Inspection and testing of hand power tools. Proper completion of the "Journal of accounting for the inspection and testing of power tools" Testing standards for power tools and auxiliary equipment

reservoirs 16.06.2019

Safety rules when working with electrical equipment must not be neglected. Therefore, it is important to fill out the accounting documents correctly. We will figure out how to document the presence of a power tool and the fact of its timely checks. Here is a log of electrical equipment, a sample of which can be downloaded at the end of the material.

Why do you need an electrical equipment log

To avoid accidents when working with electrical equipment, it is important to comply with established safety and operation standards:

  • do not allow unqualified personnel to work with electrical equipment;
  • timely test the tool;
  • register the whole tool and electrical equipment, dates and results of its tests in a special journal.

The need to maintain special log books for electrical equipment in organizations is indicated by the order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated January 13, 2003 N 6 " On the approval of the Rules technical operation electrical installations of consumers". Energy consumers, according to the rules, are citizens, entrepreneurs and organizations, regardless of ownership and organizational and legal forms, that own electrical installations with voltages from 1,000 volts to 220,000 volts.

The head of the organization must ensure:

  • correct maintenance, operation and maintenance of the instrument;
  • testing of electrical equipment;
  • selection of electrical personnel, timely medical examinations;
  • training and testing the knowledge of such personnel;
  • appointment of a person responsible for electrical facilities (if necessary, in each division), who will deal with electrical safety issues.

The rules say that each structural unit must create a list technical documentation approved by the technical manager. This list, among other things, includes electrical equipment logbooks, in which all the main tools should be listed, indicating the characteristics and inventory numbers. The magazines are accompanied by instructions, data sheets, certificates, test reports, measurements, repairs and maintenance. The word "logs" is used in plural. So how many electrical forms should a company have?

How many power tool ledgers should an organization have?

Unified forms of documents are not attached to the rules, from which we can conclude that the form of such accounting is arbitrary.

There is a recommended form for recording, checking and testing power tools and auxiliary equipment for it, which is given in the appendix to the rules. security at work With tool and fixtures (RD34 . 03 . 204 ) . These standards have been approved Ministry of Energy of the USSR April 30, 1985 Oh yeah. They are not registered by the Ministry of Justice, and therefore are not a normative act.

Since January 2016, the operation of power tools has been regulated by the Rules No. on labor protection when working with tools and devices approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of August 17, 2015 N 552n. This is an official legal act, which, however, does not contain any recommended forms for accounting forms.

In a letter from the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated August 16, 2016 N 15-2 / OOG-2956 officials explain that the rules of RD 34.03.204 approved in the USSR can be applied today in the part that does not contradict modern Rules. This means that the usual sample of the recommended form of the electrical equipment inspection form can be used to account for the tool. It is worth remembering that this is not a mandatory form and you can take into account the equipment in a different way.

In practice, there are often several records relating to electrical appliances and equipment:

  • for registration of electrical equipment and power tools;
  • accounting, inspection and testing of power tools and auxiliary equipment;
  • a separate register for checking the grounding of electrical equipment.

Also share checks various kinds equipment.

For convenience, you can have 2 and 3 different documents, however, when checking, it is enough if you have one log that lists the characteristics of electrical equipment, inventory numbers and, most importantly, the results and dates of checks. The old form, recommended by the rules of the USSR Ministry of Energy, quite fully reflects this information.

Rules for filling and logging

The document is maintained by an employee specially appointed by order of the head - responsible for electrical facilities. In each structural unit, a responsible person is appointed and a separate journal is started. The assigned electrical safety group of the responsible person must be at least third.

Apply to the design of the form general rules maintaining primary accounting documents: pages must be numbered, stitched, certified with the seal of the organization and the signature of a manager or authorized person. The seal is placed on a paper strip, with which the ends of the lacing are glued, so that part of it falls on the certification inscription, and part on the last page.

The standard form of the journal contains the following information:

  • sequence number of the record;
  • full name of the instrument;
  • inventory number;
  • date of last test;
  • the reason for the inspection (scheduled periodic - once every six months; unscheduled - after repair);
  • date and result of the insulation test increased voltage;
  • date and result of insulation resistance measurement;
  • date and result of the grounding test;
  • date and result of external inspection of electrical equipment and testing of idling;
  • time of the next check according to the plan;
  • Name and signature of the person who performed the inspection.

Here is an example of a completed document.

It is necessary to carry out tests of electrical equipment with special devices in an electrical laboratory. If there is no such laboratory at the enterprise, then the tool is checked in licensed organizations that have the necessary equipment.

Let's go through the columns of the log in more detail, understanding what exactly and after what check you should write:

  1. Name electric tool copied from his technical passport - we enter in detail indicating the brand and model;
  2. the inventory number must be assigned and painted on the body, it is important to enter it without errors;
  3. if the test is the first, then in the column "date of the last test" we indicate the date of the factory check from the data sheet. If not the first, look at the date in the log;
  4. the reason for the test is either planned or after repair. Scheduled inspections are carried out at least once every 6 months, the technical manager may establish the need for more frequent tests, depending on the intensity of equipment operation;
  5. during an external examination of the tool, we look for chips, check the fastenings of the plug, the wire - for flexibility, creases and insulation violations. When testing idling, we turn on the tool in the network, press "start", checking the smoothness of pressing, the presence of extraneous noise, the smell of burning, sparking. According to the result, we write down - satisfactory or unsatisfactory;
  6. insulation resistance is checked with a device called a megger. The check is carried out by 2 people, one of them must have an electrical safety group of at least the third. The device is connected to the tool, the handle is rotated (or a button is pressed) until the megger needle approaches zero. Readings are recorded, then measured in two more ways. The reading must be greater than 0.5 Mohm. If all three measurements showed a normal result, we write it down in the column - satisfactory;
  7. the serviceability of the grounding circuit of tools with grounding contacts on the plug is checked with an ohmmeter. The instrument readings should tend to zero. The device is attached to grounding contacts and metal parts of the case. The test is carried out by 1 person. According to the results, we write down - satisfactory or not;
  8. we carefully check the date of the next inspection when making an entry, especially if the employee responsible for the electrical economy has set test dates more often than once every six months;
  9. the employee conducting the test, completing the entry in the electrical equipment register, puts his last name, initials and signature.

Earthing Inspection Log

A responsibility

In accordance with Article 9.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, violations in the field of operation of electrical equipment are punishable by fines:

  • for individuals - from 1000 to 2000 rubles;
  • for officials - from 2000 to 4000 rubles;
  • for individual entrepreneurs - from 2000 to 4000 rubles or suspension of activities for up to 90 days;
  • for legal entities - from 20,000 to 40,000 rubles or a suspension similar to an individual entrepreneur.

The lack of mandatory documentation is one of the violations, and the manager needs to decide: download the electrical equipment accounting log (sample fill) for free and use it, thereby fulfilling the requirements of the Rules for the Technical Operation of Electrical Installations, or risk being fined a large amount.

Working with a defective tool can lead to accidents, cause harm to the user of the tool and other people. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to check the power tool in a timely manner.

This check must be carried out in accordance with the rules existing in the legislation on labor protection. The necessary algorithms for this check and further work after identifying and eliminating possible malfunctions are also prescribed there. The most dangerous in this regard are conductive components and mechanisms, if accidentally touched, damage can occur. electric shock. To protect against such situations, the conductive parts are repeatedly insulated. However, over time, the tool wears out, insulation breakdowns are possible. Therefore, a check of power tools is provided, as well as their verification.

How to check and verify?

When checking electrical tools, a thorough external inspection of the equipment under test is carried out for mechanical damage, violation of the integrity of the case, inspection of the insulation of the power cable, analysis of the integrity of the conductive cores. In addition, the mechanical integrity of the plug and the quality of the contacts are checked.

Verification is a more thorough procedure that must be carried out at regular intervals. It includes a set of the following operations:

  1. Measuring the insulation of the cores of the cable that feeds the tool. Produced using a megohmmeter;
  2. Determining the integrity of the cores using;
  3. Analysis of the tool in idle mode for 5-10 minutes. In this case, it is carried out again (the tool is considered verified if this value is not less than 0.5 MΩ.

According to the regulations, household power tools should be checked at least once every six months. If the industrial tool is constantly affected by adverse factors (high temperatures, increased dust, chemical attack), the maximum period between checks should not exceed 10-12 days.

The procedure for routine inspection of professional power tools is different from that of home appliances.

Checking a professional power tool

In industrial and construction organizations, all power tools are accounted for, each employee who owns them is responsible for their current condition. It swings both the presence and the state of health. Therefore, the user himself is interested in checking power tools. The verification process itself and the main results of its implementation are recorded in the appropriate log. In addition, when transferring a set of tools from one team to another, it is also carefully checked. This log also reflects deviations in the results of this check. Responsibility for the timely conduct of the audit rests with the employee to whom this tool is assigned.

If during the test, deviations in the operation of the power tool are detected or a malfunction is found in the cable, plug, it is forbidden to work with it. With the appropriate permit, the employee has the right to eliminate this malfunction. If this is not possible, the tool is officially declared unfit for further use, there should be a corresponding entry in the accounting sheet about this.

Checking a household power tool

Checking a household electric tool takes place over more than simplified technology. AT this case the responsibility for the timely conduct of this check and for the consequences of using a failed tool lies with its owner. There are no regulatory documents in this case, the owner of the power tool should be guided by considerations of his own safety. Before each turning it on, it is advisable to check, at least according to a simplified scheme, including monitoring the reliability of fixing all nozzles used for it. To reduce the likelihood of failure, the power tool must be thoroughly cleaned of dust and dirt after use, and stored in a proper place for this. At least once a month, it is recommended to check power tools by testing them in idle mode.

Any construction and repair is not complete without hand tool, which simplifies and speeds up its execution. In this case, portable power tools are most often used as the most reliable and mobile. Electrical energy is one of the most widespread throughout the world, it is also used in living conditions and production. However, not every master knows that an electric tool must be checked regularly so that it does not cause an accident associated with electric shock to a person or an explosion (fire) when working in dangerous fire hazardous conditions. In this article, we will tell you how a power tool is checked, how often this should be done, and who should be involved in this type of work.

Classification of power tools for electrical safety

When operating an electric tool, you should know that, according to the current GOST, it is divided into several protection classes. The check of a portable power tool, its frequency and methodology directly depend on this.

  • 0 - has only working insulation without grounding devices and connections;
  • 01 - there is a working insulation and a grounding element, however, the cord itself, which is supplied with the tool, does not have a ground wire;
  • 1 - has a working insulation and a grounding element, which is connected through a cable with a corresponding output;
  • 2 - equipped with double insulation, that is, the electrical wiring and current-carrying parts are insulated, and the body is made of a dielectric material;
  • 3 - this class of power tools is connected to a reduced safe voltage - no more than 42 volts, while the devices are not subject to grounding.

Most often, in everyday life and at the enterprise, workers use exactly class 2 power tools, since it has sufficient insulation so that a person is not injured.

Tool Check Method

It is allowed to use household and industrial power tools, verified. For this, a clear algorithm has been developed, which must be observed by everyone who wants to work with him. At the same time, it is necessary to clearly understand the difference between verification and verification.

Verification- These are tests that are carried out in special laboratories located at every large enterprise. The tests include:

  1. Determination of the presence and serviceability of the ground circuit by using a special ohmmeter - one end of the device is connected to the terminal on the plug, and the other to the ground located on the tool itself. Measurements should show no more than 0.5 ohms, which satisfies the safety conditions for using the tool.
  2. The measurement for the integrity and quality of the insulation is checked with a megohmmeter at a voltage of not more than 500 V for a power tool designed for an operating voltage of 220 V. You can not twist it quickly, this will be enough to see the insulation resistance of the tool. In this case, be sure to remember to press the button that turns on the electric tool. The device must show an insulation resistance of more than 500 kOhm, if this value is less, work with it is prohibited.
  3. Then a trial test is carried out while idling for 5-7 minutes.

It can also be used to test the power tool with increased voltage. In this case, a tool with a voltage of up to 50 Volts is tested with a test voltage of 550 V. If the tool is designed for a voltage above 50 V, but with a power of up to 1 kW, the test voltage should be 900 V, above 1 kW - 1350 V. Tests are carried out for 1 minutes.

Examination- is carried out by visual control and inspection. You need to check not only the case, but also the cord connecting it to the power source. You need to pay attention to:

  1. The integrity of the body, it can be cracks and breaks.
  2. The power cable, there should not be visible drying out, damage, chafing, as well as signs of burning and heating. Pay special attention and check the places where the electric cord enters the housing and the plug.
  3. The plug and its contact part, which will be connected to the network, is inspected and checked for integrity.

The check must be carried out before starting work, and before switching on after switching to another workplace. Naturally, professional laboratory verification is carried out only at large enterprises and firms; in domestic conditions, an employee, at least before work, should carefully examine the power tool he has taken in his hands.

If we talk about the terms for checking a power tool, then according to the existing regulatory rules, periodic verification of the tool should be at least every year, and it is necessary to check the power tool, as mentioned earlier, before each use. If manual electrical equipment is used in extreme climatic and industrial conditions, it is recommended to check it with a megohmmeter at least once every 10 days.

Important point! When checking the tool at the enterprise, first of all, you need to look at the date of the test. If the date is overdue or there is no tag on testing the power tool at all, then it is forbidden to operate it - it must be removed and handed over for testing.

Registration and accounting check

Power tools used in enterprises for professional purposes must be numbered and entered in the register. The management of the enterprise and the structural unit needs to organize a clear accounting for the storage, operation and testing of manual electrical equipment. All necessary information is recorded in a special prepared journal, and according to the results of the verification and verification, an appropriate protocol is issued. And also a mandatory measure that ensures the safety of the operation of this equipment is a qualified briefing of personnel with a knowledge check, in which the verification methods are announced under the signature, as well as the rules for using it. One of important criteria checks and safe work is the use of auxiliary equipment such as carriers and extension cords. They also need to be checked once a year, and to ensure this is the direct responsibility of the person responsible for electrical facilities.

The frequency of checking the power tool must be documented. So in the event of a breakdown in service center quickly find and eliminate its cause. But why is it so important to work with reliable tools?

Power tools should always be bought new, when buying tools "from hand" you need to carefully inspect them.

It is difficult to imagine a modern person without a power tool. Look around: almost every self-respecting man has a certain amount of electrical appliances and devices necessary to perform repair work. This entire set is difficult to replace with mechanical counterparts. But each tool requires special attention.

In any production related to the use of power tools, rules are introduced that regulate the procedure for working and Maintenance the entire instrument. The frequency of checking the power tool is determined depending on the intensity of its use. And here it is important to clearly understand the difference between the concepts of "verification" and "verification".

How to prepare the tool for work?

Instrument inspection scheme.

Power tools are checked daily before starting work. It includes simple steps:

  • visual inspection of the tool to detect cracks in the body;
  • checking the reliability of fastening of all parts;
  • inspection of the supply electric cable to determine the integrity of its insulation
  • integrity control electrical connections, if any.

In parallel with the inspection of the power tool, necessary care: Remove dust and grease from the tool body.

What is verification?

Verification is a set of measuring measures aimed at determining specifications electrical products. For verification, a certain frequency is established. In production, verification is most often carried out at least once every 6 months. “At least” just means that such a procedure can be carried out much more often. So, in conditions of intensive use of power tools, it is recommended to check once every 10 days.

The operator working with the tool under test is not allowed for verification. This function must be carried out by qualified personnel. The main task of verification is to measure the grounding and determine the quality of the insulator. Grounding is checked with an ohmmeter. A megohmmeter is used to check the integrity of the wiring and determine the insulation resistance between phase and ground.

An insulation resistance of 0.5 Mohm indicates its reliability and the possibility of further operation.

The test is performed with the voltage on for at least 1 minute. An insulation resistance of 0.5 Mohm indicates its reliability and the possibility of further operation. If the wiring does not receive a permit for further operation, then it is either replaced or the power tool is written off. The next verification step is to study the operation of the device at idle (at least 5 minutes). During this procedure, the condition of the motor brushes is inspected. Excessive sparking indicates that the brushes need to be replaced. After each verification, the obtained data are recorded in a special log.

If the centralized storage of an electric tool is organized at the production site, then its verification is carried out in accordance with the regulations established at the enterprise. Verification and verification of the tool is carried out after each use, and the results are documented. The tool is issued to the employee on record. Upon completion of the work, the tool is deposited, about which an additional entry is made in the appropriate journal. In the event of an electrical injury to an employee, such a log can be used in legal proceedings, as official document. The safety engineer or other authorized person is responsible for the frequency and quality of verification.

How to check the tool at home?

At home, checking the power tool is the same: inspection of the tool and electrical wiring is necessary before each start of work.

When buying a new power tool, check the certificate of conformity.

Even new products without fail must be carefully examined before purchase. During the inspection Special attention pay attention to the power plug and the protective sleeve next to it. It is enough to bend the coupling at a slight angle to determine its integrity. Employee inspection claims trade organization you should not be scared: if the quality of the goods is decent, then by your actions you will not be able to harm it or spoil the presentation. When buying, it is imperative to request a quality certificate for the product and make a mark on the sale in the technical passport that accompanies the tool.

The frequency of instrument verification is determined by the user himself, depending on the frequency of its use. For example, if a tool is rarely used, then it should be checked at least once a year. During long-term storage in electrical wiring, various kinds of chemical processes that cause corrosion. Even if you are not using the tool, make it a rule to turn it on for a few minutes without load at least once a quarter. This will ensure the reliability of the bearings and, in case of damage, you will be able to detect it.

Suspicion should cause: an unusual sound, the smell of smoke and overheating of the instrument. Any of these signs indicates that the tool needs to be checked by specialists. You also determine the frequency of verification yourself as needed. But even here you cannot do without the help of specialists: this work must be carried out by people with special training and the appropriate permit.

Conclusions on the topic of the publication

You should not ignore the verification procedure. It is best to contact a specialized company, where for a moderate fee you will be provided with qualified assistance. A defective tool can cause injury, so it is best to always know its current condition in advance.

As elsewhere, when working with a power tool, you must use logic and common sense. You do not need to rely only on your own confidence and intuition, as well as hope that the tool will not let you down. It is better to have a reliable guarantee everywhere and in everything.

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