An event about medicinal herbs in the library. Scenario of the holiday “In the world of medicinal herbs

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04/28/2017 Campaign "Day of Environmental Knowledge" "Nature heals. Medicinal plants "

Look around: what a wonderful, wonderful world surrounds us. Forests, fields, rivers, seas, mountains, sky, sun, animals, plants. This is nature! One can talk endlessly about the beauty of Russian nature. She is generous and selfless. But in order to preserve, understand nature, you need to know it. To this end, elderly people, readers of the Kameyevskaya rural library, have joined the all-Russian action "Day of Environmental Knowledge" on the topic: "Nature heals. Medicinal plants ". And on this topic, they designed a clamshell book.

It is customary to compare everything valuable to a person with gold. Nature provides man with such a variety of gifts - "gold" - that it is difficult even to list them. For the preservation and strengthening of human health, medicinal plants are of particular value. From generation to generation, people passed on information about the healing properties of plants. "Travel to the country medicinal plants"- so it was called first page our clamshell book. The guests learned a lot about medicinal plants that grow not only in the forest, in the fields and meadows of our vast Russia, but even near your yard you can find a lot of useful plants. The presentation made it possible to get to know some of them firsthand.

The second page books became the presentation of the exhibition "Mother Nature for the Treatment of the People", where there was
literature is presented, revealing the variety of green giants, information about herbs, about useful and harmful indoor plants and about the rules for the collection and storage of medicinal plants.

Our third page dedicated to the protection of wild medicinal plants. Endangered medicinal plants and rare species included in the Red Data Books are protected by states. Rare species include plants, the number and range of which have a constant tendency to decline.

Currently, the Red Data Book species are: gin - shen, high zamanikha, safflower leuzea, Caucasian dioscorea, yellow machok, belladonna belladonna and some species of orchis. In addition, about 40 species of medicinal plants are subject to strict protection and limited procurement, including: May lily of the valley, spring adonis, large-flowered foxglove and other plants. It is forbidden to procure raw materials without a special license and are limited: plowing of land, grazing, haymaking, draining of swamps, the use of pesticides, recreation of the population, building, the movement of mechanized vehicles. We learned about all this by watching the video "Plants of the Red Book".

On fourth page, we walked together in the fresh air. It has long been known that Fresh air good for health! This is how it is, but how often do we think about the fact that it is “fresh air” that gets into our lungs less and less often? Every year everything more people moves from the stone jungle to the countryside. it
caused by a wide variety of reasons, but in most cases this is due to the reluctance of citizens to breathe polluted air. As soon as someone utters the word "city", a picture of eternal exhaust gases and smoke coming from the chimneys of factories and plants is immediately reproduced in the head. The air in the countryside is strikingly different from the urban one, and our village belongs to one of such places, with its forest, the amber river Bir and endless fields. To preserve this beauty and clean air, the villagers organize volunteer clean-ups, take care of the cleanliness of the river, conduct classes in schools devoted to the environmental education of the younger generation, and in libraries - actions on ecology. Also, villagers, children and adults, together with foresters, participate in the planting of coniferous and deciduous trees near the inhabited area. Indeed, in pine and spruce forests, breathing is much better. And it's not just a feeling. It is the conifers that suppress bacteria that cause diseases and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system of the body. Our residents and pensioners actively use the gifts of nature, in winter they go skiing, and in summer they regularly walk near the river and forest. Active participants among the elderly are Tatyana Izilyaeva, Elena Valitova and Antonida Apsatarova, a former physical education teacher from the village. Kameevo. She shared her Nordic walking skills in front of the guests and showed beginners how to use Nordic sticks.

Each of us intuitively feels that healing powers are hidden in nature and its creations, which cannot be replaced by any synthetic drugs. Who has not applied a plantain leaf to abrasions? Did you eat raspberries for a cold? Did you drink valerian tincture? Event participants leafing through fifth the page clamshell books, gave their examples of the treatment of diseases with folk remedies, decoctions and infusions of herbs, which are well known and grow in our area. We talked about the properties of medicinal plants that grow in our areas - these are calendula, currants, raspberries, rose hips and so on. Svetlana Bikbulatova recalled cases from her life when medicinal plants came to her aid and about the rules for collecting this natural gift.

There is still debate about whether to believe or not to believe the manufacturers of dietary supplements about the effectiveness of their products. On sixth page of the book we reviewed the activities of the Siberian Health Corporation, doctors' reviews of its products, negative aspects of self-medication, and also tried to understand the role of dietary supplements in human life. Anna Alimpieva, a consultant to the Siberian Health corporation, says that the Siberian Health company was founded in Novosibirsk in 1996 and is currently the leading Russian developer and manufacturer of wellness products and cosmetics, confirmed by patents. Raw materials for production are supplied from Gorny Altai, Baikal and other protected areas of Siberia: medicinal herbs, their roots, berries, flowers and seeds are used. She also introduced us to the rules for taking herbal medicines.

On seventh page the participants had a game “ Green pharmacy". The participants solved crosswords with great pleasure, answered quiz questions without mistakes, competed in the knowledge of meadow and forest flowers. They called medicinal plants and what medicinal properties they possess. They also solved riddles, recalled proverbs and recited poems "Meadow herbs", "Forest tea", "Healing herbs". According to the results of the game, our jury, the former paramedic of the Kameevskaya SVA Lyudmila Musalina (a retired retired woman), recognized all the players as the best herbalists in the village.

Eighth page the books were the tastiest. Elena Shamidanova opened an impromptu phytobar for her readers called "Healthier than all diseases." Tea is a healthy drink that quenches thirst, relieves fatigue, invigorates, and improves mood. For many peoples, it is as necessary and irreplaceable as bread. Participants of the action learned a lot about the history of the emergence of tea drinking traditions in Russia by visiting the phytobar. A lover of tea drinking Zoya Vasilievna Biktimirova demonstrated a master class on brewing tea. She taught how to prepare tonic drinks that give vivacity and energy to life. And wonderful pies from all our guests became an excellent addition to hot tea. We sat at the samovar for a long time, drank tea and sang songs wonderful, sincerely.

In the last page of the book, medicinal plants gave instructions that we must remember, and then nature will be grateful to us.

I saw a young sprout - don't touch or tear!

Pass by, smile, tell him: "Live!"

Weeks or years will pass, and a medicinal herb will grow there.

Protect the green forest! Don't offend anyone!

Do not destroy the trees! Save flowers in the forest!

You have come to nature for help - be kind and take care of it.

Do not break the branches, do not tear, do not touch,

Remember, it takes many more years

So that the bush can help you again.

You, my friend, look, do not disappoint! Be truthful and promise good!

Do not offend either birds or crickets, do not buy a butterfly net for a butterfly!

Love flowers, forests, open spaces of fields - everything that is called your Motherland!

Librarian of the Kameyevskaya Library E. Shamidanova.

A literary journey into the world of medicinal plants.

Leading: Our land is generous. Thousands of various plants grow on it. Its forests, mountains, steppes are fraught with enormous natural resources. Wild plants are scattered across the vast expanses, like gold placers. And among them there are grasses, flowers, trees in a special way dear to people. And not only because they delight with unique beauty and help treat various ailments, but also because they personify the closest to a person - love, fidelity, purity, friendship.

Due to its wide distribution, availability and valuable properties, it has been used since ancient times. The experience of using them has been accumulating over the centuries and has led to the creation of traditional medicine. About using different plants for medicinal purposes, you can tell using ancient legends and traditions, myths and legends, using proverbs, sayings and riddles, descriptions popular beliefs and customs. Notice how in a poetic word from ancient times to the present day, as if by accident, in passing, but sometimes surprisingly accurately, the most characteristic and important properties of plants for humans, their healing effects, were noted.

Reader: I do not go to the steppe - I go to the pharmacy,

Sorting through her herbal filing cabinet.

Endless steppe, endless steppe,

You are a strange recipe written by nature.

And I see: thin roots

Powders are poured into neat

And flasks with chamomile on the cork swing,

And the pills are stacked from branches into boxes.

You are sick with a fever - the steppe dripped for you,

You are in the heat - here is the steppe on a mustard leaf.

S. Kirsanov.

Leading: Indeed, when looking at herbs, flowers, trees, creators of works of art slowed down their steps quite often. And then, paintings, musical and artistic works dedicated to them were born. And how many legends, tales, mysteries are devoted to various medicinal plants.

And today we will try to tell you about medicinal plants, which are familiar to us from childhood, in the language of legends.

Guess the riddle: green, not a meadow, white, not snow, curly, not a head. (Participants answer: Birch).

Birch is a symbol of Russia and the eternal beauty of our nature. No wonder so many songs and poems have been composed about her.

Reader: The sun slightly warmed the slopes

And it became warmer in the forest,

Birch green braids

I hung it from thin branches.

All dressed in a white dress

In earrings, in lace foliage

Hot summer meets

She is at the edge of the forest.

Her light outfit is wonderful,

There is no tree dearer to the heart.

And so many brooding songs

People are singing about her!

He shares joy and tears with her,

And she's so good

What it seems is in the noise of the birch

There is our Russian soul.

V.A. Rozhdestvensky.

Leading: The Russian word "birch" is very ancient. It is the same for all Slavic languages ​​and goes back to the concept of "white" (for the extraordinary color of the bark).

In the old days, among the Slavs, the year began not in winter, but in spring, so they met him not with spruce, but with birch. At this time, the farmers began agricultural work, and the birch was blooming with the first greenery, hence the old Russian name for April - "birch".

It is known from ancient chronicles that in those days when the Slavs believed in forest, water and heavenly spirits, they had a main goddess named Bereginya, the mother of all spirits and all riches on earth, and they worshiped her in the form of a sacred white wood- birch.

Later, in Slavic mythology, birch was revered as a female symbol during the spring holiday of Semik (celebrated on Thursday, the seventh week after Easter). The birch was perceived as a living creature, powerful, capable of fulfilling desires. The girls carried eggs and pies to the birch trees in the forest, sat down under the tree, ate what they brought and turned to the birch with cherished requests. They believed that the one of the girls who would sit in the shade of a birch at Semik would certainly get married this year.

On this day, a blossoming birch tree was brought into the village, “curled” with wreaths, decorated with multi-colored ribbons, and danced around the streets with songs. Sometimes birch was dressed in a woman's dress and carried around the village with songs as the personification of youth and spring. Or she was portrayed as a symbol of femininity by beautiful girl decorated with birch branches with foliage.

Everyone has Slavic peoples birch is a symbol of light, radiance, purity, femininity, sometimes a tree of origin.

It is no coincidence that birch is one of the main images of folk poetry. In folk songs, fairy tales, legends, birch is a symbol of spring and homeland. Favorite tree endowed with the most affectionate epithets. She was called slender, curly, thin, white, fluffy, cheerful, often a young girl in a green headscarf, and she is always a positive heroine: either the keeper of folk treasures, or the bewitched beauty, or the wise peasant daughter who wins in a duel with evil forces.

The image of a birch in folk signs with agriculture.

A lot of sap flows from birch - by a rainy summer.

When the birch leaves the leaf in front of the alder, the summer will be dry, if the alder ahead, it will be wet.

When the birch begins to bloom, this oats.

Countless proverbs, sayings, riddles associated with birch.

Birch is not a threat - where it stands, there it makes noise.

Bela birch bark - and black tar.

For the enemy, birch is also a threat.

Birch gives mind (about rods).

The columns are whitewashed, with green caps on them.

Girlfriends ran along the edge in white dresses.

In a white sundress she stood in a clearing.

And from songs and poems about a birch, you can compose a large collection of poetry.

Reader: Green hairstyle,

Girlish breasts

Oh, thin birch,

What looked into the pond?

What is the wind whispering to you?

What is the sand ringing about?

Or do you want in braids-branches

Are you a moon scallop?

Reveal, reveal to me the secret of your woody thoughts,

I fell in love with the sad

Your pre-autumn noise.

S. Yesenin.

Leading: And how many healing properties does birch have? The buds and leaves are brewed like tea, they are drunk with edema, shortness of breath, liver disease. Baths are taken with birch buds. The most valuable thing is a birch mushroom (chaga), whose infusions are used to treat ulcers, gastritis, and cancer. Birch sap is also useful. It quenches thirst, tones up. Face wash with birch sap for acne and age spots. Birch broom - indispensable attribute Russian wellness bath.

Birch is a welcoming tree. The birch grove welcomes you different shrubs, herbs, flowers. Many medicinal plants live in birch forests. Guess what kind of medicinal herbs grow under the birches.

Birch questions.

1. A plant that reduces warts.


2. A medicinal plant that guarantees long life. The closest relative of Koschei.


3. Healing flower is the ancestor of all roses.

(rose hip)

4. The Russian name of this plant comes from the Kazakh word "dzherabay", which means "healer of wounds".

(St. John's wort)

5. The plant, which has healing properties, is popularly called "cat's potion", as cats love its smell very much and even eat the leaves.


6. This burning plant, when cooking green cabbage soup, can replace sorrel.


7. A medicinal flower, on the petals of which all lovers are guessing.


8. Valuable medicinal plant, indicating how many leaves it has.


Leading: Tell me, what kind of grass does a blind man know? (Participants answer: nettle).

"Vile", "infection", "damn weed" - these are just printed epithets, which are often awarded to nettles. However, we must be fair, nettles may not be the most ornamental plant but very useful.

Reader: I plucked the nettles,

I put nettles on the bouquet!

And - lo and behold! - green, powerful juiciness of nettles

Illuminated the flowers.

V. Soloukhin.

Leading: Zhegalka, zhigalka, strakiva, strekava, strekuchka, burn, ziguchka, zhiguchka, nettle fire - these are all the names that, according to the Explanatory Dictionary of V.L. Dahl, were awarded to nettles in Russia.

In the old days, nettle occupied not the last place in people's lives, this is confirmed by the abundance of proverbs, sayings, riddles and rituals associated with this plant.

If it weren't for the frost on the nettles, it wouldn't be sweet with it.

With him it is customary to sit in nettles.

Do not sit under someone else's fence, but at least in the nettles, but in your own.

Although not fire, it burns.

It is cold itself, but it burns people.

It is green, touch it - scald, and the pig eats - not choke.

Among the Russian people, nettle was known as a magical plant.

The old people argued that mermaids, witches, goblin and other evil spirits were most afraid of nettles and aspen. On the night of Midsummer's Day, nettles, collected early in the morning, were used to set up "Kupala lights" in order to drive away diseases and other misfortunes from people and domestic animals; laid it out on windows, thresholds of houses and in barns to protect them from evil spirits.

The ancient magical method of treating fever was to grasp the nettle tightly and pull it out by the roots, mentioning the patient's name and the names of his parents.

The strongest protective and healing properties were possessed by the nettle that grew in places never illuminated by the sun.

For a long time, nettle has been used as a fiber for tissue production.

In the old days, nettle products were not the last among the Slavic peoples. Socks were knitted from nettle yarn, which were worn for rheumatism and radiculitis. Nettle bast fibers were used to make yarn, ropes, rope, twine, coarse fabrics, fishing tackle, which were distinguished by their strength, lightness, did not get wet in water for a long time and did not rot, and also made sieves from them for filtering honey and sifting flour.

The fabric, obtained from the softer threads of nettle, was used for shirts and tablecloths, towels, bed linen and other fine-woven products. From the harder threads of nettle, yarn was prepared, which goes to a coarse cloth - vatola, from which they sewed blankets, bags, all kinds of bedding and capes for carts.

Nettle as a magic and spinning plant is dedicated to one of the most poetic tales of H.-H. Andersen "Wild Swans". According to the good sorceress, Princess Elsa could only save her brothers - wild swans - in one way: weave chain mail for them from nettle stalks. However, during all the work, she did not dare to utter a single word, otherwise all her work would be in vain. In addition, only the nettle that grew in the cemetery possessed magical power. The desire to save the brothers was so strong that no circumstances - neither separation from her beloved husband, nor accusation of witchcraft and condemnation to death - could not force Elsa to stop weaving chain mail from nettles. Already on the way to the place of execution, at the last moment, she manages to throw nettle chain mail on the wild swans, and all eleven swans turn into handsome princes. So Elsa saved the brothers with the magic power of nettles and the power of her love.

In Russia, nettle was widely used as a food plant. For a long time, the peasants revered nettle cabbage soup, it is not for nothing that there is a popular saying "A stinging nettle will be born, but it will come in handy in cabbage soup." Soups, salads, mashed potatoes are prepared from its leaves.

More than once, thanks to its nutritional value, it rescued the people during the years of difficult trials. During the Second World War, it was the only source of vitamins. Therefore, the nettle was dried, salted, harvested for future use for the winter.

Reader: I avoided flowers

He considered them an unnecessary wonder.

I was looking for the places where the nettles

It stood as an impregnable wall.

Burning with green fire

Cut off her thorny legs.

Unusual color cakes,

Burning ourselves, we ate afterwards.

And now I'm a flower lover

I smile at anyone happily.

There are nettles in the backyard.

Like the memory of those terrible years.

V. Sergin.

Leading: Nettle has been known as a medicinal plant for a long time. Even Hippocrates, Pliny and Dioscorides mentioned this plant as a medicinal plant. The Roman poet Ovid called nettle in his treatises the main ingredient for preparing the elixir of love. In the 11th century, in the work of the Italian physician Odo from Mena, nettle is mentioned as the fourth medicinal plant, 45 lines of poetry are dedicated to it. In the "Salerno Health Code" we read a whole poem in praise of the nettles.

Reader: Sleep sends the sick, stops the nasty vomiting,

Nettle seed with honey and colic heals reliably.

You will start drinking this remedy - and a running cough will surrender,

It drives out cold from the lungs and ulcers of the womb,

It gives faithful help for various diseases of the joints.

Harvest taken at times and dried nettle seed

It will be a useful medicine in many different cases.

Leading: Modern medicine also distinguishes nettles. “One nettle replaces seven doctors,” says folk wisdom.

It is used as a hemostatic for various bleeding. Infusion of flowers is used as a diuretic and as a remedy against chronic skin diseases, used as a wound-healing, anti-suppuration external agent for ulcers and wounds. For chronic coughs, nettle roots boiled in sugar syrup are recommended. An infusion of nettle leaves is used to gargle with sore throats, as well as to strengthen hair.

Nettles are truly ubiquitous. It grows everywhere, often interfering with the development of our garden crops... Let's take a trip through the gardens and guess what kind of plants are bothered by nettles.

Nettle questions.

1. This vegetable crop is a foreigner in our fields, arriving from overseas, although it has taken root very well with us. Her homeland is the mountain plateaus in Peru. Christopher Columbus brought it to Europe in the middle of the 16th century. At first, it was grown by amateurs rare plants and not in the beds, but in flower pots... At the end of the 18th century, it was still a novelty. The French queen adorned her dress with the flowers of this culture, and the fruits were served only for dinner to the king.

In Russia, the novelty was not immediately accepted, in some places even riots began. Russian peasants believed the rumors that it was a sin to plant a plant, you would burn the earth, and you would be left without bread. But gradually the peasants became convinced of the useful qualities of this vegetable crops, because in the long, cold winters, she saved whole families from hunger.


2. The ancient Greeks considered this plant to be the food of the poor. However, Pythagoras called him the king of spices. Warriors Ancient Rome chewed it before the fight. In ancient Egypt, they were treated for all diseases: from a cold and toothache to plague and insanity. One of the explanations for the fact that during construction Egyptian pyramids numerous slaves kept in terrible conditions escaped epidemics, is that this plant was included in their diet every day. It contains volatile substances - phytoncides, thanks to which 1-2 minutes are enough to destroy pathogens of such dangerous diseases as tuberculosis, diphtheria, flu, etc.


3. Like potatoes, this plant was brought to Europe by Spanish sailors from the squadron of Christopher Columbus. For the American Indians, it was the main food. The seeds of the plant were boiled and fried, and drinks were made from them. The sick were treated with a decoction of the leaves. In Europe, along with wheat, rice and potatoes, this plant is called the nurse of mankind. Still would! After all, everything that is collected from the field: "tops and roots" - goes into business, nothing is lost: the stems and leaves are sent to feed the cattle, and the gold grains fall on our table.


4. In ancient Greece, the winners of the Olympic Games were awarded with a wreath made of this plant. it spice plant has a "stone" name, as translated from Greek means "stone". Boys were called by this name in the hope that they would be resistant to adversity, strong as stone. This plant is widely used in cooking as a side dish and seasoning; it is added to the first and second courses immediately before serving. The name of this plant is one of fairytale heroes Slavic peoples.


Reader: Oh first lily of the valley! From under the snow

You ask for the sun's rays;

What a virgin bliss

In your fragrant charm!

As the first ray of spring is bright!

What dreams emanate in him!

How captivating you are, a gift

Incendiary spring!

A. Fet.

Leading: Lily of the valley. The Latin name of this flower literally means "lily of the valleys blooming in May."

The beautiful spring flower has long attracted the attention of people and many poetic legends have been written about its origin. An old Russian legend tells about the hopeless love of the water princess Volkhov for the daring Sadko. Having learned about his faithful love for a simple girl Lyubava, she went ashore to listen to her beloved's songs and playing the harp for the last time. For a long time Volkhova walked through the meadows and forest edges, but Sadko was nowhere to be found. Suddenly she saw two among the slender birches - they are Sadki and Lyubava. The proud princess wept with grief, bitter tears rolled from her blue, like the sea, eyes. They fell like pearls into the grass and turned into fragrant silvery flowers - a symbol of loyalty, love and tenderness. Unhappy with grief, Volkhova forever went to her cold underwater kingdom.

In England, there is a legend about the battle of St. Leonard, one of Clovis's ascetics, with a terrible dragon. The bloody battle continued for three days and three nights. On the fourth day, losing his strength, Leonard finally saw how the terrible monster, dragging its long tail, crawled into the depths of the forest. never to appear from there again. This battle cost Leonard dear: his body was severely wounded by the fangs and claws of the dragon. In the place where drops of the saint's blood dripped, flowers of purity and holiness grew - lilies of the valley. And now, at the site of the battle, you can see these white fragrant flowers.

Since the deep Middle Ages, the "holiday of lilies of the valley" has been preserved in France. It is celebrated on the first Sunday in May. The day before, in the afternoon, the villagers go to the nearest forest for lilies of the valley. Having collected bouquets, they return home in the evening. The next morning, the collected lilies of the valley are used to decorate rooms, windows and even doors. After a cheerful breakfast, dancing is organized. Each dancer has a bunch of lilies of the valley. The girls pin it to the bodice, and the boys pin it to the buttonholes of their frock coats. Young people who like each other exchange bouquets. Not accepting the lilies of the valley or letting them be thrown on the ground meant dislike or even disgust. Often such dances ended with a declaration of love.

Love for lily of the valley illuminated the work of many poets and writers. A.I.Kuprin, S.Kovalevskaya, Lesya Ukrainka, P.I.Tchaikovsky, A.A. Fet and others spoke about it as the most beloved flower. In poetic works, lily of the valley flowers have always personified purity, tenderness, love, loyalty.

“I recognize the lily of the valley as the king of flowers,” wrote PI Tchaikovsky, “I have some kind of mad adoration for him. One sight of these lovely flowers, flaunting at this moment on my table, is already enough to inspire love for life. " The composer dedicated a poem to the lilies of the valley:

Reader: I'm looking forward to spring. And then the sorceress appeared.

The forest has thrown off its shroud and a shadow is preparing for us.

And the rivers flowed, and the grove resounded,

And finally, the long-desired day has come.

Hurry to the forest! I'm running on a familiar path

Have dreams come true, dreams come true?

Here it is! Leaning to the ground, I trembling hand

I rip off the wonderful gift of the sorceress of spring.

O lily of the valley, why are you so pleasing to the eyes?

Others are more luxurious and magnificent flowers,

And the colors in them are brighter, and the patterns are more cheerful -

But the charm in them is not your mysterious.

Leading: Valery Bryusov dedicated no less heartfelt, full of admiration poems to the lily of the valley.

Reader: Lily of the valley sweet, lily of the valley tender

White lily of the valley, snowy lily of the valley

Our flower!

You stood between the green doors,

So that you, who is only vigilant,

I could see.

Swinging bells

In the air of cheerful May

White and clean

You shine in the grasses like stars,

You mark with a thin pattern

Full sheet.

Wax and all otherworldly

You are more blessed, you are more sinless

All colors.

White, white, white, white

Blameless, numb

Secret call! ..

Leading: The same theme of the inseparability of spring and lily of the valley sounds in the poem by S.Ya. Marshak.

Reader: The forest turns black, awakened by the warmth,

Embraced by spring dampness,

And on strings of pearls

Everyone trembles from the wind.

Round Buds Bells

Still closed and tight

But the sun opens its corollas

At the bells of spring.

Carefully swaddled by nature,

Wrapped in a wide sheet

A flower grows in the wilderness untouched.

Cool, fragile and fragrant.

The forest languishes in the early spring,

And all the happy longing

And all this fragrance

He gave it to the bitter flower.

Leading: The flower loved by poets is also known as a medicinal plant that has stood the test of time. From antiquity to the present, it has been widely used in medicine.

It was especially popular in the Middle Ages. True, sometimes he was credited with too much healing power... These misconceptions were captured in the novel "The Adventures of David Balfour" english writer R. Stevenson: “Take lily of the valley flowers, insist on them and drink a spoon or two when needed,” said an old recipe. - This drink returns speech to those who have been paralyzed, it is very good for gout, soothes the heart and strengthens memory. And if you put a bottle of lily of the valley flowers on an ant hummock, you get a drink that is equally useful for a healthy person, for a sick person, for a man and a woman. "

In Russia, lily of the valley was used against dropsy, heart disease, epilepsy, colic in the abdomen, etc. The berries of the plant were used by healers "from chohu, from homozu and from wife's zhuru". The girls in the village rubbed their cheeks with the juice of this plant to be rosy.

Currently, lily of the valley preparations are used for acute and chronic circulatory failure, heart failure. They act as a sedative for neuroses of the heart and as diuretics.

Not only lily of the valley is a medicinal plant. Many other flowers have medicinal properties. Guess what colors are in question.

Flower questions.

1. From time immemorial, the name of this flower has been called narcissistic people. And the ancient Greek legend is to blame for this. It says that a beautiful young man with a rare name lived in ancient times. Once the nymph Echo saw him and fell in love very much, but the young man, who saw his reflection in the river, fell in love with him and did not respond to the love of the nymph, who dried up from the torment of unrequited love so that only a voice remained of her. The angry gods turned the narcissistic youth into a flower, giving him his name.

This flower is used as a medicinal plant: its leaves can heal wounds.


2. This flower got its name from the color of the petals, translated from Celtic it means "white". Medieval alchemists attributed unearthly origins to the flower and called it the "golden root". And in Siberia it is called the “flaming heart”. According to legend, a flower grew from the heart of a Cossack, and whoever touches it will become strong, courageous and courageous. In some countries, the bulbs of this flower have long been used as a vegetable and medicinal plant. They are used to prepare a sweet seasoning, jam, and the dried flowers are put into the soup. Dried onions are chopped and cooked into porridge. In addition, wounds and burns are treated with flowers, and epilepsy is treated with pollen.


3. The name of this flower is of Greek origin, he received it in honor of the goddess Iris, and in translation into Russian it means - a rainbow. Indeed, the flowers of this plant are of a wide variety of shades and colors. The flower has many beneficial properties. Starch is obtained from the rhizomes of the plant, fibers for ropes and coarse fabrics are made from the leaves. Dry rhizomes of the flower are used in perfumery. Rhizomes, flowers and seeds of the plant are used as medicinal preparations for various diseases.


4. The name of this flower means "sword" in Latin. Its leaves stick out like sharp swords, so the plant in Russian was formerly called a skewer. According to an ancient Roman legend, a gladiator's sword stained with blood turned into a flower. His master died, but the gods, who saw how he fought bravely in the circus arena, took pity and returned his life. The leaves of this plant contain vitamin C and the substance saponin, which is used in medicine for pulmonary and renal diseases.


Leading: Whichever plant you take - everything is curious, each has its own healing properties. Nature is wise because she is life. People from ancient times were amazed at plants and created legends, tales, poems about them, associated their customs and rituals with them. So let's learn to see in the trees, herbs and flowers around us not just plants, but a source of inspiration, beauty and wisdom.

Reader: Here in the forest thickets, where everything is sweet for the heart,

Where clean air is so sweet to breathe

There is healing power in herbs and flowers

For all who know how to solve their secret.

Sunday Christmas.


1. Kravchenko T. "We are all the more useful from diseases": Botanical excursion into the world of medicinal plants // Bibliopole. - 2001. - No. 1. - P.63-69.

2. Kuznetsova M.A., Reznikova A.S. Legends about medicinal plants. - M .: Vys. shk., 1992 .- 272 p.

3.Signalova O. "Say a word about poor nettles" // In the world of plants. - 2004. - No. 2. - P.18-23.

Project theme: "Pharmacy underfoot"

Project type: practice-oriented

Project duration: short-term

Project participants: students of the specialized detachment of 2-3 grades
So the summer time has come, when everyone strives for new unforgettable impressions at the dacha, at the sea or simply in the forest rich in gifts. And we, teachers and students, hastened to the school summer health camp "Planet of Good".

Once on a walk, looking around us, we saw a rosehip bush with fragrant pink flowers, and next to it there were thickets of white chamomile, which looked at us with its yellow eye. In the distance, a birch rustled temptingly with leaves, inviting us to rest in the shade of its branches, and a little further away a lone mountain ash was waiting for us.

It turns out that many medicinal plants grow on the territory of our school! Shouldn't we learn more about them?

Since ancient times, people have noticed that sick animals leave to find some kind of grass, after eating which they recovered. So man began to seek help from plants. Our ancestors knew beneficial features many flowers and herbs: the sick and wounded were treated with herbal balms and infusions, they drank tea from various herbs.
Medicinal herbs, medicinal herbs!
There is no useless grass on earth!
You need to know all the plants
Protect and protect them.
After all, from the herbs of the forest kingdom
People make medicines.
In the process of working on the "Pharmacy underfoot" project, students independently investigate the presence of medicinal plants on the territory of their school, formulate conclusions about their usefulness, methods of application. An indefatigable thirst for new impressions, curiosity, a constant desire to experiment, to independently seek the truth spread among the children throughout the project.

When performing work, students acquire general educational skills, skills, methods of activity provided for by the standards of primary education, such as observing objects of the surrounding world, their description, correlation, information retrieval skills, skills independent work, the ability to build logical chains and form conclusions.

Carrying out their own research, observations will allow to generalize, analyze and promote environmentally friendly, safe for nature and their own health behavior. Practical activities will allow children and parents, under the guidance of teachers, to study nature not only from books, but also from their own observations.

This project helps students to show their creative activity, to build interpersonal relationships in small work groups, to experience feelings of emotional satisfaction and self-realization.


Clarify and expand children's ideas about medicinal plants and their impact on human health.



  • To form ideas about the inextricable connection between man and nature.

  • To create conditions for the assimilation of knowledge about nature by children.

  • To form knowledge about medicinal plants, their value for health, rules of use.

  • Teach children the rules for collecting and storing medicinal plants.

  • Fostering an environmentally competent attitude towards nature.

  • Development of communication skills.

  • Develop the desire and ability to cooperate, take into account and respect the interests of others, find joint constructive solutions.

  • Develop self-confidence in a peer group.

  • Ensuring the psychological well-being and health of children;

  • Develop ecological thinking in the process of research activities.

  • Formation of prerequisites for search activity, intellectual initiative.

  • Development of cognitive activity, play creativity, attention, ingenuity, behavior skills in various situations.

Object of study: medicinal plants in the area adjacent to school number 15


Introductory conversation. Excursions around the school grounds. Questioning, clarification personal experience children that the teacher can rely on.

Resource analysis, collection and study of information about medicinal plants.

Expansion of initial children's ideas, accumulation and consolidation of knowledge about the medicinal properties of plants that grow on the school grounds through conversations, competitions, performances, memorizing riddles, poems, through reading fiction and scientific literature, drawings, preparation and defense of mini-projects about medicinal plants. Through experiments conducted at the Magic Chemistry circle. Preparation of presentation materials about the project.

Analysis of the results of the project. Exhibition of drawings, mini - projects.

Presentation of the final presentation on the "Pharmacy underfoot" project.





1.06. 11

Introductory conversation. Diagnostics. Distribution of children into groups for the implementation of mini-projects.

2. 06.11

Observation of medicinal plants that grow on the school grounds.

3. 06.11

Collection of information about medicinal plants in the library, on the Internet.

6. 06.11

Intellectual game" Field of Dreams"

7. 06.11

Learning riddles and poems about medicinal plants

8. 06.11

Acquaintance with the medicinal properties of plants.

9. 06.11

Acquaintance with the rules of collection, processing and storage of medicinal plants.

10. 06.11

Collection of medicinal plants for herbarium. Learning the rules "How to make a herbarium?"

14. 06 11

Protection of mini - projects.

15. 06. 11

Release of the wall newspaper "Good recipes for health"

16. 06. 11

"Why does the nettle sting?" We find the answer to the question in the classroom

"Magic chemistry"

17. 06. 11

Quiz. Didactic games.

20. 06. 11

Protection of mini - projects. Excursion to the Station of Young Naturalists.

21. 06. 11

Learning songs about medicinal plants in music lessons.

22. 06. 11

Drawing medicinal plants. Making a herbarium of medicinal plants.

23. 06. 11

Event "Medicinal plants"

24. 06.11

Event "Forest Pharmacy" Diagnostics.

25. 06.11

Defense of the project with the presentation "Pharmacy underfoot".

While working on the project "Pharmacy underfoot", the guys from the specialized team learned:

what medicinal plants grow on the school grounds and what diseases they treat.

Appreciate and cherish every blade of grass.

Create a herbarium with your own hands.

We learned how to properly harvest, dry and store medicinal plants.

We learned how to defend our mini - projects.
Many guys noted the positive impact of the project on personal development. In the course of working on the project, children acquired such qualities as hard work, a sense of duty, responsibility, and a creative desire for high performance results.

Respect for people, both adults and children who were younger and older in age, the ability to interact with them.

Learned to express and clarify their ideas in the course of a group discussion to relate to the ideas of others, either clarifying or arguing their understanding and attitude with the help of questions and judgments.

Get the information you need on your own and choose the most important and important from it. We have made sure that such a system of work brings a positive result.


^ Memo to the collector of medicinal plants
Medicinal plants are harvested in sunny, dry weather: leaves and stems - during flowering, flowers - at the beginning of flowering, fruits - during full ripening, roots - in autumn.

^ Do not collect dusty, dirty, diseased plants.

Do not collect plants near roads and industrial plants.

^ Medicinal plants should not be taken by mouth, as many of them are poisonous.

You cannot pull out the plants, they need to be cut with a knife. The roots must be dug up.

^ Dry medicinal plants without delay in a well-ventilated place.

^ Medicinal plants can be grown on their own in vegetable gardens and school grounds - for example: chamomile, sage, valerian, yarrow, motherwort.

^ In nature, there are plants that cannot be sniffed, taken in the mouth, or plucked. They are poisonous!

^ Herbal poisons in small doses are used as medicine.

^ Riddles about medicinal plants

We smell the freshness of the forest
Brings in late spring
Fragrant flower, delicate
From a snow-white brush.
(Lily of the valley)

There was a red-haired Vanyok,
Curly boy
Became gray-haired, blond,
The wind blew - lo and behold, bald.

Will burn without fire

And you and me
And he lives by the wattle fence.
The herb is akin to parsley
And with an umbrella on top
The baker needs that weed
And also to the pharmacist.
The shepherdesses went out into the field,
They have sacks behind them,
And the knapsack bags
On a tight ribbon.
(Shepherd's bag)
Bitter weed
Amendment to the stomach,
And it is fragrant itself,
And sweeps clean.
The bunch of berries is beautiful,
Yellow or red
I'm afraid to get it -
I will prick my thorns.
But I respect from childhood
Heart remedy.


You hurt your leg on the hike,
Fatigue does not let go -
Bend down: the soldier by the road
Ready to help you along the way

Seeds like claws
Yellow-red flowers.
They help from the throat,
Who does not know them


Sits on a stick
In a red shirt
The abdomen is full
Stuffed with pebbles

(Rose hip)
Ask a calf and a lamb -
There is no more delicious flower in the world.
It's no coincidence
Red porridge
His name is for taste and color


Of a mod like this
The earth has not yet seen
He loves very much in the middle of summer
Flaunt in a down hat


There is a crooked root and a horned one,
Rich in healing power.
And maybe two centuries
He's waiting for a man
In the thicket of the forest
Under the cedar pine.

On vacant lots and on roads
With a white inflorescence weed.
But study its properties-
Perhaps you will not look like this:
The bleeding will stop
In China, he is a salad to the table.
The weed is tenacious:
There are so many seeds in the fruit,
Look like a bag.

(Shepherd's bag)

Poems about medicinal plants
"Green Pharmacy".

If someone caught a cold

The head hurts, the stomach.

So, you need to get medical treatment,

So on the way - to the garden.

We will take the potion from the garden

We go to the garden for a pill.

We will quickly cure a cold.

You will be happy with life again.

Dandelion, plantain,

Cornflower, sage and mint.

Here is the "green pharmacy"

Helps you guys!

If you want to be healthy!

If you want to be healthy

Do without doctors

Eat more often onions, garlic,

After all, they are a tremendous use!

If you hurt your leg

Don't worry, don't cry

Plantain to the rescue -

Call to you as soon as possible!

I am a nondescript plantain flower, growing on Russian roads.

The roads rush behind the mounds, the roads never end

And it is important that I know how to heal wounds to travelers.

Tear off the leaf carefully and relieve the burning pain

I am a nondescript plantain flower growing by the road in the dust.
Here in the forest thickets,
Where everything is sweet for the heart

Where clean air

It's so sweet to breathe
Eat in herbs and flowers
Healing power
For all who can
Solve their secret.
M. Ryazanov

Medicinal plants quiz

1. What medicinal plants are poisonous?

(henbane, dope, adonis or adonis, celandine, etc.).

2. What is the most common medicinal tree? ( Birch)

3. What shrub is the raw material for the production of heart medications? ( hawthorn)

4. What are the weeds of medicinal plants? ( dandelion, nettle, wormwood, shepherd's purse)

5. The name of which medicinal plant means "health" in Greek? (sagebrush)

6. Blooming, what local medicinal plants portend a short-term cooling? ( rosehip and bird cherry)

7. What is another name for the scrofula plant? ( succession)

8. What medicinal plants have "animal" names? ( wolf berries, dog rose (rosehip)

9. Is the powder from the roots of this plant used to improve appetite? (dandelion medicinal)

10. Is the infusion from the leaves of this plant used to cauterize warts? (celandine large)

11.This plant is used to stop bleeding (yarrow)

12. If you have been bitten by a bee or injured your leg, which leaf do you use? (large plantain)

13. You have a sore throat - what plant will you use for mouthwash? ( pharmaceutical camomile).

14. Salad is prepared from the leaves of this plant (dandelion medicinal)

15. This plant is used to make tea, which has a calming effect (chamomile)

^ Event scenario

"Medicinal plants"

Vrach N ekh v o r o t to n. In the forest, in the field, and even on a dusty road, medicines "grow" in large quantities. Currently, there are about 600 plant species used in medicine. You just need to know them, guys, and be able to use them. Even in ancient times, our people used herbs to treat all kinds of diseases. Today we will talk about the most common medicinal plants. Who will have questions?
1st big. My heart hurts, how can I treat it?
At r a h. A lily of the valley was born on a May day,
And the forest keeps it. It seems to me, his back, - He will quietly ring, And the meadow heard this ringing, And birds, and flowers around. Lily of the valley drops help with heart disease.
Reader 1. Lily of the valley flowers are used to make drops, which are used as a means to soothe a strong heartbeat.
Flowers are also used to make perfumes, cologne, and soaps.
2nd big. Doctor, I have a bad appetite, what should I do?
In r and h. Dandelion root will help to whet your appetite.
Carries a dandelion
Yellow sarafan.
Grow up, dress up
In a little white dress
Lush, airy,
Obedient to the breeze.
It is noticeable, golden
Aged and became gray-haired,
And as soon as he turned gray,
He flew away with the wind. The root of this plant stimulates the appetite, and animals willingly eat it.
3rd big. I often get sore throat. What medicinal plants will help me heal?
In r and h. This plant is a medicinal chamomile. The golden mean, And the rays go around. Could it be a painting? The sun is in the blue sky.
Reader 2. And if you happen to catch a cold,
Cough will stick, fever will rise. Pull the mug close to you, in which a slightly bitter, fragrant broth is smoking. Familiar from childhood, family daisies ... Here is an easy poper by our river. Like white stars, amid pink porridge In the bouquet, its petals shine. He “loves - does not like” can answer us. And he will look affably with a yellow eye. This chamomile is familiar to us too - We call it a medicinal friend.
Medicinal chamomile is used for colds and coughs. (Show medicinal chamomile.)
4th big. Which plant will help cure stomach disease?
In r and h. Yarrow will help you.
Each leaf is broken into slices. Count how many slices?
8, 10, 20, 30 ... It's easy to lose track of it here. Who wants to have Slices to re-read?
Cht ets 3. Its preparations are used for various diseases of the stomach, used to stop internal and external bleeding. (Show yarrow.)
5th big. How can I cure warts?
At r and h. Rosyanka. This medicinal plant feeds on flies and mosquitoes.
Sundews are used to prepare a cure for warts. Hey, brother mosquito, beware! Don't sit on her bush - I'll have to say goodbye to life: Once you sit down, you won't get up again. Heals warts and celandine. (Show celandine.)
6th big. What plant can replace cotton wool?
At r a h. Sphagnum moss.
Between cranberries and cloudberries
Resident of forest swamps.
On a hummock there is moss without a leg,
Everywhere you look, it grows.
He is grayish underneath,
Higher - greener.
If you need cotton wool,
Pick it up quickly.
On the bushes of the meadow
Dried in the summer heat.
He wounds the partisans
He treated in the wilderness of the forest. Sphagnum moss was used as a substitute for cotton wool in the First World War. And the wounds heal sooner.
7th big. What plant will help us in the hike with injuries?
At the time of the Traveler, friend, plantain,
A modest, nondescript piece of paper. He lay down with a damp patch, Many of us do not realize That the medicine was found Right there, on the path, at the feet. Plantain is used as a medicinal plant. We use it on the road. Fresh plantain leaves are applied for abrasions, burns, insect bites.
What would happen if people only began to take away all the gifts of nature, without restoring anything: without planting forests, without raising valuable fur animals? They would rob themselves. It takes more than a dozen years to grow a tree. So the proverb was born among the people: "Cut down a tree - 5 minutes, grow - 100 years!"
Nature gives all its treasures to man and for all this asks one thing: to take care of it. Let's take care of our green friend!

^ Songs where flowers meet
The sun came out, shining in the meadow.

I run towards the sun on the grass.

And I tear white daisies on the fly,

I'll make a wreath, weave it into the sun.
Herbs, herbs, herbs, did not have time,

Wake up from the silver dew.

And such gentle tunes

For some reason, they pour straight into the heart
As soon as the snowdrop blooms on time,

As soon as the first thunderstorms approach.

Juice appears on white trunks

Either birch trees cry, now birch trees cry.
You will get tired of the roads - and for the first time,

You will fall face down in the flowers - meadow.

And the blue will swing over you,

The head will ache with silence

The sky is overgrown with cornflowers,

And chamomile from the sun and snow,

Wildflowers, wildflowers

Unpretentious, not capricious.
Do not pick flowers, do not rip.

Let the Earth be more elegant.

And give instead of bouquets,

Cornflower blue, forget-me-not,

And chamomile fields.

Didactic games

Extracurricular activity

"Medicinal plants of the Khabarosky region". Grade 3

Teacher MOU secondary school number 32 Komsomolsk - on - Amur

Kadykova Elena Nikolaevna


To acquaint with the famous and interesting herbal plants of our region, with their medicinal properties;

Expand the knowledge of students about medicinal plants in our region;

Establishing a causal relationship between individual elements of nature;

Development of cognitive abilities of learning, communication skills, curiosity;

Fostering a sense of patriotism for native nature,

respect for her, protection and wise use of her wealth.

1. Introduction to the topic. (To the music) Slide (forest)

D: I do not walk in the steppe,

I go to the pharmacy.

I understand her

Herbal file cabinet.

Endless steppe

Endless steppe

You are an unwritten weird recipe.

Here in the forest thickets, where everything is sweet for the heart,

Where clean air is so sweet to breathe

There is healing power in herbs and flowers,

For all who know how to solve their secret.

What is it about? (about nature, plants)

W: Today I invite you to take a trip to the enchanted, wonderful world of nature, the world of Flora. Slide (Flora) There is not a single useless plant in it.

The topic of the lesson (read in chorus) is "Forest pharmacy in the service of man." Slide)

We will find out how ordinary herbs can help human health.

2. Work in pairs.

And we will travel under the motto .... - Collect the proverb and you will find out.

I will save my health, I will help myself. (Slide)

About 300 years ago, the first pharmacies appeared in Russia selling medicinal herbs. And in ancient times healing herbs collected specials. people. What were they called?

3. W: Guess the crossword puzzle . Slide

1. Like pines, like Christmas trees, and in winter without needles. (Larch)

2. The long-legged sisters went out in a flock on the meadow.

The word snow is their cilia and, like the sun, a peephole. (Chamomile)

3. What is my name - tell me, I often hide in the rye, A modest wildflower, blue-eyed ... (Cornflower)

4.Gold and young in a week became gray-haired, and in two days the head became bald,

I'll hide the former in my pocket ... (Dandelion)

5.You hurt your leg during the hike, fatigue does not allow you to go,

Bend down, the soldier by the road is ready to help you along the way. (Plantain)

6. Red beads are hanging, they are looking at us from the bushes, These children, birds and bears are very fond of beads. (Raspberries)

7. Ask a calf and a lamb: there is no more delicious flower in the world, It is no coincidence that its name is red porridge for its taste and color. (Clover)

8.Lives by the fence, does not recognize anyone,

Not a dog, but biting and petting. (Nettle)

Output : People, collectors of lek. herbs were called " herbalists ". ( Appeared. on the blackboard the word herbalist)

What unites all the words-answers? (These are medicinal herbs)

4. "From the world of history" (a student tells)

Man has long noticed that among the multitude of plants animals choose only those that help them to heal.

Man began to study these plants and their properties. In Russia, such people were called "herbalists". This is how the knowledge about the medicinal properties of plants, which we now use, appeared.

The first essay on lek. herbs belongs to the outstanding physician of ancient Greece, Hippocrates, who lived BC. NS. He described over 200 plant species. (The word appears on the board Hippocrates)

5. Meeting with the herbalist and her grandchildren.

U: - Guys, would you like to meet a herbalist who knows a lot about the healing properties of plants that grow in the vicinity of our region?

But she will come with her grandchildren, to whom she imparts her knowledge.

Please welcome! (Music sounds. Enter the class)

Yegorovna: My name is Grandma Yegorovna. And these are my successors.

To learn the secrets to lay down. herbs, you need to know a lot about the nature around you, be able to observe the weather, follow the rules and traditions in the house of nature.

What kind of house we are talking about - guess!

Mystery. (Grandson)

The house is open from all sides, the house is covered with a carved roof.

Come in green house, You will see miracles in it. (Forest)

Reading verse - I (Grandchildren)

The forest is like a fairy kingdom

There are medicines growing all around

In every grass, in every branch -

Both medicine and pills.

Well, what and how to treat

We can teach you.

Everything medicinal plants

We know without exception.

You just need not to be lazy
You just need to learn

Find plants in the forest,

What are suitable for treatment!

Grandson: We will now introduce you to some of them.

There is a curly hair in the forest - a white shirt,

In the middle of the golden one, who is she?

6. Physics

Find the answer, it is hidden near you.

Music sounds, Chamomile appears.

Slide. (With photo and text)

It's me, Chamomile. Chamomile - translated as "sweet simplicity". My homeland is America. Long ago, like a weed, I got into the hold of steamers with grain, then I drove along railroad... There were cracks in the cars, and my small seeds were scattered along the railroad tracks. Soon the mounds were covered with soft and fragrant grass. This is how I ended up in Russia.

Teacher: Dear Chamomile, how are you useful?

Chamomile: Tear off a petal and find out how I am useful.

1st –Cures cough

2nd - Relieves fever

3rd - Use when washing hair
4th - Washing with a strong decoction, the skin becomes velvety and tender.

5th - Treats toothache

7. Chamomile : Remember a simple folk remedy.

If your throat hurts.

Take 1 glass of milk, 1 glass of water and one pinch of chamomile, honey. Mix everything together, boil, strain and drink instead of tea.

Egorovna: Guys, do you know medicinal plants?

8. Try to guess and remember medicinal properties these plants.

Group work. (Each group has a card)

1. Plants that treat warts. (Celandine)

2. The flowers of this tree are used as a tea for colds. (Linden)

3. Green cabbage soup is made from this vitamin plant. (Sorrel)

4. The Russian people have this lek. the plant was named "agave".

And what does its scientific name sound like? (Aloe)

5 Healing tree with a white barrel, supplier of medicinal juice. (Birch)

6. A medicinal plant found in almost all chewing gums. (Mint)

- Say an extra word. (Aloe)

Well done!


A thin stem near the path, at the end of its earrings.

There are leaves on the ground - small burdocks.

He is like a good friend to us, he heals wounds of legs and arms.

9. Physics. (Children are looking for an answer)

Music sounds, Plantain appears. ( Slide)

10. Plantain: This is me - Plantain. There is a legend about how my healing properties were discovered. Two snakes lay on the road, basking in the sun. Suddenly, a cart drove out from around the bend, One snake managed to crawl away, and the other did not. People stopped and saw how that snake, which crawled away, brought a wounded plantain leaf, and after a while they disappeared from sight together.

Teacher: Dear Plantain, how are you useful?

P: And this I want to ask the guys.


A tooth aches, an eye is inflamed, a heart hurts, gums bleed, hurt, cut, stomach ache - urgently run to me!

11. Egorovna : Listen to my folk remedy.

You rub your leg - about misfortune.

It is necessary to rip off a plantain leaf, wrap a sore spot with it. The leaf cools pleasantly and the pain gradually disappears.

12. Music. Enter Lily of the Valley. (No crown)

Mystery. (Slide)

I bloom in the spring

Only the forest snow will melt.

And on each stem in a row,

Like lights are on.

Teacher: Oh, who are you?

Slide with text only.

13. Lily of the valley : I am a medicinal plant, means "lily of the valleys," blooming in May. They call me a lifesaver. I am a forest flower, but now they plant me in parks, in summer cottages. And what beautiful flowers I have - bells! And how great they smell! But you can't tear me up - I'm listed in the Red Book. (Show)

Lily of the Valley: Who am I? (Lily of the Valley) - puts on the crown

Slide with illustration and text.

Lily of the valley is used:

For the treatment of kidneys, heart, blood vessels, for abdominal pain,

Acts as a sedative.

The girls rubbed their cheeks with lily of the valley juice to be rosy.

In chorus! Lily of the valley is not only curative, but also poisonous. Its fruits are poisonous.

Eating it unprocessed is deadly!

Teacher: So how does lily of the valley differ from other plants that we talked about today? (He's poisonous)

14. Poisonous plants.

Name the plants that are harmful to humans, but are medicine or food for animals.

Slide. Raven eye. (Photo)

Raven eye ---- birds----medicine

Slide. Wolf's bast (Photo)

Wolf's bast ------- nectar ------- bees, ants


D: Guys, let's conduct a small exam for our guests - Grandma Yegorovna and her grandchildren.

15. Exam.

1.This is a burning plant, when cooking green cabbage soup, it can replace sorrel. (Nettle)

2. A sweet substance that bees produce by collecting pollen and plant nectar. (Honey)

3.In it a large number of starch, stomach ailments can be cured.


4. Name the herbs and plants that can be cured of a cold. (Raspberry, cranberry, mother and stepmother, mint)

Well, well done, real healers!

16. Music. Rosehip, Yarrow, Lingonberry, Mother and Stepmother appear.

D: Who are you? Why did you come to us?

Everything. We came to our friends! We are also medicinal plants!

Rose hip.

Somewhere in the dense thicket,

Behind the barbed fence

At the cherished place

There is a magic first aid kit:

There are red pills

Hanging on a branch.

They call me the king of the bushes

For the color and for the smell

Of my petals.

Hot bush my green

I'm ready to hurt you,

But I will help all the sick

And to those who are healthy.

Teacher. We know you are Rosehip! But how can you help?

Rose hip. Drink my infusion for prevention. It is delicious and healthy. It contains vitamin C. And then you will not get sick with the flu!


Above the leaf is smooth,

But with a bike lining

Teacher. We know you are a Mother - and - a stepmother!

Coltsfoot... If the cough has tortured you, the inflammation has begun,

Make friends with me soon, and I promise everything will pass.


Glossy leaf

Berries with blush

And the bushes themselves -

Not above the bump.

Teacher. You are Lingonberry! 7

How do you help people?


Fever, headaches, poor appetite.

Drink a decoction of my leaves

You will instantly forget about them.


White shield on a thousand leaves, I grow on a hillock, I will help in trouble.

Teacher. How can you

help, Yarrow?

Yarrow. I, like the plantain, help people:

I heal wounds, improve appetite, remove various inflammations.

Let's ask all the medicinal plants to come to the middle of the class and thank them for the healing properties that help a person.

improve your health.

Music (hand in hand)

17. Outcome .

I saw a young sprout

Don't touch or tear.

Come on by, smile.

Years will pass and grow there

Healing herb.

Guard the green forest,

Don't offend anyone!

Do not destroy the trees,

Save flowers in the forest!

Have you come to nature for help?

Be kind and take care of her.

Do not break branches, do not touch

Remember it takes many years

So that the bush can help you again.

You friend

Look, don't disappoint!

Be truthful

And promise the good!

Do not offend either birds or crickets,

Don't buy a butterfly net for the butterfly! eight

Love flowers, forests,

The vastness of the fields -

Everything that is called your Motherland!

Egorovna: I don't want tea with cookies, with cake,

I miss taiga tea again:

With oregano, with a smoke, with a strawberry leaf,

But it is also possible with mint, raspberries, honey.

I want to treat you all with boiling water,

With a magical, taiga, forest smell.


Tyurina Larisa Viktorovna

Musical director,

MADOU kindergarten number 80

the city of Tyumen

Travel to the country of medicinal plants

summer fun for senior preschoolers


Arouse joyful emotions in children and enrich them with new vivid impressions.


To consolidate in children elementary knowledge about plants growing in the Tyumen region, their beneficial properties

To educate children to respect plants.

Continue to teach children to expressively perform basic dance moves using the music of the peoples of the world.

To continue to form the basic singing skills: expressiveness, musicality, intonation purity.

To support in children the desire to listen to both classical and Russian folk music, and to the music of the peoples of the world, to emotionally respond to it.

Preliminary work:

  • Individual and group work on learning musical and poetic material;
  • Individual and group conversations about the healing properties of plants, their diversity in their native land;
  • The use of popular science, fiction, medical literature, illustrations and poetry describing flowers and herbs;
  • Compilation of stories and tales about unusual adventures of plants;
  • Making attributes, wreaths, costume elements for entertainment.


Adults: Flower girl, Gardener, Aphids.

Children- flowers, herbs, insects

Event progress:

The holiday is held in summer time outside.

♫ Music by E. Grieg "Morning"(Appendix No. 1)

Children take their places on the playground, they are met by the Flower Girl with a basket in her hands, covered with a blanket.

Flower girl. Hello dear guests, I am glad to welcome you to Flower city... Dear guys, a great time is in full swing - summer! Do not count all the summer joys: swimming, mushrooms, fishing, hiking ... How much summer gives! But in the summer there is the most charming activity, such that there is no winter, no autumn, no spring. Can you guess, my young friends, which one? (children speak out) Then we'll have to sing a song for you. Maybe my song will tell you?

She sings without finishing the last word of each verse, forcing the guys to guess it and finish singing it.

♫ Song of the Flower Girl, music L. Tyurina, lyrics N. Malaya, Appendix No. 2

Summer is a wonderful time.

The kids are screaming ... ("Hurray!")

We both rivers and forests

Gives in the summer ... (miracles).

Who did the miracle

Summer into a fairy tale ... (turned)?

Who made the whole world like this:

Voiced, joyful ... (colored)?

The whole earth became around

Bright, colorful ... (carpet),

Where under the dome of heaven

It turns green lush ... (forest).

And flowers bloom all around

Unprecedented ... (beauty).

Among the ears of the river

Turned blue ... (cornflowers),

And, welcoming the guys,

The bells are ringing).

How nice it is for you to run

Through camomile ... (meadows)!

Here on the mirror of the river

Danced ... (floats)

And around - they are gentle, clean.

White lilies ... (flowers).

The bees are flying merrily

On honey ... (aroma),

Into the world of goodness and beauty

They transform the world ... (flowers).

Flower girl. Guess guys what we enjoy in the summer?

Children. Flowers.

Flower girl. Indeed, flowers are my kindest friends, and I am their patroness. (She removes the covers from the basket, and it is full of flowers.) All my life I have been engaged in flowers: I collected them in the meadows, grew them in the garden, tied them into beautiful bouquets and gave them. And people, seeing flowers, were transformed before their eyes: their wrinkles were smoothed, their eyes brightened, and smiles appeared on their faces ...

I have a favorite flower, do you know what it is called? (takes a seven-flower flower from the basket).

Children answer

Flower girl. That's right, Tsvetik is dear to me because it knows how to fulfill various good desires. Want to try?

Children answer.

Flower girl. Well then help me speak magic words

You fly, fly, petal,

Through west to east

Through the north, through the south

Come back in a circle

As soon as you touch the ground

Be in my opinion led!

Flower girl. Command to now for us

Flowers performed the most delicate waltz!

♫ Children perform a dance composition to the music of A. Grechaninov “Waltz”.(Appendix No. 3)

Children - Flowers are applauded. Burr, Dandelion, Lopushki, Cornflowers, Chamomile remain in the center.

Flower girl. What a wonderful waltz it turned out!

My flowers are not only wonderful dancers, but also wonderful poets. However, they will not reveal their talents without the help of the Seven-flower Flower. Do you want to know what flowers were circling in a waltz? (tears off a petal, says) :

You fly, fly, petal,

Through west to east

Through the north, through the south

Come back in a circle

As soon as you touch the ground

Be in my opinion led!

Flower girl. Command that my plants

They told about themselves poems.


S. Wheat

Burr said:

I am a loyal friend

Everyone around you knows about it!

And remember, by the way,

That I am very intrusive!


I. Vinokurov

He stands at the stitch

On a thin leg

Proud of the new -

A downy hat.

Try on that hat

The beetle wanted

Barely touched

She flew apart.


Julia Lebedushkina

1. Look, near the track,

Where streams laughed yesterday

Warm green palms

They stretched out burdocks to the sun.

2. How much warmth in it, in this leaflet!

You are with everyone, just like you are with me,


R. Kudasheva

1. All I am blue, all I am bright,

It is seen everywhere in ripe rye.

It's hot for me even at noon

Children walk along the border.

Between the ears of their little hands

Choosing a cornflower -

Love them my little eyes,

Any my flexible stem.

2. A front sight lands on me,

And the bee flies to me

Oriental Field Mouse

It won't hurt me.

And me spinning at will

A moth is visiting ...

I am the beauty of the rye field

Bright blue cornflower.


The middle is yellow, the edge is white.

On a green leg. I am your girlfriend.

I want to please all of you,

Wish children health

Kiss everyone in the circle!

Flower girl.(refers to flowers) Thank you, lovely flowers, you made us very happy. (to children) Guys, I see you are very attentive, probably, during walks with teachers, you very carefully observe the plants, know how to identify them? Please name the flowering plants in your kindergarten.

Children. Asters, marigolds, alissium, lilacs, phloxes, lilies of the valley, pansies, lilies, irises, "funny guys", etc.

Flower girl. Guys, I invite everyone to play with my flowers. Do you agree?

Children's answer.

♫ Children perform the Hungarian folk song "Venochek", arr. T. Popatenko, rus. text by N. Naydenova(Appendix No. 4)

Flower girl. The wreath turned out to be very beautiful. Did you know that flowers and herbs are not only beautiful, but also useful? How are they useful?

Statements of children.

Flower girl. Want to meet a true plant connoisseur? Then we need to use the magic petal of the Seven-Flower Flower. (background music sounds, children pronounce the words, echoing the Flower Girl):

You fly, fly, petal,

Through west to east

Through the north, through the south

Come back in a circle

As soon as you touch the ground

Be in my opinion led!

Flower girl. Tell us to

The gardener would be welcomed!

Background music plays and the Gardener appears. He is holding garden tools.

Gardener. Hello children, welcome to the land of medicinal plants! I am glad that you dropped by to visit us!

Flower girl. Hello Gardener, what are you doing?

Gardener. I'm preparing stocks of medicinal plants for the winter, it's high time. But the trouble is - I have forgotten how some plants are called, and what are they for? Maybe your children will help me figure it out?

The game "Useful Plants" is being held.

Plants (plantain, chamomile, mint, linden) are laid out on the table. The child picks up or points to a plant and names it. One who has a suit this plant(Chamomile, Mint, etc.) comes out and talks about its healing properties.


The traveler's friend, plantain,

A modest, nondescript piece of paper,

He's on a cut finger

I lay down with a damp patch.

Many of us do not know

That the cure was found

Right there, on the path, at the feet.


There is a lot of aroma in the house,

If mint dries in the house.

Mint tortilla,

Infusion of mint spoon -

No more nausea

There is no hoarseness in my throat.

Validol toothpaste -

Mint everywhere!

We collect not in vain

This grass, guys!


You can't count all the colors

There is a pharmacy chamomile.

You need to know about chamomile.

White tiny flower -

For poultices, for lotions.

If inflammation,

Broth - sedation.


Linden - a remedy for colds,

Know everything about that everywhere.

Although the color of the linden is unattractive,

But healthier than tea no.

For sore throats and colds

They drink healing linden tea.

They say when they are sick:

"Come on, linden, help me out!"

(Sun. Rozhdestvensky)

Gardener. Well done, thanks to you, I will attach nameplates to the plants and will heal my friends in winter if they get sick. Guys, I'll open one for you little secret... Scientists and I have noticed that when beautiful music sounds, plants begin to feel better. Can't we please the plants with something today?

Children offer options.

Flower girl. Guys, the offer is accepted - let's sing a song!

♫ Song "Summer Flowers", music E Tilicheyeva, lyrics L. Nekrasova

(Appendix No. 5)

Gardener... Yes, the song is wonderful, floral. Guys, who do you think helps the plants bloom?

Children assume.

Gardener. Our Seven-flower Flower really wants these friends to appear here.

(background music sounds, children pronounce the words, echoing the Flower Girl):

You fly, fly, petal,

Through west to east

Through the north, through the south

Come back in a circle

As soon as you touch the ground

Be in my opinion led!

Flower girl. Command butterflies and moths

Flocked around on flowers!

♫ The song "On the Lawn" is performed, music. L. Tyurina, lyrics L. Dymova.

(Appendix No. 6)

Gardener. Guys, why are butterflies, moths, dragonflies, bees called helpers of plants and flowers? Maybe they all need to be overfished with juice for the collection, because they are so beautiful?

Children. It is not necessary to catch butterflies and bees, without them flowers will not bloom. Insects carry pollen from plant to plant, and bees produce honey.

Gardener. Well done, you know everything.

Unpleasant music sounds, Aphids sneak out (dressed in a caustic green suit), comes closer to the children, tries to "tear off the leaves", touch the "plants".

Aphid. Finally, new, unspoiled flowers and herbs have appeared in our country of Medicinal Plants! You can spoil them, bite them, chew them, leave holes on the leaves. That's how delicious it is! (picks leaves from a bush, pretends to eat, chomp, throws them away).

Gardener. Oh, you nasty Aphid, why are you spoiling our plants?

Aphid. Very appetizing, besides, the patterns from the holes on the leaves turn out like lace! (shows children)

Gardener. How much I have been fighting with you, I can’t destroy everything!

Flower girl. This, gardener, is because you alone fight pests. And there are many of us today, we will help you. Really guys?

The children agree.

Flower girl. Only, Gardener, tell us what needs to be done in order to defeat pests, protect plants?

Gardener. Guys, in order to protect the plants, you need to know some rules. Dangerous insects can be defeated chemicals... But, drugs that help plants have chemical composition dangerous for human skin. Therefore, to use them, you need to wear rubber gloves, galoshes and spray on the plant only from a special sprayer. I have already prepared the Green Elixir for the Aphid and her accomplices. We need to very quickly process the lilac and iris bushes (or other faded plants) so that the pests do not have time to spoil our flowers.

The game "Save the Plants" is being held.

Children are divided into 2-3 teams (depending on the number of participants). For each team, rubber gloves, galoshes and a spray bottle filled with water are laid out on a large piece of cardboard. The task of each player is to put on galoshes (the child's shoes are not removed at the same time), gloves, take a spray bottle, run to the specified bush, spray water, return to your team, transfer the attributes to the next player.

The team that completes the task faster than others wins.

Gardener. Well done, guys, they probably destroyed all the pests.

Flower girl. Look, we helped the flowers, and the Aphids are still happy and plotting some nasty things against our plants.

Aphid. (sarcastically) Night will come, everyone will fall asleep, and I'm right there, I'll start feasting on leaves, flowers!

Flower girl. Gardener, what to do? What else is there for pest control? How can aphids be overcome?

Gardener. (whisper) Guys, I remembered! You can defeat this harm with soap! And so that she does not guess how we are going to harass her, we will use a trick. We dilute the soap with water, pack it in cones and get soap bubbles (distributes to children). Hold on, children, let's start blowing all together.

Flower girl. And in order for us to succeed, I will ask for help from the Seven-Flower Flower.

♫ Music sounds “ Bubble", Unknown. the author.(Appendix No. 7)

Children blow bubbles, Flower Girl says:

You fly, fly, petal,

Through west to east

Through the north, through the south

Come back in a circle

As soon as you touch the ground

Be in my opinion led!

Flower girl. Command the evil Aphid to defeat.

Reign peace in our country!

Aphid.("Flies away", disappears) Ay-y-yay! I don’t want to leave, there are many delicious plants! The soap is pinching, ay-ay-ay!

Gardener. Thank you guys for helping the country of medicinal plants to get rid of harmful insects. For this I want to give you a flower soap prepared from medicinal herbs. So that your faces and hands are always clean, so that they remember about medicinal plants and always treat them carefully, do not tear and trample in vain.

Flower girl. Dear ones, we had a great time with you, and did not even notice how it was time to return to kindergarten, the teachers were tired of waiting for us. Well, Seven-Blossom Flower, help us out one more time!

(background music sounds, children pronounce the words, echoing the Flower Girl):

You fly, fly, petal,

Through west to east

Through the north, through the south

Come back in a circle

As soon as you touch the ground

Be in my opinion led!

Flower girl. Tell me to go quickly,

It's time for us to return to the kindergarten!

Background music is playing, "children are coming back".

Flower girl. Here we are at home, the sun is shining, the birds are singing. And plants look at us in a special way, as experts. Let us and we will treat them with respect. And here is the lilac bush shaking its head to us, probably, it wants to tell something special. Come on, come a little closer (a flower-shaped note is attached to the lilac branches).

“Dear guys, I watched you throughout the trip to the country of medicinal plants and decided that you deserve the title of Young Naturalist. This title is awarded to those who protect nature. native land, takes care of her. I think you deserve to be commended. A surprise awaits you at a rowan meadow.


Children follow the tracks drawn on the asphalt to a rowan meadow. There, under the mountain ash, there are thermoses, decorated with mushrooms, in them - a rosehip decoction.

Flower girl. What a surprise! Delicious and healthy.

And we still have the last petal.

(background music sounds, children pronounce the words, echoing the Flower Girl):

You fly, fly, petal,

Through west to east

Through the north, through the south

Come back in a circle

As soon as you touch the ground

Be in my opinion led!

Flower girl. Tell the music to sound faster,

And spread the colored meadow everywhere!

♫ Children perform the song “The world is like a colored meadow” from the movie “One Morning”, muses. V. Shainsky, lyrics M. Plyatskovsky. (Appendix No. 8)

Flower girl. It's a pity to part with you, kids,

It's time for me to get ready for the journey.

I will always be glad to visit you.

Do not forget to invite only guests.

Background music sounds, Flower girl waves her hand, leaves.

In entertainment at the discretion of the music director, riddles, games and other additional material can be used.

Riddles about flowers


Rye ears in the field,

There in the rye, you will find a flower,

Bright blue and fluffy

It’s a pity that it’s not fragrant.


I am a herbaceous plant

With a lilac flower

But rearrange the stress

And I turn into candy.


Hey bells are blue

With a tongue, but no ringing!

Water lilies

Jugs and saucers

They do not drown and do not fight.

Lily of the valley

Even at night the ant

Will not miss your house:

The path is a path until dawn

Lights illuminate:

On large pillars in a row

White lamps are hanging.

Water lily

You saw on the water

White flowers.

These river dwellers

They hide the petals at night.

The sun burns the top of my head

Wants to make a rattle.


I remember this year

They bloomed in the garden.

Dress up like actresses

The dress is white ...


On a green fragile leg

A ball has grown by the path.

The little breeze rustled

And he scattered this ball.


By the winding path

The sun is growing on a leg.

How the sun will ripen -

There will be a handful of grains.


Sisters are standing in the field:

Yellow eye

White eyelashes.

Game "I was born a gardener"

Conditions: the number of participants is at least seven people.

The leader is chosen - the "gardener". The rest of the players decide who will be what flower. The host shouldn't hear this. Once the players are ready, he says:

I was born a gardener

Outright angry

I'm tired of all the flowers


and names any flower (rose, violet, etc.). The player who chose the name of this flower should immediately say "Ouch!" And the gardener will immediately ask: "What's wrong with you?" Flower - answer: "In love." Gardener: "To whom?" Flower: "In ..." - calls any flower. The one who conceived the name of this flower responds, and the above dialogue is repeated.

And so on until all players take part in the game. Further, new color names can be conceived.

Appendix No. 3

"Waltz" by Grechaninov

Part I. (piano performance) Girls imitate awakening buds, boys jog in small steps between them. Then they stop in the center, raising their arms up to the center, putting one leg back on the toes.

Moths and butterflies appear, "they revive with their wings, wake up the buds", then they are located in the center of the circle, alternately raise the "wings", perform the "spring".

Part II. (orchestral performance) Flowers "bloom", perform rebuilding "snake" from small circles into two large ones.

The final. Flowers move in two circles in the opposite direction, freeze in pairs, putting one hand on each other's waist, the other raised up, the leg is on the toe.

Appendix No. 4

"Wenochek" Hungarian plank bed. song, arr. T. Popatenko, rus. text by N. Naydenova

Children are divided into two subgroups. One subgroup "weaves a wreath". They form a circle. Another subgroup is “flowers” ​​(Cornflower, Kashka, Buttercups, Roses). They stand behind a circle. Introduction. Children are listening.

1. We weave, we weave,

We are weaving a wreath.

Come to us soon

Blue cornflower!

Children walk in a circle to the right, holding hands. At the end of the song, they stop and raise their hands - make a "gate". On a new introduction, cornflowers run into the circle and form a small circle.

2. We weave, we weave.

We are weaving a wreath.

White cup,

Come to us, little flower!

Children again go in a circle to the right, and a small circle to the left. Kashki stand up to enter the circle. And the cornflowers are spinning in place one by one. Then Kashki get up in a circle with Vasilechki.

3. We weave, we weave.

We weave a Wreath.

White cup,

Come to us, little flower!

The movements described above are repeated with new colors.

4. We weave, we weave,

We are weaving a wreath.

Scarlet rose,

Come to us, little flower!

5. Here's how, here's how

We made a wreath!

That's how good he is

Our colorful wreath!

Two circles move with singing. For wagering, the flowers stand in a common circle. At the end of the role-playing, you can let the children dance freely.



1. In harmony with nature. Minsk: IOOO Krasiko-print, 2002.

2. Kashigina E.A. Summer Holidays. Issue 1. Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2006. - 31p.

3. Mishchenkova L.V. 25 developmental lessons with first graders. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2007. - 160p.

4. Nikitina V.V. 300 best games for children's parties. - M .: OOO "ID RIPOL classic", 2008. - 221s.

5. Outdoor games and fun. Compiled by N.V. Chamarova, M.A. Shuh. - Donetsk: Stalker, 2006 .-- 127s.

6. Syanova E. Scenario of holidays in kindergarten and school. Moscow: ZAO Slavic House of Books, 2002

7. Scripts of school holidays, comp. A.V. Sokolov. - M .: School Press, 2001.

Application: musical material on 7 sheets, lyrics, descriptions of dances, 3 phonograms.

Summer Holidays Script and Entertainment Scenarios Contest Sponsors "Long-awaited time, kids love you!":

Recommended to read
