Proper watering of a tomato in open ground. How to get a crop of tomatoes, top dressing, watering and care

reservoirs 16.06.2019

Now is the time to plant seedlings, which means that battles will soon begin on garden forums on how to water tomatoes in a greenhouse and on which lunar day it is better to plant. V lunar days I’m not strong, but I can tell you about watering tomatoes in detail.

How to care for tomatoes

What do you need to know about caring for tomatoes? First of all, you need to clearly understand why you planted them. Someone plants plants for fun, while someone has clear plans for the harvest. I belong to the latter, so I consider questions about how to water tomato seedlings purely from a practical point of view - watering must be done in such a way that root system plants received nutrients, this will help the seedlings to get stronger, and mature plant will bear fruit well - which, in fact, is what I am trying to achieve.

In general, fairly moist soil is useful for tomatoes, but the air must be dry. This is quite simple to achieve - after watering, you need to mulch, you can do this with using various organic mulches:

  • hay, straw or mowed grass (it is better to take dried grass);
  • sawdust, bark, branches or leaves (in addition to sawdust, wood products have little drainage properties, which is very good);
  • cardboard and cut paper (will have to be changed).
If you need to water tomatoes in a greenhouse, then it is wiser to water pointwise, around the root space, so that the soil does not erode. Do not allow water to get on the leaves, this adversely affects the health of the plant.

It is better to water in the morning, it is impossible to allow the tomato to fold the leaves between waterings.

If it is cool outside, then it is best to warm up the water for irrigation, or add a little boiling water to the water for irrigation - this will raise the degree.

When a tomato bears fruit, it should not be watered too often, but rather intensively.

Watering in different conditions

How to properly water tomatoes? It depends on where you grow them - in greenhouse conditions or under open sky.

For example, tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse only need to be watered twice a week, and each plant will need about five liters of water. They say that it is best to water with rainwater, but I do not know how to store it in such a volume.

We have a special open barrel for irrigation in our dacha, where rainwater accumulates, but I still add ordinary water - it has time to settle.


Let's start from scratch, how to properly water tomato seedlings:
  1. the first time you need to water a couple of days after the plants give mass shoots - if the earth dries out a little from above. It happens that it is scary to damage the plants at this stage, and it seems that spraying can be carried out - in fact, this is not desirable, water should not get on the sprouts;
  2. further watering is carried out when the earth dries up;
  3. Fertilizers can be added to the water 1-2 times a month;
  4. when the seedlings grow up, you can water it from the pallet, this helps to develop the root system;
  5. you need to water it heartily before planting - the wetter the roots are, the less risk they break.
How to water tomatoes open field? It is best to stick to a specific watering system - for example, 1-2 times a week. If it rains, then it replaces one watering. If it rains for several days, then next week watering is definitely not necessary, and then watering is carried out as the soil dries up.

And the last question about the frequency of watering - how often to water the tomatoes in the greenhouse? You need to choose the appropriate irrigation method (more on that later) and develop your own system. You will have to bother for some time - for example, you need to check how often the top layer of soil dries out, whether there is enough moisture for the tomatoes (this is easy to determine by the leaves) - if you went into the greenhouse and saw that the leaves of the tomatoes were curled up like a boat, then you need to loosen the soil well, water and mulch.

Let's figure out how to properly water tomatoes in a greenhouse and what you need to pay attention to.


In general, the question itself of how often to water tomato seedlings or adult plants is not entirely appropriate, it is a game at random. If you want to learn how to grow good fruitful tomatoes, then you need to learn to analyze your plant care. Another option is to ask for advice, but advice alone will not get you far.

How often you need to water the tomatoes depends directly on several factors:

  • land type;
  • variety of tomatoes;
  • landing method;
  • watering method;
  • weather.
I think everything is clear with the land - every experienced summer resident knows that cultures are on their own. suburban area must be alternated. This is due to the fact that each plant draws certain micro- and macro-elements from the soil, and so that the soil does not become impoverished, it is better to give it the opportunity to recover. Tomatoes should not be planted after:
  • peppers;
  • eggplant;
  • potatoes.
There are varieties of tomatoes intended for different regions, for growing in greenhouses and on the ground - naturally, they require different amounts of moisture.


I'll tell you about different ways glaze. When I was just wondering how much to water the tomatoes, I realized the main thing for myself - it is very important that in the process of watering the water reaches the roots, and not just wets the topsoil. By and large, all you do while watering is feeding the roots, giving them water and air. Therefore, pay more attention to proper deep watering.

A good method of watering involves the use of funnels - can be purchased special devices, or you can not suffer and just cut the bottoms of plastic bottles. Such a bottle with the neck down will need to be carefully dug near each tomato bush.

Watering is carried out as follows - about a liter of water you pour onto the soil under the root, the rest - into the funnel, to the roots. With this approach, the top layer of soil will not dry out.

Using a hose can only be convenient if you have an assistant - without him it is quite difficult to water with a hose and not break the bushes with it. There are also some difficulties - you will have to carefully monitor the amount of water.

Try to fill the container that you use for watering with your hose, and at the same time mentally count - this way you can roughly understand how long each plant needs to be watered.

How to determine if there is enough moisture? By leaves, fruits and soil. The soil must be sufficiently moist and not sagging, it must retain its structure. The leaves should be bright, delicate and even, without twisting and drying out. Tomato fruits should gain weight well - with a lack of moisture, they will burst.

Now you know how to water tomatoes different methods and how often you need to water the tomatoes so that they bear fruit well, but this is theoretical information, so I advise you to analyze how your tomatoes behave, and how many times they need water per week.

I also advise using fertilizers, this is good way feed the plants, especially when you are not sure about the soil. How many times to feed the plants? I heard a variety of versions, from several times a month to a couple of times during the entire summer season.

Naturally, there is no right answer, but you can find some regularity in feeding and its results in your particular case.

Nitrogen Based Fertilizers help to increase the volume of green mass, it is better to use them before flowering, and then it is better to slow down a little - the fact is that if the plant goes into a set of leaves and growth, then it will bear fruit worse.

Fertilize greenhouse tomato phosphate fertilizers - good idea, so you can reduce the nitrate content in the fruit.

Timely infrequent watering of tomatoes with micronutrient fertilizers will help keep all the flowers and ovaries - this is well suited boron.

Separately, it should be said about compost and humus. This kind of good does not happen much, you can even mulch with compost - this way you protect the plant from diseases and protect the soil from drying out. But you can also make liquid fertilizers based on organic infusions.

Now you know how often you need to water tomatoes and how to do it right, now you need to put your knowledge into practice, and in the fall you will enjoy a good harvest!

Do you know how important it is to know that they do not get sick, do not suffer from a lack of moisture? The farmer's future harvest directly depends on the availability of this knowledge to the farmer! In this article, the reader will be able to find comprehensive information on this issue in order to start the garden season fully armed!

Is frequent watering good or bad?

First you need to know how often to water newly planted seedlings. Experienced farmers advise giving abundant watering during this period, but not often, otherwise it will certainly adversely affect the development of plants. Frequent watering is especially harmful for seedlings, at a time when young tomatoes are just starting to take root in a new place. It is especially detrimental when tomatoes growing in a greenhouse are often watered, because as a result, the temperature of the soil at the roots of the plant drops significantly, and the risk of developing bacterial infections due to high air humidity also increases.

With excessively frequent watering, the ovary is poorly formed in tomatoes and the process of pollination of flowers is much worse. Often, for the above reason, all flowers can fall off the bush, and sometimes the growth and development of the plant can stop altogether. Frequent watering of tomatoes is not appropriate for the reason that this plant has a very powerful root system, which is able to perfectly absorb moisture and essential nutrients from a depth of about one and a half meters. Tomatoes respond best to watering once every three to four days, while making sure that the soil has a loose enough structure to absorb a large number of water.

We water correctly

Now let's find out how many times, when and how exactly it is best to water tomatoes. most efficient and safe method Irrigation of tomatoes is considered to be root irrigation or watering in a furrow dug along the roots of plants growing in a row. At the same time, it should be ensured that moisture wets the stems as little as possible, and in no case gets on the fruits. If this recommendation is neglected, then this will most likely lead to the appearance of phytophthora or fungal diseases.

If water gets on the leaves, this can lead to sunburn on the leaves of tomatoes. Sunburn occurs if large drops of water remain on the plant during irrigation, which are capable of focusing the sun's rays like a prism. By the way, for the same reason, tomatoes can get sick with late blight, which initially penetrates the plant just in the place where the top layer of the skin is affected by sunburn. If you water the plants carefully, under the base of the bush, then the plants will be tall and healthy, and the air humidity will always remain normal. And at the end of this article, we will give the promised tips that will surely be useful even to experienced gardeners.

We hope that the few minutes that you spent reading will help you grow a rich crop of juicy, ripe and tasty tomatoes.

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Watering frequency

I do so. planted, watered. I don't water for a day. on the third day loosening (dry watering). on the fourth day I water it, pour it "to the very ears." Stepchildren should be removed when they have grown no higher than 3-5 cm, preventing them from overgrowing. If you pinch large stepchildren, then a wound remains on the stem and the plant is under stress.

In the process of the appearance of the ovary, it is better to use the drip method, since the earth should always be wet during this period. From the beginning of flowering, the soil should be moderately moist.

During fruiting, watering can be done drip irrigation

During fruiting, watering tomatoes in the greenhouse should be plentiful, but not too frequent. If you water often in small doses, this will negatively affect the plant, so it is recommended to use the drip method.

I have had enough of this solution for a long time. But everything, of course, depends on the number of plants planted. If I feel that there is not enough “green fertilizer”, then after less than half of it remains in the barrel, I fill the barrel with new grass. I don't add anything else but water. Waiting 10-15 days - new nutrient solution ready.​

The best way to water

In a greenhouse or open field, top dressing is carried out as follows. Each plant needs to be fed individually. If the soil under the plants is dry, then before feeding it is necessary to slightly moisten the soil. Pour the tomatoes with clean water, the temperature of which is not lower than 20-22ºС. When watering in a greenhouse, try not to get water on the leaves - excess moisture is useless there. Water in the morning - after that, be sure to ventilate the greenhouse. And after watering, pour half a liter of nutrient solution under each tomato bush.

Alternate foliar top dressing with root. Below is again the experience of our reader from Novokubansk.​

Both root and foliar top dressing are equally useful for both open ground and greenhouse tomatoes. During the first half of the growing season of plants, it is better to alternate them. In the second - go to the root. A greenhouse with high humidity should be ventilated more often, especially after spraying. In order for the plant to get the maximum benefit from any fertilizer, you need to know when - in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening - it is better to carry them out.

So that the harvest of tomatoes does not upset you, it is necessary to adjust the watering of these plants. Tomatoes do not like waterlogging of the soil, so they need to be watered either often and in small volumes, or rarely, but plentifully. Watering tomatoes in open ground is not such an easy procedure as it might seem at first glance. This case has its own peculiarities and nuances. Tomatoes are very fond of heat and hit. sun rays, but not the heat!

When landing under each bush, I pour half a bucket. or even more water, I mulch with mowed grass and you can not approach for 5 days.

What water to water

When fruits begin to pour on the first inflorescence of tomatoes, all lower leaves, especially those that touch the soil, must be removed. By the time the fruits ripen on the first inflorescence, not a single leaf should remain down the stem. It is advisable to remove leaves and stepsons in sunny weather in the morning, so that the wounds have time to heal.

In hot weather, watering is carried out early in the morning.

Video "Watering tomatoes"

In a polycarbonate building, watering is carried out 2 times a week. 5 liters of liquid should be applied to the plant. The best option- the use of rainwater, but store it in the right amount quite difficult, so you can use ordinary water.​

This "green manure" works well against late blight. At least, it seems to me that after I started using it, there were almost no cases of phytophthora on leaves, fruits. In 2013, only a few tomato fruits (5 pieces) growing in open ground were thrown out from one bush. On the rest of the bushes, I did not notice any signs of phytophthora. And for the next two years, my tomatoes did not have phytophthora either. Although I suspect that the reason for this is not only top dressing, but also a dry hot summer.

I try to do foliar spraying of tomatoes in the greenhouse in the morning so that the nutrient solution is absorbed by the evening. At night, the plants should be dry.

Anna advises that before each fertilizer, pour the tomatoes under the root with clean water - settled tap or rain water.

One reader of our blog - Anna Nepetrovskaya from Novokubansk - shared her experience in using foliar and root dressings of tomatoes. The experience, as far as I can appreciate, is invaluable.​

How often to water tomatoes in a greenhouse or greenhouse

The frequency of watering an outdoor tomato plant depends on how quickly it dries out. It is necessary to moisten it abundantly, with a frequency of once a week - this will be enough, provided that there is no rain. If there is any precipitation, you need to do it less often. There should be enough liquid in the ground after the moment of tying and before the tomato stops pouring. If you do not water the tomato in the open field on time, then they will be small, and even worse, they can completely fall off the ovaries. They can not be irrigated often, but the main thing is to do it right.

Planted, watered, loosened the next day, then watered, through, a day in the evening. And + after 3-5 days, a diluted mullein, right now, the rod is growing! I do like Mityai, but in a day

The yield of tomatoes largely depends on the number of fruit set. Tomatoes produce a large amount of high-quality pollen suitable for pollination of their own and neighboring flowers. But the quality of the pollination process is highly dependent on weather conditions. Biggest Influence temperature affects the pollination of tomatoes. At night temperatures below 13°C, the anthers are deformed, and the quality of the pollen is reduced. At high air temperatures (above 30-35 °), ripe pollen grains lose their viability, fertilization does not occur, flowers fall off (such overheating most often happens in greenhouses - another reason why I prefer to grow tomatoes in open ground).​

Top dressing of tomatoes in the open field and greenhouse - practical experience

You may also be interested in an article in which we explain the causes and ways to eliminate the appearance of spots on the leaves of tomatoes.

The implementation of watering tomatoes in the open field at the first stage comes after germination. This must be done the next day after the mass emergence of shoots. V this case spraying is recommended. The procedure should be carried out carefully, moisture should not get on the plants.

Types of dressings of tomatoes

Watering tomatoes should be carried out under the roots, without eroding the soil

But, for example, 2014 garden year started with rainy weather. Humidity, both in the greenhouse and in the garden, is high. I, to prevent the appearance of late blight (tomatoes), mealy or false powdery mildew on cucumbers, zucchini, I additionally treat the plants with a solution of whey (1 liter per 10 liters of water), to which I add 10 drops of iodine. This solution is especially beneficial for tomatoes. Iodine helps to increase the number of ovaries, and whey inhibits the growth and development of pathogenic fungi.

If you have little time to care for tomatoes or it is difficult to find all the components of top dressing that Anna Nepetrovskaya advises, then you can use humate-based fertilizers. ​

The first root dressing - not earlier than 10 days after planting seedlings.

Look at Anna's tomato alleys! Is this not proof that the feeding strategy was chosen by her correctly!​

If you are transplanting tomatoes into a greenhouse, then initially pour each hole well with 10 liters of warm water, transplant the seedlings according to all the rules, then pour each bush with another five liters. Mulch the ground around the plantings with straw and leave for three to five days, all this time it is unnecessary to water the plants.

And when the tomatoes have developed and grown, the lack of moisture in them can cause them to crack. ​

Foliar top dressing of tomatoes

Landed poured 5 liters of water on a bush! after the next day! how they will take it once a week is enough!

​❧ To attract pollinating insects to beds, greenhouses and greenhouses, plant between tomatoes bright annuals- honey plants, for example, mustard, rapeseed, coriander, basil. It is believed that these crops also improve the taste of tomato fruits.

Now you know how often to water tomatoes and what rules to follow. Do not forget: tomatoes are a moisture-loving crop, but overflowing will not do them any good either.

It is important to know how often to water tomatoes. Plant uptake depends on this. nutrients and, consequently, productivity. If the greenhouse plant receives microelements in full, and the soil moisture reaches 90%, the fruits will receive everything necessary for development.​

  1. For the prevention of late blight, I alternate treatments. Once with a solution of whey, and the other with a solution of Fitosporin. This drug not only protects tomatoes from the development of late blight, it also nourishes the plants with bioactivated microelements, especially its new modification - Fitosporin-M. Sometimes I skip lactic acid treatment, but I definitely replace it with a Fitosporin solution, which well suppresses the development of fungal and bacterial diseases on plants.
  2. I used Kuznetsov's GUMI (a natural fertility elixir) - the plants responded to it with good appearance and harvest. For 10 liters of water - 2 tablespoons of elixir.​
  3. The second - 15 days (two weeks) after the first.
  4. Tomato alley of Anna Nepetrovskaya (Novokubansk) - Cio-Cio-San variety
  5. After the tomatoes take root, water every three days in the evenings, pouring at least three liters of water under each bush. In the event that the soil in the greenhouse / greenhouse is not covered, then water the tomatoes every day, pouring out the same volumes of water. If the weather is sunny, do not forget to ventilate the greenhouse.​
  6. After planting, tomatoes do not need to be moistened often.
  7. I agree with Lyudmila, plant water WELL and you can not water for 5 days.
  8. But even under suitable temperature conditions, it is desirable to slightly "help" the pollination of tomatoes. To do this, throughout the entire flowering period, it is necessary to gently shake the plants every 2-3 days. This method helps to increase yields both on plants in the open field and on greenhouse tomatoes. Pollinate flowers during the day in warm sunny weather by lightly shaking the flower brushes. In order for pollen to germinate on the stigma of the pestle, it is necessary to water the soil immediately after shaking or spray it with water with a fine spray over the flowers.
  9. Attention, only TODAY!

Two days before picking, the seedlings are saturated with liquid for the last time. This means that during the dive, the soil will be saturated with moisture, but not too much. After picking, watering is not necessary for 4 days.

How to properly water tomatoes? First, watering is carried out no more than 1 time per week. If you increase the frequency of liquid application, the leaves begin to curl. You should not feel sorry for the water, a bucket of liquid should be spent on the bush. It should be cool - 18-22 degrees.

Do not forget that moisture high humidity in greenhouses or in the garden during the rainy period, it is beneficial for the development of phytophthora, other fungal, bacterial diseases. Be sure to treat your seedlings, do not wait for the first signs of the disease to appear. If the disease began to manifest itself, then it is too late to fight it and it is practically useless.

Root top dressing of tomatoes

But you can start from the assortment of your stores for gardeners and gardeners. Not bad to use Gumat-80, Gumat+7, Gumat-Universal, Emerald, Ideal. For 10 liters of water, 1-2 tablespoons of fertilizer is enough. Here, add 1 tablespoon of instant mineral fertilizer (for example, Fertika Universal).

The third top dressing will be most effective during the beginning of flowering, namely during the flowering of the second brush. On the first flowering brush, many gardeners advise cutting off the first double flower, since the fruit on it is most often tied ugly, different from the others. (But I would not call this recommendation mandatory - I very rarely saw such a flower on my tomatoes).

Start feeding tomatoes should be a week after planting.

How often to water outdoor tomatoes

  1. In open ground, you also do not need to pour water often. It will be correct to do this less often, but with plenty of water. This is the basic rule that must be followed immediately after planting. But if often and in small portions - this is not correct, moreover, such watering can negatively affect the fruits.
  2. During planting, it is good to water the seedlings (about 2-2.5 liters of water per plant), and then do not water for 7-10 days.
  3. It is enough to water early-ripening varieties of tomatoes only four times: when planting, 7-10 days after planting (watering should be plentiful), in early July and, finally, after July 20th. Large-fruited varieties need to be watered more often and, depending on the weather, in a drought in 2-3 days. After watering, be sure to loosen. You can dig grooves between the rows of tomatoes and fill them with water. It is useful to close the aisles with weeded or cut grass and water over it. The water temperature should be 20-22 °C. In no case do not water tomatoes that have not been settled. tap water, and even more so taken from a well or well. In the garden, there must be a large-volume tank where the water is heated to desired temperature and its upholding for precipitation of salts.​
  4. ​+1#1Katya29.10.2015 14:20Next to my greenhouse there is a container in which water is heated in the sun. I water the recently planted tomato seedlings from a bucket into the holes, under each plant. And when the seedlings take root, I make a narrow groove along the rows of tomatoes, mulch the soil with straw, and then I water it with a thin hose. I water when the soil dries, don't over water. And the straw prevents the water from evaporating. wet soil. Yes, seedlings need to be watered abundantly so that they take root. And then I cut down on watering. And in August-September, I water the tomatoes quite a bit and not often: this way the fruits ripen faster.
  5. If the tomato leaves curl along the central vein, resulting in a “boat”, this indicates a lack of moisture.

When to Feed Your Tomatoes

During fruiting, watering tomatoes in the greenhouse should be plentiful, but not too frequent.

So the answer to main question. What fertilizers, what top dressings are the best for tomatoes? Mineral or organic?​

How often should you fertilize

0.5 liters of solution is enough for each plant.

One tablespoon of ammonium nitrate + 10 liters of water. Ammonium nitrate can be replaced with infusions of chicken or cow manure. The proportions are as follows: 0.5 liters of chicken infusion or 1 liter of cow manure per 10 liters of water.

Here are the compositions of foliar top dressing she uses:

Tomatoes are not very moisture-loving culture, so watering in open ground can be done no more than twice a week. However, in the first two weeks after planting the seedlings, it must be watered every evening in small portions (one liter per bush). Optimum temperature water is about 24 degrees Celsius.​

If there is a strong heat in the daytime, it is better to water the tomatoes after it subsides, literally before sunset. Since at night the liquid is well absorbed by the root system of the plant.

In the future, watering every 5-7 days, abundantly under the root, top dressing every 14 days.

Watering tomatoes, like other crops, is better in the evening.

How to feed tomatoes in a greenhouse or open field

The timing of planting tomatoes in the ground is very limited and varies not only in different regions our country, but even in different areas. In open ground, tomatoes are usually planted between June 6 and 11. If in doubt when to plant - ask your neighbors who have been growing tomatoes for more than one year - they probably have own experience when is the best time to do this in your area. In our Nizhny Novgorod region we usually plant tomato seedlings on June 6-7. Until this time, the threat of frost on the soil remains. In the case of later frosts, you need to listen to the weather forecast in a timely manner and cover the tomatoes with film or lutrasil for the night. However, I have never done this myself - my beautifully hardened seedlings have endured light frosts more than once without any shelter.

In order for the root system of seedlings to be well developed, they are placed in containers with pallets. So the roots will seek to receive moisture and begin to lengthen. After 5 days after diving, the earth must be watered. Then a moisture saturation schedule is set - once a week.​

A barrel of water is often placed in a greenhouse, which can create excessive moisture. To prevent this from happening, the barrel is covered with a polyethylene film. Perfect option- use the drip irrigation method.

I would answer like this. For young seedlings - foliar, complex. For tomatoes during the second half of the growing season, it is best to use natural mineral fertilizers (ash, compost) and organic (based on humates, "green fertilizer"). In order not to overfeed the plants, fertilizing is carried out infrequently - 2-3 times a month - more often in the first half of the growing season, and less often in the second.

Open field or greenhouse tomatoes are better underfed than overfed. Therefore, when planting seedlings from mineral fertilizers, I use only ash and compost. After planting - fertilizer based on humates with Fertika Universal. And that's all. The following top dressings are only organic.

How to make your own organic "green manure"

Composition - 0.5 liters of chicken manure infusion + 2 tablespoons of superphosphate + 1 tablespoon of potassium sulfate + 10 liters of water. Please note that superphosphate is very poorly soluble in water. Therefore, it is necessary to start preparing this solution at least a day before use. First, dissolve the superphosphate - let it stand for at least 24 hours, and only then add other components to it. By the way, superphosphate can be replaced with monophosphate (phosphorus fertilizer).

One liter of milk or whey + 10 drops of iodine + 9 liters of water.

If you mulched tomatoes after planting, and the weather is moderately warm and does not skimp on rains, then you can not water the seedlings at all. Pay attention to the leaves of tomatoes after the heat decline (in the evening), if they are not sluggish, then you are watering them correctly.
By the appearance of the plant can be determined naked eye does it have enough moisture? With its lack of leaves will become darker and wilted. When the fruits begin to set, the amount of water during irrigation will need to be increased.

It is strange that many people water tomatoes so often, they especially do not like moisture. The brunette wrote correctly: water after 7-10 days, then no more than once a week. I have tomatoes in a greenhouse. IN THE OPEN GROUND IT IS MANDATORY TO MUCH THEM.​

Remember that waterlogged soil, especially during the fruiting period, reduces the dry matter and sugar content in tomato fruits, they become sour and watery, and their meatiness also decreases.
First, let me remind you once again that you can’t plant tomatoes where any nightshade crops grew before - this can nullify all your efforts to grow seedlings and further care behind the plants. The best predecessors for tomatoes - legumes, root crops, green crops.​

We must strive to ensure that the tomato receives strictly required amount moisture.​

When water is brought under the root, the plant cannot be sprayed. Sometimes moisture penetrates the soil too slowly. In this case, the soil should be pierced with a pitchfork in several places. Immediately after watering the tomatoes in the greenhouse, it is necessary to open all doors and vents for ventilation. You can make the task easier by installing automatic watering. 20 days before harvesting the fruit, the introduction of moisture should be stopped - the ripening of vegetables will accelerate.

Happy harvest!

I really like the positive reaction of my tomatoes to the "green manure". How do I prepare it? Very simple. There are a lot of recipes for such a "green manure". Its basis is mowed green weed grass.

Ingredients: 0.5 liters of infusion of chicken manure or cow manure + 1 tablespoon of potassium sulfate + 7 grams boric acid+ 10 liters of water. Pour 1.5 liters of solution under each bush, not forgetting to water the plants with clean, settled water before that.

Microfertilizer Zdraven + Fitosporin - dosage according to the instructions.

How often to water tomatoes in August

No matter how much you watch a video about planting, growing and caring for tomatoes, it's easier than reading an article - nothing will happen. After planting tomatoes in open ground, The best way for their irrigation - drip.

But since it’s constantly raining now, everyone’s plots are in the water, I haven’t watered the tomatoes for three weeks, and it’s so terribly damp.

Feed tomatoes based on their growing cycle. We have already said that in the early stages of development, plants need nitrogen fertilizers. If you have properly prepared the soil for seedlings and the soil on the ridges, then additional nitrogen fertilizing can be minimal. For example, a single watering with a solution of chicken manure, fermented with an infusion of grass, well diluted with slurry.

In open ground, a sunny place, protected from cold winds, is allocated for planting tomatoes. unsuitable low, damp areas, with close standing ground water that create unfavourable conditions for the root system of plants.​

Culture does not like lack and excess of water.

During fruiting, watering can be done in several ways:

  • ​The article was updated with information on March 20, 2016.​

Watering tomatoes in a greenhouse: general rules how often, methods, watering at different stages of development, signs of over and under watering, tips and tricks, videos

  • I have an old metal 200 liter barrel. But it is not advised to use a metal barrel for the preparation of this fertilizer, apparently, the process of metal oxidation adversely affects the quality. plastic barrel I do not have. You know yourself hopeless situations almost never happens. I bought huge 300-liter plastic bags. I put one bag into another (for strength), placed them inside the barrel. Filled 1/3 with water to straighten them. The polyethylene warmed up a little by the sun, became elastic, stretched, the bags were tightly dressed outside on the edge of the barrel. I got a metal barrel with a plastic liner.​

General rules

  • Once a month, Anna advises to do root dressing organic fertilizer. She calls it "Kurdyumov's compote", and I have this "green manure". The process of its preparation is described in detail below.​
  • Whey (2 liters) + 0.5 cups of sugar + 15 drops of iodine + 8 liters of water.
  • In August, watering tomatoes is no different from watering in the previous two months. At this time, tomatoes are usually actively ripening and require almost no less moisture. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the weather: if there is no heat, and the soil around the tomatoes is covered with straw, then watering can be excluded.
  • This method is very easy to set up with my own hands. Plastic bottles make your life easier. When using this method, the yield increases. It also has a beneficial effect on the preservation of fruits and plants from blossom end rot. It will be correct if you add literally two or three pinches of ash per ten liters of liquid to the water for irrigation. Also, for a good harvest, you can sprinkle ash on the ground around the plants.
  • Since we have a strong dry land (for 2 months without rain), then when planting tomato seedlings,
  • If your plants grow too fast, have powerful stems and large, juicy, dark green leaves, they are most likely "fatty" from excess nitrogen. You can correct the situation by temporarily stopping watering the plants, raising the temperature of the content and applying phosphate fertilizers (3 tablespoons of superphosphate per 10 liters of water).

Tomato is less demanding on soil fertility and soil composition than others vegetable crops, but this does not mean that tomatoes can be planted in the ground without any fertilizer. The acidity of the soil should be at least ph = 5.5. Sandy and loamy soils need organic and mineral fertilizers and drainage. The need for nutrients changes during the growing season of tomatoes. In the first period (before fruit formation begins), plants use only 5-7% of the amount of fertilizer consumed. As the green mass grows and especially the formation and growth of fruits, the consumption of nutrients increases dramatically.

If the tomato leaves curl along the central vein, resulting in a “boat”, this indicates a lack of moisture. In this case, it is necessary to shed and loosen the soil, mulch it.

How often to water

With the help of plastic bottles.


So, I already had a little water in the barrel, I add mowed grass there. Experienced gardeners advise filling the barrel with cut nettles. But I didn’t have so many nettles, so I sketched an almost full (2/3) barrel of various weeds, nettles were there too.

Every 2 weeks, it does not hurt to feed the tomatoes with an ash solution - pour 1 glass of ash with a bucket of water, let it brew for several hours. The ash solution contains potassium, calcium, phosphorus, many different trace elements necessary for the development of plants.

Bifungin ( birch mushroom(chaga) - sold in a pharmacy - dilute in water by eye until dark.

How to water tomatoes in a greenhouse (video)

Watering methods

Tomatoes variety Evpator

  • If a hard crust is found on the surface of the earth, be sure to immediately loosen it. Often this happens after heavy watering or after a downpour. And if there is a mulch of mowed grass near your plants on the ground, then it is not necessary to loosen the ground every time. Dug deep holes, filled each with a bucket of water, half covered with earth, again
  • Before flowering, the plant needs increased doses of phosphate fertilizers, which are applied to the soil in advance. If, when preparing the ridges, you neglected the introduction of phosphorus, then you can do this already during the flowering period in the form of foliar feeding. Tomatoes need everything necessary elements mineral nutrition, but most of all potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus. The lack of phosphorus reduces the absorption of nitrogen by plants, which leads to cessation of growth, delay in setting, formation and ripening of fruits. With mineral starvation, the leaves become blue-green in color, then grayish. Tomatoes are especially sensitive to a lack of phosphorus in initial period growth, so superphosphate is usually immediately added to the soil for planting a tomato.
  • Abundant watering of tomatoes in greenhouses will lead to cracking of the stem and fruits, and will also adversely affect palatability harvest. Overflow will also affect the development of the roots. This method is simple and economical. Near each bush they dig into the ground plastic bottle without cut-off lid. As a result, water will evenly flow to the roots, and not be spent on moistening the soil.
  • Feeding cucumbers in a greenhouse or open ground with fertilizers - mineral and organic From above I threw about 1 kg of wood ash, half a bucket of chicken manure, added 2 liters of milk "store" whey (natural, they say, 1 liter is enough), a pack of baker's yeast (100 g). I added water almost to the top.

​Very important point: if you are doing foliar feeding or root feeding, then this should be done in the morning or in the evening. Why is that? If we are talking about foliar, then the nutrient solution should be on the surface of the leaves for as long as possible so that it can be absorbed. And in bright sunshine, spraying the leaves can cause a burn. This is first. And secondly, the sun will quickly dry up the droplets of the nutrient solution, it will not have time to be completely absorbed by the leaves. When foliar, you should make sure that the solution gets not only from the top of the sheet, but also from the bottom too.

One teaspoon of boric acid, copper sulfate, magnesia (boric acid and magnesia are sold at the pharmacy) + manganese at the tip of a knife + coarsely grated laundry soap or 3 tablespoons liquid soap dissolve in 10 liters of water.

Watering at different stages of development

Watering seedlings

So, two weeks have passed since you planted tomato seedlings in a greenhouse or open ground. It's time to feed the plants. Top dressing of tomatoes in open ground or greenhouse - is there a difference? What types of top dressings are there? Last years gardeners (those I know) prefer organic, trying to use less mineral fertilizers, but do not completely abandon them. Home-made cheap, but very effective "green manure" is very popular. But about him, a little lower. ​

A jet of water during irrigation should be directed to the planting site, that is, under the root.

Watering dive shoots

Poured water, planted tomatoes (2 each), mulched well with dry manure ("typ") and

At the height of flowering, top dressing with ash is appropriate (1-2 cups of ash per bucket of water, leave for a day, spray on color and leaves in the evening). This procedure, among other things, contributes to the prevention of diseases of tomatoes.

Tomatoes, like other crops, need nitrogen during the period of intensive growth of plants and fruits. However, an excess of nitrogen in the soil is undesirable, since it causes a strong increase in green mass (the so-called "fatting") to the detriment of fruiting. In addition, this leads to an intensive accumulation of nitrates in the fruits.

Signs of excess and lack of moisture

In order for the liquid to flow in the right volumes, it is recommended to use the drip method. With a hose.

  • How to care for tomatoes (video)
  • This recipe was taken long ago from the book "Smart Farming" by Yu.I. Sweetie. He calls this solution an infusion of microbial organisms. The author recommends adding mash instead of yeast - 3 liters of non-chlorinated water, 150 g of sugar, leave for 2-3 days.

Under the root, watering the plants with a mineral or organic solution is also necessary early in the morning or in the evening. I prefer evening watering, and my dacha neighbor waters his cucumbers, tomatoes in a greenhouse or open field only early in the morning. The reasons also seem to be clear: water or a nutrient solution that has fallen on the leaves during the day can cause sunburn foliage. You should not force the plant to spend energy repairing or healing wounds.

Trichopolum (10 tablets) + 1 small vial of brilliant green + 10 liters of water.

  • There are two types of dressings. Root and foliar.​
  • ​Never point liquid at leaves or fruit. If water droplets remain on the leaves, this will damage them. As a result, late blight spores can germinate.
  • watered again. The second watering under the root (through the tube) after 2 weeks.​
  • In early August, all flowers and newly formed ovaries should be removed from the bushes in the open field, and especially in late-ripening varieties because they won't mature anyway. In the greenhouse, this is done 1-2 weeks later. The tops of indeterminate plants must be pinched to stop growth, while nutrients will rush to the ripening of the fruit. It is best to shoot brown (beginning to turn red) fruits, which have 4-6 days before ripening. If you regularly remove just such fruits, then total harvest will increase significantly, as the remaining fruits will receive more nutrition and develop faster. On the contrary, with overripe fruits, the total yield decreases.
  • Potassium is necessary for the formation of stems, eliminates the harmful effects of elements that increase the acidity of the soil, and improves the digestibility of other mineral nutrition elements.
  • Abundant watering of tomatoes in greenhouses will lead to cracking of the stem and fruits, and will also negatively affect the taste of the crop

The method is traditional, however, during the ripening of crops, it is difficult to dose water. Pulling the hose over long distances is unsafe: you can damage the seedlings. The method is inconvenient because a crust forms on the ground.

How to care for tomatoes (video)

Tomatoes prefer moist soil, but dry air. It is not worth loosening the soil after watering, it is better to mulch it with mowed grass.

The solution in the barrel ferments very actively and the stench, sorry for the details, is not the most pleasant. And you need to mix the fertilizer at least once a day. All this is infused for 1.5-2 weeks. Then I take out the fermented grass. When it dries up, I put it under the zucchini. Why under the zucchini - I do not know. It's been like that from the very beginning. Zucchini are very grateful.

Tomatoes are very whimsical plants. However, these vegetables grow in almost every summer cottage. To receive you need to good harvest you need to follow all the rules of cultivation. Especially difficult to grow good tomatoes in open ground. In open ground, due to the strong influence of weather conditions, cultivation becomes more complicated. This article will talk about how to water tomatoes in the open field.

Proper watering of a tomato is extremely important for plants growing in open ground. Tomatoes are very often exposed to various infectious diseases, which develop very well with high humidity air and earth. Therefore, tomatoes should never be poured.

Tomatoes do not like strong waterlogging of the soil, so they are rarely watered. The first watering is carried out during the planting of seedlings in a permanent place of cultivation. Then the plants are not watered for 2-3 weeks (regardless of the weather). After 2-3 weeks, watering is carried out at the very root, without falling on the leaves. The following waterings can be done between the rows. After the appearance of fruits, tomatoes can be watered over the entire surface of the soil. This irrigation scheme is due to the fact that the roots are constantly developing and growing, and each time you need to capture an increasing area.

Watering tomatoes should be done only when the soil is dry and the plants really need moisture. The first sign of a lack of moisture is slightly folded lower leaves. If this symptom is present, watering should be done immediately.

Tomatoes in the open field should be watered only in the evening or early in the morning, before the appearance of active sunlight. Water the tomatoes very carefully, trying so that the dirt after watering does not get on the leaves. Dirty leaves absorb the sun's rays very poorly.

Before watering, it is advisable to loosen the earth a little so that water flows better to the roots and nourishes them.

For irrigation use only warm settled water. Its temperature should be at least 23 degrees. Do not water tomatoes from a hose with tap water, as you can cause great damage to the root system, as well as upset the acid balance. Neither the first nor the second will lead to anything good. It is best to use rainwater for watering tomatoes in open ground, it is considered the best in terms of its chemical composition.


You can bet on the forecasts of weather forecasters whether they will come true or not. However, in the business of growing vegetables, constancy is needed, so, regardless of weather conditions, experienced gardeners ensure constant watering of crops. Tomatoes need irrigation according to a special scheme, which we will discuss in this article.

Tomatoes are a southern culture that loves heat, sunlight and moisture. The latter often becomes a stumbling block for beginner gardeners - for some reason, watering leads to results that are directly opposite to those expected. Well, no one is immune from mistakes, but who said that you should definitely learn from your mistakes?

Here, as here, phytophthora comes to life, the spores of which fall into a favorable environment - places of burns. actively begin to develop during sprinkling in cloudy weather. There is only one way out - to water the tomatoes under the root or along the furrows between the rows. Drip irrigation will allow you to organize watering on a large plot, and if you grow tomatoes in the open field strictly for yourself, then you can easily handle it with a watering can.

The main difficulties that one has to face when watering with a hose is unwinding a long bay between the beds, trying not to damage the plants, and then, after watering, winding up a heavy “sleeve” filled with water. But there is a way out if you buy this one.

It is short enough to be quickly deployed, but then when water runs inside, it lengthens 3 times thanks to different properties inner (hard) and outer (soft corrugated) shells. When you turn off the water, it will begin to shrink, taking on its previous dimensions and, accordingly, will pull itself out of the row spacing. There are no alternative solutions, only, as before, to deploy and collapse a heavy, difficult-to-give bay.

Before watering tomatoes, do not forget to prepare water - it should be warm, heated in the sun, not lower than soil temperature. The optimum water temperature is around 24-26°C. In the case of drip irrigation, you can warm up the water in the central tank, to which all the hoses are connected, and if you water from a bucket, then use all the buckets and basins that are at hand for heating.

That's why u experienced gardeners often the whole yard is lined with water containers. They especially like rainwater for its mild effect - indeed, rainwater contains a lot of carbonic acid, which gives it such a quality. Watering cold water from a hose can cause damage to the root system of plants, as well as disrupt the acid balance. Tap water is hard, and therefore it must be softened with a small amount of compost or an infusion of collected weeds before watering.

In sunny, hot weather, watering should be started in the evening, when the sun is already hanging over the horizon, or even completely hidden behind the tops of the trees. A short summer night is enough for the roots to assimilate a new portion of moisture. In cloudy weather, you can water at any time of the day. To reduce the frequency of watering, avoid the formation of a crust on the surface of the earth and achieve the best moisture, be sure to mulch the soil in the beds.

Straw, peat, leaf litter, even weeds can be used as mulch. The mulching layer should be at least 5 cm thick - this will not only retain moisture, but also reduce the number of weeds. After all, weeds need light to grow, and mulch will just close the sprouts access to the rays. Upper layer soil will never turn into a crust if mulch is laid on top of the soil. Mulching with organic matter also provides soil useful substances, and over time improves the structure of the soil, making it lighter and more airy.

For large volumes of plantings in open ground, farmers use special films that allow moisture and air to pass through, but completely cover the soil from sunlight. cultivated plants they are planted in the holes made, and the weeds remain under the film - they cannot grow without light.

The latest scientific research confirms that plants are able to experience the most real emotions - joy, fear, fear. Moreover, they are able to respond not only to the irritant itself, but also to its precursors - for example, a fire lit nearby can cause fear long before a burn, and a gardener with a bucket of water causes genuine joy in plants.

Unfortunately, only very high-precision equipment can capture such emotions - so we would know much more about the desires of green pets. Gardeners can only read information from appearance plants.

So, if tomatoes in the open ground feel a lack of moisture, the leaves of the plants will look darkened, and in the heat they will begin to fade. When the tomatoes enter the active growth phase and begin to form ovaries, increase the rate of water consumption in hot, dry weather to 5 liters once a week. When the ovaries begin to turn into juicy fruits, the frequency of watering should be doubled to prevent the soil from drying out.

How to water tomatoes of undersized and tall varieties? Tall varieties usually form many ovaries in different time- on the bushes you will see both ripening fruits and barely formed ones. Therefore, watering tall tomatoes does not stop until all the fruits ripen - once every 4 days, each plant needs to be allocated up to 10 liters of water. This amount of moisture will allow you to get large fruits.

Low-growing varieties in the open field usually ripen more amicably, and therefore, as soon as the fruits begin to turn red, watering should be reduced to a minimum, and then completely stopped. This will avoid the appearance of cracks in the tomatoes, as well as infection with fungal diseases.

During the active phase of growth and the formation of ovaries, plants need good feeding. In the case of tomatoes, we exclude the option of foliar fertilization by foliar spraying. It remains only to apply top dressing directly to the soil and in combination with watering. The second option is the most convenient, fortunately, there are a lot of liquid and soluble fertilizers to choose from.

It is important to know that the application of mineral fertilizers should be combined with the application of organic matter - compost, chicken manure, weed infusion, eggshells, wood ash. This will allow you to maintain the acidity of the soil at the same level. In principle, you can get by with one organic. For example, ground eggshell and wood ash.

It is enough to sprinkle a handful of such fertilizers into the grooves for watering and water the plants abundantly with water. In the same way, you can make chicken manure. The convenience of using these fertilizers also lies in the fact that they can be applied at any stage - at the time of planting or during the active growth phase. To speed up the fruiting phase and protect plants from late blight, you can prepare an infusion saturated with many trace elements.

To do this, dilute 2 liters of wood ash in 5 liters of boiling water and dilute the resulting liquid with cold water to a 10-liter volume. Pour a bottle of ordinary pharmacy iodine and a ten-gram sachet of boric acid here. After this mixture is infused for a day, it can be used for its intended purpose. A liter of such an infusion is diluted in a bucket of water, and up to 1 liter is added under the root for each plant.

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