How to understand that a person is unhappy in marriage? How are unhappy people different from happy people?

reservoirs 30.09.2019

Unhappy people... How many of them are there in the universe...

Unhappy people tend to be mean and cruel...

But this is from pain ... People break from pain ...
Not everyone is presented with souvenirs by fate on a platter ...
Not everyone is able, having risen from his knees, to shake himself off,
And the world in response, for a worthy lesson, smile ...

Unhappy people did not look for reasons in themselves
And people were constantly giving advice to others ...
That's just why, without building your own island of hope,
Trying to try on the fate of foreign clothes?

Yes... In a puddle, not everyone will see the reflection of heaven...
But happiness is stored in the soul of people from birth,
And someone showered him with indifference, revenge ...
Happiness lies under the rubble in an invisible place ...

Unfortunate people... They need some help...
After all, throwing trash out of the soul, there will be a place for God ...
After all, the sun, which is in the heart of people, also warms and shines ...
Unhappy people love to be rude on the Internet so much ...

But this is from pain ... People bite from pain ...
Let's not become like that in response ...
And it is necessary to live not in spite, it is necessary - for the sake of ..., in the name of ...
Unhappy people, it suits you very much to be different!!!


"Unfortunate people... How many of them are there in the universe...
Feelings are gradually erased in a vulnerable soul ...
Replacing heat with cold, words with reproaches,
Unhappy people, as a rule, are evil and cruel "- A very true and very smart thought. Yes, the soul of a person is built gradually and depending on the aspirations of a person, i.e. his predisposition, it can be enlightened, i.e. become kinder and more loving, or vice versa to be polluted by evil thoughts or deeds - to become cold, and then happiness cannot be seen.But a person, regardless of his predisposition, can try to change the direction of his aspirations by the efforts of his will - this is difficult at first, but then a person moving towards good, and having understood the goodness of this path, will no longer want to back. Happy is he who, in one way or another, is on sunny side. Everything seems so clear and simple, but many people do not consider the movements of the soul to be real at all, but only real external achievements, success in life, and the soul is always ready to adjust to the needs of enrichment, or simply give it to the discretion of their animal passions, and this verse is about them.

You are a very spiritual girl, Irina, and your poems are very reminiscent of Yesenin's in their lightness and beauty. I accidentally stumbled upon one verse in classmates indicating the author on the "Meaning of Life" forum and I really liked it, after I met another verse there, I became interested and began to search the Internet for the author and realized that it was not in vain. I read the poems of many authors, and I consider it a real great poet who both breathed and wrote (according to his own statement) Yesenin S.A. like all genius. Regardless of your external life success, according to your poems it is clear that you understood the main meaning of life and should always be happy being in kindness and love. I wish you continued success in your work and in life.

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If you ask any of us if we know at least one absolutely happy person, only one out of a hundred will answer, of course, I know such a person, and the rest then how. Why are there more and more unhappy people. How do they become. Who needs it. There are more questions than answers. This article will initiate a future discussion, as I understand perfectly well that everyone has their own point of view. I'll start expressing mine.

- This is an individual who is dissatisfied with some sphere of his being. Most people are dissatisfied with all areas of their lives, except for one, where they really succeeded.

It can be a great housewife without a job, an amazing mother who raised successful children, but there is no man who loves her nearby, a wonderful employee who does not have the joys of a personal life, creative person who has no family. As you can see the list is endless.

In my opinion, it turns out the following, we are successful only in one area of ​​our lives, but absolutely not successful in all the others.

unfortunate, a person becomes from childhood. The costs of raising parents lead to the fact that they raise completely unhappy children. Of course, this is not their fault, because they were once "crippled" by their own parents in this way.

What is the lack of education that makes children unhappy? Main criterion is as follows, just many parents want to see their child obedient. Obedience is the first trait unfortunate person.

Many parents confuse parenting with obedience. Education is built on dialogues of trust, when something is analyzed, where certain actions are justified. Obedience is a condition. Why?

If Human, obeys others, which means that he does not have his own opinion, his own desires, his own ideas for planning life. It is easy with an obedient person, he can be manipulated, which means that the manipulator can get all the benefits at the expense of unfortunate person.

Parents want their child to be obedient. They put him in front of a choice that is unspoken, but obvious: "Either you obey us, or we do not love you." All this is manifested in everything. The child is constantly told (drilled) to run quietly, learn lessons, behave modestly, be cultured - arguing sometimes with the words known to everyone:

“I won’t be friends with you”, “I don’t love you like that”, “You are like that to me - then you can continue on your own”, etc. And what is more important for a child, of course, is the love and care of parents.

So it turns out that a person from childhood is taught to be obedient, in a word, he must give up his natural, natural desires, otherwise no one will ever love him. This destructive program is laid down by most parents for their child since childhood.

is the most trained individual in the world. When a person does not experience joy, he has time for something else. For example, to find answers to his questions, to improve the skills of his specialty, to study everything that surrounds him.

Once there is a desire to move, which is noticeable only when a person has nothing else to do, then you need to become the most trainable.

the most ideal worker. Most employers value only those employees of their firm who are willing to work, from morning to night, overtime, with zeal and desire. The unfortunate individual has no spiritual desires, only physical needs remain, which can only be satisfied at the expense of money.

Where there is money, there is glory, honor (the life delusion of many) and, perhaps, what a person lacks: love, understanding and real respect. So unhappy the individual is a typical "workaholic".

Who constantly works not because he finds the job attractive, when he forgets about time all seven days a week, but because no one is waiting for him at home and does not like him.

- this is a robot modern world. After all, a happy person cannot be forced to do anything, against his will, he cannot be manipulated, a happy person will always say no to other views that contradict her worldview, will never stay up late, as she has her own house, where relatives and lovers are always waiting her people.

A happy person is the creator of his own happiness. He will never agree to exchange, the gift of life itself - his personal time for the satisfaction of other people's interests. And most importantly, a happy person is spiritually developed, knows how to love, he already has what he needs, which means that there is nothing to hook him with.

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Have you tried to stop and look at your life from the outside? Think - are you happy or not? Believe that happy life depends for the most part only on your actions and thoughts, because some of them simply program for a long or permanent failure. the site offers to study the habits of such losers and see if you have such habits. The article will tell you how an unhappy person behaves - beware of such actions and eradicate them from your behavior. After all, it is unlikely that hopeless depression and unhappiness is your goal.

The Unhappy Man and Dependence on Present and Future Circumstances

To be satisfied with life, do you lack a new position, an increase in salary, or the appearance of a wealthy man in your destiny? - Alas, even if you wait for all these blessings, the feeling of happiness will visit you for a very short time. And what will happen if you never wait for them, because it is quite possible? Really in this case you will spend your whole life waiting for happiness, real life instead of living here and now and learning to find a reason to rejoice in what you already have?

Learn to see happiness in today, and not wait for a bright future, like the weather at the sea. Because in this way you develop dependence on external circumstances. And any addiction is a road to misfortune.

Unhappy person: keep up with others

Throw away constant comparisons with others, focus on yourself and your life. Feeling even a slight envy and jealousy of someone else's achievements, you will not feel your own happiness. Don't chase after something just because others have it. Surely you have a lot of good things that can give joy.

A study was conducted where respondents stated that they would not wish for large material goods if other people did not have them either. If you think like this, then urgently change the train of thought. Such tactics lead to an unhappy life, because all the benefits cannot be earned, everyone has their own capabilities and abilities. Yes, and you do not need to have a lot of material things to be happy.

An unhappy person is often obsessed with the material and does not indulge in impressions.

Have you thought about how much effort and time goes into buying things? Repeated studies have shown that material goods do not lead to happiness. Shopping to cheer up is good, but when chasing things is a habit, then luck will not come to you. Sooner or later, a period will come when a person realizes that spending time on buying material things has lost more - himself. Spend a free hour walking with your family, visiting your parents or cycling. In response, you will get more positive emotions than from the next shopping.

Dissatisfaction with life leads to a desire to avoid others, but you should not follow it. Communication will help overcome the blues. Call a friend and have a cup of tea with her at a cafe. After talking, you will notice how your attitude has changed. It is not necessary to go out every day, lying at home under a blanket is sometimes also useful, but only if this has not become part of the usual way of life.

A pessimistic attitude and the role of a victim will make any person unhappy.

People who have not experienced happiness in life find it difficult and uncontrollable. Such a philosophy contributes to apathy, a sense of helplessness and an unwillingness to change everything in life. better side. Change the role of the victim to the role of a predator who knows what he wants, and even experiencing difficulties, goes to his goal. Remember that bad things happen to everyone, but everyone deals with them differently.

Causing trouble can be nothing more than pessimism, which helps predict everything bad. A pessimistic attitude is appropriate when you do not look at the facts. Assess the situation realistically and make sure that everything is not so bad.

Unhappy person: complaints and aggravation of the problem

A common situation: a friend calls regularly and endlessly complains about her life (her husband does not appreciate it, the children do not obey, there is not enough money, etc.). Where does this lead her, did you notice? Of course, to strengthen the negative mood, because she thinks and talks about the bad, not seeing the positive (the children are healthy, her husband earns, there is no money today, but there will be tomorrow). And with a constant negative background in someone's house, problems really begin to appear - the husband runs away, the children get sick, and in adulthood they run away even faster.

I hope this doesn't apply to you personally. Remember that troubles are temporary, take them for granted, and not as a fact that circumstances are always unfair to you and fate is predetermined and terrible from the very beginning. The life of happy people is available to each of us.

However, complaints do not always negatively affect life. Sometimes you need to discuss your real problems, pour out your soul to someone. Learn to determine for yourself when you are complaining in vain, hopelessly and more and more discouraged, and when, after a single outpouring of your soul, you feel better and find a way to change your situation for the better. Try to talk about your worries only if there is a therapeutic effect from talking.

Unhappy people don't solve problems and improve

You are responsible for your actions, and if you make a mistake, then try to correct it. Do not hide your problems and do not accumulate them, but make decisions in a timely manner. Then worries will not burden you, and a feeling of joy will not bypass you.

Losers do not try to change something in their being, they, on the contrary, expect a portion of the next problems and sorrows to arrive. But do not fold your hands, learn to control your life on your own: set goals, study, improve yourself, get out of your comfort zone. Then you will notice changes in life for the better.

An unhappy person is easy to identify if you know his habits. Actions and thoughts are not aimed at solving problems, but at their aggravation. You can change the course of events if you do not sit idle, communicate and learn something, do not envy the blessings of others, etc. Try to see the positive in every day you live.

Thoughts and actions characteristic of an unfortunate person happen to everyone. The main thing is that they do not become daily, familiar. If at least one of these 6 habits is your own, then get rid of it faster. Psychologists believe that happiness is given to everyone and it depends, first of all, on self-attitude, but not everyone uses this opportunity. Rejoice in the good events that have happened to you - everyone has them, even if they are small things. And if you fail, don't dwell on it. There is no evil without good - says folk wisdom. Today's failure tomorrow will seem insignificant to you if you set yourself up correctly and do not stop your life because of it. Life is very diverse and changeable. And everything is in your hands: be happy today!

Happiness has the most different forms which are sometimes difficult to determine. Conversely, the state of unhappiness is very easy to identify. When people are unhappy, it’s even difficult to be around them, let alone work and live. By the way, certain destructive habits very quickly lead to this state. Watch yourself so that they do not become your usual actions.

1. Waiting for the future

The statement “I will be happy when…” is one of the simplest of these habits. How you end this sentence doesn't really matter. You obsess over conditions and circumstances that don't lead to happiness. Don't waste your time waiting for something. Better focus on being happy with life right now.

2. Materialism

Material things will not make you happy. If you are used to chasing them, you are probably very unhappy. First, it's just instant gratification, and it quickly passes. And secondly, you acquire material things at the expense of more valuable things that can bring you real happiness: for example, family, friends and hobbies.

3. Stay at home

When you feel like an unhappy person, there is a desire to avoid other people. This is a huge mistake, because communication, even when you don’t feel like it, perfectly saves you from this state. We all have those days when we want to be silent and be in silence, but at the moment when this becomes a habit, self-destruction begins.

4. Perception of being a victim

Unhappy people tend to think that life is hard and out of control: "I can't do anything about it." The problem with this approach is that it reinforces the feeling of helplessness, and helpless people are unlikely to want to take action to improve something. Remember that you are not the only person facing hard times and you are quite capable of taking control of your own life.

5. Pessimism

Nothing fuels unhappiness like. The problem with a pessimistic attitude is that it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy: if you expect bad things to happen, you are more likely to get them. Negative thoughts are hard to drive out unless you realize how illogical they are. Look at reality and you will see that everything is not as bad as you think.

6. Complaints

Complaining and whining are also destructive. Regularly reflecting on how bad things are for you, you only affirm in this feeling. By voicing what is bothering you, you can alleviate your condition, but there is a fine line between the need to vent and complaining. In addition to being unhappy with yourself, you are also regularly unhappy with everyone around you.

7. Ignore

Happy people are always responsible for their actions: when they make a mistake, they admit it. Unhappy people consider problems and mistakes to be something almost fatal, so they try to close their eyes to them and pretend that they do not exist. However, problems tend to only get worse when they are ignored.

8. The ability to make an elephant out of a fly

Black streak in life happens to everyone. The difference is that happy people perceive it as just a temporary obstacle, and unhappy people as another sure proof that everything is terrible and catastrophic, and they themselves are practically doomed.

9. Unwillingness to improve

Since unhappy people are pessimists who do not know how to control their lives, they usually sit back and wait for something to happen to them. Instead of setting, gaining knowledge and improving themselves, they simply do nothing, and then they are surprised that there are no changes in their life.

10. The desire to be no worse than others

Envy and jealousy are incompatible with happiness, therefore, if you constantly compare yourself with others, you will never be satisfied. Beware of this, because it will not make you happy and, most likely, will only bring the opposite effect.

Incredible Facts

The producers of Coca-Cola make their consumers believe that there is happiness in a small bottle of the drink. Advertising of the drink is also associated with the most pleasant moments - it appears at picnics, in the movies, as well as in the hands of the closest ones. In Africa, the relationship between happiness and cola is not only a marketing ploy for greater benefits. Indeed, during the war and political struggle, which was observed in last years in many African countries, sales of the drink also declined, but as the situation more or less stabilized, the consumption of cola also increased.

Still, the use of cola is not the most The best way measure happiness. However, this example confirms the existence of a connection between emotional state a person and his behavior, that is, our feelings often influence our actions. Confidence, for example, contributes to a higher level of socialization of a person, while apathy leads to emptiness.

However, it is not always easy to interpret emotions. When people are asked if they are happy, most prefer to answer positively. They may not show signs of happiness, however, they prefer to describe themselves as "almost happy" rather than "unhappy". At the same time, American national institute Health reports that more than 20 million people in the US suffer from depression.

While depression cannot be equated with unhappiness, there is nevertheless some disunity in reporting and actual levels of happiness. In this case, it may seem that negative emotions take over. After understanding this and taking appropriate measures, a person can return to the path of joy.

5. You spend too much time watching TV.

Often a stressful day is preceded by a night in front of the TV. This is not a problem if you sometimes want to relax and plunge into watching a reality show or some kind of melodrama. But if the situation repeats from night to night, then you should stop watching TV altogether for a while. According to a 2008 study, excessive TV viewing is a sign of unhappiness.

Since 1972, researchers at the University of Chicago have been conducting general social surveys to assess the climate of happiness in the United States. Regardless of education, income level, marital status, or age, those who were happier watched 30 percent less TV time than those who did not. high level happiness.

On average, happy respondents watched 19 hours of TV per week, as opposed to the 25 hours reported by less happy participants. Instead of laying on the couch and turning on the TV, look to happy people. They are in their free time hanging out with friends and doing useful things.

4. Problematic relationships

A sure sign of growing discouragement is turning points in a relationship. More unhappy people may have a harder time resolving contentious issues, as well as analyzing their impact on the future of a relationship. At the same time, when the relationship begins to "turn sour", the feeling of discontent only increases.

Happy people spend more time interacting with other people in one way or another. This is evidenced by the results of all studies conducted on the subject of happiness, that is, the deeper and wider social connections person, the more satisfied he is with his life. For example, studies show that married people tend to be happier than single people. Yet happy people are more likely to get married.

You can also reap the benefits by connecting with friends and family through social media. One of the virtual projects that assessed the relationship between happiness and communication in in social networks, came to the conclusion that the level of human happiness can increase through online communication platforms.

3. Uncontrollable stress

According to positive psychology or the science of subject well-being, environment plays an important role in our awareness of ourselves happy. A sense of security and comfort breeds satisfaction. Conversely, an overly stressful environment contributes to the development of anxiety and insecurity. For example, a study that analyzed controlled and uncontrolled stress found that the latter tends to lead to the development of feelings of tension, in which a person does not feel happy. While stress is a driving factor in achieving a goal, much of it can negatively affect a person's sense of happiness.

One recent example of the impact of stress is the paradoxical shift in “happiness levels” among American women over the past 35 years. Despite the progress women have made in recent decades, general level their personal perception of well-being declined. Researchers explain this by the fact that women have to be torn between family and career. A separate study on how people spend their time found that men happier women because they spend less time on not-quite-pleasant tasks.

While we cannot completely eliminate stress from our lives, some principles of positive psychology can help alleviate its symptoms. In particular, positive thinking, mindfulness, and optimism are the emotional antidote to stress. When you feel that stress is setting in, replace the hours in front of the TV with walks in the park and try some relaxation techniques.

2. Constant search for pleasure

In the late 1970s, a group of psychologists led by Philip Brickman came up with startling findings about people and happiness. When comparing happiness levels among two groups of people, one with lottery winners and the other with paralyzed people, the experts concluded that happiness levels changed little in both groups over time. Researchers explain this phenomenon by talking about the adaptive functioning of the human spirit, that is, over time, a person acclimatizes to circumstances, whether it is something inspiring positive or, conversely, something very bad.

In the case of the lottery winners, sudden wealth did not improve their happiness levels in the long run. Instead, people can fall into the trap that Brickman called the "hedonic treadmill," which stands for an endless search for something bigger and better that can bring them pleasure. The problem that causes this constant desire to seek pleasure is inner emptiness. By definition, pleasure is something very short, which quickly leaves us, making us want more. Satisfaction, on the other hand, means that a person appreciates what he has.

1. Sleepless nights

After a sleepless night, you finally manage to fall asleep in the morning. After a few moments, the alarm rings and you have to get up. Needless to say, it's not best start day. One study looked at mood swings in 909 women throughout the day. In addition to work-related stress, lack of sleep and poor quality sleep were the top reasons why women felt unhappy.

In addition, a professor of psychology at the University of Michigan calculated that an extra hour of sleep each night is equal to the level of happiness a person feels if he receives an annual income increase of $ 60,000. This impressive effect seems to be related to brain chemistry. A sleep-deprived brain is more sensitive to the effects of the stress hormone cortisol.

The link between sleep and happiness raises the question of cause and effect: bad dream makes us unhappy or our unhappy state prevents good sleep? It probably depends on the individual situation. Someone who works 60 hours a week may be suffering from overwork and thus have difficulty sleeping. On the other hand, symptoms of unhappiness such as stress and watching TV do not contribute to good sleep.

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