Light curtains on chalk. How to mount charming chalks: detailed instructions

The buildings 23.06.2020
The buildings

One of the main elements in the interior decor is curtains. Their variety is huge. The color palette is also on any amateur. If a few decades ago, the curtains were presented on average in two or three designs, so today all kinds and not count.

Let us dwell on one of the most popular varieties of modern curtains, namely on the chief. They are suitable for any interior style due to their diversity. Also they are bought because of a simple care.

After all, before and after washing, it is not necessary to suffer to hang the curtains back to various minor hooks. Such curtains are penetrated by the cornice through the rings themselves, and if the champs of the small diameter, they are hanging through the s-shaped hooks or with the help of decorative ropes.

What is the curtains on the chalks

The chammens are rings of various sizes and blocks. They are used not only for fastening the curtains, but also for clothes, and for creativity, like scrapbooking. Curtains on the chalivers form a beautiful draper, which gives the beautiful volume of curtains.

You can allocate the following types of challenges: with small and large rings. The latter look great simplifies the process of the ebony curtains. Such chalks are attached directly to the eaves, while when using small rings, it is also necessary to use hooks that fasten the champs and cornice.

Curtains on chamoices with large rings. Fastening to the eaves.
Curtains on chamoices with small rings. The hooks for fastening to the eaves are used.

Currently, rings can be made from different types of material: wood, plastic and metal. Since most often for the curtains on the chalk, they choose a dense and enough heavy tissue, then it is best to choose metal rings. They will live more and create a beautiful draper, without burning under the severity of the curtains.

An important role in choosing a curtain with rings is played by the eaves itself. He is clearly visible, as the champs permeates.

The main types of slats, which are used under the curtains with chamoises:

  • Wooden;
  • Metal;
  • Plastic.

If you choose lighter fabrics for curtains, tulle or organza, then plastic recordings are also suitable. In addition to its low cost, they are not subject to corrosion as metal.

Tulle is a gentle material, so metal rings can easily damage the fabric. And here the rings of plastic come to the rescue.

But wooden chalks will be wonderful to look in the style of country or ethno. Also, it is environmental material, which makes it suitable for supporters of all natural and safe for health.

The shape of the rings is also quite diverse. If earlier there were only a round form of different diameters, today modern technologies allow you to create various geometrical forms. From this, by the way, the entire window decor depends.

So that the curtains on the chalks looked luxuriously on the window, it is necessary to choose them correctly.

The main rule states that rings should be in the color of the main material of the curtain or the same way out.

Designers advise to choose the length of the curtain one and a half times longer than the eaves itself. Then the curtains will form uniform and symmetrical folds. Otherwise, if the length is much more, then not to avoid ugly cloth wests.

So that the curtains served for a long time and at the same time did not lose their aesthetics, it is necessary to erase them correctly. If you choose a machine wash, then you need to put the curtains in a special bag for washing.

Instead of powder, it is better to use a head wash shampoo. It will not leave unnecessary divorces and does not deform fabric. But the washing temperature should be chosen based on the tissue of the curtain.

Most often, this type of curtain is erased by hand. Some recommend removing the rings themselves with curtains for their better savings and durability. However, this is not a mandatory item. It all depends on the quality of both the rings themselves and the curtains.

In order not to rub your hands and prevent the tissue deformation, it is best to dunk the curtains, and even then it is good to rinse them. If the fabric does not require iron, then the curtains can still be wet to hang on the cornice. However, direct sunlight falls should be avoided, which can lead to a rapid burnout of the color of the curtain.

The combination of various curtains is also perfect for the use of chalks. It will be best if one layer is made of fine tissue, and the other is much denser. As a result, it turns out a very exquisite version of the window decoration. Especially this option will be harmoniously looked in the bedroom.

Advantages and disadvantages

Of course, like any kind of curtains, the curtains on the chalivers have their advantages and disadvantages.

We first list the positive parties to use:

  • Easy to open and close.
  • Original window decorating window.
  • The product is not so subjected to wear, that is, durable.
  • Suitable for any interior style.
  • Easy wear on the cornice

As you can see, such curtains are practical in their use. The main disadvantage can be attributed to the following: with independent sewing, experience and knowledge of all sewing stages are required.


Everyone can find suitable appearance of such curtains. In addition to the financial capabilities, you should also be guided by choosing a curtain on the chamoos and the interior style of the room.

The most popular types of curtains:

Roman curtains on the chalks. They are a rectangular cloth that is attached to the eaves. It is best to combine with another view of the curtains like curtains on the chamois. So the window will look more attractive.

Short curtains on chalks Perfectly fit into a small kitchen. The main advantage of such curtains will be the free passage of daylight and heat from batteries in the winter period.

Tweese curtains on the chalivers. Tulle has always been considered very practical and at the same time an exquisite solution to the window decoration. Curtains from Tulle on the chalks look easily and air.

For their sewing, it is also necessary to use a lubricant tape, which can be in the tone of the main fabric or be more dense and one or two shade is darker or lighter. Designers advise to pick up plastic rings that will have the same shade as the curtains themselves.

Curtains with lambrequin on the chalivers. Lambreken is a small piece of fabric that decorates the top of the curtains. If it was used to decorate the curtains before lambreken, then today it is possible to combine various types of curtains. Reverses will help to create the right and smooth folds that give the elegance to the entire window.

Curtains on the chalivers in the interior

It is worth noting that such curtains will look great in any room. At the same time, they will still perform a number of practical functions. Coloring and design allows you to recreate the designed designer image, and the practical mechanism will help to quickly and beautifully hang such curtains on the window.

When choosing the finished curtains on the rings, it is necessary to be guided by some rules that will allow the most harmonious and accurately select the desired length, width, as well as the type of fabric for such curtains depending on the room where they are intended.

Here are the main of them:

  • Rings in its diameter it is better to choose two centimeters wider than cornice.
  • The number of rings should be only even.
  • The lover must be in the color of the curtains or cornice themselves.

Some recommendations by decision to hang curtains on the chalks in different rooms at home

In the hall will perfectly look the curtains on the rings. However, some nuances should be taken into account when choosing such curtains.

First of all, you should define exactly what atmosphere I want to create in the living room. With the recreation of rigor, it is better to choose one-photon curtains, and the chammetes pick up in the same color.

Also fashionably began to combine chammetes with Roman curtains. The main nuance will be the same color gamma. Allowed difference in one or two tones.

In the bedroom, the curtains on the chalivers will be the best solution. It will be best to choose a classic option, and the rings themselves take a dark color from the tree.

Also, the modern design of such curtains allows combining various varieties of curtains along the length used by the material and the color palette.

Since in the bedroom you need to constantly move the curtains to control the skipping of daylight into the room, then the champs will be perfectly cope with this feature.

In addition, they move quite silently, which does not disturb sleep or intimate setting in the bedroom.

For the kitchen version besides the style is still important and safety. An excellent option will be short curtains on the chalivers. They will give free access to the windowsill, thereby increasing the space used.

Also, short or Roman curtains will be especially safe if a gas or electric stove is located near the window.

Dense tissues from which Roman curtains are made will not rise by the wind or draft. This minimizes the likelihood of contact with heating devices in the kitchen.

For the bathroom, the curtains must be long and sufficiently dense or tough. The main functions that must perform curtains in the bathroom will be: do not let the splashes of water get to the floor and on the walls in the entire bathroom.

In the case of excessive moisture, there is a possibility of fungus or mold. And this is not only not aesthetically, but also unsafe. Most often, such curtains hang on metal rings that allow you to quickly and easily move the curtains.


If you are tired of ordinary curtains, which are so uncomfortable to hang on the cornice, then choose the curtains with the champs. Ideal for any interior design.

It does not require painstaking care. The main thing is to remember that the rings should be in the same color scheme as the curtains or cornice themselves. Either, on the contrary, have a bright contrast. Then the lover will serve as a point of attraction of views.

But this option does not always fit into the style of the room. With this reception it is better to be careful. If you do not have a big desire to sew or pick up curtains with rings, then contact a specialized salon.

There not only correctly select the desired size and color, but will also be able to provide a service for attaching curtains to the eaves. Although the last item can be easily accomplished independently because of the ease of penetrating the rings in the cornice.

Sooner or later, but any housewife and needlewoman can face a question, and how much do you need to buy cloth to sew curtains? How to make a correct calculation and make the right measurements? Today, the curtains on chalk are especially popular. Such curtains fit well into any interior, be it kitchen, living room, bedroom, even bathroom. We will consider in a stages of the whole scheme of work on calculating fabrics on curtains with chamoices.
We will need:

  • roulette,
  • paper,
  • pencil pen.
The length of the fabric can be measured by 2 ways.
The first method we measure the distance from the top edge of the rod to the floor level.

The second method, we measure the distance from the lower edge of the rod to the floor level, as well as measure the diameter of the rod and we fold these 2 values.

It is advisable to make measurements at the edges of the eaves and in the middle, because in our apartments floors and ceilings, sometimes not perfectly smooth. When there were 3 measurements, choose the youn least smallest. For example, at one point you got 250 cm., In another - 251 cm., And in the third - 250.5 cm., Then we choose 250 cm., Because this value is the smallest.

Curtains on the chalivers have on top of scallop, which is equal, as a rule, from 2-4 cm.

So The calculation of the length of the curtains in the finished form will look like this:
By the distance from the bar to the floor level + 2-4 cm. (This scallop) is 2 cm. (the distance from the floor level so that the curtain does not come into contact with the floor). In my case, 250 + 3 - 2 \u003d 251 cm.
Although, if someone loves the curtains to go down to the floor and spread over it, then it is necessary to subtract 2 cm., And add from 10-50 cm., Depending on the model of the curtain.

So, we made the calculation of the length of the curtains in the finished form, but remember, there are no allowances for the processing of seams, more detailed information on the processing of the lower and side seams can be viewed. When processing the top edge of the curtains on the chalks, you need to remember that it is necessary to make an increase from the fabric equal to the double width of the lubricant tape.

Curtains on chalters can be made with a cuff, how to sew such curtains look
Now we define the width of the curtains. For what makes the work surface of the cornice. And now, just remember 2 rules:

  • the minimum width of the tulle \u003d the length of the working surface of the Karnis X 2,
  • the minimum width of the curtains \u003d the length of the working surface of the Karnis X1.5.
Who loves the puff of folds, then it is necessary to increase the coefficient. We also do not forget about the processing of lateral seams.
When calculating the width of the curtains on the records, it is necessary to determine the number of chalks and with their location. I do so that the number of chalks was even, then the edges of the curtains are directed in one direction if the amount of luveras is odd, then the edges of the curtains are directed in different directions.

It is also necessary to remember, the principle of the position of therapy, the distance between the lover must be in the range of fromces15 to 22 cm. From the edges treated, the first and last lover ride at a distance of 5-7 cm. From the edge, see below.

After you multiply the working width of the eaves on the 1.5 coefficient, draw the chart of the champs, perhaps you have to add a little width or drop a little.
I hope the calculation principle is clear and you can now calculate the desired and necessary amount of fabric for curtains on the charters.

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What is Maverns

The lover is called a sleeve intended for fastening into the sewing holes. When stringing the curtain on the cornice with such an accessory, the fabric acquires a wave-like shape. Folds are smooth, which adds aesthetics to the interior of the room.


On the material of the manufacture of the ring are divided into metal and plastic. And the variety of shapes and colors of fittings allows you to incarnate the most courageous design ideas. However, among consumers the most popular rings round shape. In addition, designers recommend combining the colors of the charters and curtains or, on the contrary, select the color of the fittings, is expressed contrasting with the cloth.

In addition to the material of manufacturing, as well as shapes and colors, the champs are divided into size on:

  • small - from 1.5 cm to 3 cm;
  • large - up to 6 cm in diameter.

Advantages of fittings


The curtain, suspended to the eaves with the help of chalks, is practically not depreciated. This is explained by the fact that the products do not have acute ends capable of clinging for the material and leave the tightening on it. In addition, the fabric does not break, even if you pull a lot for the slur, since the main load will have to be cut.

Efforts for movement are not required, since the rings greatly slide on the eaves. In addition, the curtain is removed quite easily.

Such curtains will complement the interior of the room made practically in any style. Elegant waves, obtained by chalmess, perfectly fit into any designer design.


How to sew the curtains, tulle on the challenges - step by step instructions

An independent tailoring of the curtains with the use of champs will take a certain time. However, unlike the products purchased or ordered in the student, his own fulfillment will cost much cheaper. Costs will be associated only with the acquisition of the required material.

Calculation of fabric


A feature of the use of the rings is that the curtains have wave-like folds, as well as the scallop, which is located at the top of the curtains. Accordingly, measurements are made on the basis of these nuances. In particular, too broad canopy will make the slope heavy, and with insufficient number of material, the folds will be neurco expressed. Because of which the curtain will be stretched, which makes it difficult to move. To achieve a positive result, the length of the eaves is primarily measured, and the resulting value is multiplied by a coefficient of 2-2.5. If light and mesh fabric is used, then the multiplying coefficient can be reduced to 1.5.

By defining the total amount of material, calculations are made taking into account the bending, where the allowance:

  • lower edge - 8-10 cm;
  • the upper part can be up to 25 cm. Such a margin is required, as the records must be attached on several layers of tissue;
  • side edges - 3-4 cm.


In case of sewing a curtain consisting of two parts to fit the pattern, the material is taken with a margin.

Tools and materials

For fastening to the curtains, chalks will be needed:

  • lover tape;
  • scissors;
  • line;
  • pins for labels;
  • chalk with a pointed end;
  • pliers.


To install metal rings, you still need a press perforator, hammer, and a rubber gasket. The latter is needed to mitigate the hammer blows along the accessories during the attachment.

Initial processing of material

Before fixing the rings, the fabric is pre-complied. After all, even the tight material is not able to withstand the load from the fittings installed on it. This applies to both plastic products and metal.


Therefore, to reduce loads on the speed, the lubricant tape is pre-attached. However, if it is not possible to use such a tape, then Dublerin can perform an alternative sealer. Although this material is inferior in its characteristics, still in the role of the reinforcing element it will be quite good. In any case, the tape is selected in such a way that its width is greater than the outer diameter of the rings.

The upper part of the tissue is twice with the width of the installed tape, and the bend seat is stroked the iron. In turn, from the side of the sides, the seal is cut off with a margin equal to the width of the podium. After the manipulations carried out, the cloth unfolds, and the ribbon is adjusted by the outlined top of the spin and is attached using the iron. So that there are no traces of hot electrical appliances on the canvas, work is carried out through a sheet of paper. For a more reliable fastening of the lover tape, the seam is made along the edge itself.


After the lover tape is fixed, dots are applied to the curtains denoting the centers of the fittings. Marked places are marked with pins. Then, the contours of the holes on the internal diameter of the champs are noted on the tissue, the intended part is cut with a reserve of 2 mm. After that, on both sides, rings are installed and snapped or pushed with a press.

Tip: To accelerate and facilitate work, use a breakdler and a missile.


At this stage, the main task is to uniformly applying central points. So that the edges of the curtains were in the same position, the gaps between the champs should be an odd amount.

Metal or plastic rings - what better?

Although metal rings look more spectacular, for self-sewing curtains more suitable products from plastic. Thanks to the constructive features, plastic recordings are installed without special equipment. For their attachment enough effort. In addition, plastic, in contrast to the metal, during the movement, the curtains do not creak. But metal products when interacting with the cornice can make unpleasant sounds.


Also, these two materials differ significantly in terms of cost, and here again the advantage remains behind plastic fittings. In addition, metal fittings after washing the curtains can oxidize and leave on the fabric traces of rust. Positive qualities that metal products possess are durability, a wide color range, as well as the ability to withstand a heavy curtain.

What kind of cornice to choose?


A wide range of eaves, of course, makes it possible to choose the option based on personal preferences. However, only one type of eaves is suitable for lumens curtains - round. Although the designer works are found to adapt other geometric forms, still the standard solution is a circle.

Like the lover, the eaves themselves differ in the material of the manufacturing on:

  • metal;
  • wooden;
  • plastic.


Eaves of plastic, compared to other species, are not much cheaper and during operation, but they are not suitable for heavy tissues, as they may not extend the load.

Metal eaves have increased strength and may even be manufactured to order. Such products are characterized forged decorations around the edges. But the cost and weight of the eaves from the metal is much higher than that of wood or plastic.


In turn, the tree for strength and decoration is inferior to the metal. But it is much more difficult to choose the necessary color of the wooden eaves under accessures due to the properties of the manufacturing material. And if plastic fittings are selected for the wooden cornice, then before hanging the curtains of the rod is richly rolled with wax.

From what kind of material is not made by the cornice, it is selected for the lover, so that its diameter is slightly smaller than the width of the fittings. Rings should be freely put on the cornice and displaced it without difficulty.


Also important factor is the material from which curtains are made. The weight of the curtain affects the choice of cornice. Light tuna and other tissues of minor weight are perfectly suspended on thin plastic rods. But dense and heavy materials are able to bring out all the suspension design.

Correspond's fasteners

In order for the curtains on the chalivers, they reveal their potential of elegance, first of all they should hang on exactly fixed cornices, and for this:

  • with roulette, the window opening is measured;
  • pencils are marked by installing brackets; Pencil, in the holes, marks are made;
  • in the marked places the holes are drilled;
  • the plane of the bracket and the rack is fixed;
  • a cornice hangs on the rack, and the construction level is placed on top;
  • the height of the second bracket is adjusted, after which it is installed.

  • Save.

If there are no factory stickers on the products or their packaging, then manual wash will help to avoid unpleasant consequences. In this case, the curtain with chamoises for several hours is soaked in warm water, and then carefully rinsed.

Video: How to make curtains on the chalks do it yourself - master class

A wide variety of fabrics and champs allows you to choose products that will fit the style of the room. Furnitura, in the form of embedded rings, perfectly fit into almost any design room. In addition, the curtains on the chalivers, despite the myths as well as ordinary curtains, beautifully erased. NOT subjected to curtains and rings to premature failure, factory labels will help, which indicate the necessary parameters for washing and care.

The chammetes are metal or plastic rings designed to process the edge of the holes in the tissue. Rings consist of two halves connecting along the edge of the opening. With their help, the opening is given to the rounded shape, the edges acquire rigidity, prevents wear and abrasion of tissue.

Initially, such rings for the treatment of the edge of the hole were used in the naval, for fastening rigging to the sail, and later began to be used in the sewing of clothing, tents, parachutes and other products. In the production of curtains, this design is applied for about 50 years and has recently gained popularity thanks to aesthetic characteristics and practicality.

Varieties of lumens

When choosing a rings take into account the following characteristics:

  • Material. For the manufacture of rings use metal or plastic. Plastic rings are cheaper, but not inferior on the operational characteristics of the metal. In addition, they are not subject to corrosion, manually attached (rings are connected using a latch), and light weight makes a possible installation even on the finest tissue. For the sake of justice, it is worth noting that high-quality metal recordings are also not rust and easy to install.
  • The shape and diameter of the hole. Usually the hole has a circle form, less often - oval. The specifics of oval chalks are strict requirements for the location on the fabric, the slightest breaks are unacceptable. Rings are made different diameters, while choosing should be borne in mind that they can be intended for other purposes - placement of advertising banners, parachutes or awnings. For installation on gardins, rings with a diameter of 10 mm to 50 mm are usually used.
  • Color and design. The lubers are produced in a wide range of color schemes, moreover, options for decoration under gold, bronze, chromium, skin, or wood are used. In addition to standard round, manufacturers offer products in the form of geometric shapes attached to the marine subject (steering wheel, porthole, dolphins) or with vegetable motifs (sunflower, flower).

Color, shape and design is selected with the style in which the room and the general design of the curtains are decorated. The selection of the material depends on the density of the tissue, so for the installation on the organza or other types of lightweight materials usually choose products from plastic. Well, the size of the opening must correspond to the diameter of the cornice rod.

Sewing tulle on the chief

Make tulle with chamoises your own forces is not difficult. To do this, you will need such tools and materials:

Reading time: 6 minutes

Recently, curtains are included in the mace. Easy to use, saving space and the original curtain attract more and more people. With the right choice, you can find curtains for any interior.

Positive sides of the curtains on the chalivers:

  • Convenient and easy to use. Just moving, you can quickly wear or remove for washing. Even a child will cope with them.
  • Matter is distributed evenly, equal smooth waves. \\
  • Durable design: the product does not slip from the cornice anyway. It is convenient for the kitchen or children's bedroom.
  • It is convenient to iron, because it is a straight piece of fabric without folds and assemblies.
  • Selection of various shades, textures and types of fabrics. You can choose for every taste and any room.

Disadvantages of curtains with recordings:

  • There is no possibility to add tulle or lambrene due to the use of one rod. When using two structure, it looks untidy and cumbersome.
  • Not every fabric is suitable for such products. You can not use those that give shrinkage after washing, even when adding a fixing ribbon.

How to choose curtains on chub

When choosing it is worth paying attention not only to the product itself, but also on the attachments.

What is Maverns

These are rings for curtains that fix the edges of round holes. The charters for the curtains, what it is: they are used to wear curtains at Gardin. They are also considered an element of decor, should approach the porters and the interior as a whole.

What better

Now more often use plastic rings. It is easier to install and secure them. Plastic devices are equipped with comfortable tag, which allows you to abandon additional structures. If they do not wash them along with the curtain, they will retain the primordial look for a long time.

Metal rings can rust, but this concerns only poor-quality material. It is now difficult to find a suitable metal fastening. They are divided into two types: matte and shiny. The first will serve longer and look like on the day of purchase. The latter will quickly lose their shine.

The cost of wooden champs is quite high, it depends on the variety of wood. They look expensive, but require careful care. You need to save curtains from them before each washing. Sew will not work independently, it is done only in the studio.

Shades of the rings pick up to the curtains and the general interior. Sometimes the design of the room requires an accent on something. In this case, the luberers can be monophonic painted in a bright color. The size of the ring on average varies from 10.5 to 50 mm. The inner diameter should be more karnis at least 1.5 cm.

A common form of chalks is round, but there are triangular and square; For children in the form of flower or animals.

What is records for curtains, photo:

Several tips will help choose the appropriate curtains on the chalivers. Do not navigate only for the price.

Fabric selection

The material is chosen depending on the destination. If the product is needed for decorative purposes, it is worth paying attention to synthetic fabrics. They retain the color longer and do not burn out.

To protect the room from light, sound or insects, tight heavy, satin, dense polyester are recommended. If you want the room to be filled with light, cotton or silk are suitable.

It is impossible to leave the room without curtains. An ordinary tulle will suit if you want the most natural light and a romantic situation.

Depending on the severity of the fabric, plastic or metal cornice is chosen. Dark large rod visually reduce the room. Long make windows wider, and short - already. Color and material must be combined with furniture and room decoration.

The cornice is single, dual or triple. The first option is suitable for minimalist style. The second is for those who cannot live without. Third - if additional lambrene is required.


Several options for curtains for living room on the chalivers:

  • Curtain curtains "Dream" of the Russian manufacturer Arttex. The color of khaki, drawing and decorative elements are not. Size 150x270 cm, 1 piece. Made of cordial tissue, polyester 100%. Dimming average. It is suitable for a small narrow window. Cost 1076 rubles.

  • Curtains on the champs of the "Floriad" of the Russian manufacturer, 2 pieces. Made completely from polyester. Size 150x280 cm, average tissue density. Optionally, it is possible to reduce the height by surcharge 500 rubles. Large drawing - orange and yellow flowers on a white background. The price of two curtains - 7320 rubles.

  • Curtains for the living room at the chief of the Polish manufacturer. It consists entirely by 100% of polyester. 1 piece, size 150x250 cm. Edging and geometric pattern bright pink, in the middle of a white curtain, translucent. The cost of 2349 rubles.

  • Porter "Amur-3" of the Belarusian manufacturer Nivasan. Material half cotton, half polyester. White color with creative green ornament. Size 150x260 cm, 1 curtain. Light protection is medium. It is suitable for a small window. Price 1719 rubles.

  • Curtains "Honta" of the Russian manufacturer. Material is completely polyester. Size 200x280, 2 pieces included. Brilliant gold color, finishing with transparent white ruffles. Average protection against light. Cost 6030 rubles.

How to hang

Common options:

  • The chammets ride holes on the bar. The product will easily slide, no effort needs. A pipe that can be removed without problems is necessary. Wide rings are used, a diameter of at least 5 cm. This is the most popular option.


Tip: For beautiful and even waves it is worth purchasing curtains with an even number of chalks.

Care rules

Washing Tips:

  • Dusty curtains before washing vacuuming in a suspended state. To do this, use the nozzle with a soft brush.
  • The chammets are worth shooting, if possible. Metal will give rusty divorces. Plastic, especially cheap, lose your nice appearance.
  • When washing in the car it is worth placing the product in a special mesh. If the records are not removed, they can damage the typewriter or curtain.
  • It is recommended to erase with a liquid agent. It is better and faster leaves the fabric.
  • They advise you to use a delicate washing program, minimal spin and temperature up to 30 degrees. Then the product will not get on and maintain its form in the area of \u200b\u200bchalks.
  • With manual washing, the curtains are soaked for several hours with a liquid detergent, then dismissed the stains. Carefully rinse and send to dry.

How to dry and iron the curtains on the chokes:

  • Hang a wet product and stroke when they become dry. Use minimal iron heating.
  • If the curtains are prone to stretching, dry them stands on the horizontal surface.

Some fabrics do not need dry cleaning, but not necessarily erase them. Such curtains of vacuum cleaners are in suspended and wipe with a damp cloth.

Simplicity and originality - what attracts in such curtains. They are suitable for any room. With proper leaving for the cloth and rings, the product will serve not one year.

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