Homemade grinding. Ribbon grinding machine with their own hands

Gardening 15.06.2019

The processing of metal parts and blanks is performed in several ways. For removing a small layer of material, sharpening or grinding is used special equipment. The cost of factory models is high, and they do not always have the required functionality. Therefore, many homemade masters prefer to make a grinding machine for metal with certain operational and technical qualities.

Characteristics of grinding machines

For household use It is recommended to select a simple manufacturing scheme - a ribbon or disk grinding machine. The billet feed will be performed manually, you can additionally be provided with a reflex table for fixing it. Trying to make a complex intra-gland design or with the function of honing it is not worth it. The cost of making will be large, and practical use For homemade workshop minimum.

  • Characteristics of the electric motor. Power - up to 500 W, revolutions - 1400.
  • Maximum ribbon speed - 330 m / s.
  • The ability to change the angle of inclination of the moving tape to 45 °.
  • The diameter of the grinding disk is up to 230 mm.
  • Type of performance - Desktop.
  • The presence of end and sidewalls. With their help, the billet will be performed.

The easiest option of the manufacture of grinding machine is the use of sharpening. However, processing can be carried out only by the end of the disk, the width of which is limited. Such a scheme is relevant only to perform the sharpening of the tool or processing small parts and blanks.

Ribbon grinder

The optimal option for household use will be a ribbon model. It consists of a system of shafts to which the abrasive tape is installed. Changing the angle of inclination and the degree of tension occurs using a spring mechanism. The frame is recommended to make wooden, as it is easier than the production of the steel case.

Used consumables and components:

  • Drum guides. They are made of solid wood. Recommended diameter - 15 cm.
  • Stanna. It is also made from wooden blanks. The configuration depends on the dimensions of the machine and is determined independently.
  • Mounting drums. These can be pin pins.
  • Electric engine and torque transmission mechanism. Used belt transmission. To adjust the revolutions, discs are used under the belt of different diameters mounted on the motor shaft.
  • Stretch mechanism. We are needed to adjust the degree of tension of the emery tape. It is a lever mounted on the bed with a position change function in height. The design provides springs for smooth change of tension and retainer.

Build construction is carried out in stages. According to the designed scheme, components are made. Then they are mounted on the bed. An electric motor start button is recommended to be placed in a convenient location for the operational on or off of the equipment. You can also put a protective panel of polycarbonate.

Disk model

In some cases, the need to process large square Metal blank. The use of a ribbon grinding machine will be unacceptable, as it is difficult to achieve uniform removal of material over the entire surface. For these purposes, a disk model is necessary.

You can make it in two ways:

  • Modernization of the ribbon machine. The area of \u200b\u200bthe bed increases, the shaft is installed on it with the fasteners of the wooden disk (by 4 screws) with a diameter of up to 230 mm. The drive is used by the belt, with the same speed switching. Additionally, the support table is made.
  • . It consists of an electric motor, the fastener for a wooden disk is mounted on the shaft. The disadvantage of this design is impossible to change the speed of rotation of the grinding circle.

Another embodiment of the grinding machine - setting the shaft vertically. Abrasive tape is fastened to the outside of the cylinder. Such models are used to process wooden structures.

Useful thing in the workshop. Those who work with a tree, such a device is simply necessary, as it is universal, which greatly simplifies work. But, unfortunately, such machines have a fairly large price and therefore you have to invent. In this article will we are talking On functional, and most importantly convenient, grinding machine, with detailed drawings and photos. Each item is considered in detail, and if something is incomprehensible, you can always view the video.


There are many variants of various grinding machines, but most importantly - so that it is convenient to use. This design option meets many requirements, and bribes with its simplicity, but at the same time functionality. A feature of this design is that a regular drill is used as a driving element, and its installation takes less than one minute, and most importantly, it is easy to remove it from the machine and use it for its own purposes.

This article will describe everything step-by-step steps Creating a universal grinding machine, but before starting to work, you need to prepare well and calculate the full amount of work.

Preparation for work

Without the instrument, it is not necessary to do without the tool, so you need to prepare high-quality and serviceable manual and power tools, namely:

  • Sawing machine (or electrolovka;
  • Milling machine;
  • Grinding machine or;
  • Drill or (and, of course);
  • Electrolovka C;
  • Drilling machine;
  • . For example, the type "cyclone".
  • Various hand tools (Roulette pencil, screwdriver, etc.).

Before the start of work, it is important that all the material is at hand, then work will be held quickly and coordinated. Thus, for assembling a stationary grinding machine, we will need the following material:

  • sheet (25 * 36.5 cm size);
  • fasteners (bolts, nuts; screws, etc.); closed bearings;
  • furniture Futors;
  • metal stand;
  • grinding tape.

In order to make any workpiece from, you need to know the main characteristics of the material. The article "" presents some characteristics (dependence of thickness, number of layers, deviations, multi-solvent, etc.). It may be useful for additional table:

Brand plywood

Plywood Bakelized Plywood aviation Plywood construction
Sheet thickness * 5-18 1-12
Water resistance High Above average FSF - elevated FC - average
Density, kg / m.Kub About 1,000 500-650 Depending on the wood breed: The density of plywood conifer - 660 Plywood Plywood Plywood - 800
Tensile strength, MPa Along the fibers - 80 Shirts - 65-80

Basic structural elements

The machine is pretty simple designand consists of the following items:

  1. Base;
  2. Countertop for placing billets;
  3. Two side cover covers;
  4. One leading roller and two slaves;
  5. The tape position adjustment mechanism.

Production of grinding machine

Side covers

Before performing cut, you need to mark the markup. To do this, you need to decide on the size and shape of the workpiece itself. Below is a detailed drawing of the detail.

An example of the markup of the side cover of the grinding machine is shown in the photo below.

For a more convenient sawing of internal parts and responsible elements, an electrolovka and a cutting machine, you can drill holes. For accurate I. quality workIt is better to use the substrate. Please note the cutout under the movable roller is needed only on one billet.

The main parts of the details requiring holes are shown in the photo.

After, only on one of the blanks, cut the smaller hole for the bracket. Work is better to produce an electroller, while the design is better to fasten with clamps.

The second part of the lid is not needed, since the main work will be carried out with one part of the wall. After that, you can start gluing the base for bearings. For square gluing, conventional PVA glue, carbon black and any other, designed for wood are used. Size of wooden squares 5 * 5 centimeters.

After that, the glued elements need to be copped with clamps or leave for a time under the press. It is important to ensure reliable contact when gluing blanks.

It's time to cut the bearing hole. Best of all, a milling mill will cope with this task. After cutting, unnecessary items can be removed using a knife or other cutting tool.

As a result, if all the work was performed correctly, the following construction will be obtained.

We will prescribe bearings on both sides, as shown in the photos. These bearings will be designed for the leading shaft.

After that, with the help of the hexagon, there are hoods, in a pre-prepared hole.

As in the case of bearings, furniture functions are installed on both sides.

The next action that needs to be done is to install the shelves. The largest regiment, consists of a board and has a size of 32.5 * 6.5 cm and has a thickness of 1 cm. It is installed using four screws, as shown in the photo.

The second shelf has a size of 22.8 * 6.5 cm, with the same thickness. Major on three self-pressing.

And the last shelf has a size of 10.2 * 65 cm, 1 cm thick and attached to two screws.

After that, both billets are completed, and now you can move to the next step - assembling the mechanism for adjusting the position of the grinding tape.

Assembling the tape position adjustment mechanism

We begin the assembly of the main moving element of the stationary grinding machine. To begin with, you will need to glue two bar. A larger timber size is 6.8 * 4 cm, a smaller size of 3.2 * 3.8 cm. A smaller bar must be accurately in the center of more.

While the movable element dries, you can proceed to gluing the retainer. To do this, you need to glue two cubes with a size of 2 * 2 cm and 1.8 cm thick on two sides of the bar 7.8 * 2 cm. It should turn out in the photo.

Next we drill the hole on the side, but not through, also install the hoods. A handle will be inserted into it to adjust the tape. After all the actions performed, the detail is ready.

Then, you need to make a hole for a clogged nut in the lock, it is done in two stages. First, includes drilling landing Feather drill or forstner drill.

If all actions are performed correctly, it turns out the same billet as shown in the picture below.

Everything is ready, and you can proceed to the pressing nut. It is important to install the nut smoothly so that it "sat down" into a special hole and was "flush." It should work like this:

The billets are made, you only need to place them on the wall of the future grinding machine. But before that, you need to drill a hole in the side part. It will help to set the grinding ribbon position adjustment knob.

Install the retainer, with a moving element using two screws. It is important that the moving item is placed in the right side. Fortorka should be directed toward the hole. This is what ultimately happens.

Two blanks will be quite enough. We drill in the middle through a hole and insert the bolt into it. After that, we install the handles into the side luggage of the moving element and in the clogged nut of the lock. As a result, it turns out the next design.

Making rollers.

Rollers are mobile, and the most important element of the entire system. Therefore, it is important to make them as high quality. As in the case of handles, we make them using a crown drill. You need to cut six parts of the slave rollers.

As well as other parts of the stationary grinding machine, they can be glued with PVA liner or joinery glue. To compress billets when gluing, it is better to use screws and nuts with washers. The photo below shows how to do it.

After gluing, you can remove the screws and prepare videos for further work. In the slave rollers you need to install two bearing, in the presenter of the roller you will need to install two scoring nuts. The procedure was carried out earlier, so describing it again, there is no point. As a result, the following result should turn out:

Everything is established, which means you can tighten on all rollers of the grinding machine at one bolt with the nut. It is important to tighten the nuts so that the bearing is free. Now you can proceed to the penultimate stage.

Installation of rollers

To begin with, you need to install a leading roller into the lid where the bearing is located. So, as shown in the photo.

The last shelf is attached from above and our machine takes similar outlines. It came up to the final stage.

The final stage

The first thing to do is to attach the second cover of the machine on the loop.

Then to plant the base of the machine for greater sustainability.

After that, the grinding tape is installed and fixed.

Then the tabletop is manufactured. It is important that the tape has a free move, and should not be cling.

And at the end is installed stand for a drill.



Our grinding machine, which is made with your hands ready! If you adhere to all the instructions described above, then you will get a real friend and assistant, which rightfully will take its decent place in the workshop ..


We give the table S. overall dimensions Our homemade tool:

Sizes of walls and elements adjacent to them:

Bracket elements dimensions:

Countertops Sizes: VKontakte

All materials in any production, in addition to the manufacture, require even additional and finish treatment. Bright examples of such treatments can be called grinding and polishing of the product. These two types of mechanical impact on the surface of the part, bring it appearance to perfection. However, everyone knows how to perform these operations with their hands, will leave a lot of time and strength, and the uniformity of processing can ensure except that an experienced master. To facilitate this kind of work, a person came up with various adaptations and mechanisms to help. Some of them will be discussed further.

General purpose and types of machines

The machine is designed for final processing details and blanks from different materials By affecting them with a surface with an abrasive or diamond spraying. The machine, its component mechanisms and fixtures allowt absence accuracy of size and shape, and also provide the creation of an ideal surface of the part or blanks.

Using the machine can be processed flat details, surfaces outside and inside, details of various geometric shapes, grinding or polishing the thread and teeth of gear wheels. According to mine characteristics Grinding machines are divided into:

  • Circular sloping.
  • Intrahelifing.
  • Enchanted grinding.
  • FlatShelipoval.
  • Special machines (for grinding threads, gear wheels).

Grinding process

Grinding is the process of removing the upper layer from the surface of the processed part using the use of abrasives or diamond crumbs. They are assembled in the total mass on the working surface and is bonded by the binder. They form a grinding wheel or ribbon as a result..

During the operation of the abrasive surface there is a circular motion using an electric motor. When contacting the surface of the blank with an abrasive and the processing process takes place. There is a commodity opinion that grinding abrasives is friction treatment. However, it is incorrect.

Each abrasive particle has sharp edges when touched with the material (metal, plastic, wood, stone) works like a cutting tool and removes chips, how to say the cutter or drill. If you take into account the considerable speed of rotation grinding circles, as well as the occurrence of chips, as a grinding product, it is necessary to consider and the possibility of injury to this chips.

Safety measures during work

When working on the machine required Comply with the following safety regulations:

The need for production and in everyday life

Today at production shops Grinding machines are used constantly. Depending on the scale of production, both one machine can be installed, and all its varieties in complexity and dimensions.

However, in everyday life of this equipment There is always an application. In some - in the garage there is a vertical emery metal for processing metal. Others - in the workshop are installed several different grinding machines on the tree. Thirdly - in possession is a universal, combined machine. There are power tools for manual grinding: drum type, lintishlyphic, band saw, small machines or large machines. And they are all in demand.

The market presents a fairly wide range of all sorts of similar equipment from many manufacturers. And they are quite acceptable prices. But these are general-purpose machines. And if a person is engaged in own business Or he has a hobby, then you need a special specialization machine. Here the price is already growing several times.

For this reason or based on own desires Many craftsmen make homemade. Basically for wood processing, plastic and metal, less often for cutting and grinding stone. And, in general, it is correct. After all, even a simple sharpening of kitchen knives is easier and faster to do on the machine than manually using donel. Before creating your own hands homemade machine For a tree, there is a completely non-human design.

Grinding machine with your own hands For a tree, collect quite easily. In the people, it is also called simply - emery.

The main component of the element is the engine. Surely many in the farm there is an old washing machine. Its motor for this purpose is quite suitable. If not, new engine There will be quite expensive on the market, but you can find used in working condition on any flea market. The electric motor must be strong from 750 W to 2 kW, not high-speed from 1500 to 3000 rpm, if three-phase, then you can always adapt under 220 V. Thick plywood, self-tapping screws, PVA glue, well, and tool, of course.

The task is simple: Make hDDon which sandpaper paste. To do this, draw a circle with a diameter of 150-170 mm on the plywood, if the plywood is sufficient thickness to hide the clamping nut, just one billet. If not, we glue the two identical billets with PVA glue. The engine spindle nut must be recessed into the disk flush with its work plane.

From the same plywood 15-24 mm, you need to make several parts:

  • The bed to which the engine will be mounted.
  • Table of feeding with guides to change the angle of inclination.
  • Disc defense design.
  • The base for fastening the entire machine to the workbench.

The protection for the disk can be made in the form of arches with straight corners or truncated. She, like the table of filing, is attached to the bed. From additional devices can be installed on the stop of the flexibility of the stop-transport, which will allow to feed the workpiece under a fixed, horizontal angle.

Giving tribute to aesthetics, preferably every detail before assembly to polish. But it is, if desired, but with the table of filing it must be done carefully. Smooth surface will provide Uniform and continuous movement of the part along the working surface of the disk.

The purpose of this machine opens in its very name. - plane oxylipheal, that is, for grinding flat surfaces of parts and blanks. It can be a disk, drum (by the type of flights) or tape. In this case, its working surface can be located vertically, horizontally or regulated.

Separate designs of machine tools are made fully adjustable. But it is individually. Homemade cars Everyone does for themselves to work more convenient. Constructions with full adjustment make harder. They are regulated by clamping drum or tape, that is, in other words, there is the possibility of fixed movement of the working surface along the vertical axis. And the girlfriend has a movement mechanism in two directions, like a carriage of the cutter holder on turning machine.

By verbal description It is difficult to imagine how it looks. And the more difficult to understand how it works. But today we have the Internet. There you can find rollers where the craftsmen share their experiences, explain in detail and show how to make such equipment. Detailed are provided drawings and schemes with accurate sizes and instructions, what material to use for the assembly. In general, if there are difficulties with independent design, you can always just make someone's copy.

This machine was invented for processing long details. Abrasive tape has basically fastened cloth fastened in the ring. Dimensions exist different. It is driven by the same electric motor with similar characteristics. But some craftsmen replace the drill engine. Good drill - Universal tool in many parameters. However, such a replacement is more relevant for a small size of tabletops, as a rule, models are used.

How is the ribbon grinder going with her own hands? The tape is tensioning between two shafts or drum rollers. One of which is the presenter (it is attached to the engine spindle), and the second is the slave (it ensures the tension of the grinding tape). For the tape did not score from the drums, the washers-stops are attached to their ends. It turns out something like a textile coil. With minor skews, the tape wear occurs faster than the edges of the ribbon rubbing on the lock washers are destroyed. So this idea is quite viable and justifies itself.

Also between the drums from the back of the tape, the support screen is installed, which provides a dense clamp of the entire plane of the billet to the surface of the tape. To reduce the strength of friction, the screen is thoroughly polished. It is possible to make it from both light metal and solid wood.

Leading roller must be cut or made from rigid rubber. This will ensure the impossibility of slipping the tape over the surface of the roller. The whole design can be positioned differently: vertically, horizontally or at an angle. To the shared bed, as well as on all similar machines, the girlfriend is fastened, at an angle of 90 degrees, or adjustable. The distance between the ribbon and the edge of the girlfriend should not be more than 3 mm. Due to the fact that the tape break is not able to cause significant injuries, protection is made only to remove grinding products.

Homemade Grinder

Grinder is a high-speed lintishlyphic machine or a universal machine. Working surfaces - disk and tape. The engine is used as on all machines. And high speed is achieved when using different diameter pulleys. The pulley of the large diameter is mounted on the engine spindle and is the leading. Small pulley - stretch.

On the universal machine The disk is attached to the spindle. You can install an additional transmitting roller, which will be skilled fasteners. It is done to quickly shift abrasive tape.

From the remaining grinding machines, Grinder is characterized by processing speed and versatility. Using replaceable ribbons for different materials, you can quickly process the surfaces of even high-alloy steel.

No home master Cleveriets do without manual power tools. But sometimes the moment comes when such a tool is not enough, and the help of serious equipment is required. For example, a ribbon grinding machine is capable of treating the surfaces of large parts. Industrial aggregates are too expensive, so many masters make grinding machines with their own hands.

Construction of a ribbon grinding machine

The tree is widely used for the manufacture of all kinds of products and parts. In order to process wooden blank properly used various equipment. Thorough high-precision wood treatment is produced on ribbon grinding machines, which as a working body have abrasive tape.

In the design of the grinding unit are provided:

  1. Abrasive tape that can be placed horizontally or vertically. It is installed on the bed and placed between rotating drums.
  2. Lead and driven drums. The rotation of the leading drum occurs due to the electric motor, which transmits the rotational moment through the belt transmission. The speed of rotation of the master element, which means that the speed of the tape can be adjusted by specially installed surface treatment modes.
  3. The equipment table can be wooden or metal. On the base made of metal, you can sharpen more complex blanks.
  4. The electric motor must have a power of about 2.8 kW and be able to provide a ribbon normal speed 20 meters per second.
  5. Special mounting extract must be installed in order to during technological process It was possible to remove the dust-generated during operation.

Length of the machine and its working tool depends on the length of productsthat will be processed on it. It is much more convenient to work with billets that have a smaller length than the working surface.

What are grinding machines for?

As a rule, the equipment is used for finishing machining products at the final stages of production. Ribbon grinding machines can work with wood and metal.

Wood equipment can finally align the surface, remove roughness and irregularities in the form of elevations or recesses, rip off burrs, grind roundings, make the inner grinding, seek smooth and smooth surfaces Products.

Machines for metal work with non-ferrous metals in the form of flat, round and quadrangular blanks and with simple and alloyed steel. They are able to rationally and for a short time Collect the large diameter of the pipe and rounding.

In addition, ribbon grinding machines designed:

  • for grinding products before the procedure paint coating;
  • for the processing of bars and shield blanks, their side edges and ends;
  • for processing flat surfaces;
  • for grinding curvilinear surfaces.

Instructions for manufacture

After studying the design of the equipment, you should decide what its main elements will be performed.

What to make a bird?

Best desktop is performed from thick iron. The ideal dimensions of the web - 500x180x20 mm. However, the more the dimensions of the bed, the more options for various parts on it can be processed.

Large working surface It will be much more convenient and functional small bed. For its manufacture, you will need:

  1. One side of the canvas prepared for the table with milling machine on metal.
  2. Make markup.
  3. In the end of the cropped blank, drill three holes.
  4. With the help of three bolts, fasten the workstation on the bed.

Selection and installation of the engine for the machine

The engine for the unit can serve as a motor from washing machine. If there is no such available, you can pick up the motor, the rated power of which will be up to 3 kW, and the intensity of work - about 1500 rpm. The power unit for the grinding machine should be tightly and securely fix on the bed.

Lead and driven drums

Such elements for the grinding machine can be made with their own hands from such a material as a chipboard. For this you need:

  1. Cut out list DSP Billets with dimensions 200x200 mm.
  2. Collect from obtained blanks with a thickness of 240 mm thick.
  3. All fold and dilute to the optimal diameter of 200 mm.
  4. Secure the leading drum on the motor shaft. It will lead to the ribbon.
  5. The slave drum fasten around the striking axis on the bearings. At the same time, from the side of the drum should be a special bevel. It will help to provide ribbon soft touch to the working surface.

Manufacturing drums, it is worth considering that the diameter of their central part Must be a couple of millimeters more exterior diameter. It is necessary to ensure the stable work of the technique, since the flexible tape will be in the middle of the drum.

Grinding tape do it yourself

As a grinding ribbon, you can take several essay strips. They will need to cut into pieces of 200 mm long and glue. The ideal option The bases for the canvas will be a tarpaulin.

Collecting from all selected elements design, you can safely start processing wood.

Grinding machine from manual grinding machine

Taking the basis of manual grinding machine, the remaining parts of the equipment can be performed with your own hands from chipboard, pine and birch bars. The P-shaped stop glue PVA, the remaining elements of the unit are connected by screws.

The base of the machine can serve as connected by loop two pieces of chipboard. For greater durability, the hinges are fastened with M6 bolts.

The grinding machine to the base is installed with the help of bars that are adjusted in advance on the shape of the case and are sampled with pieces of rubber.

In front of the grinding attacks the suitable size of furniture configress. With their help, the grinding plane can be set in the desired position.

Rear to the base machine is attached to the bar and two screws. In order for the stubborn ground with a grinding plane on the same line, the pieces of soft rubber can be glued under the housing.

In the horizontal part of the P-shaped stop, you can make a groove to move a small carriage that may be impressed i am for sharpening the knives of electrouruk.

After fixing and adjusting the grinders, the machine can be started to exploit.

After studying the options for making a belt grinding machine with their own hands, and clearly follow the instructions, you can get a multifunctional technique. Such equipment will be able to not only grind products from wood, but also to sharpen any cutting tools.

The working surface of wood after cutting needs special processing. Eliminate roughness and other flaws for further applying paintwork will help grinding.

The grinding machine on a tree is capable of performing concluding technological operations related to calibration and leveling surfaces. At the same time, the cost of acquiring such equipment will be minimized. Unlike factory models, they have small-sized sizes, so they are easy to install in the workshop, in the garage or in the barn. Special qualifications are not needed to work with them. Enough to know functional features Devices and follow safety. Grinding machines are used in everyday life, in construction and in furniture production.

Design - initial stage

Different models of grinding devices allow you to handle all sorts of wooden materials.

Before starting to make a homemade grinding machine on a tree, it is important to determine what kind of goals it will be needed.

Will depend on it technical specifications Tool:

  • The productivity of the device affects its power. For home use It will be enough 400 W. High performance provides machines with a capacity of up to 1 kW.
  • The quality of the grinding is affected by the speed of rotation of the working tool. The maximum indicator is 3 thousand revolutions per minute.
  • Depending on the type of surface treated, calculated working area. It depends on the width of the machine drums.
  • The size of the machine is an important indicator where the equipment will be used: in the workshops or in a small domestic workshop.

Simple homemade grinding machine

Varieties of equipment

Tree machines have the same principle of operation - the surface is polished with the help of abrasive material, for example, tapes from emery paper or circles with a rough surface.

Grinding machines differ from each other by the structure and sphere of use. Depends on the purpose of the device, which drawings need to be used in operation.

Ribbon Machine

The simplest of all models for domestic use. It allows you to adjust in different planes, clean and attach the right products.

The basis of its mechanism is the abrasive tape stretched between the shafts, which is located in a horizontal and vertical position or at a certain angle. Under it is a working surface with a low coefficient of friction, which rests on the tool.

During the operation of the device, the speed of the mechanism can be adjusted. There are several models of ribbon grinding machines. They can be with a stable and movable desktop, and with a free ribbon.

The mandatory element of their design is exhaust device To remove dust. For the manufacture of homemade, you will need an electric motor that can be removed with the old washing machine, rollers and a strong bed of metal sheet.

Working elements are made from chipboard. The drive shaft is directly connected by the electric motor, and the other freely rotates on the axis, for the mounting of which bearings are used.

Abrasive tape from the emery canvase is strictly in the middle of the shaft. It should smoothly touch the surface and not slip.

Such consumables may be needed to build designs:

  • boards and bars of wood;
  • metal pipes;
  • bearings;
  • electric motor;
  • pulley;
  • rubber belt;
  • fasteners;
  • abrasive material;
  • work tool for mounting;
  • welding machine if the casing of the bed is made of metal.

Drum device

It is necessary for horizontal alignment and calibration of surfaces. With it, you can handle the rails and mDF materials and chipboard. The design of the device consists of two rollers with a spiral stretched with an abrasive ribbon.

Under them is a smooth countertop on which the workpiece is located. The distance between the shafts and the working surface is adjustable.

Work on the manufacture of the drum machine is performed in stages. First out sheet steel Or the plexiglas is made the case, then the engine is mounted. The drum creates an abrasive tape or a cone with cutting edges.

At the top of the circuit, the desktop is installed. It should be regulated in relation to the vertical cylinder. As a control, the on and off buttons are used.

Disk device

Another simple homemade grinding machine is disk. It is necessary to calculate large wooden products. As a working tool, an abrasive circle is used, which is attached to the axis of the electric motor.

In the center of the disk on the hinged mount, a special stand is installed, fixing the part at a certain angle. To improve equipment, experts advise the use of wooden disks with different species Emery paper.

Combined option

Combines round-fluff and plane grinding equipment.

Make the device in this way. A shaft with a diameter with a diameter of up to 230 mm is attached to an enlarged end of the belt-grinding machine.

It uses a belt transmission. The design is complemented by a supporting table. Combined technology will save space and provide convenience in work.

Proper operation of equipment - a deposit of successful work

The process of mounting the grinding machine on a tree is obliged to meet all the requirements of safety regulations. This should be remembered by each wizard to prevent cases of injury in the workplace:

  • The manufactured machine is made from high-quality materials and has a reliable design. During surface treatment, it is impossible to ride the hands of the working tool and moving parts of the mechanism.
  • Work on homemade grinding equipment is needed in protective glasses.
  • For wood work, it is impossible to use discs intended for metal processing, since they have another surface structure.
  • Before starting work, it is important to check the health of the design details.
  • The use of protective casing for grinding circles increases the safety of work.

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