Writes that there is no hard disk. The computer does not see the disk

Decor elements 21.10.2019
Decor elements

Hello everyone! Today I will tell you why the computer does not see the hard drive. Progress does not stand still. The popularity of external hard drives is gaining momentum every day.

They will soon become more demanding than flash drives. And all this thanks to their huge amount of memory, sometimes up to 2 TB. In this case, its size does not exceed the magnitude of the phone. But what to do when the computer does not see the hard drive connected to it? Consider two similar situations: the hard disk is connected for the first time and the PC does not detect the old disk (the one that connected to the PC is repeatedly).

Not visible new hard drive

  1. Go here:
  1. In the left side, open:
  • 2.1 Menu - Disk Management.

Now you see a list of all disks that are connected to the system.

The cause of your malfunction can be the erroneous letter of the hard disk. It must be changed.

  • 2.2 Click once right-click on the hard disk and select "Change the drive letter".
  • 2.3 Enter the letter that is not found anywhere in the list.

One more of the reasons why your computer does not see a new hard disk may be lack. This disk is not displayed in the list of "My Computer" label. Then, of course, the disk symbol will not be changed in any way.

2.4 If there is no option to "change the letter" in the context menu, select "Create a simple volume". However, at the same time, all the information that is contained on the hard disk will be erased! So be careful.

The computer does not see the hard drive, old.

In this case, we consider the moment when the computer does not see the hard disk that has already been installed in the system unit.

Not visible old hard drive

  1. As in the first case, go here:

Start - Control Panel - System Setup and Security - Administration - Computer Management.

Among the list, find your hard drive and change it letter.

  1. Another way -. Use the antivirus program. Some viruses affect the display of the hard disk in the computer.
  2. The third way to determine the fault is to go to the device manager and pay attention to how correctly the connected device is defined (the device name should not contain hieroglyphs and signs).
  3. You can try reinstalling drivers to USB controller.
  1. Connect the hard drive to another computer if the disk is working, then reinstall the Windows operating system.
  2. It helps in this problem the registry cleaning and optimization of the computer. This topic is dedicated to a separate article in this blog.
  3. Try connecting the disk through another connector. Maybe the problem is in a faulty USB port.
  1. And finally, check the wholeness of the cords. Perhaps bad contact due to damage.

As you can see, the reasons why the computer does not see the hard disk can be a lot. Try, I hope you will have to eliminate this problem. Please ask your questions in the comments, and I will be happy to answer them. I wish all the world!

From uv. Evgeny Kryzhanovsky

The computer does not see the hard drive. What to do?

Hard drives are two types of SSD and HDD. However, with those, and with those may arise problems. In particular, if the computer does not see the drive, you need to understand what is the reason.

In fact, this is not so easy. Heavier than all newcomers, because it is often necessary to check the performance of the disk through the BIOS, and not the operating system.

Also in BIOS you need to be careful. Otherwise, you can bring down the settings.

What is the problem

We solve the problem

As a rule, if the PC cannot see the hard drive, it is accompanied by similar inscriptions:

  • Warning! Hard Disk Not Found! Press Any Key to Continue!

In this case, it is necessary to diagnose. You can do it like specialists in the service center and independently. It is possible that it will be enough to dig in Bios.

Causes of malfunction

Most often, the cause is the oxidation of contacts on the signal cable, it is also a loop. Also, this can occur due to the removal of contacts of the feed disk power connector.

Then it is best to check the drive on another computer. So you can understand whether your disk works at all.

Tip! Also, if you have a free working hard drive, connect it to the PC. Maybe the problem is the motherboard.

If the drive does not work on another computer, then you can not do anything here. Contact your service center to install a new disk or tried to reanimate the past.

Also, do not try to disassemble the hard drive yourself. This is carried out under sterile conditions. Dust should not fall at him.

It is impossible to allow fingerprints on the surface. Otherwise, repairs immediately need to contact the service.

Incorrect connection

Before hitting the alarm, make sure the drive is properly connected. Check the mounting of the jumpers on the housings - only one device must have a Master category.

The plumes also have their own features. Connect the main hard drive to the extreme connector, and the subordinate to the middle. However, it is best to look at the instructions. Each brand has its own nuances.

Pay attention to the strength of contacts. They must be integer and not fall out of the connectors.

Failure to bios

If when connecting the hard disk, the BIOS does not define it at all. In most cases, you need to reset the BIOS to the factory settings. As a rule, it is done by programmers.

However, there are several ways that can be conducted independently without risk for computer performance.

1 First disconnect the PC from the power supply. Open your motherboard and find the Clear CMOS jumper (it is close to the battery). Move the jumper from contacts 1-2 by 2-3. Do not touch anything about 15 seconds, and then return everything to the starting position. This is the reset of the BIOS settings. After that, the hard disk should be displayed if it is fully working.

2 Turn off the PC from the power supply again. On the motherboard, find the CR2032 battery. Next, remove it from the nest. Wait a minute until the capacitors are discharged, which will lead to the BIOS discharge. Then insert everything into place and turn on the computer.

Tip! If you are not sure that the drive is a worker, do not rush to reset the BIOS. Better contact immediately to those skilled in the art, if not confident in your abilities.

Disk disabled

Before reset, it is worth checking if the disk is connected to the BIOS. Go to BIOS, running the system. As a rule, you need to press the F2 button, but in some models the input is different.

Then look in the settings. There must be the names of Disc 0, Disc 1, Primary Disc and others depending on how much you have installed. Check if it is not necessary opposite one of them.

Some users sometimes face that the system does not see the hard disk, and not only connected as an additional device, but also already installed hard drives on which the operating system is intended for loading. What can this be connected and how to eliminate such a problem? Next, several basic solutions are proposed, which in most cases should help. True, you will have to find out the true cause of the failure.

Why does the system sees the hard drive?

As the most common cause of such failures, most specialists tend to call the incorrect connection of the hard disk with loops to the motherboard. However, even with proper connection, the situation may occur when, for example, the system does not see a new hard disk, although it is working, the operating system is in full performance, the drivers are installed and so on.

Such a problem most often applies to the wrong BIOS settings (this will be mentioned in more detail later). The same situation can be observed in the presence of software failures when the connected device is assigned already used by the system. Finally, the disc may contain errors, and if it is a hard drive from which the start of the OS is possible, the boot records and sectors that need to be restored are damaged.

Physical reasons and ways to eliminate them

Resolving the question of why the system does not see the SATA hard drive (this standard of devices take exclusively as an example), let's start with the consideration of physical problems.

As it is already clear, you must first check the correctness of the connection and the density of the accuracy of the loops into the corresponding connectors. In addition, a very common cause of incorrect operation of HDD is called overheating of the southern bridge, which is more characteristic of laptops. In this case, first you need to turn off the device and give it to cool.

For stationary blocks, a possible solution to the problem is the option of resetting the settings by extracting the CMOS battery from the socket for a couple of minutes (full reset parameters).

Along the way, a special jumper Clear CMOS should be found on the motherboard, which is usually located near the battery. A jumper first seconds to 15 need to be switched to position 2-3, after which return to the original connection 1-2.

Immediately, it is worth paying attention to the correct Master / Slave connections (the position of the jumpers). The IDE interface hard disk must have a Master connection, all other devices, including external hard drives or optical drive drives - Slave. This, by the way, concerns the situations where the system does not see the second hard disk. But this is still not all problems.

The system does not see the hard drive: BIOS settings

Another reason that is not recognized, consists in incorrectly specified parameters of the BIOS primary I / O system. If when loading the system reports that the system disk is not found, and asks to insert it, it is possible that another device is installed in the load priority.

In the appropriate section, the priority (first) device must select the HDD. If, after that, the system does not see the hard disk, go to the hard drive settings section and in the SATA configuration row, turn off the AHCI mode by setting as the RAID or Standard IDE parameter.

Disc Control Section

But suppose that the main hard drive is recognized and the OS is loaded without problems. The user has connected the second hard drive, but no effect. So why doesn't the system sees an external hard drive? There is a lot of reasons for that, one of which is that the disk is not given a letter.

Such a situation is eliminated: we go into computer management, where we use a similar section for disks. Here will be displayed completely all devices, even if they are not recognized at the initial stage of loading or work incorrectly. We select the desired disk, call the submenu right click and apply to the line of changing the letter or path to the disk. After that, enter the unused value and save the set parameters. Perhaps you have to reboot.

Problems with driver

Another trouble of many users is missing or incorrectly installed drivers responsible for the work and installed on the motherboard and an external hard disk.

If the user has a drive with drivers, which must be included in the kit when purchased, there are no problems. Just install (or reinstall) drivers. If there is no such disk, you can use a freely distributed directory or install the program like a Driver Booster, which, when scanning, determine the missing, damaged or updated drivers and automatically integrates them into the system.

Check hard disk and boot record

Finally, the most unpleasant situation is when the operating system from the hard drive is not loaded due to software errors or surface damage.

In the first case, you will need any boot disk (for example, a LiveCD or distribution system), after which it will be necessary by pressing the "R" key and go to the command line, where first the CHKDSK C: / F / R command check the disk for errors and then Register the bootrec.exe / fixmboot lines and bootrec.exe / fixboot (this will fix boot records). If this effect does not give, you need to overwrite the boot sector, using the BootRec.exe / RebuildBCD command for this. If the problem was really connected with such a situation, after restarting, the download will go in normal mode without failures.

In the case of mechanical damage, the hard drive will have to be replaced. Although it is argued that it is possible to restore the damaged sectors using the HDD Regenerator program by moving the disk, it is hard to believe.


Finally, it remains to say that for cases when the system does not see far from all solutions, since it is simply impossible to provide for all situations. However, all the above meets most often, therefore, depending on the situation, one or another technique can be applied that will eliminate the problem.

Here, intentionally did not consider problems when the hard disk is not determined by the system due to viral impact (this is also found), because the protection of its own priority computer should be for any user. Also not affected issues related to incorrect disk partitions to sections or its formatting. Well, when the Winchester, what is called, began to "raise", another solution, except for the replacement, is simply not.

Depending on the current configuration of the equipment, the problem when the computer does not see the hard disk can have different consequences and externally appear in different ways.

  1. If the computer does not see the boot hard drive, then the operating system will not be loaded.
  2. If the devices are several, the operating system can load normally, and when opening the Windows Explorer in the My tab, one of them will not be visible.
  3. Or so - the hard drive is normally presented in the file manager and folders, and when trying to produce some action with it, nothing happens. If you open the interface of the property, it is shown that it seems to be, but there is no free space on it.
  4. The device can rotate normally and however information is not read.

Why doesn't the computer sees a hard drive?

Computer Winchester is a rather thin, fragile, vulnerable device and the slightest physical impacts, falls and even vibrations can lead to its failure.

Insufficient cooling of the system block is another common cause of problems. In this case, periodic disappearance of the device is possible directly during the computer.

In a stationary computer, it is easiest to see the performance of a particular hard drive by switching to other power and data loops. Check that the connectors are installed correctly - the connectors are inserted? Although there are jumpers to provide only one method of connection, some users manage to insert the connectors incorrectly. If the disk is normally recognized on another connection - the problem is somewhere in connections or in the BIOS installations.

Should I repair a faulty device? The price of the new Winchester is likely to be even lower than the price of repair damaged. In addition, the repair does not give any guarantee that the restored device will last you for a long time.

Therefore, the problem drives are not subject to repair. It will be easier and faster will buy a new one. Especially since the replacement does not represent any difficulty for a more or less technically savvy user. If you are able to replace the SIM card in a cell phone, installing a new hard drive you, too, on the shoulder.

The drive should be given to the service center only if it remains valuable data that is a pity to lose. In this case, it is not about repairing, but to recover data. After that, the information is transferred to a new disk, and the old one is sent to the pit.

Incorrect connection

For example, devices will not be recognized by bios, if two hard drives are installed on the computer and both have jumpers with the assigned Master or Slave priority. Check the mounting of the jumpers on the housings - only one device must have a Master category.

On the plumes, there are also rules. The main hard disk should be connected to the most extreme connector, and subordinate to the average. This must be clarified in the instructions for equipment. Options are possible depending on the manufacturer of component system blocks.

Then check the reliability of contacts, it happens that the connectors are departed, fall out, or shifted. If a large physical force was used when connecting the contactors, damage to the contact elements themselves are likely. Contact integrity can be verified by visual inspection.

Software Software Problems and Settings

  • Winchester is not included in the device manager.
  • Drive files are damaged.
  • The device is turned off in the BIOS.

All this is very easy to check, but often on the testimony of internal system services, all iron is connected and is in excellent condition, and in fact nothing works. That is, the computer sees the Winchester, but the device does not function.

Something happened to the driver. Enter the control panel. Open the equipment installation wizard. Look - is there a desired hard disk in the list of connected devices. If it is in the list - open properties and try updating the driver. New drivers can be downloaded from the manufacturer of the equipment manufacturer or from the Windows Setup Distribution.

Such a situation of character for viral infection or sometimes occurs when Windows crashes, as well as when installing conflicting software. If there are suspicions in this regard - help corrected the situation can restore the system. Sometimes to achieve a positive result, recovery has to do several times, gradually choosing an increasingly distant kickback point.

Sometimes it happens that the operating system is not loaded, and a message appears on the screen that the hard drive has an incorrect configuration and must be formatted. Here, the question is that the reason for the lack of visibility can serve as a small failure in the operation of the computer, but the formatting of the disk sections can destroy important files, without which it will not even be possible to re-install Windows.

If the problem with the visibility of the hard disk occurs periodically, the violations in Windows system files are likely. In this case, it is advisable to save all important documents to an external disk, and on the computer to install the operating system completely.

Question from user ...

Hello. My external hard disk on 1 TB Seagate Expansion (without a power adapter) was purchased in 2015. Since that time, he worked regularly, I used it as an additional memory for music, photo, video (I have a computer and laptop - it is convenient to transfer data between with them).

The other day I connect it to the USB port and see that the computer does not see the external hard drive completely! I tried to connect to a laptop - the same, even the LED is not lit. Do not tell me what could be the reason how can I fix it (the disk did not drop, did not hit, did not pourer, I generally turned to him very carefully)?

On the disk, there is also no particularly necessary documents, but a large archive of interesting files accumulated lately.

Thanks in advance.

Good day!

In general, the reasons because of which it could have happened - quite a lot: for example, a USB lace has annectable. In this article I will try to give the most basic reasons because of which there is a similar problem of "invisibility". Having come across them, you and many other users will be able to correct a similar problem independently, thanks to which they will save on time and money.

Problem with iron // can be determined by external signs

The first thing I want to start this article is with "External signs" For it is possible to determine if you can determine if there are problems with the iron itself. Yes, and watch them earlier than all other parameters and settings in Windows.

When the disk is connected to the USB port, must:

To help!

Repair of an external hard disk at home // Attempt to restore performance -

What is the above written: Just if when connecting a disk to several computers - it does not submit any signs of life (the LED is not lit, the sound of the movement inside) is not on the cause of its "invisibility", because it does not make any sense, because On face the problem with iron (with wires, with the disk, with USB ports).

Conflict letters disks

Each carrier of information: hard disk, optical disk, diskette, etc. - When connected to a computer, a letter is assigned automatically (C: \\, D: \\, E: \\, etc.). It happens that Windows, as a result of any failure or conflict, assigns an incorrect letter (or does not do this!) - As a result, the carrier is not displayed. Moreover, it happens not so rarely ...

How to open drives (Windows 7/8/10):

  1. press buttons Win + R.;
  2. enter the command diskmgmt.msc.;
  3. press ENTER (See Screen below).

In the disk list, select an external hard drive. (if it is not there - go to the next item: to the problem with drivers), Click on this line with the right mouse button, and in the pop-up context menu, select "Change the letter of the disk or the path to the disk ..." (as on the screen below).

After that, select any other letter and click Edit (see Screenshot below).

To help!

In my computer, no external discs and flash drives are displayed, because Windows does not assign letters to connected drives -

File System Problem

IN drive control Pay attention to how the disk is displayed. If the black band is "burning" above it and it is written "not distributed" - then this means that the disk is simply not formatted.

If the hard drive is new - This happens quite often (not all manufacturers format the disk).

To format disk - in disc management Select it in the list, and right-click on it, then click Option "Create a simple volume" (see screen below).

Note! During formatting all data on the disk will be deleted! If you have previously filed files, you most likely fail, try to first correct the disk errors, just below.

In the next step, you will need to specify the drive letter (choose any free), file system (I recommend NTFS), and set the volume size (usually on external hard drives this parameter does not change, making one single volume on the entire size of the disk).

To help!

How to format a hard drive: ways -

If your external hard disk has already been formatted And you have not already copied files, then the display "not marked area" (or the RAW file system) - may occur due to:

  • incorrect disabling disk from a USB port (for example, when the information was copied, and you sharply "pulled out" USB lace);
  • a power failure may occur: for example, when the electricity is disconnected, his jumps;
  • when infected by some types of viruses;
  • if the piece of iron is malfunction.

Most often, after all, the display of the RAW file system is associated with incorrect disk disconnection. In this case, as a rule, it is possible to quickly correct the errors and return the disk to life.

How to check the disk (data will not be deleted, everything will remain in place!)

First you need to start command line.:

  1. press the button combination Win + R. ;
  2. enter in the string cmd. click ENTER.

Next on the command prompt, type the command chkdsk E: / F (where " e:"- This is the letter of your disk). Checking takes just a few minutes. In many cases, after such a simple procedure, the computer begins to see the disk, files and folders remain intimate and unharmed.

Disc Check // Chkdsk

Alternative to start checking: Go to "My Computer", right-click on the disk (which you want to check) and select the Select menu properties (See Screenshot below).

A few words about the TV ...

In his practice, it was still faced with one interesting reason, because of which the disk becomes invisible. A new modern TV (with some SmartTV functions) - when the disk is connected, asked the user to agree with its markup. He agreed, and everything seems to be normally recorded on him.

But when the disk is connected to the computer - he refused to see it. The essence is that the TV formatted the disk to another file system. After formatting into the NTFS file system - everything began to work "as needed" (The problem is corrected - just, through the drives, no additional program is required).

Conflict or lack of driver

If your external hard drive is not visible in drive control - I recommend checking, and whether the drivers are installed on it.

Little remark ...

In general, Windows 7, 8, 10 when connecting to a computer of a flash drive or the same external disk, automatically install the drivers. But in some cases, this does not happen (it is difficult to say why, whether the disk is not "ordinary" and there is no standard drivers in the "honeycomb" system, whether there is some error and conflict with other drivers, whether For what ...).

If the driver for your disk is not installed - then drive control You will not find your disc !!!

To check the driver installation, open device Manager . For this:

  1. press the button combination Win + R. ;
  2. in the window that appears, enter the command devmgmt.msc. and press ENTER (Screen below, works in Windows 7, 8, 10).

To help!

How to Open Device Manager (including in Windows 10): Several ways -

IN device Manager Open tab "Disk devices". Next, pay attention to:

  • Does your device in the list, is it displayed at all;
  • Check the "Other Devices" tab - the devices for which there are no drivers are displayed in it.
  • There is no exclamation yellow sign opposite your disk (if there is - it means the driver for your disk is not installed). An example is shown on the screen below.

Left: everything is fine with the driver (WD Elements) // Right: no driver (yellow exclamation mark) WD My Passport

How to update the drive driver:


Quite often, problems with external discs happen due to lack of food. Especially if you have several devices at once to one USB port.

Characteristic feature, with lack of food: The disk first seems to be displayed normally, but as soon as you want to copy something to it or read, it becomes inaccessible (or simply freezes).

How can I fix the problem: try buying a Y-shaped lace (photo is shown below) and connect the disk immediately to two USB ports. I had this happened to some discs that became invisible after a few seconds, when you try to connect to the USB ports of the laptop.

Y-shaped USB lace to connect external HDD

Tip! If you connect an external HDD to a laptop, and it does not see it - try to connect it to a stationary computer (or to another device). It is possible that on another device - the disk will work as it should be.

Also good output can be a USB splitter with an additional power source. An example of such a splitter is shown in the photo below.


Some types of viruses (and antiviruses, by the way) can block the connection of external media and devices. Therefore, I recommend the same:

  1. try to connect your disc to another PC / laptop;
  2. check PC to viruses alternative software. How to do this, told in this instruction :.

I complete this article, I hope to solve the problem (or at least learn what is the reason)!

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