International Position of the USSR on the eve of the Second World War. Abstract: Soviet Union on the eve and in the initial period of World War II

Gardening 22.09.2019

Second world War Started on September 1, 1939 with the attack of Germany to Poland. England and France, connected by the defensive agreement with Poland, on September 3 declared war in Germany. On the one hand, this is evidence that the USSR foreign policy rate did not give the opportunity to create a single anti-Soviet front in Europe. On the other hand, the beginning of the Second World War is the manifestation of the extreme exacerbation of capitalist contradictions. A group of imperialist countries, who managed to translate the economy to military rails, took advantage of the economic crisis in England, France and other colonial European countries in order to take revenge for defeat in the First World War, to reveal the spheres of influence.

The Allies of Poland did not have real military assistance, which provided A. Hitler a quick victory. On September 17, the Red Army joined Poland to assist Ukrainians and Belarusians, which were in danger as a result of the "collapse of the Polish state". At the same time, the USSR and Poland did not declare the war. On September 28, the Soviet-German agreement "On Friendship and Borders" was signed, which secured the land of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus for the USSR (200 thousand km 2 with a population of 12 million people).

At the same time, the USSR insisted on the conclusion of agreements with Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, having received the right to place its troops on their territory.

From September 1939 and until the spring of 1940, the so-called "strange war" was carried out in Western Europe. 110 Anglo-French divisions that were against 23 Germans did nothing to facilitate the Fate of Poland, to defeat Germany. The Germans did not slow down to take advantage of this, released significant forces in the East and caused a decisive blow to Western Europe. Germany was almost without losses occupied 11 states and began the blockade of Island England. The most unforeseen the capitulation in June 1940 of the French government was.

In November 1939 - March 1940, the Soviet-Finnish war was carried out. In November 1939, the USSR in order to ensure the security of Leningrad proposed Finland as follows: Finland is inferior to the USSR territory in the area of \u200b\u200bLeningrad, and the USSR is inferior to Finland, the territory is twice as large in Karelia. The Finnish side, relying on the support of Western countries, did not adopt these conditions. After the border incident at the border near Leningrad the USSR, the aggression agreement with Finland. Military actions began, which were accompanied by large losses when overcoming the Red Army of Finnish defense - the so-called "Mannerheim line". Western states provided Finland comprehensive support. Ultimately, this campaign ended with the victory of the USSR, which made it possible to strengthen the strategic positions of our country in the north-west, to push the border from Leningrad.

However, political costs were. The USSR under the pretext of his aggression was excluded from the League of Nations. Hitler considered the insufficient combat capability of the Soviet troops, which strengthened his intention to attack the Soviet Union, without waiting for the defeat of England.

The war approached the territories of the USSR. His actions in 1940 were aimed at using the Soviet-German Treaty of 1939, limit the spreads of German aggression. In June 1940, coalition governments were created in the Baltic countries. Elections were held in the Sejl Lithuania and Latvia, to the State Council of Estonia. Selected in the Baltic republics, parliaments decided to enter their countries to the USSR. In August 1940, by the decision of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, this request was satisfied and they entered the USSR as three new republics.

In the summer of 1940, the Soviet government offered to return Bessarabia, forcibly rejected Romania in 1918, as well as to transfer the USSR Northern Bukovina, inhabited by Ukrainians. As a result, the positions of the USSR in the south-east were strengthened.

Thus, for one year, the territory of the USSR increased by 500 thousand km 2, and the population is 23 million people. The border of the country moved away in the west in different places at a distance from 300 to 600 km. Foreign policy agreements 1939. Almost two years helped to delay the attack of Germany to the Soviet Union.

The internal policy of the USSR on the eve and at the beginning of World War II was fully subordinate to the tasks of ensuring the country's defense capability. The jerk to the industrial independence proceeded in the atmosphere of the mobilization tension of the physical and spiritual possibilities of the people. The growth rate of the heavy industry in the first five-year plates (1928-1940) were 10-15% per year. This is 2-3 times higher than in 13 years of Russia's development before World War (1900-1913). According to the absolute volumes of industrial production of the USSR at the end of the 30s. He went to second place in the world after the United States (in 1913 - the fifth place). A material and technical base was created for the production of the latest types of weapons.

In 1939, 25.6% of the state budget was allocated for military needs, in 1940 - 32.6%, in 1941. - 43.4%. In 1938-1940 The average annual industries generally accounted for 13%, and the defense industry is 39%. And yet in 1940, the USSR paid 18.3 million tons of steel, and Germany, subordinating the economy of almost all Western Europe, - 31.8 million tons. The latest equipment created in the USSR, the types of weapons were only mastered as qualified personnel prepared.

Strict measures were taken to strengthen the production discipline, to establish a mobilization regime of the labor and recreation of the population. Decree "On the transition on an 8-hour working day, on the 7th day working week and the prohibition of unauthorized care of workers and employees from enterprises and institutions", as well as the Decree "On State Labor Reserves", according to which he was mobilized annually 1 million city and rural youth in handicraft, railway schools and schools of factory learning (FMU). Threw these colleges and schools were sent to state enterprises in different ends of the country.

It took consideration of responsibility for the production of quality products. Paintings could be subject not only to administrative, but also criminal liability. All these were emergency measures in the conditions of the forced development of the country from agrarian to the industrial and in the situation of the impending war with fascist Germany and its allies.

The Great Patriotic War .

On June 22, 1941, Germany treacherously attacked the USSR. The war began, in which it was not only about the preservation of social system and statehood, but also on the physical existence of the peoples inhabited by the USSR. Hitler emphasized that "the upcoming campaign is not just an armed struggle, it is a conflict of two worldviews ... We must erase this country from the face and destroy its people." According to the plan "Ost", after the victory, the dismemberment of the USSR was envisaged, deportation for the Urals of 50 million people, genocide, the destruction of leading cultural centers, the transformation of the European part of the country into the living space for the German colonists. Such plans of the Nazis, cruel methods of warfare strengthened from the Soviet people the desire to save their homeland and themselves from full extermination. The war acquired a people's liberation and fairly entered the story as the Great Patriotic War.

Hitlermen carefully prepared for war, had the experience of conquering European countries. Germany sent 80% of their troops against the USSR. They were joined by the army of Italy, Romania, Hungary, Finland, Slovakia, Croatia, "Volunteering" formations of Spain and France. Soviet borders created a group of 190 divisions with a number of 5.5 million people, 47 thousand guns and mortars, 4.5 thousand tanks, 5 thousand aircraft. The leadership of Germany believed that the Red Army would not be able to provide serious resistance to these powerful forces, especially since the Soviet Union, despite the efforts attached during the years of the third year, did not complete the preparation for war, the re-equipment of the army was not completed.

According to the developed fascist plan, Barbarossa envisaged a rapid blow of three groups of armies to Moscow, Leningrad and Kiev, the defeat of the Soviet Armed Forces and the occupation of the European part of the USSR. Blitzkrieg (lightning war) was supposed to take no more than 10 weeks.

The Great Patriotic War is usually divided into three periods.

The first - initial period (June 22, 1941 - November 18, 1942) is the strategic defense of the Soviet Armed Forces, the defeat of the fascist troops near Moscow, the disruption of the attempts of the Hitler coalition to crush the Soviet Union in a lightning war.

The second period (November 19, 1942 - the end of 1943) is the time of the indigenous fracture during the Great Patriotic War.

The third period of the war is the final (January 1944 - May 9, 1945) is the time of the defeat of the fascist block, the expulsion of the enemy troops outside the USSR, exemption from the occupation of the countries of Europe, the full collapse of the fascist Germany and its unconditional surrender. This period also includes war with imperialist Japan (August 8 - September 2, 1945) and eventually the completion of World War II.

Specifically, fighting developed as follows. In the initial period, immediately after German attack, the Soviet government conducted major military political and economic activities in order to reflect the aggression. The bid of the Supreme Commands was formed. I.V. Stalin was appointed commander-in-chief and defense minister. Was created State Committee. Defense (GKO), focusing all the completeness of power in the country. A military doctrine was recorded radically revised, the task was put forward to organize strategic defense, to urge and stop the offensive of the fascist troops. Large-scale events were carried out on the translation of the industry for military rails, mobilizing the population into the army and for the construction of defensive borders.

The first months of the war are characterized by the rapid promotion of German troops in Soviet territory, the huge losses of the Red Army in a living force and technology. The reasons for its failures of historians see in serious mistakes admitted by the Soviet leadership in the pre-war years. Military doctrine was based on the tasks of the offensive war and did not imply conducting hostilities on its territory. Therefore, the tactics of defensive battles was not worked out. A negative role was also played by the weakening of the command formulation caused by pre-war repressions.

Serious miscalculation was in determining the time of the possible attack of fascist Germany in the USSR. Stalin and his entourage believed that they would succeed in diplomatic means to delay at least a year the beginning of the war with Germany.

But the main cause of military failures of the USSR in 1941 was in the giant destructive potential created by the Military Machine Military Machine, in front of which the army was not able to resist such powers as England and France. Almost all continental Europe worked on the aggressor.

However, counting on Blitzkrig, the Nazi strategists faced a completely unrecorded factor - the mass heroism of Soviet soldiers during the defense of Brest, Odessa, Sevastopol, Leningrad, Smolensk, other large and small cities and villages and especially when the capital of the USSR.

Moscow Battle of 1941 - 1942 With an equal ratio of forces, I wore a defensive nature from September 30 to December 5, and from December 5 to April 20 - offensive. The defeat of the German fascist troops near Moscow was the decisive military-political event of the first year of the Great Patriotic War and the first major defeat of fascist Germany since the beginning of World War II. Near Moscow Soviet troops broke the plan lightning war, dispelled the myth of the invincibility of the German army, pulled out a strategic initiative from the hands of the German fascist command. The Moscow battle was of great international importance. She contributed to strengthening antihytler coalition, I had a great influence on the development of the movement of the resistance of the peoples of Europe to the German fascism.

Keeping more advantages in the number of personnel, the number of guns and aircraft, the German troops in the 1942 summer campaign occupied the Donbass, reached the North Caucasus. The heroic defense of Stalingrad began. In connection with the current critical situation, the order of the Supreme Commander No. 227 was issued, which included in the history called "Nor Stepping Back", which was installed iron discipline in the troops. It was clearly argued that further retreat was disability.

The fracture of the war in the second period came as a result of the increased activity of the Soviet troops, successful action of partisans. The domestic industry has become necessary to be necessary for the front of the products more than was produced for the fascist army in Germany and in all European conquered.

On November 19, 1942, the onset of three fronts of the Soviet Army under Stalingrad began, which was completed on February 2, 1943, the environment and liquidation of the 330 thousandth group of German troops. The victory in the Stalingrad battle had a large military-political importance. It led to the wide onset of the Red Army on all fronts and meant the beginning of the root fracture in the entire World War II. Kursk battle (July 5-23, 1943), in which 4 million people participated on both sides, more than 4 thousand tanks were involved, 5 thousand aircraft, completed the root fracture in the war. The enemy finally lost the strategic initiative and moved to a tough positional defense.

In the third, final period of war, the Soviet Armed Forces had complete superiority over the enemy. Thanks to the successfully conducted powerful strategic offensive operations, 1944 was marked by a complete exile from the territory of the USSR of the troops of Germany and its allies. Began exemption from the fascism of Eastern Europe. Berlin operation completed the war. On the night of March 8 to May 9, 1945, representatives of the German command signed an act of unconditional surrender.

The defeat of Japanese imperialism was completed by the defeat of the Japanese imperialism, which meant the end of the Great Patriotic War and the entire World War II completed the defeat of the Soviet Army (Northeast China (August 8 - September 19, 1945).

In the Patriotic War, the struggle for the front line played an important role. The partisan movement in the rear of the enemy constantly distracted up to 10% of German combat forces.

Changed the foreign policy situation. After the attack on the USSR, Germany, the Government of England and the United States were forced to take into account the increased security threat and their countries from the Nazis. In January 1942, an anti-Hitler coalition from 26 countries was commissioned in Washington, to which another 20 countries joined during the war. The decisive role in this union belonged to the "Big Troika" (USSR, England and the USA), the heads of the governments of which were held three conferences.

In Tehran (November 1943), the main question was to open the second front. The opening of the second front allies occurred only in June 1944, when the ability of the USSR was completely revealed to complete the military defeat of Germany and release the countries of Europe.

In Yalta (February 1945) and Potsdam (July - August 1945), the focus was the basic principles of the post-war device, the determination of the borders of European states, the eradication of fascism, the demilitarization of the economy.

What are the sources of victory, the results of the war? The most important factor of victory was the moral and political unity of our society. The calculations of the fascist rulers of Germany were not justified for the fraudity of the state system of the USSR, to the conflict between the working class and the peasantry, to the "spiritual rebellion" of the intelligentsia, the disintegration of a multinational power, which was considered by Hitler's strategists as devoid of internal organic bonds "Ethnic Conglomerate". The unity of the peoples of a multinational battlefish relied on the deep sense of patriotism and the state self-preservation of Russian and other peoples, a clear awareness of them deadly danger, who hung over the fatherland.

Our people proved that he led a fair, liberation war, defended his freedom and independence of the Motherland. Under the influence of the critical situation, Stalin, as the Supreme Commander introduced some adjustments to the control mechanism, turned correctly to the historical memory of the people. Patriotism, Ratnaya and Labor Merits put forward the masculine of talented commander: G.K. Zhukova, kk. Rokossovsky, I.S. Konev and others. Some Russian traditional attributes were revived. Introduction of pursuit, officers, generals, guard, orders of Nevsky, Suvorov, Kutuzov, the institution of ranks of differences and forms for civil servants - all this in its own way towered the role of historical continuity in the spiritual revival of the people. The sacred war against the invaders received the blessing of Russian Orthodox church, other religious denominations.

The unity of the front and rear is the most important victory factor. The centralized economy of the country, in the presence of natural resources and the mass labor heroism of the people gave unexpected results for Hitler strategists. The USSR under the tight leadership of the State Defense Committee of the Defense of the country produced during the war of war twice as many combat equipment and armaments than the Europe conquered by Hitler. Equipment and resources were used better. Based on a thousand tons of steel, it was produced five times more than tanks and guns than the German industry. (This is comparable to the release of weapons in England and the USA). An important role was played by the competition under the slogan "Everything for the front, all for victory," which was not formal.

The main result of the war is that our country has made a decisive contribution to the defeat of fascist Germany and Militarist Japan, who saved the world from the threat of barbarian enslavement. The Soviet army destroyed during the war, captured and defeated 507 German and 100 divisions of Satellite countries in Germany. England and US troops were broken in Western Europe, North Africa and Italy, 176 divisions. On the Soviet-German front, the enemy suffered 73% of cumulative losses. The result was the fact that the world has developed a new geopolitical situation. She began to be characterized by the growing confrontation of capitalist powers headed by the United States and the Soviet Union, which issued its influence on a number of countries in Europe and Asia and blocked the immediate threat to their state borders. The Eurasian Continent formed the most powerful center of world influence, alternative geopolitical strategy of the West.

The Second World War taught humanity a lot of lessons. She showed that the "appeal of the aggressor" leads to war that states with different socio-political systems can unite in the fight against the contender for world domination, which with war to humanity must be struggling before it began. In modern conditions, when it increases the possibility of media to paralyze the spiritual immunity of the people to resist the aggressor, it is important to remember the lessons of falsification of the history of the war.

Immediately after the war in the West, the concept of the "chance" of the victory of the Soviet Army was launched, explaining her Hitler's mistakes, Russian off-road and frosts. The first place in providing victory was the battles in the desert of North Africa, on the marine islands. The meaning of Land-Lisa (US transmission system is borrowed or for renting weapons, ammunition, food to the countries of the Anti-Hitler coalition during the Second World War), although it added only about 4% to our domestic armament. The opening of the second front, which took place at the end of the war was alleged.

Nowadays have changed in falsification. Under the guise of the eradication of "totalitarianism", views aimed at etching from the people of patriotic feeling are promoted.

The first thesis: If it were not for the Soviet system, no one would attack our country. But Russia's history shows that expansion east has always been at the German Foreign Policy Center, Anglo-Saxon geopolitics.

The second thesis: the justification of the German attack on the USSR as "preventive", which proactifies against the spread of communism. But it is forgotten that the German variety of fascism is ideologically founded on a racial Nazi genocide, which bears the death of many peoples.

The third thesis: on cooperation of the USSR and Germany. But again, the question remains unanswered: why the USSR in the pre-war years acted for collective security in Europe, and Western governments conducted a policy of pacifying the aggressor.

Fourth thesis: about the price of victory. It is argued that the USSR allegedly lost in the war 5-10 times more manthan Germany. This is designed to humiliate our people and his army. However, according to the actual data, the irrevocable demographic losses of the Soviet Armed Forces are 86,68,400 (including 1783300 those who have not returned from captivity), and the irrevocable losses of Germany and its allies - 8649,500 people. And it's not just in numbers. It is necessary to answer the question: what price would humanity pay, if the Soviet army did not crush fascism? But falsifiers prefer not to talk about it.

The USSR on the eve of the war is one of the most acute those in the history of our country, and this is connected with several circumstances. First of all, we are talking about acute political struggleexplicitly read in various works devoted to the beginning of World War II. It is no secret that historians belonging to various national schools, to the detriment of scientific and objectively, are trying to shift responsibility for the emergence of the war on the opposite direction. Attempts to falsify the history of the beginning of the Second World War, constantly undertaken abroad, always caused a response of Soviet historians who were striving to give the truthful, objective picture of that era. In general, for some exceptions, which will be discussed below, modern Russian historians continue to develop the positive traditions of domestic historiography dedicated to the events of the eve of the Great Patriotic War.

First of all, in recent years there is a significant number of collections of documents and memoirs dedicated to the pre-war period of the USSR. The first surge of publications on this topic has to restructure in recent years. Some of those who appeared in that period of publications are scientific and popular in nature, such as the book released in 1991 on the day before. 1931--1939. As the world was injected into war: Short story In documents, memories and comments. "Or the book" Eve and the beginning of the war. Documents and materials ", which came out in the same year in the Leningrad Publishing House. Other books, also looking for a wide audience are obviously propaganda.

And so, in 1920-1930. There is a sharp change in the social and demographic structure of the USSR population. There is a process of urbanization, i.e. Growth of cities and the role of the urban population. If in 1920, the number of urban population was about 22 million, and before the start of industrialization policies in 1926, 25 million people, which corresponds to about 16.5% in the total population of the country, by 1933 this indicator grows up to 24% And in 1939 it is almost 35 percent, which corresponded to the number of urban population in 56 million people.

The growth of the urban population during these years is mainly due to the village. If you take the overall increase in the urban population for 1926-1939. (approximately 30 million) per 100%, then the share of those who came from the village accounts for more than 60%, and another 20% of the growth is associated with the conversion of villages in the village of urban type.

Immediately before the war, the economy of the Soviet Union still remained a multi-way. But, according to the testimony of Academician Nikolai Alekseevich Voznesensky, formerly by the War, the chairman of the SNK, in 1940, this multipleness was already qualitatively different from the situation that was in the 1920s. The economy of the USSR, in the opinion of Voznesensky, was characterized by a complete predominance of collectivist and state-collectivist forces of ownership, which at that moment in the consciousness of the Soviet people in most cases was aware of how the victory of socialism.

The level of development of the productive forces achieved by the country is visible from the following comparative data. The national income of the USSR in the same prices in 1932 increased by 45.5 billion rubles, in 1937 by 96 billion rubles, and in the last peaceful 1940 by 128 billion

Gross products of the industry in constant prices as rapidly increased. From 21 billion in 1928 to 138 billion in 1940, i.e. 6.5 times. At the same time, the production of means of production increased from 8.5 billion rubles. Up to 84.5 billion - almost 10 times. At the same time from 12.9 billion in 1928 to 53 billion rubles in 1940, or more than 4 times the production of items of public consumption was rising.

Despite the shocks, experienced by the villages at the 1920s - 1930s, agriculture developed. His gross products increased from 15 billion rubles in 1928 to 23 billion in 1940. The most objective indicator of the state of agriculture can be the number of land treated. So, the sown area in the 1930s increased in the country from 113 million to 150 million hectares, i.e. Nearly a third.

For the period under study, state revenues increased from 7.3 billion rubles. Up to 180 billion, while the corresponding expenses on costs amounted to 7.3 and 174 billion rubles, respectively. Thus, on the eve of the war, the revenues of the Soviet budget significantly exceeded the costs - by 6 billion or practically equal to the entire state budget for 1928, which Voznesensky considers as the first year of deployed industrialization.

It is clear that the collectivization and the so-called "Stalin five-year plates" played a major role in achieving these results. On the other hand, a number of researchers, such as Lelchuk, Roy Medvedev insist that the pace of development could be higher without Stalin's domination. This question remains controversial to this day, but the fact that the economic power of the USSR has been reached, and the fact that the process of industrialization was extremely difficult and contradictory. The control rates given by Stalinist decretions were voluntaristic, scientifically unreasonable and overestimated character, statistical reports by manipulation were customized under a predetermined picture and did not correspond to the real pace of economic construction. The economist and publicist Latsis leads the following indicators in terms of increment industrial products During the first five years.

In the first year, by the starting plan, it was supposed to be 21.45, and the actual implementation was 20%.

In the second year according to the starting plan, this figure was supposed to be 19%, according to a coordinated annual plan of 32%, in practice the increase was 22%. The same picture was observed in the third, and the fourth years of the first five-year plan. The fifth year of the five-year plan, 1933, was generally marked by a sharp drop in the growth rate of industrial products to 5.5%, while on the optimal development plan, this figure was to be more than 25%. Latsis believes that this falling indicators made the first five-year plan for completed, and the last year of the first five-year plan, to make the initial year of the second five-year plan, but this opinion is disputed, as well as the calculations given by Latis, the calculations are disputed by other researchers.

One of the most controversial points of the prewar economic development of the USSR is also the question of the pace and methods of the preparation of the country to war. Was the military-economic construction of an aggressive character? After all, the official Soviet historiography justified the cost of collectivization and industrialization costs to prepare for a possible war.

These are the objective data that will help not biased to answer the question. During this period, we can note a sharp increase in military spending, which increased literally from year to year: In 1939, they accounted for 25.6% of the state budget, in 1940 - 32.6%, and in 1941. They should have been 43.4% according to plan. There is almost an unprecedented growth of militaristic expenses - almost half of the newly produced national heritage! And one more digit. If in years III The five-year period The annual increase in the entire industry was estimated at the XVIII CVP Congress (b) at 13%, then defense - at 39%. In the years of the first five years, completely new industries were created: aviation, tank, artillery and so on.

However, the increase in the number of weapons does not yet testify to the offensive doctrine of the state. Although the documents of the General Staff, and the Mass Consciousness dominates the doctrine to beat the enemy on its territory, in fact the same people who are the creator and promoter of this populist doctrine, carried out a completely different common-politics policy. There is a gradual transfer of the center of gravity to the east of the country. If the central industrial area, Leningrad with surrounding regions, Donbas, Baku and some others were in the first five-year period, the main area of \u200b\u200bindustrialization, then in the second five-year period, the center moves to the Urals, and according to the third five-year plan, new enterprises are mostly focused on Western Siberia, Eastern Siberia, Far East, Kazakhstan. Thus, the Soviet economic and military power is rolled back to the east - away from the main foci of tension. On the other hand, a splash of defense efforts, as we see, accounted for 1939-1941, speaking in other words, for the first years of World War I began. Consequently, it was not about the pre-war, but about the military industry.

Another fact, the universal military service in the USSR is administered only in 1939, i.e. When there was no doubt that the world in Europe would be about to blown. It is in Europe that, since in the Far Eastern borders of the USSR and another socialist state - the Mongolian People's Republic - the war was already in full swing. Before that, in the mid-30s. The number of the Soviet Army approached only half a million people.

All this unequivocally testifies that the USSR military strategy was purely defense. A new industrial base was created in the east of the country in thousands of kilometers from the Western Front, which promised to become decisive and to war on which new types of weapons were adapted, such as wheeled tanks and some serious vessels, the construction program was unfolded before the war. If the Soviet government had to carry offensive plans, the structure of the reconstructed economy was completely different, there would be no delay in the increase in the number of the army, it would not be possible that the provision was not created that in the USSR there was a clear lack of military schools to prepare the officer corps, finally up to 1939 . The militia system of the recruitment of the armed forces would not be supported, no way adapted to conduct offensive wars, especially outside the state and all the more in the context of modern battle.

The inner position was dictated to the Soviet government and its foreign policy. Despite the rigid internal regime, the Soviet Union was least interested in unleashing the war, as it could break his internal stability. The Soviet bureaucracy did not feel so much confident, and did not allow himself risky steps to voluntarily get involved in the war. In general, the country solved important creative problems, so the USSR, as well as Russia in the period of Alexander III, was needed by the world on the borders.

Therefore, the overwhelming majority of historians in all countries see the cause of war in politics not the Soviet Union, but Hitler's Germany. The Soviet foreign policy is considered as a more or less adequate response to the changes originated in the international arena. Among the reasons who pushed Germany to unleash the war traditionally refer to the causes of geopolitical and economic nature. The second point of view binds the beginning of the war against the USSR with those provisions that were kept in Hitler in the "Main Campf". The third point of view, which has an increasing number of adherents, explains the actions of the Germans with a special "demonic" nature of Hitler himself, or that somewhat more believable, his views. Recently, in the West, an interesting concept appeared in the West among the historians, according to which the campaign in the East, and in general, the war is due to the complex peripetias of the mutual struggle between the German institution, the general and the Nazi Party.

However, in recent times, the circle of historical professionals in our country was supplied to a somewhat unexpected turn of the discussion. The reason was the publication of the works of the Soviet officer - the renewing officer. known as Victor Suvorov. The Rezun put forward the charges of unleashing the war against his homeland, the accusation that masked in the clothing of exposure "Stalinskins". The point of view is not new, the sharp here has many predecessors.

The materials published in England would probably be forgotten if their appearance did not coincide with the start of restructuring, when all materials on the USSR began to attract interest. Nevertheless, in the academic world of the plot, they were not seriously perceived and "the way to life" was made mainly the German neo-Nazi and Polish press in the rust.

Recently, serious changes have occurred in German historiography. So Professor Hilgrumber, one of the leading German specialists in the field of history, unexpectedly spoke about the threat that the USSR was represented in 1941 for Germany, although before, in the 60s. He, relying on the same sources, painted the image of a completely powerless Stalin, in every way trying to find the favor of Hitler. The modern Austrian professor Ernst Topic in his work "War Stalin" wrote literally the following that injecting the reasons for the aggressiveness of Hitler, Western science looked at the true criminal - Stalin. Topic claims that the Second World War "was essentially an attack by the Soviet Union to Western democracy, and Germany ... only the role of the military deputy was assigned." Configuous processes today occur in the official German science. Freiburian Historic School of Military History as if split into two camps. Part of the researchers, among whom Gorodetsky calls Professor Messersmimdt, got up to the traditional point of view. Others, such as Johhim Hofman, declare the strategic threat from the Soviet Union, which could not not convince Hitler that June 1941 is the last opportunity to start a preventive war.

Gorodetsky, in this case, representing the Anglo-American Historical School, does not undermine without reason that neither Hofman nor Topeic, nor the more resound-suvorov is unable to present at least some new evidence or documents to confirm their speculation conclusions.

It seems that Hitler's identification of the interests of the German people with the interests of Europe is not by chance - by the time almost all of Europe was under the German boot.

Without new interesting sources that could confirm the arguments put forward by him, Reunched Suvorov is forced to resort to fairly dubious ways of argumentation. So, he describes the case that occurred with him in 1968. Before the invasion of Czechoslovakia, the parts and officer of the Soviet Army resounded in the Czechoslovakia, which served as a service and officer of the Soviet army. Recalling the statements by some of the witnesses, that in 1941 the Red Army in Carpathian has received new boots, Rezun-Suvorov makes a simple conclusion. Once upon receipt of the boot in 1968, the Soviet Army moved to the West, and in 1941 it was preparing similar.

Matching the statements of the Rubna-Suvorov with documents involuntarily coming to the conclusion that in some boots, without a sufficient number of firearms, tanks, cars, horses, airplanes, the Red Army would not have been able to steply.

Based on all the above, the concept of the Tuba-Suvorov cannot be truth, as it is based on fictional or falsified facts. In recent years, she has been dismantled in several wonderful studies of Russian authors and completely refuted. The prodigal son (i.e. the thorus) in some of his new books was also made with reckoning. But he is completely not ready to completely abandon their previous writings.

After more than seven decades, there are no discussions on the fact that it helped the Soviet Union to survive and defeat the Great Patriotic War. There are various opinions on the expense of what state the country approached 1941. Moreover, these opinions often reflect the diametrically opposite points of view. Some argue that the country was at the peak after the industrialization of the 30s, others consider the achievements of industry and agriculture rather a lot. So, what was the USSR on the eve of the Second World War?

Undoubtedly, collectivization and industrialization conducted in the 1930s had a great influence on the course of the future war. You can argue much about the course of the agricultural and technical revolution in the USSR, however, the main goal is to transform the state from the agricultural country to the leading industrial power - was achieved. The proportion of heavy industry in gross products national economy Only in the first five years (from 1928 to 1933) increased from 54.5% to 70.4%. IN short time Whole directions in industry, manufacturing and scientific and technical base were created, the illiteracy of the population was reduced. All this shortened the lag of Soviet Russia from leading European countries in the field of economics.

One of the main objectives of industrialization was to build up the military power of the communist state. In the late 20s, the country lived in anticipation of the war against capitalist countries and these expectations were not so ephemeral as it may seem now. The USSR relations with England were hopelessly spoiled in 1927 due to the support of the Soviet Communist Councils. The result of the confrontation was the gap of diplomatic relations between countries. The Soviet embassy in Beijing was subjected to bombardments, and representatives of the RUSE, supported by the British staged a number of terrorist attacks against Soviet citizens. The situation in the Far Eastern regions of the country was also tense. An additional factor in nervousness was internal problems, cropping and confrontation of ideological plants with real position in the country.

All this forced the leadership of the country to develop a plan for increasing the economic and military power of the country as soon as possible. On the December Congress of the WCP (b) of 1927, policy installations were adopted, on the basis of which the plan of future industrialization was later prepared. The first stage was designed for five years (from October 1, 1928 to October 1, 1933) and included a carefully developed set of measures, which included not only the construction of new plants, but also the full creation of the entire chain from training before design and construction Giant objects. During the industrialization of power, they were attracted to the work of foreign specialists, including American and German.

Forced industrialization could not not affect agriculture. To ensure greater performance, collectivization was carried out, which united the scattered producers of agricultural products into gigantic collective farms. The violent collectivization and miscalculations at the initial plan led to the deplorable consequences, the result of which hunger was in many regions of the country in 1932-1933. However, the transition to a direct control of the reform of the party was allowed in 1935 to achieve the stabilization of the situation and abandon the card system.

The USSR on the eve of the Great Patriotic War was no longer a backward agricultural state. All measures taken significantly reduced the country's dependence on external supplies of equipment and equipment. Some of the Tractors Soviet Union for 10 pre-war years produced in the amount of 700 thousand pieces or 40% of global production. It should be understood that this dual-use production, with the beginning of the Second World War, the same plants moved to the release of weapons and instead of tractors already produced tanks.

Industrialization in the USSR made it possible to fulfill one of the main goals - the increase in military potential. In the troops in the mass order, there were armored vehicles, tanks and aircraft of various types. Their number in 1940 is an order of magnitude higher than weapons in 1932. On the eve of the Second World War in the USSR, new types of techniques were developed - a heavy tank of kV, the average tank T - 34; Airplanes: Yak-1 fighters, Lagg-3, MiG-3; IL-2 attack aircraft, PE-2 bomber; Reactive installations on machines (Katyushi) and much more. Such developments have become possible due to the creation of a whole system for training scientific and technical personnel in the country, education in the enterprises of the design bureaus and pilot workshops.

Some historians believe that all the successes of industrialization were negotiated in the early years of the Great Patriotic. German troops for the winter of 1941 seized the territory on which 42% of the population of the Soviet Union lived, 63% of coal was produced, 68% of cast iron was paid, etc. However, this approach is not quite true. Industrialization mostly touched Ural and Siberia, and the pre-revolutionary industry was located in the occupied territories. In addition, before the war, a number of measures were conducted on the preparation for the evacuation of enterprises to the areas of the Urals. With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, only during the first three months of more than 1360 large factories and factories were moved to safe areas.

The experience gained during the two prevailed five-year plans has already helped with the beginning of the war with minimal losses to move the industry to the areas of the Urals. Although the Soviet industry by 1943 paid steel four times less than Germany (8.5 million tons against 35 tons), she managed to overtake the German industry for the production of weapons. So in 1942, the USSR produced tanks of 3.9 times, combat aircraft 1.9 times, guns of all kinds of 3.1 times more than Germany. At the same time, in the war years, the organization and technology of production was rapidly improved. All this was impossible without experience gained in the pre-war years.


2. Measures to strengthen the country's defense capability. Repressions against the army and their consequences


Scientists did not pay attention to the history of the Second World War. It is not easy to calculate, but, apparently, on various aspects of its history in the Soviet Union and Russian Federation It is written more than in any other chronological period.
Tens of thousands of research and popular science books and articles were published, many documentary publications and memoirs appeared, not to mention the immense artistic literature.
Thematic coverage with difficulty is even a transfer - front and rear, industry and agriculture, culture, medicine, education, diplomacy, exploration, etc. etc.
This causes the relevance of the chosen topic.
The purpose of our work is to consider the main aspects in the history of the Second World War.
To achieve the goal, we have taken to solve the following tasks:
-Repite the foreign policy of the USSR Pre-war years and on time of war;
- analyze the beginning of the Second World War;
- to identify the stages of the Great Patriotic War;
- In conclusion, draw conclusions.
The object of the study is the Second World War, and the subject of the USSR during the Second World War.

1. International atmosphere and foreign policy of the USSR on the eve of the Second World War

On the eve of World War II, the unevenness of the development of the largest imperialist countries, the struggle for the redistribution of the divided world has led to the confrontation of the block of fascist-militaristic states - Germany, Japan, Italy, on the one hand, and grouping democratic countries - USA, England, France, on the other.
Credit from England, France, Germany and Italy in 1939, put the Soviet Union to the situation of international isolation and practically reduced the efforts of Soviet diplomacy to create a collective security system. On September 30, 1938, London signed the Declaration with Berlin, containing the obligations "no time to fight with each other", which actually meant a non-aggression agreement. On December 6, 1938, France signed the same declaration. Foreign Minister of France noted that the German policy from now on is focused on the fight against Bolshevism. Germany shows his will to expansion east. On April 11, 1939, Hitler approved the Directive on the Unified Preparation of the Armed Forces to the War in 1939-1940, which was the basis of the invasion plan to Poland, and in the future "campaign to the East". The current situation forced to find contacts, and on April 17, 1939, the Soviet government made a proposal for the conclusion between the USSR, England, France on the mutual commitment to provide each other immediately all assistance, including military, in the event of aggression in Europe against any of negotiating states. " The same obligations in the same case, three powers would take on themselves and against the states "located between the Baltic and Black Seas and bordering from the USSR." To reflect all these provisions, the Soviet side offered in the Military Convention. But these initiatives did not meet a constructive response, nor in London, nor in Paris. In the conditions of the growth of military threat from Germany, negotiations were held in Moscow. From June 12 to August 2, 12 meetings took place. The British and French governments expressed their willingness to conclude a political and military agreement with the USSR at the same time. Military representatives of England and France who arrived in Moscow were not endowed with the rights to accept and sign the right decisions. Both delegations did not have specific plans for the organization of trilateral military cooperation. Negotiations visited a dead end.
On August 21, 1939, Moscow interrupted for an indefinite period of barren Anglo-Franco-Council negotiations. As early as May 30, 1939, the German leadership made it clear that it was ready to improve relations from the USSR. On May 23, Hitler finally approved the plans of armed struggle with France and England on the Western Front and is therefore interested in the temporary union from the USSR, and he was ready to go on real concessions. Decision on the start of negotiations with Germany and improving political relations With her, Stalin took at the end of July, but still hoped for productive contacts with western countries. After making sure the reluctance of the English and French representatives to take on certain obligations, Stalin agreed to the forced negotiation with Germany, believing that the agreement with Hitler will allow to delay the USSR entry into the war. On the night of August 20, a trade and credit agreement was signed in Berlin. On August 21, consent to the visit to Moscow of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany Ribbentrop for signing the Naparency Covenant is given. On August 23, 1939, after three hours of negotiations, the so-called Pact Ribbentrop was signed in Moscow - Molotov - an aggression agreement for a period of 10 years. The secret additional protocol was made to this agreement, which provided for the "delimitation of mutual interests in Eastern Europe". Under this protocol, Poland (with the exception of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus) became a German "sphere of interests", and Baltic States, East Poland, Finland and then part of Romania Bessarabia and North Bukovina - the "sphere of interests" of the USSR. The Soviet Union was able to return lost in 1917-1920. Territory of the former Russian Empire.
September 1, 1939 Germany attacked Poland. 62 German divisions (more than 1.3 million people, 2800 tanks, 2,000 aircraft) invaded the limits of a sovereign state. The Allies of Poland - England and France - September 3 declared war in Germany. But they did not provide real assistance to the Polish government, which provided Hitler a quick victory. The Second World War began. In the new international conditions, the Soviet leadership began to implement the Soviet-German arrangements from August 1939 and put forward the slogan protection of the Ukrainians brothers and the need to access the original Russian lands - Western Ukraine and Western Belarus - to soviet country. In the period from September 17 to September 28, the USSR introduced his troops to the territory of Eastern Poland. Poland as an independent state ceased to exist. On September 28, 1939, the USSR and Germany signed a new agreement on friendship and border. New secret agreements on the borders not only secured accession to the Soviet Union of Western Ukraine and Western Belarus, but also allowed to conclude agreements "On mutual assistance with Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania". The Soviet Union received the right to place in the republics of the Baltic states and the creation of naval and military air bases in their territories. In June 1940, the Government of the USSR in an ultimative form demanded from Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia to the immediate entry into their territory parts of the Red Army. The Baltic republics went to fulfill these requirements. A few days later, "People's Governments" were created there, soon those who have established Soviet power in the Baltics, at the request of which the Supreme Council of the USSR in August 1940 adopted Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia to the Soviet Union. At the same time in June 1940, at the request of the USSR, Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina, occupied by Romania, in 1918, was formed in August 1940. In August 1940, the Moldovan SSR was formed, which included Bessarabia, and North Bukovina was included in the Ukrainian SSR. As a result of all the territorial acquisitions of the USSR, the Borders of the USSR were moved to the West to 200-300 km, and the country's population increased by 23 million people.
On October 12, 1939, the Soviet government offered Finland to move away the state border from Leningrad (providing in return to the most important territory of the north of Lake Ladoga) and conclude an agreement on mutual assistance, but the Finnish leadership of this refused. In response to the USSR on November 28, 1939, unilaterally denounced the nonsense agreement with Finland, concluded in 1932. On the morning of November 30, the troops of the Leningrad Military District, without sufficient training, went to the assault of the deeply echelonized defensive line Mannerheim. In severe off-road conditions, a forest-marsist terrain, the Red Army carried large losses. For 105 days (from November 30, 1939 to March 12, 1940), she lost 289510 people, of which 74 thousand killed and about 200 thousand wounded and frostpler. Finns lost 23 thousand people killed and missing and about 44 thousand wounded.
On March 12, 1940, a peace treaty was signed in Moscow in which the border on Karelian Carcel It was pushed at the Vyborg-Kexholm line. The Soviet Union passed a part of the Peninsula fishermen and the average, in addition, for 30 years, the Hanko peninsula in Finnish bay was transferred to the right to create a naval base on it. The distance from Leningrad to the new border increased from 32 to 150 km.
For aggression against Finland, the Soviet Union was excluded from the League of Nations in December 1939.
In the spring of 1940, Hitlerian Germany captured Denmark, Norway, Holland, Luxembourg. German troops, bypassing from the North, the defensive line of France, on June 10, 1940 entered Paris. On June 22, 1940, France signed the act of surrender. The defeat of France sharply changed the military-strategic environment in Europe. The threat of landing of the Hitler's troops on the British Islands has increased. On May 10, 1940, the Government of U. Churchill came to power. From August 1940, systematic massive bombing of London and other English cities began. The war unfolded. In the Atlantic hosted by German submarines.
The Soviet government made energetic steps to establish relationships with a number of European and Asia states. In April1941, neutrality agreements were signed with Turkey and Japan.
Meanwhile, Hitler Germany at the end of 1940 achieved accession to Triple Union Hungary and Romania, in March 1941 he captured Bulgaria, in April occupied Yugoslavia and Greece. In preparation for war, Germany was involved in Norway and Finland. Fascist Germany launched a systematic and multilateral preparation for war against the USSR. Using the potential of the entire occupied Western Europe, Germany in 1940 and early 1941, military production increased unprecedented pace. The number of workers increased from 2.5 million to 5.5 million people, 12401 combat aircraft were produced, 2,200 armored cars and light tanks, 2900 medium tanks, 7.1 thousand guns, 325 thousand automata. The number of Armed Forces has grown: from 1940 to May 1941, it increased from 3750 thousand to 7330 thousand people.
The General Staff of Germany developed in detail the plan of the Liberal War (Blitzkrieg) against the USSR. The victory over the USSR was planned during the same short-term campaign. On December 18, 1940, Hitler signed the Barbarossa plan, providing for the lightning risk of the main forces of the Red Army west of the rivers Dnipro and West Dvina and exit to the Arkhangelsk-Volga-Astrakhan line. War was supposed to win within 2-3 months.

2. Strengthening the country's defense capability. Repressions in the army

In the conditions created, the Soviet state sought to use the possibilities provided by foreign policy agreements 1939 with Germany, on the one hand, to comply with maximum caution, and on the other - to take all necessary measures to strengthen the country's defense capability.
The rise of a military threat put the USSR before the need to accelerate the economic development, the all-time increase in the military-industrial potential. From 1939 to June 1941, the share of military expenses in the country's budget increased from 26 to 43%. The production of military products at this time was more than 3 times ahead of the general rates of industrial growth. In the east of the country, defense plants were built, Duber enterprises. By the summer of 1941, there were almost 1/5 of all military factories. The production of new types of military equipment was mastered, some samples of which (T-34 tanks, BM-13 reactive mortars, IL-2 attack aircraft) exceeded all overseas counterparts. On September 1, 1939, the Law on Universal Military Duty was adopted. The number of armed forces from August 1939 to June 1941 grew from 2 to 5.4 million people.
In 1939, a network of military-educational institutions was expanded, more than 40 new land and aviation schools were opened. By the beginning of the war, officer personnel for the army and fleet were preparing in 19 academies, at the 10 military faculties in civil universities, in 7 senior naval schools, 203 military schools. In the first half of 1945, the troops were sent from schools and academies about 79 thousand people.
However, the tremendous efforts made for the forced building of the military-industrial potential, largely reduced the situation of the physical and moral terror, established in the country in the 1930s. As a result, the USSR was captured with the translation of the economy to military rails and the reorganization of the army, in addition, this work itself was accompanied by the largest errors and miscalculations. The production of new samples of military equipment was dragged. Many designers and engineers were arrested, some of them worked further in special design 6 engines created from prisoners. Due to repression, the whole industries of the defense industry.
B result in 1939-1941 CSSP produced more aircraft than Germany, but the prevailing part of them was an obsolete sample. Approximately the same situation was observed with tanks. Voluntarist decisions of Stalin, before the Great Patriotic War, were removed from weapons of 76- and 45- mm tools, the release of which was then urgently restored. Delayed the development of mortars and automata. They were considered "Police Weapons." Replacement in the army of horses on the car on the Machines on the defense of K. E. Voroshilov called the "Pest Theory". As a result of Stalinist repressions, the overwhelming part of the highest command staff was destroyed - almost all the most prepared polls and military theoretics. Of the 85 senior military leaders - members of the Military Council of People's Commissariat Defense was repressed by 76 people. Repression was betrayed and a significant part of the middle and younger committee. Only in 1937-1938. 43 thousand commanders were repressed. At the same time, it follows that the cleaning of the command composition from the mid-20s and to the middle 20s and up to the mid-30s from the army, 47 thousand people were fired. Many of them were destroyed or found themselves in camps. The repression continued in 1939-1941. And even in the period of the Great Patriotic War, although in smaller sizes. As a result, by 1941 only in ground forces Little 66.9 thousand commanders lacked, and the noncomplex of the flight technician composition of the Air Force reached 32.3%. The qualitative composition of military personnel has sharply deteriorated. Only 7.1% of the Komostava had a higher education. By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War ¾ commanders were in their positions less than a year.
Thus, the army on the eve of the war was practically beheaded. The loss of the highest commander (the most valuable and hard-proof) as a result of Stalinist repressions far exceeded the following losses in the war with Germany. The reorganization of the army unfolded after the Soviet-Finland war, which included the change of the defense addict (S. K. Tymoshenko), the restructuring of the training system of troops and other measures could not be radically change the situation. This was prevented not only the lack of time, but also the preserved atmosphere of nervousness associated with the contradictored search for the "enemies of the people" and encouraged blind submission.
The latter was especially clearly manifested in solving a fundamental issue with the possibility and timing of the attack of Shashist
Germany to the Soviet Union. From November 1940, Soviet intelligence officers
began to report on the preparing attack of Germany for quarrels, including
the brilliant intelligence officer Richard Zorge reported from Japan accurate
the date of the attack of Germany to the Soviet Union, as well as information about
what Japan will not speak on the side of Germany in the war from the USSR. number
such reports compiled on the basis of various military and
diplomatic sources were calculated with dozens. However, Stalin S.
the threshold noted all the arguments of scouts, diplomats and especially foreign statesmen, considering their disinformation. On June 14, 1941, a message of TASS was published, in which "exposed" statements by the innant and especially English press of Germany in the USSR. In accordance with the instructions of Stalin, no actions that may be regarded as the preparation of CCR to war with Germany (Stalin Panically afraid to provoke this conflict), attempted to increase the combat readings of border districts. 10 days before the start of the war "to avoid provocations", the flights of Soviet aviation in the 10-kilometer border strip were prohibited.
The reasons for such behavior were that Stalin understood the unpretentiousness of the Red Army to a collision with the best military car in the world. The army was supposed to be ready for conflict in Ermania in 1942, Stalin was afraid of this war and in every way wanted to delay it. He believed that Hitler would not risk repeating sad to Germany to fight the experience of two fronts to the First World War and would not attack from the USSR, having a crowded England behind his back. From the positions of the position, numerous warnings about the preparing attack of the ITERER looked at the result of the widest campaign on disinformation paid by the English leadership, (by the famous anti-Sovietism) in order to quarrel the USSR and Mr. Ermania. They only once again convinced Stalin in their own insight.
The origins of the tragic miscalculations of the Soviet Husi in 1939-1941. rooted in the most totalitarian system existing in the country. Being extremely centralized, it did not allow the democratic mechanism for the formation of decisions, discussing alternative options (in case of the reluctance of the charismatic shoot) and even moreover, it is possible to fix it. This system did not allow to effectively dispose of such labor accumulated military-economic potential and caused new tragic errors in the war years.


The victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War is a great feat of the Soviet people. Russia lost over 20 million people. Material damage amounted to 2,600 billion rubles, hundreds of cities were destroyed, 70 thousand villages, about 32 thousand industrial enterprises.
The fight with fascism convincingly showed that the feat in the name of frayment is the norm for warriors and the wind turbines.
607 enemy divisions were defeated on the Soviet-German front, while the Anglo-American troops defeated 176 divisions of Germany and its allies. Soviet troops destroyed and most personnel and military equipment enemy.
During the Great Patriotic War in the rear of the enemy, 6,200 partisan detachments were operating, in which over 1.1 million people fought, as well as the struggle over 220 thousand underground workers.
During the war years, the pilot of the rear workers, which supplied the army with everything necessary. "Everything for the front, everything for victory is" - the slogan, who were guided by the old men and adolescents, women who went to the places of men who went to the front of men.
The winners - the warriors of the army and the rear every year remains less and less, time takes off, and the laws of nature are inexlaries. That is why today it is so important to recall the glorious cases of half a century ago and to benefit everyone who helped win the fascism.

List of used literature

1. The Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union 1941 - 1945 / Ed. Glevniuk O.P. - M.: Academy, 2002.
2. Iritsky Yu. I. again about Totalitarianism. // National history. 1993. - №1.
3. Kuritsyn V. M. History of the state and the rights of Russia. 1929-1940. Moscow.: "International Relations", 1998.
4. Levandovsky A.A., Schetinov Yu.A. Russia in the XX century: studies. M.: Vlados, 1998.
5. Manual on the history of the Fatherland / Ed. Kuritsin V.M. - M.: Spacious, 2000
6. "Great Patriotic War": Encyclopedia.- M.: OV. Encyclopedia, 1985.


On the eve of the Great Patriotic War, the main resort was made by the formation of the eastern regions of the country, where the construction of a significant number of dubler enterprises was envisaged. Of particular importance was attached to the fuel and energy base - the expansion of the Kuznetsky coal basin and the creation in the area between the Volga and the Urals of the New Oil Base - the "second Baku". However, before the beginning of the war, none of the dubler enterprises were introduced.

The second feature was the full development of the defense industry. In 1938-1940 The annual increase in defense products was almost 40%, which approximately three times exceeded the general growth rates of industrial production. The production of equipment for agriculture, cars for civilian purposes was minimized. Tractor plants switched to the production of tanks. Housing construction was discontinued.


The victory of the collective farm system put the peasants in direct dependence on the state. Work on public Niva was almost free difficulty on the state. Labor in a personal subsidiary farming was difficult for himself. Leaving at the disposal of the peasants a personal subsidiary farm (LPH), the state took off the care of the nutrition of collective farmers. Natural concern about himself and his family forced the peasants to pay major attention to his garden and the garden. There were able-bodied collective farmers who have not developed a single workload for the year. On the eve of the war, the leadership of the USSR tightened its agrarian policy. First of all, a struggle against PPH began under the banner to combat "diluting" and "comprehension" of public lands. By the measure of the gathering sections of the collective farmers and soles, their dimensions were reduced.

Agricultural resettlement has become the second direction of the pre-warning agrarian policy. From the central low-earth areas in a planned order for the Far East, in Transbaikalia and other eastern regions of the country for two years (1939-1940), 137 thousand families of the collective farmers moved. At the same time, the struggle with farms was launched mainly in the territories included in the USSR in 1939-1940. Finally, in order to strengthen the labor discipline in the collective farms of the Central Committee of the Party, established a mandatory minimum of workdays in the year (from 60 in grain to 100 in the cotton regions of the USSR). Wheel-bodied farmers who did not work out the minimum, were excluded from the collective farm and went to forced work.

Working issue

Heavy living conditions and work, forced huge masses of workers to wet the place of place in search of the best conditions. The country's leadership at the turn of the 1930-40s. decided to commit high yield work force Extreme measures - anti-working legislation. First, since 1939, workers and employees who fired on own willingwere required a month before dismissal to warn administration about it. Three times prompted to work within a month for 20 minutes. They fired as trap (during the war they were tried and sent to labor concentration camps). Secondly, from January 1939, a single workbook was introduced, without which it was impossible to get a job. Thirdly, in June 1940, an eight-hour working day was introduced, seven-day work week And forbidden self-consuming care from the work of workers and employees. Fourthly, since the autumn of 1940, the Commissars of the USSR received the right to transfer workers and employees with some enterprises and institutions to others without their consent. This measure pursued a goal to ensure the working force of new buildings, especially located in remote areas. Moreover, the government adopted a decree on reducing piece rates and increasing the norms of production, which led to a serious decline in the salary of workers.

Armed forces

On September 1, 1939, the USSR Supreme Council adopted the Law "On Universal Military Responsibilities", according to which men who have reached the 19-year-old, and graduated from high school - 18 years of age. This made it possible to dramatically increase the number of the Red Army, which by the beginning of the war exceeded 5 million years.

In 1938-1939. The territorial-militia system of the recruitment of the armed forces was replaced by the personnel. At the same time, the number of military universities has increased. This led to an improvement in the training of personnel. To enhance the role of higher teams in 1940, the titles of generals and admirals were established, the Institute of Military Commissars was canceled (introduced in 1937). Since the summer of 1940, the formation of large armored compounds (mechanized buildings and individual tank divisions) was resumed in the Red Army in the Red Army, and in early 1941 - the formation of airborne buildings.

In early June 1941, a nomination of troops from internal military districts began to be launched. However, the borders themselves established in 1939-1940. During the expansion of the USSR, they were not properly fortified.

A heavy blow to the combat capability of the Armed Forces of the USSR was massive repressions against the command formulation in 1937-1938. They were launched in 1937 by the execution of the Deputy Commissar of Defense, Marshal Soviet Union M.N. Tukhachevsky and touched over 40 thousand commanders. On the eve of the Great Patriotic War, 2/3 of the highest commander of the Red Army was destroyed.

Great Patriotic War 1941-1945.

1. Fighting on the front

USSR and Germany before the war

The Great Patriotic War became a harsh test for the Soviet state. By 1941, it turned out to be unprepared for war, a crushing defeat at its first stage. The main reasons for this defeat were the best preparedness for the war of fascist Germany, which set themselves the military-economic potential of almost all European countries *, as well as the defeat staff of the Soviet Armed Forces during repression on the eve of the war. Proper regimes were installed in Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania. The allies of Germany were Italy, Japan, Turkey.

* By the summer of 1941, Germany occupied France, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, Greece, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, Poland.

The plan of the USSR - Barbarossa - was approved by Hitler on December 18, 1940. He was designed for a lightning war and assumed the defeat of the USSR armed forces during the 1941 summertime campaign by the summer of 1941. On the border of the USSR from Barents, 5 were concentrated on the Black Seas. , 5 million soldiers and officers of Germany and its allies, almost 5 thousand combat aircraft, more than 3,700 tanks, over 47 thousand guns and mortars. The number of Soviet Armed Forces in this section of the border was 2.9 million people. The remaining one and a half million people were dispersed on other sites, primarily on Far East And the south, where the invasion of allies of Germany - Japan and Turkey was expected.

The Great Patriotic War passed in its development three major periods: the first - initial period (June 22, 1941 - November 18, 1942); The second is the period of the indigenous fracture (November 19, 1942 - the end of 1943); The third is the period of liberation of the USSR territory from the aggressor and the defeat of fascist Germany (beginning 1944 - May 9, 1945). The participation of the USSR in World War II continued by the period of Soviet-Japanese war (August 9 - September 2, 1945).

Initial period of war

The war began early in the morning of June 22, 1941 by powerful blows of the air and mechanized armies of Germany. On the first day, German aviation broke 66 airfields and destroyed 1200 Soviet aircraft, before the summer of 1943 won the domination in the air.

June 29, 1941 in the country was introduced martial law.The next day, the State Defense Committee (GKO) was created, in whose hands all the completeness of the state, party and military authorities (the functions of the Supreme Council, the Government and the Commissary of the Party) was concentrated. The Chairman of the GKO became I.V. Stalin. For the strategic leadership of the Armed Forces on June 23, the headset rate was created (subsequently the Supreme Commanding Bet), which Stalin also headed.

Already in the first month of war, the Red Army left almost the entire Baltic States, Belarus, Moldova and most of Ukraine. She lost about 1 million fighters, including 724 thousand prisoners. Almost all the armies of the Western Front were defeated, according to which Germany inflicted the main blow, striving to master the "goal of Moscow" - Smolensk. It was a catastrophe. To take the blame from ourselves, the leadership of the country organized a trial of a large group of generals led by the commander of the Western Front, Colonel-General D.Pavlov. They were accused of treason and shot.

At the Central, Moscow, the direction of the enemy was temporarily stopped at 300 km from Moscow during a two-month Smolensky battle(July 10 - September 10, 1941). The strategic plan of the German command to master the Soviet capital by the middle of the summer gave a crack. At the same time, at the end of September, Soviet troops suffered a serious defeat near Kiev. Five armies hit the environment. A small part surrounded from the ring, more than half a million people were captured, most of the warriors died in battles along with the command led by the commander of the South-Western Front Colonel-General MDKirponos. Mastering Kiev, the opponent was able to turn the situation in the Moscow direction, breaking through the defense of the Red Army. From late September, a four-month Moscow battle has unfolded here, in the first weeks of which five militia armies were in the "boiler". The surroundings hit 600 thousand people (every second defender of Moscow).

During the 1941 summer-autumn campaign, the Red Army lost almost 5 million people, of which 2 million were killed and about 3 million were killed. On August 16, 1941, orders No. 270 was issued, who announced everyone who was in captivity, traitors and traitors. According to the order, the families of prisoners and political workers were punishable, the relatives were deprived of the benefits provided by the families of the war participants.

The first and only victory of the Red Army on initial stage Wars became Moscow battle(September 30, 1941 - January 1942). The German General Staff Operation for the Taking Moscow called "Typhoon". He believed that the Army Group Center, like Typhhene, will meet Soviet defense and captures the capital of the USSR before the winter. By the end of November, the Germans approached Moscow at a distance of 25-30 km. From October 20, the capital was on a siege position. In October, three fronts were created for the defense of Moscow: Western - directly defended Moscow (commander of the Army General G.K. Zhukov), Kalininsky (commander General I.S. Koniev), South-West (Marshal S.K.Timoshenko Commander). On December 5-6, the price of incredible efforts from Kalinin (Tver) to Yelets, Soviet troops moved into counteroffensive. Over the front for a month, the enemy was discarded 100-150 km from Moscow. All Moscow and Tula, a significant part of the Kalinin region were liberated. During the counterattack, the Red Army lost more than 600 thousand people; The opponent, retreating, - 100-150 thousand. Under Moscow, German troops suffered a major defeat from 1939. Finally failed the plan of the "Lightning War". From the Moscow battle there was a radical turn during the war in favor of the USSR. The enemy switched to the strategy of a protracted war.

However, the success of counteroffensions throughout the front, which continued until April 1942, in other directions, except for the Western, turned out to be fragile and soon turned into large losses. In the north-western direction, the attempt ended to break through leningrad blockade,an established by the enemy in August 1941. Moreover, the 2nd strike army of the Volkhov Front, on which the bid laying special hopes for the blockade breakthrough, was completely defeated, and her command led by Lieutenant-General A.A.Vlasov turned out to be in captivity .

After Moscow defeat, the German command could no longer hold an offensive throughout the Eastern Front. Determining the tasks of the summer campaign of 1942, it decided to apply the main blow to the south, striving to master the Caucasus and the Lower Volga. Soviet command expected in the summer of 1942 the new attack on Moscow. It focused here more than half of the armies, almost 80% of tanks, 62% of aircraft. And in the south against the main forces of Germany - only 5.4% of our divisions, 2.9% of tanks. Simultaneously with the strengthening of the defense of Moscow, Stalin, contrary to the opinion of the General Staff and his head by B.M.Shaposhnikov, gave instructions in the south - in the Crimea, in the Kharkov direction, in a number of other places there are several distracting offensive operations. The scatter of the forces of the observation of this plan for failure, which turned into a new catastrophe. In May 1942, the Germans surrounded by the Germans of the South-Western Front in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Kharkov, 240 thousand servants were captured. In the same month, the Kerch surgery ended with defeat. 149 thousand people hit the Crimea. The defeat led to a new strategic retreat of Soviet troops: In August, one group of enemy's troops came out to the banks of the Volga in the region of Stalingrad, and the other in the Caucasus.

By the fall of 1942, more than 80 million people turned out to be occupied by the fascists of the territory. The country has lost not only huge human resources, but also the largest industrial and agricultural areas. The Soviet command was forced to stop the flight of the troops. On July 28, 1942, the order No. 227 of the order was signed by Stalin ("Neither step back!"). From now on, any retreat without the command was declared the betrayal of the Motherland. The order introduced the penalty battalions (for commanders and polymat workers) and penalty companies (for ordinary and sergeants), there were also barrier detachments, located behind the spinning fighters. They had the right to shoot in the place of retreating.

On August 25, 1942, a siege situation was introduced in Stalingrad. Began Stalingrad battle.The main severity of the struggle for the city, in which the enemy broke out, fell to the 62nd Army under the command of Lieutenant General V.I. Chuikov. The German command attached particular importance to masteringrad. His capture would allow to cut the Volga transport artery, in which bread and oil were delivered to the center of the country.

The period of the indigenous fracture

For the year, from November 1942 to November 1943, was performed by a fundamental fracture during the Great Patriotic War, when the strategic initiative passed into the hands of the Soviet command, the Armed Forces of the USSR switched from defense to strategic offensive.

The main events of the second period of war were: the defeat of German troops near Stalingrad (November 19, 1942 - February 2, 1943); Kursk battle (July 5 - August 23, 1943); Battle for the Dnieper (September - November 1943); The liberation of the Caucasus (January - February 1943).

Rubee, separating the second period of the Great Patriotic War from the first, became a fracture during Stalingrad battle, that is, the transition from defense to the counteroffensiveness of the Red Army. The historical counteroffensiveness of the Soviet troops near Stalingrad began on November 19, 1942. The troops of the South-West (commander of N.F.Vatutin), Donskoy (commander K.K. Crosovsky) and Stalingrad (Commander A.I. Eermanko) of the fronts surrounded 22 divisions of the enemy Number of 330 thousand people. In December, it was defeated on the Middle Don german troopswho attempted from the outside to break through the boiler and help surrounded. At the final stage, the counteroffensive troops of the Don Front conducted an operation to eliminate the surrounded grouping of the enemy. The command of the 6th German army, led by General-Feldmarshal F. Puulus, was given. For the entire period of the battle, under the Stalingrad, the army of the fascist unit lost to 1.5 million people, the fourth part of all the forces acting on the eastern front. The Red Army lost more than 2 million people. The victory near Stalingrad played an important role in the radical fracture in the Great Patriotic and World War II.

The final stage of the Battle of the Battle of the Battle of Soviet forces in the overall. In January 1943, the second was undertaken, this time a successful attempt to break through Leningrad's blockade. The south of Ladoga Lake was formed by a corridor width of 8-11 km. Through Him, Leningrad and defeated his troops received a direct land connection with the country.

The radical fracture during the Great Patriotic War, started under Stalingrad, was completed during Kursk battle and battles for the Dnieper. The battle on the Kursk Arc (Eagle - Belgorod) is one of the largest battles of the Second World War. German leaders planned in the summer of 1943 to conduct large offensive operation (Citadel code name) in the Kursk area. The Germans hoped to defeat all the southern wings of Soviet troops, thereby changing the military-political situation on the Soviet-German front in their favor. For the operation, the enemy focused up to 50 divisions, incl. 16 tank and motorized. Higher hopes were pinned with new tanks "Panther" and "Tiger".

The Soviet command, in contrast to 1941 and 1942, managed to properly establish the composition of the enemy's troops and determine the direction of its main strike in the summer of 1943. By the beginning of the German offensive, the rate focused on the Kursk direction to 40% of the general compounds, all five tank armies. The ratio of forces in the Kursk area was in favor of Soviet troops: in humans - 1.4: 1; in tanks and sau -1,2: 1; in airplanes - 1,3: 1; In weapons and mortars - 1.9: 1. From the Soviet side, the troops took part in the Kursk battle: Central (Commander General K.K. Crosovsky), Voronezh (Commander General N.F.Vatutin), Steppe (Commander General I.C.Konov) and other fronts.

The battle lasted from July 5 to August 23. At the first stage, German troops switched to the offensive and wedged into our defense from 10 to 35 km. Their offensive ended on July 12, a tank battle in the area village Prokhorovka- The largest in the Second World War is a counter tank battle. On both sides, 1200 tanks participated in it. Prokhorovsky field entered the chronicle of the military history of Russia along with Kulikov and Borodino fields. At the second stage of the battle, Soviet troops defeated the main groups of the enemy. On August 5, Belgorod and Eagle were liberated. In honor of this victory in Moscow, the first Over the years of the Great Patriotic War, artillery salute. August 23, Kharkov was liberated - the most important political, economic and strategic center of the south of the country. The liberation of Kharkov ended the Kursk battle. In its course, 30 enemy divisions were defeated, which lost more than 50 thousand people. The victory near Kursk accelerated the collapse of the fascist coalition. Hitler could not transfer with Eastern Front Not a single division in Italy, where at this time there was a political coup and was brewing the threat of an ally from the war. The resistance movement in the occupied Europe was activated. The authority of the USSR as the leading force of the anti-fascist coalition has strengthened.

The counteroffensive under Kursk developed in August into the strategic offensive of the Red Army across the front, the Soviet troops advanced to the West for 300-600 km. Left-Bank Ukraine, Donbass were liberated, bridgeheads in the Crimea were captured, Dnipro forced. Battle for Dniprocompleted on November 6, the liberation of Kiev. Hitler Germany on all fronts moved to strategic defense.

Third period of warriors

During this period, the territory of the USSR was completely purified from the enemy. The USSR armed forces assisted the peoples of Europe in liberation from the fascist occupation. During this period, fascist Germany was defeated by the USSR and its allies.

In January 1944, Leningradsky's troops (the commander of General L.A.Govorov) and Volkhovsky (the commander of General K.A.Meretkov) of the fronts finally removed the blockade of Leningrad. In January-April 1944, the Right Bank Ukraine was liberated. During the onset of the troops of the 1st Ukrainian (Commander of General N.F.Vatutin) and the 2nd Ukrainian (Commander General I.S. Koniev) of the fronts were surrounded by Korsun-Shevchenkovskaya grouping of the enemy. On March 26, 1944, the troops of the 2nd Ukrainian Front reached the state border of the USSR with Romania. In early May 1944, a group of enemy troops in the Crimea was defeated. With the liberation of Crimea, the winter-spring offensive of Soviet troops was completed.

In the summer of 1944, in the central direction, our troops carried out one of the largest military operations of the Great Patriotic War under the codenate name "Bagration" - the liberation of Belarus (June 23 - August 17, 1944). It was attended by three Belarusian front under the command of Generals K.K. Kozhosovsky, P. Zakharov, I.D. Chernyakhovsky and the 1st Baltic Front under the command of General I.K. Bagammy. In June-August 1944, Karelia was liberated. Finland came out of the war and ruined relations with Germany. In July-August 1944, Soviet troops liberated Western Ukraine. By the end of August, in the foothills, the Carpathian offensive was stopped by the fierce opponent's resistance.

In August 1944, the troops of the 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian fronts held the Yaskovoy-Chisinau operation, during which Moldova, part of Romania, was destroyed, and 22 German divisions of the Army Group "South Ukraine" were destroyed. In Romania and Bulgaria, profascular governments were overthrown, these countries declared German Germans. In July-October 1944, Soviet troops liberated the Baltic countries. In October 1944, was released Soviet PolarThe enemy was expelled from the Murmansk region. From the fascists, our troops also cleared the northeastern regions of Norway.

By November 7, 1944, the fascist troops were finally expelled from Soviet territory. From Barents, the State Border of the USSR was restored to the Black Seas. At the same time in 1944, the liberation campaign began the Soviet Armed Forces in Europe. Soviet troops were liberated by Romania, Bulgaria, Poland, Norway, Hungary. At the end of September 1944, at the request of the Commander-in-Chief of the People's Liberation Army, Yugoslavia, the Tito Titus of the 3rd Ukrainian Front entered into the territory of Yugoslavia. In October, a joint Belgrade Operation was held to liberate the Yugoslav capital. During the Visolo-Oder operation (February 1945), the territory of Poland was completely purified from the fascist occupiers. 600 thousand Soviet soldiers and officers died in Polish land in the struggle for its release. The Vorolo-Oder Operation saved from the defeat of allies in Ardennes, where the Americans lost 40 thousand people. By the beginning of April 1945, Soviet troops completely liberated Hungary and Austria, having lost 250 thousand people. In May, Soviet troops liberated Czechoslovakia. May 9, they entered Prague.

During the winter-spring offensive of 1945, the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union held the two largest operations in Germany. 104 days continued battles for Eastern Prussia, a bridgehead of militarism and German trips to the East. On April 13, Königsberg fortress was taken.

The final battle of the Great Patriotic War has become battle for Berlin(April 16 - May 8, 1945). Three fronts participated in it - the 1st and 2nd Belarusian and the 1st Ukrainian, which were commanded according to Marshals G. Khukov, K.K. Crosovsky and I.S. Koniev. May 2 Berlin capitulated, Hitler committed suicide life. On May 8, 1945, representatives of the defeated Armed Forces of Germany were delivered to Berlin to the Soviet troops. On the same day, in the Berlin suburb of Karlshorst in the building of the former Military Engineering School, representatives of the Army of the USSR, USA, England and France, on the one hand, and representatives of the defeated country, on the other, have signed an act of full and unconditional surrender of Hitler's Germany and its Armed Forces . On behalf of the Soviet Supreme Command, the act signed the Marshal of the Soviet Union G. Khukov. The Great Patriotic War ended the unconditional victory of the Soviet people.

The special period of the participation of the USSR in World War II was war with Military Japan (August 9 - September 2, 1945). On August 8, the USSR, fulfilling his allied obligations, declared the war of Japan. In combat actions, the troops of three fronts were involved: Zabaikalsky (commander of Marshal R.Ya. Malinovsky), 1st Far Eastern (commander Marshal K.A. Metskov), 2nd Far Eastern (commander of the army general M.A. Purkayev). During the 24-day military campaign was crushed Kwantung Army The enemy in Manchuria. Japan lost its largest military-industrial base on Asian mainland and the strongest army. Soviet troops expelled the Japanese from Manchuria and Korea, southern Sakhalin and Kuril Islands. Japan has lost all military bases and bridgeheads who prepared against the USSR. It was not able to conduct an armed struggle.

On September 2, 1945, at the Tokyo Bay on the American battleship "Missouri", Japan signed an act of full and unconditional surrender. The act signed and representatives of the winning countries - the USA, China, the United Kingdom, the USSR, Australia, France, Holland, New Zealand, Canada. This act ended the Second World War of the Anti-Hitler Coalition countries with the countries of the Fascist Block.

In 1941-1945 The Soviet Armed Forces carried out 50 strategic operations, including 35 offensive. 30.6 million people passed through the Armed Forces of the USSR for 4 years of war, 8.5 million of them fell on the battlefield, 2.5 million died from RAS, 3.9 died in fascist concentration camps; In the occupation, during the shelling, the bombardments died 7 million civilians. In total, the irrevocable loss of the USSR population during the war years amounted to 26.5 million people.

2. Fighting in the rear of the enemy

Occupational mode

The people's struggle in the occupied enemy of the territory was carried out in two ways - in the form of a partisan and underground movement, the fight against the rear of the enemy solved the two main tasks - intelligence and destruction of the enemy's living force, his accomplices and military equipment.

The first partisan detachments began to be created in the summer of 1941. The first partisan detachment in Belarus was the detachment "Red October". The commander of the detachment of T. Bumazhkov and his deputy F. Pavlovsky first among the partisans were honored with the titles of the Heroes of the Soviet Union. Since the end of 1941, a number of areas began to combine small detachments in larger. In three brigades, all the detachments of the south of the Leningrad region were united. They began their fighting operations together with the detachments of the Kalinin region. In the area of \u200b\u200bLake Ilmen, the first "partisansky region" was created, which controlled more than 300 settlements. In April 1942, on the basis of the partisan detachment, headed by M. Shumyrev ("Batko Minai") 1st Belarusian partisan brigade was created. By the end of 1941, more than 2 thousand partisan detachments were operating in the occupied territory with a total number of over 90 thousand. They disorganized the rear of the Hitler's troops in all directions of the Soviet-German Front.

By the summer of 1942, the leadership of the partisan movement was centrally. On May 30, 1942, at the rate of the Supreme Command, the GKO was created by the Central Headquarters of the Partisan Movement, the head of whose first secretary of the Central Committee of the CP (b) of Belarus P. Ponarenko, and the Republican headquarters was appointed. The headquarters of the partisan movement were created under the military councils of fronts.

Since the fall of 1942, the help of the "Big Earth" to the partisans and underground workers of specialists and weapons was dramatically strengthened. From that time, partisan raids were conducted on the deep reasons of the enemy, the purpose of which was the intensification of the partisan movement in the occupied territory and the application of strikes on communications and the lively power of the enemy. In September-November 1942, deep raids of two joints of Ukrainian partisans were taken under the command of S.A. Kovepak and A.N. Saburov. Two parallel columns, which included about 3 thousand people, they passed more than 700 km from the Bryansk forest to the north of the Right Bank of Ukraine, forced the gum, Dnipro, Pripyat. Later, the partisan raids were held in other strategically important regions.

On the eve of the Kursk battle, the partisans organized massive sabotage in the rear of the enemy, inflicting strikes on its most important transport lines. About 10% of the troops removed the Germans from the front for conducting punitive expeditions against partisans. In the course of the strategic occurrence in the summer - autumn of 1943, the operation "Rail war" was carried out.

By the end of 1943, 122 thousand partisans were in Belarus, 43.5 thousand, in the Leningrad region - 35 thousand, in the Oryol region - more than 25 thousand, in Crimea - more than 11 thousand, in Lithuania - About 10 thousand, in Estonia - 3 thousand of its maximum number of the partisan army reached in 1944 - 280 thousand people. Then most partisans are part of the current army. More than 230 partisans and underground workers were awarded the titles of the Heroes of the Soviet Union. Forever will remain in the people's memory of the feats of young partisans Lisa Chaykina and Zoe Kosmodemyanskaya, heroes-underfielders of Krasnodonon and the group of Vladimir Sechkin in Orel, as well as many other well-known and nameless heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

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