Indoor plants with a pleasant scent of leaves. Herbs with lemon scent - photos and names

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Due to its beautiful appearance and exotic origin, lemon will become a real decoration of your home. And the pleasant lemon scent from the plant spreads even from the slightest breath of breeze, so they put it on the balcony and the air entering the apartment is already filled with the freshness of the citrus aroma.

Pelargonium is one of the species in the Geramiaceae family. Scented pelargonium is often referred to as the smelling geranium. The confusion in the names occurs because the plants have a very similar leafy part, and they are all identified in the same family. Geranium is called a plant called Herb Robert, and also cranes-bill because of the shape of the fruit of the seed box or storks-bill for its resemblance to the beak of a bird.

Pelargonium leaves have a very distinctive appearance. They have beautiful, sometimes deep cuts, their curved shape sometimes resembles a frill. The color spectrum of their deciduous part is from light green to dark green, and the leaves of some species are creamy, red and even purple colors... The plant reaches a height of 30 to 80 cm.

The family of geraniums from the genus Pelargonium has more than 200 species. Among them, the five most common types can be distinguished, these are:

  • decorative deciduous;
  • ivy or balcony;
  • fragrant;
  • English, they are noble;
  • zonal (standing).

You can also pay attention to the sixth type - these are succulent pelargoniums, they have more fleshy stems and an original appearance, for which they are often used in ikebana compositions and.

A green shoot can sprout roots just in a glass of water; such water can be protected from decay by dropping a little wood ash into it. After the sprout has sprouted, it can be planted in the soil with the addition of sand and charcoal; drainage must be laid on the bottom of the pot. Remember, lemon geraniums don't like stagnant water.

You need to put the flower on a windowsill where there is a lot of bright, but diffused light, when dark lighting the plant will stretch out and turn pale.

Essential Lemon Geranium Care

Geranium breeders often face the problem of rare flowering and "correct" this deficiency with generous fertilization or bright daytime sun. This is not worth doing. The main reason for the lack of flowering of lemon geraniums is excessive fertilization and heat. Fertilizers can provoke the growth of luxurious green mass, but not flowering. The situation can be corrected by two days of abundant watering, this will help wash off fertilizers from the root system and after that you immediately need to return to the usual watering regime without.

Lovers of geranium flowers should remember that only zonal geraniums prefer very bright light and, if there is not enough light, they stop blooming.

In the cold season, they even need extra lighting to stimulate their flowering. Other plant species should be placed in areas of partial shade, especially during the day and summer.

Lemon geranium will tell you about insufficient lighting with its increased growth and light leaves, by this it expresses the need for sunlight for at least 6 hours a day.

With increased growth, you need to pinch the shoots and the plant will grow in width.

In winter, geranium must be removed from a cold place, the temperature of its content should be + 8-12 degrees.

Taking care of lemon geraniums is not difficult, you just need to adhere to the basic rules of plant maintenance. Basically, you need to properly monitor the lighting, hide the flower from direct sunlight, you do not need to water often, but regularly and not very abundantly, spraying is allowed only in extreme heat.

The right soil for planting geraniums

The percentage of soil acidity plays an important role when planting geraniums. The plant does not tolerate a decrease in soil acidity below 5.5 pH, otherwise the plant stops feeding. For normal nutrition of lemon geranium, soil should be slightly acidic and equal to 6.5 pH.

While watching the video, you will learn about the plant in more detail.

A convenient capacious flowerpot, correctly selected soil and adherence to all the rules for caring for the plant will make your lemon geranium beautiful, lush, smelling and blooming.

Attention super FLY!

"They say that to exude a scent means to waste yourself," wrote the poetess Irina Feshchenko-Skvortsova. Green friends grow in our flowerpots, who give us a part of their soul - a noble and exquisite fragrance. So who are they, the most fragrant houseplants?

Plectrantus(indoor mint). This plant with curly light green leaves is capable of filling the house with an amazing scent of mint - you just need to touch it. Loves bright rooms and good watering... Grows quickly when handled with care. Belongs to the same family as peppermint. I have not met any official records regarding the consumption of food, however, at my own peril and risk, I sometimes add it to tea and ice cream. But what's true is true: Plectrantus scent has soothing properties and promotes good sleep.

Indoor rose
Muraya (murraya) paniculata... A single flower from this rare Japanese tree can scent a standard room at 18 square meters... Since the smell of such a plant has a long range. The aroma of muraya is complex, similar to the smell of jasmine and lemon flowers at the same time. They say it has a beneficial effect on the heart. If you provide the plant of Japanese emperors with proper care and good lighting, it is capable of blooming all year round. However, flowers, like all representatives of the rutaceae family, last only a day, a maximum of two.

Sansevieria... All varieties of this popular indoor phytogenet produce unusually long stalks that bloom in the evening and emit a pleasant and draining scent reminiscent of the scent of a lily. Sansevieria (sansevieria) blooms in spring and / or autumn. Each flower fades in the morning. However, there are many of them on the peduncle, so you can enjoy the fragrance for a long time.

Room rose essential oil... It has a bright and delicate aroma. It is believed to have a good effect on well-being and is a powerful aphrodisiac. The smell of this flower can be heard wonderfully in a small room.

Indoor jasmine (sambac)... Another aphrodisiac is a smelling houseplant. It blooms with small white flowers, but how richly they are fragrant! When caring for homemade jasmine, you need to take into account that this is a climbing plant, so it needs support.

Lemon geranium... As a matter of fact, all geranium and pelargonium leaves give off odors. But in the same zonal pelargonium, it is specific (although the essential oil of this particular plant is used in perfumery). But the leader of the scent of living fragrances can be called lemon geranium, the leaves of which exude the goodness of lemon. (If you walk past the market, it is often sold by older women from their home collections.) There are varieties that have a natural aromatic composition of lemon-rose, lemon-lemon balm, lemon-wormwood, and even Coca-Cola.

Pelargonium zonal... And yet this beauty cannot be ignored. It is essential in a living home fragrance collection because its leaves serve as an indicator of well-being. If she smells unpleasant for you, then this is an indicator of psychological well-being. If, on the contrary, the smell seems attractive - in the emotional sphere, not everything is ok. Most likely, you are overworked - and you need peace.

Eucalyptus... All varieties of this plant emit a fragrance. But the most striking of these indoor trees possesses lemon eucalyptus. With a slight touch, even on one leaf, it is able to saturate a standard medium-sized room with aroma.

Myrtle: "fragrant carpet"
Common myrtle... One touch to the small, dark green leaves of this house tree or shrub fills the room with a conifer-like scent.

Gardenia... She is an English rose. The languid languid fragrance of this green miracle cannot be forgotten. It is often found in perfume compositions and is used as a solo scent. Taking care of this houseplant is challenging, but well worth the effort. Carefully! There are reports on the Internet that this flower needs to be fed ... with meat. If you want to send this exotic to another world, use this advice. If you want him to stay longer on the windowsill, in no case do this: even small particles of meat clog the soil. It is more correct to use meat water: rinse the container where there was fresh meat or fish, drain into a bottle. And, before watering the plant, thoroughly filter this water through cheesecloth (in order to remove meat or fish pieces).

Spicy plants... Namely, noble laurel, rosemary, which can be eaten, are great for keeping at home and fill the room with a pleasant aroma.

Citrus trees... Everything glows in them with pleasant notes: both leaves and flowers. Grow at home indoor lemon, tangerine, calamondin, orange and even grapefruit.

Cactus... Oddly enough, but these thorns can also become sources of home incense. Some types of astrophytums (emit the smell of pineapple), echinopsis, hymnocalycium have fragrant flowers.

Conifers... Indoor plants that smell can be safely attributed to representatives of the conifer family. However, it is extremely difficult to maintain them at home - you need to spray a lot, protect from dry air. The most "surviving" houses are considered cypress, cypress, araucaria. But they also need to be looked after very carefully.

Such a fragrant bouquet can be collected on one windowsill. Definitely smelling indoor flowers are natural air fresheners. Unlike synthetic means - "stubs" of unpleasant odors, based on a combination of artificial substances, home green friends do not destroy, but improve health. And another important difference with household chemicals: the aroma of houseplants does not irritate the sense of smell (smelling synthetics can ruin it). And the main thing in such "perfumes in flowerpots" - they are a gift of Nature itself.

Plant with small flowers pink or purple. The leaves are carved, reminiscent of grapes, covered with tiny villi on both sides. The plant can grow to a height of over one meter.

Geranium has antiseptic properties, kills bacteria in the air and absorbs odors, which is why this plant has found a place in the kitchen.

It has a calming effect and is widely used in aromatherapy.

We offer you to watch a video about fragrant geranium:


An evergreen tree reaching a height of 1.5 meters at home. The leaves are dark green in color with a distinct citrus flavor and aroma. A distinctive feature of the plant is the simultaneous appearance of delicate white flowers of a small size and red elongated berries, outwardly similar to rose hips.

  • Phytoncides contained in the leaves purify polluted air, help treat headaches and cardiovascular diseases: hypertension, angina pectoris and more.
  • Trace minerals improve mood and stimulate mental activity.
  • Murray berries, sweetish in taste, raise the tone and are used to prevent withering of the body.

We offer you to watch a video about the muraya plant:

Fragrant plectrantus or bristle flower

Perennial herb, with fleshy, rounded leaves covered with hairs. White, lilac and purple bell-shaped flowers of the bristle are collected in multi-flowered inflorescences. At home, it reaches 80 centimeters in height.

If you break the plant, you can feel a strong mint-lemon aroma.

Medicinal infusions from aromatic plectrantus:

  • have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects;
  • have a mild laxative effect;
  • help with heartburn and gastritis;
  • improve appetite;
  • relieve rheumatism.

Spicy and medicinal herbs whose leaves smell like citrus

Melissa officinalis

Grown in Europe and North America... Perennial herb with oval leaves with denticulate ends and a relief structure. The inflorescence consists of several small corollas with white or bluish petals.

  • Lemon balm preparations have a pronounced sedative effect. They contribute to the treatment of insomnia, relieve spasms, have choleretic, diuretic and healing effects.
  • Tea reduces arterial pressure and soothes inflamed gastrointestinal mucosa.

The use of lemon balm is good for women's health:

  • normalizes the menstrual cycle;
  • relieves inflammation of the appendages;
  • relieves toxicosis during pregnancy.

We offer you to watch a video about Melissa officinalis:

Cat mint

Distributed in central Russia, in southern and central Europe, in the North Caucasus, Far East and the USA.

The plant is about one meter high and has a woody stem with carved heart-shaped leaves, the inflorescence consists of small white or lilac petals.

Cat mint:

  • treats insomnia;
  • calms the nerves;
  • facilitates the excretion of phlegm with bronchitis;
  • relieves spasms of the brain and intestines;
  • induces an appetite.

The plant is used in the veterinary field, for the prevention of the appearance of worms in animals, as well as a sedative for cats.

We suggest watching a video about catnip:

Snakehead moldavian

Grows throughout most of Eurasia and North America in temperate climates... Herbaceous plant, with small elongated leaves with teeth at the edges. Purple flowers form a racemose inflorescence... The snakehead grows up to 80 centimeters.


  • May help with neuralgia, headache and toothache.
  • Improves digestion.
  • Boosts immunity.
  • It has a choleretic effect.
  • has an antiseptic effect.
  • Heals wounds and relieves inflammation.

We offer you to watch a video about the Moldavian snakehead:

Lemon Basil (Ocimum x citriodorum)

It originated from Central and South Asia and spread throughout the world. The plant is up to 50 centimeters high. Strong branched stem with many small rough leaves oblong. Flowers are formed at the top of the branch and are white or pale pink.

It is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and Bladder, flatulence and bloating.

Lemon Verbena (Aloysia citriodora, Aloysia triphylla)

It grows on almost all continents, but South America is considered its homeland. A lush plant with narrow, arched leaves. It blooms with small inflorescences of a light purple hue (resembles a lilac branch). Has a pronounced lemon scent.

  • treats diseases of the digestive tract;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • tones up the body;
  • improves mood.

It is a real salvation for skin rashes, evens out the complexion and rejuvenates.

We suggest watching a video about lemon verbena:

Lemon thyme (Thymus x citriodorus)

Grown in the temperate climates of the northern hemisphere. Perennial plant, up to 30 centimeters high.

The leaves are round and small, dark green in the middle and pale green at the edges. The flowers are purple.

  • In medicine, the plant has shown itself to be effective in diseases of the respiratory tract.
  • It inhibits the development of pathogenic microflora.
  • Normalizes the production of gastric juice.
  • Promotes heart health.
  • Promotes better sleep.

We suggest watching a video about lemon thyme:

Lemon Savory

Distributed on all continents, comes from the Mediterranean. Perennial with creeping shoots and narrow elongated bright green leaves. Pink or purple flowers emit a concentrated lemon scent.

It is used as an antibacterial and anthelmintic agent. Helps to cope with:

  • with a headache;
  • tachycardia;
  • cystitis;
  • with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


It grows in India, Thailand, China, Africa and America. An evergreen perennial that looks like a bunch of grass... In tropical climates, it can reach 1.8 meters in height.

  • Lemongrass normalizes the digestive system.
  • Effective for headaches, skin rashes, rheumatism.
  • Increases the tone and performance of the body, helps to fight colds.
  • Reduces hair oiliness, removes toxins, burns cellulite.

Lemmon marigolds

Lemon marigolds are a perennial herb up to 120 centimeters high with narrow long leaves of 5-15 centimeters. The small yellow flowers exude an amazing aroma, a mixture of citrus, mint and a subtle note of camphor. The homeland of the plant is called the USA and Mexico..

Marigold oil has antimicrobial, antifungal, antispasmodic and sedative properties.


Wormwood medicinal "God's tree" (Artemisia abrotanum)

It is widely distributed in Russia, in the European part, in Siberia and in the North Caucasus. Perennial shrub, up to 150 centimeters high. Leaves are bluish-green, appressed below, covered with gray down. Small yellow flowers in small, drooping baskets are collected at the top of the stem and form a spreading paniculate inflorescence.

Decoctions of wormwood leaves are used for:

  • colds, flu, sore throats;
  • rheumatism;
  • toothache, gum disease;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • as a choleretic agent;
  • to strengthen hair.

We offer you to watch a video about wormwood:

Callistemon lemon

Mostly distributed in Australia, in Russia it is grown at home. In the wild, the bush reaches 3 meters in height., has green, linear-lanceolate leaves, sharp at the top, up to 9 cm long and 1 cm wide. Flowers unusual shape reminiscent of "kitchen brushes" in red or pink. The leaves exude a bright lemon scent.

Callistemon lemon has antibacterial properties and is capable of disinfecting indoor air.

We suggest watching a video about callistemone lemon:

Most plants, herbs and flowers with a lemon scent not only perfectly imitate the citrus scent, but are also a source of valuable natural trace elements. Their correct use will give a person beauty and health for a long time.

What is the name of a flower or plant that smells like lemon.

It has grown over the entire window sill. I do not know how to care for him (((

Zhigareva Larisa Pro (676) 7 years ago

Lantana camara also smells of lemon. (Family - Verbenaceae - Verbenaceae)

The genus bears the old Latin name for viburnum. About 150 species of perennials and shrubs, common in the tropics of America and Africa. Evergreen shrub up to 150 cm high. Shoots are erect, branching, sometimes rough, 4-sided. Leaves are opposite, petiolate, ovate or oblong, pointed, serrate along the edge, pubescent along the veins. Flowers are collected in corymbose multiflorous dense axillary inflorescences up to 5 cm in diameter, on a peduncle up to 15 - 20 cm long. Each flower has a lanceolate bracts equal in length to the corolla tube. The limb is wheel-shaped, 5-lobed, with unequal lobes of various colors: yellow, pink, red, orange, purple, white, sometimes with a yellow, orange or red spot in the throat. Homeland -tropics South America; grows in forests, along river valleys. In culture with early XIX century. Many hybrid forms are known, differing in flower color.

Propagated, as a rule, by semi-lignified cuttings at a temperature of 20 - 25 ° C in water or in a light loose substrate from a mixture of peat with sand or sphagnum in equal parts.

It works well in hydroponic and ion exchange crops. Used as an ampelous plant. 6 - 8 plants are planted in one vase.

Lyudmila Privalova Genius (51467) 7 years ago

Pelargonium smells like lemon, lemon balm (but it's meadow grass) also smells. Pelargonium is a type of geranium. But it would be nice to have a photo of your plant. I really love to take care of house flowers - I have 50 pots of them!

Linda Artificial Intelligence(148750) 7 years ago

There are several such plants. There is lemon balm. There is a fragrant geranium. And if you hadn’t taken care of it, it wouldn’t have grown over the entire window sill, but it would have died.

Iolanta Artificial Intelligence (104688) 7 years ago

Sun, 2011-05-15 15:18 LadyGa

A plant with a lemon scent. The name is unknown.

I understand that I mistakenly call this plant lemongrass, chinese lemongrass I saw. But the exact name is unknown, and the smell of the leaves speaks for itself. At the slightest touch, they emit a strong, pungent yet pleasant lemon scent.

The plant is unpretentious, any soil is suitable for it. But it is sensitive to overdrying of the earthy coma - the leaves immediately wither. In addition, he does not like crowding, immediately starting to grow sharply upward, which is why he loses in the splendor of the "crown" (as it happened to me this time!).

Watering is required daily because root system shallow and thin. Leaves can also wither in strong sun on a hot day, although the plant is photophilous.

I would be grateful to more experienced florists for a hint - what is it called?

About reproduction. It is produced by cuttings growing at the base of the main stem.

Replies: 7

rara avis says:

There are different varieties, including those with a "lemon" aroma (and sometimes a floral or mint shade). The name of the group is Pelargonium roseum, and the one in your photo is referred to in the literature as Pelargonium graveolens. It would be good to cut your specimen harder, and divide the stem into cuttings - both stem and apical are nicely accepted, and a strong, lush bush will grow faster from the root and from the remaining lateral buds (despite the tightness, if the lighting is sufficient). It grows well in black soil with a baking powder (perlite, vermiculite, coarse river sand) and the addition of charcoal. Blooms small pink flowers... - I really like the smell and general form(if you form a bush well!), and even flowers. And besides, like many pelargoniums, it has a bactericidal effect on the air of the room where it lives. True, some allergy-prone or just sensitive people may experience unpleasant reactions to it (and this is a great pity).

PS If you decide to cut - act quickly! The growing season is in full swing. And try to arrange for your fragrant treasure a “summer in the fresh air”.

Lemon-scented plants

Tips for Young Housewives from an American Cookbook.

Not every gardener can grow a lemon tree, but everyone can grow spicy plants with the scent of lemon. It's amazing how these plants mimic the scent of lemon.

They are all easy to raise. The most aromatic part of these plants is the leaves. By harvesting the leaves regularly throughout the season, you can always use them in recipes. You can make tea, seafood, desserts with them.

If you don't even cook with the leaves, the lemon scent of growing plants in the garden will give you new strength.

Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis)

It has a strong lemon scent but is sweeter than you might expect. This plant is highly adaptable to a variety of conditions, and over time, it can over-proliferate in your garden. Lemon balm spreading is best controlled or grown in containers.

There are usually no pests on it. Frequent collection of greens helps each plant grow better. Excellent honey plant. It grows without problems in full sun and on dry soils.

Lemon balm is often used in sauces, desserts, fruits and vegetables.

Lemon Basil (Ocimum xcitriodorum)

An easy way to add lemon flavor to your herbs is to grow lemon basil. It will grow well where other species of this plant grow. It can even be grown from seeds with special diligence.

Its foliage is small and there is a lot of it. Therefore, it is easier to cut the stems, not just the leaves. Basil loves bright sun and regular watering. Suffering from drought. The more often you cut the greens, the more they will appear on the basil bush.

If the basil throws out flower stalks and even blooms, do not be embarrassed. Its flowers are also edible and fragrant. The aroma is retained during cooking and is clearly audible even in garlic dishes.

Lemon Catnip (Nepeta cataria 'Citriodora')

I don't think too many gardeners grow catnip species for their culinary purposes. If you have cats, you'll be glad to know that they usually don't like lemon-scented mint.

I have a flower whose name I cannot determine. But he has one feature. after patting the twigs. there is a strong lemon scent. Please tell me what it is called?

There are several types of fragrant pelargoniums, the leaves of which (feathery or patterned-cut) emit the smell of lemon (for example, fragrant pelargonium, grape-leaved pelargonium, etc.). Fragrant or aromatic pelargoniums, which contain a large amount of essential oils in the leaves, are used in herbal medicine (scent treatment) and cooking. Outwardly, fragrant pelargoniums are not at all similar to the usual geraniums and look much more modest than their "sisters", which bloom abundantly on balconies and in flower beds - zonal with round leaves and ivy-leaved pelargonium.

The unpretentious houseplant plectrantus also has a lemon-mint-camphor smell of leaves, similar in appearance to nettle (aka "fly-eater", aka "molar tree" - expels moths and flies from the room, has healing properties).

All about pelargonium on the website

Unknown plants on the website

The scent of indoor flowers

Plants with a pronounced odor: are they indoor?

Many, when choosing potted plants for a mini-garden on a balcony or on a windowsill, do not pay attention to whether these plants smell. It has long been known that smells can affect our feelings and mood. In the XVII-XVIII centuries. it was fashionable to attach a bunch of pleasantly scented flowers to a corsage or camisole. Some traditions still exist today, often mini-bouquets of myrtle or rosemary twigs are presented at the wedding. The aromas of conifers, lavender and thyme perfectly soothe, and lily, heliotrope and fragrant tobacco can invigorate. If you want the smell to be more intense, you need to drop them in a group in a container located on the south side of the balcony. Fragrant plants love places protected from cold and wind.

Fragrant green friends are popular not only with family members, but also bees, bumblebees and butterflies. All day long exude strong aromas of nasturtium, sweet peas, gilded lilies, hyacinths and roses. Especially if they are in the light. Smells strong when in bloom, and the houseplant is stephanotis. There are also twilight "ladies" such as petunia, jasmine, gardenia, levkoy, scented tobacco and mignonette. There are plants whose scent is delicate and barely perceptible (for example, exacum and European cyclamen).

Your enthusiastic attitude towards scented plants may not be shared by other family members, because many of the scents that one person likes irritate another. Such plants should not be placed next to each other.

It is necessary to monitor the correct placement of the aromatic inhabitants of the apartment. If you place a lily in a flower pot in a small room, you won't be able to stay in such a room for a long time: a strong aroma can even cause lightheadedness or a headache. And especially do not put it on the windowsill under Sun rays or over a working radiator.

Often in apartments you can see hyacinths, which, with proper care, bloom in winter, as if promising their owners a close spring. Not everyone can get along with them either because of the strong smell. But if a person has a poorly developed sense of smell, then such plants will be ordinary pleasant and barely smelling houseplants for him.

And if you grow a citrus tree at home, you can get an idea of ​​how wonderful walks through the blooming orange orchards are. Or maybe even set a goal for yourself - to go to the nearest Botanical Garden. The pleasant smell of leaves and flowers of a citrus tree does not cause negative emotions, but rather increased salivation at the thought of a small lemon. And after all the beautiful flowers have flown around, the same fragrant fruits will appear. Very interesting fragrant plant called hoya, now it is less and less common in our apartments. Its fleshy flowers have a sweet intense smell, but the appearance, on the contrary, is very strict - ivy with leathery leaves of a dark green color.

Clerodendrum Ugandan looks different. It is a slender plant with pale blue flowers and a delicate scent. But if you touch its leaves, then the smell will remain on the skin for a long time. The point is in essential oils, smelling a little harsh and tart. However, it is still weaker than the hoya and citrus scent. If musty has settled in your apartment, despite the airing, then you can kill this smell with lavender, violets, myrtle or rosemary. The myrtle tree has recently been used increased demand... Many girls buy myrtle on purpose, and then after a few years they will cut the twigs to present to their guests at the wedding. Nowadays, this custom can be rarely seen, but the myrtle tree is still one of our favorites.

Gardenia also looks impressive. It has porcelain-like, cream-white flowers and shiny dark green leaves. This sophisticated look is matched by its intense and sweet scent.

It must be placed in spacious room, then there will be no danger that people will become ill in such conditions, from the oversaturation of the air with this aroma, which is somewhat reminiscent of a jasmine smell. A beautiful jasmine bush will attract the attention of guests in any apartment and will be noticeable when walking in the garden, even at night. Its aromas evoke in us persistent associations with such a long-awaited May. Just remember that being in a small room, it can also make a person dizzy. Therefore, if you so want to have such a plant at home, then you need to put it in the largest room and provide constant ventilation.

A slight hint of nostalgia is interwoven into the strict smell of primrose, a little pungent, a little tart. This is a pleasant aroma in its own way, it's just very rich. And it increases markedly when the plant is touched.

The recognized mistress of the entire flower kingdom is the rose. Moreover, to the delight of flower growers, there are varieties that live well in pots at home. And then, all year round, she diligently fills the room with aroma. Owners of a private house can be advised to take the rose out to the veranda or garden every summer.

Pelargoniums are as varied in appearance as they differ in flavor. You can find species with the smell of rose, lemon, mint, the more unusual smell of nutmeg, eucalyptus and others. Some people don't like the smell of this flower. Well, this is also a matter of taste. The main thing is that all family members feel comfortable in a room with such a fragrant flower.

Also, let's not forget about cacti and tropical guests, orchids. Some species of these plants have a strong odor, while others, on the contrary, are practically odorless. For example, sansevier, when it blooms, smells very strong and sweet. Echeveria is not. It's the same with orchids. Such a strong aroma is a way of some plants to attract the attention of insect-pollinating spruce trees.

So when choosing a plant in a store, check out what this flowering plant smells like. And decide for yourself if you can provide the flower and your family with a comfortable cohabitation.

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Meet with different kinds mint by photo with names and descriptions

Like any ancient plant, mint is described accompanied by myths and legends. Culture is mentioned as a trade item back in Ancient world... The herb is used in cooking, perfumery and medicine. One of the many names of the plant is "chill", it accurately conveys the first sensation of inhaling the scent of mint. A description and a photo with the names of the varieties of mint will help you understand the features.

General information about mint

A perennial plant loves cultivated soil, grows in the shade or in sunny places, unpretentious. It is not demanding on top dressing, moderate watering is enough. All types and varieties of mint reproduce by growth of roots, petioles, rooting of leaves, seeds. In garden plots, the plant is best grown in flowerpots or on a site fenced off for roots.

Since the herb is used for culinary purposes, the ground portion of almost all varieties can be harvested at the end of flowering. This is the moment when the plant has the highest concentration of essential oils. Store dried leaves and petioles in glassware in dark place... They are used as a seasoning for dishes and as part of herbal tea.

Industrial cultivation different types and varieties of mint allows you to use the resulting essential menthol oils in perfumery and medicine. The aroma of menthol soothes and makes you focus.

Students in the Middle Ages were instructed to wear a mint wreath on their heads to improve brain activity. If you put a mint leaf in your wallet, there will be a profit. If rubbed with mint, the forest gnat will fly around.

Peppermint is especially often used for medical purposes. The content of essential oils in a culture depends on the growth conditions. In warm regions, it is more saturated with useful substances, and there it is cultivated on an industrial scale. The recovered oil contains a lot of menthol and other volatile ester derivatives. The varieties of mint, the photos of which are presented, differ not only in the shape of the leaves and inflorescences, but also in the properties that make the culture necessary.

The use of mint is based on the beneficial effects on the human body:

  • relieves inflammation in the respiratory tract;
  • shows an antispasmodic effect;
  • has an analgesic and antiseptic effect;
  • Indoor plant with the scent of mint and lemon

  • relieves the state of panic and discomfort.
  • Peppermint photo

    The cultivated plant is obtained by crossing wild, water and spikelet mint. It was obtained in England, hence the other name, English mint. In total, 25 species have been created on the basis of peppermint, 15 species are cultivated in our country. The plant is a good honey plant, while the aroma is preserved in the product. Peppermint leaves contain up to 4.4% oil. It is this type of herb that is often grown in the pharmaceutical garden in the country. The plant is unpretentious, but does not like the presence of weeds. After 3-4 years, the site needs to be replanted again, since the old bushes lose their decorative effect. Mint is used in landscaping as a background plant, its height reaches a meter. This species is cultivated for the production of menthol on an industrial scale. Menthol oil is in demand both in pure form and as an ingredient in perfumery. Menthol serves as the basis for some dosage forms.

    In the photo, field mint

    This type of mint is used by Tibetan healers to create fees for the treatment of tuberculosis. They also use this form medicinal plant for the treatment of the digestive system and for external rubbing or dusting. In traditional medicine, it is recommended to use field mint for use in gastritis with high acidity, liver disease, and intestinal distention. As a powder, mint stops vomiting, nausea goes away.

    It has been noted and collected statistical data that if the field mint is used for weight loss, the effect is surprising. By inhaling the mint flavor throughout the day, a person naturally effortlessly cuts their food intake by about 1,800 calories per day. The experiment was carried out in America on a large group of women.

    In the photo, lemon mint

    This type of mint is called in another way lemon balm, mead, bee mint. The names themselves say that this is an excellent honey plant. Melissa is a cold-resistant plant, but in the northern regions it requires shelter for the winter. Medovka is propagated by seeds, layering, petioles. Since it grows slowly in the first year, they practice growing seedlings. The bush can be from 14 to 125 cm high. The upper parts of the shoots are mostly fragrant.

    In thickened plantings in a rainy summer, lemon balm can get sick with fungal diseases. Shoots are cut before flowering, dried in the shade, and used in cooking. The seasoning is prized for its special taste. She combined the aroma of citrus and the freshness of mint. This seasoning makes any dish delicious. There are 8 varieties in culture, which are included in the Rosreestr of the Russian Federation. They differ in leaf color, bush height and winter hardiness. But the main difference will always be the created fragrance and its subtle notes.

    Ombalo flea mint in the photo

    For a long time, this type of plant has been used as an agent against insects. The difference between this bush is that it is not dominated by menthol - pulegon, limonene. The plant is undersized, no more than 30 cm in height, creeping. Umbalo easily takes root from the stem and resembles creeping thyme. The foliage has dense pubescence, the flowers are collected in a false whorl. The plant is thermophilic, decorative, good honey plant. The same puglegon is also present in other types of mint that repel insects - lemon balm, room mint.

    Photo of curly mint

    Curly, spiky, garden, meadow, German - these are all one and the same plant. A variety of mint is used for conspiracies for prosperity and protection, helps to endure separation.

    This mint has a pungent smell based on linalool ether, but menthol is not in this form. The leaves contain ascorbic acid and dietary supplements. The bush grows 30-100 cm high. This plant propagates, like all other varieties of mint.

    Catnip photos

    Another name for this plant is catnip. It has a lemon scent and attracts cats. For people in magic, the herb attracts love and courage. The plant is used to create pharmaceutical gardens, rocky compositions. The catnip attracts with its decorative effect and long flowering. The plant loves moderate watering, does not tolerate stagnant water. He has no diseases and pests.

    Like all mint, catnip is used in folk medicine... It is used as an anti-inflammatory, tonic and expectorant drug.

    Wild mint photos

    This type of mint has another name, oregano. Plants are short, perennial. The lower shoots lay down and take root. Therefore, the plant, as it were, covers the ground. The leaves are used both for cooking and for flavoring tea. As a medicinal plant, the plant is used for colds. Oregano repels moths.

    The plant is unpretentious, propagated by seeds, dividing rhizomes, cuttings. After three years, the bushes should be replaced, as the yield on older plants decreases. Wild mint is affected by aphids. A soda solution is used to combat the pest.

    For storage, shoots with leaves are used, cutting them off above the soil at a height of 6 cm. The dry collection is stored in a tightly closed package for several years.

    Menthol mint

    Menthol mint is a type of peppermint. The difference lies in the higher menthol content. One leaf in a glass of tea makes the taste already excessive. The plant reaches 65 cm in height. In the first year of the growing season, the crop is harvested after 3 months, in subsequent years, simultaneously with the regrowth of the leaves, they are already fragrant, have consumer properties. This type of mint is resistant to diseases and pests. The main species are dark stems and a very pungent aroma.

    Indoor plant

    There are three types room mint... The houseplant will adapt to any conditions and benefit from its presence. Among the many types, as indoor, they use:

  • molar tree;
  • Scandinavian ivy;
  • Plectrantus Ertendal.
  • Most of all known and growing as a pot culture of indoor mint. She really secretes phytoncides, which repel not only moths, but also other insects.

    The varieties of spicy culture presented in the material do not exhaust the diversity. Many more plants of this species were not included in the description. But they all differ in their useful properties, decorativeness and application in different areas human activity.

    Video about growing room mint - plectrantus

    My flowers. Plectrantus - indoor mint

    I always dreamed of having mint in my house, but I always believed that it could only be grown in the summer on the balcony or in the garden. Everyone knows the medicinal peppermint, which grows in orchards and vegetable gardens.

    But there is also the so-called homemade mint - Plectrantus. which can grow luxuriantly and densely on windowsills.

    I found Plectrantus on the street. Apparently someone cut the plant and all unnecessary waste. After a few days, the cuttings took root, and I planted them in a pot. This is how I got a plectrantus. They say that this plant attracts money to the house. So, it turns out a double benefit - both saved the plant, and lured denyushka into the house.

    In fact, mint is unpretentious, and for many it grows on garden beds, someone grows it at home on the windowsill, and somewhere it just sprouts like a weed. But all this is medicinal mint, the one we drink from a decoction for colds. But not everyone knows that there is also roommint. Meanwhile, this aromatic plant of the labiate family, also known by its botanical name Plectranthus, is quite popular among amateur flower growers. And if oh healing properties of this instance is debatable, its ability to replace peppermint as an additive in tea is undeniable. What is this plant, and how easy is it to grow at home? Let's figure it out.

    Varieties of Plectrantus or room mint

    Like all labiates, plecrantus is valuable for its fragrant leaves. And they smell thanks to the special glands in the leaves that secrete essential oils. V indoor floriculture there are several varieties of plekranthus, and the most popular of them are three:

  • Shrub plectrantus or Molot tree - evergreen shrub reaching one meter in height;
  • Plectranthus southern, also known as Swedish or Scandinavian ivy, is a herbaceous plant with lodging shoots reaching a meter in length;
  • Plectrantus Ertendal (it has no other names) is an evergreen shrub, the crown of which forms curtains.
  • However, the most common type of house mint in indoor floriculture is the Molot tree. This is what they mean when they talk about growing room mint. And he looks like a garden mint more than other brothers.

    As already mentioned, this plant is unpretentious. However, for favorable growth and reproduction, it requires certain conditions. Shrub Plecrantus (house mint) grows well on fertile substrates and organo-mineral fertilizers. He does not like exclusively mineral fertilizing. This plant is light-requiring and needs year-round (evergreen, after all) bright, but diffused lighting. The leaves of homemade mint are pubescent, like those of a violet, so it does not tolerate spraying, and when water gets on the leaves and stems, spots appear on them, which then dry out or rot. But watering this plant requires abundant in the warm season and moderately abundant in winter.

    In nature, molar tree grows in temperate climates, so that with room content, an average temperature of about 20-24 ° C is favorable for it. However, homemade mint also tolerates hot weather, but hypothermia is destructive for it. Minimum temperature that this plant can withstand - 10 degrees Celsius. Homemade mint is undemanding to air humidity, but it does not tolerate being close to a radiator and dry hot air. So the ideal conditions for keeping this plant will be a warm, bright room, good watering without spraying and feeding with flower fertilizers twice a month.

    Care and cultivation

    The main care for room mint is timely watering, feeding, pinching and transplanting. It must be repotted once every two to three years, pouring a mixture of turf soil and garden compost into flower pots. During the period of active growth (and the plant is active almost all year round), the indoor mint should be pinched and the peduncles should be broken out. These measures will make it possible to form a compact and fluffy bush. Lignified shoots that are losing foliage and decorativeness must be cut off. Rejuvenating shaping pruning can be done in late winter or March, and pinching can be done all year round. Mint tolerates pinching and pruning painlessly and responds to it with numerous new shoots.

    In the summer, I plant the plectrantus in the garden, where it instantly grows.

    Possible problems:

  • if the plant is deficient in light, then its shoots are strongly elongated and droop, and the leaves turn yellow;
  • the edges of the leaves of room mint dry and blacken, if it is not enough to feed or fill it,
  • hypothermia is fraught with damage to the roots, young leaves and growth buds,
  • house mint is quite resistant to pests and diseases, but it is possible that the plant will be damaged by aphids, scabbard, whitefly or spider mites.
  • Indoor mint is propagated by cuttings, cutting off the apical shoots or rooting parts of lignified stems. Mint can be cut throughout the year, and cuttings can be rooted in water or wet sand. Rooting cuttings do not require special conditions, with the exception of a constant temperature of about twenty degrees.

    With good care, homemade mint will live in a flower pot for about five years. But experienced flower growers argue that with constant rejuvenation and cuttings, its life is not limited. So it's not only evergreen home plant, but also practically eternal.

    So if you want to have an unpretentious, aromatic and grateful plant in your home, then homemade mint will become a completely suitable flower for these purposes. In addition, it is believed that she is able to drive moths out of the house, and mosquitoes with flies do not tolerate her presence. If you do not believe it, then put a room mint in your house and see for yourself. Good luck!

    At first, the young plant is actively growing, but it must be pinched to form a kind of compact "crown", especially since the torn off leaves go into tea. A more mature plant sheds large leaves (it is better to cut off by yourself), its stem hardens, many smaller leaves appear. The oldest plants can wait for flowering, but main value- in the leaves!

    Plectrantus is considered an easy plant to grow. We can say that its main problem is that it requires regular rejuvenation, due to the fact that it grows quickly. To do this, in the spring, instead of transplanting from the plectrantus, cuttings are cut, and after rooting, they are all planted in one pot. To give a bushy and more compact shape, the growing ends of the shoots of the plectrantus must be pinched.

    Leaves, especially in a young plant that has gone into growth after transplantation, have a special decorative effect and can decorate your interior. At first, the young plant is actively growing, but it must be pinched to form a kind of compact "crown", especially since the torn off leaves go into tea. A more mature plant sheds large leaves (it is better to cut off by yourself), its stem hardens, many smaller leaves appear. The oldest plants can wait for flowering, but the main value is in the leaves!

    Is not medicinal herb like peppermint, but its fleshy, slightly pubescent leaves give off the same minty scent. Herbal tea will always be on the window, all year round! In addition, the leaves, especially of a young plant that has gone into growth after transplantation, have a special decorative effect and can decorate your interior.


    Medicinal ... The leaves have many traditional medicinal uses: for treating coughs, sore throats, asthma (by decoction and by chewing the foliage) and nasal congestion, to increase lactation in lactating women, against infectious, against rheumatic and flatulence. The crushed leaves are applied to insect bites or as a poultice.

    Cooking ... In Indonesia, Plectranthus amboinicus is a traditional food used for soups, salads and making drinks and liqueurs for canning. It is also used as an aromatic seasoning for various meat and poultry dishes. For lamb and fish as a pungent odor. Leaves in French batter are also made.

    Other: The people of the shrub plectrantus are called the molar tree, since its smell repels many insects, such as moths, flies and even mosquitoes.

    Whether the molar tree really scares away moths, justifying its name, is not entirely clear. Although on the other hand, this plant has been grown on windows for over 150 years, obviously believing in its action. In addition, the shrub was grown at home as folk remedy against malaria. Now this plant is rarely found in homes, mainly in rural areas.

    Its magical feature of favoring all financial transactions has been known for a very long time. Back in the Middle Ages, traders fumigated their counters with mint. This was believed to help attract buyers. Nowadays, it is enough to put a pot with this plant in the office - and there will be no end to clients, and the air will be filled with a pleasant fresh aroma.

    Whether to believe in the magical properties of all these plants or not is everyone's business. Most often, acquiring one or another small sprout, we start from it appearance... Although it has long been proven that each plant has its own unique energy, which can either negatively affect the feelings and emotions of people, or vice versa, tune in to good luck, cheer up.

    I will introduce you to some of the types of mint that I managed to find.

    In the first place, of course, is peppermint (menthe piperita), the most common and aromatic. Grown as a result of crossing water mint and spearmint.

    Apple mint, or fragrant, is also found in our gardens. Differs in graceful, more rounded and velvety leaves, but inferior in intensity of aroma.

    Lemon mint is a type of peppermint. With a characteristic lemon aroma.

    Green mint, or spikelet, is a fairly powerful, abundantly flowering plant with a strong aroma.

    Mint "Iokka" is a little-known variety, it has a specific oriental aroma.

    Pineapple mint (fragrant) - has two-colored very beautiful leaves with a white border. Can decorate any garden bed and flower arrangement.

    Thuringian mint is a type of peppermint that is prized for its high menthol content.

    Corsican mint - may well be used in gardening, as the plant is only a few centimeters high with very small leaves forms a continuous carpet that blooms with light purple flowers.

    Ginger mint (thin) - is also garden decoration due to the beautiful variegated (yellow-green) color of the leaves.

    Curly mint - can also be found in our gardens, it is very similar to spearmint. Has a pleasant aroma.

    Bergamot mint - has a complex aroma, it is widely used in perfumery.

    English mint is a green mint variety. Its pounded leaves smell like gum.

    Good day everyone!

    And again about fragrances and flowers. Smells play a huge role in the life of every person. According to the smell we remember, associations arise from the past, a certain holiday. Naturally, women want to create the smell of their home, to have a unique aroma of their home. In this, instead of artificial and not always harmless substances, pets - flowers - will come to the rescue.

    Using different scented plants, you can create an individual scent design in your home, depending on the destination.

    One of the first aromas from childhood is the smell of geranium, another name for the plant is fragrant pelargonium. They knew about its properties even in ancient times - traditionally geranium was in the bedroom, contributing to a sound and healthy sleep.

    Each type of geranium has its own smells - it smells beautifully of a rose of Pelargonium capitate, the smell of lemon comes from Pelargonium curly, if you smell the Pelargonium felt, you can smell the mint, the fragrant Pelargonium smells comparable to the smell of nutmeg.

    A valuable essential oil is obtained from geranium, which finds wide application in the cosmetic and perfumery industry. Aromatherapists also love him.

    With the help of the scent of geranium, you can heal sick people - it relieves depression, improves vision and increases optimism.

    The characteristic feature of the plant is that it exudes aroma only when touched. Therefore, it is recommended for the bedroom - so that in the morning, when you wake up, you can easily touch it and feel your favorite smell.

    Taking care of pelargonium is simple - you only need a sufficient amount of light, regular and abundant watering. You can buy young flowers or their seeds. They. By the way, they sprout well and bloom very quickly.

    See how many different varieties of geranium there are!

    The aromas of appetite.

    In the kitchen, the pleasant aroma of your favorite spices will be natural. Farther from the stove, on a windowsill or a shelf against the opposite wall, you can install several pots of spicy herbs - it will fill the kitchen with a bouquet of aromas of your favorite tastes.

    Savory, lemon balm, ptrushka, mint, and laurel are most commonly grown. Mint also helps to concentrate, relieves mental fatigue.

    Lavender and laurel perennial shrubs, they will be appropriate not only in the kitchen, but also perfect for the bedroom, because their phytoncides improve the air quality in the house.

    You can also drive out other bulbous - tulips and daffodils, crocuses, lilies.

    From indoor bulbous plants, eucharis, which blooms with beautiful white flowers, similar to daffodils, and some varieties will give a pleasant aroma.

    Exotic scents.

    I would call the queen of room fragrances. The subtle refined scent of even one flower very pleasantly aromas the room, giving it an oriental flavor. Great for living rooms.

    The place for the gardenia should be bright and with a constant temperature, watered only with soft water.

    A strong aroma comes from hoya flowers, or as it is also called - from wax ivy... The plant is easy to propagate by cuttings, it is advisable to find a place for it in a shaded part of the house. Unpretentious plant, very hardy.

    Watering is done less frequently than other plants. In the bedroom, this flower will definitely not work, since the smell intensifies towards night, and not everyone can sleep in such a room.

    Stephanotis, or Madagascar jasmine, has a very refined scent. The white waxy flowers of this vine smell like a mixture of jasmine and ylang-ylang. A very noble and sophisticated smell and not annoying.

    It is undesirable to place several plants with a strong aroma in the same room. Maximum amount flowers with a strong scent in one room - two flowers in opposite corners. At the same time, airing the room should be done daily so that the aroma is always fresh.

    Essential oils and fragrances.

    Flowers alone are not enough to create the scent of your home. Essential oils will come to the rescue. The effect of oils on the health and psychoemotional state of a person has been known for a long time.

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