How to feel confident. How to be ready for everything and do not fuss in unforeseen situations

Gardening 23.09.2019

Familiar is constantly in a circle of communication, they are invited somewhere, they know how to express themselves ... And you are afraid to even approach the guy and speak. How to feel confident when you are afraid to express emotions, act? If you have not felt the queen of the evening for a long time, put on a fitting dress, and life began to the horror of monotonous - do not panic! A little more and you will not notice how you will become a soul of any company. This article will help raise your self-esteem from the level of "No one" to "and I still."

What should be confident man

When to speak with others it becomes difficult, and you consider yourself a gray mouse that is not worthy - it's time to work on self-esteem. How to feel confident if there is no respect for your individuality? The girls complain about the "curves" of the legs and be afraid to put on a beautiful dress, which long ago dream. They say "I am fat", although on scales of 60 kg.

Finally, the complex be the focus of attention makes many hostages of their fears. The formation of negative thoughts is the first factor that prevents from becoming confident. The self-sufficient lady will never look in the mirror and say "what I am a loser, I have a bad taste in clothes, I do not like my boyfriends." On the contrary, if she has shortcomings, she either appreciates them in themselves, or Head understands - "I need to work on myself, because I".

Confident man always keeps the situation under control. He does not have a crisis about the opinions of others, awkward cases and defeats. One woman can "fail through the earth," when she slipped in the public, and the second one - proudly stand and goes on.

In society, much attention is paid to the status and image of a person. When you are influenced by others, then their opinion can be a threat to your self-esteem. For such a reason, it is necessary to maintain a neutral position - to be able to take criticism and learn on it, but also have its own principal views.

Confident behavior is positive look On things that motivate being "at the height." When you work hard for the result, you become one step ahead of others. From this there is a competition where there is a winner and an outsider. Even when you stand at the site of the defeat - this is not the end of the world and this does not end up correctly.

See in the mirror clamped, bred, unclean woman? It's time to think about the transformation! Working over the posture, gait, conversation in front of a mirror, gesture, wardrobe. The girl should understand how to look confidently to be satisfied with himself. First of all, you need to become free from the complexes. It is important to work on the result for yourself, and not for someone, because it again obliges to obey other people's laws. Freedom of expression is to search for its talents and merits that can play "on the arm" to succeed in the profession or in personal life.

Smile - the first thing you need to take a habit to train a confident personality. When a man is happy, he is ready to roll the mountains with his actions, do not pay attention to the negative. Depressive personality is not able to see the world - for her life looks like vicious circlewhere she is a victim. In addition, when a man smiles he looks nice and attracts attention to himself. It is important not to ignore personal emotions to become open, because it helps to analyze your inner world.

If life proceeds in the work-house-work format, it is important to add "Film and Dating (for those who are in search) -shopping journeys." Confident man is filled with enthusiasm to life, and does not give up at the first failure or stressful situation. A sense of uncertainty is created when a person has not adapted in society. If you did not speak to a big public and suddenly you had to go out - you can take away the gift of speech. It is best not to get into an awkward position, but to prevent it.

On the same example, it is worth introducing yourself to the audience. It is important to learn to speak confidently, clearly, slowly, with a beautiful gesticulation in front of the mirror. How to feel confident? Learn to self-help freely, that is, to speak, act, think without restrictions. If you want to increase your chances of success and become interesting in communication - it is worth not to ignore these tips.

Training alone

How to feel confident among the public, if you are squeezed, compacted? It is important to train your communication skills, charisma, behavior in front of the mirror. Why not imagine yourself at the presentation of the "Oscar" with a spiritual speech or sing in karaoke, as if you are on a crowded area. Fantasy helps to display themselves in the role that is a benchmark for you. Do you want to become a lead or actress? Here is nowhere without skills of oratory skills, beautiful gestures, facial expressions.

Wherever we are, the image works for us. When it is completely difficult to communicate with real people - the optimal start with personal training. You can independently understand how to talk confidently, how to look interesting how to sit, how to stand and still many nuances. A little more and you can conquer any company with your charisma.

Work on appearance

You are not tired of wearing this old gray sweater in the roller, a boring cardigan, who left fashion in 2000s? And this hairstyle ... do not need to be passed on fashionable magazines, blog blogs, but occasionally you are interested in the innovations of the season. You can not imitate all instagram stars and do not spend millions on makeup and things.

It is enough to revise your basic wardrobe, do not neglect the decorations, accessories. To be well-groomed in the end is always welcome. Here the saying "Meet the clothes" is appropriate. The appearance is building the first impression of a person. If you are dressed in the balachons and with a rod on your head, then no one will deal with that you are a rather interesting interlocutor and love to draw. Confident behavior is born from the feeling of his image in which you go into the light.

Practice in communication

After the theory immediately practice. It is impossible to use probes for a long time - a full-fledged cream will soon have to buy. Also in communication - you need to hone the skills on real people, study their behavior, be able to confront stress. The more we are immersed in psychology, we feel freely in any circumstances. Why not call your girlfriend and ask "how are you doing, let's meet for a cup of coffee?". Or surprise colleagues and for the first time to approach them on Lunch and talk about something interesting.

Praise and reward yourself

How to feel confident if you constantly blame for trifles, live in stress and negative? On the contrary, you need to appreciate your individuality and configure success. Every morning to tell myself "you are strong, you have, in you so much potential", hard to practice confidence in the public and reward yourself with the purchase of a beautiful dress.

You need to love what you are doing. It is impossible to force yourself from under the stick to be always better, stronger, more successful. On the contrary, you need to keep the balance of interest, without which there will be no desire to take yourself in hand and act. One more thing - if you tell the compliments, then you will be able to accept them and thank them. It is not necessary to include a protective reaction - you go on the way to the new "I", here and go to an increase in self-esteem.

Develop physically

Confident person does not forget to support the body in a tone. Regular training not only save from extra guides on the stomach, but also make you purposeful. Sports hardens the power of will, which just takes out for training the skills of socialization. Look at yourself in the mirror - before you, that has all the chances of being stunning. So nice to put on a fitting dress, make a make-up and go for a walk. Compliments and enthusiastic views will not wait long to wait.

Read books on psychology

Healthy, tightened the body is not anywhere without ordered thoughts in the head. Books on self-development open the world of opportunities. Here are answers to many problematic issues, there are examples from the life of real people. Books are built on the experience, who survived hundreds of people. It is worth finding for yourself answers in lines, as many situations will cease to be unexpected and carry fear.

How to feel confident already from this moment? Learn to be open to others and be ready to change in your life. It is necessary to abandon the status of "Studal", and on their own to meet the opportunities. Confidence? This is an individual, where you find yourself in the present image in which you are comfortable. P.S. Love yourself in any mood, appearance, social situation - the adoption of your realities allows you to open your eyes to great opportunities.

I have always been shy and when it turned out in the crowd, a feeling of depression and stress appeared. Being in a large company, I felt bad, but when there was one or two people in the company, I felt comfortable. I could overcome my timidity, stopped shy, but after analyzing the last 10 years, it came to the conclusion that I managed much that then changed my life and essence then. How to stop shy in a large company, learn from this article.

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Photo Gallery: How to stop shying in a large company

Today it is possible and not to remember in all details the feeling of timidity and shyness, I stopped being shy and fear of communication for me is not a problem. I do not know exactly when I stopped feeling uncomfortable and timidly. By nature, I am not a sociable person, and I was not sure that I would ever be sociable. Each person has a threshold for any of their personal qualities. But now in any big company I feel comfortable and confident. Overcoming shyness and timidity, I resorted to some tricks, they will share with you.

Turn to consciousness.
All thoughts are material character, build in their consciousness the right faith and beliefs. Repeat "Every day I become more confident", and at every opportunity, on the way to work, to the library, to the store, repeat this phrase. In the mind you can imagine such a situation when you are surrounded by people confidently speaking, then you will feel faith in yourself and joy from it. If it does not help, it is worth contacting hypnosis.

Let them in your environment positively configured people, they will provide you with the necessary support. If you communicate with the same shiven people as you, then you will not move forward, so you will only believe in your weakness. You need to be with such friends who will not make fun of you, and criticize, for your desire to overcome yourself. Needing you should be those friends on which you can rely on everything, they will help you move forward so that you have reached some heights. Of course, it will be difficult to find such friends, but if there are such people who will balance between criticism and support, then you need to try more often next to them and boldly go to them.

It should be expanded by the zone of own comfort.
A person does not miss the cones if he won't do anything. If you do nothing, then you will not develop, and you will be lit in place. You do not know how to swim, but start with the fact that wet feet. Initially, it scares, but this moment will come when you need to dial more air and dive into water. The novelty of this action scares, but if you consistently go ahead, it will force us to develop and grow. And in order to stop the shy, you need to go to the people, to join the situation where you will be uncomfortable, here you need to wear yourself. No need to give fear to master your mind and you.

On the example of swimming, let's imagine if you are in the deepest place, for the first time, we will throw off to the water. If you are very shy, then speak immediately with a speech, to enter into a discussion and be in front of a huge crowd of the people, it is ineffective and unrealistic. To begin with, start with five people. If you can overcome shyness in front of five listeners, then you need to go ahead and talk to ten people. Then it will be twenty and gradually increase the audience. There is such an expression as therapy, by "diving", when the patient is provided to fight with fears when he is face to face, with all the fact that it is most afraid of. And this method is effective. If this technique is conducted under the scrutiny of the psychologist, it will have an effective action. Our motto is words - slowly, but right.

Do not take to heart.
Often, timid and sensitive people are very serious about things that occur with them. And if I forget the word, will the voice begged, if I make a job? These questions are twisted in their heads. And if it happens, this is what will kill you? You need to relate to everything calmly and schedule your future actions.

Shyness is a sense of self-esteem.
Probably, it is true that shyness is a sense of self-esteem. The one who said this phrase thought that shy people think only about what they were thinking about and how they look in the eyes of the people around them, they need to focus outside their "shells" and make the situation most valuable for themselves. You can give advice, think more about others than about yourself. In fact, no one is doing to you, and everyone thinks about himself. Do not go deep into yourself. Stop thinking that people will not say, do not think so.

Do not cross the line by analyzing your actions.
If you think that you are shy, you will not overcome your shysteriness. When you have to analyze shysteriness, you will come to this conclusion that everything is meaningless. As soon as you will be in such a situation when you need to be done, but to act, you will be released by hopelessness. All you need to do is practice. Do all that you are afraid and do not think that it is useless.

Love yourself.

Robust people feel uncomfortable and awkward and alone with themselves, and surrounded by people. Go to the movies, bunch, stroll out alone. It is noticed that quite confident people in crowded places feel comfortable and happily, being alone.

read books.
They will help to overcome your shyness. Read how people were able to overcome their timidity, it would inspire you to curb their fears and overcome heights.

In conclusion, you can stop shy in a large company, and it will take time to shy man It turned out a confident man, it is fulfilling the task. Sociability and confidence will make life better and more interesting, and several times more fun. Just do not need to postpone everything in a long box.

You still want to feel yourself confidentBut in fact, little thing happens? Find the element and methods for self-confidence, how to raise your own self-esteem will help our article.

Brain - Chief assistant

The most important rule of confidence is positive thinking. Reality depends entirely on perception. Positive thinking is not at all delegation itself. So you will take everything under your control.

Control thoughts and formulate them correctly. Suppose you have overweight problems and every time I looked at yourself in the mirror in my head flies one thought - "I am very thick (fat)." So you just drive yourself into depression. Think Otherwise - I'm not satisfied with my appearance, I have to change it as such and such actions. Such a question of the issue instead of driving unwinding to action.

Positive thoughts resulting in positive actions. Thinking is always bad you will come to the fact that in the perception of the surrounding world, negative emotions will become dominant. Hence failures and even deviant behavior.

Learn to thank. In the fuss of everyday life, we cease to notice the elementary things of which is actually life.

First of all, you are alive. Every day you open your eyes and make a sip fresh air. Isn't it a miracle?

Remember about your virtues, talents. The fact that you have such what others do not have. Praise yourself for this and develop the abilities given to your life.

And making a sip of water to remember how many people in the world suffers from its shortage. Remembering how much you actually have and are capable of. You will not forget about confidence.

Is it difficult to deceive the brain? As it turned out, for everyone. After many research, psychologists managed to prove. What thoughts follow the actions. Based on this, in your head will begin a rapid effect after you smile or frown. So why obviously let the bad thoughts? Smile as often as possible to make the brain only with a positive promise.

Smile It also pays such an amazing thing as endorphin and serotonin - hormones of happiness. It is worth you to show all 32 how happiness has already begun to be generated. A confidence of U. happy man much more than a depressed personality.

Quite often a smile compared with oatmeal - both of them remove stress and lower blood pressure. The main advantage of a smile in this case - She is always at hand.

A smiling person is more attractive for others than the one who ignores such a manifestation of emotions. The more attention to you, the more confidence appears.

If you have a sense of uncertainty, analyze where it is most of all? Your days are more passing in several settings - a house, work, study, a company of friends. As soon as it is possible to understand where you feel worse than just immediately leave this place, these people. Most likely it is just not for you.

There are techniques in order to quickly overcome uncertainty. For example, you urgently need to speak in front of the audience, and 5 minutes you are clearly not enough to gain the true faith in yourself. Work as imagination. Very clearly imagine that everything turned out. If you leave waiting for the failure, it will be the only way it will. Hoping for success you will increase the chances of it.

Reduce breathing heartbeat. Slow and deep breaths will help this. The fact is that for our body, the rapid heartbeat is an alarm. Immediately, adrenaline production begins and other protective reflexes. They are alarming and introduce a person to a nervous state. That is why the first thing before the accomplishment of conceived lead the physical state The body is normal.

The value of appearance

Yes, the appearance is at all very important in man - the inner world, here is the real wealth! But the right-selected toilet gives confidence as nothing else.

The main thing, remember the accuracy and freshness. The dress from Couture with a stain from Ketchup clearly will not lead anyone delight. Yes, and "poured" in the literal sense of the word on the body of the Spirit also fascinate far from everyone.

Picking out the outfit first you need to understand where you go - on a sports jog, on an expensive restaurant or library. Everything should be selected in accordance with the requirements of the place of visit.

But a beautiful appearance lies not only in clothes. One of the important points is posture. If a person believes that the body laying will be allocated - widespread shoulders, raised head, widely smooth. The reverse location of things subconsciously robs the owner of a bad posture into uncertainty and all the surrounding shows its internal problems. Therefore, watch the spine, walking down the street with a raised head you yourself will feel how you let confident.

Sport. A person engaged in even elementary exercises or jogs is always healthier, which means it looks better. From the earlier read we remember that the better the person looks like, the more confident in himself. It is also worth remembering about endorphin, the production of which is happening during physical exertion. How tightly was not scored your schedule, try to find at least 30 minutes every day for sports. Even such small costs will give their result.

Go to real actions

Choosing a lesson for yourself, put in priority what you get better. Making what it turns out and seeing the wonderful results you raise self-esteem and give yourself confidence. And this happens through the sense of pride for itself and the desire to do the desire to do also.

When you do something well, it causes the surrounding approval and interest in you. People begin to reach for you experiencing respect for the work done. And of course, the increase in self-confidence will not make himself wait long.

Try to communicate as much as possible. Even fleeting phrases on the street will have their own action. Insecurity may be associated with a bad understanding of people and this problem will be able to solve the last one of the proposed methods.

Communicating even just with passersby you will realize that most people are friendly. It is only worth pushing them for communication and after a couple of minutes, the fleeting phrases turn into a welcoming conversation. The main thing you decide to get out of the comfort zone where there is no unfamiliar people. And having accomplished such a step, in addition to a new acquaintance, you will find the opportunity to be proud of the topics. What could overcome fear.

Try to make communication with people who are very different from you. They will teach a new one, will open the world on the other hand.

Starting Communication Do not try to stop it as soon as possible. The more communication in your life, the better you will learn people and the less you will be afraid of them. And hence the self-confidence will be at a decent level.

Learned to decline the surrounding. This will help you some techniques of manipulation. As you often contact by name. To any person to hear his name to hear, on the subconscious level it causes pleasant emotions towards the interlocutor.

Make complements, but only sound, insincerity in this case is felt immediately. If you say a girl who suffers overweight that she has a great figure, it will look clearly false lasty. You can't call anything but negative in this way. But relevant praise and a couple of nice words will raise you in the eyes of the rest.

In addition to the ability to make compliments, you must also learn and take them. Forget to justify any pleasant words and other manifestations of excessive modesty. After a couple of such cases, you will simply stop saying pleasant.

Learn to watch and surrounding the world. What makes the observations, change the condemnation of the analysis with subsequent conclusions. It will help you every day to become better gaining more and more confidence.

Always and stay in everything yourself. Of course, you can choose an example for imitation, whose behavior leads you to the southerog. But only he should be a real person. Just do not put the goal to be it. You are individuality and must have faith in yourself, and not the one you are trying to seem.

Do you want people to be perceived as the hero of our days? Maybe you want to create an image of a confident person who is not afraid of obstacles on the way? Either it will be the image of a Savior of human destinies, externally calm, having a unbending rod inside. And let the dreams of glory and popularity remain dreams, we don't care what others think about us.

Create a perfect image in real life It is almost impossible, because there is no such person who could like everyone at once. But what you can really start doing right now is to start improving yourself. To do this, pay attention to tiny little things every day, which ultimately lead you to a lot of change. That's what you need to do to work out confidence.

7 minutes to workout

If you ever engaged in yoga, you probably heard that only 7 minutes of classes will give a significant impetus to improve mental and physical condition.

Your body will become more flexible, and the mind is more focused on internal processes. But even if you are not a fan of yoga, you can easily transfer this experience to ordinary training. 7 minutes is the time for which you need to give your maximum. You will feel better, and the feeling of internal harmony will give you confidence.

The benefits of mutual assistance

It is amazing, but your forces are not running out in the process of helping other people. That is why you need to be a society oriented. It does not require tremendous effort. Just need to give a compliment to the cashier in the supermarket or give someone recommendation for good work. If someone from your environment begins to work in a small business, you should not support your acquaintance, buying goods from him.
Help other people see their grateful and happy faces great way Get a charge of cheerfulness and excellent well-being. So you start deserve a reputation good man. Remember that someday your kindness will definitely return to you.

Work in a charitable organization

Have you ever thought about why rich and secured people so often pay attention to charitable shares? They feel responsible for those who are deprived and can not help themselves. However, to be a volunteer in charitable organizationYou do not need to be a millionaire. You can gratuitously give to those needing people care.
As the studies of the Harvard School of Medicine showed, volunteer gives huge mental and physical advantages for the volunteers themselves. Good deeds in the name of society reduces blood pressure in humans and contributes to the extension of life. Even if you are limited in time, you can always find a minute to make a modest "symbolic" donation to one of the local charitable foundations.

New cafe

Daily people commit the same actions that are brought to automatism so that they can be made with closed eyes. You drive to work on the same route, see the same faces on the way, go for lunch at the same cafe. Such life puts you into a grateful and comfortable vacuum. But all you need to feel confidence is to leave the notorious comfort zone.
A few hours are distracted from your community and explore the city. Probably somewhere nearby people who will be interested in you. You will never know about it if you don't go on their search. As the old proverb says, "changes are as good as rest."

Use tooth thread

According to scientists, the dental thread is related to general improvement Health status, and not just with a snow-white smile. The procedure takes only one minute and does not require you inhuman efforts to complete the standard cleaning of the teeth at the time when you are very tired.

Do not compare yourself with others

What do you think there is something worse than to compare apples with oranges? As you might guess, this desire to compare ourselves with others. Fruits that grow in trees have a juicy taste and are equally useful for health. Comparison in favor of one of them is a matter of personal preferences, no more. But when we talk about people, enter different factorswhich make us completely unique.

We are talking about origin, upbringing, talent, privileges and even accidents affecting our lives. Initially, all people are in different conditions. It is like comparing the arrival of the runners who started with a separate start. Another thing is clean time is the ability to compete with yourself.

In addition, in practice, a comparison with other either will develop a bunch of complexes in you, or it will develop in you a persistent belief that you are better than others. No need to do this, because "Comparison of yourself with others is an act of violence against your genuine" I ".

Do not forget about nutritional products

Contemporary concept healthy food»Loaded by various myths, insinuations and past unsuccessful experiments. Therefore, it is not worth blindly trusted nutritionists and refrain from everything that is salt and sugar. Just think about benefits for your body. This is what the clinical psychologist says Dr. Carmen Harra: "The food that you provide for your body directly affects your well-being. Food not having nutritional value leaves you sluggish, depressed and powerless. The absence of energy the body struggles for their rights and asks you best food" So instead of a roll aside healthy dietThink of what nutritional products can enrich your diet.

Learn something new

If you want to expand your capabilities, start learning something new. Tighten literacy if high School This aspect left much to be desired. Give yourself a setting to learn to swim if you spend your holiday from year to year lying on the chaise lounge. It is time to dive into the water and know the new features of your own body. Remember that you do it for yourself, and not to hit other vacationers. Find a tutor in French or Chinese. This will help you learn the culture of other countries. "Web live a century," popular wisdom agrees with us.

How to find a way out in a difficult situation?

Ask yourself the question: how much time are you ready to spend on the development of a project, ideas or relationships that do not work? In fact, this situation is familiar with many people who feel stuck at the same level. You invest money, time, emotions, knowledge and skills, and it does not shift from the dead point. Are you ready to part with precious resources and then?
According to psychologists from the North-West University of Daniel Molden and Chin Min Hui, there is a simple and effective way that helps people in the event that things are not important. Make sure you are focused on the very result that you want to get from this project. On the other hand, drive away from yourself thoughts about lost resources. It is difficult to find a way out when there is a solid negative around you.

Thank you, but not regret

There is one faithful way to make other people feel good. Remember how you usually apologize for late? Surely throw a duty phrase like "Sorry for being late, stuck in traffic." Why don't you turn the situation at 180 degrees and not thank your colleague for being patiently waiting for you?

Instead of apologizes for the inconvenience, always thank other people for their patience and mental generosity.

Self-confidence is one of the few properties of the person, which affects the quality of almost all spheres of human life. Together with the increase in self-confidence, the effectiveness of human actions increases, the relationship with other people is improved, new and unnecessary communications are purchased. A confident person is better motivated to achieve what he wants to achieve is faster to success and reaches him with less effort. Self-confidence gives its own carrier great amount Advantages and even makes a person happier, so if you are not confident enough, you should immediately think about the development of this of most important property Personality. It is not difficult, it is enough to start performing the steps given in this article on a daily basis, and you will not only become more confident in yourself, but also change your life for the better.

55 ways to become more confident:

  • 1. Be confident by a person. Take the decision to continue in all situations and speak and act confidently, to be more decisive and bold than ever before.
  • 2. Stop note to shortcomings. Disadvantages are present in each person, but there is one important moment - self-confident people do not give them too much And do not remember them at the most inappropriate time.
  • 3. Take care of your strengths. Let yours strengths Will be your support in life, work on their further development and make them even stronger.
  • 4. Stop incaploading your abilities. You should study all your abilities and trust yourself in the fact that if necessary, you can fulfill the task you know, even if this time it looks a little more difficult.
  • 5. Start learn what you want to succeed. Stop just dreaming about how talented or capable person You could become, and how many enthusiastic views would be aimed at you. Start performing real steps to become them in reality.
  • 6. Revise your set of rules. Your own rules are what should strengthen your spirit and make you stronger. Recipient your rules and eliminate those of them that prevent you in achieving success, as well as add such rules that can definitely make you more successful and more confident.
  • 7. Make a list of things you like. Allow yourself to be distracted by an hour from everyday bustle and think about what you really like, write down the list of things that you like, on a piece of paper, and save it until the next time.
  • 8. Develop your skills. Do you work as a programmer, designer or copywriter? In this case, start bringing your skills to perfection and become a high-class specialist in what you are doing.
  • 9. Direct the attention to what you like. You have already compiled a list of things that you like, now, your task is to remember them as often as possible, especially at such moments when negative thoughts are disturbed.
  • 10. Show your care for others. Treat other people with greater benevolence, help those who are in a difficult situation, especially if you are your close relatives or friends.
  • 11. Forget about uncertainty. The more often you remember your insecurity, the more difficult it becomes to fight it, on the contrary, completely forgetting about it and without giving great importance to its signs, you get rid of it with a lot of essence.
  • 12. Stop to endure unpleasant things for you. Make a list of things that you have to endure, and start the systematic and gradually get rid of those who bring the greatest harm to your emotional well-being.
  • 13. Direct the attention of the environment. Stop analyze your feelings and sort out negative thoughts in the head, instead, send all your attention to what is happening around you.
  • 14. Meet people. Communication is one of the main needs of a person, do not refuse to be able to just chat and start a conversation with people unfamiliar to you. Do not be discouraged if someone from these people is not configured to communicate, the next time you will be lucky.
  • 15. Stop comparing yourself with someone. In the world many most different people, with a set of various skills and abilities, and each of these people is unique. You are also unique, so comparing yourself with anyone is not too correct.
  • 16. Recall the Rule 80 to 20. Rule 80 to 20 states that 20 percent of the effort usually lead to 80 percent of the result. Thus, you do not need to be upset if 80 percent of your efforts were in vain - the remaining 20 percent will necessarily bring the result.
  • 17. Recover calmly to their shyness. Consider your shyness, as a feature, and not as a flaw. This is much simplifying your work on its elimination.
  • 18. Stop scolding yourself. In no case do not scold yourself for mistakes or failure, in general, never scold yourself, even if it seems to you that there is a reason for this. What happened, then happened, draw conclusions, analyze the reasons for your missions and continue to move forward with new knowledge.
  • 19. Consider your doubts. Insecure people often doubt in themselves, at the same time, most of their doubts do not have a solid foundation. And, nevertheless, this does not mean that all their doubts are empty. Consider your doubts and identify which of them can be justified, as well as the risk is that they are justified.
  • 20. Contact your help. Remember that you are not alone in this light, there are many people in the world with the same problems. There are also people who have coped with these problems and are ready to help in this other, do not be afraid to ask for help, someone will definitely help you.
  • 21. Do something stupid. You are a person, and as any person in something are imperfect, and how anyone is not insured against the commission of nonsense. Do something stupid, but safe for you and surrounding people specifically and post over yourself together with others.
  • 22. Flirt. Easy, no meaningful flirt with the face of the opposite sex is able to raise the mood and make a variety of in an ordinary situation. Of course, this person must adequately perceive the flirt.
  • 23. Start train physically. The tightened body is not only a guarantee of health and longevity, but also a source of self-confidence. Make a rule to perform physical charging daily.
  • 24. Learn to say "no." Sometimes it is difficult for us to say "no" familiar, friends or relatives in response to their request, since at this moment we turn out to be social pressure. And, nevertheless, remember: you are not obliged to anyone, and have the right to refuse to ask anyone if you are really busy. Learn to deny other people in a calm and confident manner.
  • 25. Reflect the cause of unsure behavior. Try to reveal what prevents you from talking and act confidently. What thoughts come to you at this moment? Destroy the negative beliefs that have become a hindrance for your self-confidence.
  • 26. Remember the past successes. Many people are much more often remembered about their missions than successes, and, as a result, deliberately underestimate their abilities and give the ground for further development Insecurity. Instead, with the slightest signs of the emergence of negative thoughts, start recalling our past successes.
  • 27. Mouse over. Mouse over to house, your appearance and head. The order will allow you to feel more confident and give you a sense of control of your own life.
  • 28. Listen to intuition. Separate the voice of intuition from empty doubts, learn to distinguish them and act as you make your heart.
  • 29. Remember the state of confidence. Remember the situation in which you felt and acted with maximum confidence. What caused the appearance of confidence? Was this reason internal or external? Try to restore the same way of thinking that supported your sense of confidence in the past. Remember the state of confidence in yourself and learn how to call it in any situation.
  • 30. Watch out for your posture. Try to keep your back right anywhere and at any time, relax all the other muscles that are not involved in maintaining posture.
  • 31. Find encouraging words. Make a list of phrases and suggestions that motivate you and make you feel confident. Record them on a piece of paper or memorize and read when you feel uncertainty.
  • 32. Learn to accept your uncertainty. Your insecurity is what you feel in one or another moment of time, and it is most likely caused by the situation with which you are unfamiliar. Take it and convince yourself that next time you will act differently in a similar situation.
  • 33. Make friends with your fears. Fear is natural, it becomes a problem only when you do not take steps to overcome it. Therefore, use your own fear as an opportunity to enhance your confidence.
  • 34. Take away calmly to your mistakes. No need to upset because of errors, it is better to look at them as an opportunity for your learning and personal growth.
  • 35. Do everything in a new way. Select a new route for your hiking or home, new store for buying products, new way Making everyday work. The more often you do something new and the more often we are in new places, the more confident it is starting to feel in unfamiliar situations for you.
  • 36. Do something useful to society. Be useful for other people, it will greatly enhance your self-confidence.
  • 37. Be sure that you have enough strength. Whatever happened to you, remember that you have enough internal strength in order to cope with any, even the most difficult situation.
  • 38. Find your true goals. Being not in your place easy to start feeling uncertain, and, on the contrary, reveaning your true goals and starting to do what you really wonder you will find that you can easily cope with uncertainty.
  • 39. Act. Stop sitting, folded hands. If some situation makes you feel insecure, then you should work on yourself and make real steps to eliminate your insecurity. Resolutely go forward whenever you need this practice will help you in finding self-confidence.
  • 40. Learn to control your body. The ability to control your body is a very important skill. Develop it. Learn to relax completely, remove the tension in the muscles and control unconscious movements. Explore the body language, model confident postures and gestures.
  • 41. Street with your future. Imagine an image of myself, a confident and decisive person, think what would he make this situation or circumstances?
  • 42. Determine your values \u200b\u200band hold them. Try not to depend on other people's people and opinions. Make up your own list of values \u200b\u200band stick to them in any situation. Adjust them if it is really necessary, and do the way you think fit.
  • 43. Declare yourself. Enough to be in the shadow, if you have something to offer, and you are sure that your offer is worthy, declare yourself and express your opinion. It will be either accepted or not, nothing will happen anything scary, and you will know that at least attempted.
  • 44. Have an action plan. Learn to plan your goals. Make an action plan for each next day, for every week, month, year or any other time. Implement his day by day, the result will not make yourself wait.
  • 45. Make your business on time. To become more confident in yourself you need to start fulfilling your affairs at one time. You do not need to postpone them for tomorrow, it will only reduce your faith in yourself.
  • 46. \u200b\u200bWe will seek people who are confident. Watch for confident people, note how they behave, as they say, what kind of gestures are used, copy their behavior. If necessary, ask for a couple of lessons of confident behavior.
  • 47. Become a generator of ideas. Train in creating new original ideas. Let's the second life unnecessary things. Invent new ways to apply certain things. Reflect on what you can make in your life. Just use your creative abilities.
  • 48. Surround yourself with positive people. Negative thinking people Often unconsciously spoil the mood to others. Try to stay away from such people away, or, if you feel enough strength, charge them with positive energy and ideas. Try more often to be surrounded by positive, kind and fun people.
  • 49. Smile more often. As you often find a reason for a smile. View a funny video or film, read the jokes or funny stories. Meet friends and enjoy yourself with them.
  • 50. Stop causing others. No need to adapt to other people - stay yourself. If you don't like something, you don't need to do this only to please or like other people. Select your own life path.
  • 51. Visualize yourself with a confident person. Imagine as much as possible and more likely to pictures of confident behavior in different situations with your participation. Scroll throughout the day, scroll through these images in your head and try to act accordingly.
  • 52. Make an affirmation. Repetition of affirmations - one of the most effective ways Changes to your belief and internal mood. Start talking to yourself that you are confident man that every day you become more confident and more confident in yourself. Repeat positive approval of your confidence every day at any free time.
  • 53. Find inspiring music. Good music can improve mood and even improve self-confidence. Find such music and listen to it from time to time. In a difficult moment, just remember the motive and words.
  • 54. Understand that no one is better and no worse than you. The presence of someone's abilities or skills that you do not have, does not make it better than you. Admit that you are just another, but not worse and no better than anyone else.
  • 55. Be here now. Learn to be here and now in any situation. Stop the stream of thoughts about the past and the future, stop violating your inner state of calm with negative thoughts. Be most focused on what is happening around, focus on actions, not reflections.

Everyone can become more confident in himself, everything that needs to be - to start performing real steps to change your way of thinking and behavior. Working on itself and following the methods given in this article to improve confidence, you will learn to think, speak and act confidently in any situation. Do not be discouraged if at the beginning of your path to self-confidence you will face difficulties, it is natural for any undertaking. Just continue to move forward and everything will turn out. I wish you success!

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