Mirabilis planting seeds in open ground. The Basics of Growing Mirabilis from Seeds

Encyclopedia of Plants 13.06.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Mirabilis: growing from seeds - small bright lights in the garden of a novice grower. Love for this plant is closely intertwined with the ease of care for it. Even an inexperienced gardener can handle growing mirabilis from seeds.

Bright tropical flowers with an unusual name belong to herbaceous plants. The Nyctaginov family includes more than five dozen species.

Unfortunately, only one variety of bushes blooming at night has taken root in Russia. They call it Yalapa, but due to the lack of related species, the flower got the name of the whole family. Variegated flowers growing in the Russian Federation are simply called mirabilis.

And even on Russian soil, mirabilis has chosen a certain climate. He liked the warm southern latitudes. Since its homeland is South America, and the species itself is perennial, the bushes need moderate winters, which they found in the Russian outback.

Interesting! Mirabilis is often called the Night Beauty. It's all about the time of its flowering. The plant keeps the bud closed all day, and only in the evening the flower blooms.

Flowering lasts the entire dark part of the day, and the next morning the bud fades.

While one flower fades, the plant immediately releases new buds. The flowering season lasts until the first frost. Often mirabilis decides to bloom a flower in cloudy weather. Then you can admire the flowering during the day.

Due to its unpretentiousness, mirabilis has become a traditional debut for a florist. Plant care does not require special skills and is quite intuitive. In addition, no special equipment is needed to grow Nightflowers.

Mirabilis itself is a perennial plant. However, those wishing to grow a night flower in cold regions will benefit from its one-year cycle. To continue work, it is enough to collect the seeds correctly and save them for the next season.

What does Mirabilis look like?

Mirabilis has a rather attractive appearance. Neat bushes, crowned with variegated inflorescences, make you want to do floriculture and certainly grow the Night Dawn in your area.

Since mirabilis is a herbaceous species, the height of its bush rarely exceeds a meter. Most of the representatives growing in the south of Russia grow up to 80 cm. The very structure of the bush is strong, knocked down. Trunks may be bare or hairy. Often their surface is sticky. The leaves are thin, set opposite.

The root system of the plant is tuberous, the structure of the rods is convex. The plant comes from hot regions, so the structure of its root provides for the accumulation of moisture.

Mirabilis blooms generously, opening up to 16 flowers at a time. They are located on the upper parts of the stem or in the axils of the crowns. The shape of the flower is elongated, somewhat reminiscent of a gramophone trumpet. The front of the funnel expands. Often the edges of the petal are torn, incised.

A distinctive feature of Mirabilis is a huge range of patterns and shades. One representative can form different inflorescences.

Also on one flower there are multiple shades, collected in striped patterns. There are also single colors. In the arsenal of Mirabilis there is a huge number of flowers. Starting from pale yellow tones and ending with maroon shades. There are also pink samples, as well as completely white ones.

The end of flowering is marked by the appearance of fruits. After the flower fades, a small dark-colored box appears in its place. There is only one seed in the brown fruit with a ribbed texture. By the time of its maturity, it acquires an elastic structure and a wrinkled surface. The seed is oval, rather large in size. For one gram of dried seeds, there are about a dozen pieces. V favorable conditions you can keep it for three years.

Methods for growing mirabilis from seeds

There are several ways to grow Mirabilis. When using seeds, flower growers resort to one of two reliable methods.

How to get a bush from seeds:

Seedlings in pots

Begin sowing seeds for seedlings in early spring. From March to May, the plant gains the necessary strength and will be able to withstand cold nights, if such happen after planting in the soil.

For growing mirabilis from seeds, disposable seedling pots, seeds and prepared soil are useful. The motley flower loves moderate soil and does not tolerate overly acidic soil. Therefore, prepare the mixture in advance.

The substrate is sand. A little less needed sod land and peat powder. Mirabilis is not too whimsical, so you can dilute the soil with limestone or clay mixture. The substrate must be mixed and steamed before planting the seeds.

When choosing containers, preference is given to deep narrow cups. The root system of sprouts develops rapidly, but goes down, not to the sides.

Since Nightflower seeds are large, they will need a lot of space. In order not to injure the seedlings by diving, the seed is sown in separate glasses. The maximum quantity in one pot is 2 pieces. If both sprouts sprout, wait for it to harden and transplant it into separate containers. The optimal planting depth is 2 cm.

It is not necessary to soak the seeds before planting. It is enough to lower them into a moist substrate. If soaking is necessary, it is carried out throughout the day in warm water. Shoots in this case will appear much faster - in a few days.

To speed up the appearance of the sprout, the hole under the seed is fertilized with a small amount of fine ash. Such a substrate contributes to the active development of the root system.

The first sprouts hatch in about a week. The process can take up to 14 days depending on the temperature. external environment and other factors. After hatching, the “fry” actively grow. After about two weeks, the young can be transferred to larger pots. Suitable peat bogs 8 cm in diameter.

By the end of May, when the risk of a return of the cold has passed, flowers planted in March can be moved to open space.

Advice! It is advisable to wait for really warm nights, so that the cold does not destroy the young bushes. If the risk of frost is still high, the bushes are covered with plastic wrap at night.

When planting in the ground, the bushes are provided free space. So that the grown plants do not shade each other and do not fight for moisture, at least half a meter of space is left between them.

In an open area

Mirabilis can be grown on open field. This method is somewhat riskier, since the plant is too demanding at the initial stage of growth. However, experienced gardeners choose this method.

Before planting seeds in the ground, the soil is prepared. A small amount of lime is added to the substrate. For bushes, it is better to choose a corner of the site protected from the wind. It is optimal if it is not covered by a shadow. The ideal soil for mirabilis is considered to be clayey or loamy.

Jalapa tolerates dry periods very well. However, drought can adversely affect the number of inflorescences. The lack of water will leave an imprint on the development of the bush, so it is not recommended to skip watering.

For the whole season, the bushes require several dressings. You can apply fertilizer three to four times. To do this, use a special complex fertilizer.

Alternative propagation methods for mirabilis

Some enthusiasts practice mirabilis propagation by budding. The method is controversial, but it has the right to exist. For its implementation, it is necessary to take a plant grown from seeds and consider its root system. For jigging, you will need cuttings, half lignified. They are carefully separated and left until the cut dries.

Sometimes the cutting is placed in a special growth stimulator. You can grow a bush by simply placing the desired part of the root in the steamed earth. For development, the cutting will need room temperature and regular moisture. In favorable conditions, the stalk will take root and by the end of spring it will be ready for transplanting into the garden.

Some gardeners prefer to propagate with a tuber. The excavated part of the root is placed in a mixture of sawdust and sand. The tubers are left at a low temperature - from +3 to +5. Store the rhizome until spring. This method is considered the least reliable, since the plant rarely survives to planting due to lack of moisture.

Tuber preparation

Mirabilis bush care

Like any plant, mirabilis requires moisture and sunlight. The remaining moments of care do not differ from the content of others. flowering bushes. The advantage of the species is its ability to survive adverse periods, which is very important for beginner botanists.

The main point of care is careful dosing of moisture. In order to achieve optimal lush color, you need to find the golden mean of moisturizing and not flood the bushes. Stagnation of moisture will instantly affect the condition of the flowers.

However, of two evils, it is better to choose drought. Her mirabilis is much easier to bear.

To accelerate the development of the plant, it is fed with mineral means. Solutions are chosen special, designed for flowering bushes.

Table 1. Stages of caring for an adult plant.

Weed removalWeeding is done as needed, removing wild herbs from the soil.
Loosening the substrateDepending on temperature conditions and humidity, the soil is periodically fluffed up.
Elimination of flowersWithered and shrunken flowers are preferably removed from the bush. Some owners leave inflorescences, but in this case there is a risk of self-sowing. Especially often the bushes self-sow in the warm regions of the country.
Bush formationIn favorable conditions, mirabilis acquires a neat correct form, so it does not need pruning shoots. Without pruning, the bush is a rounded beautiful plant.
The sunMirabilis loves sunlight, but direct rays will be fatal for him. Excessive shade, on the contrary, leads to the development of a loose, falling apart bush.
WateringA flowering bush does not like drought, and responds to a competent watering regime with dense flowering. Mirabilis is watered in the evening.
FertilizerSpecial mixtures are used as fertilizer, but in no case fresh manure or compost. For the first time, it is better to make mixtures in the period before flowering.

At the end of the warm season, the bushes you like are sent for wintering. For this upper part plants are cut, and the rhizome is tightly wrapped with paper. At a temperature of +7, the root is likely to live until spring. As soon as he wakes up, the tuber is planted in a pot before the onset of warm nights.

Collecting and Preserving Mirabilis Seeds

Despite the availability of ready-made Mirabilis seeds, amateurs prefer to collect them from the fruits themselves. It is important to consider that it will be possible to implement the idea only on closed ground. Otherwise, the seeds simply do not have time to ripen.

Planting mirabilis and caring for it in the open field is a simple process. The plant pleases with lush flowering all summer, without demanding in return special attention. "Night Beauty" is what the people call this flower, it will enthusiastically respond to minimal watering and several complex top dressings for the entire season.

Mirabilis flower in landscape design

An unusual flower will decorate the garden, balcony, loggia. Depending on the variety, the height of the plant and its place in the overall landscape composition vary. tall bushes planted in the background, low - in the foreground. Daisies, lavender, marigolds, bluebells will make friends with the night beauty. Those who do not know what mirabilis looks like should pay attention to hedges - high grades form amazing decorative railings. Saturated inflorescences look spectacular in a single planting. Mirabilis is grown in pots on terraces and balconies.

Mirabilis - varieties

Mirabilis pleases residents of warm regions of America and Mexico with its diversity. About 60 varieties of this flowering plant grow here at home. Our climatic zone proved to be suitable for only one species - mirabilis Jalapa or laxative. However, Yalapa also appears before gardeners in different roles - the most popular varieties of this species are:

Mirabilis - landing

Mirabilis, planting and care in the open field is done in several ways. Seeds give excellent shoots, less often the plant is planted with tubers. The site for it is better to choose a well-lit and spacious, with clay or loamy soil. The flower will not like acidic soil, and the night beauty will not feel comfortable in a lowland or an overly moist place. Planting and caring for mirabilis is not difficult for experienced gardeners. However, some subtleties of the process must be taken into account.

How to plant mirabilis?

In warm climatic zones, the answer to the question of how to plant mirabilis implies direct planting of seeds in open ground. As soon as the soil warms up, pre-prepared planting material are placed in the soil. In the furrow, the seeds are distributed evenly with an interval of 7-8 cm, each seed is deepened by 3 cm. Then the plot is watered and covered nonwoven fabric to protect the first shoots from frost. When the threat of the latter passes the shelter, they are removed, and the seedlings are thinned out.

In regions where spring does not indulge in warmth, the night beauty is planted with seedlings or tubers. This method is considered more laborious, but the result is guaranteed. Seedlings are germinated in advance - in early April, the seeds are prepared and sown in special cups filled with slightly alkaline soil. The first seedlings at home appear after 1-2 weeks, at this stage they make the first top dressing and start hardening.

When to plant Mirabilis in open ground?

An individual question - when to plant mirabilis in open ground? In this case, you need to focus on weather conditions and the readiness of planting material. It is believed that having reached 10-15 cm, Mirabilis seedlings are ready for planting. But before transferring the seedlings to open ground, you need to make sure that the soil has warmed up well and the threat of frost has passed.

Mirabilis - cultivation

Sowing for seedlings or direct planting in the ground - the seeds of the night beauty require preparation, and the seedlings of special care:

  1. Growing mirabilis from seeds begins with soaking the planting material in warm water and scarifying it (slight damage to the hard outer shell).
  2. If we are talking about the germination of seedlings, the seeds are distributed two by two into a separate container with a slightly alkaline substrate, watered with a fungicide solution and covered with a film.
  3. Cups contain at a temperature of 18-20°C.
  4. After the appearance of the first shoots, which occurs no earlier than 5-6 days after planting, the film is removed and the crops are moved closer to sunlight.
  5. If the seedlings produced both seeds, after the appearance of the first leaflet, the weak sprout is cut off so as not to interfere with the development of the strong one.
  6. At the same stage, crops are fertilized special preparations(Mortar, Fertiku, Krepysh).
  7. Mirabilis seedlings are watered after the earthen clod has completely dried.
  8. When the seedlings grow up they are in large pots.
  9. For hardening, young mirabilis are taken out to Fresh air gradually increasing the residence time.

Mirabilis, planting and care in the open field can be made from tubers. This method is common among experienced gardeners. Night beauty tubers harvested from autumn or purchased in a store are stored in a cool place at a temperature not lower than 5 ° C in winter. They are planted in the ground in late spring, when the soil warms up to a depth of 15 cm. The first shoots of the plant are covered until the threat of frost has passed.

Mirabilis flower - care

Strengthened seedlings or seedlings of the night beauty are not demanding in care. The plant does not need frequent watering and top dressing. Mirabilis in the garden will delight bright continuous flowering, if watering 1-3 times a week in case of a dry summer. There is no need to artificially moisten the soil if the summer turned out to be rainy. The plant responds well to top dressing - the first time you need to apply fertilizer at the beginning of the growing season, the second - in the middle of summer, the third - at the end of the season. Mirabilis will like such procedures as loosening the soil and weeding.

What temperature can mirabilis withstand?

With proper care, the plant blooms all summer, until the first frost. Being thermophilic, mirabilis does not respond well to temperatures below 15°C. Spring frosts are detrimental to seedlings and first shoots. Dug out tubers in winter can be stored at a temperature not lower than 5-7°C. In the southern regions it can overwinter in the soil. For growing seedlings of Mirabilis flowers indoors, you need to maintain temperature regime within 28-22°C.

Do I need to pinch mirabilis?

Night beauty is not in vain considered a favorite landscape designers- the plant can be pinched and cut, giving the bush the most intricate shape. At the same time, the reaction of the mirabilis perennial to such procedures is pleasing - after pruning, flowering only intensifies and the entire bush is covered with new bright flowers. Gardeners pinch and weak young shoots sprouted from tubers.

Mirabilis flower - top dressing

According to the description, a native South America- mirabilis - unpretentious, but the rules for caring for this garden plant supplements are provided. The night beauty responds well to complex ones, but from fresh organics in this case better to refuse. The root zone can be fertilized with humus or. Procedures are carried out during the growing season, in the middle and at the end of summer.

Mirabilis plant - diseases and pests

Among insects, the plant has no dangerous enemies. It is resistant to pests. Waterlogging of the soil adversely affects - the flower is affected by root rot. Therefore, in the process of caring for mirabilis, you should not overdo it with watering or set aside an area where moisture stagnates for planting. Rust or spotting may appear on the leaves - this is the result of infection with fungal diseases. Fungicides will help to cope with them.

Mirabilis wild flowers number about 60 species growing in America. These annuals and perennials are characterized by the most varied coloring of flowers, attracting the eye from noon to the morning of the next day.

Varieties and types

(she is also a night beauty, dawn) is a perennial cultivated as annual plant. Its bushes have an elongated-rounded shape, grow up to 80 cm in height and are characterized by tuberous roots.

The shoots are densely branched, reddish in color, overgrown with wood from below. The diameter of funnel-shaped flowers is 2.5 cm, and the color can be white, yellow, orange, crimson, purple, red, or even 2-color. The pleasant aroma of the opened flowers flows from 16 o'clock in the afternoon until the morning hours.

The night beauty has a truly amazing feature, to match its Latin name - one plant can form flowers various shades, so you can buy, for example, mirabilis tricolor with white, yellow and pink flowers. The usual color for this species is pink, alternating with salmon and raspberry shades, but white and yellow flowers are also formed, sometimes even with multi-colored stripes.

The beginning of flowering of Mirabilis is associated with June and continues until the arrival of frost.

Of all existing species only jalapa is cultivated in gardens, forming the basis of the following varieties:


  • with 6 cm diameter flowers in white, red, yellow and lilac, dense branches of shoots, blooming in June-October, perfect for outdoor flower beds;

  • Variety mirabilis marble flower has bright flowers with dark veins, also of various shades, its lush flowering lasts from July to August and looks great in flower beds and mixborders;

  • absorbed a very rich color palette, including yellow, orange, red, pink, raspberry, coral and lilac colors, which bring high decorativeness to any flower garden;

  • with fragrant red flowers with a diameter of 4-5 cm, pleasing to the eye from 15 pm, it is an excellent option when decorating flower beds and discounts;

  • Variety mirabilis cavalier with yellow and red colors of buds, it is also mainly used for the purposes described above;

  • is a low spherical bush about 50 cm high, with multi-colored flowers of medium size, decorated with stripes and strokes, blooming from the first days of July until the onset of frost;

  • - a variety with pure red flowers 5-6 cm in diameter;

  • Mirabilis variety white candy - similar to the previous one, only with white flowers;

  • - with purple flowers.

Mirabilis planting and care in the open field

In the absence of the likelihood of the last spring cold snap, you can plant mirabilis in the open field in June, with both sprouts and seeds. Planting density must be kept moderate, that is, maintain the mutual distance of plantings at the level of 50 cm due to the fact that the bush can stretch strongly in height, depending on the variety chosen.

Planting depth is also important - the seeds should not be on the surface. By filling in the planting gaps with other annuals, you can get a very effective variegated composition. The development of this very heat-loving plant is most significantly affected by lighting, so you should choose a site that is well warmed by the sun.

Watering Mirabilis

It is necessary to pay some attention to watering, even taking into account the fact that Mirabilis can easily cope with the lack of moisture.

soil for mirabilis

As for the soil, it should be noted that loamy or clayey with a lime content is considered preferable. Sour and waterlogged soils are strictly contraindicated, at the same time, excessively dry soil can cause a lack of flowering.

In no case should compost and manure be applied to the site, which can cause irreparable harm to the plant.

Mirabilis transplant

Produced in early spring before flowering begins. This procedure is performed as it grows.

Mirabilis fertilizer

The dawn planted in the ground is not demanding on top dressing. It is fully enough to water it once every 30 days with a nutrient mixture based on conventional complex fertilizers during flowering.

pruning mirabilis

Mirabilis itself has a delightful appearance with a rounded shape, so the need for circumcision and tying with this ornamental plant disappears.

Large varieties of night beauty are able to form uniquely beautiful hedges, and low varieties are quite capable of becoming the best available decoration for flower beds or borders.

Mirabilis in winter

With the onset of cold weather, mirabilis tubers become the main interests of gardeners. The fact is that this plant can be preserved in winter if you create right conditions for his peace.

To carry out the plan, the tubers must be carefully dug up in the last autumn days and placed for wintering in containers filled with sand and peat. The substrate is not intensively moistened, sometimes using sawdust.

Storage of planting material is acceptable in a dry, cool environment at a temperature of approximately 5℃ - under other conditions, there is a high probability that the tubers will die before the arrival of springtime.

Mirabilis growing from seeds

In areas with a relatively warm climate, mirabilis seeds can be planted directly into the ground. They are collected during the period when they turn black, from the axils of faded and fallen flowers, and the extraction process is quite simple.

Moreover, these seeds germinate perfectly, and, in this regard, they cannot be left without the attention of an experienced grower. Dawn flowering, as already known, is very long, so the seeds are also collected during a long period of plant activity.

Sowing mirabilis for seedlings

In cold regions, seedlings are the recommended way to grow mirabilis. Getting seedlings is also not a particularly troublesome business. To do this, in early April, they take medium-sized disposable cups, fill them with a substrate, including turf, peat and river sand (there should be a little more sand than other components).

There are no more than 1-2 seeds of a night beauty per 1 cup, since the sprouts of this plant are quite large, and thinning seedlings is not desirable.

After a few days, the initial signs of germination should appear, and after 30-45 days, the seedlings will be ready for planting on a plot in the open field.

Diseases and pests

Mirabilis is not a plant susceptible to pests, for which it is very much appreciated by novice flower growers. Almost the only possible defeat - rust and stain - eliminated by removing damaged parts, followed by treatment of diseased areas with a fungicide.

As mentioned above, mirabilis love for warmth is one of the most important points, which should focus on when growing it. Based on this, it is highly recommended not to land in more than early dates than June, as you may encounter a short-term return of cold weather, and this may be enough for Mirabilis to simply not rise.

Dawn loves heat so much that it can respond to the presence of drafts in the area twisted leaves , so it is better to choose seat without them.

Mirabilis is one of those flowers, all the beauty and sophistication of which you understand far from immediately. His unusual lifestyle surprises not only novice flower lovers, but also experienced gardeners. After all, its delicate flowers do not enjoy the warm sun, but the cold moonlight. They bloom only closer to sunset, when the night luminary already appears in the summer sky. For this feature, Mirabilis is often called "night dawn" or "night beauty".

Another amazing feature of the sublunar beauty is a huge variety of colors of flowers. Her "gramophones" surprise with snow-white, pale pink, lilac and purple, carmine and golden hues. But the most interesting thing is that in some species and varieties, this entire palette can miraculously coexist together not only on one plant, but even on one flower. There are specimens with contrasting stripes, specks and spots. Sometimes only one calyx segment can be of a different shade.

Lush green bush, all strewn bright colors, with the onset of evening, it begins to emit a delicate tropical aroma that cannot leave indifferent nocturnal insects. At dusk, a real fluttering cloud of moths and night butterflies forms over Mirabilis.

This incredible plant comes from Mexico and the northern part of the South American continent, where its wild varieties can be found everywhere. In our latitudes, out of 50 cultivated varieties, the Mexican version of the night princess, mirabilis jalapa, has taken root best of all. Her interesting varieties they begin to bloom already at the beginning of summer, delighting with their expressiveness and bright aroma until the first frost.

Selecting a landing site

Wild types of mirabilis, growing in places with a warm climate, are perennial plants. However, in our harsh winters root system nocturnal beauty does not withstand low temperatures, so v middle lane In Russia, this flower is grown as an annual plant.

The right choice of a place for landing a heat-loving guest will be a guarantee good development plants, its abundant and long flowering. Considering the tropical nature of Mirabilis, choose a sunny and draft-protected place for it with fertile, water- and breathable soil. If a native of tropical countries is calm about the lack of moisture, then its excess has a detrimental effect on the plant, so when preparing a flower bed, do not choose places with a low level of the earth or provide good drainage.

In addition, the increased acidity of the soil also negatively affects the vegetation of the plant. If your site has just such a soil, it is necessary to carry out its liming.

Landing of the night beauty

Mirabilis can be grown in several ways: from seeds, tubers or cuttings. The simplest and therefore the most common option is planting a plant with seeds. This is the most affordable option also because in our latitudes, subject to a sufficiently dry and warm summer, the seeds of the princess of the night ripen remarkably, remaining viable for several years. In addition, they are quite large and have hard shell, so their landing does not present any problems.

If you want to get flowers already in June, then you should grow mirabilis through seedlings.

  • For this, the seeds are already in the first decade of April should be planted in pots filled with a light substrate with neutral acidity.
  • To speed up the germination of seeds, pre-soak them for a period of 12 hours to a day in a damp cloth.
  • Plant the seeds in prepared pots with a substrate, deepening no more than 2 cm.
  • Cover containers with seeds with a film or glass to create the effect of a greenhouse, which will also speed up the germination process.
  • Place the pots in a warm (+ 22–25 ° C) place for germination. At this stage, lighting does not play a role. Shoots usually appear a couple of weeks after planting.
  • When the first seedlings appear, move the containers to a window sill with sufficient sun or another location with similar conditions. Optimum temperature for the development of seedlings is in the range from + 18 ° C to + 20 ° C.
  • Seedlings require moderate watering, which is done after the soil has dried on the surface. Excess moisture can kill plants.

When there is no opportunity to grow mirabilis seedlings, you can plant the seeds of the night beauty directly into the ground.

  • Landing dates should be chosen not before the end of April when the soil warms up properly.
  • Pre-soaked seeds are planted on a prepared flower bed at intervals of 5–7 cm, taking into account subsequent thinning. Planting material is deepened by no more than 2 cm.
  • Plantings are abundantly watered with warm water and covered with a film or non-woven material until the first shoots appear.
  • If the threat of night frost has already passed, the mini-greenhouse can be removed.

Mirabilis seedlings are planted in open ground at the end of May, after the weather becomes consistently warm. Don't forget that there is a place for tropical beauty should be chosen in the sunniest and warmest corner of your garden. Leave the interval between seedlings from 30 cm to half a meter, depending on the future size of the plant. Usually the height of the bush reaches from 80 cm to 1 meter, but recently dwarf varieties up to 40 cm high have been obtained.

How to take care of the princess of the night

Mirabilis at all unpretentious flower, and if the soil and the landing site are correctly selected for it, then it will not cause you additional trouble. Like most cultivated plants, the night beauty requires regular watering, fertilizing, weeding and loosening.

  • In open ground, Mirabilis loves abundant, but not frequent watering. Stagnation of moisture should not be allowed, watering the plant on average once a week, depending on the amount of precipitation. The princess perfectly tolerates nights and dry periods, but then flowering may slow down, and its intensity will be somewhat lower. To prevent this from happening, in the complete absence of rain, water the plant once every two days.
  • Mirabilis responds well to top dressing, which he needs at least three per season: at the beginning of the growing season (before the first buds appear), in the middle and at the end of summer. Use mineral complexes for top dressing, and note that the second and third time the fertilizer should not contain a lot of nitrogen, as it inhibits flowering and promotes the growth of green mass.
  • The essential advantage of mirabilis is that it is very resistant to various pests and diseases and therefore does not require additional protection measures.
  • So that your night beauty pleases her blooming view, do not forget not only to water and feed the plant, but also regularly loosen the ground under the bushes and remove weeds.
  • With the onset of frost, you can dig up mirabilis tubers and clean until the next season in a cool dark place by placing in a container filled with sawdust or newspapers. If winters are mild enough in your area, you can leave the tubers for the winter in the ground under a thick layer of mulch or covered with spruce branches.

Mirabilis in landscape design

Among the many varieties of night beauty, there are both tall (up to 1 m) and dwarf (up to 40 cm) varieties. Depending on these features, they choose the role that the princess of the night can play in your garden.

Mirabilis flower comes from warm countries, where it grows as a perennial. In conditions with cold and temperate climate it is grown as an annual garden decoration. How to do it right and what methods of agricultural technology must be observed is described in this article.

About 50 species of mirabilis are known, but in Russia in garden culture most often grown one of them - mirabilis jalapa.

Gardeners lovingly call it "Dawn", "Night Beauty" for the ability to bloom the petals of its flowers in the late afternoon and keep fresh until dawn. The buds open even in cloudy weather, when the sun hides behind the clouds and nature “deceives” the flower, creating the impression of the coming evening.

The flowers live only a few hours and fade, but the brightness of the mirabilis bush does not decrease, because new buds bloom to replace them.
The fragrant night life of the flower begins in May and ends with the arrival of autumn frosts.

A compact bush of mirabilis can reach a height of 80 cm. The color of the flowers is the most diverse color palette: red, orange, lilac, purple, white, yellow and crimson-purple.

But that's not all. Often the petals of funnel-shaped flowers have shades of two, three or more colors. They are both striped and speckled.

It is interesting. On one bush of a night beauty there can be flowers of a completely different color palette.

Mirabilis successfully combines beauty, ease of cultivation and unpretentiousness in growing conditions. It is for these qualities that the flower is called "the joy of a novice gardener."

If it is important for a summer resident to get early flowering plants, then the best option there will be sowing seeds for seedlings at home.

You can do this starting from the end of March - it all depends on weather conditions specific region. You just need to know that mirabilis needs about a month and a half to be ready for transplanting into open ground.

The seeds of the flower are large and rather dense, so some gardeners soak them in warm water for a day. Scarification is also used. In this case, a careful violation of the upper layer of grain is carried out. You can lightly rub the dense shell with a manicure file or sandpaper. When carrying out these manipulations, one should be extremely careful and attentive so as not to hurt the seed itself. Treated seeds will sprout in just a couple of days.

But sowing dry grains will not make you wait long for results. It will be enough to wet the soil well in the sowing bowls and after 5-7 days observe the germination of the night beauty.

When choosing a container for sowing, preference should be given to more voluminous dishes, its depth should not be less than 10 cm and, preferably, individual for each seed. This is due to the rapid development of the plant's root system and rather large sprouts.

Containers are filled soil mixture, which is prepared from the following components:

  • 2 volumes of sod land and peat;
  • 1 volume of finished compost or humus.

Mix everything thoroughly and season with a couple of tablespoons of dolomite flour or half a glass of wood ash, because mirabilis does not like acidic soil. Stir again and fill the glasses.

For disinfection, the soil is watered with a solution of some fungicide. ("Maxim", "Fundazol", "Vitaros") Two seeds are laid out in cups and deepened by 1-1.5 cm. polyethylene film, for creating greenhouse effect and put in a warm place.

After the appearance of sprouts, the containers are rearranged on the windowsill, removing the shelter. When it becomes clear which of the shoots is stronger, the weaker one is removed by simply pinching it at the very base.

The remaining bush is fed with mineral fertilizers. For these purposes, Mortar and Krepysh are suitable - they dissolve well in water and contain a full range of trace elements.

Water the seedlings only when the soil in the cup is dry enough. Mirabilis does not like waterlogging.

Sowing mirabilis seeds for seedlings without stratification: video

When steadily warm weather sets in, the bushes of the night beauty are transferred to open ground. This should be preceded by a two-week hardening of the sprouts.

With all its unpretentiousness and ability to grow on rather poor soils, the night beauty deserves to enrich the soil before planting. Therefore, a little humus and a pinch of complete mineral fertilizer are added to the prepared hole. Mixed with soil, add a handful of ash or dolomite flour. These components will make the soil neutral in reaction to acidity.

Once again, everything is mixed and the potted seedlings are transshipped. By keeping the earthen ball around the root system, the gardener will ensure the flower has a speedy and painless survival. Moderate mulching will keep the soil around the plant loose and keep the need for watering to a minimum. In addition, pre-landing filling of holes nutrients will provide the plant with everything necessary for the entire growing season.

When the plant takes root and comes into force, care for it will be practically not required. Rare watering and loosening of row spacings, removal of weeds are constant companions in the care of all plants. Another top dressing can be done during the flowering period. Dry fertilizer is applied between mirabilis bushes before watering.

The night beauty grows well in lighted areas, but does not tolerate the midday heat well. Therefore, it is better if at this time the flower is in a diffused shade.

You should not abuse such quality of the plant as drought resistance. A long stay of the root system in overdried soil leads to a lack of flowering. And also waterlogging and stagnation of water should not be allowed - this causes rotting of the roots.

How to grow mirabilis: video

Waterlogging is the main cause of flower damage by root rot and in most cases the gardener himself creates the problem. But if this still happened, then in order to correct the situation, first of all, you should stop watering. Remove all damaged parts of the plant, and treat the remaining parts with fungicides. The soil around the affected plants, as well as those adjacent to it, must also be processed to prevent the spread of the disease.

Rust and leaf spot can also touch the charming nocturnal beauty. Removing infected areas of the plant and treating with fungicides will improve planting and protect flowers from damage.

For durability, unpretentiousness and aroma - this amazing plant so loved by gardeners. And the ease of cultivation makes it affordable even for summer residents who are just starting to get acquainted with the basics of agriculture.

After the flower withers, the fruit is formed, boll, which contains a single seed. The grain is large and dense, dark in color, with a rough wrinkled surface. The shape of the seeds is oval and pronouncedly ribbed.

Germination is maintained for 3 years. However, it should be borne in mind that a plant with flowers of unpredictable color will grow from this seed.

The most common varieties of mirabilis

When starting to plant mirabilis on the site, the gardener always takes into account its unusual aroma, and therefore places flowers near recreation areas, summer arbors, terraces. He plants them next to the benches, where he sits down to rest while working in the garden. And also in the immediate vicinity of the house, on lawns and lawns. Each variety of the night beauty carries an amazing aroma and an unusual color of inflorescences that is not inherent, perhaps, in more than one other flower.



Mirabilis variety "Elvira" is herbaceous plant, which grows up to 60 cm, and forms a lush bush with bright green foliage and many flowers. Nature was in a hurry, painting the petals of the night beauty, and the result exceeded all expectations.

On a white or yellow background, strokes and blotches Pink colour, on some they prevail, while others remain slightly touched. Solid ones are located next to the variegated ones, which gives the flower some mystery.

The flowers are small in size, up to 3.5-4 cm in diameter, but their abundance, combined with a unique aroma, creates unique compositions in the evening. And this beauty will fill the garden from July until the first frost.



Densely branched bush up to 60 cm high. Flowers with a diameter of 2.5-3 cm can be either monophonic or with strokes and stripes on the petals. Purple, yellow, white-pink, lilac - the variety of colors cannot be expressed in words.

It is better to take the opportunity to purchase seeds in a specialized store and grow this variety on your own. garden plot. And it will be possible to enjoy the aroma and beauty from June until the cold weather.

The plant is heat-loving, drought tolerant. The buds open after 4 pm and remain open until dawn. It is grown in borders, flower beds and monoplants.



Elongated-rounded bushes from 30 to 80 cm high. Funnel-shaped flowers no more than 3 cm in diameter. The color of the petals is crimson and purple-red, yellow and orange, white and bright red. This variety rarely has two-tone color. The plant prefers open places for growing, but protected from drafts. Heat-loving and drought-resistant. However, with a long absence of watering, the flower stops its development, and the buds and flowers fall off.

Mirabilis is propagated by sowing seeds - either in open ground or for seedlings.



Variety "Marble" is represented by yellow-red, red-white or yellow-white flowers, amazing in beauty and aroma.

The height of the plant can reach 80 cm. The stems are erect, woody by the end of the growing season. Tall lush bushes are strewn with many two-color baskets, the diameter of which is close to 3 cm. The buds bloom in the late afternoon, filling the air with aroma.

Night beauty grows well on loamy and clay soil, which should be limed before planting a flower. Mirabilis does not tolerate high acidity. It is also necessary to take care of drainage - stagnant water leads to diseases of the root system.

The night beauty of the "Marble" variety blooms 2.5 months from the time of sowing the seeds.

"Tea Time Red"

Tea Time Red

A low bush with many shoots of rich dark green color. The flowers are bright pink in color. This variety of nocturnal beauty is resistant to diseases and tolerates spring temperature extremes. This dignity of the flower makes it popular in regions with a cold climate.

"Red Lollipop"

red lollipop

"Red Lollipop" can reach a meter height. Bright and large funnel flowers bloom on wide and smooth stems, up to 6 cm in diameter. "Red Candy" is a strong plant that resists diseases well and tolerates adverse weather conditions well.



The stems and shoots of the plant do not exceed 60 cm in height and have a rich green color.

Lush bushes are literally strewn with plain or striated strokes of various widths, flowers. They will be fragrant all night, attracting night butterflies from all around. And in the morning at about 10 o'clock, when the sun starts to bake, they will curl up again into tubes. If, due to cloudiness, the sun does not appear, then flowering will continue.

In cloudy weather, the flowers of the night beauty remain open all day, painting the garden in white, yellow, lilac and red colors. And only cold autumn nights will stop the amazing nightlife mirabilis.

All, without exception, mirabilis are called night beauty, but there is also a specific variety with the same name.

"Night Beauty"

night beauty

The height of the bushes of the Night Beauty variety varies between 40-50 cm. The flowers are yellow, orange, carmine, red, white, variegated, bestow with aroma and good mood.

The plant is extremely unpretentious. It grows on non-acidic loams, without stagnant water. The place should be lit with light shading in the midday heat.

It is easily grown from seeds: seedlings are sown in April, in open ground - in May. The night beauty blooms from June to September.

Mirabilis is easy to grow, and the result will surely please the gardener with bright, fragrant and long flowering.

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