Structural state of soils of the Perm region and recommendations for its improvement. General information about the city Perm

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The soil of the Perm district of the Perm region. Them agronomic evaluation, Bonical and Fitness to culture-raspberry culture

Type of work: term subject: earth science

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M.Insistence of agriculture


Perm State Agricultural Academy named after Academician D.N. Snidishnikova

Department of Soil Science

The soil of the Perm district of the Perm region. Their agronomical assessment, bonitization and suitability of culture-raspberry Course work of a student group P-21

Sokolov A. V.

head-associate professor Scriabin O.A.

1. Common culture information

2. Natural conditions of the Perm district

2.1 Geographical position

2.2 climates

2.3 relief

2.4 vegetation

2.5 underlying (indigenous) and soil-forming breeds

3. The overall characteristics of the soil cover

3.1 Systematic List of Soils "OPH Lobanovo" Perm District of Perm Territory

3.2 Basic Multipurization Processes and Classification of Basic Soil Types

3.3 Morphological Signs of Soil

3.4 Physical and Water Physical Properties

3.5 Physical and Chemical Properties

4. Soil Bonitation

5. Justification of the placement of land

6. Increase soil fertility Conclusions Bibliographic list


In the system of measures aimed at increasing soil fertility, obtaining high and sustainable yields of all crops and soil protection, the leading role belongs to the rational use of soil cover. Agricultural land should be placed taking into account soil climatic conditions, biological features of cultivation cultures, accounting for specialization of agricultural enterprises, etc.

The goal of the course work is to identify the features of the placement of raspberries depending on the properties of the soil cover of the Permian region of the Perm region.

1. Secure the knowledge obtained in the study of the theoretical and practical course "Soil science with the basics of geology".

2. Master the methods of scientific justification of the placement of land on different types of soil.

3. Query to analyze the planned measures to increase fertility and soil protection and prove their agronomic and economic feasibility.

4. Learn to work with reference sources and cartographic material and summarize the information received.

1. Common culture information

Malina is a shrub with a long-term root system, a height of 1.5--2.5 m, having a biennial development cycle: In the first year, shoots grow, laid the kidneys; For the second year, they fruit and die away. Root system is formed large quantity Putting roots derived from a weathered rhizome.

It is well developed: individual roots can penetrate to 1.5--2 m, and aside from the bush - more than 1 m. However, the bulk of the roots is at a depth of 25 cm and at a distance of 30 - 45 cm From the center of the bush, the surface root of the roots is due to the high demandingness of the raspberry to the water regime and the soil fertility, which must be considered when it is cultivated.

The raspberries of the moisture lobby, but the convergence does not stand up, prefers the humus-rich soil, well-drained, with groundwater is not closer than 1 -1.5 m, as well as places with good air drainage, but protected from dominant winds.

This culture is very sensitive to the reduced location in crude soil, it does not tolerate even short-term flooding. At the same time, during the entire growing season, the soil must be well moistened. The maximum need for moisture in the raspberry occurs during the end of flowering in the beginning of the ripening of berries.

Before the laying of the soil plantation of heavy mechanical composition in sandy requires an ambulance (making large doses of compost, peat, lime). They must be loose, moisture, with neutral or weakly acidic medium reaction (pH 5.8-6.7).

The kidneys are laid on the roots and rhizomes of the raspberry, which in the growing form two types of shoots: shoots-off and shooting replacement.

Sleeping shoots are formed from the kidneys on horizontally arranged apparent roots. Therefore, they can be at a considerable distance from the parent plant. In the first year, these shoots can be used as planting material To expand the plantation. Being left for overgrown, they will give a harvest of berries for the next year.

Malina begins to bloom most often in mid-June, when the spring frosts will be afraid. Therefore, the possibility of obtaining annual raspberry yields in local conditions compared to other fruit and berry cultures is much higher.

Raspberries - the plant is a light-chapter, only with normal lighting can be counted on a high harvest of high-quality berries. Lack of light when landing from fences, buildings, under the crown fruit trees It leads to the fact that young shoots are very dragging, shading fruit. The period of their growth increases, they do not have time to prepare for wintering.

With poor lighting, the plant is more susceptible to infection by pests and diseases, the quality of the berries is sharply reduced. At the same time, on too high, open areas of the plant often lack moisture, suffer from winter drying.

Annual reproduction of annual escapes and a drying of all two-year-old after fruiting is one of the distinguishing features of the raspberry.

Careful soil preparation for the landing of the raspberry is also necessary for obtaining high yield, like the selection of the most productive varieties. On poor soils, the seedlings are good, the new shoots grow little, they are undeveloped, the root system is weak, superficial.

With a rare distance of the shoots and the death of some of them, empty sections are formed, which quickly overgrow weeds. On the plantation laid on the unprepared area, it is almost impossible to receive good yieldsEven if in the future to make high doses of fertilizers.

Vegetable cultures are desirable as predecessions of raspberries. However, the raspberry should not be planted after potatoes, tomatoes and other grain crops, as they are amazed by the same diseases.

After cleaning the preceding culture, no later than 2 weeks before landing, 15--20 kg / m of compost or overworked, 25--30 g / m of sulfur potassium or potassium salt and 50-- contribute to the soil pin. 60 g / m of superphosphate.

The advantage of the introduction of significant doses of organic fertilizers is indisputable. However, sometimes in practice, it is impossible to fulfill these recommendations. In this case, a deep (up to 30--40 cm) of a furrow, which, after filling, it serves as a place of landing of raspberries after filling the area.

Annual motion of at least half of all overhead part of the raspberry leads to a rapid removal of nutrients from the soil. Therefore, along with the use of a healthy planting material, the basis of creating a productive plantation is the systematic application of fertilizers for the balanced nutrition of plants.

Mullery in the cultivation of raspberries - mandatory reception. It prevents the growth of weeds, contributes to the preservation of moisture, protects the soil from the seal and the occurrence of soil crust, increases the biological activity of the soil.

Mulch significantly affects temperature mode Soil, temperature fluctuations amplitude under a layer of mulch less: in summer, the root system is protected from overheating, in winter - from frozen. The closing capacity of plants is reduced, therefore, labor costs are reduced to cut out too much. Organic fertilizers are enough to make every two years. Good results gives annual mulching, allowing you to create a powerful fertile layer Soil and big gumus stock in it.

Raspberries are better growing on fertile drum and squealed soils. Places increased requirements for nitrogen and potassium content. When making high doses of organic fertilizers and good water permeability, the subsidiaries can be well fruitful on the worst soils.

2. Natural conditions of the Perm district

2.1 Geographical location of the district

The Territory of the Earth Lobanovskoe is located south of the regional center, about 20 km.

Geographical coordinates of the economy: 57 ° 50 s. sh. and 56 ° 25 V. d.

2.2 Relief

Land use is located on 8 pearled terrace. Kama and the overall nature of the relief is large. The prevailing exposition of the Eastern and Northeast slopes.

The relief of the economy is an alternation of placory sites and slopes, steepness from 3 ° to 8 °, and the slope terraces are occupied by the forest.

The hydrological network is represented by r. Mulyanka and streams timed to the beam network. The maximum absolute mark of 267.4 m. Over the sea level. The breed of the soil of the Natural Local Bases of Erosions 60-65 m. The length of the open slopes is about 500 m., which causes the erosion danger and the formation of wasched soils. Horizontal relief dismembrance 0.8 km / km 2.

2.3 Climate

The climate in the Perm region is moderately continental, the average monthly humidity of the air is from 61% in May to 85% in November, the average annual - 74%. The average monthly temperature of January -15.1 July - +18.1. The duration of the dishearter period on the soil surface is 97 days, the annual precipitation is 570 mm.

Table of mid-year metoremological elements values \u200b\u200baccording to the meteorological station Permian


Month of the year












The average monthly temperature, 0 s

The temperature of the absolute minimum, 0 s

The temperature of the absolute maximum, 0 s

Wind speed, m / s

Precipitation, mm.

Snow height, see 5 e

Absolute humidity, MB

Relative humidity,%

Soil temperature at a depth of 0.4 m

The annual rate of precipitation is just over 600 mm, most of them fall out in the form of rain. In winter, the height of the snow cover can reach 111 cm. However, usually at the end of winter is a little more than half a meter. Sometimes a slight amount of snow may fall out in a summer month. Sustainable snow cover is observed at the end of the first decade of November.

The greatest wind speed falls on January-May and September-November, reaching 3.4 - 3.6 m / s. The smallest wind speeds are celebrated in July and August.

2.4 vegetation

According to the Botaniko-geographical zoning of the Perm region (S. A. Obenov, 1997), the territory of "OPH Lobanovo" refers to the 3 district - broadly - spruce forests of the Southern Taiga zone.

"OPH Lobanovo" as a botanical monument of nature is proposed for the protection of A. A. Kredov in 1925. Herbal cover is represented by relict lipnyak herbal, herbal maple, raspberry-jeszo-oxygen firing. In the East land use, small areas are occupied by Osinniki.

Flore "OPH Lobanovo" has more than 230 types of vascular plants. There was a rare species listed in the Red Book of Russia and the Middle Urals - the anemone bent. The soil is the dend - weakly prolonged.

1st tier: 7E 2C 10

The height of the trees 20 - 25 m diameter of the barrels 40 - 35 cm full of forest 0.8

2nd tier - Rowan, Cherryumukha, spruce, fir tier shrubs - rosehip, honeysuckle, viburnum, warning year.

Herbaceous tier - a projective covering 65%, no calamoveliness.

Precious composition: Flooring scaffolding, rank, scales, Forest, Forest razder, Soft, geranium, Cleanpiece, Forest violet, Veronica, smoothie, strawberries, Nickel Big, Medicarian, vasoye, Vashali.

2.5 Pedid (indigenous) and soil-forming breeds

Indeed rocks are the deposits of the Ufa tier of the Perm system.

Sandstones are greenish - gray, polyimicte medium and fine-grained, often with oblique lamination. Sometimes it contains pebbles of red - brown clay 3-5 mm in diameter. In some pocket-shaped deepends, such pebbles form even conglomerates. Cement sandstone gypsum or carbonate. The bulk of the cluster material consists of fragments of effusive rocks, quartz grains and plagioclase (up to 20-30% of the entire mass of debris). The shape of the grains is angular, size is 0.1-0.3 mm, less often up to 1 mm.

From the surface of the sandstones strongly weathered, detected and strongly fractured. Vertical cracks have a width of up to 0.6 m and filled with deluel. Slices of rocks taken from the outcrop surface disintegrate from a slight blow by a hammer on small debris or scattered in the sand.

Motheric rocks are the ancient alleavial sediments and eluvium perm clay.

The composition of the allyuvia of large rivers is formed by bringing the material from the western slope of the Urals, the destruction of the upper-perma deposits, as well as the transportation of the material with fluviohydial waters when melting glaciers. Pliocene Alluvius forms the fifth overpointing terrace of some pre-Urals rivers. It is represented by red-brown and dark brown, sometimes sophisticated clay with quartz pebbles and rubble local rocks.

Eluvius Perm Glyn lies with separate stains on the tops of hills and the Urals, and the average parts of the attached and highly slopes. It is a structureless dense mass, sometimes with the inclusions of the semi-loving pieces of the Perm clay in the form of a tile plate with a sink intake. Characteristic feature - saturated bright color colors: reddish brown, chocolate brown, raspberry-red, brown-red. Such color betrays non-silicate iron in oxide form. If a local accumulation of organic matter accumulation occurred during the sedimentation, part of the iron moved into a divalent form. Therefore, in Perm clay, the layers of green and greenish-gray colors are sometimes noted, associated with the presence of chamosite minerals, siderita.

The breed is most often a clay granulometric composition, the clay content ranges in the range of 60 - 70%, yals 20 - 47%. The breed is more often uncontrolled, but the presence of carbonates is not excluded. Mineralogical analysis of ILA shows that Perm clays consist of montmorillonite (prevailing), kaolinite, hydroellud, chlorite.

According to the chemical composition of the eluveli perm clay richer than coating deposits, it contains 10% less silicon oxide, has an increased capacity of cationic exchange (30-50 mgq / 100g breed). The number of movable phosphorus and potassium forms can be both high and low.

Eluvius Perm Glyn - the mother breed of turf-brown and brown-brown soils, rarely dend-podzolic. The role of an agent, braking the appearance, belongs to the weighing oxides in the process of weathering.

table 2

Granulometric composition of soil-forming breeds Perm district of Perm region.

sample depth, see

Diameter of particles, content, mm,%

The granulometric composition of the soil. breed

Less than 0.001.

Ancient alleavial deposits


Elviy Perm Glyn


Ancient alleavial deposits


Sand soils have separately partial addition, and is characterized by high water permeability, low moisture intensity, lack of structural units, low content of humus, low capacity of cationic metabolism and absorption capacity as a whole, low content of batteries. The advantage of sandy soil is loose addition, good breathability and fast heater, which has a positive effect on providing root systems with oxygen.

3. General characteristics of soil cover

3.1 Systematic List of Soils "OPH Lobanovo"

Table 3.

Soil indices and soil painting. map

Name of soil


Soilless. breed

Terminal Terms of Relief


medium medium divided

Ancient alleavial deposits

Platory sites


medium medium divided

Cover non-resident clay and loam

The slope is 0.5-1 °



Ancient alleavial deposits

The slope is 0.5-1.5 °



Elviy Perm Glyn

Slope 1-2 °



Ancient alleavial deposits

Slope 1-2 °


dernovo-weak prolonged medium


Ancient alleavial deposits

Slope 5-6 °



Elviy Perm Glyn

Verters of Honor

Dernovo carbonate leaching


Elvius Limestone, Mergel

The tops of the hills

Dernic scams

medium medium divided

Devual deposits

Logs and beams

D nm _g sd

Dernic scamped soil-glue

medium medium divided

Devual deposits

Logs and beams

The total area of \u200b\u200bOPH Lobanovo is 372 hectares. Dernovo-fine-ozolic medium clay soils Is it? Part of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe economy. The soil is formed on different soil-forming rocks, mainly on ancient alleavial sediments. According to the granulometric composition of soils, heavy-diploty, medium cynical, light-coded and clay.

3. 2 Main supporting processes and CLassification of the main types of soil

Derno-podzolic soils are developing under the influence of podzolic and turf processes. In the upper part of the profile, they have a humus-eluvial (turde) horizon formed as a result of a turf process below - a podzolic horizon formed as a result of a podzolic process. These soils are characterized by a small power of the turf, low content of humus and nutrients, an acidic reaction and the presence of a low-grade podzolic horizon.

Characteristics of a podzolic process: According to Williams V. R. (1951), a podzolic process proceeds under the influence of wood plant formation and is associated with a certain group of specific organic acids (roll, or fulvocoslot in modern terminology), causing the decomposition of soil minerals. The movement of the decomposition products of minerals is carried out mainly in the form of organo-mineral compounds.

Based on the existing experimental data, the development of a podzolic process can be represented as follows.

In the purest form, a podzolic process proceeds under the canvas of the coniferous taiga forest with poor herbal vegetation or without it. The dying pieces of wood and moss-lichen vegetation are accumulated mainly on the surface of the soil. These residues contain little calcium, nitrogen, and many hard-soluble compounds, such as lignin, wax, resins and tanning substances Williams V. R. (1951).

With the decomposition of the forest bedding, various water-soluble organic compounds are formed. The low nutrient content and bases in the litter, as well as the predominance of mushroom microflora contribute to the intensive formation of acids, among which are the most common fulvironment and low molecular weight organic acids (forming, acetic, lemon, etc.). Sour feeding products are partially neutralized by the bases released during its mineralization, the large part of them falls into the soil, interacting with its mineral compounds. Organic acids formed during the life of microorganisms directly in the soil itself, as well as plant roots are added to the acidic ferricts of the forest bedding. However, despite the indisputable lifetime role of plants, and microorganisms in the destruction of minerals, the greatest importance in appearance belongs to acidic products of the specific and non-specific nature, generated during the transformation of organic residues of the forest litter.

As a result of the washing water and the action of acidic compounds from the upper horizons of the forest soil, all easily soluble substances are removed primarily. With further exposure to acids, more stable compounds of primary and secondary minerals are destroyed. First of all, the orstive mineral particles are destroyed, so during the soda formation the upper horizon is gradually impoverished by sludge.

The destruction of minerals are transferred to the solution, and in the form of mineral or organo-mineral compounds are mixed from the upper horizons to the lower: potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium mainly in the form of coal and organic acid salts (including in the form of Fulvats); silica in the form of soluble potassium and sodium silicates and partly pseudocremary acid Si (OH) 4; sulfur sulfate. Phosphorus forms mainly hard-soluble calcium, iron and aluminum phosphates and the weakly Williams VIL (1951) is practically washed.

Iron and aluminum during appearance migrate mainly in the form of organo-mineral compounds. As part of water-soluble organic substances of podzolic soils are a variety of compounds-- fulvocyuslots, polyphenols, low molecular weight organic acids, acidic polysaccharides, etc. Many of these compounds contain, in addition to carboxyl groups and enol hydroxyls, atomic groups (alcohol hydroxyl, carbonyl group, amino group, etc. .), which determine the possibility of forming a covalent connection. Water soluble organic substances containing functional groups are carriers of electrical and covalent bonds, determine the possibility of wide formation in the soils of complex (including chelate) organ-mineral compounds. In this case, colloid, molecular and ion-soluble organo-mineral complexes of iron and aluminum with different components of water-soluble organic substances can be formed.

Such compounds are characterized by high strength of the connection of metal ions with organic addents in a wide pH interval.

Iron and aluminorganic complexes may have a negative (mainly) and positive charge, i.e. are presented as high molecular weight, and low molecular weight connections. All this indicates that organ-mineral complexes of iron and aluminum, in soil solutions of podzolic soils are very diverse in their formation, various water soluble organic compounds are involved.

As a result of a podzolic process under forest underlining, a podzolic horizon, which has the following basic signs and properties: due to the removal of iron and manganese and the accumulation of residual silica, the color of the horizon, from red-brown or yellow-brown becomes light gray or whiten, resembling the color of the furnace ash; The horizon is depleted with nutrition elements, one and a half oxides and or etched particles; The horizon has, acidic reaction and severe insaturation of the bases; In thin and clay varieties, it acquires a plate-leaf-leaf structure or becomes unstructured.

Some of the substances made of forest litter and a podzolic horizon are fixed below the podzolic horizon. The drive horizon is formed, or the illuvial horizon, enriched with or solid particles, one-time oxides of iron and aluminum and a number of other connections. Another part of the dislissive water was washed with flooded waters and, moving along with them, goes beyond the soil profile.

In the illuvial horizon, due to the washed compounds, secondary minerals of the type of montmorillonite, iron and aluminum hydroxide can be formed, etc. The illuvial horizon acquires a noticeable compaction, sometimes some cementing. The hydroxide of iron and manganese in some cases is accumulated in the soil profile in the form of iron orders. In the light soils they are dedicated to the illuvial horizon, and in heavy - to a podzolic. The formation of these nodules is obviously due to the livelihood of specific bacterial microflora.

On homogeneous granulometric composition of rocks, for example, on cover loams, the illuvial horizon is usually formed in the form of dark brown or brown raids (varnishing) organo mineral compounds on the edge of structural separates, along the walls of cracks. In the light breeds, this horizon is expressed, and the form of orange-brown or red-brown orthzandes, or highlighted by a brown-brown tint.

In some cases, a significant amount of humus substances accumulates in the illuvial horizon of sandy podzolic soils. Such soils are called podzolic illuvial humus.

Thus, a podzolic process is accompanied by the destruction of the mineral part of the night and the removal of some products of destruction beyond the soil profile. Some of the products are fixed in the illuvial horizon, forming new minerals. However, the eluvial process, during appearance, opposes the other, opposite in its essence, the process associated with biological accumulation of substances.

Wood vegetation, absorbing elements from the soil, creates and accumulates in the process of photosynthesis, a huge mass of organic matter, reaching in ripe spruce plants 200-- 250 tons per 1 hectare with a content of 0.5 to 3.5% of the solids. Some of the synthesized organic matter comes annually , With its decomposition, the elements of the ash and nitrogen food are re-used forest vegetation, and are involved in the biological circulation. Some organic and mineralsgenerated during the decay of the forest litter can be fixed and top layer Soil. But since, with the decomposition and humification of the forest bedding, predominantly mobile humus substances arise, as well as as a result of a small calcium content that contributes to the consolidation of humus substances, Gumus is usually accumulated by little Williams V. R. (1951).

The intensity of the podzolic process depends on the combination of soil formation factors. One of the conditions for its manifestation is a downward current of water: the less soil is missing, the weaker this process flows / "WWW ..

Temporary excess soil moisturizing under the forest enhances a podzolic process. Under these conditions, acidic easily soluble compounds of iron and manganese and moving forms of aluminum are formed, which contributes to their removal from the top horizons of the soil. In addition, a large amount of low molecular weight acids and fulvocoslot occurs. Changes in the moisturizing of the soil occurring under the influence of the relief will also strengthen or weaken the development of the podzolic process Williams V. R. (1951).

The flow of a podzolic process is largely depends on the mother breed, in particular from its chemical composition. In carbonate rocks, this process is significantly weakening, which is due to the neutralization of acidic products with free carbon dioxide calcium of rock and the calcium of the pod. In addition, the role of bacteria increases in decomposition, and this leads to the formation of less acidic products than with fungal decomposition. Further, calcium and magnesium cations, released from the forest litter and contained in the soil, coagulate many organic compounds, iron hydroxide, aluminum and manganese and protect them from removal from the top horizons of the soil.

The severity of the podzolic process also has a great influence composition of wood species. In the same conditions of habitat, appealing under deciduous and, in particular, under broader forests (oak, Lipa, etc.), it is weaker than under coniferous. Appealing under the woods of the forest is reinforced by cucoshin flax and sphagnum mosses.

Although the development of a podzolic process and is associated with forest vegetation, but even in the taiga-forest zone, podzolic soils are formed under the forest. So, on carbonate rocks, a podzolic process is manifested only when free carbonates are leached from the upper soil horizons on some depth. IN Eastern Siberia Under the forests, the sub-formational process is expressed weakly, which is determined by a set of reasons caused by a feature of the bioclimatic conditions of this area. Along with embassying, the genesis of podzolic soil is associated with the lesser. The theory of lesserizing (lesvivania) originates in the views of K. D. Glinka (1922), which believed that when the soil was subtomized from the upper horizons, or the same particles are made without their chemical destruction.

In the subsequent Chernica, Dushafur, Gerasimov I.II., Friedland V. M., Zon S. V., offered to distinguish between two independent processes - podzolic and lesivation. According to these ideas, a podzolic process flows under coniferous forests and is accompanied by the destruction of or ended particles with the removal of destruction products from the upper horizons to the lower. The process of lesing flows under deciduous forests with the participation of less acidic humus and is accompanied by movement from the upper horizons into the lower or strength particles without their chemical destruction. It is also believed that lesizing precedes appearance, and under certain conditions, both of these processes can go simultaneously.

Lesseed is a complex process, including a complex of physicochemical phenomena, causing dispersion of clay particles and moving them with a downward current under protecting movable organic substances, complexation and removal of iron.

The weakly acidic and close to the neutral reaction of the soil solution and moving organic substances (fulvocyuslotes, tanids) increase the development of the lesser.

The main features for separating podzolic and lousy soils A number of researchers consider the composition of the profile (ratio SiO 2: R 2 O 3) and the presence of a "clay oriented clay", i.e., plates of clay of a certain orientation that allows you to judge their movement with a downward flow of water . According to these scientists, in the lesived soils, the composition of the profile of the profile is constant, in the apodoline - differ in podzolic and illuvial horizons; In the lesived soils in the illuvial horizon there is a noticeable amount of "oriented clay", indicating the movement of the sludge without destruction.

Most researchers believe that the formation of a profile of podzolic soils is the result of a number of processes. However, the leading role in the formation of a podzolic horizon is observed. On thin rocks, it is usually combined with lesivating and surface flock, which also contribute to the formation of an eluvial-illuble profile of podzolic soils.

Characteristics of the turf process: In addition to the podzo formation for the Perm region, the turde process of the soil formation is characteristic. The turde process is characterized by accumulation in the horizon, and active substances. It flows when the soil in surface horizons there are accumulations of two-digit cations (especially calcium), which counteract the soda formation process, give the stability of active substances, contribute to the accumulation of them in surface horizons.

Williams V.R. (1951) It gives an idea of \u200b\u200ba qualitatively different, the turf process, which develops under the "meadow plant formation" is not combined in time with the sub-formation process, and alternates with it in its impact on the soil.

The intensive manifestation of the turf is determined by the amount and quality of the synthesized organic matter, the value of annual opaque and the complex of conditions, on which the education and accumulation of humus depends.

In the turf process in the accumulative horizon, organic substances and ash elements giving stable connections are accumulated, as well as an increase in the content of the main fraction of the top of the profile.

A.A. Alksandrov, A. A. Shkokkov indicate that the characteristic feature of the turf process is the combination of the synthesis and accumulation processes of organic, organic-mineral and mineral colloids and the elements of the ash nutrition of plants in the soils under the influence of herbal vegetation.

According to V. V. Ponomareva as a result of the decomposition of the organic matter, humic and fulvocyuslots are formed. Humic acids coagulate under the action of iron, aluminum, calcium and magnesium, resulting from the decay of the forest litter, and fall into the precipitate immediately under the horizon A 0, forming a 1.

On each soil, you can only produce those agricultural events that are necessary for this type or even a type of soil.

Classification of turf-podzolic soils: Derno-podzolic soils are a subtype in the type of podzolic soil, but according to their properties and the development of the turf can be considered as an independent type. Among subtitres of podzolic soil, they have a higher fertility.

Among the turf-podzolic soils are distinguished by the following childbirth:

for developed on clay and drum mother breeds: ordinary (in the name of soils do not include), residual-carbonate, dying-color, residual-turf, with the second humus horizon;

for developed on sandy and sampling breeds: ordinary, pseudophibes, weakly differentiated, contact-deep-shaped.

The separation of virgin chicken-podzolic soils of all kinds of types of types is carried out according to the following features:

by the power of the humus horizon on the weaker (A 1< 10 см), среднедерновые (а 1 10--15см) и глубокодерновые (а 1 > 15cm);

at the depth of the lower boundary of the podzolic horizon (from the lower boundary of the forest bedding) to surface-podzolic (and 2< 10см), мелкоподзолистые (А 2 10--20см), неглубокоподзолистые (А 2 20--30 см) и глубокоподзолистые (А 2 > 30 cm);

according to the degree of severity of surface flock on the neo-height (in the name of the soil is not included) and superficially gluing, with the specifics and separate sizes and rusty stains in the eluvial part of the profile.

The separation of turf-podzolic soils used in agriculture is based on the powers of podzolic and humus horizons (and P + A 1). According to the power of the podzolic horizon, the following types of ferrous-podzolic thin soils (soil without signs of plane water erosion) are distinguished:

dernovo-weak-casual - horizon A 2 is absent, the omodolosis of the subhumovoy layer A 2 in 1 is expressed in the form of bellic spots, abundant silica sinking, etc.;

ferrous-medium-domicular (or dermal-fine-pensions) - horizon and 2 solid, with a capacity of up to 10 cm;

dernovo-sevene-casual (or dermalless-shabby) - the power of a solid podzolic horizon from 10 to 20 cm;

dernovo-deep-pelonic - solid horizon a 2 with a capacity of more than 20 cm.

Types of soils for the power of the humus horizon (A P + A 1): small-paired (up to 20cm), medium spa (20--30cm) and deep-eyed (more than 30 cm).

According to the degree of development of plane aqueous erosion (according to the degree of primacy), units are divided into species: weakly, medium- and sheltered.

Types of soils are also isolated: weakly, medium and high-focused on the capacity of the arable layer and change its properties.

3.3 Morphological signs of soil

Consider the morphological signs of soil based on profiles.

Soil turfnot deeppodzolisty lightcropented Formed on ancient-turn average of Suglink, underlying average loam.

Mountains A P 0-29 cm - arable, light - gray, loose, light-seated, unstructured, is noticeably moving into the underlying horizon along the liquor layer.

Mountains A 2 29-37 cm - podzolic, whitish, peeled, slightly compacted, the plate structure is slightly expressed, gradually turns into the next horizon.

Mountains In 1 37-70 cm - transitional, fawn with brownish spots, the stud, unstructured, dense, quickly goes to the next horizon.

Mountains At 2,070-80 cm - ancedal clay, when analyzed, defined as medium loam, reddish - brown, a large-scale structure, changes markedly into the next horizon.

Mountains AD 80-140 cm - brown color, viscous, medium loam, on mechanical composition is somewhat heavier than the horizon in 2.

Mountains CD below 140 cm - the underlying breed - medium loam, when the pit appears, it seems an adhesive clay, reddish - brown with spots are more bright colored in red.

Soil turfweaklypodzolisty medium medium divine on a weak-robbonate coating clay.

Mountains A p 0-28 cm -Rexted gray with a whitish tint, dense, medium - loamy, fine-filled structure, many orthstine grains up to 3 mm in diameter. The transition to the underlying horizon is gradual.

Mountains At 1 28-61 cm - transitional, dense, light source, small structure, coloring on a break structural elements Brown, on the surface of the structural elements of whiten silica swelling.

Mountains At 2 61-105 cm - illuvial, clay, dense, large, dark - brown. The most distinctly specified features are expressed at a depth of 70-100 cm.

Mountains Sun 105-120 cm - transitional, to mother breed, dense, clay, structure Unclear prismatic, coloring several lighter overlying horizon.

Mountains With below 120 cm - the mother breed: the coating is yellow - brown, viscous necarboxyle clay, from the depth of 190 cm weakly boils.

Signs of illuvement in the horizon in 2 are well noticeable in the form of coarse nuts and prismatic separate density and dark-brown color. It is also characteristic of the presence of Ortstein grains in the eluvial horizon. The maternal soil-forming rocks are coating clays, in which there are no calcium carbonate in the overwhelming majority within the upper 120-200 cm. Profile power is large - about 120-180 cm.

Dernovo-Bury heavy-chip Formed on eluvia Perm clay.

Mountains A 0 0-2 cm - Forest litter, loose.

Mountains A 0 A 1 2-7 cm is a coarse, the humorous horizon of almost black color, fine-grained, is intertwined with roots.

Mountains A 1 7-22 cm - brown with a grayish tinge, heavy-chipped, grainy, loose, many roots, meet roots.

Mountains At 1 22-41 cm - brownish - brown with a light reddish tint, clay, grainy - small, many roots.

Mountains At 2,41-58 cm - brownish - brown with a reddish tint, clay, small, dense.

Mountains In 2 with 58-77 cm - the colorful, brown, reddish, purple, greenish stains, stripes, on one wall solid red - brown, clay, wedish, dense, single tiles of Perm clay.

Mountains From 77-113 cm - reddish - cherry abstructable dense clay, with a large number of small semi-loving fragments of Perm clay, spots of greenish clay.

Mountains CD 113-125 cm - Rolovato - Red Merghelny clay, with inclusions of loose pinkish - White Mergel. With hydrochloric acid, all the weight will boil violently. On the same wall, the mergile clay tongue rises to a depth of 83 cm, to another - loose clay goes beyond the profile.

3.4 Physical and water-physical properties of soil

Consider the physical and water-physical properties of soils.

Table 4.

The aggregate composition of the soils of the Perm region of the Perm region

rhorizont, sample depth

Diameter of aggregates, mm. Number, %

Amount of aggregates, mm

Dernovo - brown heavy-chipped

Dernovo - weakly casual light grazing

Structural condition Derne-podzolic soils in the amount of water supply units of optimal size (10-0.25 mm), is estimated as satisfactory, and partly and good (Table 4). The content of such aggregates in the soil reaches (47.4-52.6%). In a number of turf-podzolic soils there are no aggregates more than 10 mm. Consequently, the content of agronomically valuable aggregates of 10-0.25 mm in size is higher, which favorably affects the source of the soil: as the density of addition, both arable and porous layer of soil is small, and the total porosity is high, therefore, and better water and air properties Soil.

The study of the aggregate composition of the plow-shaped unlumb resolvenous medium divorce soil indicates that it does not have water supply.

From the data table 4 it can be seen that there is a particularly unstructured condition.

Table 5.

Granulometric composition of soils perm district of the Perm region

Dernovo-shallow-casual medium medium divided

Horizon, depth

A 2 in 1 36-40

Ferry-brown clay

Dernovo-weak-casual light grazing

Table 6

IN single-physical properties of soils.

Dernovo-uncerticisty light Suginenistand I

Sample depth, see

Deposit of addition

The density of the solid phase of the soil

Total porosity

Maxim. Gigroscopic

Mature moisture

Full moisture

Range of active moisture

% of the soil volume

A 2 in 1 30-40

From table 6 we see that the delicate-weak-visual is unnecessarily sealed in humus, and are very dense in the underlying horizons. The total porosity is low, which adversely affects the water and air regime of these soils. It should also be noted that the arable layer of the soil under consideration is somewhat overpowered (1.21 g / cm 3), which is possibly due to the impact on it of the driving parts of the tillage guns. The total porosity of the turf-weak-casual soil is 50.0% i.e. it is satisfactory for the arable layer.

The heavy granulometric composition of soils, the high density of addition, especially subference horizons, predetermine the adverse water properties of the soil under consideration. The magnitude of the moisture of rapidations is drawn to. Its variation in genetic horizons is closely related to the particle size distribution.

The magnitude of the moisture content is the higher, the more thin particles are contained in the soil. A slightly smaller value of the moisture is characterized by a humus horizon of turf-weak-casual soils, there is also a wide range of active moisture. However, in the underlying horizons of this soil, the moisture of installation increases, and the range of active moisture decreases.

It should be noted that the soil data at the time of complete capillary saturation of the moisture is extremely low porosity of aeration, which adversely affects the growth and development of crops.

Table 7.

Water-physical properties.

Turfnot deeppodzolisty medium medium cynicaland I

Sample depth, see

Deposit of addition

The density of the solid phase of the soil

Total porosity

Maxim. Gigroscopic

Mature moisture

Full moisture

Range of active moisture

% of the soil volume

From the table 7 shows an increase in the addition density down by the soil profile, reaching the highest value at a depth of 70-100 cm. With a depth of complete moisture intensity decreases, reaching a minimum value in the largest seal layer. Maximum hygroscopicity increases down the profile.

Table 8.

Water-physical properties.

Dernovo-brown heavy-chip

Sample depth, see

Deposit of addition

The density of the solid phase of the soil

Total porosity

Maxim. Gigroscopic

Mature moisture

Full moisture

Range of active moisture

% of the soil volume

The addition density increases down the profile. Maximum hygroscopicity decreases to a depth of 7-22 cm, and then increases. The range of active moisture increases to 7-22 cm, then decreases down the profile.

3. 5 Physiochemical properties (by L.A.Protasova, 2009)

Table 9.

Consider the physico-chemical properties of soil

The horizon and the depth of the sample, see

MEK EQ per 100 g of soil

Movable mold mg / 100 g soil

Turf-brown heavy-bull

Dernovo - deep-pierced light grazing

Dernovo - shallow-powered medium medium divided (Karpushenkov V. B, 1971)

With depth, acidity is somewhat decreased and the reaction becomes often the reaction in the mother breed, sometimes weakly acid. The exchange acid is mainly represented by aluminum, which accounts for up to 90% of the total acidity, and the value reaches 6.3 mg eq per 100 g of soil (mountains in 1).

Derno-weakly acidic soils have low hydrolytic acidity of 1.9 mg / eq per 100 g of soil.

4. Soil Bonitation

Bonitization is the initial stage of soil-land valuation work, on the basis of which is held quality assessment Earth.

The estimate is made on a closed 100 point scale where the standard serve the best soils Perm Territory, which have the following characteristics for arable horizon:

Eko \u003d 40 mG-eq per 100 g soil pH \u003d 6.0

The reference of the Perm Territory Soils is chernozems are arisated and leached.

Calculations of bonituing points are carried out for each indicator by the formula:

Where b is Bonitet's score; Z f - the actual value of the specific property of the soil; Z E is the value of the same indicator adopted for 100 points.

Find the amount of points in all indicators, then calculate the average score, dividing the amount of points the number of indicators. When evaluating eroded, wetlands and stony soils, corrective coefficients on the eroding, wetlands and stonyness are used.

Soil rating scale by A.S. Fatyanova

Bonitet class

Score Bonitet

High-quality assessment of soils


Calculations: Dernovo-uncerticisty light Suginenisty soils have the following indicators:

Humus \u003d 1,82.

B (humus) \u003d 23

B (fiz. Glinen) \u003d 55

Middle score on four indicators: 49

Final score 49.

Turfboery heavy-chipy soils have the following indicators:

Humus \u003d 2.27.

B (humus) \u003d 28

B (fiz.glinins) \u003d 100

Middle score on four indicators: 67

Final score: 67

Turfnot deeppodzolisty medium medium cynicaly soils have the following indicators:

Humus \u003d 2.75

B (humus) \u003d 34

In contrast to air and water capable of self-cleaning relatively quickly, the soil accumulate pollutants, therefore it becomes the main geochemical indicator of the ecological situation.

Today, scientists of the Perm State University are engaged in deep studies of the geochemical composition of the soil in the city. The greatest amount of information about the quality of urban soil was obtained at the beginning - mid-2000s by the Geo Ecological Party of FSUE GEOCART-Perm due to the ecological and geochemical survey of the scale of 1:50,000 by the territory of Perm, held within the framework of the federal program to compile a geoecological map of the Perm Territory.

Under the direction of Professor of the Department of Engineering Geology and Security Department and Department of Separating and Exploration of Minerals, Leading Researcher, Nile Nile Geological Modeling and Forecast of ENI PGNIU, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Science, Head of Scientific School "Geoecology, Engineering Geology, Geological Safety", Igor Kopylova Scientists and students selected more than a thousand samples in different parts of the city.

Studies of reservoir material have shown that in all components of the natural and geological environment in the city there are many local anomalies with a high level of concentrations of various chemical elements, and the average concentration of trace elements exceeds the allowable background in the range from 1.5 to 15 times.

Ecological and geological map Perm. I. S. Kopylov, 2012

According to the data obtained, the manganese, zirconium and titanium are widespread in small concentrations (up to 3 PDC). The greatest anxiety of scientists and physicians is caused by a high background of heavy metals - lead, cadmium, zinc, beryllium related to the first class of danger, as well as cobalt, nickel, copper, molybdenum and chromium, having a second class of danger. All of them, in addition to cobalt, have a high background from 1.2 to 4 extremely permissible concentrations, which means that many serious diseases cause many serious diseases.

Thus, the accumulation of toxic cadmium and beryllium in the body leads to the fragility of the bones, the deformation of the skeleton, violation of the work of lungs, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, liver and myocardium, lesions of the skin and mucous membranes, the development of cancer cells. Excess zinc can unbalance the metabolic equilibrium of other metals in the human body, which becomes the main cause of ischemic heart disease. Nickel also contributes to the appearance of cancers, inflammation of the skin and affecting the lungs. Cobalt increases the number of erythrocytes in the blood, causes inflammation of the mucous membranes. Increased copper concentration becomes the cause of the liver cirrhosis.

Special attention is paid to man-made lead anomalies in Perm soils, installed almost everywhere. Lead, being the strongest poison, causes blood change and vessels, frustration of the nervous system, paralysis of the limbs, disruption of the work of the kidneys and anemia.

Igor Kopylov, Professor of the Department of Engineering Geology and Protection of the Subsoons and Department of Searching and Exploration of Minerals, Leading Researcher Neil Geological Modeling and Forecast of ENI PGNIU, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Science, Head of Scientific School "Geoecology, Engineering Geology, Geological Safety" PGNIU:

The largest lead anomaly is located in the central part of the industrial area. Further, lead anomalies are stretched in the north-northeastern direction to Dzerzhinsky, Leninsky and Motovilikhinsky districts. Several anomalies with high lead contents are installed in the south and south-east of the city in the Sverdlovsk region. Clearly traced an increase in lead content near motorways. "Hurricane" lead values \u200b\u200b(as well as cadmium, cobalt, nickel, chromium, arsenic and antimony) are installed on a 3-kilometer plot of ul. Heroes Khasan. Complex anomalies in soils are grouped in three large abnormal geochemical zones: in the western part of the city in the industrial area, in the central part in Leninsky and Motovilikhinsky district and in the southern part of the Sverdlovsky district.

Scientists of the Institute of Mineralogy, Geochemia and Crystalochemistry of Rare Elements even developed a special classification to assess the environmental situation in zones with an exception to the maximum permissible concentrations of particularly hazardous chemical elements - lead, zinc and cadmium. A total of five "steps" of danger: satisfactory (exceeding less than 1 MPC), tense (from 1 to 1.5 PDC), critical (from 1.6 to 2 MPC), emergency (from 2.1 to 3 MPC) and Environmental disaster (excess is more than 3 MPC).

"Following this classification, sites within a significant part of the industrial area (except forest-park zones), Motovilikhinsky and Sverdlovsky districts in the Hushihih basin and the lower rivers of Willow and Motovili (as well as some other small sites) can be classified as areas with an extreme environmental situation or Environmental disaster. On the rest of the city, the environmental situation according to the criteria is estimated as "tense" and "critical" and only on urban outskirts to the southeast and the north - as "satisfactory", "says Professor Kopylov.

A scientist believes that today to improve the quality of soils in the city can be only one way - improving the overall environmental situation: reduce emissions of pollutants of enterprises and especially transport, and also engaged in intense landscaping of the urban environment.

  • Vladimir Sokolov learned why in Perm, which is considered "one of the most green cities of Russia",
  • About writing in his article Daria Andropova.

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Ministry agriculture Russian Federation

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution

higher education

"Perm State Agricultural Academy

name Academician D.N. Snidishnikova "

Course work on the topic:

Structural state of soils of the Perm Territory and recommendations for its improvement

Is done by a student

Shishkov D. G.

Leader: Associate Professor

soil science Chashin A.N.


1. Concept of soil structure

1.1 Structure of the soil of the Tague-Forest Zone

2.1 General characteristics of the enterprise

2.2 Economic characteristics Enterprises

3. Natural conditions for the formation of soil cover

3.1 climate

3.2 Relief

3.3 Soil-forming breeds

3.4 vegetation

3.5 Hydrological conditions

4.2 Physical properties soil soil

4.3 Physico-chemical properties of soil

5. Agricultural Soil Group

6. Bonitization of soils





The ability of the soil to form from mechanical elements The aggregates is called the structure-forming soil ability, and the aggregate of the aggregates obtained in this process of various values, forms, strength, water supply and porosity characteristic of this soil and its individual horizons are the structure of the soil.

Currently, it can be considered generally recognized that the fertility of soils of severe on mechanical composition (medium divided, heavy-divine and clay) is largely depends on their structure, since the nature of the latter determines the water, air, biological, and therefore the nutrient soil mode. For heavy soil mechanical composition, cultural soil is fair - structural soil.

The goal of the course work is the production and genetic characteristics of the structural state of soils of the FSUE "Education of the Lipovaya Mountain" of the Perm district of the Perm Territory, the ways to improve it.

1. For the natural and economic characteristics of the soils of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Education Lipovaya Mountain".

2. give the morphological characteristics of soil.

3. The assessment of the agricultural and agrochemical properties of soils.

4. Do appropriate measures to increase soil fertility.

IN term paper used materials obtained during field practice in 2015

1. Concept of soil structure

The solid phase of the soil consists of mechanical elements. They are wetted, interact with the liquid phase of the soil, together and form aggregates. The combination of these aggregates forms the structure of the soil (Kaczynsky N.A., 1965).

In the process of structural formation, the primary role is played by: organic substance of the soil and soil microcations, soil colloids, biological and chemical processes flowing in it, the dynamics of water, air and thermal regimes, various forms of water in the soil (N.A. Kachinsky, 1963).

The concepts of the structure of the soil as a characteristic morphological basis of its characteristic nature of the structure of the soil in the agronomical sense should be distinguished. Considering the structure as a morphological basis, it can be recognized as well-pronounced and characteristic, without sharing. In the agronomic concept of a positive structure, only a small -com and grainy structure, porous, mechanically elastic and water supply, as it ensures that the structures are preserved during the soil treatments, with moisturizing natural or artificial (Kaczynskiy N.A., 1965).

Agronomically valuable are aggregates of 10 to 0.25 mm. The soil consisting of aggregates is less than 0.25 mm, detects the properties of the structural: it slowly passes the water inward, that is, it is weakly pensing it, and cannot use drop-down precipitation. Such a soil dries quickly. Being moisturized, it contains little air. Temperature fluctuations on such soil are sharper than on the structural (Vershinin P.V., 1958). Consequently, the size of soil aggregates has an important agronomic value. If the soil is composed of aggregates close to dust (less than 0.25 mm), it poorly uses precipitation in the spring and summer, since the water permeability is small, and therefore most water flows from the surface (Vershin P.V., 1958). Such soil continuously evaporates water and dries on a greater depth; It is usually more dense, it takes more effort to handle it, and therefore, and more consumables fuel. The thermal conductivity of such a soil is also large, therefore temperature fluctuations between day and night, especially in hot time, are significant. Almost all the pores of such a soil usually have capillary properties and, being filled with water, already contain little oxygen. Microbiological processes in such soil, if it is wet, is anaerobic, in the soil start growing recovery processes, and it accumulates, as shown above, less food for plants. Therefore, laboratory and field experiments with plants, as well as observations of the physical properties of the soil indicate that the size of the aggregates from 2 to 3 mm and close to them (1--2 and 3--5 mm) are most favorable for the growth and development of plants. P.V., 1958).

A. I. Kurter (1935), who studied the dependence of evaporation of the structureless soil and soil covered by aggregates various build, it came to the conclusion that the decrease in water evaporation soil depends on the physical structure of the units of the structural layer and the thickness of the layer itself. The evaporation of water soil depends on both the values \u200b\u200bof the aggregates (the smallest amount of evaporated water gives the aggregates from 2 to 3 mm, the largest - aggregates from 10 to 15 mm) and from the thickness of the aggregate layer. The more powerful the aggregate layer, the less the soil evaporates water under it.

In addition to the size of the aggregates and their water supply, the value of the density of the aggregates or their porosity (Kachinsky, 1947) is attached. Microbiological activities in lumps are connected with porosity. If a lump has a small porosity, then even with a minor humidity, microbiological aerobic activity in it decreases sharply, limited to the surface film. With too high porosity, lumps, which happens if the lump consists of smaller lumps, and they, in turn, from microaggiers, the aerobic processes in the lump are sharply pronounced even with a common high humidity. The organic substance is quickly mineralized, which leads to the destruction of the soil structure. (Kaczynskiy N.A., 1947)

The water supply of the soil structure is associated with the formation of organic adhesives in the soil resulting from the decomposition of plant and animal residues with soil microorganisms. These adhesive organic substances are different in their chemical nature. Some of them, such as proteins, glue the soil particles well, attach to aggregates of water supply, but themselves quickly "eat" by other microbes, and therefore the structure formed by them is unstable. Other adhesive organic substances, such as the type of humate, are destroyed by microorganisms not as fast, usually only with an acute disadvantage of organic substances in the soil. The structure formed by these adhesives is stable or more stable. Structural structure Soils only then can help increase the harvest when the favorable physical conditions created by it can exist in the soil more or less a long time, and this is observed only when the waterfront structure is relatively resistant to microbes destruction (Vershin P.V., 1958).

As for the microstructure, it is important how these dusty particles are constructed. The smaller the soil particles in size, the greater the likelihood of their deposit to the lower horizons of the soil. In particular, this danger increases when the diameter of solid soil particles is approaching the size of large molecules (Vershinin P.V., 1958).

A. F. TULIN (1946) concluded that the value of the soil microstructure is not limited to the size of microaggregates, and the material, with which the formation of soil microstructure occurs, is also played in a significant role in the soil fertility.

In the formation of soil microstructure, the coagulation processes of colloids are of paramount importance. As for the origin of the macroaggers, the primary role is played by the participation of freshly-forming gumification products of root residues (TURIN, 1937).

A. F. TULIN (1946) argues that particles (from 0.01 to 0.001 mm) are formed in the rhizosphere of plants and therefore enriched with one and a half oxides and organic matter. These particles are formed in microzones thickening root hairs. Where there is no concentration of root hairs, particles are formed, in which there are few one-time oxides. They are usually organic colloids or mineral colloids glued with organic.

In view of what in different climatic zones The above factors are different, the structural state of the zonal soil will also differ.

In the steppe zone, the formation of a structure in virgin soil is determined by two dominant factors: a large concentration of root mass and the activity of processing the soil structure with rainworms (Listsky F.N., 2013). Research V.V. Degtyarev (2013) showed that in the virgin soils of the chernozems of typical forest-steppe zones, the content of agronomically valuable aggregates is 90%, the content of aggregates of 1-7 mm, and the coefficient of the upper layer structure is 9.3 (Table 1). Also in these studies, data are given, to reduce the quality of the structural state, during the decaying of virgin soils. They increase the content of particles is more than 7 mm, the content of agronomically valuable aggregates decreases to 75%, and the structure of the structure is reduced by 3 times. However, the deterioration of the structural states of the studied V.V. Degtyar soils were more influenced by planting forests: it caused a decrease in agronomically valuable aggregates (size\u003e 0.25 mm) and a decrease in the structure of the structurality to 2.8. Lowering the structural state of chernozems with the greatest processing duration confirms F.N. Listsky (2013), arguing that the upper horizon of such soils in addition to the deguumfylation is susceptible to eluving and depleted with calcium, potassium, etc.. At the same time, the seal regime has not completely restored a trace element balance for 80 years.

Table 1 Structural and aggregate composition of chernozems of typical Mikhailovskaya virgin,% (Degtyarev V.V., 2013)

Depth, see

Fraction size, mm

Structural coefficient

Plot of absolutely protected steppe

Chernozem under forest bar

Chernozem Pashnya

Gray forest nestoferous soils of the South Taiga zone (South-West Transrabale) have the content of agronomically valuable fractions of 76% (Nydarova D.L., 2009). The structural state of these soils is estimated for arable land and soil under the forest as good, and for eroded soils - unsatisfactory, since they are significantly the proportion of large aggregates of 10-7 mm in size (17%), whereas on arable land - 11 and under the forest - 10 %. In eroded soils, particles< 0,25 мм уменьшаются до 2 % по сравнению почвы под лесом - 13 и пашней -5%.

Compared to the chernoles of the forest-steppe, black sooth, leached southern taigas, due to the increase in fraction, more than 10 mm and fractions less than 0.25 have smaller robes of agronomically valuable aggregates (Bykov S.L., 2015). The stagnation coefficient in such chernoles is reduced to 2.2. S.L. The bull is also noted that an increase in the chump fraction and the corresponding deterioration of the structural state occurs on irrigated blacklook. At the same time, the structural state of virgin soils is estimated as excellent: the content of agronomically valuable aggregates is 80%, 4.1 structural coefficients.

Thus, the structure of the soil is one of the most important indicators of soil fertility. It is influenced by the organic matter, the root system of plants, soil organisms (in the rest of the worms), eroding, the system of agrotechnical treatments. The same types of soils of different natural zones have a different structural state, as they are formed taking into account the characteristics of the zones.

1.1 Structural state of the soil of the Tague-Forest Zone

Studying the rooting system of herbs, Savvinov (1936) found that they are affected by the solemn effects more efficiently in the soil zones, the most secured moisture (tundra, dend-podzolic and chernozem), rather than in the dry steppe zone.

V.V. Karpsunes (1976), making the characteristic of the structure of some soils of the Perm region, it established that the most sour--to-terrible is the dark and turf-brown clay soils. They contain 95-99% of the aggregates in the humus horizon. The soils are less sophisticated are ferrous-strong-rolled, in which the number of dry sifting aggregates is 87 - 91%. Nevertheless, the water supply of units of this soil is low and in the forest and especially on arable land (Table 2). In turn, the water supply of aggregates is high as arable land (79.2%) and in the forest (91.1%) in the ferris-drier soil. Surney dark color Gleep soil occupies an intermediate position in this regard.

Table 2 Soil aggregate composition (Karpushenkov V.V., 1976)

Splice number, land

The horizon and the depth of the sample, see

The size of the aggregates, their number,%

Dernovo-strong-casual medium medium divided

Dernovo brown clay

Note: In the numerator, the results of dry, in the denominator - the results of wet fractional sifting

All considered V.V. Carnistened soils have a good microstructure of units (Table 2). The number of microaggles fluctuates from 75.7 to 84.5%, in the forest from 84.2 to 86.0.

Table 3 Microgenic composition of soil (Karpushenkov V.V., 1976)

Horizon and sample depth

MicroGregates size, mm, quantity,%

An indicator of microGR. in V.N. Dimo

Dernovo-sevene-casual medium medium divided, section 3, arable land

The same, section 4, forest

Dernovo Brown clay, section 6, arable land

The same, incision 5, forest

Sherry Dark Colorful Gley Ward

Same, section 2, forest

V.P. Dyakov (1989) Studying the debris-podzolic soils of the Pre-Urals noted that the soil data is inclined to the formation of crusts and large lumps. Also V.P. Dyakov (1989) noted that with a high coefficient of structurality during dry sifting, a decrease in the content of agronomically valuable aggregates was revealed during wiper.

The clay granulometric composition in the natural conditions of the Taezhnaya zone, against the background of a sharp decrease in the humation and expressed processes of water erosion, increases the dumpness of the soil. The most source of the same soils are noted when the enrichment of their or lion fraction is observed, especially on eluvial rocks and with weak schaps (Scriabin O.A., 2014).

Thus, the structural state of the soil of the Tay-Forest Zone is subject to the general rules for other zones and is formed depending on the particle size distribution, agrotechnology, eroding, humation and vegetation. But in view of the climatic conditions of the Tague-Forest zone, on which the above factors depend on the soils of the forest-steppe zone, and with soils, the southern taiga zone have the same structural state or the best.

2. Characteristics of the FSUE "Education Lipovaya Mountain" Perm GSH

2.1 General characteristics of the company

Natural and climatic conditions

Geographical position. FSUE "Obekhoz" Lipovaya Mountain "Perm GSHA named after academician D.N. Snidishnikova is located in the northeastern part of the Perm Territory. Central manor - with. Froli - located 2 km from the city of Perm. By configuration, the farm is an elongated, wide plot that extends from west to east by 12.5 km. The farm has a thick, branched road network consisting of asphalt and field roads. The farm shares the federal destination road in half. The farm flows many small rivers and streams.

Climate. Economy "Lipovaya Mountain" is located in the IV agroclimatic area, which is located in the central part of the Perm Territory and is characterized by a continental climate with a cold and long-lasting snowy winter and short warm summer. The average annual temperature is -1.5 ° C. The average monthly temperature of the air of the coldest month (January) - -15.1 ° C, warm - + 18.1 ° C. The growing season with a temperature above + 5 ° C is 151 days. The last frost on the soil is observed on June 2, the first September 8.

The sum of the average daily efficient temperatures is 1800-1900 ° C, the annual arrival of the total solar radiation 87-88 kcal / sq. Cm. The smokery period is 120 days, the average of the absolutely annual minimum temperatures is -37 ° C. The area in which this economy is located, refers to the zone of sufficient moisture. The amount of precipitation for the year is 468mm, the duration of the period with a steady snow cover is 165 days. The formation of sustainable snow cover on November 3. Snow gather on April 10-12. The height of the snow cover is 56 cm. The supply of productive moisture in the meter soil layer is 160 mm. In the winter and spring months, the southwestern winds are dominated in the territory of the institution, from May to October winds western directionThis period is distinguished by the greatest amount of precipitation.

Relief. The territory of the exercise is located on the water-seated space of the Kama River. The relief of the farm hilly-dummy. The western part is represented by the slopes of Eastern exposure and a steepness of 4-8 °. The central part of the territory is aligned. Northern and eastern parts have a deeply embedded overwhelming-beam network. In general, the eastern part is represented by the slopes of Western and Eastern exposure.

Vegetation. The territory of the economy is located in the forest area, in the metropolis of mixed forests, in the area of \u200b\u200bfir-fir forests with finely deciduous rocks and lime in wood tier. Wood vegetation is presented: lime, poplar, birch, fir, fir, pine. From shrubs are common: rowan, cherry, rosehip, raspberry.

Herbal vegetation is often low. Hedgehogs national team, fill-out, firewood fire, meadow, white, clover white, mouse polka dot, onion, buttercup screak, strawberry, nettle, dusty dandelion, Drug daisy, Horsetail, sick, cobweet, Anemone Altai. On the territory of the microdistrict Lipovaya Mountain, there is a specially protected natural territory on which the plant of a smooth tertiary period grows - the anemone bent. This circumstance requires compliance with environmental standards for agricultural production.

Sowing a severe sowing of weeds are more common rhizable (powder creeping, horsetail), corneupry (osic of field), tark early, tark late (violet field).

Soil cover. Since the soil is the main means of agricultural production, the characteristic of the fertility of land is important for the agricultural production assessment of the enterprise, which is expressed by the combination of the properties of the soil cover. The territory of the educational and expressive economy is dominated by ferrous-medium-domicular and derene-strong-rolled soils, which together occupy about 68% of the total land area. These soils have a predominantly medium-divorcene and severe granulometric composition, indicators characterizing the absorption capacity - the sum of the metropolitan bases and the capacitance of the cationic metabolism correspond to the average level. The soils have a very low and low content of humus, the hummate-fulvant type of humus, low content of metabolic potassium (K2O) and movable phosphorus (P2O5), medium and weakly acidic medium reaction (RNCL 4.7 - 5.5). Consequently, obtaining a high crop of crops on dominant sodium-podzolic soils requires large costs Because of their low economic fertility.

On the waterproof spaces and the slopes of the slopes of slopes, more fertile turf-carbonate and turf and brown soils occupy about 15% of the land area. They have a high absorption capacity, the average content of humus of humate-fulvant and fulvate-humatic types, the average and increased content of metabolic potassium (K2O) and movable phosphorus (P2O5), as well as the weakness and close to the neutral reaction of the medium (RNCL 5,4 - 6 0). These are good quality soils suitable under arable land economic indicatorsthat take into account the cost of harvest and the costs of obtaining it will be lower than on the dend-podzolic soils. In addition, the soils of good quality include alluvial, located in the floodplains of rivers. On the territory of the economy they occupy a small area.

In decreases of relief, the soils of the marsh type are located, which are not suitable for agricultural use due to adverse water-air regime.

2.2 Economic characteristics of the company

Structure and the structure of commercial products

Structure Revenues from agricultural sales is one of the main indicators of the production and economic activity of the enterprise. Data on the composition and structure of commercial products (Table 1) allow you to determine the specialization of the FSUE "Lipovaya Mountain Education".

Table 4 Composition and structure of commercial products

Industries and products

Deviations 2012

Amount, thousand rubles.

Specific weight,%

Amount, thousand rubles.

Specific weight,%

Amount, thousand rubles.

Specific weight,%

Crop production, total:



of them Rye


Other products

Livestock, total:


Milk whole

Other products


From the given data it can be seen that in the UKH "Lipovaya Mountain" the dominant position in the structure of commercial products is occupied by the production of animal husbandry, which has been 92.7% in 2012 (Table 1). Specializing in milk production. The production of crop production is a tendency to reduce in the structure of monetary revenues from 8.2% in 2010 to 7.3% in 2012. However, the revenue is growing, which is probably due to price increases. Thus, the main industry is milky-meat cattle breeding, and additional crop production.

Main factors production activities

TO The main indicators of the production and economic activity of the enterprise include: revenue from the sale of products, the cost of realized products, profits (loss), profitability (cost payback). These indicators characterize the effectiveness of the work of the agency. The source of information about these indicators is form No. 2 "Profit and Loss Statement" (Appendix 1, 2, 3). The main indicators of the production activities of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Lipovaya Mountain Agregation" Perm GSHA named after Academician D.N. Snidishnikov were evaluated over the past three years and are presented in Table 2.

Composition and structure land resources

By Table 5 shows that the total land area of \u200b\u200bthe Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Lipovaya Mountain" Ogukhoz "Lipovaya Mountain" Perm GSHA named after Academician D.N. Snidishnikova is 4143g and for three reporting years has not changed.

Table 5 Composition and structure of land resources

Types of land

General Land Square, ha

including: agricultural land, ha

of them: Pashnya



Forest arrays, ha

Wood-shrub vegetation, ha

Ponds and reservoirs, ha

Agricultural land occupy 3220 hectares, including Pashny Square is 2762 hectares. Earth's identity ratio in Lipovaya Mount UKH is 74.8%. Land wasteland is also high and is 85.8%. Thus, the use of a land foundation in the Lipovaya Mount UHA is highly efficient. The tendency to reduce Pashny Square is not observed. The increase in the areas of agricultural land can be carried out due to the transformation of land engaged in forest arrays and wood-shrub vegetation.

The composition and structure of the sowing space in the Lipovaya Mountain Ua will look at Table 6.

Table 6 Composition and structure of sowing


Area, G.

Specific weight,%

Area, G.

Specific weight,%

Area, G.

Specific weight,%

Grain all, including:

winter Rye

winter wheat


According to the table 6 of the area under the grain crops (winter wheat and barley) increased from 2010 to 2012. At 57 hectares due to the reduction of land under potatoes and perennial herbs. It should be noted that the sizing areas under potatoes are in constant dynamics. Thus, the increase in area under potatoes occurred in 2011 from 17 to 20 hectares, and in 2012 the area decreased to 5 hectares.

Economic efficiency of the use of land resources and the efficiency of the industry of the plant of the FSUE "Lipovaya Mountain Education" The Perm GSHA named after Academician D.N. Snidishnikov can be assessed by the yield of crops over the past 3 years. These data are presented in Table 7.

Table 7 The yield of agricultural crops, c / ha


Deviations 2012

winter Rye

winter wheat


Green mass of perennial herbs

Green Mass of Annual Herbs

The increase in yield in 2012 is observed on winter rye, winter wheat, oats, wheat, potatoes and Seine at 29, 250, 28, 11, 0.3 and 120%, respectively. Barley yield, perennial and annual grasses decreased by 7, 21 and 41%, respectively. The smallest yield in all cultures in 2011. The yield dynamics in many ways depends on the composition and structure of production costs.

The composition and structure of production costs

Gross Collection of crop production is presented in Table 11.

Table 8 Gross Calculation of Plant Products, C.


Deviations 2012

winter Rye

winter wheat


According to Table 11, the dynamics of gross collection of grain crops are traced, with the exception of winter rye. Mostly growth is observed in spring cultures. So, in 2012, spring grain crops were removed to 11071t more than in 2011 and 4137t more than in 2010. This increase occurred due to the growth of sowing areas under barley at 136, as well as as a result of an increase in oats and wheat yield. In 2012, the gross collection of potatoes and winter rye was noticeably reduced. This happened due to a reduction in 4 times sowing.

Gross collection of crop production to a large extent depends on the size of the sowing areas for cultures and the rationally selected structure of the sowing areas. In the FSUE Education "Lipovaya Mountain" in the structure of the sowing area the greatest share is occupied by grain. The composition and structure of the sowing space will be considered in the table.

Table 9 Structure of sowing areas and deviations by year


Deviations 2012

Sowing Square, ha


Sowing Square, ha


Sowing Square, ha


winter Rye

winter wheat


Grain crops - winter rye, winter wheat, barley, oats, wheat are grown on fodder targets, so this structure can be considered effective, as it provides the enterprise with crop production to full. Grain is used:

The main effective factor influencing the gross collection is the yield, the level that largely depends on the fertility of the soil used by technology, the culture of agriculture in general - it plays a decisive role. Yield indicators are shown in the table.

Table 10 The yield of farm crops, c / ha


deviations 2012 C.

winter Rye

winter wheat


Indicators of the yield of grain crops characterize the high level of agricultural equipment in the enterprise, the yield is growing and the growth of this tangible, gain in 2012 in relation to 2010 7.1, 18, 6.5 and 2.3 c / ha on winter rye, winter wheat, OVS and wheat, respectively. Compared to the level of 2011, an increase of 21.4, 12.7, 7.7, 9.4, 11.7 c / ha on winter rye, winter wheat, barley, oats and wheat, respectively. Such growth is provided at the expense of many factors: varietal regional seeds of high condition, timely and qualitative fulfillment of field work, carrying out measures of chemical protection of plants, including seed riffling, rational organization of labor and its payment.

3. Natural conditions for soil formation

3.1 climate

The territory of the city of Perm (the Lipovaya Mountain microdistrict) is located in the fourth agroclimatic area, subarea b. This area for soil and climatic characteristics is the most favorable and warm. The climate is moderately continental, with a cold prolonged and snowy winter, moderately warm short in summer and a long autumn. A large role in climate formation is played by the Ural Mountains, which delay the wet mass of air coming from the Atlantic Ocean. Ural Mountains weaken the effect of Asian anticyclone in winter.

According to perennial observations of the meteorological station, Perm, the average annual suburban area temperature is + 1.5 ° (Table 2). The city of Perm has a strong thermal impact on the climate, as a result of which the average annual temperature is characterized as higher +1.8 ° C. The fluctuations in the air temperature per year are characterized by a large amplitude. The maximum air temperatures are observed in July-August + 37 °, the average temperature of the warmest month - July 18 °, and the coldest - January -16 ° C. The absolute minimum is observed in December, January -45 °.

According to many years of observations, the period of active vegetation (the number of days with a temperature above + 10 ° C) is 118 days, with a temperature above + 15 ° - 65-70 days. The sum of the average daily temperatures above + 10 ° C is 1700-1900 ° C. The transition of the average daily air temperature after + 10 ° C in the spring is on the second decade of May, in the fall at the end of the first - the beginning of the second decade of September. The number of days with temperature above + 5 ° is 162 days. The grouper period is 97 days. The last spring frosts occur on average on May 25, and the first autumn - on September 18. Sustainable frosts occur on November 8 and stopped on March 20. On the surface of the soil, the first frosts on average are September 8, the last 2 July. Rivers and ponds freeze in late October - early November, and open in mid-April.

Table 11 Average monthly, absolute maximum and minimum air temperatures and average monthly amount of precipitation according to many years of observations of the Perm meteorological station ( Agroclimatic resources…,1979)

The average monthly temperature in degrees.

Absolute temperatures

Average monthly precipitation, mm



According to many years of observations, the period of active vegetation (the number of days with a temperature above + 10 ° C) is 118 days, with a temperature above + 15 ° - 65-70 days. The sum of the average daily temperatures above + 10 ° C is 1700-1900 ° C. The transition of the average daily air temperature after + 10 ° C in the spring is on the second decade of May, in the fall at the end of the first - the beginning of the second decade of September. The number of days with temperature above + 5 ° is 162 days. The grouper period is 97 days. The last spring frosts occur on average on May 25, and the first autumn - on September 18. Sustainable frosts occur on November 8 and stopped on March 20. On the surface of the soil, the first frosts on average are September 8, the last 2 July. Rivers and ponds freeze in late October - early November, and open in mid-April

The fourth agroclimatic area refers to the zone of sufficient moisture. GTK \u003d 1.4. For the growing season, about 300 mm precipitation falls. The average annual precipitation is 500-600 mm. The greatest amount of precipitation falls from May to September.

The reserves of productive moisture in the soil of the time of the sowing of early spring crops are sufficient - about 150 mm in a meter layer. Minimum values \u200b\u200bhumidity reaches in July.

The proximity of the Kama reservoir causes increased humidity. The average monthly humidity of the air is from 60% in May to 84% in November, the average annual - 75%.

During the year, winds of the Western and South-Western destinations prevail. The smallest repeatability falls on the eastern and northeastern winds. In the cold period of the year (from October to March), the southern and southeastern winds are most likely, and the directions of the North-West, North, northeastern and eastern are least likely. In the warm period of the year, the repeatability of the winds of the North-West and Northern directions increases and the repeatability of the southern and south-west wind decreases. The wind speed is on average equal to 3.2 m / s, but in the summer, in July and August, it is somewhat less, about 20% than the remaining months. The maximum speed is observed in October - 3.6 m / s.

The average one-year setting of snow cover falls on the first decade of November. The period of snowmere is about four months and continues until the beginning of March. The thickness of the snow cover by the end of winter reaches 0.6-1.0 m. The snow comes off in the second half of April. Maximum depth of soil freezing in March - 71 cm.

The stock of water in the snow in front of the snowmast is 127 mm. Surface flow of melt water - 95 mm.

The moisture supply and heat of the fourth agroclimatic area will cultivate grain winter and spring cultures, cereal, perennial grass, corn on silos, potatoes, vegetables, frost-resistant fruit and berry cultures. The conditions for overreating winter crops and perennial herbs are quite favorable. Only in separate minor winters there is a significant percentage of the death of frozen from freezing. (Agroclimatic directory 1959; agroclimatic resources 1979).

3.2 vegetation

The studied part of the land use of the FSUE UKHU "Lipovaya Mountain" refers to the 2nd area of \u200b\u200bSouth Taiga Elovo-Fir forests of the Southern Dark Conifer Taiga Taiga of the Taiga Zone of the European part of Russia.

The forests are reduced by a person, the territory was turned into arable land (N. Korotaev, 1962). At the scene of the forest cutting, short-term long-term meadows are common. Old cuttings threw secondary mixed coniferous and finely small forests with a predominance of birch and aspen.

On the territory of the survey, natural vegetation is almost absent and found only in small sections. In an arms-beam network, which is located in the northern part and in the central part of the site, and also walks the stripe along the stream from north to south on the west side. Here, among other crops there are: birch, spruce, aspen (B.10, units E, Os.S.), in the undergrowth there are: Rowan, Kalina. Under the forest canopy: sick, nettle, ray, fern, coltsfoot, tail, forest violet, buttercup. Along the stream, due to the close occurrence of groundwater, they are dominated by willow, fir.

There are a large number of weeds on arable land - dandelion, coltsfoot, powder creeping, wormwood, coo. The state of cultures is satisfactory.

3.3 relief

The relief is the main factor of the redistribution of solar radiation and precipitation. Depending on the exposure and steepness of the slope, the relief affects the aqueous, thermal and nutrient soil modes. Depending on the position of soils in the relief and from the precipitation determined by them, soil groups are formed with various properties. These groups of soils received the name of the rows of moisturizing (automorphic, semi-hydromorphic, hydromorphic), it is characterized by a different depth of groundwater occurrence and, as a result, a different degree of groundwater participation in the soil-educational process.

The Lipovaya Mountain microdistrict is located on the fifth onset terrace of the Kama River, has a wider relief, presented by a number of rounded wave-like elevations separated by the network of beams and ravines, overgrown with forest or shrub. Hills are represented by hills not exceeding 200 m above sea level. The slopes of the hills are long (more than 500 meters), different exposure. The steepness of the slopes varies from a very color less than 1 ° to a canopy of 3 °. The soils of the slopes are weakable, the line of flow is up to 1000 m. In the slides, wetlands, swamp bumps, and wins are found. On the slopes in the microrelief, agricultural activities are noticeable.

Studying the territory of the economy, it can be divided into 2 parts of one landscape katenet.

1. The transit trarary is located in the northern part of the site and having the northern and northwest slope to the Baharevka station.

2. Transit tract is represented by 2 sections separated from the west to the east of the frozen-beam network.

· The north plot has a steep slope in its upper part of 4-7 ° smoothly passing into more gently 2-3 ° to the ravine.

· South part Color, the slope of 1-2 °, the meso-relief dominates. The south-western part has a coolest slope at 5-6 ° (near the section No. 26). In the western part flows the stream. Along the stream is a cloth coast.

3.4 Hydrolytic Conditions

Within the city of Perm, more than 300 small rivers, rivers and streams flow. In the left bank part of the Kama River, the Perm's under study, in the Lipovaya Mountain microdistrict, soil waters (rigor) are not mineralized, formed by snow and rainwater. The groundwater is mineralized to a large extent. The groundwater contains a significant amount of calcium and magnesium bicarbonate, which came to it as a result of dissolving carbonates, these elements available in the indigenous rocks of the Ufa tier of the Permian age. Ground waters on water-seated areas are deeply located, and in decreases go to the surface or locate at a depth of 0.5-2 m., Contributing to the wipping and formation of gleyev's soil horizons.

The hydrolytic conditions on the studied part of the land use differ in that on the first section under consideration, the groundwater does not affect the soil, as they occur more than 6m and there is no stagnation. But with the exception of several cuts, namely number 21, 22 due to groundwater and the soil is happened.

In the second section, the water is present throughout the profile due to the occurrence along the stream and due to the permanent overwhelms, and this is also associated with the relief. Soils are on low relief elements.

In the surveyed territory, automorphic soils predominate, on the formation of which does not affect the inflammable and groundwater. Groundwater spawned at a depth of 40-50 cm.

Surface waters on the examined area.

  • 3.5 Geological structure and soil-forming breeds
    • Perm district is located on the sediments of the Kazan tier of the upper perm. These sediments consist of red-brown (raspberry-brown) and brown-brown Merghelisal clays, seraged with gray and greenish-gray weakly-celastic sandstones. Occasionally in these clays there are lenses of conglomerates and low-power assault rose of limestone and pinkish-brown mergels. Clay are greatly sealed and serve as a lie of groundwater.
    • In relation to the maternal breed, the Perm District refers to the 4 zone and is represented by eluvial-deluvial clays and sublinks formed from clays, mergels and limestone of the Perm system. Elvial-deluel deposits arise as a result of the joint action of physical and chemical weathelation with a flushing operation of rain and melting water. The source material for education is the local Perm sediments: clay, limestone, mergel, sandstones. These deposits are homogeneous yellow, reddish-, grayish-brown mass. Most often, they are weakly limestically, but there are large areas, where boiling is not detected. According to the granulometric composition, eluvial-deluvial deposits in most cases are clay and rarely heavy sublinks.
    • In the area under study, ancient alleavial, deluvial and eluvial rocks were formed. Alluvial rocks (or alluvium) is precipitation of river water systems. Eluvial breeds (or eluvium) - weathering products of indigenous rocks remaining at the site of education. Deluvial breeds (or deluvius) - is a nanos pending on the slopes of rain or thawed waters in the form of a canopy loop.
    • Eluvius Perm Glyn is a structureless dense mass, sometimes with the inclusions of the semi-loving pieces of the perm clay in the form of a tile plate with a sink ished. The characteristic feature of the Perm clay is saturated, bright colors: reddish-brown, chocolate brown, crimson-red, brown-red.
    • The breed is most often a clay granulometric composition, the physical clay content fluctuates in the range of 60-70%, alley - 20-47%.
    • If the root breed has a sandstone layer, eluveli perm clay can be placed. The breed is most often uncumbered, but the presence of carbonates is not excluded. Mineralogical analysis showed that the Perm clay consists of montmorillonite, kaolinitis, hydroellud, chlorite.
    • Eluvius Perm Glyn - the mother breed of turf-brown and brown-brown soils, rarely dend-podzolic.
    • Modern deluvual deposits are common everywhere, but locally locally in low elements of the relief - at the foot of the slopes of a concave form, in the valleys of the streams, on the bottoms of the logs, beams. Formed as a result of the transfer of subtle particles in the processes of ancient erosion and modern accelerated erosion. They have a poorly pronounced lamination, diverse according to the particle size and petrographic compositions, with the close occurrence of groundwater, there are signs of flocks.
    • As a result of field studies, the following soil-forming rocks were identified: ancient alive sediments, eluveli perm clay and deluvial deposits.
    • 4. Composition and properties of the main types of soil
    • 4.1 Morphological characteristics of soil

Morphological attributes are a special section of soil science, which combines its own subject and research method.

On the studied territory, 11 cuts were laid, which are characterized by the following properties.

A detailed study of the morphological properties of soil gives the key to the knowledge of the diversity of soil characteristics, representing the most important stage of studying the genesis of soil. The development of morphological diagnostics criteria allows for the basis of the soil morphological descriptions to obtain primary detailed information on the structure and properties of soil profiles, on the basis of which various aspects of the classification and soil systematics are developed. In fact, the soil morphology is an information and methodological basis for the development of classification and geographic directions in modern soil scientific (Rosanov B.G. 2004).

Section 1 ferrous-surface-podzolous is a weft, heavy-binded, on ancient alleavial sediments. Location: N 57є 56,659 ", E 056є 15.037". Formed on a flat flat surface. Moisturizing atmospheric. Label - Pashnya. The incision is located on a waterprooper plateau, the peak of the slope with a slope of 1 ° from the west to the east, smooth from the north to the south. Vegetation: dandelion, Osay, oats.

Apakh - 0-28 cm, dry, gray, heavy-chipped, self-dusty, dense, whitish powder silica, transition sharp, smooth color and structure.

B1 - 28-56 cm, slightly moistened, brown, clay, lumpy, density, tonclothy, noticeable nature of the transition.

B2 - 56-96 cm, fresh, red-brown, clay, small, dense, thin-burning, low-rise nature of the transition.

Sun - 96-128 cm, fresh, yellow-brown, clay, nutty-layered, less dense than overlying horizons, porous, transition gradual.

C - more than 128 cm, fresh, brown-brown, medium loam, loose, tonclothy, layered.

A section of a ferrous-weak-casual middle-medium-medium-medium-grained sediment. Location: N 57є 56,6,610 "E 056є 15.021" Soil surface is flat. Label - Pashnya. Vegetation: Ovens, barley.

Apaches - 0-27 cm, dry, light gray, medium cylinder, loose, lots of lumps, tonclothy, whitish powder silica, are worried, the transition is smooth in color and structure.

B1 - 27-58 cm, fresh, light-brown, light source, finelyehuli, loose, thin-digretic, transition in color and structure noticeable.

B2 - 58-89 cm, fresh, light brown, light source, small, density, thin-burning, humus-iron film, is noticeable

C - more than 89 cm, fresh, solid, samp, layered.

Section 11 Derynovo-weakly casual sylnioned, heavy-bodied, on ancient alleavial sediments. Location: N 57є 56,539 "E 056є 14,997" The incision is located on the water-seased plateau of the middle part of the southern slope. Label - Pashnya. Vegetation: dandelion, oats.

Apakh - 0-44 cm, fresh, brown, heavy-chip, walnut, dense, transition is even.

B1 - 44-71 cm, fresh, brown, clay, walnut, dense, transition is smooth.

B2 - 71-93 cm, fresh, brown, clay, wedish, dense, transition is smooth.

Sun - 93-150 cm, fresh, brown, clay, walnut, dense, thin-burning, smooth transition.

C - more than 150 cm, fresh, brown, clay, unstructured, dense, thin-burning.

Cut 12 Dust-mounted heavy-chipped on tree sediments. Location: N 57є 56.453 "E 056є 14,975" The cut is located on the waterproof plateau of the lower part of the slope. Label - Pashnya. Vegetation: mother-and-stepmother, dandelion, oats, barley.

Apach - 0-33 cm, dry, gray, heavy-chip, walnut, loose, the roots are a lot, the transition is even,.

Ast Pax is 33-50 cm, fresh, gray, heavy-chip, lumpy, dense, the transition is gradual.

Ag - 50-61 cm, fresh, black with steel tint, heavy-chip, lumpy, dense, transition in the form of strips and pockets is clear in color and structure.

B1 - 61-94 cm, dryish, brown, heavy-chip, wedish, dense, smooth transition over color and structure.

B2 - 94-120 cm, almost dry, brown, heavy-chip, wedish, dense, smooth transition.

C -120-143 cm, fresh, brown-brown, clay, tiled, denser

The section 13 is a ferris-surface-podzoloisy, deep-conditioned, heavy-divine, on ancient aluminum sediments. Located in the watershed. Label - Pashnya. Vegetation: wormwood, coltsfoot, dandelion,

Apaches - 0-31 cm, fresh, brown-brown, heavy-diplomatic, lumpy, dense, thin-burning, little roots, transition is smooth sharp in color and structure.

B1 - 31-60 cm, fresh, brown, heavy-chip, lumpy, loose, thin-burning, little roots, smooth transition by structure.

B2 - more than 60 cm, fresh, brown, heavy-chip, lumpy, loose, thin-burning little root,.

The cut 14 is ferrous-washed, heavy-chipped. Location: On the south-west of the cemetery of 110 m. The cut is located on the waterprooper plateau. The fault of arable land. Vegetation:

Apaches - 0-40 cm, dry, light gray, heavy-chip, lumpy, dense, thin-burning, the roots of a little, whitish powder silica, transition is smooth, in plowing.

Ast groin - 40-73 cm, dry, gray, heavy-chip, lumpy, denser, thin-burning, powder silica, color transition sharp.

Apogr - 73-93 cm, dry, dark gray, heavy-diplomatic, lumpy, dense, thin-burning, signs of fluffing, the transition sharp in color and structure.

B - 93-112 cm, fresh, brown, heavy-chip, lumpy, dense, thin-burning, moving noticeable.

C - 112-165 cm, fresh, red-brown, clay, dense, viscous.

A section of 15 at the turf-wash soils, heavy grained, on the coating uncommon clay and loam. The incision is located on the bottom of the watershed. The fault of arable land. Vegetation: Osim, buttercup, wormwood, nettle, fern.

Apaches - 0-37 cm fresh, brown-gray, heavy-chip, lumpy structure, dense, thin-burning, smooth transition over color and structure.

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Perm region - Located in the east of the East European Plain and on the western slope of the Northern and Middle Urals, at the junction of two parts of light - Europe and Asia. This is the subject of the Russian Federation, which is part of the Volga Federal District. Educated on December 1, 2005 as a result of the unification of the Perm region and Komi-Permytsky autonomous District. The association occurred in accordance with the results of a referendum conducted on December 7, 2003. The administrative center and the largest city of the region is Perm.

Perm region today has area equal to 160.2 thousand square meters. km., with a population of more than 2,634 thousand people.

The region includes 51 municipality of the first level - 42 municipal areas and 6 urban districts.

99.8% of the area is located in Europe, 0.2% - in Asia.

The edge boundaries are winding and have a length of more than 2,200 km.

The climate of the Perm region - Moderately continental. Winter long, snowy. The average temperature of January from -15 ° C in the south-west of the edge to -18.5 ° C in the northeast. In the north of the edge, the minimum temperature was -56 ° C, in Perm -47 ° C. The absolute maxima of the summer temperature range from + 35 ° C to +42 ° C in different areas.

In the Perm region of Komi-Permytsky Autonomous District, areas: Kosinsky, Gainsky, Kochevsky are equated with the districts of the Far North.

Relief of the Perm Region Formed about 250 million years ago in education Ural Mountains and during the subsequent accumulation on the crystalline foundation of the platform of sedimentary rocks.

The Ural Mountains are one of the most ancient on the planet. Many millions of years ago they were the highest on earth. We only reached the remains of the former tectonic greatness. But they produce a huge impression! About 20% of the territory of the region occupy the mountains of the Northern and Middle Urals.

In the north of the mountains the highest and impressive. Here is the highest peak in the Perm Territory - Tulym Stone (1496 m). Slightly below Ixerim (1331 m), prayer stone (1274 m), migtai (1132 m).

The highest peaks of the Middle Urals are located in the basgi ridge - the average basg (993 m).

Our ancestors gave the Ural name "Stone belt". And the Perm region is called another pre-Ural or West Urals.

In the West, about 80% of the territory of the region, located on the eastern outskirts of the Russian Plain, has a low-aluminous and plain relief.

Rivers of Perm Region - this is more than 29 thousand rivers with a total length of over 90 thousand kilometers

The largest and most famous river - Kama is the symbol of the entire edge, the source of life and the many legends. Its length is 1805 km. Kama is considered an influx of the Volga, but all the perm are confident in the opposite, their confidence shared both scientists (the ancient valley of the river Kama is much older than Volga, and the Volga pool less Kamsky).

The rest of the Rivers of the Perm Territory belongs to the Kama River Basin. On this main river, the whole land is called another Kama.

Kama belongs to big rivers (that is, it has a length of more than 500 km). In addition to her, the legendary Chusovaya (592 km) belongs to the large rivers of the region.

40 rivers in the Perm region have a length of 100 to 600 km. The largest of them besides the two above:

Sylava - 493 km.

Vishera is 415 km.

The flavor is 460 km.

Yaiva - 304 km.

Kosv - 283 km.

Spit - 267 km.

Mesleba - 266 km.

Yinva - 257 km.

Obva - 247 km.

The overwhelming majority of the rivers of the edges are small rivers (less than 100 km long). The rivers live from the most simple species of fish to the king of pure water - Harius.

Minerals - Wealth of the Prikamsky subsoil.

The Permian subsoil is rich in the most different minerals: ores and oil, potash salts, coal, diamonds and gold, and much more.

Here is the Verkhnekamskoye deposit of potash salts, one of the largest in the world, as well as the main Saranovskoye deposit - the uniquely developed chromite deposit in Russia.

In the Kamye, in the Koywa River Basin (Gornozavodskaya district) in 1829, the first diamond was found. Diamonds are now mined in the north of the region, in Krasnovishere district. Perm diamonds have a fairly high quotation in the world, are valued at the Namibian level.

Flora. Prikamye is located in the zones of the middle and southern taiga, as well as mixed forests. In the south-east - a plot of Kungur forest-steppe. The prevailing type of vegetation is the forest. They cover 71% of the territory of the edge. Basically, spruce and fir are growing here. The share of hardwood trees increases in the direction from north to south.

Fauna. Everywhere in the forests there are brown bears, moose, lynx, hares, squirrels, badgers, beavers and ondaters, the Ural Sobol and Cunits. In the north-west edge, in the rich forest forests, you can still meet pastures of reindeer.

Soil in Prikamye Preferably podzolic and turf-podzolic.

On the territory of the region - basega Reserve, Vishero Reserve.

Administrative-territorial division

The Perm Territory is 345 municipalities, that is, the territories, in the boundaries of which, together with the state administration, local self-government is allowed to solve only local issues.

Among these municipalities:

  • 40 municipal districts, each of which unites several settlements (rural and / or urban), and in the boundaries of which local government is carried out in order to address local issues;
  • 8 urban districts, that is, urban settlements, which are not part of the municipal district and local authorities of which solve local importance issues;
  • 29 urban settlements, and this small cities or urban-type settlements in which local self-government is carried out. These urban settlements that are not urban districts are part of the municipal districts;
  • 268 rural settlements, which are part of the municipal districts, and combine one or more rural settlements For local self-government. The rural settlement corresponds to the Soviet Tencils and the District Distribution Great.

City District is:




But starry

g. Gubakha

g. Lysva

Municipal regions of the Perm Territory:

Alexandrovsky Municipal District

Most Municipal District

Bardym municipal area

Berezovsky municipal area

Vereshchaginsky Munchipal region

Gremyachinsky municipal area

Gornozavodsky municipal district

Dobriansky municipal area

Elovsky municipal district

Ilyinsky municipal district

Kishert Municipal District

Karagai municipal area

Kizelovsky municipal area

Kouli municipal district

Krasnovishersky municipal district

Krasnokamsky municipal area

Kungursky Municipal District

Nytnyansky Municipal District

Osinsky municipal area

Oktyabrsky municipal district

Ordinsky municipal area

Ocher municipal district

Okhhansky municipal area

Perm municipal area

Sivinsky municipal area

Sucsunsky municipal district

Solikamsky municipal district

Usolsky municipal district

Uinsky municipal district

Particular municipal area

Tchaikovsky municipal area

Chernushinsky municipal district

Cherdy Municipal District

Chusovskaya municipal district

6 municipal districts and 1 urban district form a territory with a special status - Komi-Permytsky district:

city District - Kudymkar City

Kudymkar municipal district

Gainsky municipal area

Kosinsky municipal area

Kochyevsky Municipal District

Yullensky Municipal District

Yusvinsky Municipal District

According to the Department of Environmental Protection, Perm for 2009, the territory of the Perm Territory covers an area of \u200b\u200b16023.6 thousand hectares, this is 0.9 from Russia. In the structure of the Land Fund, a significant area occupy the land of the forest fund - 10141.1 thousand hectares or 63% of the territory of the region, the area of \u200b\u200bagricultural land is 4330.1 thousand hectares or 27% of the territory, the land of the stock occupy 426.7 thousand hectares or 2 , 7%, land settlements - 446.5 thousand hectares or 2.8%. The remaining categories of land constitute a combination of 4.3% of the territory of the region (Appendix 2).

In the territory of the region, the soils of a podzolic type (guery-podzolic, podzolic and turf-podzolic) predominate, they occupy 64% of the total area and 69.8% of Pashny Square. Among the soils of a podzolic type are dominated by ferrous-podzolic soils, they occupy 38.8% of the total area, and 69.5% of Pashny Square. In the south-east of the Perm Territory, gray forests and chernozem are the main soils, which are about 3.7%, but they take 14.1% of Pashny Square. The soils are ferrous-carbonate and turf-brown 2.2% of the total area and 9.8% of Pashnya area, alluvial are formed in the floodplains of rivers and occupy 1% of the total area, and 1.6% of Pashny Square, Bolotnaya Soils 3.5 % of the total and 0.1% Pashnya area, mountain soers make up 14.2% of the total area and 0.1 from the pashnya (the soil card of the Perm region is represented in Appendix 3).

The heavy soils of the Perm Territory occupy 60%, and light soils (sandy, sandy, light-seasy) 16% of the area.

The total area of \u200b\u200bagricultural land in the Perm Territory is 4330.1 thousand hectares. Such lands recognize the land behind the trait of settlements provided for the needs of agriculture, as well as intended for these purposes. The lands of this category are used by citizens and legal entities to conduct agricultural production, the creation of protective plantations, research, educational and other related occupational purposes.

In 2009, the area of \u200b\u200bagricultural land decreased by 0.7 thousand hectares, changes in this category are associated with the fact that 0.9 thousand hectares were translated into the category of land settlements, 0.4 thousand hectares - in the category of industrial land and other special purposes, 0.1 thousand hectares - in the category of land of specially protected territories and objects. At the same time, 0.3 thousand hectares were translated into the category of land agricultural land from the land of land, from the category of land lands - 0.4 thousand gg.

As part of agricultural land, agricultural land occupy 2410.4 thousand hectares (56% of the land of this category), large part of them are arable land - 1786.9 thousand hectares (41% of land agricultural land).

3.1. Dernoid-podzolic soil

The turf-podzolic soils dominate the soil cover of the Perm Territory and are presented in all administrative areas, occupying area 6240 thousand hectares or 39% of the territory of the region.

Derno-podzolic soils are developing under the influence of podzolic and turf processes. In the upper part of the profile, the delicate-podzolic soils have a gumuo-accumulative (dery) horizon,

the resulting as a result of the turf process, the lower-podzolic horizon formed under the influence of a podzolic process. These

soils are characterized by a small power of the turf horizon, low

large-garden podzolic horizon (Korotaev N. Ya., 1962).

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