Homemade construction cyclone type vacuum cleaner. Homemade workshop: chipped cover with their own hands a small chips without a vacuum cleaner with her hands

Engineering systems 15.06.2019
Engineering systems

In the woodworking industry, the dust and chips removal system is the constant component of the overall technical equipment of workshops and therefore should be calculated, designed and mounted in accordance with a number of established rules.

Why the system of dusting is so important

Carrying treatment is always conjugate with abundant formation of by-product. It will not be an exaggeration to name the amount of dust allocated and chips breathless, because dust suspension in woodworking workshops is a real Beach, which is both homemade and professional masters exhibit with varying degrees of success.

But in fact, the need and the difficulty of removing woodworking waste are concluded? They are represented by a combination of a number of factors, each of which requires solving fair specific tasks:

  • Problem number 1: Small waste of waste products. In contrast to the metalworking industry and even work with polymeric materials, wood chips and dust are very easy, they slowly settle under the influence of gravity, besides, particles are extremely poorly associated with each other due to static electricity.
  • Problem number 2: complexity of the technological process. Even in a modest carpentry workshop there is an impressive list of manufacturing equipment: planing, flights, sawing, milling and grinding machines - each technological unit serves as a source of chips and dust. With such a variety, organize the aspiration system is extremely difficult.
  • Problem number 3: High diversity of waste fractions. In the process of processing, chips, large and fine chips, sawdust, dust and powder can be formed. It is difficult to present a single filtering system, at each stage of which the particles are delayed in a certain size, while creating a universal filter seems to be even less likely the prospect.
  • Problem number 4: Impact on the quality of processing. Both chips and microscopic dust can form growths on the cutting edges or pour the part to the surface. All this negatively affects the purity of the surface, and also increases the likelihood of contamination of the functional assemblies of the equipment.
  • Problem number 5: The danger of by-products processing. This is not at all that the tremendous amount of dust is settled on tools and materials or harm the respiratory authorities. And not even that the abundance of flammable particles serves as a negative factor in fire safety. The explosions in woodworking workshops are truly a catastrophic scale, because the suspension of fine combustible particles in the air is nothing more than an explosive of an aerosol type, similar to the destroyability with a gas-air mixture. No kidding.

The conclusion from the foregoing: any object of the woodworking industry should be equipped with a dust and chips system, and it is desirable that the execution of such a system is performed at a professional level.

General configuration

In general, two types of aspiration systems can be distinguished. The first is local filtering complexes, which are completed each of the units of the installed processing equipment. The advantages of local installations are most obvious with significant remoteness of technology on spacious sites. There is no need to lay the main channels, there is no need to organize an aircase hub of high power. In this case, there is an obvious benefit in energy saving, because the local filtering unit works only when a certain part of the equipment is involved.

Centralized chip and dust removal systems are also not devoid of advantages. They are most profitable to use in close workshops, where space is limited, and the equipment layout is made as compact as possible. Each unit of processing equipment is connected to a trunk stretching, which functions almost all the work hours of workshop, at least if at least one of the machines is involved. The advantages of centralized aspiration systems are most obvious with high production workload, but this approach requires a qualitative organization of the technological process. It is worth noting that the general system for the removal of by-products of woodworking requires less investments in organizing, but more considerable costs in the process of use will lead to.

At the same time, the organization of hybrid systems is not yet rebiring. Say, the most involved parts of the complex, such as a circular saw, Raysmus, Milling Machine and False with them can be combined with a common dust system. At the same time, the machines used from time to time, for example, Grinder or drum grinding, have their own local filtering units. The key rule is: the question of the organization of the chip and dust removal system should be put in the head of the corner when creating a closed woodworking workshop and carefully thought out before the final decision on the placement of equipment and approval of the technological cycle.

What to choose an air pump

The heart of the entire aspiration system is the air pump. Regardless of whether the system is local or centralized, its efficiency is entirely depends on the performance of this node. You can offer several options: industrial vacuum cleaner, one or more channel paddle fans, or one centrifugal.

In domestic workshops, vacuum cleaners are used most often as the central assembly of the aspiration system. It is explained that it is quite simple: first, the performance of such equipment is often quite enough, well, and secondly, the vacuum cleaner itself can be used to clean the workshop, or quickly cleaning the workplace and the tool. For such purposes, both industrial (construction) vacuum cleaners and household electrical appliances are used to be successfully used as industrial (construction) vacuum cleaners. It should be noted that there is a big difference between the vacuum cleaner and chips, but we will concern more than this topic later.

Another type of aspiration systems implies channel fans High power. In fact, this option is an attempt to adapt equipment for non-characteristic purposes, however, such projects have the right to life and, moreover, are successfully used in home and small production workshops. It must be remembered that the channel bladed fans are extremely vulnerable to the presence of solid particles in the stream of air flowing air, so they are always installed at the end of the cleaning cycle, in other words, such an air pump pumped already purified air, though all the elements of the system operate in permissions mode, But not discharge.

Talk about key parameters of the pumping unit is better in the context of the comparison of modern vacuum cleaners and chips. Total parameters are three: power consumption, the volume of the moved air, or simply performance, as well as the created vacuum. If you do not go into technical details, the vacuum cleaner is cleaned more for the separation of particles from the surface, while the chips is focused on the capture of the particles weighted in the air, which flew from under the working body, be it cutter, saw blade or grinding tape. Among other advantages of the chips, it is necessary to allocate the presence of a premium bag of an impressive volume, as well as non-visibility for the presence of a separation unit system, that is, a cyclone separator. At the same time, centrifugal fans, which are used in the absolute majority of chips, are strongly losing in performance, if there is a sequence in the pipeline system. Vacuum cleaners common system Aspirations require conjugation of conclusions on the equipment, which is not currently used. Therefore, the system based on vacuum cleaners is better used in a pair with hand tool Or, for example, grinding machines, where the capture area should be located as close as possible to the processing zone for the maximum efficient removal of fine dust, representing the greatest danger. In turn, centrifugal fans are especially useful because of the ability to pump air even when high content Particles of a large fraction, because the "Snail" engine is located outside the stream.

Pipe strokes and flexible channels

Both centralized and local aspiration systems need connective pipelines through which waste is moved from the capture zone to the filter node. The list of materials suitable for the system of pipelines system is very wide.

Initially, the greatest interest is flexible ventilation channels. They consist of a polyethylene or polyurethane shell, enhanced by a spiral reinforcing cord. Such a high propagation of flexible pipelines obtained due to the simplicity of installation, low cost, the lack of need to use swivel fittings and the ability to quickly change the system configuration. One of the most important advantages of flexible channels is the smooth of the turn of the Stava, which reduces the overall aerodynamic resistance.

However, flexible pipelines are not devoid of flaws. We must not forget that inside the channel there is quite a strong vacuum, especially if the system is connected to a powerful aircase. If a most of The findings of the aspiration system are muffled, the pipeline may simply collapse, such cases are not rare. Also, due to the low mechanical strength, the channels are not recommended to lay on the floor or in zones where they are potentially damage. The most budget representatives of corrugated hoses have an inner ribbed surface, which is why the inspiration system is working, the pipeline begins quite noticeably, while the air resistance increases. Also, they are very characterized by sticking dust on the walls due to the accumulation of static charge.

The advantages and disadvantages of rigid pipelines are directly opposite. Yes, in this case, the reliable fastening system is required, the compounds will be greater, but due to the internal smooth surface The pipes in them do not break, sticking the wet shavings and reduce the flow rate. It is necessary, however, to remember that at the cost of hard becoming it will cost much more expensive than flexible, moreover, the equipment connected to the aspiration system will remain immobilized. In view of the latter, the combination of hard and flexible pipelines is often practiced: the ceiling is bred by the mains of the dusting system from metal or PVC channels of round or square section, and then with the help of special branching shaped products, it is transition to corrugated sleeves to connect equipment.

Filtration systems

The most important functional element Aspiration systems after air pump - node of filtration, absorption and disposal of by-products processing. In this regard, there is a fairly large number of variations, but only a few are suitable for homemade workshops.

First and most important element - separation filter, otherwise called cyclone. Its main purpose is to separate the largest fragments, such as chips and chips, so that only the suspension of small particles come to the further cleaning cycle. The device of the cyclone filter is primitive, because of which many masters make it independently, nevertheless purchased option provides additional benefits. For example, due to the distributed feed, more efficient precipitation of particles is achieved, moreover, in some models, there is a possibility of wet absorption, which reduces the amount of fine dust at the output.

Sometimes aspiration systems do not have a different filtering element, except for a cyclone filter. For example, if the air emission is performed outside, the fine filtering system is simply not required. Such an approach is not always the way: in winter time When working exhaust system With a powerful aircase of heat from the room, it is almost instantly thrown out, which forces to install fine cleaning filters. In the simplest case, these are common prefabricated bags that delay the bulk of fine dust, this option is most characteristic of local installations. The highest quality of air purification is characterized by dusty systems, the main node in which the vacuum cleaner is served with two and more cleaning steps. The trunk vacuum cleaners can also be equipped with a wide range of cleaning elements, although paper bags and corrugated air filters are most commonly used.

Pitors and other components

In conclusion, it is worth talking about those elements that are given. the smallest valueAlthough their importance is difficult to overestimate. We are talking about all sorts of races, receiving funnels and covers, as well as about the relevance of their use with one or another type of equipment.

As already mentioned, when working on grinding machines An impressive amount of microscopic dust is formed. When the system of aspiration is connected to such equipment, the main rate is made to capture precisely the smallest particles, while the large shavings can fall freely to the floor and then assemble with a manual or vacuum cleaner. If used in such cases, the receiving funnels, the air flow from the working body itself will create a swirl and seizure of small dust will be possible only under the condition that sufficiently strong suction. The most reasonable will exclude the reception fool and place the suction nozzle in close proximity to the processing zone.

But where the crops are really necessary, it is in milling, turning and sawing machines, as well as on planer equipment. Here the main emphasis is on the drawing of large shavings and sawdust, so best option It will be equipped with a working zone by a receiving casing, the most precisely repeating form of the working body and adjacent to stationary surfaces as tightly as possible. Please note that the optimal total section of the gap on all sides of the casing must be 1.5-2 times more conditional passage of the channel, which is connected to the dust removal system. For large values It is recommended to use sealing brushes, especially important for milling equipment.

When processing wooden blanks, each probably faced the fact that everything around is covered large quantity Chips, sawdust and wood dust. In order to get rid of them partly from them, various dust collectors, chips, filters and other devices are used. Many power tools and machines have their own dust collectors, and on others there are special taps for connecting the vacuum cleaner.

In the domestic workshops will be better to apply specials. Vacuum cleaner than household. In-1st, engine in special. The vacuum cleaner is designed for more than continuous operation, and in 2rs, as a rule, it is equipped with a hose from 3 m long, which markedly simplifies its use with the power tool. And yet there is a minus every vacuum cleaner for garbage.

How to make a filter cyclone do it yourself

Wrongs to somehow simplify the work on cleaning the vacuum cleaner and reduce bag costs, I began to collect information on this issue. On the Internet found a description different species uncomplicated devices in the form of intermediate dust collectors for the vacuum cleaner. First, it is dust collectors in the form of a mini cyclone. They fully fulfill their function to collect dust into a separate container, preventing it in the vacuum cleaner, which in tens of times increases the service life of the bags. The process of cleaning the dust collector from garbage is facilitated. Ready tools are sold through online stores, but the cost of them is quite high with a very simple design.

Design. I decided to make a dust collector type mini-cyclone independently. The author and developer of this design is considered to be Bill Pentz from California. Earning a serious allergy to small woody dust, he subsequently devoted a lot of time and dedicated to the struggle with the disease itself and with its causes.

The dust collector is a device, the main element of which is an outdated truncated cone, inserted by the lower part into the dust collectivity. IN top The dust collector is inserted to connect to the vacuum cleaner, and on the side of the tangent - the tube for connecting the hose from the tool.

When the air vacuum cleaner is drawn inside the device, swirls are formed, and trash, moving along with air, is discarded by centrifugal forces to the inner walls of the filter, where they continue their movement. But as the cone is narrowed, the particles are often encountered, slow down the movement and under the action of gravity is referred to the lower tank. And the partially purified air changes the direction and goes through the pipe installed vertically and falls into the vacuum cleaner.

There are two mandatory requirements For this design. This, firstly, its tightness, otherwise there will be a sharp loss of suction capacity and the quality of air purification. And, secondly, the rigidity of the capacity and the cyclone housing itself - otherwise it strives to flatter.

On the Internet there are tables with cyclone drawings for different particles. Cyclone body can be made from galvanized or plastic or pick up a ready-made container similar toes. For example, I saw cyclones made on the basis of a road cone (necessarily rigid), a plastic flower vase, a tin jerpore, a large tube from the toner of the copier, etc. It all depends on the size of a cyclone. The larger the garbage particles, the greater the diameter there should be a tube for plug-in hoses and the massive cyclone itself is obtained.

Bill Pentz indicates some of the features of its design. So, the smaller the cyclone in diameter, the more load on the vacuum cleaner will be. And if the delicate for garbage is low and flat, that is, the probability of garbage supply from the tank and ingress it in the vacuum cleaner. When using the capacitance of any form, it cannot be filled with garbage to the top.

Selection of material. I decided to use plastic pipes as blanks for outdoor sewage And fittings for them. Of course, it will not be possible to create a full-fledged cone, but I was not the first one who tried to use them for this purpose. The advantage of this choice is in the rigidity of parts and tightness of their connections at the expense of seals. Another plus is that there are various rubber inserts for pipes that allow you to easily and hermetically connected the vacuum cleaner hose. In addition, if necessary, the design can be easily disassembled.

For his collecting large wood sawdust And chips I made a cyclone from the pipe ∅160 mm. As connectors for hoses used pipes ∅50 mm. I want to draw attention that the eccentric adapter from the pipe ∅110 mm on ∅160 mm should be necessarily a funnel-shaped form. I met flat, but they would not fit - nothing will happen to them, and the garbage will be stuck.

Cyclone do it yourself

Operating procedure. In the plug on the pipe ∅160 mm and the hull pipe made holes for hoses. Next, using a thermopystolet, gluing a piece of pipes ∅50 mm in the plug. It should be located in the middle of the cyclone housing and be a pair of centimeters below the side tube, so it's better to glue the pipe longer in the plug, and then trim around the place during the assembly.

On the Internet, I found complaints that the thermocons do not stick to PVC pipe, and advice to weld the details with the help of a soldering iron and pieces of the pipe itself. I tried, but did not do that. Firstly, the glue is perfectly adhesive, and, secondly, the smell of molten plastic beat off any hunt to something in such a way, although the connection may be more durable and neat.

The complexity of working with a thermoclaster is that it does not spread, and the seam in the absence of skills is not very smooth. I had such a sad experience - I decided to align the seam to heating his hair dryer. I received a flat surface of the adhesive influx, but the plastic tube itself was deformed, and it had to be thrown out.

At the next stage, I glued to the inner surface of the helix body, which should direct the air flow down to the dust collector. Such a decision recommended Bill Pentz himself - according to him, it increases the CCD of the cyclone almost twice. A spiral with a height of about 20% of the gap should fit tightly to the housing and make one turn with a step equal to the diameter of the inlet for the side pipe.

As a material for it, I used a plastic rod that heated the hairdryer and bent in the form of a spiral (photo 1), after which it turned it into the case (photo 2)Using a thermopystole. Then glued side tube (photo 3), the inner end of which is aimed slightly down.

As soon as the glue cooled and hardened, I measured and cut the tube of the vertical outlet so that it was below the cutting tube of the side tube by 2-3 cm, and finally collected the entire design.

Capacity for garbage made rigid plastic barrel, whose bottom attached the wheels - for her cleaning it turned out very convenient (photo 4). On the side of the barrel cut through the viewing window and closed with acrylic glass on the thermoclate. Top of strengthened connection plastic ring and bolts. Through such a porthole, it is convenient to monitor the filling of the container.

I didn't have the covers from the barrel, and I made her from a piece of table top, which was waiting for a long time after the sinks in the kitchen (photo 5). From the bottom side of the table, the milling chain chose a groove under the edges of the barrel and in it for the tightness of the connection pasted the window seal (photo 6). The hole in the lid according to the rules should be done in the center, but then I would have problems with the placement of the cyclone in the workshop, so I made a hole with a displacement. The lid is attached to the barrel on the tag of the long-broken vacuum cleaner. From him also used a hose to connect the cyclone. I want to draw attention that the hoses better take exactly from vacuum cleaners. If we take, say, a corrugated pipe for wiring, when the vacuum cleaner is turned on, a whistle appears and a terrible noise.

Cyclone for a vacuum cleaner with your own hands

Connecting the cyclone to the tool. Not all tools have a vacuum cleaner. Therefore, I decided to make a simple adjustable holder for a vacuum cleaner hose. For him, from trimming plywood made billets of levers (photo 7). The holder supplemented the sewer clamp for fastening the hose (photo 8). Stand made specially large sizesSo that there is an opportunity to fix it with clamp or hold the cargo. The holder turned out to be convenient - I use it not only for the hose of the vacuum cleaner, but also for a portable lamp, laser level and support for a long blank in a horizontal position.

After assembling the cyclone spent several experiments to determine its efficiency. For this, a glass of fine dust sucking, after which it measured its volume that fell into the tank of the dust collector. As a result, it was convinced that approximately 95% of all garbage fall into the barrel, and in the bag of a vacuum cleaner - only very small dust, and then its minor amount. I am completely satisfied with this result - the bag is now cleaning 20 times less, and only from fine dust, which is much easier. And this is despite the fact that my design in form and proportions is far from perfect, which, of course, lowers the efficiency.

Wiring. After checking the performance of the cyclone, I decided to make a stationary layout of hoses on the workshop, as the three-meter hose is definitely a little, and the vacuum cleaner with a cyclone cumbersome and vulgarity, each time you move them in the workshop uncomfortable.

Due to the fact that standard pipes were used, they managed to mount such a wings per hour. Vacuum cleaner and cyclone, I pulled into the farthest corner, and the pipes were paved by the workshop ∅50 mm (photo 9).

In the workshop I use a specialized vacuum cleaner Bosch Green Series. After four months of operation, it can be said in a pair with a cyclone that with its task as a whole they cope. But I would like to increase the power of suction slightly (when working with the jigsion, it is necessary to make the hose almost close to the cutting zone) and reduce the noise level. Since little chips fall into the vacuum cleaner, there is an idea to make a more powerful impeller and take it outside the workshop on the street.

I can still say that the absorption capacity of the vacuum cleaner fell a little when using it with a cyclone, but at work it is not much noticeable. There were doubts that static electricity can accumulate on the elements, because the whole design is plastic, but almost this does not happen, although earlier, when collecting small dust, the hose had to be grounded.

Of course, when using professional with large outlet holes of pipelines of such diameter is not enough. It is better to take ∅110 mm or more, but then the vacuum cleaner, and the cyclone must be more powerful. However, for my homework and this is enough.

The vacuum cleaner hose toughly secured on a small dressing of pipes ∅50 mm and inserted it in the right place of layout. The remaining spread outputs are closed with plugs, rigid on short taps. To transfer the hose - the second thing.

During operation, faced with one small problem. If a small pebble falls into the hose (concrete floors have not been repaired for a long time) or another small, but heavy item, it moves through the pipes to the vertical site before the cyclone and there remains there. When such particles accumulate, another garbage clings for them, and a block may form. Therefore, before the vertical section of the wiring, I cut the chamber from the pipe ∅110 mm with an audit window. Now the whole heavy garbage is going there, and by reloading the lid, it is easy to get it. It is very convenient when randomly falling in the vacuum cleaner or small detail. Here is simple - unscrewed the lid, turn on the vacuum cleaner and mix everything that remains in revision. Small particles immediately fly into the cyclone capacity, and large remain and easily removed. Their number is usually insignificant, but recently in such a garbage found the missing bit of the screwdriver.

Also, the audit opening can also be used to temporarily connect the hose ∅100 mm. It is enough to unscrew the lid - and we obtain the finished hole ∅100 mm. Naturally, in this case, all other wiring inputs have to drown. To simplify connection, you can use a flexible adapter. (photo 10).

To remotely turn on the vacuum cleaner next to the hose mounting clamp installed the switch (photo 11) and extra. It can be used to connect the power tools, then definitely do not forget to turn on the vacuum cleaner before using the tool - it often happens to me.

All the listed fixtures I regularly use. The result is satisfied - in the workshop it became noticeably less dust, it is easier to clean up. During this time, gathered several bags of sawdust, and very little garbage accumulates in the vacuum cleaner. I want to check the cyclone for the collection of fine garden garbage and dust when scrolling the concrete floor.

I consider this design very useful and accessible to manufacture at home.

Sergey Headkov, Rostov Region, Novocherkassk

The homemade vacuum cleaner is so accustomed in the farm that no one thinks about the principle of his action. Since the invention of this helper in the cleaning of premises, the only possible way of separating dust from clean air - Filter.

Over the years, the filter element was improved from a banal bag of dense tarpaulin, it turned into high-tech membranes, holding the smallest particles of garbage. At the same time, it was not possible to get rid of the main disadvantage.

Filter creators are constantly looking for a compromise between cell density and air bandwidth. In addition, than polluted membrane, the worse the air flow passes through it.
30 years ago, the physicist James Dyson produced a breakthrough in dust cleaning technology.

He invented a compact dust separator operating on the principle of centrifugal force. I must say that this idea was not Nova. Industrial sawmills used centrifugal storage devices and chiclone chips like a long time ago.

But no one guessed to apply it. physical phenomenon at home. In 1986 he registered a patent for the first vacuum cleaner of the cyclone type, with the name G-Force.

In general, there are three ways to separate dust from clean air:

  1. Filtering membrane. The most massive and cheap way to remove dust. It is used in most modern vacuum cleaners;
  2. Water filter. Air with garbage passes through water tank (as in hookah), all particles remain in liquid mediumA perfectly clean air flow comes to the exit. Such devices have won popularity, but their use has not become mass due to high cost.
  3. A centrifugal filter of dry cleaning type "cyclone". It is a compromise at the cost and quality of cleaning in comparison with the membrane and water filter. On this model, we will stop more.

Principle of operation of cyclone

The illustration shows the processes occurring in a cyclone filter chamber.

Polluted air through the nozzle (1) enters the filter housing (2) cylindrical form. The nozzle is located on the tangent of the housing walls, due to which the air flow (3) is twisted into the helix along the walls of the cylinder.

Under the action of centrifugal force, the dust particles (4) are pressed against the inner walls of the case, and under the influence of gravity is settled in the dust collector (5). Air with the smallest garbage particles (which is not valid centrifugal force) enters the chamber (6) with a conventional membrane filter. After final cleaning come into the receiving fan (7).

When machining various materials can be formed big quantityabout chips. With its removal manual way there are many difficulties. For a significant simplification of the procedure under consideration began to use special devices, called chips. They can be found in specialized stores, the cost varies in a sufficiently large range, which is associated with the functionality, productivity and popularity of the brand. If desired, such equipment can be made with your own hands, for which it is enough to know varieties and principle of work.

Principle of operation

Cyclone type chips can only after determining the basic principles of work. The features can be attributed to the following moments:

  1. A corrugated small cross section hose is connected to the main body, which concentrates and enhances the thrust. On the tip there may be a different nozzle, it all depends on the specific task.
  2. At the top of the design there is an engine that is directly related to the impeller. When rotating the air is discharged, due to which the required thrust is created.
  3. When sucking the chips settles in a special capacity, and the air is displayed through a special nozzle on which a coarse filter is installed.
  4. An even-purified filter is installed on the outlet nozzle, which delays small particles and dust.

In general, it can be said that the principle of operation of chiclon type chips is quite simple, due to which the design is characterized by reliability.

Types of chips

Almost all models of chips like cyclone are similar. In this case, the main mechanisms, for example, the engine or cyclone system may differ slightly, which determine the main classification. All bumps of the type of cyclone can be divided into several categories:

  1. For domestic use.
  2. Universal.
  3. For professional use.

Choosing a model for a domestic workshop should be paid to two first equipment groups. This recommendation is associated with the fact that their cost must be relatively low, with performance will be enough.

With a frequent work with a workshop, a large amount of chips and with professional provision of workshop cleaning services and other premises, it is necessary to consider when choosing a cyclone type chips from a professional group. This is due to the fact that it is characterized by higher productivity and reliability, can withstand long-term use.

Cyclone type chips

Most models resemble a conventional vacuum cleaner, which due to severe traction sucks large and small chips. However, it is impossible to use even a powerful and high-quality vacuum cleaner for cleaning the workshop. The main structural elements can be called:

  1. An electric motor of a flange type is installed, the power of which is only 3.5 kW.
  2. For air discharge, a fan is installed with a solid and mechanical impact resistant to the impeller. It should be large enough to create a craving.
  3. The cyclone is intended for cleaning the air that will be thrown out. Its device is designed to filter large elements.
  4. The multistage filter significantly improves the efficiency of the procedure. This is due to the fact that at the initial stage there is a separation of large elements, after which small one is separated. Due to the multistage cleaning, you can significantly extend the life of the filter and increase its efficiency.
  5. Lower cyclone is intended for direct chips.
  6. The precast bag of durable material is designed for temporary storage of chips and other garbage, which were separated from the passing air flow.

Quality models have a hermetic case, which is trimmed with sound-absorbing panels. To control the chip-type type cyclone, an electric or mechanical block is placed, to connect a corrugated hose with a nozzle there should be a special hole.

The chips of the type of cyclone with their own hands is easy to make, as it is largely reminiscent of the usual vacuum cleaner with a large number of filtering elements and high power. The woodworking cyclone device is characterized by high reliability, subject to the instructions on the operation, the device is served long time.

Construction features

In most cases, independent manufacture Cyclone type chips is installed by a small and medium performance engine that can be powered by a standard 220V network.

More powerful aggregates are supplied with three-phase engines, with the power of which living conditions There are quite a lot of difficulties.

Among constructive features It should be noted that the impeller is set to provide a spiral twist of the air flow. In this case, heavy particles are reset into a special container, after which the centrifugal force raises the air again to remove it.

Preparatory work

In the manufacture of the design, you can significantly save, but some mechanisms still do not assemble. An example can be called the most suitable engine and impeller. TO preparatory stage These are the following:

  1. Formation of an action plan for improving equipment.
  2. Search for a suitable electric motor, checking its status.
  3. Selection of other mechanisms that cannot be made with your own hands.

In a carpentry workshop, much, which is required to create chickel chips, can be made with your own hands.


Depending on the selected scheme, a variety of tools may be required. The easiest is the outer body made of wood. Other elements will be connected to it. The recommended toolkit is as follows:

  1. Indicator and multimeter.
  2. The chisel and other tools for working with wood.
  3. Screwdriver and various screwdrivers, hammer.

The simplicity of design determines that it can be made in the presence of the most common tools.

Materials and fasteners

The generated instrument must be easy and sealed, as well as to withstand the pressure exerted during air swing. For its manufacture, you will need:

  1. The case can be collected from plywood, the thickness of which is about 4 mm. Due to this design will be durable and easy.
  2. For the manufacture of other parts, the bars of wood of various thicknesses will also be required.
  3. Polycarbonate.
  4. The filter can be taken from the injectory VAZ. A similar filter is cheap, will last for quite a long time.
  5. The engine can be removed from the old powerful vacuum cleaner, the impeller will be attached on the output shaft.
  6. To connect the main elements, screws, self-tapping screws, bolts with nuts, as well as sealant.

After finding all the necessary, you can proceed to work.

Production of a cyclone filter

As previously noted, it is difficult to make a filter, it is best to buy cheap already ready option execution. However, it will also need a landing hermetic place.

The seating is also made of wood. In this case, the main thing is to choose the right diameter of the removal hole, since too small will reduce bandwidth. It is not necessary to fix the filter, it is enough to create a block for it, which will be perfectly approached by its size.

Creating a locking rings and curly insert

To fix polycarbonate in the manufacture of the housing, wooden rings are required. They must have an inner diameter providing the required volume cumulative Tank. Between the two locking rings will be located vertical strips, holding sheets of polycarbonate.

Make such rings in the home workshop can be provided with appropriate skills and equipment. At the same time, do not forget that they should have high strength.

Installation of a fixing ring

The assembly of the housing can be started with the placement of fixing wheels and polycarbonate sheets. Among the features of this stage, the following points can be noted:

  1. Sheets are fixed on both sides by the planks.
  2. The connection is carried out using self-samples.
  3. To increase sealing in the lower and upper ring, slots are created for sheets, after the installation of which the seams are sealed.

After assembling the case, you can proceed to the installation of other structural elements.

Installing lateral pipe

In order to eliminate the likelihood of a construct break due to clogging of the filter element, the side nozzle is installed with safety valve. To do this, a hole is created in the polycarbonate sheet, which, from both sides, is closed by the body of the safety nozzle.

There should be a rubber gasket between the wooden planks and the wall, it is possible to increase the degree of seal by using the sealant. Fixed an element on the housing using bolts and nuts.

Installing upper input

Suction chips and air takes place from the top of the design. To accommodate the upper input, a small housing is created, in which the nozzle from the old vacuum cleaner is placed.

When using a special nozzle, a reliable fixation of the suction hose is ensured, which, moreover, can be quickly removed if necessary. That is why it is not worth making it yourself.

Installation of figured insert

Figured insert is also required to connect the inlet nozzle. It must be located so that the air with particles come without difficulty.

As a rule, there is a curly rate opposite the fan, at the expense of which the air flow is carried out. The seams are best treated with sealant, which will increase the degree of isolation of the structure.

Build a cyclone filter

After creating the case to place the filter, it must be installed in its place. It should be borne in mind that inside the electronic elements will also be located, providing the power of the electric motor.

From the outer part of the cyclone filter case, another pipe is given. It will be required to drive airflow.

Principles of chipping and basic manufacturers

The production of cyclone chips is a rather large number of different companies. The principle of operation of the device does not differ, only the power and reliability of the structure increases.

The chips of the type of cyclone foreign brands is greater popularity, domestic are cheaper, but they serve much less.

Wood has always been considered an eco-friendly and safe material. Small wood dust formed during the processing of a wooden billet is not so harmless as it may seem. Its inhalation does not contribute to the saturation of the body with useful trace elements. Accumulating in the lungs and upper respiratory tract (and the wood dust is not processed by the body), it is slow, but it turns out effectively respiratory system. Large chips constantly accumulates near the machines and working instruments. It is better to clean it right away, without waiting for the appearance of insurmountable dawns in the joiner's space.

In order to maintain the necessary level of cleanliness in the home carpentry, you can buy a expensive exhaust system consisting of a powerful fan, cyclone, chips, containers for chips and auxiliary elements. But the users of our portal are not from those who are used to buying what can be done with their own hands. Using their experience, anyone can assemble the exhaust system, the power of which will correspond to the needs of a small homemade workshop.

Vacuum cleaner

Chipotto with the use of an ordinary household vacuum cleaner - the most a budget option of all existing solutions. And if you manage to engage in the work of your old helper for cleaning, which has not yet been thrown out of pity, it means that you have searched for you a good service.

Adkxxi. User forumhouse.

My vacuum cleaner is more than fifty years (Mark - "Uralets"). It is completely coping with the role of chips. He is only heavy, as my sins, but knows how to suck not only, but also blow. Sometimes I use this opportunity.

The household vacuum cleaner itself, mounted on an honorable place in the workshop as a chips, will be useless. And the main reason is too small, the volume of the bag (container) for dust collection. That is why there must be an additional node of the exhaust system, consisting of a cyclone and a volumetric sealing tank for collecting sawdust.

Axiness User forumhouse.

SAMI simple installation Vacuum cleaner and cyclone. And, the vacuum cleaner can use the most homely. Instead of cyclone (cylindrical cone), you can use the separation lid.

Vacuum cleaner for sawdust do it yourself

The scheme of the chip covers considered by us is extremely simple.

The device consists of two main modules: cyclone (pos. 1) and chip container (pos. 2). The principle of its work is as follows: With the help of a vacuum cleaner in the cyclone chamber, there is a vacuum. Due to the pressure difference inside and outside the sawdust device, along with air and dust enter the internal cavity of the cyclone. Here, under the action of the inertia and severity forces, mechanical suspension is separated from the air flow and fall into the lower capacity.

Consider the design of the device in more detail.


Cyclone can be made as a lid, which is installed on top of the storage capacity, and you can simply combine these two modules. To begin with, we consider the second option - the cyclone, made in the case of the chip container.

First of all, we should purchase a reservoir with a suitable volume.

ForceUser user Forumhouse,

Capacity - 65 liters. I took according to the principle - we need volume and convenience during carrying a filled container. This barrel has handles, which is very convenient for cleaning it.

Here is the list additional elements and materials that we need to collect the device:

  • Screws, washers and nuts - for mounting the inlet;
  • Segment of the sewer tube with cuffs;
  • Transitional coupling (from the sewer pipe to the suction pipe of the vacuum cleaner);
  • Pistol with mounting glue.

Vacuum cleaner from the barrel do it yourself: the sequence of assembly

First of all, a hole is done in the sidewall of the tank under the inlet nozzle, which will be located on the tangent of the case. The figure shows a view from the outdoor side of the reservoir.

The nozzle is advisable to install in the upper part of the plastic barrel. This will make it possible to achieve the maximum degree of cleaning.

From the inside the inlet nozzle is as follows.

The slots between the pipe and the walls of the reservoir should be pouring the mounting sealant.

At the next stage, we do a hole in the lid, insert the transition clutch there and thoroughly seal all the slots around the nozzle. Ultimately, the design of the chips will have the following form.

The vacuum cleaner is connected to the upper output of the device, and the nozzle, which takes place the chips from the machine, is in the side pipe.

As we see, the design presented is not equipped with additional filters, which is not strongly reflected on the quality of air purification.

den_61. User forumhouse.

Made a chip-beam based on the topic. As the basis of the vacuum cleaner "Rocket" with a capacity of 400 W and a barrel of 100 liters. After assembling the unit, tests were successfully carried out. Everything works as it should: sawdust - in barrel, the bag of the vacuum cleaner is empty. So far, the dust collector is connected only to the milling.

Whatever it was, but a certain percentage of wood dust cyclone can still be delayed. And in order to bring the degree of cleaning to a maximum, some users of our portal are thinking about the need to install an additional fine cleaning filter. Yes, the filter is needed, but not every filter element will be appropriate.

Axiness User forumhouse.

I think that after the cyclone, a fine cleaning filter is not entirely correct. Rather, you need to put it, but torture it to be brought (very often). There and simply the filter fabric rolling (type of bag in the vacuum cleaner). In my corvette, the top bag delays the bulk of small dust. I see it when I remove the bottom bag to remove sawdust.

The fabric filter can be created by attaching the frame to the top cover of the cyclone and covering it with a dense material (can be tarpaulin).

The main task of the cyclone is to divert sawdust and dust from the working area (from the machine, etc.). Therefore, the quality of airflow cleaning from fine suspension plays in our case a minor role. And, given that the standard dustmaker installed in the vacuum cleaner must definitely detain the remaining garbage (the required cyclone), we will achieve the necessary degree of cleaning.

Cyclone Cover

As we said, the cyclone can be made in the form of a lid, which will dress on the storage tank. A valid example of such a device is represented in the photo.

Ostrikrebrena User forumhouse.

Photo images should be clear. Plastic soldered by a regular soldering iron using a small steel grid. Cyclone is quite effective: when filling the barrel on 40 liters, the garbage in the bag of the vacuum cleaner was accumulated at no more glasses.

Despite the fact that this cyclone is part of the homemade construction vacuum cleaner, it can be successfully implemented into the construction of a jajcotus.


The hoses connected to the chipotto are better to acquire from the vacuum cleaner. On the wall, a plastic pipeline with smooth inner walls can be laid. It will connect the machine with the suckering nozzle of the cyclone.

A certain danger represents static electricity, which is formed during the movement of sawdust on the plastic tube: sticking sawdust on the walls of the pipeline, ignition of wood dust, etc. If you wish to neutralize a similar phenomenon, it is better to do it in the process of building an opilk pipe.

Not all home workshops are paying attention to the phenomenon of static electricity inside the opilk pipe. But if you do the design of the chips in accordance with the rules of fire safety, then the corrugation with a built-in metallic conductor should be used as a solidcructure. Connecting such a system to a grounding circuit will help avoid problems during operation.

alex_k11 User forumhouse.

Plastic pipes necessarily start grounding. Hoses should be taken with a wire, otherwise the static accumulates very much.

But what decision to combat static electricity in plastic pipes offers one of the users of Forumhouse: plastic pipe Foil and connect it to a grounding circuit.

Exhaust devices

The design of devices that take place directly from the working bodies of joinery equipment depends on the features of the machines themselves. Therefore, as exhaust elements, it is possible to use products from plastic, plywood and other suitable materials.

In order to solve this problem, the casing of the tank can be equipped metal carcasy, or insert inward a few metal hoops of a suitable diameter (as the user offers alex_k11). The design will be more cumbersome, but it is absolutely reliable.

Chips for several machines

The system based on a domestic vacuum cleaner has a small performance. Therefore, at the same time, it can serve only one machine. In other words, in the presence of several machines, the suction nozzle will have to connect alternately. You can also install the chips of the centrally. But in order for the suction power to not fall, non-working machines should be disconnected from the general system using the Sewberries (dampers).

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