That will make you feel confident. Powerful Ways to Boost Your Confidence

garden equipment 23.09.2019
garden equipment

Hello dear readers! Agree, confidence helps to achieve success in the intended business. In addition, insecure people are less likely to take on something new out of fear of failure. How to feel confident in any situation? Is it possible to be prepared for everything? Today's article will help you create your recipe for self-confidence.

Let's dig into ourselves a little.

Let's not dig deep. Let's just try to look at ourselves from the outside in two opposite situations. To begin with, let's figure out in what situations you feel confident, calm.

What helps you not to panic, fuss and lose your temper?

Many people feel confident in their professional field. The surgeon operates perfectly and does not experience stress in the operating room (except for extremely difficult situations, certainly). The singer will easily sing his favorite songs to the audience, even without being ready. A dog breeder will tell you everything about their favorite breeds and answer almost any question about pet care.

In our field, we feel free. We confidently rely on our knowledge and experience, easily share our thoughts and impressions, and can easily solve any problem related to our work. In fact, a person feels confident when he knows what to do.

So, we move on to the second question that you should ask yourself - in what situations do I get lost and do not know what to do. Try to understand what unbalances you, why you start to fuss, get nervous.

  • Maybe an awkward question hurts you?
  • Or an inappropriate comment?
  • Please help in what you do not understand?
  • Rudeness on the street puts you in a dead end?

To be more confident in life, find your strengths and weaknesses. Understand what helps you concentrate, what helps you get to the heart of the problem, and what, on the contrary, distracts and interferes. When you understand these issues, then you can develop your assistants and get rid of obstacles.

You Can't Be Prepared for Everything

In life, situations often occur that we could not foresee, force majeure, emergencies. Yes, it is impossible to be prepared for any circumstances. Understand it, accept it and relax. You are not a divine being, you are a person who can make mistakes, be unprepared, who can get confused.

Give yourself some freedom. Don't scold for mistakes.

Stable and comfortable will not always be. But it is force majeure that allows you to see how you react in such circumstances, how you behave, what distracts you, what helps. Use it, gain experience, train for further victories.

Emergencies give you the opportunity to test yourself in action. And you can prepare for them. Not to a specific situation, but in general. How does an unforeseen situation affect a person? Fear, panic, fussiness, nervous tension.

First, accept that in such a situation, the first thing you will experience is fear and panic. Caught these feelings and you can calm down.

Secondly, you can find a way out of any situation. Remember that decisions are best made with common sense. Therefore, proceed slowly and judiciously. Give yourself time to find a solution. Over time, you will react and act faster.

Critical thinking

Let's get the concepts straight. By the word critical, we mean thinking that evaluates, analyzes, can question, and draws conclusions from the arguments presented. Criticism is not understood here as a negative judgment or a search for flaws.

At school, to my great regret, they do not teach to think critically, and this is one of the most important things in life - to be able to analyze, question judgments, draw conclusions, and so on. This helps to be more relaxed different situations, helps to easily and naturally look for a solution.

If that's not your forte, don't worry. No matter how old you are now, you can easily learn to think critically. TRIZ (the theory of inventive problem solving) will help you with this. I myself have recently become acquainted with this direction. Don't take the word inventive as something scary.

TRIZ helps to look for unusual and non-standard solution and answers to the most confusing questions. The concept of setting a task is revealed, because often problems begin at the level of a question. How to increase the level of sales, which kindergarten to send the child to, how best to go shopping - thanks to this technique, you can learn how to quickly and in an original way solve any life tasks.

Add Your Ingredients to the Confidence Recipe

Return to the first point. Your strengths and weaknesses. Make your list of helpers for your confidence. Knowing that you are nervous without a phone in your pocket, always carry it with you. Is it easier for you to be with someone in society than to be alone? Take a friend with you to important events.

Since we are stressed in an unexpected situation, right decision There will be relaxation techniques. help me breathing techniques. Today they are endless. Choose the one that suits you best and use it in a tense moment to come to your senses and calm down.

Develop your vocabulary, oratory, negotiation skills, study. All this will help a lot when interacting with people. Pay attention to your communication skills.

A sense of humor often helps me a lot. unforeseen situation. Especially when you can laugh at yourself. Self-criticism kills criticism. If you can smile when you've done something ridiculous, then the feeling of awkwardness will go away very quickly.

I bring to your attention the book by Dale Carnegie " How to stop worrying and start living". Remember, many problems live only in our head and do not exist in reality.

What drives you crazy? What situation are you nervous about and do not find a place for yourself? What helps you deal with unpredictability? What are your strengths? Do you know how to use them?

Of course, it's great when a person can do absolutely everything. But quite often disbelief in own forces do not give the opportunity to achieve the results that could be. Missed opportunities give rise to new discontent and disbelief in one's own strength, which leads to another defeat. How to break this vicious circle and finally, learn to behave with the necessary confidence?

Self-confidence is essential for many people. However, it must be said that this quality is of a fickle nature and depends on the situation. For example, you can feel very confident in a friendly company and even be known as a merry fellow and a joker, when suddenly, unexpectedly for yourself, you lose all your courage if you need to make a presentation. At the same time, the opposite situation is also quite likely, when a person who is used to daily performances suddenly becomes shy when he finds himself in a normal situation, for example, in a store.

Think for yourself, how can a tailor who is suddenly put at the piano feel confident? No, he can be a very good tailor and feel completely confident in his workshop, but playing the piano is another matter. He just doesn't have enough experience with it. But if he starts playing scales day after day, then in a year, or maybe earlier, he will quite confidently perform at least simple pieces. And if he continues to continue his studies, then - who knows? It is possible that he will make a good pianist, and he will feel quite confident on stage.

If you don't know how to learn how to behave confidently in certain circumstances, just devote some time to daily practice. Confidence will definitely come with the necessary experience. If you want to feel confident behind the wheel - drive a car more, if you want to gain confidence in communicating with people of the opposite sex - communicate more with them.

Spend more time talking to management and you will stop breaking out in cold sweats in front of your boss, if you are afraid to speak in front of an audience, do more presentations. In other words, your main task is to learn how to act in the necessary direction. And even though everything will not work out for you right away, and sometimes nothing will work out at all - remember that even the greatest athletes spend several hours every day training.

Confidence on the outside, confidence on the inside

In order to learn how to behave confidently, use the old technique used by psychotherapists. Of course, there is a direct relationship between how a person feels and how he looks. But to a lesser extent, the opposite is also true. A simple example: try smiling and you will immediately feel your mood improve.

Likewise with confidence. To feel more confident, act like a confident person. Look at yourself in the mirror - does it reflect a confident person? Let's fix this. Round your back and roll your shoulders forward. Now, in a circular motion, lift them up, take them back and lower them. Evaluate the result, remember it, and also remember the inner peace that enveloped you in this moment.

A self-confident person walks with a free gait, with a raised head and straightened shoulders. Pay attention to this and try to take the necessary position more often, until it becomes natural for you. If you learn to look like a confident person, then you will come out and behave confidently in any situation.

A considerable part of people are introverts, for whom communication is a psychologically painful procedure. They experience discomfort from multiple views, the need to speak out in public, the “informality” of behavior that is required of them.

Others, on the contrary, tell jokes with ease, smile naturally, and radiate confidence.

“I was not born with charm!”, “What should I do?” - Admit it, you are familiar with such a train of thought? An unconditional willingness to admit to being a loser? Thus lay down all responsibility and all the heavy burden of risk and the possibility of failure.

Politeness, etiquette, morality - these things perfectly describe how the average person should behave at a social event. They pave a path for him, along which he will happily run a gray mouse that no one has noticed. But while running, he will eagerly look around at the supermen of charisma and charm surrounding him, to which, unfortunately, he is not destined to join.

Politeness, etiquette, morality - these are exactly the things that you must forget about if you want to prove yourself.

The first and only thing that matters is self-confidence.

Exude confidence

No, we do not want to say that you should spit in the face of public opinion, climb naked on the bar, sing a song and crack a disgruntled bartender in the head with a bottle of whiskey. It’s just that these concepts should not be restraining barriers that make you doubt your actions and show indecision.

It is they who make you fear failure, which is why there is a feeling of insecurity. People are most often afraid to cross the threshold of what is permitted, and therefore do not dare to do anything. Believe me, these boundaries exist only in your head.

Self-confidence is extremely important at events. This is the magical cloak that makes a superman out of a man. She works wonders and is almost entirely responsible for the formation of such concepts as "individual style", "image" and "".

But confidence is not something that can be developed overnight. It takes time to create an inner core. However, most people do not take any steps to achieve this long term goal. Why? Because everyone is sure that his character is given to him by nature, and he is not subject to change. However, many psychologists argue Your Personality Can Change (and Probably Should) . that a person's character changes throughout life.

Where to start

1. Play a successful person. Imagine that you are an actor, and your role is a confident person. You just have to start acting like you have no doubts about your actions.

Feeling confident and imitating it perfectly are two identical things in the eyes of outsiders.

As for you, once you begin to play the role of a determined person, you will gradually begin to feel accordingly. Of course, it will not work right away, but with practice the skill will come.

Do not be afraid that your role can become comedic - this is also commendable.

2. Always make eye contact. Even with people you don't know. Do not walk with your head down, look people straight in the eye, do not be shy about it. Eye contact on an unconscious level creates either a sense of intimacy or a sense of competition. Anyway, this technique- the easiest way to stand out without saying a word.

3. Communicate constantly. Even if you don't know anyone. Forget about your smart phone shy people(better leave it at home). Take yourself by the scruff of the neck, drag yourself to the first person you meet, put a smile on your face and start a conversation cheerfully. Then the conversation will start by itself. And if that doesn't work, just go to another person.

4. Don't be afraid to make a mistake.“And if I say something wrong?”, “If I joke unsuccessfully?”, “If they don’t understand me?” - forget about these thoughts. Even if you do something wrong, the real consequences will be much less terrible than you imagine. Treat what is happening as a test. Over time, you will feel that you need less and less effort. The very naturalness that you have always dreamed of will appear in your actions.

5. Smile and have fun. At all meetings there are people who are the gravitational centers of communication. Enthusiastic interlocutors constantly crowd around them, they themselves laugh and chat merrily about everything in the world. Do you know what makes them different? Skill from what is happening. This is your main task and ultimate goal.

Once you can play the role of a confident person, you will become confident. When you become confident, you will calm down and stop being afraid of mistakes. And after that, a sincere smile will appear on your face, and an aura of goodwill and sociability will shine around you.

Take care of your appearance

You must look good. But remember: the point of visually preparing yourself for a meeting is not to please others. All this is necessary to increase and maintain the necessary decisiveness.

Clothing style should be appropriate for the type of event you are attending. But that's not all: choose clothes that are on trend. Even if you have ignored fashion all your life, try wearing something atypical for yourself. Clothes that you would never dare to wear. It should not be too bright, but it should make you stand out from the crowd.

You will immediately notice the psychological effect: slight insecurity will soon be replaced by self-satisfaction due to interested glances thrown in your direction.

Shower, deodorant, decent clothes - these things are implied by default. However, there are some nuances that are extremely important to consider. They may seem obvious to you, but great amount people forget about these little things.

1. Get a decent haircut.

2. Get rid of unibrows.

3. Don't forget nose hair.

4. Tidy up your beard and mustache, if you have them.

5. Trim your nails.

1. You should not go to a party without, as flashes of light can make the fabric transparent.

2. If you don't know what to wear, remember: skinny jeans paired with a nice blouse is always a good option.

3. Never wear clothes that make you feel uncomfortable.

4. Do not forget that the line between "sexy" and "vulgar" is very thin.

Leave on time

Whatever vivid impression you leave about yourself, you can completely put an end to it without leaving the party in time. If you're visiting, never be the last to leave, but don't rush to take your leave either.

Try to read the signs of fatigue in the eyes and gestures of the owners. If you realize that they are no longer averse to ending the meeting, your public announcement of your resignation will encourage others to follow your example. The owners will only be grateful to you.

Whether the event was formal or friendly, be sure to speak to the hosts or organizers before leaving. Even if the latter are busy entertaining other guests, politely intervene, thank them and say goodbye.

"", "sociophobe", "misanthrope" - all these are labels that exist only in people's heads. Do not limit yourself to artificially created concepts. There is nothing and no one more unpredictable, absurd and capable of change than a person. The main thing is to constantly expand your comfort zone. With time, you will succeed.

Do you still only want to feel yourself confident, but in reality, little is achieved? Our article will help you find the missing element for self-confidence and methods on how to raise your own self-esteem.

Brain -chief assistant

The most important rule of confidence is positive thinking. Reality depends entirely on perception. Positive thinking is not self-deception at all. Thus, you will take everything under your control.

Control thoughts and formulate them correctly. Let's say you have problems with excess weight and every time you look at yourself in the mirror, one thought flies through your head - "I am very fat (fat)". Thus, you only drive yourself into depression. Think differently - I'm not satisfied with my appearance, I have to change it with such and such actions. Such a statement of the question, instead of driving it, motivates to action.

Positive thoughts result in positive actions. Thinking always badly, you will come to the conclusion that negative emotions will become dominant in the perception of the world around you. Hence the failures and even deviant behavior.

Learn to give thanks. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, we stop noticing the elementary things that life actually consists of.

First of all, you are alive. Every day you open your eyes and take a sip fresh air. Isn't that already a miracle?

Think about your strengths and talents. About what you have that others don't. Praise yourself for this and develop the abilities that life has given you.

And while taking a sip of water, remember how many people in the world suffer from its lack. Remembering how much you actually have and what you are capable of. You will not forget about confidence.

Is it hard to trick the brain? As it turns out, everyone can do it. After many studies, psychologists managed to prove. That thoughts follow actions. Based on this, a violent action will begin in your head after you smile or frown. So why deliberately let in bad thoughts? Smile as often as possible so that the brain turns on only with a positive message.

Smile also fraught with such an amazing thing as endorphin and serotonin - the hormones of happiness. It is worth showing you all 32 how happiness has already begun to be developed. And the confidence happy person much more than a depressed person.

Quite often, a smile is compared to oatmeal - both of them relieve stress and lower blood pressure. The main advantage of a smile in this case- She is always at hand.

A smiling person is more attractive to others than one who ignores such a manifestation of emotions. The more attention is paid to you, the more self-confidence appears.

If you have a feeling of insecurity, analyze where exactly it is most of all? Your days are mostly spent in several settings - home, work, study, a group of friends. As soon as you manage to understand where you feel worst of all, immediately leave this place, these people. Most likely it's just not for you.

There are tricks to quickly overcome uncertainty. For example, you urgently need to speak to an audience, and 5 minutes is clearly not enough for you to gain true faith in yourself. Work with your imagination. Very clearly imagine that everything worked out. If you go out expecting failure, that's the only way it will be. Hoping for success will increase your chances of success.

Reduce your heart rate by breathing. Slow and deep breaths will help with this. The fact is that for our body a rapid heartbeat is an alarm signal. Immediately begins the production of adrenaline and other protective reflexes. They cause anxiety and introduce a person into a nervous state. That is why the first thing before accomplishing the plan is to bring the physical state body back to normal.

The value of appearance

Yes, appearance is not at all the main thing in a person - inner world, that's real wealth! But a well-chosen toilet gives confidence like nothing else.

The main thing is to remember about accuracy and freshness. A haute couture dress with a ketchup stain is clearly not going to impress anyone. Yes, and spirits “poured” in the literal sense of the word on the body will also charm not everyone.

When choosing an outfit, first of all, you need to understand where you are going - for a sports run, to an expensive restaurant or library. Everything must be selected in accordance with the requirements of the place of visit.

But good looks aren't just about clothes. One of important points- posture. If a person believes in himself, then the posing of the body will stand out - widely spread shoulders, a raised head, a wide, even step. The reverse arrangement of things subconsciously drives the owner of bad posture into insecurity and shows everyone around him his internal problems. Therefore, watch your spine, walking down the street with your head up, you yourself will feel how you let in confidence.

Sport. A person doing even elementary exercises or jogging is always healthier, and therefore looks better. From what we read earlier, we remember that the better a person looks, the more confident he is. It is also worth remembering about endorphins, the production of which occurs during physical exertion. No matter how busy your schedule is, try to find at least 30 minutes every day for exercise. Even such small expenses will give their result.

Let's move on to real action

When choosing an activity for yourself, prioritize what you do best. By doing what works and seeing great results, you raise your self-esteem and give yourself confidence. And this happens through a sense of pride in oneself and the ensuing desire to do more and more.

When you do something well, it causes approval and interest in others around you. People begin to reach out to you feeling respect for the work done. And of course, the increase in the level of self-confidence will not be long in coming.

Try to communicate as much as possible. Even fleeting phrases on the street will have their effect. Self-doubt can be associated with a poor understanding of people, and this problem can be solved by the last of the proposed methods.

Communicating even just with passers-by, you will understand that for the most part people are friendly. One has only to push them to communicate, and after a couple of minutes, fleeting phrases will turn into a cordial conversation. The main thing is for you to decide to get out of your comfort zone, where there is no strangers. And having taken such a step, in addition to a new acquaintance, you will gain the opportunity to be proud of it. To be able to overcome fear.

Try to connect with people who are very different from you. It is they who will teach new things, open the world from the other side.

Once you start a conversation, don't try to end it as soon as possible. The more communication you have in your life, the better you will get to know people and the less you will be afraid of them. And from here, self-confidence will be at a decent level.

Learned to win over others. Some manipulation techniques will help you with this. Use your first name as often as possible. Any person is flattered to hear his name, on a subconscious level, it causes pleasant emotions in relation to the interlocutor.

Make compliments, but only healthy ones, insincerity in such a matter is felt immediately. If you tell an overweight girl that she has a great figure, it will look like false flattery. You will not be able to cause anything but negativity in this way. But appropriate praise and a couple of pleasant words will raise you in the eyes of others.

In addition to the ability to give compliments, one must also learn how to accept them. Forget about making excuses when hearing nice words and other manifestations of excessive modesty. After a couple of such cases, you will simply stop saying pleasant things.

Learn to observe yourself and the world around you. At what carrying out supervision change condemnation to the analysis with the subsequent conclusions. This will help you to become better day by day gaining more and more self-confidence.

Always be yourself in everything. Of course, you can choose a role model for yourself, whose behavior delights you. But only he must be a real person. Just don't aim to be one. You are an individual and should have faith in yourself, not who you are trying to appear to be.

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