat, flowering, as a rule, ends. Saintpaulias and winter do not like heating season, especially if there is a battery under a narrow window sill with plants central heating- from a continuous stream of hot air, violet leaves begin to rot. Too dry air in the apartment leads to yellowing of the leaves, so in winter it is recommended to put pots with saintpaulias in pallets with expanded clay, sphagnum moss or other materials that retain moisture well.

In frosty weather, it is better to remove the saintpaulias from the windowsill, otherwise they may freeze slightly if the windows are not plastic. And do not allow drafts in the room where the uzambara violet grows, caring for it will be greatly complicated by this.

How often should violets be watered and fed?

You have to learn how to feel your violets well in order to understand when it is time to water them, and when it is worth delaying watering, whether the plants need additional air humidification or another top dressing. That is why some flower growers are scared away by violet - caring for and growing it seems like too much of a task.

Features of watering Saintpaulia:

  • the need for watering arises when the surface of the earthy coma in the pot begins to lose moisture (once every three days in winter, every day in summer, the frequency of watering also greatly depends on what material the pot is made of);
  • plants need to be watered evenly so that there is no stagnation of water;
  • you can use wick watering violets, pour water into the pan or water the plants from above, trying not to get on the leaves and the outlet;
  • water from the pan is drained after fifteen minutes;
  • tap water should be left for a couple of days in an open container and only then used for irrigation (filtered or melt water is also suitable);
  • water the plants with water at room temperature or warmer.

One of the main difficulties in caring for violets in winter is to maintain optimal humidity in the room. AT winter time humidity is inevitably reduced by heating and artificial lighting, and saintpaulias are comfortable at a humidity level of at least 60%, so you will need to buy a humidifier or just regularly spray water around the plant, trying not to get on its velvet leaves.

As for top dressing, violets tolerate a lack of fertilizers better than their excess, so you should not overfeed them with fertilizers. The special substrate for Saintpaulia already contains all the flowers need nutrients, but if you want to additionally feed the plants in case of obvious depletion, use special fertilizers in granular or liquid form. During the budding period, choose fertilizers containing more phosphorus, for young rosettes, fertilizers that contain more nitrogen are preferable.

Feed no more than once a month, after making sure that the unhealthy look of the violet is due precisely to the lack of nutrients, and not errors in care or illness.

Young and adult violets - care in accordance with all the rules

When growing Saintpaulias, it is necessary to take into account how to properly care for violets. different ages. So, during active growth, a balanced soil is especially important for young rosettes, which should not be too heavy and greasy. Watch the video about caring for violets in the tab to the article, which talks about suitable soil for these indoor plants and about their transplantation.

It is important for a young violet and good lighting- if you notice that the leaves are stretched up, then additional lighting is needed. And in order for the young rosette to form beautiful and symmetrical, do not forget to turn it 45 degrees every three days.

When the budding begins, the violet flower requires special care: it needs not only uniform lighting, but also top dressing with a lot of phosphorus and trace elements. By providing the plant with everything it needs, you will get brighter and larger flowers.

Care for an adult violet is more aimed at maintaining its aesthetic appearance. Faded flowers, old and spoiled leaves along with the petiole should be regularly removed. By removing the bottom row of leaves, you can see the bare trunk. In this case, the violet should be transplanted, deeper deepening the outlet, up to lower leaves. It is advisable to transplant saintpaulias once a year, since the soil in the pot is depleted over time.

Remember to regularly inspect your uzambara violets closely for signs of disease or pests. Diseased plants must be immediately quarantined so as not to infect other flowers, and the necessary measures to combat diseases should be taken.

If you still have questions about how to care for violets, the video in the tab will help put everything on the shelves, and you will understand that caring for Saintpaulias is not as difficult as it seemed before.

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