Matching plaster What is it. Perit of plaster - the recovery process of the cell in combination with the extender

Engineering systems 29.08.2019
Engineering systems

Interior premises over time undergo wear in the form of cracks, swelling of plastered coatings. The stitching of plaster is an update of the worn layer of surface coating, while the entire finishing layer is not replaced. Restore the surface of stages. Economically repair of this type is beneficial. The flow rate of construction materials on restoration work is reduced, the time for their execution is reduced compared to full-scale repairs.

Reasons for the repair of indoors

The first sign of the approaching repair in the house is a piece of falling off or swollen plaster. There are a lot of reasons:

  1. the building gave a shrinkage;
  2. there was damage to wall coatings mechanical method;
  3. low quality used building materials.

The result is one - it's time to prepare for the elder of the old finishing layer of the wall or the ceiling.

Fragment of the wall in need of a parangar

Preparation begins with the acquisition of the necessary toolkit. In repair operations are involved different tools: trowel, stucco grater. Craftsman and a blackboard with a handle called Halfury, the resulting flaws on the wall surface are cleaned. The grater makes the surface perfectly smooth, beautiful. Graters are different configurations Depending on what works are intended.

Modern building tools Have advantages:

  • lungs by weight;
  • convenient to use;
  • durable;
  • diversity of the working area of \u200b\u200bthe grater;
  • available cost.

Slit putty falls special additional devices, including messes to which an abrasive spraying is applied. In each case, the grater is selected and the corresponding device in the form of moses in the magnitude of the cells.

Stucco Match - It is the grout of the old layer of plaster

Watching coatings are laid if the main area of \u200b\u200bthe coating has been preserved and suitable for operation. In order for the new thin layer of the solution to be collapsed, it is qualitatively compared with the basis.

It is pre-assessing the state of surfaces, the causes of damage and the amount of upcoming works are determined. Technological causes are the result of disorders associated with the preparation of a solution or equipment of finishing works:

  1. Incorrectly prepared solution, the violation of the technology leads to the destruction of the finishing upper layer and the decryption of the stucco.
  2. The outstanding slices of lime introduced into the mixture create prerequisites for the appearance of swirling.
  3. Weak mixing of solutions fast drying Plasters leads to the formation of cracks.

To avoid violations of technology, it is necessary to observe all the rules of the technical, the ratio of the components at the time of the preparation of a homogeneous mass.

Rules for identifying defects:

  1. Old wallpaper, paint or whitewalls are removed.
  2. A division of visible damage is made in the category: a) with stripping on a slight depth of 0.15 cm and grouting with a solution; b) areas with large flaws (detachments, rust lesions, microorganisms, salt deposits).
  3. By tapping along the wall, the damaged place will open.

Pay attention to the strength of the composition of the first layer. Careful inspection of the entire surface, identifying places requiring replacement.

Preparation for pediatrics

Matching plastering of indoor rooms is carried out after preparatory work:

  • The processing of small cracks by the method of deep impregnation to strengthen the surface, after drying it, it makes a mask of paint thick dispersion composition.
  • Larger cracks are closed with a special mixture, which includes cement and PCI emulsion or PVA glue. A mixture of brush is applied.

Takes cracking cement plaster In the new buildings or buildings, erected on sites with unstable soils. Here shrinkage occurs unevenly, the designs are internal stress, which causes large and deep cracks.

These flaws are closed on another technology:

  • Freshing fractures, removing weak plastered areas occurs mechanically using the hammer and chisel.
  • Remove dust and dirt.
  • It is processed by the prepared place with a solution with the addition of small gravel or pieces of fragmented brick.
  • Grouting processed location on the working surface is performed.

The junctions of the new and old coating are processed by paint and rub. In order to avoid the appearance of bugs and baths, the joints are gentle by gently. The treated zone is wetted with a wet brush. The plastering in the corners of the room is also accurately done.

Corner treatment:

  • prepare a gypsum mixture;
  • an old coating is removed in the corners;
  • sutures;
  • wetted surface;
  • applied to the angular surface of fresh solution;
  • it is left to frost;
  • attach the wet board close to the old coating.

Solution for pediatrics

On the question of what kind of inner plaster stuffing is and what needs to be done so that the work is qualitatively executed, the answer is: first to make a solution correctly.

It is important to comply with the proportions:

  • on 1 part of the test from the lime to take 1 part of the prepared (sifted) sand;
  • add water in an amount corresponding to thick consistency.

The thick consistency of the solution tightly fills the emptiness of the crack, gives a thin layer of overlay on the old coating. Thoroughly stripped places are repaired with a solution similar to the initially imposed layer. Narrow cracks are closed with a more liquid solution with acrylic or chalk additives. The dried layer with the addition of gypsum needs to be subsequent primer.

Work technology:

  • Seeing the places of sealing defects.
  • Take a wooden grater designed to finish.
  • Wash the finishing surface with water.
  • Dial the cooked sprocket mixture on the grater.
  • Circular movements evenly put the solution on the surface.
  • IN natural conditions wait for drying (without temperature fluctuations, technical hairdryers).
  • Start grinding walls.

Pay attention to the contact points with communication systems laid indoors. In order not to crack the outer finishing layer, the gap between foreign structures and the wall, which is filled with acrylic composite materials.

It is important during the chief periodically moisturize the solution.

Peritage of indoor plasterings is a small complex restoration external view.


Individual construction I. industrial structures Equipped plastering Surfaces of walls, ceilings, furnaces. Often, heat-resistant materials are used for security purposes. Fireproof mixes apply the owners of country houses and country houses.

Services fire safety Consider five types of solutions with thermal stability. Modern construction Widely uses the properties of such materials in the designer business. Trim facades interior design premises for various purposes.

The plastering process is characterized in that special substances are introduced into the solution. But the reliable and durable layer of plaster undergoes wear. In such a situation, the stitching of plaster, what is it? It turns out that this common work is carried out with a felt or polyurethane grater, abundantly wasting surfaces. Technological methods are known: surface stripping, elimination of damage, applying a new reducing layer, drying and neat operation.


Modern housing and industrial construction worked out new technological methods of restoration of worn out parts, structures. Popular finish with cement-sand, gypsum blends With different fillers allows partially to restore the surfaces. Here successfully suitable methods of stratum plaster.

Before starting repair, everything should be eliminated visible defects. Depending on the complexity and type of defect, you need to do the following:

  1. Deep cracks. All cracks should be cleaned and rinse thoroughly with water, then fill in a predetermined plastic solution.
  2. Raids. To solve this problem, it is recommended to carefully moisten the problem area of \u200b\u200bthe wall, and remove stains with a spatula.
  3. Allows can only be deleted with the layer old plaster.
  4. Scratches, small potholes, dutys are most often removed with the outer layer of paint.
  5. Strong roughness and numerous clusters of grains on the surface can be considered solid brick. Hardwood splashes OT. cement mortar Delete with scrapers.

Sollar cooking technology

In most cases, to restore the plaster layer, use the same mixture as for the initial alignment. It should be noted that in a solution for the grout must be present. Most suitable material It is a sacred sand fine-grained. Composition and proportion:

  • 50% limestone dough;
  • 50% sophisticated sand.

Water should be added in a small amount, the mixture should be thick. Matching plaster What is it in common? Under the criticism implies the application of a new layer on the old plaster, in order to update the appearance of the premises and to save on building materials. Such a repair can make a person who has no great experience.

Features of the process

  • For thicker work, you should use a wood grater.
  • All prepared planes for pedigree should be abundantly moistened with water
  • The main task is to maximally distribute the solution on the surface.
  • The final layer has low strength, drying should pass naturally.
  • It is necessary to avoid mechanical impacts on the finished walls, it is necessary to prevent drafts and temperature differences in the room.
  • The distance between the wall and the plinths also need to be carefully lured. With plinths, all divorces are easily removed by water.

When the applied solution is completely drying, you can begin further finishing.

Front repair

Because of the appearance of the sediment of the foundation, with permanent temperature drops, due to the violation of the facada repair technology, various defects that spoil the aesthetic type of building appear. Facade repair work does not differ from the inner grout, only follow the technology of preparing the solution for outdoor operational conditions.

Peritaging is the grout of the old plaster with a pre-flawping of a thin layer of solution. When facing the surface there remains thin, well-fused solution film closing all defects. Before the fierce plaster is wetted or washed with water with a brush. Apply the same solution that the old plaster is performed.

Matching should be performed with a solution on fine sand, pure plaster dough or lime gypsum Solution It should not be applied. From prolonged friction, the gypsum solution is smashed and loses strength. Do not lead the chicketer with a clean lime or cement test or one sand. With such a pedigree, good quality does not happen.

When it was considered not very good, wooden cloth The graters very strongly rubs the solution into the plaster, mixes it with a scope, evenly rubs, providing a solid grip with an old plaster.

You can kill tight felt or felt to the Calt, if it disappears well. Such a grater rubs the cleaner, but does not strongly rub the solution into the surface of the old plaster.

Peritization is performed so. About 0.5 m2 walls or ceiling are wetted with water, take a little solution on the grater and smeared with separate stains (spots), having them in chess order, after 10-15 cm from each other.

After that, the sorted place is once again wetted with water and rub in a grater, thoroughly rub the solution, without skipping. If there are pro-tirins, that is, not coated with mortar and non-accuracy places, they are corrected. Peritization - grouting grater - perform a split or corruption, so that the surface is equally lured, without gross places, passes and natasses of the solution.

For good quality Peults on the surface does not remain non-rapid - places, thick superimposed solution and the prostria.

On the surface of the plaster during the patching can be detected cracks. Thin, barely noticeable crack is cut into a knife or end of cutting to a depth of no more than 5 mm, thereby removing the worsted edges of the old plaster. After that, the cut cracks are abundantly wetted with water and lubricated with mortar (expand).

For widespread cracks, the same solution is used to be made by plaster, we press it into a crack with force to fill it.
Small cracks can be smeared with a pure plaster test, but it is best to mix it with chalk (1 part of the gypsum, 2-3 parts of the chalk). Places wrapped with clean plaster or plaster mixed with chalk require a thorough primer in color, it is best twice. The primer is necessary in order for the gypsum to absorb the painting composition and did not form the stands or stains on the surface. Pull the cracks in the usual way.

When the unreassed rusty, stains are found, or they appear again after the elder, the plaster in such a place is best to cut down and shook the surface again. As an extreme case, rusty places can be mixed, mixed with water and apply a layer of a new solution with a thickness of at least 1 cm.

The gaps between the wall and the plinth are also carefully shuffled. Pre-calculate the existing slot cut, they are well wetted with water, tightly filled with a solution, cut off the solution, spoke and put it with a small half-sash or grater. After plague, the plinths are purified from the adhesive solution, washed with water or wipe the wet rag.

The monolithic finishing of walls, regardless of the type of material used, will always win in the reliability and durability indicators before the restored defective surface. But it is not always justified by the full dismantling of an old coating for applying a new one, therefore it is not necessary to refuse from restoration events. The most common operations of this kind refers to the stitching of plaster. What is this operation? This procedure is character small repair In the form of sealing damaged finishing coat. Accordingly, it has its own characteristics and nuances of execution.

Features of the Pership

This technique can be compared with partial primer or point recovery of the defective zone. But if with shallow flaws, you can cope with a putty with a light grout mixture, which will also provide the level of alignment, the peer is aimed at repairing deep damage, but with small square. Does this mean that work is simplified? In a sense, yes, since the size of the stacking does not compare with the complex design of the walls with a new coating. On the other hand, the restoration of individual sites always entails a violation of the geometry of the surface - the same threat is especially manifested during the stratum of plaster. What does it mean? Laying a thick layer of the solution on a small area can deliver problems when correction of the surface. Accordingly, the accuracy of masses and further alignment will be important. The problem is that the mechanical alignment may not give the expected result, since the flowing mixture is still deformed under its own load.

Preparation for work

The responsible stage, during which the target workspace is prepared. The surface is cleared of dust, dirt and other foreign particles. You can perform a light grinding that will remove and easily peeling the layers of the old remaining plaster. It is not worth overdoing in this operation, since strong oscillations may affect the structure of a neighboring solid coating. If after stripping outwards it seemed elements of metal reinforcement, they should be pre-selected by a special putty, permissible to use in contact with metal surfaces. Such quality will be important as the adhesiveness of the inner premises plaster. This property that determines the adhesion of the new layer of the solution with the base surface. As the removal of dirt from the damaged section increases the adhesion and the composition of the laid putty should, at least, to organically interact with the solution of the applied plaster. However, the choice of a suitable mixture should be given a separate attention.

What solution will you need?

Main question In the choice of a dry mixture for pedaging - what should be the type of foundation? From the modified compositions it is better to refuse immediately, since plasticizer included in them small sites In direct contact with the foreign mixture can be different in different ways. After all, you should not forget what stucco peer does? This is the inclusion of a new solution into an existing coating structure. An universal option may seem the traditional cement composition, which has high adhesion, and the strength will make it possible to form a reliable seal. But, in cement-sand mix a long period Helding, and this is an undesirable characteristic for the mass, stacked by the plaffre in a small area.

The best solution will be a gypsum solution. In addition to environmental friendliness and fast opening, such a base will make it possible to perform plastic and stratum stratch-resistant to shrink. What will this give in practice? First, it will remove the problem of post-processing damage when it is necessary to perform aligning and corrective operations. Finish finish is performed once, after which the laid mass is not deformed. Secondly, the gypsum will allow even complex and hard-to-reach areas precisely thanks to the plasticity. In some environments, such plaster can be used as a replacement of putty.

Machina technique

The operation is desirable to perform manually with a spatula with a small rule for the surface correction. After 2-3 hours after laying the base mass with a complete sealing of a defective zone using a lattice grater, a breath and all kinds of irregularities should be removed. By the way, the peer of plastering walls can be performed in several layers, if the sealing depth exceeds 25 cm. In this case, the first layer should be applied without intermediate processing. Moreover, to increase the adhesion, followed by the initial surface should be made rough. And after the second pass, the excess is removed and the texture of the coating is removed.

Mother in combination with extender

If you need to make a deep sealing of cracks, it is advisable to pre-extend. It's a kind of stripping, but in more in-depth technological variant. The application procedure consists in removing the remnants of the problem concrete along the edges in the crack zone. The finishes are advised to blow as much as possible and the cavity itself of the defect, which will stop its extension. In the process of performing stratforms of plaster with a strip of cracks, a chisel with a hammer to remove old finishing and building vacuum cleaner To purge faults. Otherwise, the operation is performed according to the standard laying scheme of the solution.

Work features on the street

The repair of the facade coating has its own specifics to which the following amendments are made:

  • The solution should be made on the composition designed for external work. In particular, the silicate filler will allow you to perform high-quality fault facade plaster. What does this mean from the point of view of the operational effect? At a minimum, there will be protection against precipitation with the strengthening of the structure of the problem coverage area.
  • It is impossible to apply the stucco on the dirty surface. To clean the facades, use a special sink under high pressure.
  • The seal is performed with a mandatory pre-primer in 2-3 thin layers. At the final stage, the alignment of plaster can be performed by water-resistant sealant.


As a repair and rehabilitation operation, it allows for some time to maintain the overall structure of the base coating, but it is not necessary to overestimate it. The heterogeneity of the finishing structures by itself creates favorable conditions For the future education of new cracks. Therefore, experts use the concept of temporary stratification of plaster. What does it mean? Inserting damage and defects of the coating is performed only for a certain period to the nearest overhaul. Otherwise, there is a risk in the first months after work, detect signs of the same cracks in the scene through a new decorative decoration.

Repair of indoor premises implies an inspection of the state and eliminating the defects of all structures. The stitching of plaster allows you to restore the performance of this coating without its complete replacement.

Such a restoration procedure of the old plaster significantly reduces the consumption of materials and the time for which the walls will be prepared for applying a new finish coating.


The quality of the new solution should be the same as the basis

The plastered walls are shared in the case when the bulk of the old coating retains its carrying ability, suitable for a long period.

The subtle layer of a new solution must be comparable to hardness with the basis, otherwise it will be squeezed and collapsed.

Defining defects and determination of volumes repair work Conduct, obeying several simple rules:

Some destruction are caused by a violation of the technology of preparing a solution or its application construction work on the finishing of interior. For example, the sinking of the solution is too wet or a completely dry base. In this case, low-quality sections are better to clean up the wall material and re-put plaster.


Determine the composition of the work and understand the question, the stratum of plaster What is this procedure for carrying out repair, it is possible according to Terr 61-26-1. It includes only 2 positions: scraping old paint. And actually fault.

To perform operations, a tool for cutting a crack (a greasy spatula, a straight knife, scraper) and a solution with a solution (wooden grater, wetting brush).


For pedigree, a thick solution is needed

The consistency of the solution, which runs the stitching of plaster, should be thick. This is necessary not only for the dense filling of the cavities of the cracks, but also the possibility of obtaining a sufficiently thin layer along the surface of the stored old coating.

The repair of the places purified to the base is performed by the same solution, which was placed during the creation of a coating, on the carpent part of the wall use another proportion of 1/1 (for cracks - with the addition of plaster):

Narrow cracks can be closed with a more liquid solution. As additives in this case, acrylic or chalk are also used. On how to make a solution, see this video:

If a gypsum is included in the solution, then after drying, a thorough primer of the stacked layer is carried out.


Do not forget to moisturize the solution during the entire process of the Peritary

Matching will be performed qualitatively, if you follow the features of technology in such a sequence:

  1. The uniform distribution of the solution across the entire area is beginning after all the plastered plaster sees originated on the basis of the results.
  2. Before applying a lime-sand composition, the wall is moistened with water or ground for a durable clutch of the renewed layer with the base. At the same time, it is better to make better no more than 2 m² of the area of \u200b\u200bthe wall.
  3. When processing the walls of a significant area, the solution is mixed with portions using only a freshly prepared mixture.
  4. Before reclamation, the solution is applied to the wall in a checkered pattern with a period of 15-20 cm.
  5. In the process of pedigree, the solution is periodically moistened.
  6. The quality of the surface obtained increases when used on a wooden grater, overlays from felt or felt.
  7. Since the rapid layer is obtained very subtle, you should try to ensure the most uniform drying, eliminate drafts, direct sunlight, uneven temperature of wall materials.
  8. In the fields of contact with the laid communications, the dried solution may later crack, so it is better not to deceive the foreign materials in principle, but to fill out the left gap acrylic sealants. Between the wall and the plinth should not leave the gaps. For more about the larch of plaster, see this video:

After frozen, the divorce and splashes on the surrounding surfaces can be easily removed by water.

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