Money tree care. Living tree (fat tree): medicinal properties, harm and contraindications Monkey tree

Encyclopedia of Plants 16.06.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

Crassula has many names. They call her fat girl money tree or monkey, tree of love or happiness. The plant belongs to the Crassula family and the Crassula genus, which has about 300 species of money trees.

Homeland of Crassula

A decorative leafy plant native to Africa - the arid tropics of the South and Southwest, Madagascar and South Arabia. Therefore, when choosing a place for a flower, choose the most warm and sunny side apartments.

Why is a fat woman called a money tree?

The money tree is the name of certain species of Krasulla, which have round leaves that have coin shape. This concept arose in connection with the legend of the Solar Tree, which says that you can find yourself in paradise if you show generosity in earthly life.

The name was first introduced by the Chinese during the Han Empire. Evidence is the excavated tomb of the emperor of this dynasty, decorated with a bronze and faience jade.


Among the plant varieties there are common signs characteristic of a fat woman is the appearance of the trunk, the shape of the leaves and crown, the device of the root system and the characteristics of flowering.


It resembles a real tree - the same powerful, winding and covered with a dense shell - bark. A significant number of branches depart from the trunk of the plant.

When kept indoors, the trunk of happiness reaches a height of one to two meters. The diameter of the trunk can be 1.5 to 3 cm(in a fat woman of respectable age).


The foliage of the monkey is thick, the leaves are opposite, often fused at the point of exit from the branch. According to the species characteristics, the leaves can be called entire and cartilaginous-toothed. They are painted in different colors- from green to silver or dark green. On the surface, the foliage is distinguished by a matte sheen and a prominent red border, or reddish spots on the underside of the leaf. Their shape is rounded, and the leaves themselves are fleshy and dense, densely planted on a branch. Their length usually ranges from 2-3 cm, and width - up to 1,5-2 cm.


AT classic version It has tree view and spherical shape. In order for it to be lush and thick, Crassula is planted with no more than one sprout in a flowerpot. Then the plant will branch well.

The formation of the correct crown is achieved by its pinching.

root system

The roots are not able to keep the balance of a large plant, so pot will have to acquire deep and heavy commensurate with the dimensions of the flower.

The root system of Crassula is superficial and shallow, so it must be handled with extreme care. The roots of the fat woman are very vulnerable and sensitive.


At proper care blooms very profusely. The flowers of the fat woman are delicate, delicate and small - up to 1 cm, light(white, white-pink or white-green). They exude an aroma with sweetish and sugary notes, extremely persistent.

Blooms at the age of ten. Seeds are not formed. The flowers are collected in semi-umbrellas.

The flowering period lasts up to 2-3 months, with the exception of the plant being in a place with an excess of heat - this is fraught with a reduction in the fragrance of flowers.

A fat woman can bloom annually or at intervals of five years - it all depends on the correct care of her.

Flowering usually begins in late autumn or in the winter months, but there are times when this occurs in the spring. Crassula sometimes flowers after it has survived a week. droughts.

Fat woman in nature

She is presented aquatic plants, creeping herbaceous species and tree-like shrubs. Basically money trees grow in tropical latitudes African continent.

In their nature over 300 varieties. There are herbaceous (these include ampelous and ground-blooded) and bushy forms, similar to branched trees. Some prefer a humid environment.

Properly care for the monkey tree, and it will certainly bear fruit in the form of financial well-being.

A photo

See more photos fat women:

A plant called "crassula" or "crassula" is not known to everyone. But the money tree (the tree of love, the tree of happiness, the monkey tree) is known to everyone. But in fact, all this is the designation of the same succulent plant, beloved by flower growers for its unpretentious and docile nature. However, you need to know some subtleties of caring for this plant.

A little about the money tree

The homeland of the money tree is the arid tropics of Africa, Madagascar, South Arabia. It's all about the plant's ability to accumulate a large number of moisture in the leaves, which means that the money tree is not afraid of any interruptions in rain.

There are several types of crassula - a tree-like crassula, a money tree or a tree-like cotyledon. The money tree is also called the silver fat woman and the oval fat woman. The color of the leaves is the most diverse - green, dark green, silvery, with a shiny surface, reddish border, with red spots.

All varieties of the money tree feel great at home and can reach 2 meters in height.

How to care for a money tree


You can propagate the fat woman by leaf cuttings or processes. Leaf cuttings are rooted in the soil a couple of days after separation or placed in water until the roots appear.

Perfect for a money tree suitable soil designed for cacti. The mixture should be as follows: turf ground (1 part), leaf ground (3 parts) and sand (1 part), with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. Humus, ash, clay and brick chips will be required. Don't forget about good drainage.

The money tree is transplanted as it grows, approximately 1 time in 2 years, depending on the growth process. It is necessary to take into account the following feature of fat women - the root system cannot always keep a tall branched tree in a bowl, the plant will fall and be damaged. To avoid this, you need to choose a heavy and deep pot, commensurate with the height of the plant.

top dressing

Crassula is fed in the period April-September. Use a universal fertilizer or a special one designed for cacti and other succulents. Top dressing is carried out once a month. From September to April, i.e. feed all cold months once a month, but reduce the concentration of the solution by 2 times. Apply fertilizer to wet soil after watering.


In winter, autumn, the plant is watered less often than in warm periods. In spring and summer, the soil should be slightly moist before watering, in autumn and winter it should be almost dry. For a money tree, an excess of moisture is always more dangerous than a shortage, especially in winter period. Excess moisture makes the plant vulnerable to fungal diseases: the leaves begin to turn yellow, darken and fall off. In case of illness, the crassula must be removed from the bowl, the soil should be dried, and root system treated with special preparations.

Creation of comfortable conditions

For Crassula, you need to immediately determine a permanent place. The plant loves lighted places, light partial shade is also suitable. The main condition is that the money tree should not be under the influence of bright sunlight. The tree does not need high humidity - you don’t even need to spray it, but once every one and a half months you should still wipe the leaves from dust with a damp cloth or cloth.

Diseases dangerous for the money tree

because of insufficient watering dry brown spots may appear on the leaves. But soft brown spots are a fungal disease (how to deal with it, see "watering").

If you notice rot at the base of the stem, this is root rot, which is quite difficult to deal with. It is necessary to cut off all parts infected with rot, transplant the money tree into a clean pot with new earth. The most drastic method is to cut off the top of the tree and start growing it again. But these methods will only help if the roots of Crassula are alive - not dark and not soft.

The money tree is extremely rarely affected by pests. If this happens, then the plant is treated universal means from specific pests.

There is an opinion that the money tree feels close to the one who cares for him so much that if this person is stressed or his physiological condition worsens, the crassula begins to hurt and wither.


Araucaria is unusual exotic plant, very similar to the well-known representatives of our forests - spruce and pine. In the people, it also has the name monkey tree. According to florists, this coniferous culture is quite unpretentious and feels good in room conditions next to a person. From this material you will learn how to care for araucaria at home so that this elegant beauty can become a unique decoration for your home.

Characteristics and types of araucaria

Araucaria belongs to trees conifers and in vivo grows up to 50 m in height. Its majesty can be seen in numerous photos on the Internet or wildlife magazines. In room conditions, a monkey tree in a few years can reach 1.5 m (average annual growth is 15-20 cm). The Araucariaceae family includes 19 species, but not all of them are suitable for home growing, so you need to purchase compact copies. Here are the most popular types:

  • Chilean;
  • Brazilian angustifolia;
  • Hunstein;
  • Bidwill.

But the most unpretentious and miniature is Heterophylla araucaria (variegated). She is perfect for small spaces with low ceilings. It is possible to form a bonsai tree from this variety, but for this it will have to be cut and pinched regularly. You will also need to transplant once a year with the roots shortened by half. In this case, you need to use a low ceramic container filled with soil with large quantity sand. This will help slow down the growth of the plant and make it miniature.

Araucaria care

It is better not to grow a Christmas tree in rooms where central heating and dry air. Such a tree will grow beautifully in a greenhouse. Therefore, if you decide to purchase it, strictly observe the conditions for keeping this plant in order to avoid its death or illness.

Optimal temperature and lighting for keeping a Christmas tree

  • The monkey tree needs a cool room and fresh air.
  • In the summer season, there should be room temperature not exceeding 20 degrees. In winter, the temperature regime in the room where domestic araucaria is kept should preferably not rise above 14-15 degrees, and the most ideal temperature is up to 10 degrees.

  • The coniferous flower grows well in the shade, but diffused bright light is also favorable to it. In summer, direct sunlight can harm the Christmas tree, so it must be shaded (even if indoor araucaria is exposed to the open air) and protected from precipitation. It is advisable to place it in a room where light will fall on it from both sides. Otherwise, you will have to rotate the plant around its axis all the time - once a week by 90 degrees, for its symmetrical growth.

Feeding and watering house spruce

In the spring-summer season, the monkey tree is fed every 14 days with fertilizers that contain a little calcium, because the Christmas tree reacts negatively to it. Also, mullein infusion is used as top dressing - once every 30 days.

  • Caring for araucaria at home involves year-round watering with settled water at room temperature;
  • In winter, it requires moderate watering, especially if it is in a cool room, in spring and summer - active. During this time period, it is undesirable to overdry the earthen lump, but water should not be allowed to stagnate in a pot;
  • The needles of plants in the summer need to be sprayed all the time, and in the winter season in heated rooms it is simply necessary to do this. This process is performed 2 times a day.

Transplanting a monkey tree

The most favorable time for this is March-April and summer.

  • Transplantation is carried out as needed, with a strong braiding of the roots of the entire earthen coma;
  • Only overgrown trees are subjected to this process, because such specimens do not tolerate transplantation;
  • A large crop needs to be transplanted once every three to four years;
  • Araucaria in a pot should feel free, so wide containers are used, which should contain a generous layer of drainage, and holes are needed at the bottom of the vessel to prevent moisture stagnation;
  • For the most coniferous beauty the best option there will be a medium-sized pot with a wide base. A flowerpot with a height of 25 cm or more is also well suited;
  • A homemade araucaria tree growing in a small vessel that is not suitable for it in size will lag behind its counterparts in development and growth, because such a pot will restrain its growth.

For a monkey tree, soil with a slightly acidic reaction is favorable. Soddy, leafy, peat soil and sand are composed in the form of a substrate (1:2:2:1), or clay-turf-leaf soil and sand (2:2:1:0.5) are used. A mixture of equal proportions of soddy, deciduous and coniferous soil, or sand, peat, humus with the addition of 1/2 of the share of coniferous soil is also perfect.

Reproduction of the home Christmas tree

Occurs with the help of semi-lignified stem cuttings and seeds that are sown immediately after harvest, because they instantly lose their germination.

  • Araucaria seeds are sown one by one in a pot, which is filled with a mixture of sand and peat soil, and a little charcoal is added. Also, the mixture may contain sand, leaf, sod and peat soils;
  • Moisturize, cover with a layer of sphagnum on top and remove the vessels into a room with a temperature regime of 19-20 degrees, not forgetting to constantly spray and ventilate;
  • Germination of seedlings is uneven, from two weeks to two months. They dive when the first coniferous bunch appears. If the seedlings are planted in a pot one at a time, they are not seated, but wait until the roots of the araucaria intertwine the whole lump. Then they can be transplanted into a large container.

Reproduction using semi-lignified cuttings involves rooting in March-April.

  • The semi-lignified tops of a mature plant are cut into cuttings, 3-4 cm below the whorl;
  • The cuttings are dried before planting in the shade for about a day. Next, the sections are cleaned of resinous juice, sprinkled with charcoal in the form of a powder. It is also desirable to treat cuts of cuttings before planting with heteroauxin (root formation stimulator);
  • For rooting, cuttings are planted one at a time in a substrate of peat and sand (1: 1), which must be wet, or simply in sand;
  • Everything is covered plastic bottle or bank.

If you have a mini-greenhouse with bottom heating, rooting will occur very quickly there. Temperature regime maintained up to 25-26 degrees, you need to do constant spraying and airing. Rooting cuttings of a Christmas tree is a rather long process, which takes two months. If the cuttings are kept at a low temperature, then rooting can take 4-5 months. After the roots are tangled, rooted cuttings must be planted in the substrate most suitable for a fully formed plant.

If you do not want to wait a long time, but immediately want to admire the elegant coniferous beauty, then you can buy an already adult tree in the online plant store. The price will depend on the type and height of the instance. For example, a Christmas tree 30 cm high will cost about 1,500 rubles, and the cost of a 1.5-meter spruce will be about 10,000 rubles. You can also purchase a plant from lovers of indoor flora on an ad. It will cost a lot less.

If you like coniferous indoor plants, then pay attention to and.

Araucaria is an exotic, unusual, beautiful plant. It is also called monkey riddle or tree. This representative of the flora belongs to the coniferous trees of the Araucariaceae family, grows in the rocky areas of New Zealand, Australia, and also South America.

In natural natural conditions Araucaria is a giant tree. Miniature specimens are grown in houses and apartments. They resemble a small Christmas tree, which will be a great decoration for any room. Araucaria should not be treated solely as a miniature representative of conifers.

In nature, there are specimens reaching a height of up to 50 meters. Annual growth room variety is 10-15 centimeters per year, but only at the most favorable conditions. However, when planting a green beauty in the house, it should be borne in mind that a monkey tree can grow up to 1.5 meters.

Of course, araucaria is able to reach such a height a few years after planting, but this feature of the plant must be taken into account initially, having carefully considered where the copy of the exotic representative of the araucaria will stand.

Features of araucaria - monkey tree

The stems and shoots of a young plant are covered with a bark of a bright green color. As the tree gets older, the branches begin to lignify and acquire Brown color. Lateral shoots are either horizontal or have a drooping shape. The branches grow from the base and form spectacular tiers on the stem. Over time, the lower shoots are shed, exposing the trunk.

The branch cover is small and hard cylindrical needles, resembling a monkey's tail. This gave rise to such an unusual name. This similarity is most clearly manifested in massive mature trees. In miniature varieties, this trend is weakly traced due to their small size.

The needles resemble sessile hard leaves. They are narrow or oblong or triangular. The color is light green. There is a slight bluish tinge. They are arranged in a spiral. This applies to both giant and miniature representatives. The needles fall off exclusively together with the branches, because they sit quite firmly.

monkey tree healthy. It produces phytoncides and esters that purify the air and kill harmful microorganisms.

flowering monkey tree

Most representatives of araucaria are dioecious. They, unlike many houseplants accustomed to growing, bloom after full maturation, which occurs at about 40-50 years of the tree's life. In addition, flowering is different, depending on which monkey tree is grown.

Male specimens are lower. These trees are covered with elongated flowers that have many anthers. In length, they reach about 20-25 centimeters. Female araucaria does not have inflorescences. It forms oblong large cones, which are covered with green skin. Their diameter reaches up to 35 centimeters. When the cone ripens, you can find edible nuts inside, whose taste is similar to pine nuts.

What types of araucaria are grown indoors?

There are about twenty varieties of araucaria. Most are not suitable for growing at home. For this purpose, it is necessary to acquire extremely compact representatives of the monkey tree. The most popular varieties are described below.


It is an unpretentious miniature species of araucaria. Its height reaches about 50-65 centimeters. And if, as mentioned earlier, it is not possible to grow a tree of 1.5 meters, the choice should be made in favor of a multi-leaved monkey tree.
The variety has an upright trunk covered with needles. The branches are long and horizontal. The vegetation is bright green and very saturated. A few more shoots grow on each branch, but they become shorter over time, acquiring the appearance of lateral processes.
Young trees are strewn with dense needle needles. It has a width of only 1 millimeter, and reaches a length of 1-2 centimeters. When the specimen matures, the needles acquire a triangular shape resembling scales. They differ in greater width (2-4 mm) and shorter length (8-10 mm). It turns out that the needles, expanding, are shortened.

Brazilian angustifolia

Much different large sizes. Adult specimens can reach three or even four meters, but they rarely grow to a similar height in room conditions. This araucaria comes from Brazil, which is clear from the name.
This variety of monkey tree has a long stem with several whorled branches. It looks more like a palm tree than a representative of conifers. The crown is located at the top, resembles an umbrella. Lanceolate scales of dark green color at the ends turn into sharp spikes.

The needles are 5 mm wide and 3-6 cm long. It is denser on fertile branches. Narrow-leaved araucaria belongs to the dioecious. Cones grow up to a diameter of 20 centimeters.


A true miniature representative of monkey trees, like the variegated araucaria. An upright tree does not grow above 60 centimeters.
Another distinguishing feature is that the Chilean variety tolerates cold very well, since it grows in nature in highlands. The plant is able to survive temperatures down to -20 degrees Celsius, but not for a very long time.
In an adult specimen, the bark acquires a green tint. The branches fall, so the stem is often dotted with "scars". Needle scales are a concave triangle 1-3 cm wide and 3-4 cm long, distributed in a spiral fashion. Leaves are kept on twigs up to 15 years.


The most popular variety. It is a small Christmas tree, reaching a height of 90 centimeters. It looks especially beautiful in tubs. The trunk is even, and the top is dotted with whorls of twigs.
The needles covering the shoots are 1.5-2 cm wide and 6-12 cm long. They have pointed edges and slightly wider bases. The plant is monoecious. Male inflorescences appear on thin branches, and on thicker ones - oval-shaped cones with a diameter of 25 centimeters.

Reproduction of the monkey tree

Araucaria is grown from seeds and cuttings. Both methods are widely used. However, when choosing seed, it should be borne in mind that seeds must be purchased from trusted suppliers. And if possible, it is better to take a cutting from an already adult specimen.


It is recommended to sow fresh, that is, no later than 2 months from the date of collection. Older seed is already becoming unsustainable. It is permissible to plant one or two seeds per pot. It is better to make several landings, because not everyone will ascend.
Plant seeds with a depth of a couple of centimeters in moist soil. Take either a sand-leaf or sand-peat mixture. Add some charcoal. Landing is kept at a temperature not higher than +20 degrees Celsius. The earth is regularly sprayed.
If the seeds are fresh, shoots appear after 2-8 weeks. No transplanting and picking is required. A seedling needs a new flowerpot only when the roots fill the space of the old container.


Take top shoots. They are cut in March or April. Cuttings should be semi-lignified. Cutting is done under the whorl. The resin that is released is removed. The tip of the cut is dipped in crushed charcoal.
The cuttings are treated with root. They are planted in small containers filled with peat-sand soil. Landing is covered with a transparent cap. It is kept at +25 degrees Celsius. Full rooting takes about 60 days.

When is araucaria transplanted?

Transplantation should not be done frequently. It is best to carry out the procedure when the rhizome completely fills the old pot. Transplantation should begin with drying the soil in which the monkey tree grows. It is carried out in early spring.
The container is taken wider than the previous flowerpot. First, brick chips and shards are poured to the bottom, and then pre-prepared soil. The mixture is made from peat, sod land, sand, charcoal, leaf ground.
The monkey tree should be transferred to a new container as carefully as possible so as not to damage the rhizome. It is best to use the transshipment of an earthen coma, while preserving the old soil.

Features of caring for indoor araucaria

The monkey tree does not require any special care or maintenance. The main thing is to put the pot with the plant in a well-lit place, but so that the direct rays of the sun do not fall on it.
AT summer period the pot should be taken out into the street, placing it in a place protected from precipitation and winds. The uniform development of the tree ensures the periodic rotation of the tub. Araucaria does not tolerate heat well. Optimum temperature in summer it is +20, and in winter - from +10 to +15 degrees.

Plant monkey tree, monkey riddle or just araucaria - very beautiful and unusual. This is the oldest representative coniferous trees, which can be found on the rocks of South America, in Australia or in New Zealand. The monkey tree belongs to the Araucaria family. AT natural environment giant trees predominate, but miniature specimens are commonly used in cultivation. In the photo, the monkey tree resembles a small Christmas tree that can be decorated on New Year. It also looks charming in the room throughout the year.

plant description

monkey tree like indoor plant can reach a height of 1.5 m, although in nature there are specimens up to 50 m high. It has a developed, deep root system. Annual growth in the most favorable conditions does not exceed 10-15 cm.

Young shoots, including the stem, are covered with bright green bark. As the branches age, they become woody and turn brown. Lateral processes are located horizontally or have a drooping shape. Branches form tiers from the very base of the stem. Gradually, the plant sheds the lower shoots and the trunk becomes bare. The branches themselves, covered with short hard needles, have cylindrical shape and resemble the tail of an animal. This similarity is especially noticeable in adult massive plants. Therefore, another name for the tree is monkey tails.

The needles resemble hard sessile leaves. Narrow triangular or oblong spines are painted in light green with a bluish tinge. On closer inspection, you can see that the needles are arranged in a spiral. They sit very firmly on the branches and fall only with them. The needles evaporate essential oils and phytoncides. They improve the composition of the air, and also help fight harmful microorganisms.

Most monkey trees are dioecious. Their flowering occurs after full maturation, by about 40-50 years. On male lower plants, elongated flowers with many anthers bloom. Their length can reach 20-25 cm. Large oblong cones, covered with green skin, ripen on female trees. The diameter of the cones is about 35 cm. They contain edible nuts similar to pine nuts.

Popular types

In nature, there are about 20 species of monkey trees, but in indoor cultivation only single, most compact specimens are used.

An unpretentious plant with a height of only 50-65 cm. On an upright, also covered with needles trunk, horizontal long branches are located. All vegetation is bright green. On each branch there are several more gradually shortening lateral processes. On a young tree, the shoots are densely dotted with needle-like bright green needles. Their length is 1-2 cm, and their width is 1 mm. Over the years, the needles become triangular, similar to adjacent green scales. The scales are 8-10 mm long and 2-4 mm wide.

Brazilian monkey tree (Araucaria angustifolia). A taller plant that can also be grown at home. Its height can reach 3-4 m. It grows in the south of Brazil. At the top of a long stem are several whorled branches. By appearance the tree resembles a palm tree. The entire crown is grouped at the top in the form of an umbrella. Lanceolate dark green scales end in a sharp spike. The length of the needles is 3-6 cm, with a width of 5 mm. On fertile branches, the needles are much denser. Trees are dioecious, leathery cones in diameter reach 20 cm.

The plant is a tall (up to 60 m), upright tree. This alpine monkey tree is cold-adapted and can withstand short frosts down to -20°C. The bark of even an adult plant casts in green. The surface of the stem is covered with many scars left from fallen branches. Coniferous scales in the form of a concave triangle 3-4 cm long and 1-3 cm wide are distributed in a spiral. Each leaf can be on a branch for up to 15 years.

Today it is increasingly found in culture. These small potted Christmas trees are very popular. The homeland of this species is New Guinea, where it can grow up to 90 m in height. The top of an even trunk is dotted with whorls of branches. Coniferous scales or small needles are 6-12 cm long and 1.5-2 cm wide. They have a wider base and a pointed edge. Monoecious plants are carried on thinner branches male flowers, and on thickened shoots there are oval cones with a diameter of up to 25 cm.

Reproduction methods

The monkey tree is propagated by sowing seeds or rooting cuttings. Seeds should be sown in the first 2 months after harvest or they will lose their viability. Planting is carried out in small individual pots, 1-2 seeds each. Use sandy-peat or sandy-leaf soil with the addition of charcoal. The seeds are deepened into moist soil by 2-3 cm. The pot is kept at a temperature of about +20 ° C and the ground is periodically sprayed. Shoots appear in 2-8 weeks. The seedling is grown without picking and transplanting in the same pot until the rhizome fills everything free space.

For cuttings in March or April, the apical, semi-lignified shoots are cut off. The cut is made slightly below the whorl. The released resin is removed from the bark, and the cut is dipped in crushed charcoal. After processing with rootstock, the cutting is planted in a small pot with sandy-peat soil. The seedling is covered with a transparent cap and kept at a temperature of +25 ° C. The rooting process usually takes about two months.

Transplant rules

It is not recommended to transplant too often. Until the roots have filled all the free space in the pot, the tree will develop perfectly without outside interference. Before transplanting a monkey tree, it is necessary to dry the soil a little. The procedure is planned for early spring. Prepare a wide pot with holes in the bottom. First, shards or brick chips are poured out.

The soil for planting should include the following components:

  • sand;
  • sod land;
  • peat;
  • leaf land;
  • charcoal.

It is important to be extremely careful with the rhizome and use the method of transshipment of an earthen coma. The old soil should be preserved as much as possible.

Growing features

Caring for a monkey tree at home is not too difficult, it refers to undemanding plants. You should choose a bright place that is illuminated by the sun for a long time. Hitting the branches of straight lines sun rays undesirable. In summer, it is recommended to take the pots outside, in a place protected from wind and precipitation. In order for the crown to develop evenly, you need to turn the tree 90 ° daily. The monkey tree does not like the heat. The optimum air temperature is +20 °C. In winter, the temperature should be +10…+15 °C.

Araucaria should be watered abundantly and often throughout the year. In no case should the earth dry out completely, but excess water must be immediately disposed of. Too much high humidity the monkey tree does not need it, but periodic spraying is welcome.

In spring and summer, a very weak solution of organic or mineral fertilizers can be applied monthly. It is important to ensure that the level of calcium in them is minimal.

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