Is sprouted useful? The health benefits and harms of sprouted wheat

Garden equipment 30.06.2020
Garden equipment

For more than 5 thousand years, such a healing product as sprouts has been available to mankind. Indian yogis, Tibetan and Chinese centenarians, Hippocrates and the Slavs used sprouted grains as an additive in cereals, soups, jelly.

The benefits and harms of sprouted grains

What is the use of sprouted grains? Summarizing the clinical trials, we can confidently list the following positive qualities of seedlings:

        Favorably affect the functioning of the digestive system;

        Normalize the metabolic process in the organs and systems of the body;

        Increase immunity;

        They have antioxidant properties, tone and strengthen the body;

        Increases physical and mental stamina;

        Reduce the amount of cholesterol, stimulate bile secretion;

        Remove toxins and radionuclides from the body;

And this is only a very rough list of the miraculous characteristics of seedlings. In addition, sprouted grains are just a whole storehouse (A, E, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, C, etc.), trace elements (iron, manganese, iodine, zinc, fluorine), macronutrients (potassium, calcium, magnesium phosphorus), amino acids (lysine, arginine, aspartic acid, glycine, etc.) useful acids (oxalic, citric, lactic, etc.) and carbohydrates.

In fairness, it is worth noting that the seedlings also contain trace elements that can bring not only benefits, but also harm to the body - lectins, gluten and phytic acid.

Lectins are protein agglutinins that, when entering the body, cling to the surface of the intestine, thereby preventing the nutrients from being fully absorbed. Over time, lectins can eat away at the intestinal wall. Then, when they enter the bloodstream, they are carried throughout the body, can cause pain, weight gain, and disrupt the work of other organs.

Gluten is also gluten. Sprouted grains are contraindicated for people who have a gluten intolerance. In addition, being one of the lectins, gluten accumulates on the walls of the small intestine, which can cause irritation.

The harm of phytic acid lies in its ability to bind useful minerals (such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus) and prevent their absorption. This can cause a deficiency of nutrients in the body.

Before starting to use sprouted grains, it is extremely important to sort out which sprouts of which plants need to be used to achieve a particular result.

Wheat is the most common plant for germination.

What crops are better to germinate

        It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of sprouted wheat grains, because it is a source of vitamins E, B, calcium, magnesium and iron. Sprouted wheat is a powerful antioxidant that helps to normalize the functioning of the intestines, cardiovascular system, and brain. Wheat is also useful for nails, teeth, hair and skin. True, to achieve a noticeable effect, the admission period should be more than 1 year. Wheatgrass is great for those looking to lose weight. As you know, the feeling of fullness does not occur during a meal, but a little later. The structure of wheat germ is hard and requires more chewing, and longer meals increase the likelihood of being satiated with less food. Scientists have long argued about the benefits and dangers of sprouted wheat grains, and have not yet come to an unambiguous conclusion. However, it has been proven that in case of any problems with the stomach or intestines, it is better to initially ask your doctor about the possibility of using sprouts. In addition, sprouted grains are a rather heavy product for the stomach and should be consumed in the first half of the day. No other obvious harm from wheat was found.

        Oat seedlings are great for athletes. It is noticed that it is the sprouted oat grains that have the most positive effect on the muscles and contribute to their recovery after injuries. In addition, immunity increases, the composition of the blood is updated and the work of the gallbladder improves.

        The benefits of sprouted barley kernels are comparable to those of sprouted wheat. In addition, barley is distinguished by its ability to remove radionuclides from the body, increase the body's endurance, and normalize the acid-base balance.

        You should be extremely careful when choosing legumes for germination. It is important to know that, for example, red beans are not suitable for germination, since during the period of swelling, substances that are poisonous for us are activated in it. Chickpeas, lentils, green and yellow peas, and alfalfa are best. In legumes there is a lot of vegetable protein and calcium, protein. They are low in calories, but high in energy value, have a strong diuretic effect, which helps to cleanse the body. It is recommended to use sprouted legumes when it is necessary to improve the complexion of the skin and complexion, and when fighting excess weight.

        The best "helper" of the liver in cell regeneration can be sprouted milk thistle. In addition, it has a positive effect on the kidneys and gallbladder, helps to remove stones.

        To improve the condition of the blood, increase hemoglobin, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce capillary fragility, increase the amount of vitamins in the body, green buckwheat is best suited. For germination, it is worth using the green one, since it is not treated with chemicals. It is important to germinate the grain of the new harvest exclusively of organic origin.

        Flax sprouts are a valuable source of healthy fatty acids and are high in oil, carotene and carbohydrates. Perfect for strengthening the blood vessels of the brain. It is recommended to take sprouted flax to combat arthrosis and heart problems. True, with self-germination, you can face the problem of a large amount of mucus secreted, but it is solved quite simply - it is worth rinsing the grains more often.

        Men can appreciate the positive effects of sprouting pumpkin seeds on their bodies. The set of trace elements in pumpkin seedlings has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system of organs, the genitourinary tract, and the prostate gland.

        To improve the condition of the skin, preserve vision, normalize the acid-base balance, germinated sunflower seeds are perfect. They can be consumed after two hours of standing in water; it is useful to add them to baby food. The properties of sprouted sunflower seeds are similar to those of ginseng root.

        To prevent the possibility of developing cancerous tumors, amaranth seedlings can be used. It is important to understand that when germinating, amaranth requires much more frequent watering than other crops.

        Sesame seedlings contain more calcium than any other seedling grain. Sesame sprouts are best suited for children during the period of growth, adults and children with vision problems, to prevent the development of osteoporosis.

Grain germination methods

To begin with, it is worth purchasing the grains of the plant that will subsequently germinate. It is best to buy from trusted and responsible suppliers, as low-quality grain sprouts can only harm your health. The grains you need can be found at organic grocery stores and regular pharmacies. You can not take a product that has been processed with chemicals. All grains must be from the last harvest and must be of the same variety, be moderately ripe, dry, without traces of fungus.

Method number 1

There are several basic germination options. One of the most popular is sprouting in a flat dish. Items made of porcelain, ceramics, glass, clay or enamel will do. The first step is to disinfect the grain. First, the cereals must be completely filled with water and the grains that float up - they are spoiled and are unlikely to germinate. Next, the grains must be rinsed under running water, soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate for at least a quarter of an hour, then rinsed again under running water.

After disinfection, the grains are placed in the selected dish, filled with water, so that it completely covers the grains. You can cover them with medical gauze or leave them uncovered. It is important to mix the grains at least once. The container with grains must be placed in a dark, warm (not lower than + 20˚С) place. After a few hours, the water must be drained, and the grains must be rinsed. This procedure must be done every 2-3 hours until the grain swells. When the grains swell, it is necessary to drain the water, cover them with a wet cloth or gauze and wait for germination. To slow down the growth of seedlings, the grains can be refrigerated. The main thing is not to forget to wash them and wet the fabric several times a day.

Method number 2

The next method, the so-called "can". The first stage is the same as in the previous version - disinfection. After that, the grains are put into a jar, filling it by a third, the rest is filled with water. The jar is covered with gauze and left for 8-10 hours. After that, the water must be drained, the grains must be rinsed and put back into the jar. Again, cover everything with gauze and put at an angle that will not exceed 45 degrees. It is best to fix the jar in a stationary position, lower the tip of the gauze into a container of water. So the grains will receive the necessary moisture and the right amount of air. It is worth observing the conditions of temperature and illumination are the same as when germinating in a flat dish.

Method number 3

There is another option to germinate the grain yourself and without much effort. All you need is a glass, water and a tea strainer. We collect water in a glass, put a sieve on top, pour the grain into it. The seeds should be in the water, but not "bathe" in it. It is best to change the water in a glass three times a day. After a few days, the grains will swell and begin to germinate.

It’s known that everything is worth starting small. For starters, the amount of sprouts consumed should not exceed a couple of teaspoons. Gradually, the amount needs to be increased. Sprouted grains of wheat and other useful crops should be eaten, as noted above, in the first half of the day, for better assimilation. In addition, it is advisable not to heat them. In order to get the most out of the germinated wheat grains, it is best to eat white stalks that are no more than four millimeters long.

Favorite sprouts can be mixed with yogurt, honey, nuts, added to salads, or consumed in pure form - everyone chooses their own way. It is worth remembering that the structure of the fibers of the stems requires more thorough chewing. Recently, bread made from sprouted grains has become very popular, and you should know that it has no less benefits than pure sprouted grains. At home, you can try replacing whole grain bread with unleavened cakes. They are very nutritious and excellent.

Do not forget that the sprouts are suitable for making various drinks such as kvass or jelly. Craftsmen and lovers of sprouted grains have learned to cook a variety of cookies, and even wheat milk. On the Internet, you can find a huge variety of recipes that will prevent the sprouts from becoming boring quickly.

But it is also worth remembering that sprouted grains will have a positive effect only with a complete, balanced diet. Do not exclude vegetables and fruits from your diet, thinking that sprouts can completely replace them. It is also important not to forget that eating sprouts will not "rejuvenate" your body in two weeks. This is a lengthy process and requires patience.

You can argue for a long time and study all about the benefits and dangers of wheat and other germinated grains, but doubting, you will never be convinced from personal experience how ordinary grains can change your well-being for the better.

They save from allergies, relieve excess weight and help heal the stomach, improve blood, increase immunity - some healers attribute truly fantastic properties to sprouted grains (scientifically - sprouts). Of course, in many ways they exaggerate, because sprouts are not a medicine or dietary supplement, but simply a balanced "live" food. If we compare the qualities of dry grain and germinated, then the second will be much more useful. The fact is that when the seed begins to hatch, metabolic processes wake up after a long hibernation, the sprout zone begins to work and the amount of biologically active substances - enzymes, micro- and macroelements, antioxidants, vitamins - increases. In a word, just as a loving mother tries to give her child all the best, so the seed generously shares the most valuable nutrients with the green sprout.


From good to bad

Naturopaths divide meals into bioinert, bioactive, and biogenic. The first includes thermally processed food (borscht, cutlets), in which only minerals, amino acids and fats with carbohydrates are preserved.

Bioactive foods are dried, frozen, or raw foods that have been stored in the refrigerator. Some of the vitamins and enzymes remain in them. And only in biogenic food (these are sprouts, recently laid eggs or vegetables plucked from the garden) are useful substances at a maximum. However, the line between the three categories is quite thin, and "living" seeds can easily become empty and even dangerous.

Overgrown from the store

Today, you can buy sprouted wheat, rye, oats, corn, beans, peas, lentils, and soybeans at your regular supermarket. The main thing is not to run into a spoiled product, because the warm and humid environment in which seeds and grains grow is ideal for the reproduction of bacteria, including such as salmonella. Therefore, buy only in trusted places, make sure that the sprouts look fresh and juicy and do not exude an unpleasant odor. They must be kept in the refrigerator compartment and absolutely clean. When choosing a “live” product, do not seek to acquire long stems, because the smaller the shoots, the more biologically active substances they contain. The ideal size is up to 1 cm. Then the greens become more fragile and stunted: there is no soil, and the nutritive reserves of the seed dry up. As a rule, giant overgrowths are nothing more than a stale product that they simply did not have time to sell.

Plant the grains in ... a jar

If you want to feed on the freshest sprouts, grow them yourself. Wheat and rye grains are the easiest to find, but they should be designed specifically to create sprouts, and not for sowing (the latter can be treated with chemicals). There are even special dishes for germination, but you can also use a regular glass jar. First, sort out the seeds, then rinse them in a very weak solution of potassium permanganate and several times under the tap. Then fill a third of the jar with the grains and pour the filtered water over two thirds of the dishes. Cover the glass container with gauze and leave it in the room for 8-10 hours (but not in the sun). After that, drain the water and rinse the seeds several times (the gauze remains). Then place the jar sideways in the bowl with the neck facing down and the bottom facing up, and pour some water into the bowl. This will create optimal moisture and aeration conditions. In general, the grains during germination should not be too dry or waterlogged, otherwise they may become moldy. As soon as the seeds hatch, rinse them again, drain the water, close the jar with a lid and put it in the refrigerator. It is necessary to use the seedlings within 5 days, washing them daily with cold boiled water.

Expert opinion

Alexey Dobrovolsky, nutritionist

If you are deficient in B vitamins (dry skin, brittle hair and nails), use sprouted seeds not as a salad supplement, but as a salad base. But sprouts should be introduced into the diet gradually. The maximum that should be consumed per day is 50 g, for children - two times less. Try to chew the tough grain shells thoroughly and remember that sprouted legumes (soy, beans, peas, chickpeas) increase intestinal motility and can cause gas.


From salad to dessert

If you think that sprouted grains are a product of the new era, advertised by adherents of a healthy lifestyle, then you are wrong. The ancient Chinese and Egyptians actively used sprouts, our Slavic ancestors also prepared beer, porridge and jelly from it. A new round of interest in sprouts emerged in America in the 1930s, thanks to the hippies and vegetarianism.

Ponytail salad

In order not to kill all living things that are in sprouted kernels or beans, try to use them raw. Just one handful of sprouts, thrown into a salad, will make your dish more useful and enrich it with new taste sensations: you must admit that the grains with "tails" lying on the plate are a very unusual product. Sprouted seeds can be added to fresh vegetables. For example, chop cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, celery, coarsely grate carrots and add some sprouted grains of wheat, peas or beans. Use lemon juice, any vegetable oil, sour cream, or soy sauce as a dressing.

Vitamin cake

If your loved ones are confused by the appearance of the sprouted grains in the salad, or you yourself do not like their harshness, make a sweet vitamin dessert from the crushed sprouts. For this, 3 tbsp. spoons of wheat germ and 3 tbsp. mince tablespoons of walnuts and mix with 1-2 tbsp. spoons of liquid honey. Put the resulting mass on a plate in a layer up to 1 cm. Add the grated apple, then the mixture of chopped dates and raisins. You can decorate the mini vitamin cake with nuts.

Glass noodles with soy

Sprouts in hot dishes lose most of their useful qualities, but they give them new flavors. Such treats are especially popular in Chinese, Vietnamese and Thai cuisines. To cook glass noodles with shrimps and soy sprouts in an oriental way, first fry chopped garlic (3 heads) in olive oil, then add 300 g of shrimp and cilantro and simmer for no more than a minute. Put prepared glass noodles in a frying pan, mix everything, add 3 tbsp. tablespoons of soy sauce and a handful of sprouted soybeans. Cook for a couple of minutes and serve.

What is the difference between sprouts?

In general, the composition of sprouted grains and beans is approximately the same: 6-20% protein, 1-9% fat, 60-88% carbohydrates (sugar and starch), 1-4% fiber, 1-3% vitamins and minerals. However, each species has its own characteristics.


The grains contain 26% protein, and the amount of antioxidants during germination increases 11 times and reaches its maximum on the fifth day. It is from the green sprouts of wheat that the cult drink of yogis and show business stars (Madonna, Richard Gere, Victoria Beckham) called "witgrass" is prepared. The juice has a classic herbal flavor and a slightly sweet taste.

Proteins in rye grains are less than in wheat grains - 13%, but in general their effect is similar: they help improve intestinal motility and normalize its microflora.

Buckwheat seeds contain the maximum amount of rutin - a bioflavonoid, which helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Chickpea beans, or chickpeas, contain as much as 30% protein. At the same time, it has a very low calorie content (just over 100 kcal) and a pleasant nutty flavor.

There is a lot of fat in sunflower seeds (about 60%), but it is unsaturated, therefore it does not harm blood vessels. Sprouted seeds are suitable for desserts.

There is so much calcium in sesame seeds that it even surpasses some types of cheese in this regard. Therefore, sprouted seeds are advised to be added to food for children, pregnant women and those who are recovering from fractures.

Since ancient times, people have used sprouted grain in their diet. The Indian Vedas and the Greek ancient scientist Hippocrates left us a mention of the healing properties of sprouts of sprouted grains. Until now, sprouted grains and nuts play an important role in the diet of Indian yogis. Our ancestors in Ancient Rus also used sprouted grains ("grain silt") to prepare cereals and jelly in winter and spring.

The new, as you know, is the well-forgotten old. And now, many scientific and pseudoscientific theories have appeared about a miraculous panacea for all diseases - sprouted grains. Let's say right away that you should not go to extremes and believe everything that is written and said about the miraculous properties of sprouted grains - you will not get 20 years younger in a month and will not be cured of all diseases "in one fell swoop" by eating only sprouted grains.

However, the undoubted fact is that the nutritional value of germinated grains of wheat, legumes and soybeans is much higher than the products of their processing, since most of the nutrients are in the germ of the grain. These are various vitamins and fatty acids necessary for the body. In the milling industry, when processing grain into flour, these substances, as well as those contained in the shell of the grain (minerals, vitamins E), are mostly lost, remaining in the bran.

If the grain is germinated, then this leads to an increase in the content of vitamins of groups E and B by almost 2 times, and also vitamin C appears, which is absent in the processed grain. In the sprouts of sprouted grains of wheat and legumes, substances are destroyed that prevent the full assimilation of minerals necessary for the human body, such as magnesium, calcium, zinc, etc. It should be noted that sprouted grains contain a lot of sugar and fiber, which in this form are easily absorbed.

Thus, leaving behind the line the magical healing properties of sprouted cereals, we can confidently talk about the undoubted benefits of adding miracle sprouts to your daily diet, especially in the winter and spring avitaminosis period, while we note that they cannot be a full-fledged substitute for fresh fruits and vegetables. Daily consumption of about half a glass of sprouted grains in salads, soups and cereals promotes self-purification and rejuvenation of the body due to a significant amount of antioxidants (vitamins A, C, E), increased hemoglobin and decreased blood pressure, normalization of cardiac activity, getting rid of excess weight, increasing severity vision, strengthening teeth and hair, etc. Sprouted grain is a good general tonic for the prevention of many diseases, even cancer.

The course of the sprouted grain diet has no time limits. Wheatgrass will supply you with vitamin E and vitamin B, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, minerals (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, etc.). The use of sprouted wheat strengthens the immune system, normalizes the intestines, improves the functioning of the heart and brain. Masks and creams containing wheat germ are an effective remedy for improving the condition of the skin and hair.

Rye sprouts are rich in plant hormones, oils and are recommended for men with prostate problems. Legumes will bring a large amount of protein and amino acids into the body. They normalize metabolism, improve sleep, and have a positive effect on the functioning of the brain. Sprouted sunflower seeds are very useful and rich in vitamins.

Features of preparation and storage of germinated crops
Almost all types of crops that are present in the human diet can be germinated: wheat, rye, barley, all types of legumes, sunflower seeds, peanuts. It is only necessary to be very careful in the selection and preparation of grains, remembering that the grains during storage and processing may have been treated with pesticides, and instead of tangible health benefits, you can harm it. When poured with water, the etched grain usually floats to the surface, and such debris must be removed. It is recommended to purchase grain in pharmacies or trusted stores. Grain that has not sprouted after two days should not be eaten. There have already been repeated cases of infection with E. coli and salmonellosis when using improperly germinated grain, so the grain must be pasteurized before soaking. In no case should you germinate grain for future use; it can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 48 hours. For long-term storage, it is advisable to add lemon juice or honey to ready meals based on sprouted grains. But, even when stored in the refrigerator, if the sprouted grains have acquired a dark shade, then it is better to refuse to eat them.

Recommendations and methods of germination at home
Germination of cereals does not require much effort and time. Here are several ways to obtain sprouts from wheat, rye, peas, beans, lentils, soybeans, and we take into account the rate of human consumption of sprouted grain - from 50 to 100 grams per day:
1. Put a glass of wheat, legumes, soybeans in a deep plate in a small layer and fill with two glasses of water. We soak the grains for three days at room temperature, then place them evenly on a moistened dark cloth and soak for another two days. We wash the grains with sprouts until the musty odor disappears.

2. Place the previously washed grains in a deep dish so that the water is at the level of the upper grains, and cover all this with a thick cloth, protecting the water from fumes. We place the dishes in a warm enough place for a day. As soon as the sprouts reach 1 mm, grind the grains and pour boiling water (boiled milk) in a one-to-one ratio of grains and boiling water (milk). Cover with a lid and wait for it to cool.

3. It is recommended to place the legumes in glass or aluminum dishes with a layer of no more than 2 cm. Cover the grains with a cloth and fill them with boiled cold water. We place the dishes in a warm place, periodically moisten the fabric. Our product will be ready, depending on the temperature, in a day or two. Dry peas filled with water will be ready in 10 days, by which time the sprouts become longer than two centimeters and they have the best taste.
Sprouted sprouts of soybeans and peas are recommended to be blanched for a short time in boiling water, thereby we destroy all the harmful substances present in these crops. Bean sprouts, as well as lentils and alfalfa, do not need to be processed further.

When germinating grains, it is necessary to keep them in such a way that they are not too dry, otherwise the germ of the grain will not be viable. It is not necessary to overmoisten the grains too much during germination, as a persistent putrid smell appears, the grains can become moldy.

When germinating grains, remember that the optimal sprout size should be no more than three millimeters, overgrown sprouts acquire an unpleasant aftertaste and become more firm.

Eating germinated crops
Sprouted sprouts are best consumed for breakfast. Sprouted grains can be eaten raw, chewed thoroughly, or healthy and tasty meals can be prepared. Salads are quite simple to make, where to any sprouted grains, ground in a meat grinder, add honey, raisins, grated carrots, dried fruits, fresh fruits, nuts, fresh herbs.


Fruit salad with wheat and sunflower sprouts
banana - 1 pc.,
kiwi - 1 pc.,
cheese (preferably homemade) - 100 g,
pomegranate seeds - 3 tbsp. spoons,
germinated wheat grains - 2 tbsp. spoons,
sprouted sunflower seeds - 2 tbsp. spoons,
honey - 2 tbsp. spoons,
1/2 lemon juice.

A good salad based on sprouted soybeans, with the addition of chopped Chinese lettuce leaves, green peas and seasoned with mayonnaise. Or add grated apple, finely chopped bell pepper, salt, sugar and vegetable oil to taste to the soy sprouts.

Sprouted Pea Soup
Soak a glass of green peas overnight, drain the water in the morning and store in the refrigerator. We germinate the swollen peas for another day, then put them together with celery, green onions and seasoning into a mixer, adding drained water and stir. The soup should not be heat treated, as all the beneficial properties of sprouted grains are destroyed during boiling.

Flour for salads, cereals and drinks
You can get flour from sprouted grains and sprinkle it on salads, cereals. To do this, dry the sprouted grain and grind it in a mixer. In the same way, we prepare various drinks with juice, honey, cream (milk should not be used). Sprouted and dried barley flour is very useful for diabetes. The recipe is very simple: pour three tablespoons of this flour with a liter of boiling water and take a tablespoon three times a day.

Kissel from barley
It is very useful for people with diabetes, stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers jelly based on germinated barley grains. We prepare barley grains using the above methods, grind the finished grains in a meat grinder or in a coffee grinder. Add a little cold water, pour boiling water and boil for another couple of minutes. Leave the resulting suspension for twenty minutes and decant. You need to take such jelly freshly prepared for a half month.

In addition to the traditional methods of preparing sprouted grains, there are also reggevelac and sprouts. The first is a drink made from sprouted grains of wheat, rye, oats, legumes and soybeans with a high content of enzymes, on the basis of which soups are prepared. The second is making cereals from sprouted grains.

Pour half a glass of carefully prepared grains of wheat, legumes, soy with slightly salted water, insist for a short time and drain the water. Then we rinse the grains under running water and put them in a bowl, which we fill with water, completely covering the grains. We cover the container with a cloth, place in a dark place and insist for half a day, after which we drain the water and leave the grains for another day without rinsing them. After the sprouts appear, fill them with six glasses of cold filtered water and keep them for three more days at 18-20 degrees in a dark place. The infusion is ready, it has a pleasant smell and a slightly sour tint. We pour the water into another dish and store it in the refrigerator. You need to consume Rejevelac warm, two glasses a day, or you can prepare various soups on its basis without heat treatment.

Second courses with sprouts can be prepared on the basis of various cereals. Add grain sprouts directly to the porridge or simmer slightly for half an hour with the porridge or separately.

Sprouted grains can be used to bake delicious tortillas. A tablespoon of grain is kneaded in water and baked on a baking sheet sprinkled with flour.

Back in the last century, there were rave reviews about the properties of sprouted wheat. Many rushed to soak the seeds and eat porridge from them in the evenings. Was there any benefit in such a diet, and what can sprouted grains give to the body? Does it really have anti-aging properties?

A new song in an old way

In fact, healthy eating apologists did not discover America by choosing to consume sprouted grains. It turns out that its benefits were known in antiquity. In Slavic medicine during the times of Kievan Rus, it was customary to feed the weakened sick and children with germinated wheat grains. In Chinese and Tibetan medicine, germinated seeds of various plants have been widely used. But a surge of interest in this method of healing appeared only at the end of the last century. And it turned out that the ancients had a good reason to believe in the miraculous power of grain.

Studies have shown that the use of sprouted grains can significantly improve the health of the body and even successfully treat many diseases.

What's the secret

What appears in the grain after it sprouts, why does it turn into a biologically active bomb filled with a huge amount of vitamins and active substances?

It turns out that when the grain begins to germinate, it changes beyond recognition. We decided to try to buy economy-class small-sized corner kitchens on the Internet and it paid off. Thanks to the Fuz-Mebel website. The substances contained in it, intended by nature to feed the sprout and for its survival in the world, move as if to a different level - the process of synthesis of vitamins, phytohormones and other active substances begins in the seed, which are designed to accelerate the growth of the sprout. We have already written about many of these substances on our website. Sprouted grain has everything to protect the sprout from adverse environmental factors. At the same time, the amount of useful active substances, including vitamins of group B, E and others, increases several times.

Eating sprouted grains allows you not only to provide the body with vitamins and microelements - along with this, the body is saturated with energy and restores its natural capabilities.

According to the latest research, sprouted grains can strengthen the immune system, cleanse the body at the cellular level, provide it with antioxidants, and help cure many diseases. And it is not surprising - because they contain proteins, B vitamins, biotin, calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, selenium, copper, phosphorus and much more in a biologically active form.

The seedlings of the grains contain chlorophyll and proteins. Chlorophyll has a similar composition to hemoglobin. That is why sprouts are so useful for anemia and other problems with a change in the blood picture. Proteins help to reduce cholesterol levels by almost 2-3 times. This is especially valuable for those who suffer from metabolic syndrome and lipid metabolism disorders. Lowering cholesterol levels is considered an important measure in the prevention of stroke, heart attack, atherosclerosis.

Sprouted grains help slow down the aging process at the cellular level due to the huge content of antioxidants and biologically active substances. They alkalize the body, which also helps to prolong its youthfulness.

Sprouted grains rejuvenate all systems - endocrine, lymphatic, circulatory, reproductive, musculoskeletal.

Wheat - the benefits of sprouted grains

Wheat seedlings contain all of this in abundance. Sprouted wheat contains a large amount of vitamins E, group B, iron, calcium, magnesium. Moreover, all the substances in it synergistically enhance the action of each other. That is why sprouted wheat is considered by many to be almost a panacea for all diseases. Of course, it will not help against all diseases, but in some cases it can significantly improve health.

  • Eating sprouted wheat every day for several months helps to increase the sharpness of vision and improve it - there are cases when people refused to wear glasses.
  • Wheatgrass improves metabolism.
  • The immune system is strengthened, thanks to which the body begins to successfully fight inflammatory processes and viruses on its own. This is expressed in the fact that a person begins to get sick with infectious diseases less often, many ailments caused by sluggish inflammation disappear, his health improves and energy appears.
  • Resistance to cold and oxygen deficiency increases.
  • The oxygen saturation of the blood improves, due to which the symptoms of oxygen starvation of tissues disappear.
  • The intestines are cleansed and the intestinal microflora is normalized.
  • There is evidence that wheat germ stimulates the resorption of tumors, both benign and malignant.
  • Skin condition improves, hair becomes thicker and grows better.
  • and hearts.

In order for wheat to really heal, you need to eat at least a handful of grain every day. If you do this irregularly from time to time, there will be no effect. Wheat germ should not exceed 2 mm. If the grain outgrows, then no useful force will remain in it. Moreover, toxic substances will appear in it.

What is the use of buckwheat

Buckwheat is also good for health. Its sprouts contain magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, cobalt, calcium, iron, iodine, B vitamins, rutin. If you germinate buckwheat seeds, you can provide yourself with real medicine.

Sprouted buckwheat

  • Increases hemoglobin and helps to get rid of iron deficiency anemia.
  • It is useful for diabetes and hypertension.
  • Strengthens blood vessel walls and reduces capillary permeability - ideal for preventing vascular problems, stroke and heart attack. Therefore, it is used for hypertension, coronary heart disease, vegetative-vascular dystonia, varicose veins.
  • It has anti-sclerotic properties and is useful in atherosclerosis.


Rye is a storehouse of plant hormones, therefore it is used for hormonal imbalances, inflammation of the prostate gland.


Oats are good for the stomach in any form. Including germinated. It is used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and diseases of the respiratory system.


Normalizes the acid-base balance in the body, thereby fighting metabolic diseases and excess weight.


Lentils contain many antioxidants, vitamin C. At germination of lentils 16 times, which is not characteristic of other legumes and grains.

Lentils are useful for treating anemia, infectious and inflammatory diseases. It perfectly strengthens the immune system and improves the functioning of the metachondria.


Sesame contains more calcium than any other plant.

Germinated seeds

  • Strengthens teeth and nails.
  • They help strengthen bones, which is why they are especially useful for children when changing teeth and for women after 45 years.


Pumpkin seedlings contain lycetin, magnesium, iron, iodine, calcium, copper, B vitamins, vitamin D, E, biotin, carotene.

Sprouted pumpkin

  • Normalizes acid-base balance.
  • It has a positive effect on vision.
  • Strengthens the nervous system and helps with neurasthenia, vegetative-vascular dystonia, neurosis, mood swings.
  • Improves skin condition.


Sprouted corn grains stimulate all processes in our body and have anti-mutagenic properties.

Are there any contraindications

Surprisingly, sprouted grains have very few contraindications for use. It is categorically not worth using it only for those who suffer from stomach ulcers. There are practically no more contraindications.

But it is worth considering when organizing food that sprouted grains are poorly combined with dairy products, honey and beekeeping products, including pollen, mummy. That is, you should not combine natural biostimulants together - you should give preference to one thing.

How to use

Sprouted grains, in order to preserve the biologically active substances in them to the maximum, should not be subjected to heat treatment. Cooking will make them completely useless.

It is best to add grains to salads and ready meals right before meals. You can grind the grains in a blender - in this form, they are easier to mix with food. Many healthy drinks can be made from crushed sprouted grains, nuts, dried fruits by mixing the crushed mixture with yogurt, kefir, yogurt.

Such drinks will be especially useful if you are overweight. With the regular use of sprouted grains, you can normalize weight without problems and special efforts without resorting to exhausting diets.

To maintain the beauty of the skin, crushed grain sprouts can be added to masks.

In the first days of consuming sprouted grains, all sorts of gastrointestinal disorders can occur, as well as feeling unwell in the form of weakness. But very quickly these sensations disappear, being replaced by a persistent improvement in health.

Today, few people do not know about the benefits of sprouted wheat, those who consume it regularly talk about improving their health, curing many diseases and even the appearance of new teeth. The latter fact has not been proven by scientists, but it is regularly written about in many forums about healthy eating. Yogis, naturopaths and scientists were engaged in the study of germinated wheat grains, none of them doubted the exceptional healing effect of seedlings on the human body.

Why is germinated wheat useful?

Wheat grains contain a large amount of nutrients, but most of these substances are in an inactive, "conserved" phase. At the moment when a sprout is ready to hatch in the grain, it mobilizes all its contents in order to put into the sprout all the necessary substances for active growth. Moreover, the active substances are balanced in such a way as to ensure their maximum absorption. Therefore, wheat germ is not just a useful product, it is a biologically active natural supplement that has practically no contraindications and is completely absorbed by the body.

At the moment of germination, fats are converted into useful fatty acids, and starch becomes maltose. The protein substances in the grain are broken down into amino acids, then into nucleotides. What is not assimilated by the body again breaks down into various bases, which are necessary for the construction of nucleic acids, which in turn are the basis of genes. Our body has material for recovery and healing from certain diseases.

Along with these transformations, enzymes, vitamins and minerals are actively synthesized. Thus, our body receives material already ready for assimilation, it does not need to break down proteins, carbohydrates and fats by itself, and vitamins and minerals come to us in a balanced, easily digestible form, unlike similar complexes from a pharmacy.

What is rich in sprouted wheat

The nutritional value of sprouted wheat grains is enormous. The highest concentration of biologically active substances is found in grains with a sprout of 1–2 mm. They contain various fatty acids, ash, soluble and insoluble dietary fiber, 8 essential amino acids and 12 nonessential. They are rich in minerals, including rare ones: potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper, selenium and zinc. The use of sprouted wheat saturates the body with many vitamins, vitamins of group B, vitamins of youth C and E are especially important for us, in addition, there is a lot of PP vitamin in the sprouts. Sprouted wheat contains no sugars, which makes it especially beneficial for people with diabetes.

The benefits of sprouted wheat for the body

Sprouted wheat grains with prolonged use are able to create a real miracle with the body. Live food improves the proper functioning of organs and metabolic processes in the body. The general tone improves, the body's resistance to infections increases, immunity rises, metabolism normalizes. Live food fills the body with energy and strength. Eating sprouted wheat is good for everyone from young to old. Its use is especially recommended in the following cases:

  • With exhaustion, lowered immunity, after illness... Sprouts perfectly restore vitality and increase the body's resistance to many infections. They are recommended to be eaten during periods of flu epidemics, as well as after illness for a quick recovery of the body.
  • With prolonged stress and depression... Sprouted grains contain a large amount of substances that have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  • With extinction or impaired sexual function... In some cases, with prolonged use, a cure for impotence is possible.
  • With an increased level of cholesterol in the blood... The sprouts are loaded with magnesium, which helps to lower blood pressure and remove cholesterol from the blood.
  • In case of disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract... A large amount of insoluble fiber stimulates the digestive tract, relieves constipation, cleanses the body of toxins, radionuclides and toxins. Soluble fiber restores the intestinal microflora and absorbs bile acids, and also promotes the elimination of cholesterol.
  • With metabolic disorders and obesity... Sprouted wheat, not very high in calories. It balances the metabolism, which promotes better absorption of food. This product quickly saturates and relieves hunger for a long time. But, using sprouted grains, it is advisable to give up bakery products.
  • In the presence of various neoplasms in the body... Sprouted wheat is a good prevention of the development of cancerous tumors. The experience of many people suggests that long-term use of sprouts promotes resorption of cysts, fibroids, fibroids and polyps.
  • With various inflammatory processes in the body.
  • With poor eyesight... After a few months of daily consumption of sprouted wheat grains, an improvement in vision is observed. In many cases, vision is fully restored after a year.
  • With diabetes mellitus... The absence of sugars in sprouted wheat makes this food absolutely safe for diabetics, in addition, sprouted grains normalize the function of the thyroid gland and facilitate the course of the disease.

Sprouted wheat grains are unique complex for the rejuvenation of the whole body because they stimulate the regenerative and cleansing processes in our body. This is facilitated by the rich content of youth vitamins and enzymes in the seedlings. 50-100 g of sprouted wheat per day will restore your healthy skin and complexion, strengthen your hair, nails and teeth. Will give strength and energy.

How to properly germinate wheat grains

When choosing a grain for germination, pay attention to the fact that it must be ripe enough, without impurities, completely healthy, stains on the grain or the presence of pests are unacceptable. Then, separate the wheat from the chaff. Pour the desired amount of grain with water, rinse it and drain off the debris and floating wheat. There should not be a lot of dead grains, otherwise, most likely, all the grain from this batch is old or weak, it will not bring much benefit. From one part of dry grain after germination, two are obtained, that is, if you set a tablespoon to germinate, then later you eat 2 tablespoons of germinated wheat grains.

For germination, use dishes made from natural materials, glass, earthenware or porcelain. Do not eat grains that have not sprouted, they are of no use.

Pre-soaking is usually done in the evening or in the morning. The grain lies in the water for 5–8 hours, then this water must be drained, the grains must be thoroughly rinsed until clear clear water starts pouring from them. The first water is always poured out, it contains poisons that were used to grow wheat, as well as those that are formed at the moment the grain is activated in water before germination.

The water you drain in subsequent rinses is very helpful. It can be washed, it can be drunk and added to soups, it will be very useful for indoor plants.

When germinating, the grains should be washed at regular intervals 3-4 times a day with cool water. This is necessary in order to prevent the growth of mold and to provide the grain with fresh moisture. Grains with sprouts of 1–2 mm are considered ready to eat. Germination is more intensive at night, consider this before soaking.

There are several ways to germinate wheat:

  • Gauze is laid in a deep plate in several layers, wheat grains are poured over it with an even thin layer after preliminary soaking, and on top is another layer of gauze. Then you need to pour cool boiled water so that it slightly covers the grains. Place the plate in a bright, warm place, but not in the sun, and do not forget to change the water so that the grains are moist all the time, in clean water. There should not be too much water, otherwise the wheat will begin to mold. Depending on the variety, the grains will germinate in 1.5–2 days.
  • It is even easier to germinate wheat in a small strainer. To do this, lay one layer of cheesecloth in it and pour in the grains. Place the strainer on a glass of clean water so that the grains touch the water, but do not float in it. The water in the glass must be changed 3-4 times a day.
  • And the easiest way. There are several types of grain sprouters available in natural product stores these days.

How to Eat Sprouted Wheat Grains

The daily recommended rate of germinated grains is 50–100 gr. They are eaten raw, preferably immediately after germination. It is permissible to store sprouted wheat in the refrigerator for no more than a day. It is better to eat the daily portion in the morning to get a boost of vivacity for the whole day. 100 grams of sprouted grains can also be a great lunch, but do not eat them at night, it will be difficult for the stomach to cope with such food during sleep.

Sprouted wheat can be eaten as part of salads or cereals, or you can leave it as an independent dish. It is very important to chew it thoroughly until it becomes a liquid gruel. If this seems difficult, you can grind it in a blender or meat grinder.

Sprouts go well with any food other than dairy products. In combination with bee products, an allergic reaction is possible over time. It is most delicious to add wheat to a green salad or grind it along with dried fruits or nuts.

Wheat Sprouted Recipes

  • Kissel... Jelly made from sprouted wheat grains is very useful. Pass the grains through a meat grinder and cover with water. Boil for 2-3 minutes, then let it brew for half an hour. Strain and enjoy a healthy drink.
  • Biscuits... Grind sprouted grains, dried fruits and nuts through a meat grinder. Form cutlets from the resulting mass and roll them in poppy or sesame seeds. Place in oven for 15-20 minutes.
  • Wheat sprouted infusion... The infusion can be added to soups and cereals, it is very useful for the skin of the face and hands, and hair masks can be made with it. A mixture of infusion with honey is a good remedy for respiratory diseases. To prepare a tablespoon of sprouted grains, pour a glass of boiling water. After 2 hours, boil the infusion for 15 minutes, then strain.
  • Regwellak... This Italian "kvass" is made from half a glass of ground wheat germ and 6 glasses of pure water. Pour the sprouts with water in a glass carafe or jar, cover the carafe with gauze and leave for 2-3 days. When the "kvass" is ready, strain it from the grains. Use the same grains for the next serving.
  • Bread... Sprouted wheat through a meat grinder, add a little water. You can add ground seaweed, sautéed onions or nuts. Shape into crispbreads and fry them in a skillet with a little olive oil.
  • Wheat milk... Pour one glass of sprouts with 4 glasses of clean water and stir the mixture in a blender. You can add raisins or nuts to the milk. Strain the liquid. Store it in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.


There are not many contraindications for sprouted wheat.

  • It is not recommended for patients with stomach ulcers or duodenal ulcers.
  • Do not give it to children under 12 years of age.
  • Wheat germ is contraindicated for people with an allergic reaction to gluten.
  • At the beginning of the course, dizziness, weakness, loose stools may occur. These symptoms should subside within 2–3 days. Increased gas formation is also possible, especially when combining wheat with dairy products.

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