Analysis of Bunin's story “Antonov apples.

Encyclopedia of Plants 01.10.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

The story "Antonov apples" Bunin wrote in 1900. The author gradually immerses the reader in his nostalgic memories, creating the right atmosphere by describing sensations, colors, smells and sounds.

"Antonov apples": a summary (1 chapter)

The lyrical hero recalls how they used to live in a landowner's estate. He recalls the early warm autumn. The garden is dry, it has thinned out. There is a subtle smell of fallen leaves and the aroma of antonovka. Gardeners sell apples right in the garden, then they put them in carts and send them to the city.

Running out into night garden and after talking with the watchmen, the hero looks for a long time into the deep and dark blue of the sky strewn with stars. Looks until the ground begins to spin under their feet. And there will be no feeling of happiness.

"Antonov apples": a summary (Chapter 2)

If a good harvest Antonov apples - and there will be a harvest for bread. So it will be a good year.

The hero recalls his village Vyselki, which everyone considered rich during the life of his grandfather. The century of old men and women lasted a long time there, which was considered the first sign of prosperity. The houses of the peasants were solid, brick. The life of middle-class nobles was not much different from the life of rich men. Anna Gerasimovna, the hero's aunt, had a small, solid, though old estate. It was surrounded by hundred-year-old trees.

Her aunt's garden was famous for its wonderful apple trees, the singing of nightingales and doves, and her house was incredibly thick and very tall. Under the influence of time, it hardened and blackened. The smell in the house was mainly of apples, and then other aromas were already felt: the smell old furniture and lime color.

"Antonov apples": a summary (Chapter 3)

The hero-narrator also remembered his late brother-in-law - Arseny Semenovich. He was a landowner and a desperate hunter. In his spacious house many people gathered. At first they all had a hearty dinner together, and then they went hunting. The horn has already sounded in the yard, the many-voiced barking of dogs is heard. The owner's favorite black greyhound jumped on the table and eats the hare baked with sauce right from the dish. The hero recalls how he rides on a strong, squat and terribly evil Kyrgyz: trees flash before his eyes, and in the distance you can hear the barking of dogs and the cries of other hunters. Dampness draws from deep ravines, smells of mushrooms and damp tree bark. It begins to get dark, the whole gang of hunters tumble into the bachelor estate of one of the company and sometimes live with him for several days.

If you spend the whole day hunting, then the warmth of a densely populated house becomes especially pleasant.

If you accidentally oversleep the hunt, then you will spend the whole day in the owner’s library, leafing through magazines and books of past years, examining the notes of previous readers in the margins. Sad memories of grandmother's polonaises, that she played the clavichord, and her languid reading of Pushkin's poems will fill the soul.

And the old dreamy noble life rises before your eyes ... Women and girls of beautiful soul then lived in large and rich noble estates! Their portraits still look from the walls today.

"Antonov apples": a summary (Chapter 4)

But the old people in Vyselki all died, Anna Gerasimovna also died out, Arseny Semenovich put a bullet in his forehead.

The time is coming for the poor, impoverished nobles, who own small estates. But this life, small local, is good! The hero had the opportunity to observe the life of a neighbor, being his guest. Rising early, he orders the samovar to be put on immediately. Then, putting on his boots, he goes out onto the porch, where the hounds come running to him. Yes, it promises to be a wonderful day for hunting! But, the hunter laments, one must hunt along the blackthrope with greyhounds, and not with hounds, and he does not have them! As soon as winter sets in, again, as in ancient times, the small estates all come together. They drink for the rest of the money and disappear for days on end hunting in the fields in the winter. And in the late evening, the windows of some deaf farmstead, glowing in the dark, can be seen far away. In the wing, a shaky fire burns dimly, smoke swirls, they sing there, and the guitar sounds ...

"Antonov apples" ... short description unable to recreate the world of the ancient noble estate. Is it possible, while reading it, to penetrate deep into the subtlest Bunin's lyrics, where all the old events are experienced by the reader as if they were happening before his eyes?

History of creation

At first, Bunin wrote in the form of poems, where he reflected, first of all, his love for his homeland. But gradually the writer began to think about creating prose works, like Antonov's Apples. The writer's desire to convey the whole life of the Russian middle and upper classes in the countryside was first reflected in "Antonov apples", which are rightfully considered worthy of Bunin's pen. The approximate time of their writing refers to the end of the 1890s, and their first publication took place in 1900.


Their plot as a whole is a description of the memories of the protagonist, and in each of the four chapters of the text they are different (although they have common sense). So, in the first part, the trade of the townspeople with the famous "Antonov" apples in August is described, in the second - autumn, the noble house where he lived the protagonist and his relatives. The third describes his hunting with his brother-in-law, Arseniy Semyonitch, as well as the onset of winter. In the fourth - the November day of small local people is described.

The patriotism of Bunin himself stands out from the plot, describing the middle (and partially higher) class in the Russian village, and from the style of writing - features artistic word author.

Criticism of the story

see also


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The great writer Ivan Alekseevich Bunin wrote his work "Antonov apples" quickly, in just a few months. But the work on the story was not finished by him, because he turned to his story again and again, changing the text. Each edition of this story was already with a modified and edited text. And this was easily explained by the fact that the writer's impressions were so vivid and deep that he wanted to show all this to his reader.

But such a story as "Antonov apples", where there is no plot development, and Bunin's impressions and memories form the basis of the content, is difficult to analyze. It is difficult to capture the emotions of a person who lives in the past. But Ivan Alekseevich manages to accurately convey sounds and colors, showing his unusual literary skill. Reading the story "Antonov apples" you can understand what feelings and emotions the writer experienced. This is both pain and sadness that all this is left behind, as well as joy and tenderness for the ways of antiquity.

Bunin uses bright colors to describe colors, for example, black-lilac, gray-iron. Bunin's descriptions are so deep that he even notices how the shadow falls from many objects. For example, from the flame in the garden in the evening he sees black silhouettes, which he compares with giants. By the way, the metaphors in the text great amount. It is worth paying attention to the sundresses that girls put on at the fairs: "sundresses smelling of paint." Even the smell of Bunin's paint does not cause irritation, and this is another memory. And what words does he choose when he conveys his feelings from the water! It is not easy for the writer to be cold or transparent, but Ivan Alekseevich uses such a description of her: icy, heavy.

What is happening in the soul of the narrator, how strong and deep his feelings are, can be understood if we analyze those details in the work “Antonov apples”, where he gives a detailed description of them. There is also a main character in the story - a barchuk, but his story is not revealed to the reader.

At the very beginning of his work, the writer uses one of the means of artistic expression of speech. The gradation lies in the fact that the author very often repeats the word “remember”, which allows you to create a feeling of how carefully the writer treats his memories and is afraid to forget something.

The second chapter contains not only a description of a wonderful autumn, which is usually mysterious and even fabulous in the villages. But the work tells about the old women who lived out their lives and prepared to accept death. To do this, they put on a shroud, which was wonderfully painted and starched so that it stood like a stone on the body of the old women. The writer also recalled that, having prepared for death, such old women dragged gravestones into the courtyard, which now stood in anticipation of the death of their mistress.

The writer's memories are transferred to the reader in the second part and to another estate, which belonged to Ivan Alekseevich's great-aunt. Anna Gerasimovna lived by herself, so she was always glad to visit her old manor. The road to this estate still pops up before the eyes of the narrator: the juicy and spacious blue sky, the rolled and well-worn road seems to the writer the most expensive and so dear. Bunin's description of both the road and the estate itself causes a great feeling of regret that all this has gone into the distant past.

The description of the telegraph poles that the narrator met on the way to his aunt reads sadly and sadly. They were like silver strings, and the birds sitting on them seemed to the writer to be notes. But even here, on the aunt's estate, the narrator again remembers the smell of Antonov's apples.

The third part takes the reader already into deep autumn, when, after rains, cold and long, the sun finally begins to peek out. And again the estate of another landowner - Arseny Semenovich, who was a great lover of hunting. And again, the sadness and regret of the author can be traced that the spirit of the landowner, who honored both his roots and all Russian culture, has now faded away. But now that former life has been lost, and it is now impossible to return the former noble life in Russia.

In the fourth chapter of the story "Antonov apples" Bunin sums up, saying that no more than the smell of childhood, which was associated with the life and life of the local nobility, the smell of Antonov apples disappeared. And it is impossible to see either those old people, or glorious landowners, or those glorious times. And the last lines of the story “White snow swept the way and the road” lead the reader to the fact that it is no longer impossible to return the former Russia, its former life.

The story "Antonov apples" is a kind of ode, enthusiastic, but sad and sad, imbued with love, which is dedicated to Russian nature, life in the village and the patriarchal way of life that was in Russia. The story is short, but it conveys quite a lot. Bunin is pleased with the memories of that time, they are filled with spirituality and poetry.

“Antonov apples” is Bunin’s hymn to his homeland, which, although it remained in the past, far from him, nevertheless remained forever in the memory of Ivan Alekseevich, and it was for him like the best and purest time, his time spiritual development.

If you started studying the story of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin “Antonov apples” at school, college, an analysis and summary of this work will help you better understand its meaning, find out what the writer wanted to convey to readers.

prose masterpiece

As you know, at the beginning of his work, Ivan Alekseevich Bunin created works in poetic form. In the story "Antonov apples", the analysis of which you will read soon, the author conveys his love for native land, to the people living here, through prose, but by means of poetic expression.

This is the first work of the writer, in which he tells in detail about the life of rural landowners. With particular enthusiasm, the author narrates about ordinary people, writes that he would like, like a village peasant, to get up at dawn, wash himself with cool water from a barrel and go on a visit.

The work clearly feels the movement of time in three forms. This is the period from autumn to winter, from a person's childhood to his maturity, from the heyday of the estate culture to its extinction. The reader becomes a witness of this by studying the story "Antonov apples". The analysis of this work also helps to understand this. We can conclude that we see the temporary movement of the earth, human life and local culture. Understanding the above will help familiarization with summary prosaic creation and its analysis.

"Antonov apples", Bunin: the first chapter

In the first lines, the author writes that he recalls early autumn, the smell of Antonov apples. It was at that time that the bourgeois gardeners hired peasants to sort and pour apples, which were then taken to the city for sale. The workers did not miss the opportunity to eat fragrant fruits. During the preparation of the beer drink, when it was filtered (“for draining”), everyone drank honey. Even the thrushes here are well-fed and contented sitting near the coral rowans.

The story "Antonov apples" by Bunin is very positive. The author describes a prosperous village in which there are excellent harvests, and people live long. Everything here is famous for its fertility. Even the elder looks like a Kholmogory cow. And, as you know, this animal was a symbol of prosperity. The author, describing this woman, says that she seemed to have horns on her head. Such an association is caused by braids, which the elder laid in a special way. Several tied scarves make the head huge, which makes the woman even more like a cow. The elder is pregnant - this is another trick that helps to see the fertility and prosperity that reigns in these prosperous places. You are convinced of this by reading the beginning of the story "Antonov apples". The analysis of these lines confirms these conclusions.

Everything here pleases the narrator: Fresh air, the smell of straw, the starry night sky. We learn all this from the first chapter, as well as the fact that the narration is conducted on behalf of barchuk Nikolai.

Chapter 2

Bunin also begins the next part of the work with a mention of Antonov apples. He talks about popular belief. It is believed that if Antonovka is born, then bread will be born too.

The writer shares pleasant impressions from the early morning. Ivan Alekseevich so clearly describes how pleasant it is to wash by the pond, to look into the turquoise sky, that these wonderful sensations are also conveyed to the reader.

Further, the narrator says how good it is to have breakfast with the workers with potatoes after washing, to climb on a horse and gallop into the distance. We learn about this by reading the work "Antonov apples". The content of the second chapter reveals the name of that wonderful village - Vyselki. It is here that old people live for 100 or more years, like, for example, Pankrat, who no longer remembers how far he has passed over a hundred.

In this chapter, the narrator recalls the estate of his aunt Anna Gerasimovna. She had a garden, and, of course, Antonov apples grew in it. Bunin talks about a beautiful aunt's house with columns, about a rich economy. And the smell of apples hovered even in the rooms. The author associated this fragrance with pleasant associations. You come to this conclusion by analyzing this work.

Chapter 3

From it we learn about the writer's passion for hunting. After all, it was a popular entertainment for the landlords of those years. allowed to reduce the number of this dangerous predator, which killed livestock and could attack a person. In the company of the same hunters, the author would shoot wolves or other animals and return home with trophies to his aunt or stay for several days with a friend of the landowner.

Final chapter

Thus, our analysis comes to an end. Bunin's "Antonov apples" in the final chapter convey the author's anxiety, his impressions are no longer as rosy as at the beginning. He writes that the aroma of these fruits disappears from the landowners' estates. Long-livers died, one old man shot himself. And the narrator hunts no longer in the company of people, but alone. But life in Vyselki is still in full swing: village girls are bustling around, threshing grain.

This is where the first snow fell. This ends the story "Antonov apples" by Bunin. At the end, as well as at the beginning of the work, the author puts an ellipsis, since in the form of an essay he spoke about a short period of time, which thanks to him the readers were lucky to become witnesses.

The great writer Ivan Alekseevich Bunin wrote his work “Antonov apples” quickly, in just a few months. But the work on the story was not finished by him, because he turned to his story again and again, changing the text. Each edition of this story was already with a modified and edited text. And this was easily explained by the fact that the writer's impressions were so vivid and deep that he wanted to show all this to his reader.

But such a story as "Antonov apples", where there is no plot development, and Bunin's impressions and memories form the basis of the content, is difficult to analyze. It is difficult to capture the emotions of a person who lives in the past. But Ivan Alekseevich manages to accurately convey sounds and colors, showing his unusual literary skill. Reading the story "Antonov apples" you can understand what feelings and emotions the writer experienced. This is both pain and sadness that all this is left behind, as well as joy and tenderness for the ways of antiquity.

Bunin uses bright colors to describe colors, for example, black-lilac, gray-iron. Bunin's descriptions are so deep that he even notices how the shadow falls from many objects. For example, from the flame in the garden in the evening he sees black silhouettes, which he compares with giants. By the way, there are a lot of metaphors in the text. It is worth paying attention to the sundresses that girls put on at fairs: “sundresses smelling of paint”. Even the smell of Bunin's paint does not cause irritation, and this is another memory. And what words does he choose when he conveys his feelings from the water! It is not easy for the writer to be cold or transparent, but Ivan Alekseevich uses such a description of her: icy, heavy.

What is happening in the soul of the narrator, how strong and deep his feelings are, can be understood if we analyze those details in the work “Antonov apples”, where he gives a detailed description of them. There is also a main character in the story - a barchuk, but his story is not revealed to the reader.

At the very beginning of his work, the writer uses one of the means of artistic expression of speech. The gradation lies in the fact that the author very often repeats the word “I remember”, which allows you to create a feeling of how carefully the writer treats his memories and is afraid to forget something.

The second chapter contains not only a description of a wonderful autumn, which is usually mysterious and even fabulous in the villages. But the work tells about the old women who lived out their lives and prepared to accept death. To do this, they put on a shroud, which was wonderfully painted and starched so that it stood like a stone on the body of the old women. The writer also recalled that, having prepared for death, such old women dragged gravestones into the courtyard, which now stood in anticipation of the death of their mistress.

The writer's memories are transferred to the reader in the second part and to another estate, which belonged to Ivan Alekseevich's great-aunt. Anna Gerasimovna lived by herself, so she was always glad to visit her old estate. The road to this estate still pops up before the eyes of the narrator: the juicy and spacious blue sky, the rolled and well-worn road seems to the writer the most expensive and so dear. Bunin's description of both the road and the estate itself causes a great feeling of regret that all this has gone into the distant past.

The description of the telegraph poles that the narrator met on the way to his aunt reads sadly and sadly. They were like silver strings, and the birds sitting on them seemed to the writer to be notes. But even here, on the aunt's estate, the narrator again remembers the smell of Antonov's apples.

The third part takes the reader already into deep autumn, when, after rains, cold and long, the sun finally begins to peek out. And again the estate of another landowner - Arseny Semenovich, who was a great lover of hunting. And again, the sadness and regret of the author can be traced that the spirit of the landowner, who honored both his roots and all Russian culture, has now faded away. But now that former life has been lost, and it is now impossible to return the former noble life in Russia.

In the fourth chapter of the story "Antonov apples" Bunin sums up, saying that no more than the smell of childhood, which was associated with the life and life of the local nobility, the smell of Antonov apples disappeared. And it is impossible to see either those old people, or glorious landowners, or those glorious times. And the last lines of the story “White snow covered the way-road” lead the reader to the fact that it is no longer impossible to return the former Russia, its former life.

The story “Antonov apples” is a kind of ode, enthusiastic, but sad and sad, imbued with love, which is dedicated to Russian nature, life in the village and the patriarchal way of life that was in Russia. The story is short, but it conveys quite a lot. Bunin is pleased with the memories of that time, they are filled with spirituality and poetry.

“Antonov apples” is Bunin’s hymn to his homeland, which, although it remained in the past, far from him, nevertheless remained forever in the memory of Ivan Alekseevich, and it was for him as the best and purest time, the time of his spiritual development.

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