How to propagate a money tree. How to transplant a money tree? Money tree: reproduction, what to do

reservoirs 12.06.2019

Hence, intensive watering such a plant is not only unnecessary, but also extremely harmful.

In those desert regions where succulents grow in the wild, a lot of sun- and at home content this must be taken into account.

There is also optimal temperature regime, associated with weather conditions typical of the places native to the fat woman.

In addition, crassula, like most plants not spoiled by nature, is highly viable and very easy to breed parts of the stem, individual leaves and seeds.

In general, the plant belongs to unpretentious pets.

Growing at home


In order for the money tree in your apartment to feel at home, it should be provided bright but still not too intense. natural light.

On the southern windows, especially in summer, the plant will have to be shaded or set aside a little deeper into the room; it is even better to put the fat woman on the balcony - however, even here you need to take care that the plant is not located in the sun.

Growing crassula on the southeast windows is considered optimal: both the light is in the right quantity and quality, and the Feng Shui commandment is fulfilled, because the southeast is considered the sector of wealth.


Best spring-summer temperature range for crassula - 20-25 degrees.

In autumn the temperature drops and winter period is good to place the plant where enough light, but the temperature does not rise above 15 degrees and does not decrease to plus four.

Sharp temperature fluctuations, like drafts, harm Crassula.


The basic requirements for the composition of the soil for the successful cultivation of money trees: good water and air permeability, slightly acidic reaction, sufficient nutritional value. You can use several options for such soil mixtures.

Ready "cactus" soil.

An all-purpose primer with a generous dose - up to a third of the volume - of washed river sand.

A mixture of soddy and leafy soil, as well as peat and sand (all components are equally divided) with brick chips and pieces of charcoal. For old plants, the content of sod land is doubled.

Peat mixed with sand in a ratio of 1:1 is used for preliminary rooting during vegetative propagation.

At the bottom of a shallow, but wide enough container, before filling it with soil mixture, be sure to place a significant drainage layer(minimum thickness - 2 cm).


A semi-desert dweller who stores water in fleshy stems and well-fed leaves will not benefit from an abundance of moisture.

When caring for a fat woman, you need moderate watering, whose frequency varies seasonally.

In spring and summer, during the period of active growth, this succulent is watered once or twice a week, paying attention to the condition of the soil substrate: after the earth has dried up on top, water not immediately, but after 2-3 days.

V autumn-winter period, when kept in a cool place, the fat girl is watered even less often, two to once a month without wrinkling the leaves.

If the winter is warm, you will need to water more often.

In all cases, it is taken well for watering. settled water at room temperature.

Periodically, the leaves of the fat woman should free from dust; at the same time, they can be sprayed, and then wiped or rinsed in the shower, protecting the soil in the container from excess moisture.

top dressing

The fat woman needs to be fed only during the period of active development of stems and foliage - from April to August inclusive.

During these spring and summer months twice a week the plant should be fed with a complex mixture for succulents and cacti.

You can also use complex fertilizer for home floriculture, but be sure with low nitrogen content. An excess of nitrogenous compounds, firstly, causes an intensive growth of green mass and overdeveloped side shoots can break off from their own gravity. Secondly, nitrogen compounds combined with moisture reduce the resistance of succulents to rot.

Better fertilizer application after watering, on damp ground.

In the autumn-winter period, the succulent, especially at low temperatures, is practically not fed.


Crassula flowering at home is an infrequent phenomenon.

Mature plants usually bloom from the age of seven to ten.

In order for white, pinkish or yellowish inflorescences with a sweet smell to bloom on Crassula, you must follow optimal conditions its cultivation.

There is also an observation that there is a relationship between flowering and planting time of the cutting from which the succulent is grown: early spring cuttings of a money tree give flowering specimens, but summer ones do not.

To stimulate budding, some flower growers use stress effects on Crassula: contain it in winter at the minimum allowable humidity and extremely low temperatures (about plus six degrees)

Diseases and pests

By itself, the money tree is resistant to diseases, like any tenacious succulent. The main danger is excess moisture, especially when watering cold water.
Then the leaves turn pale and hang, fungal infections join and the stems rot at the base. Especially dangerous root rot.
If such a process has begun, then in order to save the specimen, you need to cut off a healthy top and root it in a separate container with fresh soil, get rid of everything else and strictly monitor the watering regime in the future.

Too much sun leaves burns on leaves- brown drying spots appear on them. The succulent should be shaded or rearranged, the affected leaves removed.

Of the pests on the money tree, they settle mainly mealybugs.

If there are few of them, you can remove the worms one by one, using a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. A radical means of destroying these insects - systemic insecticides. Very rarely there are repeated massive lesions by worms, in which it remains last resort: save a healthy cutting for rooting, destroy everything else, disinfect the pot and wash the windowsill well.


A hardy, resilient succulent reproduces by almost all possible ways: seeds, individual leaves, cuttings and shoots.


Crassula sowing is carried out in early spring into shallow clay bowls with drainage holes, filled with a moistened mixture of leafy earth and sand in a ratio of 2: 1.

The sown plates are covered with glass or plastic wrap, kept at a temperature of 15-18 degrees, ventilated daily, slightly opened for 15-20 minutes, and maintain soil moisture by spraying.

seedlings usually appear in two weeks.

After the formation of the first pair of leaves, the seedlings are seated at a distance of at least a centimeter from each other, and when they reach a height of 5-7 cm, they are settled in separate "apartments".

This method of breeding fat women at home is quite time-consuming and is used mainly by breeders interested in obtaining hybrid forms of these succulents.


Yet how to grow a money tree? Money Tree can grow from a single leaf. This is especially convenient for those who believe in miracles and stealthily pinch off a thick, developed leaf from a money tree in a rich person's house.

The leaf separated from the plant dry in the shade during the day, and then root.

There is several rooting methods crassula leaf.

First, simplest: put on a moistened soil surface and wait until thin white root hairs appear on the lower side of the leaf facing the ground, and grains of future buds appear on the outer side. The soil should not dry out; to do this, you can arrange a greenhouse made of plastic film, which should be ventilated daily.

You can place the bottom end of the sheet in root solution, and after the roots appear, plant it in a shallow bowl with a lightweight substrate and cover with plastic wrap. Ventilate the "greenhouse" regularly. Then, as it grows, place in a shallow pot with a standard soil mixture for Crassula.

In addition, the leaf takes root and just in the water, which is added to prevent decay, coal powder. Next steps- sequential planting in the soil - described above.


The money tree is easily and willingly propagated by cuttings.

The part of the developed stem is optimal for such reproduction. length 10-12 cm. The top of the succulent, which needs to be saved from root rot or pest invasion, and the parts cut off during the formation of the crown, can also become cuttings.

After separation from the mother stem, the stalk with the lower leaves removed is dried for a day or two, depending on its thickness.

The main danger that can lie in wait for a prepared cutting is excess moisture and decay.

Therefore, if carried out preliminary rooting in water, crushed coal and / or a root formation stimulator must be added to it.

Roots are formed in two weeks, after which the cutting is planted, deepening about half, into a small pot with a diameter of 5-7 cm with a drainage layer and appropriate soil. Cover with a plastic cup. This greenhouse is ventilated, the soil is moistened, and after the formation of new shoots, the glass is removed.

To avoid problems with excess water, many flower growers immediately place the cutting in the soil mixture, bypassing the water stage of rooting - and, as a rule, this method is also successful.


A fat woman, oriented to survival in the harsh conditions of semi-deserts in all ways available to her, prepares herself for "landing" into the soil shoots with aerial roots.

So all the same, how to plant a shoot of a money tree? These roots, initially white, dry out after a while, but the shoots still do not lose their vitality and, after separation from the mother plant, can be planted in the soil both with fresh roots - then the shoot of the money tree will take root faster, and with dried ones - in this case, the same methods are used as for propagation by cuttings and leaves.

The money tree (crassula, crassula) demonstrates an amazing readiness to give new and new viable specimens, which, under suitable conditions, develop into magnificent plants.

It remains to be hoped that the masters of feng shui know what they are talking about when they draw a parallel between a fat woman abundantly dotted with shiny green leaves and an inexhaustible flow of cash in the household of its owner.


Next you can see a photo of the Money Tree:

Useful video

In this video you can get acquainted with the intricacies of caring for the Money Tree:

Not many people know a houseplant called Crassula, but everyone knows what the Money Tree or Crassula looks like. And although its historical homeland is Africa, this flower takes pride of place in the homes of many flower growers. So - this is the same plant, loved by everyone for the unusual beauty of the crown, unpretentious nature and its ability to cleanse the room of negative energy and attract wealth and prosperity to the house. In this article you will find useful tips for caring for the Money Tree (Crassula) at home, including during flowering or dormancy.

Note that only a healthy and well-groomed Money Tree has this property. There is a belief that a diseased plant has the exact opposite effect on its owner. He may suffer failure in financial affairs and loss of money. To prevent this from happening to you, try to ensure that the Fat Woman living in your apartment is always well-groomed, beautiful and healthy.

It is believed that the money tree contributes to financial well-being.

However, even when good care The money tree will begin to wither and may even die if it is in a negative atmosphere of scandals between family members for a long time, if its owner or mistress is constantly under stress or is seriously ill. Keep this in mind and, if you want the Fat Woman to live in your house for many years, try to avoid conflict situations and don't get sick.

Useful properties of Crassula

Everyone knows that the Money Tree has positive energy. In addition, it still has healing qualities, is a filter plant. Its leaves release phytoncides into the air, which have pronounced antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial properties, which disinfect the indoor air.

Crassula leaves contain arsenic, their consumption is strictly prohibited.

But externally, the juice of the Money Tree is used to treat many diseases:

  • From sore throats and inflammation of the gums - in the form of rinses. To rinse, take the juice from several leaves, dilute it with warm water 5 times. Rinse your mouth and throat with this solution up to 5 times a day.
  • From insect bites, herpes, abscesses, bruises, cuts - in the form of lotions. For lotions, take a few leaves, crush them in a mortar into gruel. Apply a sterile bandage soaked in this gruel to the sore spot. If necessary, you can make a bandage and keep it on the wound for up to 4 hours. Especially effective for muscle sprains and bruises. Herpes is treated with Crassula juice - every 30 minutes. lubricate their lips.
  • From diseases of the joints, arthritis, arthrosis - in the form of rubbing with the juice of the plant before going to bed.
  • From corns - peel the leaf from the film and attach it to the corn with a band-aid for the night.

We remind you that you can use the juice of the Money Tree only externally. Lack of indoor flower regular flowering, makes it almost hypoallergenic. Very rarely, an allergy may appear in the form of redness, itching, tearing, or a rash. In this case, this medicine should be discarded. Pregnant women, children and nursing mothers should not take risks.

Care for the money tree at home

Check out our article in order to choose a flower to your liking. Here we will tell you about how to care for the Fat Woman so that she will please you for many years.

Location and lighting

Intensive lighting is the key to active growth, health and beauty of your pet. A place for a pot must be chosen on a spacious windowsill of the south, southeast or southwest directions or near them. Almost all types of tree-like Crassuls, namely, Crassules, respond well to sunlight. The color of their leaves directly depends on the intensity of lighting.

Only in varieties with a pure green color of the leaves from the midday sun, the surface of the leaves can become dark brown, and its edges acquire a reddish edging. To prevent this from happening, shade such a flower from straight lines. sun rays in the middle of the day curtain or blinds. The rest of the Money Tree species are not afraid of direct sunlight.

With a lack of lighting, variegated and flowering varieties may lose the bright color of their leaves and not bloom. For uniform formation of the crown of the flower, it is necessary to periodically turn it to the light source in different directions. V summer time of the year, it is desirable to take out all the fat women in the open air. Choose a place well-lit, but protected from the wind - there they will grow well, and some will bloom.

If you have only north-facing windows in your apartment, you can’t do without the help of a phytolamp or a fluorescent lamp. Without them, after a short time, the plant will lose its decorative effect - the shoots will begin to stretch towards the light, the leaves will become thinner, fade and fall off.

The temperature of the money tree

The money tree feels good at normal room temperature in the range of 22 - 28 gr. In the summer, it can be taken out to the balcony, veranda, garden. If you do not have such an opportunity, move the pot from the windowsill to the floor - it is a little cooler there. The change in temperature during the day is only good for the flower.

How to care for the Money Tree during the dormant period

In winter, Fatty prefers to rest. From late November to February, she needs to provide a lower temperature: 14 - 16 gr. Move the pot away from the heaters, put it near balcony door, ventilate the room more often (while not forgetting that drafts can kill the plant). Water once a month, do not feed. If you have a heated loggia, Crassula can spend the winter on it at a temperature of 8 - 10 gr. At high temperatures during the winter dormancy, the plant may shed its foliage and lose its decorative effect. Connoisseurs say that Fatty can withstand temperatures as low as 0 degrees. But we do not advise you to do this. But you try to provide three months of cool content.

We remind you that the plant does not tolerate drafts.


It is important to know how to water a money tree at home. The fat woman reacts strongly to the presence of excess moisture in the soil. We can say that the flower needs little moisture. Never flood succulents. Their root system is prone to decay, the leaves will immediately begin to fall off, the lush crown will turn into a bald stem. So before you start watering, make sure the pot has drainage holes. If there are no holes in the bottom of your pot, you will have to make them - drill with a drill or burn with a red-hot awl. Now you can water.

In summer, the Money Tree is watered abundantly once every 2 to 3 weeks. Young specimens are watered more often, especially in the heat, every week. The substrate during this time should dry out at least 2 - 3 cm deep into the pot.

If you have an adult plant, you can safely go on vacation without worrying about watering it. The thick, succulent leaves of the Money Tree retain moisture, and the plant can wait a month for your arrival without losing a single leaf.

Water Crassula every 3 to 4 weeks in the fall. remember, that upper layer the substrate dries out very quickly, especially on a sunny window sill through glass, but this is a deceptive moment. Check a little deeper - most likely the soil around the roots is still damp. The next watering is done when the substrate dries out 4 cm deep into the pot.

If the soil does not dry out for a long time between waterings, it means that it was not picked up correctly or the pot is too large and the problem is in it. Excess moisture after watering from the pan must be drained.

V winter time, if the Crassula is in a cool room on vacation (from November to February), watering is minimized. Just make sure that the soil in the pot does not dry out completely. Leaves serve as a signal for watering - they become soft.

Water for irrigation should be used settled, filtered or boiled, at room temperature or a couple of degrees higher.


Humidity in the room does not play a big role in the life of the Money Tree. This plant is a succulent. Its stems and leaves accumulate moisture and use it during unfavorable dry periods, such as during the heating season. Subject to regular ventilation of the room, she feels great in a city apartment. If for some reason the Crassula is in a humid microclimate, then watering is reduced to a minimum. And this flower does not need spraying, because this can lead to deterioration appearance leaves and, even - to their decay.

At the same time, to maintain the cleanliness and elasticity of the leaves, they should be wiped with a damp sponge or cloth. Clean leaves are better saturated with oxygen. While the dimensions of the flower allow, you can periodically wash the leaves with a warm shower in the bathroom. Just make sure that water does not get on the substrate, it is better to cover the pot with foil.

The soil

What land is needed for the Money Tree? The soil should be not so much nutritious as loose, moisture and breathable. Suitable soil for succulent plants, which can be purchased at flower shops. It is also possible to cook on your own. To do this, mix 1 tsp of leafy soil, 3 tsp of soddy land, 1 tsp of humus, 1 tsp of coarse river sand, 1 tsp of fine gravel or agroperlite. You can add some ash. Feng Shui lovers can put two or three coins of different denominations to attract wealth. At the bottom of the pot, along with drainage, add pieces of wood or activated carbon to prevent fungal infections.


The root system of the flower is fibrous, rather weak, superficial. Therefore, the pot for the Money Tree must be chosen according to the width of the roots. In addition, it should be shallow and heavy, preferably clay, so that the growing tree does not overturn it. In such a pot, the roots will develop well, delivering moisture and nutrients to the stems and leaves.

Young, fast-growing fat women in a year will need to change the pot - to a more spacious pot. Adult specimens require transplantation less often - once every 2-3 years. In adulthood, the Money Tree has a lush crown and a tall, strong trunk. The risk of tipping the pot increases. We recommend that during the next plant transplant, install a support in the pot, to which you tie the flower.

Pay special attention to the drainage layer. Crassula is a very sensitive plant to an excess of moisture, so a good drainage layer in a pot is a must. As a drainage, you can use any non-rotting material - expanded clay, stone, pebbles, cork. Before use, disinfect them.

top dressing

The money tree needs to be fed only during the active growth of stems and leaves - from late spring to mid-August. Enough three prikormok for this time. Preference should be given to fertilizers for cacti or succulents. In order not to damage the root system, top dressing should be applied in liquid form some time after the main watering.

If the flower was transplanted into a new substrate in the spring, it should not be fed this season. In winter, the plant is also not fed.


The best time for transplanting fat women is autumn or the end of March - April. Young trees are transplanted annually, adults - after two to three years.

So how do you transplant a money tree? If the time has come, take the flower out of the old pot. Examine its root system. Cut off broken, rotten or too long roots with a sterile instrument. Sprinkle the cuts with crushed activated charcoal. Leave the tree for several hours in the air - let the wounds dry and tighten. Only then proceed to landing in new pot.

If you did not find any visible damage to the root system, do not disturb the earthen ball, but simply transfer the plant along with the earth into a new pot, which already has a drainage layer and some fresh substrate. Cover all the roots with fresh soil so that there are no voids left in the pot. Do not deepen the root collar. Lightly compact the substrate and water.

When buying a plant in a store, do not rush to immediately transplant it into a new pot upon arrival home. Let him live with you for a couple of weeks in a shipping container, in a warm, well-lit place. Let him adapt to the new conditions. At this time, exclude any negative impact on the tree, surround it with attention and love. Remember that it is very important for a young Money Tree to feel positive energy premises. Only after that you can start transplanting.

If it becomes necessary to transplant an adult large plant with a thick trunk and a heavy crown, prepare a wider ceramic pot for it, put two or three stones on the bottom of it to make the pot heavier, make it more stable and prevent the flower from falling. Use the transplant to establish a support in the pot and tie the stem to it. After transplanting, for the time of fixing the root system in a new pot, cover the stem of the tree on top of the substrate with large stones to prevent the Crassula from falling on its side. Put the flower in partial shade for a week and do not disturb it, let the roots become fixed in the substrate. Then the stones must be removed.

How to form the crown of the Fat Woman

If the flower has already reached the size you need, and you do not need the Money Tree to continue growing, stop replanting it in a larger pot. Just change the top layer of the substrate in the old pot every year.

The crown of the Fat Woman itself is formed in the form of a tree. But you need to know how to prune the Money Tree at home, because some side branches will grow so much that they will break under the weight of their own weight. The result is a tree of a completely unsightly shape. If you start pruning a young plant in a timely manner, you can form a neat and beautiful mini-tree of the original look.

Start forming the Money Tree in infancy, when the stem and shoots are gray-green in color, and the cuts do not leave marks on them. When pruning an adult tree, stumps remain in the pinching places, which spoil decorative look flower.

The essence of crown formation is to first remove the lateral processes until the tree grows to the desired height: the bare stem should be about 15 cm, and the whole plant 25 - 30 cm in height. Now you need to pinch off or cut off the top of the head with two upper leaves. After a while, four leaves will appear in their place. So go ahead. As your tree grows, pinch off the top bud where you want new shoots.

Try to have no more than four pairs of leaves on each branch of the Money Tree. If you missed the moment, and 6-7 pairs of leaves formed on the branch, pruning above the growth point of the fourth pair of leaves will help. Sprinkle the cut with crushed coal or cinnamon powder. To avoid bending branches to one side, often turn the flower to the light with different sides.

The money tree belongs to the tree form of Crassula, grows in the form of a tree and gradually sheds leaves at the bottom of the woody trunk.

This is what your tree should look like: the stem is thick, grey-green. Over time, it becomes woody from below. From above it is decorated with a neat crown of thick leaves of dark green or silver color, with a glossy surface, with a reddish edging or spots of the same tone. The height of the flower can be whatever you want - from 50 cm to one and a half meters.

You can also make the Money Tree look like a bonsai. It will take some time, perhaps more than one year. First, you should grow a strong tree, in which the trunk will reach the thickness you need. Then you will radically cut it off and patiently wait for new branches to grow. At these branches, you will cut off almost all the leaves - leave only those that are at the very ends. So, gradually, you will form the desired crown of your pet, and the Money Tree will be the main decoration of your interior.


Crassula (Money tree) rarely blooms at home and only in adulthood (about 10 years). Crassula, with a high degree of probability, will be able to move only ideal conditions content: intensive lighting all year round, long cold wintering and regular transplanting of the plant into a new soil. If a miracle happens, then in the spring you can see how the Money Tree will bloom. Flowering will continue for two to three months.

This is how the money tree blooms

Numerous flowers collected in loose inflorescences in the form of umbrellas will appear at the ends of young mature shoots (therefore, pinching and pruning in order to form a crown should be done in early spring, so that after pruning these shoots appear, so that they grow over the summer and ripen until autumn when the laying of flower buds for flowering next year begins). The flowers of the Money tree are very small, in the form of stars. white color with a pinkish or greenish tint.

A flowering tree will exude a strong sweet fragrance throughout the flowering period. Faded inflorescences should be removed so that the plant does not waste energy on the formation and cultivation of seeds. Try to properly care for your beautiful Crassula, and we hope that she will delight you with beautiful flowering.

Reproduction of the money tree

Propagation by cuttings and leaves

Most often, the fat woman is propagated using cuttings. Even an accidentally broken branch can be suitable for you as planting material. We recommend that if propagation is necessary, do not break the branches, but carefully cut the stem or leaf cutting with a clean knife. Powder the cut site with crushed activated charcoal to exclude infection. Allow time for the wound to air dry. The fat woman has poisonous leaves, so put the stalk in a place where animals and children cannot get it.

Then, place the cutting for rooting in a slightly damp substrate to a depth of 5 cm. If you root a leaf, the depth of its immersion in the substrate should be 1 cm. It is better to carry out this operation in the spring, in March - April. It’s good if you arrange a mini-greenhouse for seedlings. Use a mixture of peat and sand as a substrate. The greenhouse needs to be ventilated, moisten the soil with a small spray gun if necessary. Maintain the rooting temperature within 18 - 22 gr. Usually, the rooting of the cuttings is quick and without problems. How to plant a shoot of a money tree? As soon as you see that your young tree has begun to grow, develop, has reached 10 cm, transplant it into a pot of a suitable size, put it in a well-lit place in partial shade and take care of it like an adult plant.

Very often, cuttings are rooted in a glass of warm settled water. To prevent the stem from rotting, a tablet of activated charcoal is added to the water. And in order for the roots to appear faster, a solution of a root formation stimulator is dripped there, for example, Kornevin or Zircon. After the appearance of stable roots, the stalk can be transplanted into its own pot.

Propagation with seeds

Another way to propagate the Money Tree is with the help of seeds. This method is less common and less effective. If you decide to get your copy of Fat Woman in this way, we will help you. Prepare the substrate for succulents, container, seeds. Put a layer of moist soil on the bottom of the container, put the Crassula seeds on it, cover the lid. If necessary, ventilate and moisten the substrate with a small spray bottle with warm water. The best time sowing seeds - February. After two weeks, wait for the first shoots to appear. After the mass appearance of sprouts, move the greenhouse to a bright, warm place and organize additional lighting so that they do not stretch. Start opening the lid of the container, first for a while, and then completely remove it. As soon as the sprouts get stronger, they can be transplanted into separate small pots. In the first year, the plant is not satisfied with the dormant period - let it grow and gain strength.

Diseases of the money tree

Fatty is extremely rarely sick. She has a pretty strong immune system. However, if you strongly neglect the rules of her room content, she will get sick. Let's consider some such cases.

  • If brown spots appear on the leaves of the plant, if the leaves begin to rot, these are signs of a fungal disease. The reason is the excessive humidity of the air and the substrate. For the same reason, the Money Tree can fall leaves, it is in short term may go bald. Treat the affected plant with a fungicide containing copper. Adjust the frequency of watering and the quality of the water used.

  • Why do the leaves of the money tree fall? Sudden shedding of leaves during the summer season indicates that you are not watering the plant enough or watering it with too cold water. If the Fat Woman sheds leaves every two to three years without visible reasons- this is the norm.

  • If the leaves of the flower are covered with black spots, pay attention to the location of the pot. If it stands in the sun - for sure, the plant has received sunburn. Move it to another place or shade it. If the fat woman spent a period of rest in dark place, then in the spring to solar lighting it needs to be taught again, gradually.
  • If the Money Tree began to dry and wither, this is a sign of suffocation. The plant is hot. Take it out to Fresh air or ventilate the room, wipe the leaves with a damp cloth, spray the surrounding air with cool water.
  • Why is the money tree not growing? Perhaps a transplant into a larger pot is required. Perhaps you have not fed the plant for a long time. It is possible that insect pests have wound up in the roots. Perhaps the roots simply rotted from frequent and abundant watering. Either way, transplant the Money Tree into a new pot and new substrate. If you find pests, pre-treat the roots with some kind of insecticide: actara, fitoverm, actellik. If there are no living roots, the plant cannot be saved. Try rooting its shoots or leaves.
  • If brown spots form on the leaves, most likely these are dry, healed wounds from insect pests. Cosmetic defect, but nothing dangerous.
  • From excess moisture, the stem of the plant may darken. Stop watering for a while. After a couple of weeks, the substrate and the roots in it will dry out well, and the Fat Woman can recover. If the flower still disappears, take it out of the pot, inspect the roots. If they are all black and soft, the flower cannot be saved. Cut off the top and try to root it. If only part of the roots is affected, remove them and all rotten parts of the plant. Treat with a fungicide or crushed charcoal. Plant in a new container with a new substrate. And keep an eye on watering.
  • The roots may partially die off with a long absence of watering in the hot season (for example, the owners were on vacation). When watering is resumed, the plant will almost certainly grow new roots if no root rot has occurred.
  • If the leaves of the Money Tree have become soft, have lost turgor, then this is similar to insufficient watering or lack of nutrients in the soil. Rather, water the plant with warm settled water. After watering, if necessary, fertilize with fertilizer for cacti or succulents.
  • If you water regularly, the substrate is constantly wet, and the leaves wither and turn yellow, then the problem is in the root system of the flower. Most likely the roots are starting to rot. This can happen for several reasons:
  1. from an excess of moisture in the soil;
  2. from improperly selected substrate;
  3. from watering with cold tap water;
  4. from too large a pot in a plant.
  • If the Flower began to stretch or fall on one side, it means that it lacks lighting. If you do not take action, over time the stem of the plant will bend, and it may break and die.
  • If the trunk of the Crassula began to thin, the lower leaves fall off - check the temperature regime of the flower, the presence of drafts and the frequency of watering. In addition, fresh indoor air is extremely important for the plant - do not forget to ventilate regularly. In the warm season, take the plant outdoors. And never water the plant with cold tap water.

If you notice in time that Fatty is not healthy, try to cure her. Take the flower out of the pot. Release the roots from the substrate. If necessary, rinse them under water. Examine the roots. Cut off the rotted areas with a clean tool. Treat wounds with crushed activated charcoal or cinnamon powder. If the damage is severe, treat with a suitable fungicide. Hold the treated plant for some time in the air - let the wounds heal. Then plant the flower in a new pot suitable for the size of the root system in a new soil for succulents. Adjust the frequency of watering. Use only settled or boiled water. We hope that you will be able to save your Money Tree.


In any case, the appearance of insects is a very alarming signal. They multiply rapidly, form huge colonies, suck juices from leaves and stems. We recommend using special preparations- insecticides, such as actara, actellik, fitoverm and others, of which there are a huge number in specialty stores. Read the instructions for using each drug. Perhaps one time will not be enough to get rid of all the individuals, their larvae and eggs.


In this article, we talked about how to grow a money tree beautiful and healthy. If you master the simple rules for caring for a Fat Woman - you will give her time to drink, feed, bathe, do her hair (cutting), change her outfits (pots) and take her out into nature, the flower will give you all its best decorative and healing qualities, become a healer and decoration of your home, a talisman of its well-being and financial condition for many years. In some families, money trees delight more than one generation of households.

This article will focus on Crassula. I bet you haven't heard of this plant before. But, if I say a fat woman or a money tree, you will immediately understand who we are talking about.

Crassula is a plant with a thick trunk and evergreen leaves. The height of an adult money tree can reach 1.5 meters. The leaves are thick, fleshy, rounded with a grayish-green coating. The money tree looks very original.

For some reason, I like legends, and so, one Chinese legend says: “There is an unusual tree in the world with leaves, but not simple, but in the form of gold coins. If you shake it well, then the leaves - coins fall to the ground like raindrops. According to this wonderful story, everyone came to the conclusion that the fat woman is the very magic tree that everyone, of course, dreamed of finding.

Crassula belongs to the Crassula family. The birthplace of the money plant South Africa, the island of Madagascar, Australia. The money tree blooms with flowers collected in a brush of a delicate white-pink hue. Beautiful inflorescences appear in adult plants at the ends of the stems. The name of the genus of this plant is translated from Latin as krassus - thick and indicates the fleshy structure of the leaves and stems.

The fat woman has long become popular in the post Soviet countries. This evergreen plant is able to decorate and complement any interior, moreover, the money tree requires minimal care. Any beginner can handle it, as well as a florist who is limited in time. The money tree is easy to propagate and grow.

When choosing a place for a fat woman, give preference to the southeast window. Then the money tree will attract success to the house and financial well-being. It is believed that the larger the size of the plant, the greater its impact. Crassula is a good talisman that activates the energy of money in the Feng Shui wealth sector.

Crassula tree is a shrub or tree natural conditions grows up to a height of 2 meters with stems up to 15-20 cm in diameter. The color of the leaves is gray - green with a reddish edging about 6 - 7 cm long and 2 -3 cm wide. The tree-like fat woman blooms with small whitish or cream flowers of a pink hue. Blooms, unfortunately, at home is very rare.

Only adult crassulas (5-10 years old) are capable of flowering. To stimulate flowering, from June to August, the money tree is taken out to the balcony or garden, and in winter it needs to be kept in a cool room only occasionally moistening the soil.

Money tree care: watering, lighting, transplanting

Crassula is very unpretentious in care. In the spring - summer period loves warmth, fresh air, sunbathing, and in winter it prefers a temperature not higher than + 15 degrees, and preferably +10. In summer, it is best to take out a money tree on a balcony or garden. It can survive a short-term drop in temperature even to -2 degrees. Does not like to grow near radiators.

The dormant period of the money tree lasts from September to February. It favorably affects the well-being of a fat woman, accelerates growth. During rest, the plant is placed in conditions with a temperature of +10 - +15 gr with good lighting, rarely watered.

If the money tree does not have a dormant period, it will begin to stretch its shoots, and the leaves will begin to fall off.

In spring and summer, water abundantly, but allow the soil to dry well (1/3 or even half the pot). It all depends on the composition, the more the soil contains water-retaining parts, the greater the drying height.

In autumn and winter, the money tree is watered sparingly, the soil is allowed to dry completely. Select the watering interval, looking at the leaves. They should not fade and wrinkle. Reloading leads to root rot - this is their weak point.

To the humidity of the air, fat women are not demanding, they can not be sprayed at all. But still, the plant will be pleased if you wipe the leaves with a cloth, remove the accumulated dust.

The money tree is transplanted as it grows. It is better to buy bowls, since the roots of Crassula are shallow. The soil for transplantation is made up of leafy, soddy land, sand, humus (1: 3: 1: 1). From the finished can be purchased for cacti or succulents.

Fertilize the plant from April to September 1 time per month. You can use a general purpose fertilizer or a specific one for succulents or cacti.

The money tree makes good friends with those who have not grown flowers at all before. This happens, not only because with the growth of the fat woman, the financial income of the novice grower grows. Crassula is absolutely not whimsical, responsive, and also beautiful.

For planting, you need to buy soil for cacti or any other nutritious, but at the same time, always loose, light, which does not retain moisture.

The fat woman is a coin tree that loves all banks and accounting. The classic coin tree - Crassula Ovata, grows quite large. Based on the classic green Ovata, breeders have created many colored varieties with interesting leaves.

So, for example, the money tree Sunset (sunset). The plant has a yellowish-pink interesting color. Moreover, the closer the plant is to good lighting, the brighter the color, and if moved to the middle of the room, the color quickly begins to fade.

Or another very interesting variety of the HornTree (horse) money tree. Someone believes that the name makes sense, the leaves of the fat woman look like a horse's mane. With growth, this money tree forms more and more new branches, the plant becomes like a bonsai.

Caring for a variegated money tree

Crassules are variegated (blue, white, yellow) and have the same requirements. Green representatives are less whimsical. In order for the colored money tree to feel good, the most important thing is not to flood it. Crassula is afraid of water, categorically does not tolerate bays.

The fat woman loves the bright sun very much. Usually they write that it is impossible to expose to direct sunlight in the summer, this does not apply to the money tree. Only, of course, everything should happen in moderation, that is, gradually. Even cacti and those sharply can not be exhibited. The money tree must be dosed to accustom to bright lighting. This also applies to the winter-spring period. After a long cloudy winter, in the spring the sun is transferred gradually.

If it so happened that you refilled the fat woman, you urgently need to get the plant out of the pot, inspect the roots. If they are not alive (brown, black, etc.) they need to be dried and transplanted. The earth should not be watered immediately, it is also necessary to give time to dry a little. When transplanting a money tree, do not spare expanded clay, more drainage can be used.

Money tree care: reproduction

Crassula is propagated by cuttings from leaves or stems. The best time is March - April, but you can do it all year, only in winter the survival rate is worse and you need to use additional lighting. planting material carefully cut with a blade or knife. It is advisable to treat a fresh cut - a wound with crushed activated carbon, let it dry for 2-3 days. After that, the cuttings are ready for planting, it is better to use a mixture of sand and leafy soil. You can put the cutting in water to take root, but add activated charcoal for disinfection. After the stalk takes root, I transplant them into cups 5-7 cm.

A longer and more laborious way to propagate a money tree is by seeds. It is usually used by flower growers - lovers tinker with seeds. Shoots from seeds appear easily. After you have scattered the seeds, plantings are covered with glass or plastic wrap. Spray well. Seedlings will appear in 10-14 days. It is better to thin out excess shoots so that they are not crowded. Grow in good light. When the seedlings grow up, they can dive one at a time to a permanent place. Departure further as usual.

The positive energy of the money tree

If you are unable to concentrate on work, Crassula will help you become more industrious. In addition, it will relieve sad thoughts. Where the money tree grows, it becomes good and comfortable.

The fat woman is a “juicy” plant, its leaves are peculiar vessels - storage devices. Due to its physiology, the money tree is able to absorb the negative from harmful thoughts, feelings, words, in a word, everything related to the material needs of a person. This plant is recommended for people who spend a lot of time with money (cashiers, accountants) to relieve unnecessary stress.

Crassula is sensitive to the people she grows up with. It has been noticed more than once that if someone in the family feels worse, she also sheds some of the leaves. With the amendment of human health, the fat woman also begins to return to normal.

The money tree is a very popular indoor plant, but not everyone is aware that it has an antiviral, antimicrobial effect, is not inferior to aloe juice. Just do not abuse the use inside, as the juice of the fatty contains a concentration of arsenic.

Crassula leaves are useful for sore throats. And if you crush them into gruel, and then attach to a wound or cut, then everything will instantly heal. For herpes, you can apply a cotton swab dipped in juice, fix it with a band-aid or lubricate the affected area every 40 minutes.

Money Tree Buddha Temple (grade)

Crassula variety Buddha's Temple is something with something. The plant is so unusual - beautiful with an unforgettable "appearance" that I wanted to introduce you to it.

This variety was created back in 1958 by crossing the fat woman Perfoliata with Pyramidalnaya. This miracle was created by Miron Kimnach. Therefore, sometimes when selling, you can find the name Crassula or Kimnachi money tree.

In my own way appearance, succulent resembles an architectural building - a Buddhist temple. This fat woman has an interesting physiological feature. Reaching the threshold of 15 cm in height, the plant can collapse from its own weight, as if unable to withstand it.

The Temple of the Buddha refers to the "herbaceous" crassula, not the "sapling". In terms of care, they are more capricious and easier to refill. From the bright sun, the plant can “tan”, acquire a brownish tint.

Crassula or Crassula is a member of the Crassula family. It includes about five hundred species of plants. In nature, they are all found mainly in the southern hemisphere. Most species can be found in South Africa, in Madagascar, slightly fewer representatives in the Arabian Peninsula. Crassula purslane is grown at home, but we used to call it the "money tree". In the article, we will learn about the rules for propagating a fat woman with cuttings and much more. useful information.

plant description

Crassulas have one main feature - on the stem their leaves are arranged crosswise against each other. In nature, you can find aquatic and herbaceous plants, woody shrubs. Of course, at home, Crassula cannot reach the size that it reaches in nature. Indeed, in the conditions of an apartment or house there is much less space, the soil is significantly different, there may not be enough light or some nutrients. However, even domestic fat women eventually turn into beautiful trees with a solid stem, on which powerful, fleshy leaves are located.

V room conditions Crassula blooms quite rarely, so you should not expect this moment. As for the inflorescences, they can be racemose or umbellate-paniculate. There are red, blue, white and yellow flowers. Now this plant is quite popular, due to its unpretentiousness and endurance. Even novice flower growers will master the home care for the fat woman (money tree).

How to care for Crassula

Most representatives of this genus are not at all afraid of the sun's rays, so they feel quite comfortable on the south window. If possible, it is better to place the plant pot on the southwest or east side. There the plant will look more lush. If there is not enough light for the flower, then its shoots will begin to stretch, and the leaves will fall off. In the summer, it is better to take out the crassula to the balcony, terrace or street. This will benefit the plant. The money tree loves warmth, so in the summer it feels great on the street. In winter, it will not refuse close proximity to a heater or battery. But this does not mean that the flower should be kept exclusively in a warm room, since it also tolerates low temperatures quite calmly. The fat woman does not stop its growth at a temperature of ten degrees. Will not cause any complications and low humidity in the room. As you can see, the fat woman (money tree) is quite unpretentious. Home care for this plant rarely causes difficulties.

Irrigation Features

Crassula is enough not too frequent watering. Periodically, you need to wash the leaves and feed the plant. In summer, watering is carried out when the top layer of soil becomes dry, in winter the plant is watered even less frequently. Even if you have to leave for a few weeks, you should not force the neighbors to water your flower, because the money tree is not afraid of drought, which cannot be said about waterlogging.

Top dressing and fertilizer

As for fertilizer, it is applied in the spring-summer period once a month. It is recommended to use a special liquid fertilizer for succulents and cacti. And in the fall and winter, you need to give the fat girl a break from top dressing.

Formation process

You need to form a money tree while it is still young. If shoots are removed from an already adult plant, then stumps will remain in these places, due to which the decorative effect of the bush suffers greatly. With all responsibility, you need to approach the choice of a pot for a plant. If you plant a crassula in a pot that is too deep, then its root will tend to go deeper, and the trunk will begin to grow rapidly upwards. This is not a good sign, as over time it will become thin and weaken greatly. Therefore, it is better to choose a not very deep pot.

Where to plant

To answer the question of how to plant a shoot of a money tree, you need to tell in which soil this shoot should be planted. The soil should include three parts of soddy land and one part of leaf, humus, sand and brick chips, which can be replaced with fine gravel. Here is such a simple composition for the soil for the fat woman. When the fat woman reaches a height of fifteen centimeters, the smallest upper leaves should be pinched off from its top - this is the future branching site. Instead of two leaves, four will appear here after a while. You can remove the top leaves until you are satisfied with the formed crown. But only between such "operations" some time should pass so as not to injure the plant. like this in a simple way you can form a beautiful crown for your favorite money tree.


It is not at all necessary to transplant a fat woman every year, but if you have a desire to admire its flowering, then it is better to carry out this procedure once every two years. According to the rules, transplantation is carried out only if the roots have already completely filled the entire pot. In the spring, the fat woman begins a period of active growth. Therefore, it is at this time that it is best to plan a transplant. The pot should be slightly larger than the one in which the crassula previously grew. A drainage layer should be placed at its bottom. Expanded clay is best suited for this. After that, Crassula, together with an earthy clod, moves to a new pot, and the remaining free space filled with new substrate.

If you do not want your crassula to become too large a plant, then a transplant is not needed at all. It will be enough only to change the top layer of the substrate annually.

Useful properties of crassula

The fat woman is the real keeper of your health. It releases into the air such substances that have antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial action. But that's not all. Crassula leaves are used in folk medicine because its juice has many beneficial properties. This tool is used for lotions, which are especially effective for herpes, insect bites. Also, juice can be used to treat various cuts, bruises, abscesses. With sore throat or inflammation of the gums, it is recommended to rinse using fatty juice, and for arthritis, rub them at night. But during treatment with the use of this juice, one should not forget that it contains a rather high concentration of arsenic. If ingested, it can be life-threatening. Therefore, crassula juice is only suitable for external use.

As for signs and superstitions, it has long been believed that the money tree brings good luck and wealth to the house. That is why this plant is often placed not only in residential apartments and houses, but also in offices, shops and other workplaces.

Crassula propagation by seeds

Before sowing the seeds of the fat woman, it is necessary to prepare the container and soil necessary for this. You should choose a wide bowl, which is filled with soil with the following composition: one part of the sheet earth, half of the sand. When the seeds are sown, the bowl is covered with glass, which must be slightly opened every day to remove the resulting condensate.

In two weeks you will be able to see the first shoots. When they grow up a little, you can pick. Young seedlings are planted at a distance of one centimeter from each other. The composition of the soil remains the same, but half of the light soddy land should also be added. After picking, the seedlings should be placed in a place where diffused light will fall on them.

When the crassulas grow a little and get stronger, they can be seated in separate pots. They should be no more than seven centimeters in diameter. They are filled with soil, which contains equal parts of sand, soddy and leafy soil.

Until the seedlings take root, they are kept at a temperature not higher than eighteen degrees. When it is seen that they have gone into growth, you can transfer them to a permanent place. Next, I want to pay attention to the features of reproduction of the fat woman by cuttings. This method is considered simpler and more affordable even for beginners.

Reproduction by cuttings

Propagation of a fat woman by cuttings at home is considered the easiest and fastest way. It is much simpler than seed and takes much less time. Not only fragments of the stem are suitable for this, but also single leaves.

You can cut the shoot or leaf only with a sharp knife. After that, the place of the cut is immediately treated with crushed coal to avoid getting various infections there. After that, within two or three days, the cut shoot or leaf is dried, and after this time they are planted in the ground, which consists of equal parts of leafy soil and sand.

In addition, the fat woman is propagated by cuttings in water, which is also quite effective. Charcoal must be added to the water. When you notice the first roots on the cuttings, you can safely transplant them into pre-prepared pots with a diameter of five to seven centimeters. The soil should consist of sand, sod and leaf earth in equal parts. Such pots are immediately placed in a permanent place. Young fat women are cared for like an adult plant. In such a simple way, the rooting of the cuttings of the fat woman takes place.

Diseases and pests

The most terrible enemy for Crassula is considered excess moisture which leads to root rot. In some cases, rotting begins at the base of the trunk. It is important for flower growers to remember that the fat woman tolerates drought more easily; like all succulents, there are moisture reserves in the leaves, which she uses when there is a lack of water.

Drafts are also quite dangerous for the plant, which lead to the fact that the leaves begin to gradually dry and fall off.

Types of fat woman

This plant has so many species that it is impossible to mention each of them in one article. We will consider only the most popular:

  • Crassula oval. This is perhaps the most common species that can be found in culture. He came to us from southwestern Africa. In nature, Crassula oval is a three-meter plant with shiny, oval leaves, painted in silver gray or green. In an apartment, it does not reach a height of more than one and a half meters. This species produces quite a lot of shoots that grow and develop rapidly. If you manage to get this species to bloom, you will admire the pink or white flowers that gather in umbellate inflorescences. This is one of those species that practically does not need a lot of sunlight. Crassula oval became the basis for the breeding of most new varieties of fat woman.
  • Crassula tree. Quite strongly similar to Crassula oval. This fat woman has a bare trunk, and the branches are covered with flat, fleshy leaves up to seven centimeters long. At home, it blooms quite rarely. If she succeeds, she pleases the owner with pale pink or white flowers, which are collected in small panicles. This species does not tolerate shade well.
  • Crassula Lycopsus. This shrub plant, which reaches a height of only twenty-five centimeters, has four-sided fleshy shoots, which have wrapped tops. It got its name because of the structure and arrangement of the leaves, which makes it look like a club moss. If you put this species in bright light, then its leaves will acquire a red tint. This type of krasula also tolerates shade well.
  • Crassula Buddha. Many flower growers call it pyramidal. Outwardly, this plant resembles a certain column, which is formed from triangular leaves. They are located along the entire length of the trunk and are tightly pressed against each other. This column is not too high, but it is required to prevent it from falling on its side under its own weight. This species can bloom and please the eye with red flowers that form in the apical inflorescences.

So we examined the main types of fat woman, which can be grown not only in open field but also at home.


In this article, we learned what crassula is, what useful properties possesses. We also learned everything about planting a fat woman with cuttings and about the features of its cultivation. Based on the information received, it can be concluded that this plant is absolutely unpretentious, it can grow in almost any conditions. It is worth noting that special attention should be paid to the frequency of watering the plant and its location in the apartment. Now that you know how to plant a money tree sprout, you can easily save money on buying a new flower and just ask friends who already have this plant for a sprout.

The birth of a fat woman. Read how to propagate a money tree with your own hands.

The propagation options of the money tree give the grower freedom of action: seed germination and cuttings, propagation by leaves in a common pot or in several separate ones. Which method is more effective - choose for yourself.

Crassula seed planting

Slow but sure way how to propagate a money tree at home - planting seeds . Suitable for those flower growers who do not have an adult plant. It is enough just to purchase seeds and ingredients for the soil, decide on a pot for planting and germinate.

Soil Mix Ingredients:

- 1 part of leaf land.

- 1 part turf.

- 1 part of humus.

- 1 part sand.

How to plant seeds? Soak for 2 hours in water, dry and lay out in front of you on a substrate. If during the soaking of the seeds of the money tree a part has surfaced, remove them. Place 1 pc. into the prepared soil at a distance of 4 cm from each other. Cover the container with foil. Grow until the first shoots appear. Plant seedlings after hatching.

How to plant a money tree cuttings?

For propagation by cuttings, you need land based on vermiculite, humus and a leaf-soddy component. Cut cuttings are placed in the soil mixture after pre-soaking.

We cut the cuttings of the money tree:

  • Length 10 cm.
  • With 1-2 kidneys.
  • 2-4 knots.

Dry the cuttings for 12 hours so that the lower cut is delayed. Treat with a preparation for the formation of roots. Plant in potting mix or use to germinate in water.

How to germinate cuttings of a money tree in water: prepare a transparent glass, pour settled water, put the cuttings for 1.5-2 months, take them out when the roots form. Change the water periodically to keep it from rotting.

Reproduction of the money tree leaf

For this method, you need a healthy, green leaf money tree from the middle part of the bush. Be sure to check the bottom for damage. Root in water or in the ground using the cutting method. After the appearance of small root shoots, place in the soil mixture.

Variant of sprouting a leaf of a money tree in the ground

Bypassing the planting of the leaf cutting in the water, immediately immerse it in the soil mixture - lay horizontally or insert at an angle of 45 °. The fact that the rooting process has begun will be prompted by new green shoots. To speed up germination, you can use a film - cover, forming a greenhouse. Periodically open for ventilation, so as not to rot.

Caring for a germinated money tree at home

You can quickly sprout a money tree if you use proven care methods. You need to set the temperature from +20 to +25 С. Leaf cuttings or germinated seedlings are highlighted every day. direction of sunlight- scattered, at an angle of 30 ° on the leaves.

Watering developing seedlings of the money tree 1-2 times a week, be sure to dry the soil mixture between procedures. Bring in fertilizer. Treat the earth mixture with solutions based on fungicides and growth biostimulants. If the former reduce the development of rot, the latter activate root formation. Next year, your money tree will be adapted to the following procedures, leading to a powerful attraction of money into the house!

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