Seeds seed box cyclamen cultivation. How to grow cyclamen at home from seeds

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Cyclamen refers to many years of plants. The flower is blossomed in late autumn and winter, throwing up to 15 buds different shades: from salmon and gently pink to saturated lilac and purple. At home, it is recommended to grow European and Persian varieties, as well as their hybrids with terry and corrugated petals. To get healthy and beautiful plantsYou should select high-quality seeds and carefully care for them.

Good and bad sowing material

Buying bags with future cyclamers in a flower shop store, you should check the date of the shelf life of the sowing material. In fresh copies, almost one hundred percent germination, and expired options turn into sprouts only in rare cases. More often they reap and die.

Bought seeds necessarily sort, separating a viable billet from empty shells. Check the landing material simply:

  1. Dissolve in a glass of water 20-30 g crash salt or white sugar.
  2. Lower cyclamen seeds into liquid and stir 5 minutes.
  3. Wait until one piece of sowing material pops up to the surface, and the second will fall on the bottom.
  4. The solution is to merge together with empty shells. They will be upstairs.
  5. Seeds, located on the bottom, rinse with clean water and soak so that they are swollen and have increased in size.

To the container with future cyclamen should add "zircon". The tool helps the seeds adapt to the substrate, stimulates the growth of the flower and increases its resistance to diseases. You can do without additive, simply seeing sowing material in warm water for 1-2 days.

Swelling seeds without drying, immediately planted in wooden drawerfilled with a special mixture. Cyclamen will need 30-40 days to get into and strengthen. During this period, it is important to protect seeds from sharp temperature differences and not to fill with water, otherwise even the strongest and tempered planting material will begin to rot and die.

Nourishing substrate

Cyclamen are not too picky and can put roots in almost any soil. The main thing is that the land corresponds to the three criteria:

  • did not turn into a dense lump during drying;
  • allowed the root system to breathe;
  • disposed excess moisture into the pallet, and did not delay the pot inside.

Some gardeners recommend peat. Yes, the material is nutritious and contains many minerals that will accelerate the growth of cyclamen, but there is one minus: such a soil will absorb too much moisture. We will have to constantly monitor that the middle and lower layer of peat have time to dry until the next watering, otherwise root system Plants attack fungus, and flower will die.

Many nutrient components are contained in leaf land. Select varieties with non-inflexible bark residues and fallen leaves. Dernery soil is suitable. The soil brought from the forest or the vegetable garden is necessarily calcined, they can be boiled or disinfected in the double boiler. High temperatures will destroy eggs insects and weed disputes, as well as fungus and disease.

Peat or land is mixed with coarse-grained sand or small perlite to make the substrate loose. Cyclamen are better growing in weakly acidic or neutral soil, so at a high level pp it is advisable to add 10-20 g of dolomite flour to the substrate.

It will take a shallow wide drawer made of wood or plastic. Seeds can not be planted into separate pots until they sprouted. A weak root system is not capable of occupying all the space, so the soil starts to rope and mold. As a result, young shoots are sick and dying.

Planting seeds of cyclamen just:

  1. The bottom of the box is putting on a clay, shallow pebbles or grated foam. The material performs the drainage function.
  2. Half filled with a substrate, which is tightly tamped. Make toothpick shallow wells or grooves for seeds.
  3. Put wet planting material on the substrate. Fall asleep with a thin layer of sand, which will provide sprouts by air and will not allow moisture to be stirred.
  4. Add from above 0.5-1 cm peat or nutritious land.
  5. Moisten from the pulverizer.
  6. Cover with glass or food film. It turns out a kind of greenhouse.

At the first stage, cyclamen do not need light or abundant watering. Seeds should be protected from drafts and sharp temperature drops. The proceeding sprouts are ventilated daily, lifting glass or opening the film. Keep a bin away from open windows And the slots so that the draft does not cause the death of cyclamen.

The lid is removed after the formation of the first full-fledged leaf. Saplings give several days to adapt, and after transplanted into new separate containers.

Piking rules

Pots choose medium depth with a small diameter. The flower will live in them a year, a maximum of two, and after you have to transplant the plant into a more spacious vase. In the day they make one large hole in which they have been burning from gauze or a short thicker rope. Cyclamen can not watered as ordinary room Flowers. Water is destructive for the root cervical socket, so it must come from below, and not on top. Thanks to the rope, the plant gets required amount liquids.

The dive of cyclamen occurs in several stages:

  1. Pot fill in any drainage material.
  2. Vase is half filled with a substrate with the addition of sand and perlite.
  3. It is plentiful to pour the land in a box in which cyclamen grow. It is so easier to remove the sprouts and not damage the root system.
  4. Saplings with lumps of soil move to a pot. Sleep the substrate and tightly tumped by leaving the root neck on the surface.
  5. Do not water for several days, let the flowers absorb liquid from the lump of land, together with which they were transferred to a new pot.
  6. A week later, it fell as a seedlings with a solution of ammonium sulfate. Mineral additive will accelerate the adaptation of cyclamen and protect the rapid flowers from diseases.
  7. 7 days after the first fertilizer, it is necessary to fix the result with a solution of potash salt.

Important: Cyclamen picking is carried out 3-4 months after the appearance of germs. Sprouts will have to strengthen, and the transplant will not be too large for them.

Pots with young flowers are installed on a special pallet filled with shallow or medium pebbles. The drainage layer is necessary that the substrate always remains slightly wet, but not wet.

Light day, watering and temperature regime

The seed boxes are kept in cool rooms, where the temperature does not fall below + 16-14 and does not rise above + 18-19. In the heat, the plant flows into the hibernation, and its development slows down. In order for the flower to grow faster and more active, the box can be put in the basement or take it on the balcony if the early spring is outside the window. But the cold is also able to destroy shoots, so cyclamen are protected from frost and low temperatures. If the thermometer shows + 5-10, seedlings should be added to the house. Adult flowers feel comfortable at +20 and lower. Heat relaxes exotic plantIt becomes more vulnerable and can get sick.

Rossels that did not have time to scream, the light is not needed. But when the first purple lattice appears, the containers with flowers are rearranged to a western or eastern window or installed next to them phytolampu. The direct ultraviolet is dangerous for cyclameman. The sun burns and injures leaves, cuts the soil. In the summer, the flowers shadow and hide in the distant corners of the house where the muffled light is cool. On the windows you should hang tulle, lace translucent curtains or blinds so that they dissipate and softened sun rays.

Water cyclamen with a standing filtered water. You can dial from under the crane or collect rain. Liquid is not necessary to warm up, but also ice water not the best choice. Let it be room temperature or a little warmer.

Water is not pouring into a pot, but in the pallet. Leave for 30-50 minutes so that the plant will "get drunk". The rest is neatly merged. It is impossible to breed the swamp in which the fungus or mold will be.

Summer air around the cyclame is useful to moisten from the spray gun to protect the plant from the heat. Gently disseminate the liquid from the pulverizer at a distance of 30-40 cm from the top of the flower. It is impossible that the moisture droplets fall on the stems and root neck, as well as buds and blossomed inflorescences.

Tip: You can periodically wipe the cyclame leaves with a wet sponge or a rut to remove dust, and prevent the appearance of a paw-tong.

Helpful information

  1. The first 3-4 months after picking, exotic flowers are practically not growing up, because they increase the tubers and the root system. As soon as the lower part of the plant fill the pot, the top will become curd, and a kidney will appear 7-8 months after 7-8 months.
  2. Looking out the seeds of cyclamen is recommended in March or April, when it is cool and not too sunny.
  3. Fertilize exotic flowers follows 1-2 times a month, introducing weak solutions. When the cyclaman drops the leaves and go into a hibernation stage, you should refuse additives and cut watering. When re-equipment of mineral salts in the soil, the plant weakens and sweeps.
  4. When the flower "wakes up", and the first leaflets will appear, it should be transplanted into a new, more spacious, pot.

To grow cyclamen from the seeds can be completely loved by lovers who only learn this subtle science. It is necessary to hide an exotic plant from the sun, keep it in a cool room and periodically moisturize the soil. If you observe simple rules, just a year after disembarking, exotic flowers are fixed and will throw off their first buds.

Video: How to grow cyclamen from seeds

The cyclamen flower refers to perennial plants. It begins to bloom in late autumn or in winter. The process of growing flower from seeds is the most common, although not the only one. Grow cyclamen seed fashion It is easy and die even inexperienced gardeners, but it takes a lot of time. From the moment of planting seeds before the start of flowering goes around a year. All this time, you need painstakingly care for young plants.

Plant Description

Cyclamen (Cyclamen) refers to perennial herbatous plants From the family of color. Natural Cyclamen Habitat - Small Asia and central Europe. This flower has a tuber-like root system with one point of growth. The tuberukovitsa in diameter can reach 15 cm. Dark green leaves on long stiffs are distinguished by special decorativeness due to the original gray pattern on their surface. Single flowers on long flowering on their shape resemble butterflies. They have 5 pointed bent petals. The color scheme can be the most diverse: from white to lilac. At home, bloom lasts up to 3 months.

MORE 20 species of this plant are known, but to grow a flower at home, only 2 apply.

Cyclamen Persian

Persian cyclamen grown most often. This type of cyclamen differs especially beautiful leaves and flowers. The height of this plant can be from 15 to 30 cm. Large velvety leaves of the heart-shaped shape in diameter reach 15 cm. Flowers of 5 curved petals may have various coloring. In the period of rest, this cyclaman recesses foliage.

European cyclamen

European cyclamen is similar to the previous view, but it has smaller dimensions. The leaves of the rounded form from above have a dark green color, and from the bottom side of purple. The sheet diameter does not exceed 5 cm. Small flowers can be white, pink and red.

How to plant cyclamen seeds?

Bought in a flower shop or independently collected from home cycles seeds before planting must be prepared. It will improve the germination and reduce the period of germination of seeds. Preparations are carried out in three ways:

  • Seeds are soaked in cool water with a dishwashing agent. On 1 cup of water take 2 drops of dishwashes. In this solution, the seeds are soaked for 3 days, changing fluid daily.
  • For soaking, a weak solution of manganese is used. Picking time 14 hours.
  • Seeds are soaked in a solution of "epin" or "zircon", adding 3 drops to 300 ml of water. Soaking time is 16 hours.

Cyclamen seeds

It is necessary to sow prepared seeds of cyclamen in the fall, at the end of September. For germination use light nutrient soil. It can be purchased in a flower shop already ready or mixed alone from equal parts of peat and deciduous humus. The seed seed container must have drainage holes. Step-by-step planting process looks like this:

  1. 1. The bottom of the drainage layer from the ceramisit, foam or any other is placed on the bottom suitable material. The prepared soil prepared and moisturize it.
  2. 2. Prepared seeds close up in shallow grooves or simply lay down on the surface of the soil, by observing the interval of 3-4 cm.
  3. 3. Then the crops are sprinkled with a thin layer of soil and moisturize.
  4. 4. The container is closed with glass or film and put in a darkened cool room for germination.

Instead of light soil for planting seeds, you can use special peat tablets For seedlings. They are placed in the container and poured warm water. When the pills are scattering, each need to plant seeds into the center, cover the container with glass and remove into a dark cool place. Periodically, the film is removed for ventilating and humidification of the soil.

How to care for seedlings?

After germination of seeds, shelter is cleaned and put boxes with seedlings on the illuminated place, but so that the straight rays do not fall into young plants. It is noted that seedlings of cyclamen are better growing at a temperature of +16 degrees. But if there is no such possibility, the seedlings will grow and at normal room temperature if they provide them with the necessary care.

Shoots of cyclamen look like small loops of pink-purple color. First, a small tuber appears with the root and rooting occurs, only then the loop unfolds and a sheet develops. In some cases, he cannot completely free themselves from the peel due to lack of moisture. In this case, the seedback must be sprayed with water and after half an hour carefully remove the peel.

Seedling cyclamen

Just emerging searches must be watered very carefully from the pipette. The soil must be wet all the time, but not too wet.

Seedlings grow very slowly, as the tuber extension first and only after 3 months the development of leaves begins.

When young plants appear 2 sheets, they are pricted in separate small containers filled with special soil for cyclamen. This procedure is produced 5-6 months after planting seeds, that is, in March. Pricing Procedure:

  1. 1. For dive, small containers are selected with one hole at the bottom, in which a thick rope or gauze is inserted for water intake.
  2. 2. At the bottom, the pot lay the drain layer, and then half filled with soil for cyclamen.
  3. 3. The land in a container with a sediment is abundantly watered and gently take out sprouts, trying not to damage the tubers. Saplings are transferred to a new container, the soils are packed and tightly tamped, without blocking the root neck.
  4. 4. Saplings are not crowded for several days so that the plants absorb moisture from the Earth Koma, together with which they moved.
  5. 5. A week after picking the plant, ammonium sulfate is picked. A week later, a solution of potash salter is made.

Cyclamen is perennial plants. In the flowering phase, it enters late autumn and in winter, while it blooms up to fifteen buds of various shades. They can be painted in salmon, gently pink, saturated lilac and purple colors.

For growing at home, flowerflowers prefer to choose European and Persian varieties of this plant. So that you have healthy cycles that can delight eyes with your lush and bright blossomIt should be responsible approaching the choice of sowing material and provide proper care plants.

In wildlife conditions, you can meet about fifteen species of this plant. Them most of It grows in Europe, more precisely, in its central part and the countries of the Mediterranean. Only two types are grown at home: Persian and European (purple).

The main difference of these two varieties is the size of the Persian cyclamen much larger than its European fellow. These decorative flowers have won popularity among flower water due to their beautiful appearance and unpretentious care.

Second title european cyclamen - "Alpine violet". Throughout life, he feels great on the windowsill in any rooms, if the air temperature is held at eighteen-twenty degrees of heat. It does not require a certain indicator of humidity for well-being and development. Able to please abundant and lush blossom From spring to autumn. Compared to the Persian view, such plants are very rare in flower stores. Persian cyclamen is a parent for many modern hybrid varieties.

Grow cyclamen is easy and simply important, take into account the needs of plants and comply with the rules for care.

Gallery: Cyclamen (25 photos)

Choose sowing material

By purchasing bags with sowing materials for growing cyclamen, it is necessary to pay attention to the shelf life of seeds. Fresh copies are distinguished by one hundred percent germination, while old options can only give shoots in very rare cases. Most often they just get in the ground and die.

Purchased seeds B. obligatory It should be sorted to separate the viable sowing material from empty, unsuitable for the landing of the shells. Make it pretty simple:

  1. In a glass of water, dissolve twenty grams of cook salt or white sugar.
  2. Practice future cyclamen in this liquid and stir for five minutes.
  3. Stop stirring and leave the glass alone. After a while, a good sowing material will fall on the bottom, and empty shells will pop up to the surface.
  4. Drain the solution from the glass along with the husks unsuitable for planting.
  5. The remaining seeds rinse with clean water and soak up to their swelling and increase in size.

Growing at home

Kircon is recommended for clumsy cyclamen. This drug is designed to help sowing material adapt to the soil, as well as to stimulate the growth and development of sustainability various diseases. Of course, you can do without this, without this, placing the seeds in warm water for one or two days.

The swollen seeds should be removed from the water and without drying to planted in a wooden box filled with a special soil. Sprouts will need about thirty - forty days before they proceed and fix it. In this responsible period, it is especially important to protect crops from sharp temperature jumps and in no case to fill with water, since even the most hardened and sturdy planting material will not be able to survive in such conditions and hesitates, which will lead to the death of crops.

Nutrient soil preparation

To grow cyclamen, you do not need to have any special skills and knowledge. These plants are completely noncains, so they are able to put roots in almost any soil. The main thing is that it corresponds to the three primary criteria:

  1. I did not form a dense earth com during drying.
  2. I missed oxygen and allowed the roots of the plant to breathe.
  3. He contributed to the withdrawal of excess water into the pallet, and did not detain it in the pot.

Many flower products are recommended to use peat cyclamen to grow. It has a number of unconditional advantages, as it is very nutritious and contains a large number of various minerals that contribute to the acceleration of color growth. The only disadvantage of this material is good absorption, it will delay in a pot too much moisture. Therefore, it is constantly necessary to check the middle and the bottom layer or have not yet managed. Other than too high humidity Soil can lead to the rotation of the root system or the appearance of a fungal infection that attacks cyclamen and will die.

If you decide to take the garden land brought from a flowerbed or garden, be sure to learn it before use and hide with boiling water or disinfected in a double boiler. High temperatures contribute to the destruction of insect eggs, disputes of weeds, mushrooms and illness.

To prepare a loose substrate from the Earth or peat, they should be mixed with small perlit or large river sand. Cyclamen more to taste neutral and weakness soils, so if the soil high level pH, it should add 10-20 grams of dolomite flour.

Sowing seeds in the ground

In order to grow cyclame seeds to seedlings at home, you will need a shallow wide tree or plastic box. Seeds can not immediately plant in separate pots. This is done only after the seedlings grow up, because the root planting system is not capable of occupying all the space pot and this leads to zakining and molding the soil, and then to the disease and death of young sprouts.

  1. Fill the bottom of the box drainage. This feature is capable of performing materials such as clamzite, crumbling foam or small pebbles.
  2. Half fill the box with the substrate and confuse it tightly.
  3. With toothpicks or spanks, make for seeds of grooves or shallow wells.
  4. Place the wet planting material in the box, falling asleep from above the thin layer of sand. Sand will help to provide young shoots to air and will prevent moisture stagnation.
  5. On the sand, place a centimeter layer of nutrient land or peat, moisturize with a spray gun.
  6. So that the seeds of the cyclameman of the peasors sprout provide them with greenhouse conditions. To do this, cover the box with a cellophane package, transparent film or a piece of glass.

On the initial stage cyclamen not required abundant irrigation and sunlight. Landing should be protected from sharp temperature differences and drafts. After the first sprouts appear, it will be necessary to register seedlings, removing a kind of greenhouse for a while. Choose such a place for the box where it will be away from the slots and open windows so that strong drafts cannot harm landings.

After the plants have a full-fledged first sheet, the greenhouse should be removed. Saplings will be required for several days to adapt, then they can be transplanted into separate pots or kashpo.

Transfer (Picking) seedlings

For transplanting seedlings from a box for individual pots, a small diameter chest middle depth. After picking, the plant will live in it for a whole year or even two before the need for a more spacious pot will appear. At the bottom of all kashpo, it will be necessary to do one quite a large hole, and then to turn into it a piece of thick rope or burn out of gauze.

Water has a destructive effect on cyclamen, damaging its root neck and leaf outlets. Therefore, they should not be water from above, as ordinary plants. For this, both ripes are needed or gauze harnesses - they will help the flower to get the required amount of moisture from top, and below, immediately to the root system.

Picking should be carried out in several stages:

  1. Place the pot on the bottom of any drainage material. To do this, the grated foam plastic is perfect, small pebbles and crumbling ceramzit.
  2. Fill the pot to half the substrate mixed with sand and perlite (it is necessary to provide a plant with an oxygen influx).
  3. Go to the box with a seedler. Understand it with water. It will help to easily remove the sprouts from the soil without damaging their root system.
  4. Saplings with small earth lumps place in pots. Failure the required amount of substrate and confuse it tightly so that the root cervix remains on the surface.
  5. Do not water the plants for several days. They will absorb moisture from earthen lumps, together with which they were transplanted into new pots.
  6. About a week later, cyclamen will need a feeding, so they should be presented with ammonium sulfate solution. This mineral additive will contribute to the successful adaptation of colors and protect even rapid plants from various diseases.
  7. A week later, after the first feeding, it will be necessary to consolidate the result with a solution of potassium nitrate.
  8. When plants need to irrigate, rearrange the pots into special pallets filled with small pebbles. This stone drainage is necessary that the soil always be slightly humid, but in no matter is not wet.

Note! Cyclamen transplantation should be carried out only three or four months after the appearance of the first sprouts. During this time they will be able to strengthen, and the transplant will not call in the seedlings of a large stress.

Indoors where you keep the box with seeds must be supported temperature mode. The air temperature should be no higher than 19 degrees and not lower than 14-16 degrees.

In warm, shoots can go into hibernation, which will extremely slow down the development of plants. In order for flowers to grow quickly and actively, a box with a seedler can be placed in a basement or take a balcony if an early spring is standing outside the window.

The cold has a destructive effect on shoots, so they should be protected from low temperatures and frosts. If the temperature on the street is drawn up five to ten degrees of heat, the box will need to return back to the house. Adult cyclamen feel well at 20 degrees and below. The strong heat does not act on this exotic plant, weakens it, which is why it becomes vulnerable and badly resistive diseases.

Sprouts that have not yet proceeded do not need lighting. But as soon as purple strings begin to appear on the surface of the soil, the tank with the seedle should be rearranged on the eastern or western windowsill. Also near the box you can install a special phytolampu. Remember: straight sun rays are very dangerous for cyclamen. They can burn and injure plants and cut the soil.

For the summer, pots with flowers should be rearranged in the long corners of the house, where it is rather cool and muted light. To provide cyclamen with scattered light, you can curtail the windows of fine gauze or tulle.

The cultivation of cyclamen is a slight and exciting occupation. With him will be able to cope with avid flowerflowers, and those who have encountered decorative colors for the first time.

Cyclamen is blooming and very pleasant plantwhose popularity increases significantly lately. Two types of it are most common as indoor crops: European and Persian cyclamen. Both types simply conquer with their original and charming flowers.

With the cultivation of cyclames from seeds, first of all, it will be necessary for the first six months to be patient. For lovers of this magnificent plant, this period is the most difficult because during the first six months they spare and grow seedlings quite slowly. To grow cyclamen at home, follows adhere to a specific instruction:

  • in February - Marta is best of all seeds of this plant soaring in the soil. When at this time it did not work for any reason to sow seed, then you should wait until August;
  • before sowing, the seeds must be soaked for 18 hours in the prepared solution (4 drops of "epina-extra" divorce in the prepared solution (half of the glass of water);
  • then you should cook soil mixture. This will require stir peat with leaf ground in equal amounts, after which it is moistened, put it in a container and cover it with an opaque lid;
  • in the container it is necessary to sow treated seeds to a depth of approximately 1 centimeter and at a distance of each other 2-3 centimeters. Then container with seeds cover with a lid and leave in such a place in which the air temperature is held within 18-20 ° C. Approximately 1-2 months of the seed seeds will germinate;
  • when the seeds seeds are available, the container must be moved to a well-lit place so that at the same time there are not straight sun rays. You can even pronounce a slightly plants if necessary;
  • seeders in the pot are diveWhen there will be at least two leaves on plants. The mixture for the pots is as follows: in equal parts mixed by humus, sand, stern and leafy ground. In one pot at the same time, 2-3 plants can be planted;
  • after half a year, plants should be transplanted into pots, the diameter of which does not exceed 7 centimeters. A mixture for plants transplantation is used in the same composition that when recording plants. Third tuber should be over the surface of the soil;
  • it should be poured carefully so that water does not fall on the leaves and the tuber, and the room temperature did not exceed 20 ° C;
  • first flowers in the cultivation of cyclamen from seeds must bloom for the second year After their sowing.

Beautiful compositions of cyclamen

Features of growing cyclamen

Every person who wants to grow cyclamen from seeds should remember platter care features. The future growing of cyclamen directly depends on this:

Bright I. original flowers Cyclamen resemble the sun. Inspiration, joy and sunlight overwhelm flowers beautiful flower. Cyclamen is very useful to keep in such houses where people with changeable, soft, pliable character live, emotional condition which depends often on the opinion and mood of others. Cyclamen sunny flowers capable frequently closed energies. In the house, thanks to this flower, a relaxed and easy atmosphere is created, causing a desire to do something pleasant to each other.

- Magnificent flower, to have that any lover of indoor plants wants. Unfortunately, to take a sprout from acquaintances will not work - it breeds exclusively by seeds or tubers. But in the case of tubers, the risk of the fact that the plant will not survive. So, if there is a desire to please yourself and close to new plants, you have to learn how to collect and grow seeds.

How to get and collect seeds?

Of course, you can simply get the planting material in the store. It will be already prepared for sowing, besides it will be possible to choose from a larger variety of varieties. But when buying in the store, it is not always possible to be confident in the quality of the shelf life of seeds in the package.

It is worth knowing that from large seeds, plants are obtained that are faster developing. But some flower products believe that when growing seedlings from small seed in a year, a flower will succeed large quantity Basins and terry flowers. To do this, on a weak seedlings, a couple of flowers should be polled, after which it will begin to actively develop.

Preparation and sowing

There are 2 ways to prepare planting material To the crop, which even begin to take advantage of the novice flowerflower:

The key to good growth of the plant is the right soil. At home it is easy to do it yourself. This will require either peat with sheet ground, or vermiculite with peat in a 1: 1 ratio. You can just buy such a mix in the store.

In the landing pot, drainage holes must be necessary - otherwise the roots of the cyclameman will be charged. For drainage, clamzit or foam balls are perfect.

Care for seedlings

The growth of young plants is almost invisible, as they actively increase the root system. When a young plant will have a minimum of 3 leaf, it can be transplanted into a separate one. At the same time, the tank for an adult hole also needs drainage holes and drainage.

  • Young sprouts do not need additional feeding up to 6 months.
  • Plants are preferred by constantly moistage soil up to a year. Adult cyclamen should water moderately.
  • Cyclamen can be placed in the passage room - it is completely not afraid of drafts.
  • For the appearance of shoots, additional lighting is not necessary.
  • For a better result during pollination, the plant is important to feed the phosphorus-potash fertilizer. So the chance of successful completion of the process will increase.

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