In which version of minecraft can you make a rocket. Little star - impressive effect

The buildings 03.07.2020
The buildings

It will take quite a lot of time for an inexperienced player, and will also take a lot of resources. Creating a rocket with shapes and colors in the game is really a difficult task, but in this guide I will try to put everything on the shelves.

Before crafting a rocket, you need to create a material called an asterisk.

How to get an asterisk?
The asterisk is the item that is responsible for the color, shape, and effect of the firework explosion. You can only get an asterisk using crafting, creative inventory, or the "/give" command.

There are two types of star crafting.

In the first, the material itself is created. Up to eight dyes can be added to craft to explode fireworks. You can also add any one head, gold nugget, feather or fireball for an explosion shape.

For convenience, I hid all the crafts under the spoilers below.

Any dye, gunpowder and feather.


Any dye, gunpowder and any head.


Any dye and gunpowder.


Any dye, gunpowder and fireball.


Any dye, gunpowder and gold nugget.


In addition to these crafts, you can add diamond or light dust. The diamond will make the explosion bigger, and the light dust will create a shimmer. It doesn't matter what order you put the items in the crafting slots!

Don't be in a rush to craft them separately, because diamond and light dust can be combined to create a star with trail and shimmer!

The second type of crafting is to add a color change to the explosion effect when the fireworks fade. For crafting, you will need one star and up to eight of any dyes. The craft itself looks something like this:

How to get a rocket?
So we have reached the final stage of crafting and it remains to create the rocket itself. Use a sheet of paper, gunpowder and a star to create a rocket. You can put these items on the workbench in any order.

For myself, I crafted an asterisk from red dye, creeper heads and added yellow dye to the fading effect. Here's what happened to me:

You can also increase the duration of the flight. Just add more gunpowder when crafting the rocket (maximum three gunpowder can be placed). So the rocket will fly longer and accordingly higher.

Or you can add more colors to the fireworks. In total, you can add up to 7 different colors of stars!

You can experiment and create fireworks in different colors and shapes!

How to fly faster with a rocket?
The rocket is used not only to create fireworks, but also for fast elytra flights.

Be sure to use an empty rocket, i.e. create it without an asterisk, otherwise it will explode and you will receive damage!

Put on the elytra, climb somewhere higher and jump off. Press the jump button to activate the elytra. Now you need to activate the fireworks. On Android or IOS, you need to hold your finger on the screen, on Windows 10, press the right button.

If you have any other questions or I have indicated something wrong, then immediately write in the comments!

The developers of the world-famous Minecraft game continue to delight their fans with new and unexplored recipes. They bring new sensations to the game, and the ability to create new items allows you to diversify the gameplay as much as possible. So, version 1.5.2 of the game allows fans to create so-called fireworks, or rather, rockets.

How to make a rocket in Minecraft 1.5.2

First of all, you will definitely need a workbench, just like in the classic version. Finding the components will not take long, as for a small rocket you will need the following ingredients:

  • paper;
  • powder.

You should take into account the fact that the more gunpowder you use, the higher your salute will fly, but its amount should not exceed 3 parts. By the way, if you wish, you can create a launcher, and launch a rocket salvo directly from the ground, without taking your hands.

colorful joy

Of course, each player strives to stand out from the rest, and monochromatic fireworks can get pretty boring. For this reason, the developers have added the ability to color your salute in all sorts of colors. To do this, you need a classic dye, and by combining several types of this substance, your rocket can be remembered by server players for a long time. All you have to do is pre-color the gunpowder in the colors you want, and the explosion can be made up of 7 different colors that won't mix when dyed.

individual explosion

With each monotonous shot, fireworks become boring, and players want something new. So, the creators of patch 1.5.2. provided various modifiers that can make your explosion unique.

  • fireball.

By adding this component to paper and gunpowder, you can get an explosion of a much larger diameter.

  • feather.

With such components, your rocket explosion will become unique and asymmetrical, and every time you will be able to look at it from a new perspective.

  • diamond.

Thanks to this material, each individual piece of salute will leave a mark on the night sky, and the memory of the holiday will remain for a long time.

  • nugget of gold.

Such a component is suitable for lovers of beautiful curly fireworks, and gold will give it the shape of a five-pointed star.

  • light dust.

Each explosion of fireworks will leave twinkling stars in the sky, and it will perfectly complement the colorful rainbow of fireworks.

  • mob head.

This ingredient will make even the most serious skeptics smile, as you will see the head of a creeper exploding in the sky.

In any case, it must be remembered that in no case can several modifiers be combined at the same time, as this can lead to irreversible consequences.

You need to start by creating fireworks. As you can see, in the picture, the rocket consists of three components: an asterisk, paper, and gunpowder.

If everything is clear with gunpowder and paper, then the question arises: what is an asterisk? This is a firework charge, which determines what color and shape the explosion will be. Their mining system is complicated, since there are a lot of variations in the components of the stars. A maximum of seven stars can be attached to one rocket. You can do without them, but then you will not be able to distinguish between a rocket explosion, because its color depends on the dyes that make up the asterisk.

In addition to color, you can also influence the shape of the explosion, for this you need auxiliary modifiers like a gold nugget and a feather. The difficulty lies in the fact that not all modifications are compatible. Also, if you add a dye to an already finished star, then right in the process of explosion it will change color from old to new.

Now that everything is clear with the asterisk and the paper also does not raise questions, it remains to find out why the rocket has gunpowder. Its amount controls the duration of the salute explosion, as well as the height to which it will fly. Part of the gunpowder gives a second of life to the fireworks, so you yourself can calculate the amount you need. Fireworks are launched by pressing RMB or with the power of a rocket launcher.

All children want to become astronauts in the future. It's so great to see the earth from the outside, visit the moon, explore new galaxies... With age, the desire does not go away - the soul still asks for the stars. You can fulfill your cherished dream in Minecraft.

Space travel mods

There are many modifications that allow the player to build a rocket and fly it to the vast expanses of the universe. These include Galacticraft. It opens up a new, completely unexplored world for gamers, full of other planets and, of course, exciting adventures.

It is not difficult to build an aircraft and lift it into the air. But it is absolutely impossible to remain indifferent to the opening views. The image of the stylized Earth evokes a feeling of reverence and solemnity. The developers have not forgotten about the graphics of Minecraft here either - the home planet is now a cubic shape.

For those who do not want to download the modification, there is an alternative way to warm the soul. It consists in building a working rocket. Of course, she can’t deliver the player to the Cosmos itself, but there is an opportunity to play with new technologies.

So, for the construction you will need pistons, slime blocks, redstone blocks, slime pistons and iron blocks.

To build a rocket without mods, you need ...

1. Put an ordinary piston on the ground.

2. Place three blocks of slime on it.

3. On top of the piston and two blocks of mucus.

4. Put a block of red stone on top of the resulting tower.

5. Now you need to remove the third block from the top (this is the slime block). The fourth block from the bottom (this is the third block of mucus) should also be removed and a piston with mucus put in its place. To the right of the second block of mucus, place another one, surrounding it with blocks of red stone from above and below.

6. At the top of the construction of slime blocks, you need to build a square platform 2x2.

7. Place iron blocks on top in the same way.

It remains only to launch a rocket, putting a fire next to the very first block.

This building flies well. After its launch, you can look at the receding point high in the sky for a long time.

Still, there is some kind of romance in spacecraft. It's nice to think that everything is subject to you, both heaven and earth. Minecraft is a great opportunity to make your wildest dreams come true - even space flights. Happy building!

And special stars that are used only to create a rocket. Paper can be obtained from sugar cane, gunpowder from creepers, and to create the simplest stars, you will need all the same gunpowder and dye. The simplest rocket is assembled on a workbench. To do this, you need to place gunpowder, paper and an asterisk in the central vertical (bottom-up).

Missiles can fly through glass blocks and panels unhindered.

Sugarcane grows on the banks of water bodies. It is quite easy to find it, traveling along the riverbed or inspecting the nearest lakes. Reed is a plant three blocks high, when harvesting it, it is advisable to “remove” only the upper blocks, so after some time new sprouts will appear from the lower one. To make paper, you need to fill the central horizontal with extracted reeds on a workbench. Three units of this plant make three sheets of paper.

Gunpowder can be used in potion brewing.

Gunpowder is obtained from creepers. These are dangerous green creatures that are almost silent. They explode when they get close to the player. They need a couple of seconds to “charge”, during which you can hear a quiet hiss. A player can survive one unarmored creeper detonation at full health, but two exploding monsters are almost guaranteed to destroy it. If the creeper is killed before the explosion, gunpowder may fall out of it. Therefore, these monsters must be hunted with a bow, which allows you to destroy green monsters from a decent distance. It is advisable to stand on a hill at the same time, because with a difference in height of three blocks between the player and the monster, the latter will not be able to explode.

Gunpowder is a rare and valuable resource, since hunting creepers is quite dangerous. And alternative methods of its extraction are unreliable. It can be obtained by killing ghasts in the Nether, but they often fly over lakes of lava, so after the destruction of these creatures, all useful materials that have fallen out of them simply burn out. Gunpowder can be obtained by killing witches. But they are found only in swamps, and they also throw dangerous potions.

Little star - impressive effect

Stars are created from a unit of gunpowder and dye. Dyes can be obtained from flowers, plants, minerals, and some animals. They can be mixed for interesting color combinations. The simplest star consists of one gunpowder and one dye. However, you can use additional modifiers that affect the final look of the fireworks. Diamond, light dust, feather and some other items act as modifiers.

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