Is it possible to soak apples in a plastic barrel. The best recipes for soaked Antonovka apples for the winter in barrels with rye and honey

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Every housewife wants to keep a rich harvest of apples. There are many recipes for how to do this: boil jam, jam, dry, or simply store in the basement. However, in all these cases, fruits lose most its benefit. Most The best way save Antonovka apples - urination.

Soaked antonovka apples - the basic principles of cooking

Even our distant ancestors soaked apples for the winter. For this, fruits of sour varieties were used: Slavyanka, anise and, of course, Antonovka.

The first step is to prepare the container in which the fruit will be soaked. It is better, of course, if it is a barrel, but if you do not have one, you can use glass jars or an enamel pot. The container is washed thoroughly. Then doused with boiling water and dried.

In addition to apples, twigs and leaves are used for urination. fruit trees or berry bushes as well as spices.

Choose medium sized apples. Fruit should not have damage and wormholes. The apples are washed and put into a container, shifting them with leaves and spices.

The brine is prepared according to the recipe. It mainly consists of sugar, spices and salt. In some cases, sugar is replaced with honey.

The resulting brine is poured over apples. A wooden circle is laid on top and pressed down with a stone or other load.

Gradually, the brine will be absorbed into the fruit, so you will need to add boiled water after a few days.

The barrel is kept in the cellar for a month. After this time, fruits can be eaten.

Recipe 1. Soaked antonovka apples


filtered water - five liters;

fresh Antonovka apples;

sugar - 200 g;

currant and cherry leaves;

salt - 40 g.

Cooking method

1. Apples should be of such a size that they freely enter the jar. Wash glass containers and sterilize over steam. Dry.

2. The right amount Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar and salt. Boil from the moment of boiling for five minutes. After that, remove it from the heat and cool the marinade.

3. Rinse the leaves of fruit trees and berry bushes and put them on the bottom of the prepared container. Fill the jar with apples, starting with the larger ones. Pour chilled marinade over fruits. Cover the neck of the jar with gauze and leave to dark place.

4. After a couple of days, foam will appear on the surface. It needs to be removed. Add more marinade if necessary. The fruits must be completely covered with liquid.

5. Close the jars with plastic lids and send for a month in a cool place. After this time, apples can already be eaten, but the fruits will fully reach only after a couple of months.

Recipe 2. Soaked antonovka apples with rye flour


ten kg of antonovka apples;

rye flour - 200 g;

cherry and currant leaves;

sugar - 200 g;

boiled water - ten liters;

table salt - 150 g.

Cooking method

1. Select ripe, not too large apples without damage and wormholes. Wash them thoroughly and dry them.

2. Rinse currant and cherry leaves. enamelled or glass containers wash and rinse with boiling water. Put the prepared leaves on the bottom. Top with apples, then leaves again. Fill the container with apples, shifting them with cherry and currant leaves. The last layer should be spices and leaves.

3. Pour salt, rye flour and sugar into a saucepan with warm water. Stir until dry ingredients are completely dissolved. Cool down.

4. Pour apples with brine. They must be completely immersed in the liquid. Cover with a plate on top and set a small oppression. Leave the apples in a dark place for a week, periodically adding boiled water.

5. After the allotted time, place the container with Antonovka apples in the cellar, and leave it there for a month and a half.

Recipe 3. Soaked Antonovka apples with prunes


filtered water - ten liters;

Antonovka apples - 20 kg;

salt - 50 g;

honey - half a kilogram;

bran - half a kilogram;

prunes - half a kilogram.

Cooking method

1. Wash and dry the apples. The fruit must be ripe and free from damage and signs of rot.

2. Pour bran and prunes with a liter of boiling water and mix well so that not a single lump remains.

3. Dissolve salt and honey in nine liters of boiled water. Combine with bran mixture. Stir again.

4. Wash the barrel for apples, pour boiling water over it and dry it. Fill the container with apples and fill them honey marinade so that the fruits completely cover the fruits.

5. Place oppression on top and leave the container in a cool place. Remove the foam from the surface periodically and add the marinade. When the fermentation process stops, cover the container with a lid and put it in the cellar.

Recipe 4. Soaked antonovka apples with cabbage


ten kilograms of late cabbage;

salt- 600 g;

sugar - ten tablespoons;

six kilograms of Antonovka apples.

Cooking method

1. Heads of cabbage are freed from dried top leaves. We cut them into four parts and cut out the stalk. Shred some of the cabbage into thin strips. Pour 200 g of salt into it and mix, lightly kneading with your hands. Cut the rest of the cabbage into small pieces.

2. Wash and dry apples. The fruits must not show any damage or signs of rot.

3. Wash a barrel or an enamel pan, pour boiling water over it and dry it. We put fruits and cabbage mixed in a container. Sprinkle each layer with shredded cabbage.

4. We put a pot with ten liters of water on the fire, pour in the remaining salt and sugar. You can add your favorite spices. As soon as the brine boils, remove it from the heat and cool.

5. Pour the contents of the container with chilled brine. Place cabbage leaves on top. We cover with gauze, cover with a wooden circle and set oppression. Leave for five days at room temperature, periodically adding boiled water. We pierce with a wooden rolling pin and mix lightly. Mold is removed.

6. We transfer the container to storage in a cool place.

Recipe 5. Soaked antonovka apples with mustard


apples Antonovka;

table salt - 100 g;

assorted apple, cherry and currant leaves;

dry mustard - 75 g.

Cooking method

1. We dilute mustard and salt in ten liters of water. Add sugar to taste. Stir and put the pan on the fire. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Then remove the brine from the stove and cool.

2. The container in which we will soak the apples is thoroughly washed, poured over with boiling water and dried. We put on the bottom of the assortment of fruit leaves and berries.

3. Wash apples under the tap and dry. We fill the container with fruits, pressing them tightly to each other. Place leaves between layers. Pour brine over apples. The liquid should completely cover the fruit.

4. Cover the contents of the container with a plate or wooden circle. From above we set oppression, and leave for a week. From time to time add boiled water and remove the foam. Then we place the container in the cellar. You can eat apples after a month and a half.

Recipe 6. Soaked antonovka apples with mint, basil and honey


currant leaves - two handfuls;

drinking water- ten liters;

basil - a large bunch;

flower honey - half a kilogram;

mint - a large bunch;

table salt - 170 grams;

rye flour - 150 grams.

Cooking method

1. Boil and cool the water to a warm state. Add salt, honey and flour to it. Stir until all ingredients are dissolved. Leave the brine to cool completely.

2. Put currant leaves in one layer on the bottom of a clean glass, wooden or ceramic container.

3. Select small apples. Wash them and dry them. Rinse the basil and mint and place on a paper towel.

4. Place apples in a container, shifting each layer with mint, currant leaves and basil. The last layer should be greens. Cover the fruit with a plate and place a weight on it.

5. Gently pour the contents with brine and soak for a month. If necessary, add boiled water. Foam from the surface must be removed. Then place the container in storage in the cellar.

Recipe 7. Spicy pickled antonovka apples


apples Antonovka - kilogram;

drinking water - one and a half liters;

cherry and currant leaves - 10 pcs.;

cinnamon - 3 g;

honey - 100 g;

five cloves;

table salt - 7 g;

mustard seeds - 4 g.

Cooking method

1. Fruits and leaves are washed and dried.

2. We sterilize clean jars over steam and put apples in them, shifting them with cherry and currant leaves. Sprinkle mustard seeds on top.

3. Dissolve salt in hot water, add cloves and cinnamon. When the brine is warm, add honey and stir until it is completely dissolved. Pour apples in jars with the resulting brine and close them with plastic lids.

4. We stand for a week, then we send it to the cellar for storage.

  • Leave freshly picked apples to lie down for a couple of weeks and only then soak.
  • Apples should not be damaged or show signs of rot or wormholes.
  • Do not use fallen apples for urination.
  • Be sure to pour boiling water over the container in which you will soak the apples.
  • Lay apples stalks up. So they are better saturated with marinade and begin to ferment faster.
  • Make sure that apples are always covered with marinade.

In the apple harvest season, you need to prepare a large number of them. You can cook a wide variety of dishes from them. But on winter period you can cook salted fruits. Subsequently, they are suitable as a snack, filling pies or just a delicious snack.

This recipe, how to ferment apples at home, is easy to prepare, the fruit must be cut into slices and simply poured with brine. In order not to waste time sterilizing jars, it can be done before cooking and then use the prepared containers. Covers are better to use polyethylene.

Required Ingredients:

  • Apples - 10 kilograms;
  • Salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • Sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • Water - 5 liters.

Salting apples in jars:

  1. Rinse the fruits well, it is best to use several containers and wash the fruits sequentially in each container, so they will become clean and will not contain debris;
  2. Now you can start preparing the brine. For it, you need to dissolve salt in water and put on fire, the brine should boil and then it will be completely ready, it can be removed from the fire and set aside until the pulp and containers are prepared;
  3. While the brine is being prepared, you can prepare the fruits, they need to be cut. Small fruits can be cut into 4 parts, while large ones will require finer grinding, they must be cut into several parts. The smallest fruits can be left whole or cut into halves;
  4. Put the chopped pulp in pre-prepared containers and pour hot saline solution, the solution should reach the neck of the jar;
  5. It remains only to cover the containers with nylon lids and put them in the cold.

How to soak apples in a bucket

This recipe for salting apples is a classic, it is according to this recipe that apples have been harvested for a long time. Its advantage is that the ratio of ingredients has been tested by many generations of housewives. Such a preparation is stored for a long time, and the mixture is very tasty.

Required Ingredients:

  • Apples - 1 bucket;
  • Sugar - 170 grams;
  • Salt - 170 grams;
  • Raspberry leaves - 10-15 pieces;
  • Currant leaves - 10-15 minutes;
  • Water - 1 bucket.

How to soak apples for the winter:

  1. Rinse fruits, cut out rotten parts;
  2. Currant and raspberry leaves must be washed well and dried on a paper towel, there should not be excess water on the leaves;
  3. When the leaves are dried, you can lay out the raspberry leaves on the bottom of the container, in which the fruits will be salted;
  4. Next, you need to arrange the fruits in prepared containers, it is important to lay the fruits with the stalk up, you can stack the fruits in several rows on top of each other, but they must be tightly packed, so they will not float;
  5. Currant leaves must be laid between fruits;
  6. Bring the water to a boil, and then dissolve salt, sugar in it and pour the containers with pulp with hot brine, the solution should be slightly higher than the pulp level;
  7. Cover the container with gauze or a towel and put in a dark, cool place, where the mixture should stand for 2-3 weeks;
  8. The pulp can be salted even after more a short time therefore, after the first week of salting, the pulp must be tasted and tasted, as soon as the pulp acquires a sufficiently salty taste, you can immediately proceed to the next stage of preparation;
  9. When the pulp is salted, you can transfer it to glass jars, add a little brine and close the lids;
  10. You can store these blanks in the refrigerator.

How to salt apples in jars with cucumbers

The combination of apples and cucumbers is the most advantageous. They complement each other's tastes and are perfectly salted at the same time. In such a recipe, it is important to use fruits with a thick skin, such fruits will not be damaged by brine and remain dense. It is important to choose rafts of the same thickness so that they absorb the saline equally.

Required Ingredients:

  • Apples - 5 kilograms;
  • Cucumbers - 5 kilograms;
  • Grape leaves - 5 pieces;
  • Lemongrass leaves - 10 pieces;
  • Sugar - 50 grams;
  • Salt - 50 grams;
  • Water - 1 liter.

How to pickle apples in jars recipe with cucumbers:

  1. Apples picked for pickling should be left for 5-7 days at room temperature, then washed and dried;
  2. Cucumbers need to be soaked in cold water, the soaking time may be different, it depends on the size of the fruit. Small cucumbers can be soaked for 2-3 days. But larger cucumbers will already require at least 5 days for soaking. Then they need to be washed, wiped with a towel;
  3. Rinse the leaves, put to dry, you can use a paper towel and dry the leaves with it, in any case, the leaves should not be wet;
  4. Place a three-liter glass jar for sterilization in the oven or over steam, then dry. If a container of a larger capacity is used, then the amount of ingredients must be proportionally increased;
  5. The fruits must be placed in a jar so that they alternate with lemongrass and grape leaves;
  6. Separately, put a saucepan on the fire, pour water into it, add sugar, salt and wait until the water boils;
  7. Pour containers with pulp with a hot solution, cover with a lid and wait 5 minutes;
  8. After that, pour the solution from the jar into a saucepan and bring to a boil;
  9. Pour the pulp with a hot solution and wait 5 minutes;
  10. Then again drain the solution and bring to a boil;
  11. Now finally pour the pulp with hot brine and roll up the lids;
  12. The bank must be turned over, put under a warm blanket and wait until it cools down completely;
  13. Then you can remove the container for storage, and you can taste it only after 40 days.

Recipe for pickled apples in a barrel

Apples can be salted in glass containers, but the most correct way would be to pickle these fruits in a wooden container, such as a barrel or a tub. Such salting will be properly prepared, which means that the taste will be better. What can we say about the aroma, wooden utensils fruits acquire an interesting aroma. Therefore, the preparations cooked in this dish are so tasty. You can learn how to pickle apples in a barrel from our recipe.

Required Ingredients:

  • Apples - 1 kilogram;
  • Rock salt - 10 grams;
  • Water - 1 liter.

How to salt apples in a barrel for the winter:

  1. Sort the fruits, wash them, put them tightly in a wooden container, you can use an enamel pan, and transfer them to glass jars for storage;
  2. You can add raspberry leaves, any currant, cherry or other leaves as you lay. fruit trees. You can use ordinary straw;
  3. Boil water with salt separately, cool completely;
  4. It is necessary to pour the pulp with cold brine, boil, leave to cool, then boil again and do this 3 times;
  5. Then leave the mixture to cool completely;
  6. Drain the brine, strain well to remove all particles of debris, you can filter the mixture through a dense cloth, pour back into the jar;
  7. Leave to infuse for 4-6 days, the temperature should be at room temperature, in the process you can add brine to the jar, it can be absorbed into the fruit and will need to be added;
  8. When the pulp is salted, it can be transferred to separate containers and tightly closed.

The workpiece can be placed in a cold place for longer storage.

Recipe for soaked apples Antonovka

For the preparation of salted apples according to this recipe, it is necessary to use the Antonovka variety. These fruits are dense, have the necessary sourness, and the pulp will not become too soft. But you can use other varieties, as long as they are dense and unsweetened. It is also worth choosing fruits of a small size so that they fit in a salting container. Such fruits can be crunchy in winter. And from the flour they will have an interesting aroma and taste.

Required Ingredients:

  • Apples - 5-10 kilograms;
  • Rye flour - 200 grams;
  • Salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Water - 10 liters.

Recipe for pickling Antonovka apples:

  1. Sort the apples, if necessary, cut out the spoiled parts, but it is better to use whole fruits, so they are better preserved and do not lose their shape;
  2. Now it’s worth preparing the brine, for it, mix flour and salt in a separate saucepan, pour boiling water, mix everything very well with a whisk until the lumps dissolve, you can use a blender and pass the mixture through it, so you need to achieve a homogeneous mixture;
  3. Then the mixture must be completely cooled so that the sediment settles, and then passed through cheesecloth or cloth to get rid of sediment and possible lumps;
  4. You can fill containers with fruit with the prepared solution, cover with a plate of a suitable size, and put oppression on top, you can use a smaller jar filled with water for this. You can also use pure stone. Any object that is conveniently installed on the pulp can be used as oppression;
  5. The workpiece is cleaned in a cold place, a cellar or a refrigerator would be ideal, and the place should also be dark so that the mixture does not quickly deteriorate;
  6. The mixture should be salted for 1-1.5 months, by the beginning of winter the pulp should already be ready and it can be tasted;
  7. After that, you can remove the oppression, close the jars with tight lids, and if the pulp is salted in a barrel, then it is laid out in separate small containers. Only then can the workpiece be put into storage.

For pickling, it is best to choose fruits of late varieties, they are not sweet and are more suitable for this type of harvesting. Late varieties have a dense peel, which is not damaged during salting and the fruit remains dense and whole. These are the fruits that are good to eat.

Our culinary specialists have prepared for you other recipes that will allow you to decorate your table. Pickled, which can be added to salads - all this will not only decorate the celebration, but will appeal to all your household members.

How to wet apples

Best for urination are apples with dense pulp and sweet and sour taste - anise, antonovka or pepin.

soaked apples

Usually, the ripest fruits are chosen for urination. If the apples are not quite ripe, they can be kept warm before urinating: for apples of autumn varieties, several days are enough, and winter varieties should be kept for two to three weeks.

It is best to soak apples in wooden barrels or tubs, with a volume of 10-20 liters. In the absence of wooden containers, you can use a glass bottle with thick walls of the same volume. The main thing is that it is hermetically sealed.

The tub or barrel must be soaked in water, then rinsed thoroughly cold water, and then scald with boiling water to eliminate all possible contamination and prepare for long-term storage. Only after that, the barrel is lined with scalded straw, rye or wheat. Straw not only prevents apples from damage, but also gives them an amber color and an incomparable aroma. Straw can be replaced with fresh cherry or currant leaves.

For a tub of 15-20 liters you will need 5 kg Antonov apples, 2 cups sugar, 1 cup rye flour, 3 tbsp. l. salt with a slide and 15 leaves of cherries and currants. Instead of sugar, you can take 600 g of honey, and add a little cranberries to apples, about a handful. She will give them a pinkish color and a delicate aroma.

Before cooking, wash the wooden tub well with soda and scald with boiling water. Wash apples thoroughly. Place a piece of cherry and currant leaves on the bottom of the tub. They are dense - a row of apples, and then again a layer of leaves. Fill the entire tub to the top in this way, covering upper layer apple leaves.

Boil 10 liters of water in a saucepan, let it cool slightly, add sugar (or honey), salt, stir so that the sugar is completely dissolved. Add the rye flour, stir until there are no lumps, then set aside.

Pour the apples with brine, put a wooden circle on top, and a heavy stone (previously washed) oppresses it. Place the tub of apples in warm room(15-18°C) and leave for 12 - 14 days. Skim the foam daily and add fresh brine as needed. Make sure the apples are completely covered in liquid. This should be done in the first 5 - 6 days, apples absorb water well and the top layer may become bare. If fermentation is going well, after 2 weeks, rearrange the apples in a cellar or a cold basement. The room temperature should not rise above 4 - 6°C. At this time, apples will ferment and saturate with carbon dioxide.

In general, the urination process takes 30-40 days. Soaked apples are stored for quite a long time: in the basement at a temperature of 4-6 ° C, this period can last from autumn to spring. At home, in the absence basement Apples are best stored in the refrigerator. Remember, the higher the storage temperature, the faster apples peroxide, become flabby and tasteless.


For 2 buckets of apples: 1 bucket of water 1 cup of sugar 1 tbsp. salt Dissolve sugar and salt in a bucket of cold clean water, no need to boil anything. Prepare apples - wash, put in any suitable container, on the bottom of which it is better, of course, to lay rye straw. In the absence of such, you can do without, but this is an old Russian recipe, so it's up to you ... Straw and leaves must be clean, so they are scalded before laying hot water. So, lay the apples on top, sprinkling with washed currant leaves. Fill with prepared filling, apples will be ready in 3 weeks if ripe.

You can pickle in jars, see the recipes in the comments.

Soaked apples antonovka - recipe


Apples (Antonovka variety) - 1 bucket;

Sugar - 300-400 g;

Salt - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;

Leaves and sprigs of raspberries, currants, lemon balm and cherries.


For making pickled apples at home, it is best to use enamelware. Pour boiling water over it, put half of the leaves and branches on the bottom, washed apples on top, and then the second half of the leaves and branches.

To prepare the marinade, put some water on the fire, pour sugar, salt into it and bring to a boil. Let it cool, dilute with cold boiled water and pour over the apples so that the marinade completely covers them. Place a load on top and within next week Add the marinade little by little as the apples will soak it up.

Then put the dish with apples in a cold place and keep it there for at least 1.5 months. Ready-made soaked apples can be an independent dish, or they can be an excellent filler for stuffed poultry or meat.

Recipe for pickled apples

In this recipe, we will share a way to make pickled apples in a marinade with mint, which gives the finished dish a special piquancy.


Apples - 5 kg;

Cherry and black currant leaves;

Sprigs of mint;

Water - 10 l;

Honey - 250-300 g;

Salt - 150 g;

Malt or rye flour - 100 g.


At the bottom of the dish in which you will cook apples, lay out some blackcurrant leaves, after washing them. Lay apples on top in two layers, cherry leaves on them, and then apples again. The next layer is mint leaves (there should be very few of them) and again apples. The last layer can be laid out with a mixture of blackcurrant and cherry leaves, adding a couple of mint leaves to them. Cover all this, for example, with a plate, and put a load on top.

In warm boiled water dissolve honey, salt and malt. Let it cool and pour over the apples. Keep the container in a cool room for 6-7 days and make sure that the brine completely covers the fruit, top it up if necessary. After that, send the soaked apples to infuse in the cold for 4-6 weeks.

Soaked apples recipe with cabbage

A long forgotten homemade recipe. Few housewives salt or, as they say, “wet” fruits in tubs in order to put a fragrant, slightly sour snack on the table in winter. You won't regret reading our article on how to make pickled apples at home - they are very tasty, besides, they can be not only a dessert, but also an addition to meat dishes. Here we will give several recipes to choose from - simply with salt and sugar, as well as with honey and spices. You just have to find the most suitable one and get down to business.

Soaked apples "Antonovka": a classic recipe

You will need:

  • 5 liters of plain water;
  • 200 gr. granulated sugar;
  • a tablespoon with a slide of salt;
  • cherry and currant leaves;
  • fresh apples - how much will it take.

If you are going to preserve fruit in three-liter jars, it is best to choose them in a medium size so that they fit freely into the neck. If you have in this case the size is not important. First, sterilize the jars in boiling water, in parallel, you can cook the marinade - add salt and sugar to the specified amount of water, let it boil for about 5 minutes, then cool the liquid. Cover the bottom of the prepared canning jars with leaves and start laying apples (previously washed) - you can put larger fruits on the bottom, and smaller ones on top. Now fill the apples to the top with the prepared marinade, cover the top of the jar with gauze and leave to ferment in a dark place. After a couple of days, foam forms on the surface, it must be removed, if necessary, add the marinade - remember that the liquid should always cover the fruit. Done - the jars can be closed with plastic lids and put away in a cool place to “reach”: fruits can be eaten in a month, but they will finally be ready in two. This Antonovka pickled apple recipe is a classic, but many supplement it with various additives such as honey, spices, aromatic herbs, and so on. It depends on whether you like sweet things or whether you are going to serve apples with meat (then they should be sourer), or you just want to please your family with a sweet treat in winter - then you can cook the marinade with honey. How - read on.

Soaked apples "Antonovka": a recipe for a real winter dessert

For cooking you will need:

  • 20 kilograms of apples (if you have less, reduce the amount of other ingredients proportionally);
  • 500 gr. good honey;
  • half a kilo of prunes (dried fruits);
  • half a kilo of bran;
  • 10 liters of water and 50 gr. salt.

Soaked apples "Antonovka" (recipe with prunes) will be a real hit of yours - they will be liked by both home, who have definitely never tried anything like this, and guests who will ask you for the recipe. Wash the apples, boil the water, and then fill it with bran and prunes. Mix well - there should not be a hint of lumps in your solution. Now dissolve honey and salt in water, pour the resulting marinade into jars or tubs of apples so that the liquid covers the fruit completely. Done - on top (if you are cooking in a tub), put oppression and take the container to a cool place. A couple of days after that, you need to remove the foam from the surface and add the marinade - the fruits will ferment very actively, as soon as the process starts to decline, close the jars with lids and put them in dark room before the winter cold. Now you know how to cook soaked apples "Antonovka" deliciously: choose the recipe at your own discretion. Having made a preparation in summer or autumn, in winter you can please your family with a traditional Russian snack.

There are many ways to preserve fruits, but the original and at the same time useful product, which can be both an appetizer and a dessert one - pickled apples. Due to lack heat treatment it becomes possible to save beneficial features apples. Cooking methods are varied, which allows you to create unusual flavor combinations adding originality to dishes.

What you need to know before cooking

First you need to follow some rules that will help improve the quality of the product. Ripe fruits that are not damaged are subject to urination - there should be no cracks or barrels on the fruits. It is best to use dense fruits. You will also need:

  1. Sort fruits (sort out rotten ones to prevent the whole batch from spoiling).
  2. Rinse them well to prevent dirt from getting in.
  3. Let rest in a warm room in a dark place for 7-14 days (depending on the variety, winter and autumn fruits require more time to mature).
  4. Prepare a container for soaking apples - it should be a wooden barrel with a volume of 10-15 liters.
  5. Preparation time - 2 months.

Additionally, you need to prepare oppression - any weighting agent that will be placed on a wooden circle or plate on top of the barrel. It is necessary in order for the juice to form, in which further cooking will take place.

There are several types of urination that give the fruit different taste- simple, sweet and sour, so the choice should be determined by the culinary preferences of the person or family.

From time to time, you will need to pour brine into a container with apples, since fruits actively absorb liquid during the cooking process. If this is not done, the top layer will deteriorate, and with it all the apples.

A simple recipe for beginners at home

The recipe for soaked apples, which novice cooks can repeat without errors at home, consists of several stages - preparing the filling, preparing the apples, placing them in a container and placing a load on top. List of required ingredients (given per 1 kg):

  • water (cold) - 1.5 l;
  • granulated sugar - 4 tbsp. (or, as a replacement option, natural honey - it will add extra piquancy to the taste);
  • currant and cherry leaves - 7-8 pieces each;
  • salt - 1-2 tsp (you should choose the usual, not iodized and without additional flavorings);
  • spices - cinnamon, cloves, mustard seeds - the amount to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the apples under running warm water (do not pour over with boiling water).
  2. Carefully sort out damaged copies.
  3. Scald a wooden container with boiling water (to remove all possible bacteria).
  4. Put the leaves on the bottom.
  5. Lay the fruits on them in dense rows (the tails of the fruits should be directed upwards).
  6. Repeat the row.
  7. Lay with leaves.
  8. Continue until container is full last layer- apples).
  9. Boil water, put all the spices and seasonings, salt and sugar / honey.
  10. Leave to cool (up to 35 degrees).
  11. After - pour the liquid into the container (it should completely cover the fruit).

At the end, the barrel should be covered with a wooden circle, suitable in diameter, put oppression on it. The container should be left at room temperature for 3-4 days (until the fermentation processes begin), then transferred to a cool place (in the cellar, on the balcony). After 3-4 weeks, add brine if necessary. It will be ready to serve in 6-8 weeks.

What varieties are best

Making a delicious dessert will not work out of all varieties. Perfect option- sour-tasting fruits with dense and juicy pulp.

Varieties that should be preferred if it is planned to make such a harvest:

  • Antonovka;
  • Borovinka pineapple;
  • Pepin Saffron;
  • Welsey;
  • Cinnamon striped;
  • Melba (requires special storage conditions);
  • Slav;
  • orange;

Apples of these varieties must be harvested fully ripe. If there is a porsha on the fruits, then it will spoil the taste and appearance finished product.

How to wet apples at home: subtleties and nuances

Most winter preparations are made at home. To create delicious and fragrant apples by simple recipe for the winter, you need to know some subtleties and nuances that will help make this snack perfect. All fruits used must be ripe. Be sure to let them lie warm for several days, so they will be softer and juicier.

The question is not only how, but also in what way to soak apples: soaking can be done in bulk containers - 10-20 liters. The ideal container option is a wooden barrel or tub, but if there is none, then you can use a bucket, cans, and even plastic containers that are suitable in volume. It is important that they have thick walls, and they can be hermetically sealed by placing oppression on top.

If a wooden container is used, then before the process it will need to be soaked in water for 10-12 hours, then rinsed thoroughly using cold water. Then it will need to be drained and scalded with boiling water. These manipulations will help eliminate all possible contamination, prepare the barrel for long-term storage of products in it, and also allow you to achieve the aroma of wood, which will give the fruits a unique taste.

It is recommended to line the barrel with straw (cereal - wheat or rye is used), previously scalded with boiling water. It protects the fruits from damage, gives them a pleasant amber color and a special aroma.

Ideal proportions for a standard barrel (15-20 liters):

  • apples - 5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 400 g;
  • rye flour - 230 g;
  • salt - 50 g;
  • currant and cherry leaves (fresh) - 15-20 pcs.

You can also use lingonberries (one handful is enough for such a volume), if honey is added instead of sugar, then it will take at least 0.6 liters. Rows should be tightly packed.

For such a volume, you will need to prepare 10 liters of brine (added to the barrel warm). After it is poured into the container, it must be tightly closed, oppression placed on top, left in a warm room for several days (on average, 10-12). Optimum temperature should be 15-18 degrees.

In order to get a quality product, you will need to remove the foam that forms during the fermentation process every day. It is also very important to carefully monitor the amount of liquid (brine) - the fruits should always be completely covered in it. Especially intensively fruits absorb liquid in the first week of preparation.

If fermentation is proceeding normally, the temperature regime is observed and maintained required amount brine, then after 2 weeks you can move the container to a cool place - best of all in the basement or cellar, in which the temperature will be about 4-6 degrees.

It is important to remember: the higher the temperature of subsequent storage, the faster the fruits will be soft and flabby, as the process of peroxidation begins.

In order to prevent mold from forming, it is recommended to add 1 tbsp before pouring the brine. mustard powder.

Cooking at home

Soaking apples at home can be done in a variety of containers. Ingredients are also added to the fruits, giving a special taste and aroma, adding piquancy and sophistication. In some cases, fruits are added to cabbage or when pickling cucumbers.

For cooking original snack you will need to take (based on a bucket of fruit):

  • granulated sugar - 400 g;
  • salt - 50 g;
  • fresh currant and cherry leaves - 20 pieces (each type).

Additionally, you can use raspberry leaves and sprigs, fresh mint or lemon balm.

Procurement is carried out according to classic recipe(in wooden barrels).

You will need to use 3 liter jars.

For cooking you will need (based on 1 jar):

  • apples - 800 g;
  • salt - 30 g;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • currant and cherry leaves - 5 pcs.

The principle of soaking is similar to the classic one, only you need to pre-sterilize glass jars, as well as choose fruits that can pass through the neck. After pouring the marinade, polyethylene lids must be put on the container.

in cabbage

Fruit in this case is added to a barrel or a jar of cabbage. The fermentation process takes place according to the classic recipe. It is recommended to choose for this option the fruits are small and dense. The number of fruits is 5-6 per 1 jar of 3 liters. 3-4 kg of fruit can be placed in a barrel of cabbage.

with mustard

For cooking you will need (based on 10 kg of fruit):

  • water - 5 l;
  • salt (with large crystals) - 50 g;
  • mustard powder - 80 g;
  • mint leaves (fresh) - 15 pcs.

How to cook:

  1. The water must be brought to a boil.
  2. Dilute salt and mustard in it until the salt crystals are completely dissolved.
  3. Rinse and scald the mint.
  4. Prepare a container for the workpiece.
  5. Prepare fruit.
  6. Put the mint on the bottom of the container, the fruits on it.
  7. Repeat layers until container is full.
  8. Pour in the prepared brine.
  9. Close the container, put oppression on top.

Further preparation corresponds to the classic recipe.

With rye flour

You can take the previous recipe as a basis, just add 80 g of rye flour to it. It must be diluted in 2 liters of hot water and stirred, avoiding the formation of lumps. Mustard and salt will also need to be diluted separately. The main water for the brine should be brought to a boil, cooled to room temperature, add liquid with salt and mustard, as well as flour diluted in water. Everything is thoroughly mixed. Further preparation and storage - according to the classic recipe.

Salted pickled apples

In this case, the amount of sugar in the recipe is minimized. You can exclude this component altogether. In some cases, harvesting is done together with vegetables - cabbage or cucumbers.

How to ferment apples at home in an apartment

A feature of cooking will be the need to comply temperature conditions. Storage of containers in the room or in the kitchen is not allowed, as the resulting product will quickly deteriorate. For home preparations in the apartment, you can use plastic containers medium volume or glass jars, and the main storage time of the workpiece should be spent on the balcony.

Making pickle

Pickle for cooking snacks can be prepared the classic way using salt and some sugar. Also, to spice up the taste and aroma, viburnum juice is added to it. In this case, it is supposed to bring the water to a boil. Then salt and sugar should be added to it, then cooled to room temperature. After that, you need to pour viburnum juice. Based on 10 liters of juice water, add 2-2.5 liters.

An easy way to make salted pickled apples

The recipe suggests that will be used:

  • water (cold) - 1.5 liters;
  • apples 1-2 kg;
  • leaves or twigs of currants and cherries - 7-8 pieces each;
  • table salt - 2 tsp;
  • spices - mustard seeds - the amount to taste.

The cooking process is carried out according to the classic recipe.

TOP 3 dishes from pickled apples

With this dessert you can do various dishes that will decorate any table. It is recommended to serve them both for a celebration and for a change in the daily menu.

For cooking you will need:

  • ready-made baked duck fillet - 300 g;
  • pickled apples - 400 g;
  • goat cheese - 200 g;
  • granulated sugar - 20 g;
  • carrots - 200 g;
  • greens - to taste;
  • salt and spices - to taste;
  • orange juice - 1/2 cup;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml.

Cooking process:

  1. Peel the carrots and cut into strips.
  2. Mix orange juice and sugar.
  3. In a saucepan, mix the resulting liquid with carrots, simmer for 5 minutes.
  4. Take out the carrots.
  5. Add to the rest of the liquid olive oil, mix.
  6. chop fruit, duck breast and goat cheese, put in a deep container.
  7. Chop the greens, add to the breast, mix.
  8. Add carrots.
  9. Add salt and spices.
  10. Before serving, fill with the resulting filling.

For extra spice, you can add a clove of fresh garlic to the salad.

Olivier salad

You will need to cook it according to the classic recipe. The main difference is that instead of pickles, a soaked apple is added. The amount of this ingredient is selected to taste.

Soaked apple pie

This savory component can be used in baking. For cooking you will need:

  • puff pastry - 500 g;
  • vegetable oil - 40 ml;
  • pickled apples - 200 g;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • raisins - 50 g.

Cooking process:

  1. Roll out the dough.
  2. Grate lemon zest.
  3. Dip the lemon in hot water to make it softer, then grind in a blender with raisins.
  4. Mix the mass with zest.
  5. Mix the dessert with the resulting composition, add granulated sugar.
  6. Grease a baking sheet vegetable oil, put the dough on it, add the filling, pinch.
  7. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, bake for about 30 minutes.

Serve chilled.

Soaked apples should be included in the menu for those who seek to lose weight. excess weight, since the substances that they contain contribute to the effective burning of fat. In order to use the dish as a dessert, you need to choose sweet varieties, for snacks and as an additional ingredient in other dishes - sour.

Thus, it is an interesting, original and healthy product. It has a positive effect on digestion and improves appetite, so it is used as a complete snack before the main course.

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