Folk old conspiracies are rituals that have passed the test of time. Strong love spell

The buildings 22.09.2019

For the sake of love, people are ready to do anything. It seems that there is enough strength to move mountains and go through the largest deserts in the world. The real pleasure and happiness is when the loved one returns your feelings, but what if the one you love with all your heart does not want to be near you? It brings unbearable pain. It seems that life is over, and nothing bright and good awaits ahead. Is there a way out of such a difficult situation? Yes, it certainly exists, only now, not everyone will have the courage to try to get out of the situation in this way. Now we're talking about love spells.

Return the love of her husband

To return the love of your husband to yourself, go out into the clear, moonlit night to the fence of your house. Stand facing the moon and clasp both hands in front of your chest. Speak the conspiracy quietly, but firmly, without stopping or straying into words: My Mother Moon, you live on soft clouds, in starry heavenly chambers. I will submit to you, I will bow to you from the waist. Take all my anguish, attach it to your husband's temple, let him think of me, suffer, do not forget night and day, dry, yearn for me, for his married wife. My charms, charms, grow, grow stronger like sponges, rise, throw yourself at the servant of God (name). Let him cry and grieve without me, like a dove circling around a dove, it would be sweeter than wine, hotter than fire, and he would be near me all the time. My word is strong, my work is sculpted. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Love spell through dew

The love created on the dew on Ivan Kupala's day will never pass away. Collect this dew on July 7th. To do this, you should get up very early and be in the field and in the forest until the heavenly dawn. They collect dew in a vessel from which no one has ever drunk. Collect dew from leaves, bushes and grass directly into a new bowl. Then you will be surprised at how much dew happens at this time. Having collected the dew, stand facing the sunrise, cross yourself three times, wash your face, chest and knees with dew. Then say loudly, loudly and confidently: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Doseleva was under Agryan-tsar half the land in the water. Water comes down from heaven, and in heaven the Lord God ecu. You, Ivan Kupala, bring dew, tears, longing, dryness for me, for God's servant (name), for God's servant (name). I wash my cheeks with dew, I open ardent love. I, God's servant (name), with God's servant (name) forever and ever. And as long as there is dew in God's world, no one will separate our bodies. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Bride's prayer for a happy marriage

On the eve of the wedding, the bride must read this plot three times. You need to read like this:
Lady Mother of God, Queen of Heaven, deliver me in my marriage, save and have mercy on me from my husband's beating, from the anger of my mother-in-law, from the abuse of my sister-in-law, from illness and poverty, from the jealousy of the light. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

For love

I, the servant of God (name), will go out into the light. More beautiful, better than me nowhere. I will go to an open field, to a wide expanse, there I will find 77 stone ovens. On those stoves, fiery horns, hot horns, oohs, sighs, love turmoil: 77 oohs, 77 sighs, ahs, suffering, day and night experiences, love yearning and impatience. Get up, go, find the servant of God (name), drag him, lead him to me, to the servant of God (name). I will fill him, I will lure him, I will take him as my betrothed. An hour, half an hour, minutes, twist, mix, throw yourself at his heart and liver. He would think about me, he would not forget, he would not drink in food and drink, he would miss, yearn, cry and grieve for me, God's servant (name), lament with bitter weeping, and when he sees, so that he would not let go of himself. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Love spell for 12 years

On Mount Savoy, at its height, grows an iron-tooth oak. On that oak there is a hollow, round and large, in that hollow there is an expensive place. There is a bed in that expensive place. No one can lie on a wooden bed. And there lies anguish, an enemy force. Everyone who came up to her, she withered everyone. Oh, longing longing, dry dryness, call you, longing, your whole family, gather you, longing, all your fruit, from old to small, from fathers-mothers, from grandfathers-great-grandfathers, from grandchildren, great-grandchildren, from gossips - doves. All of you, dryness, aches, get up, go, find the servant of God (name), dry him, break him, thrust into his heart: longing, wailing, dryness, suffering, jealousy, attention, love for me, for God's servant (name) . If he had lived, he would have grieved, he would have walked during the day - he kept on his mind, slept at night - he saw in a dream, he took me by the hand, hugged me with the other hand, pressed me to his heart, kissed me on the lips, 12 years of God wept and suffered for me, nor I didn't forget one minute. As I said, so I punished. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

From girlish loneliness

Go to Pokrov to the balcony or to the street, so that you stand in the open air. Raise both hands to the sky and say: Bride Bride, Queen of Heaven, take me out of the brides, take off the heavy cross from me, bless me on the crown. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen. Usually a girl gets married in the same year. This ceremony is carried out secretly, in complete solitude.

For loyalty and love

Let your hair down, barefoot and without any belts, stand facing your doorstep, but not outside, but inside the apartment. Bow and read: Father brownie, call my husband home. Call him to the threshold: in the morning, afternoon and evening, on a black moonlit night, on a black moonless night. You send nine winds, nine whirlwinds after him. Let them find him, even walking, even standing or sleeping, or for a drink, or for a hedgehog. Meet him from the front, shoot him with longing in his heart. So that he could neither live, nor be, nor during the day, nor at night to spend the night with my rival (name). Everything would keep me in mind, would see me in a short dream. As this threshold always stands in its place, dries and cracks, so would my husband (name) stand in front of me, crackle, squeal, dry. Bless my words, God. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.
To be happy in marriage, they pray to the holy martyr Tryphon: “Oh, the holy martyr of Christ Tryphon, an urgent helper to all who run to you and pray before your holy image, a quick-obedient intercessor! Hear now and every hour the prayer of us, unworthy of your servants, who honor your holy memory in every place.
For you, the servant of Christ, you yourself promised ecu before your departure from your perishable life to pray for us to the Lord and ask ecu this gift from Him: and who else in any need and sorrow of his calls will begin holy name yours, let him be delivered from every pretense of evil. And sometimes you, the daughter of the king in Rome, the city of Rome, healed the tormented ecu from the devil, save us from his fierce machinations all the days of our stomach, especially on the strange day of our last gasp, intercede for us, when the dark eyes of the evil demons surround and frighten us : then be our helper and speedy chaser of evil demons, and the leader of the Kingdom of Heaven, where you are now standing with the faces of the saints at the Throne of God, pray to the Lord that he will also make us partakers of the everlasting joy of joy, and with you we will be worthy to glorify the Father and the Son and Holy Comforter of the Spirit forever. Amen.

From any separation from a loved one

Grab live fish hand right in the water and say: Like a fish cannot live without water, like a person cannot live without food, so that my dear, servant of God (name), could not live without me, servants of God (name), could never live away from me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy for strong love

It is read for drink and food: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. To the icon with the face, to the rival with the ridge, to the husband, the servant of God, with the shoulder. If he loved me and didn’t look enough, he would say that he would not talk to me, would sleep with me, but would not sleep, would kiss me, but would not kiss. As a hungry person thinks about food, so would my husband dream of me, of his married wife, God's servant (name). Be you, my words, picky, my speeches, be talkative. To my words, the key and the lock. The lock is in the mouth, and the key is in the sea. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Strong love spell

God's house. God's threshold. God's Throne. The power of love is powerful, the tear of jealousy is burning. Go, longing, to every hair, on the servant of God (name), on his crown, on his temple, on the liver and on the heart, on the blood and on the vein, on all his joints, on all his thoughts, thoughts, on his chest white, rosy cheeks, for lust and sighs. He wouldn’t fall asleep to sleep, he wouldn’t eat. Ten winds, the tenth is a whirlwind. Twist his brains so that he doesn’t eat, doesn’t sit, doesn’t lie, but rushes and runs to me from everywhere. Locks won't hold him, bolts won't stop him. Lovers-darlings will not cajole, aunts will not persuade, uncles do not have mints. He would keep me, the servant of God (name), in his head, he wouldn’t let go of my mind. Let him hear my voice everywhere, without me he does not breathe clean air. As a fish dies on a bank without water, grass dries up without mother earth, there is no sky without clouds, so may the servant of God (name) never forget me with anyone. And who will treat him will get tired from the first day. Amen.

strong love spell

Put three candles on a new one white tablecloth. The spell is read three times and after each time one candle is extinguished. When all three candles are extinguished, tie them together and light them again so that nothing remains of the candles. Chad, release the smoke through the window, let them leave with a spell. O Eternal Lord, I implore You with tenderness. Create a high wall, create a deep pit, impenetrable fence, insurmountable longing. Depth - three fathoms of earth, height - immeasurable height, and melancholy of immeasurable depth. Lock, Lord, and block so that the servant of God (name) does not leave me, he does not find another girlfriend for himself. Lock it with a key and take it for yourself, help, Lord, God's servant (name). Until this lock is opened, until then the servant of God (name) cannot stop loving me. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Conspiracy words for love

They read through the open door of the stove as soon as the firewood catches fire: Dym Dymovich, Veter Vetrovich, do not fall on the water or on the ground. Fall on the servant of God (name), on a zealous heart. As smoke writhes in the oven, so the servant of God (name) about the servant of God (name) wind, wind. My words will be strong and sculpting. Stronger than stone, stronger than damask steel. Amen. Read three times.

For passionate love (very strong love spell)

Made with salt. They read while holding the salt in the salt shaker in their right hand. They subtract nine morning dawns in this way, while the stoves are not yet heated and no one has washed or eaten in the house. With this salt on the tenth day they salt the food of their dear. No woman will ever be interested in your husband after this love spell. Oh my God. I'll take a deep breath, shake my wild head. Come out of the cemetery, longing, come, find, attack the servant of God (name), so that without longing for me, for his married, legal wife, do not sleep, do not get up, do not lie down, do not remember his father and mother, but me, servant of God (name), never to forget. How pain does not let you forget about yourself in the body, how you can never forget bread and salt, nine winds, and the tenth whirlwind, take away all their hot tears from all widowers and widows, from abandoned orphans and young women. Turn them into salt, twist, twist, fall on my salt in your right hand, enter the body of the servant of God (name) with food. Be there, live there. Let him be sad without me and toil. Throws at all four corners. Meet him, winds, even walking or even standing. Take the soul out of him, drink the blood out of him, push him in the back with a twist. All to me, God's servant (name), see off, drive and send: from oak tables, maple beds, from friends and girlfriends. Bread is my friend, salt is my mother. There is no one who can break my plot. And the servant of God (name) century after century, from now on and forever so that I (name) will not be forgotten. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Love conspiracies and spells (a conspiracy that is valid until death)

In one day, three commemorations are served, in three churches at the same time for the repose and for the health of the one who needs to be dried. Then they go to a place where the wind blows, and there they throw the earth, brought in advance from the cemetery, from three graves of the dead, who bore the same name as the husband. They throw the earth against the wind and say: As the dead servant of God (name) no longer wear hats, so the servant of God (name) alive without me, the servant of God (name), no longer live. As the dead servant of God (name) can no longer walk, so the servant of God (name) cannot be alive without me. Amen. Amen. Amen.

For devoted love

This conspiracy is read until dawn. In an open field there is a willow, on that willow a bird forked a nest, dropped an egg with a chick into the sea. Like this bird’s heart ached about an egg, so that the servant of God (name) would have a heart that ached and stung about me, God’s servant (name). So that they don’t eat me with food, so that they don’t drink wine, with young women so that they don’t forget, they don’t stop loving until gray old age. I would have seemed to him at night the Moon, at dawn - the morning star, in thirst - sweet water, in hunger - food. My hands are wings, my eyes are arrows. A century to love, a century not to forget me, never change with anyone. I will close the keys, I will bury the locks in the sand, I will throw the keys into the hole. Whoever gets those keys, only he will become an obstacle to me in my love. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Love spell for twenty years

Buy two wedding candles on your Angel Day. They read a conspiracy on them, and then stand in the church at someone's wedding (be sure to take candles with you). After the wedding, the candles must burn out to the end. Keep the rest at home, in a secluded place. They read this: You are wedding angels, you are wedding rings, you are holy candles, golden images. As people trust you, trust you with their destinies, pray and hope, so I, God's servant (name), believe you and hope. Bless the heart of the servant of God (name) for a long love, for twenty years of life for me, God's servant (name). Just as the red Sun cannot be without rays, how hard it is for a person to live without his clear eyes, a nursing child without milk, a centenary old man without a batog, like a fish cannot be without water, a living person without food, so my husband could not be without me. , his wife, God's servant (name). How difficult it is for a person to live without sleep, just as there is no house without doors and windows, a head without a thought, so he would pull her to the altar to get married from this time, with my order. My word is strong. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

A conspiracy for eternal love

They tear dry grass in the field, break the dry paws of the spruce (the lowest) and make a fire on the full moon on women's days (Wednesday, Friday). With your left hand, throw into the fire three freshly laid eggs from a hen that did not know a rooster. Bypassing the fire clockwise, read the spell for love. In the name of Divine Fire! Servant of God (name), listen to me. As unborn chicks burn, so your heart will burn forever. Your soul, body, blood, you will all turn into love! So that you (name) couldn’t sleep, couldn’t stand still, neither eat without me, nor drink without me, couldn’t walk with your feet, ride on horseback, sleep with women, walk with girls, you won’t cross the bridge, you won’t swim across the river, on you won’t sit down on a chair, you won’t make a decision, you won’t raise your hands against me, you won’t say a word against me. Like the Red Sun, people joyfully meet, like a beloved mother, children welcome, like without salt, water, food they do not live, they do not weave a cloth from the air. I am one for you, God's servant (name). The forest crowns us, the fire crowns us, the earth crowns us, God's words crown us. Hour by minute, God's century by century, and we are with you forever. Amen.

Conspiracy for love without treason

Read on the wedding ring: The Lord gave land, the Lord gave water. The earth gave birth to gold and silver. And just as everyone covets for gold, their hands reach out to him, so my husband (name) would have coveted me, admired, would never part with me. With lips, hands, he reached out to me, to his married wife, the servant of God (name), hugged and had mercy. As the true Christ did not change faith, so my husband, the servant of God (name), would not know anyone except me, would not cheat on me until the very grave. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Loyalty Conspiracy

I have a seal of fidelity, no one can take this seal: neither with hands nor incantations, neither a evasive spell, nor a trilingual curse, nor a gray-haired grandfather, nor a cunning guide, nor a witch, nor an evil sorceress, nor a shaman, nor a cunning deceit, nor clear eyes, nor black curls, nor a white chest, nor Adam's garden, nor a front, not backwards. My seal cannot be broken, the servant of God (name) cannot be lured, I cannot change him forever and ever. He will admire me for a century, how to be afraid of the fire of treason. As a child cries for his chest, a foal cries for his mother. No one will stand between us, only one thing can separate us: if one of us dies, he will take the seal with him. Angels, archangels, take the seal, carry it with me. Century after century, now and forever. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Very strong spell

They get up at the crossroads, look at the moon and read in full voice: Clear field, wide expanse, I call the brothers here, 13 devils, drink, take a walk, feast, remember the servant of God (name). Drink blood from (name), sit on a stone board, give him a heavy longing for me, God's servant (name). So that he would vehemently miss, suffer greatly, grieve with grief, sob with blood. As a sister cries for her brother at a remembrance, a grandfather yearns for her grandmother at a funeral. He doesn’t eat, doesn’t drink, doesn’t take anything into his head, no labor, no work, no joy, no care, neither in the morning nor in the afternoon, neither water nor fire. Prayer does not lime, do not sweep away with a broom the thoughts of a servant of God (name) for me, God's servant (name). I lock it, I lock it with a key. Pike in the water, trim in me. As long as I am alive, my work cannot be interrupted, in prayer it cannot be prayed for, not removed, not washed off. So be it now and forever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

A conspiracy for eternal love without treason

They stand with their feet in the water. Read aloud nine times. In this water, you will need to rinse your husband's shirt, dry it and let it wear for a week. There is an entrance on earth, whoever enters it will find my water. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit (bow). I will take the servant of God (name) by the right hand, bring on him eternal love and boredom for me. Do not wash it off, do not dissuade, do not stop loving me, do not forget (bow). He would eat and not seize, he would drink and not drink, be bored in separation, suffer, not know peace and rest. May I be to him like bread, like water, like a clear sky and earth, dearer than freedom, kinder to blood. (Name), give your heart, and take my heart. Close, mother earth, help, sister water (bow). Go, (name), for me, for God's servant (name). Four stars above (bow), water power below (bow). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy words for men to approach a girl

Before you go where the girl you are shy is, read the conspiracy to approach the girl. See, everything will work out for you. My land, mother, the sun is red, matchmaker, take and help, set up and strengthen my business. The earth sprinkles with sand, the sun lights up red, the Lord blesses us with the servant of God (name). I’ll come up like a snake, lie down in soft moss, go into the house as an unexpected guest, and go out as a welcome groom. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

How to dry a young man

I will get up, blessed, go out, crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate to the blue sea. There are 12 brothers, I will go closer to them, I will bow lower. 12 brothers, go to the blue sea, there is an island on the blue sea, there is an oak tree on the island, under this oak tree lies a slab, longing for melancholy, dryness. Raise this slab, take away this melancholy, bring it, lay it on the zealous heart of the servant of God (name). Give him sadness-sadness, so that he yearns, mourns, shouts in a bad voice for me, the servant of God (name). So that he could neither live, nor be, nor day to day, nor hour to hour, not a minute to pass. With you, the Sun is red, with mother, the dawn of morning Mary, evening Marimyan, midnight Ulyana, with you, the bright Moon. I wouldn’t walk, I wouldn’t sit, I wouldn’t think, I wouldn’t smoke, I wouldn’t smoke, I wouldn’t walk, I wouldn’t eat, I wouldn’t drink, I wouldn’t fall asleep, I would get up in the morning, take me to mind-mind, servant of God (name). Lighter than the noonday wind, faster than fire lightning, let another girl seem terrible to him, like a lioness, like fiery parts, like scary seas, like a striped owl, like a shaggy witch. And for him, the servant of God (name), I am a firebird. Amen.

Dry for love

Read 12 dawns in windy weather.
Damn Satan, there are horns on your head, get out of hell, help me, servant of God (name) turn to me. With the wind I send dryness, waving, love and longing. You go to him, evil, from the violent wind in the face. To take his love-longing, beat, break, did not let me sleep at night, sent me to the porch. Evil evil, grief gnawing, heart sucking, do not give, love, the servant of God (name), neither eat nor sleep, nor be with others; resist him, my dear, all people and non-humans, uncles, sons-in-law, mother and father and friends, all young women, like a gelding of a mare, so that they know me alone, miss me alone, mourn, yearn for, would not feast with anyone, bread I didn’t eat, I didn’t drink water, I wouldn’t sit down at the oak table without me, I didn’t go to bed at midnight, take it, melancholy, love, and don’t let go at any minute, at any hour. The words of the master are strong, molding, stronger than stone, sharper than damask steel, faster than fiery lightning. Amen.

severe dryness

To slander on drinking, on food, so that the young man loves: Beelzebub, ancient, give me a ring-key to open the door where the terrible beast lies. Call him longing. I will let him go and send him to the servant of God (name). Let him follow on his heels, torment him with heavy longing. Horned Beelzebub, you are the main Satan, you have been given the power to do evil, I will bow my relics to you, I will ask you for help, give me the heart of a servant of God (name). Amen.

Love spell on the ring

In Pokrov, they put the husband's wedding ring in a glass of holy water and put this glass under the bed. At night, when you have mercy, think to yourself and say: The ring has no end, my husband has no other crown forever and ever. I am his first, I am his last. Amen. In the morning, give the ring to your husband.

Love spell on straw from seven yards

They collect straw from seven yards, put it in a pile, and then the woman must roll on the ground around this pile. The straw is set on fire and read into the smoke: As the straw is given power to this fire, so, my dear husband (name), give me your peace. As smoke submits to fire, rises up, so you, the servant of God (name), submit to me forever and ever, never part with me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Love spell on a leash

So that the husband does not dangle around friends and girlfriends, take a dog leash, step over it back and forth, and then, tapping the leash on the threshold, say: How the dog was taught to this leash, tamed to the owner, so that my husband (name) to my nailed to the threshold, never strayed from his home forever and ever. On Monday to hug, on Tuesday pardon, on Wednesday kissed hotly, on Thursday did not lag behind the hem, on Friday to court, on Saturday he would court more strongly, on Sunday he died of love for me, wept and suffered, white light without me, God slaves, did not see. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy words for a fishing net

With this strong conspiracy, the guys were caught as grooms even for the ugliest girl. And how they then lived well and well, that everyone only envied them. They did it this way: early, at the first sign of dawn, they went to the river, found the nets set by the fishermen. Holding on to the net with the right hand, they read the love words three times: Lord, help. God bless. And you, net, fish for the fisherman uncle, and for me, the servants of God (name), the groom. Arise, my bridegroom, from summer and from winter, from autumn and from spring, from north and from south. I speak to this network of my dear friend. As fish fall into the net, how they no longer get out of it, fall asleep in it without water, do not wake up, so my fiancé (name) would come into my house himself and never leave me anywhere else. I close all the paths for you (name), I close the return thresholds for you. Until the network unties itself to all nodes, until then my fiancé (name) will not refuse me. Be you, my words, molding and strong. Amenem I'm closing. Amenem I hide. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

To the morning dew

Stand with bare feet on the morning dewy grass and read the call-slander: Dew to dew, tear to tear, dawn to dawn. You are Zoryushka-Dawn, where do you go, whom you do not please. Rejoice my heart. Bring haze-smoke on the soul of the Christian servant of God
(name). Fall like a dew, a salty tear on his zealous heart. As the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos grieves, grieves for her Son, so the servant of God (name) would grieve and miss me, the servant of God (name). Dawn to dawn, tear to tear, servant of God (name) to me. Amen.

On the first snow (dry on a woman)

As the Christian people are happy with the Protection of the Father, the white snow, the first snow, so the servant of God (name) would rejoice at me always and everywhere, the servant of God (name). Without me, she would have abandoned all her worries, all mothers and aunts, grandfathers and grandmothers, girlfriends and friends, and everything would have been looking for me in the wide world, everyone would have been happy to meet me, how small children are glad for the first snowball. And as the snow melts in a hot hand, so let it melt without me and toil forever and ever. My word is strong and stucco. As snow sticks behind your feet, so stick, cling to me, servant of God (name). Amen.
They read while looking at the first snow.

A conspiracy, to put it very succinctly, is a certain verbal formula pronounced for the purpose of this or that impact on other people or on the world around - in order to achieve a certain state or vice versa, get rid of it, implement a certain intention or prevent an undesirable phenomenon. Among the people, a conspiracy can also be referred to in other words: “word”, “whispering”, “slander”, “sentence”, “caution”, “amulet”, “protection”, “appeal”, etc.

Conspiracies, according to the vast majority of researchers, are the most archaic component of traditional Slavic culture. The practice of using conspiracies has its roots in ancient times and, to a greater or lesser extent, persists to this day.

The bulk of the texts of conspiracies was written down in the 18th - 20th centuries. A fragment of a charm text on a Novgorod birch-bark letter dating from the 14th - 15th centuries is known. There are also several texts relating to the 15th - 16th centuries. The written text of the most ancient conspiracy now known to researchers dates back to the 12th century. It was also found on a birch bark scroll during excavations of ancient Novgorod. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that conspiracies existed long before written fixation. Based on this, a number of researchers believe that on the basis of incantation texts it is possible not only to judge the mythological ideas of our ancestors, but also to use incantations as one of the tools in the reconstruction of an integral mythological system: “... ancient Indian and European conspiracies, belonging to a single ancient tradition, reflect highly archaic "mythopoetic" ideas and allow us to raise the question of reconstructing at least fragments of the common Indo-European text"

The use of conspiracies is typical not only for Slavic traditional culture, but also for almost all archaic cultures. About how much high value attached to conspiracies among the ancient Aryans can be judged by the fact that the Vedic corpus includes, along with the Rigveda (veda of hymns), Yajurveda (veda of sacrificial formulas) and Samaveda (veda of melodies) and "Atharvaveda" - "I lead Atharvans" or, literally, "I lead conspiracies." It includes conspiracies mainly of an everyday, domestic nature. For example, against a house fire:

It's a drain for the waters
Housing for the sea.
In the middle of the pond our house -
Turn (your) faces!

Or for the growth of barley:

where we call you
Hearing god-barley,
Rise up there like the sky!
Be inexhaustible like the ocean!

Conspiracies are also widely represented in the traditional culture of the closest neighbors of the Slavs - the Balts. An excerpt from a Lithuanian healing spell:

Holy Land,
Earth, earth, earth!
Snake, snake, snake
Give back health (name)

Month, month, month,
Bright heavenly goddess,
Give him a (full) circle, health to me,
Give him completeness - the kingdom of Perkunas to me!

Conspiracies are also known to the German-Scandinavian traditional culture. Here, for example, is a conspiracy from dislocation:

Fol and Wotan rode in the forest.
Then the mare Baldr's leg was dislocated.
Then Sintgunt conjured her, Sunnah is her sister,
Then Freya conjured her, Fola her sister,
Then Wotan conjured her as well as he could
And from the dislocation of the bone, and from the dislocation of the blood,
And from a dislocation of the joint:
Bone to bone, blood to blood
Joint to joint yes stick

Note that many researchers point out that some of the mythological songs of the Elder Edda also have pronounced features of a purely charm text (or are "grown" from a charm text). For example, the "Speech of Sigrdriva" has these lines:

Be safe, day! Be safe, sons of the day!
Stay safe, night with your sister!
With non-angry eyes look at us here
And give victory to those who sit
Unharmed aces, unharmed asiny,
May the multi-useful earth be unharmed!

In the Celtic epic, texts have also been preserved that have distinct features of a conspiracy:

I conjure Irish land
Washed by the abundant sea,
Abundant are the great mountains,
Mighty forests are great..

So, a conspiracy is a characteristic component of any archaic culture. At the same time, speaking specifically about Slavic folklore, it should be noted that many texts of conspiracies are filled with Christian characters and Christian terminology, and this fact alarms and even frightens non-professionals who begin to get acquainted with traditional Slavic culture. In addition, a certain number of incantations recorded by ethnographers are, in fact, the product of largely Christian thinking and do not carry any practical elements of traditional (or, more precisely, mythological) thinking. In this connection, the question arises: how to distinguish an authentic conspiracy from a later one? To do this, you first need to know the basic principles of building traditional conspiracies. One of them is that most authentic conspiracies are based on the "Law of Similarity" or "Law of the big in the small". Its essence boils down to the fact that everything in this world has its own similarity - the earthly world is a “reflection” of the Heavenly world and vice versa, a person (“microcosm”) is similar to the Universe (“macrocosm”) in its structure. Accordingly, all incantation texts built on this law and having lines of a comparative and comparative nature can rightly be considered traditional even if they use external Christian terminology. An example of such a conspiracy:

On Mother Mezhovka
Water runs and rolls
And in a hurry
From the servant of God (name) will roll down
Liquid-bridki prize-winning lessons,
thin skinny,
Evil yawning..

Here we clearly see that the process of getting rid of diseases is likened to the flow (or rather, "leakage") of water, that is, in this case the conspiracy formula: “as water flows, so let the disease flow away” is based precisely on the mythological “law of similarity”; therefore, the basis of this conspiracy with good reason can be recognized as ancient.

Less problems with the classification of a plot arise if, along with fundamental mythological ideas, it also contains specific mythological images. Like, for example, in this case:

On the blue sea-okiyane
On the island of Buyan
An oak tree stands upside down
A beautiful girl sits on an oak tree.
This is not a red girl -
The Mother of God Theotokos herself.
She sews and embroiders
sews sick wounds,
pulls the thread from north to east
This thread is breaking
At the slave (name), hot blood subsides
By this hour
For this time
For this holy minute!

Such traditional mythological images as "Buyan Island" (sacred Center of the World), "Oak uprooted" (World Tree) irrefutably testify to the ancient pre-Christian basis of the conspiracy.

As mentioned above, from conspiracy texts you can get information about the mythological ideas of our ancestors, their views on the world order, and much more. For example, the idea of ​​the sacred Center of the World (Buyan Island) or the First Matter (Alatyr-Stone) has been preserved in a more or less unchanged form solely thanks to conspiracies.

In relation to Christianity, it would not be superfluous to note that the very fact of using conspiracies as such contradicts the Christian worldview, which is extremely negative about any magical practices. In Christian sources, we can repeatedly come across angry words addressed to people practicing Voloshba: “I’ll lie in dreams, I’ll put a cat in my head, in lessons, in divination, in cursing and nauzy wear (…) who has forgotten God…” . The following passage from a church document specifically denounces the treatment with the help of Voloshba: “To this, another is like wine: weakness, weakness, to lie and learn, with charms, without need to bring and without the verb, shake to create (drive away) ... Damn it is. (...) The Lord does not speak cunningly with charms and nauzes, neither in strech, nor in climbing, nor in Czech lying, then the filthy is evil ”By the way, such a position of the church by no means eradicated the use of various magical means among the people.

In the letter of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, dating back to 1648 (that is, hundreds of years after the baptism of Russia), there are, in particular, the following lines: sick and over babies are doing all kinds of demonic sorcery and are excommunicated from the rule of law by Orthodox peasants ”This fact, along with many others cited above, also serves as indirect evidence of the originality, authenticity of such a phenomenon as conspiracies in general for Slavic culture, as well as the strangeness of this phenomenon for Christian culture.

Some features of charm texts: rhythm

From a religious and magical point of view, a conspiracy is part of verbal (speech, verbal) magical practices. Some of the incantations have a purely everyday, “mundane-practical” purpose, and this is their difference from praises, koloslavs or ritual songs, mostly related to ritual magic and pursuing, if you like, more spiritually lofty goals. At the same time, conspiracies are known that are used for non-domestic purposes, namely, in the course of ritual (ritual) actions - both rituals and holidays.

One of characteristic features conspiracy is its special rhythmic organization. The presence of rhythm in the texts of incantations brings them closer to poetic genres, however, in this case, the rhythm plays not an aesthetic (as in poetry), but a purely practical role: “Unlike the song and epic genres of folklore (...) in incantations, the rhythmic organization is not so much aesthetic , how much a pragmatically conditioned technique, it is a necessary tool for any “suggestive” text, providing the magical power of a conspiracy and acting together with other techniques that are directly related to the strategy and tactics used in conspiracies to influence the state of things in the world "

The idea of ​​rhythm, which is one of the foundations of the Universe, is the most ancient and characteristic of almost any traditional culture, since rhythm, from the point of view of mythological thinking, is perceived as a visual form of the ordering of the Universe - the change of seasons, the change of time of day, the change of various periods in a person's life - in everything this sees a certain rhythm - the Natural Rhythm of the Universe. Further, following one of the foundations of mythological thinking already mentioned here, namely the "Law of Similarity" - Natural rhythms must be repeated at all levels - from the Divine to the human. Therefore, from the point of view of mythological thinking, various techniques of interaction with the Spirits of Nature, Ancestors and Gods, in particular, verbal appeals to Them are possible only in a rhythmic form, which is the text of both praises and incantations. This fact is confirmed by numerous researchers of this topic: “a conspiracy is a traditional rhythmically organized formula, which a person considered a magical means to achieve various practical goals. The conspiracy was credited with the unconditional power of coercive influence on people and nature, primarily due to the fact that it is rhythmically organized in a special way "That is why the vast majority of spiritual texts of antiquity have a rhythmic form - from texts in the Sumerian temples or the ancient Aryan Rig Veda to the Scandinavian" Elder Edda ".

Conspiracy magic

There are a number of beliefs and prescriptions among the people regarding the use of conspiracies - starting with the preservation and transmission of their texts and ending with the actual application. For example, there is a belief that the texts of conspiracies cannot be passed on to older people - from this they can lose their magical power. Therefore, the keepers of conspiracies ("knowledgeable people", "enchanters", etc.) passed them on mainly to those who in the future had to continue the practice of using conspiracies.

The conspiracy is pronounced in a special manner - in a deliberately changed voice (louder or quieter than usual, whispering, muttering, etc.) and is accompanied by an increase or, on the contrary, slowing down of breathing, depending on the purpose of the conspiracy and the personal practical experience of the person reading the conspiracy.

Often, the pronunciation of the text of the conspiracy (verbal part) is accompanied by certain actions (actional part) using certain objects (real part). The trinity of these components is also based on the "Law of Similarity" - the spoken words are "fixed" by the subject-effective component. Such, for example, is the binding of rags or threads symbolizing the fates (or rather, the Threads of Fates) of two people, which must be connected (when reading love spells), burning or releasing any objects through the water, symbolizing what a person needs to get rid of (when reading healing spells), etc. In a number of conspiracies, spatial orientation is also important - as a rule, healing and protective conspiracies are pronounced facing east. In some cases, this is indicated in the text of the conspiracy itself:

I will become (name)
I'll go out of the hut through the doors,
From the yard - gate
In an open field
To the east side

Conspiracies associated with inducing damage and curses (the so-called "dark conspiracies") are pronounced facing west:

I will become (name)
I'll go down the path
wolf hole
I'll be on Sunset face
On the sunrise ridge

Conspiracies related to a specific situation, such as stopping bleeding, are spoken directly to the object - in this case, the wound. Healing conspiracies, as well as conspiracies to remove damage, are also slandered by turning to the patient, but so that the speaker is facing east.

The course of the conspiracy action largely repeats the structure of the large Kologodny Rite, now adopted among the followers of traditional pre-Christian culture. This also manifests the organic Unity of the Big and the Small, the manifestation of the Will of the Gods at all levels of the Universe. In fact, the conspiracy and the actions accompanying its reading are a small Rite.

The course of the Kologodny Rite is as follows:

1. Consecration of the place.
2. Speech blasphemer.
3. Beginning.
4. Praises and the position of the requirements.
5. Circular brother. Perception of the Power of the Gods.
6. Conclusion.

1. Site preparation
Depending on the purpose of the conspiracy and other factors, the whole complex of actions associated with its pronunciation begins with the preparation of the place, the necessary items, etc. Here, the place is “cleared”, for which special protective words are pronounced that contribute to the successful implementation of the whole complex of actions related to reading the conspiracy.

2. Appeal to the Gods
Then, as a rule, a request can be made, or simply a verbal appeal to the One of the Gods Whom the person most reveres, or to the One Who is responsible for the sphere of the Universe to which the conspiracy is directed.

3. The beginning of a conspiracy
The pronunciation of the actual text of the conspiracy can be conditionally divided into several parts.
The texts of most incantations are preceded by a beginning - a more or less standard verbal formula, usually looking like this:

I will become (name)
I'll go out of the hut through the doors,
From the courtyard - the gate ...

First of all, the beginning is a description of a magical journey, a symbol of the departure of a person reading a conspiracy to the Sacred Space, to the World of Gods, Ancestors and Spirits.

I will become (name)
I will go from doors to doors,
From gate to gate
To the east, to the east,
To the Ocean Sea...

In general, the beginning is designed to provide a person with a certain mood, to save him from inappropriate given time and in a given place of thoughts, in order to introduce him into the Magical Space, in which there is a direct interaction with those Forces to which the conspiracy is addressed.

Often in the beginning there is a description of the "dressing" of a person in visible manifestations Higher Forces, denoting the symbolic unity of man with the Natural Elements:

I wash myself with honey dew,
I wipe myself with the red sun,
I wrap myself in clouds,
I gird myself with frequent Stars ...


I will cover the sky
I will gird myself to Zorya,
I'll take off the stars...

4. Entering the Downworld
This is followed by a description of entering the Lower World and a description of the Sacred Space itself, in which, as a rule, the main, fundamental mythological objects (Stone, Tree) are listed, which, from the point of view of mythological thinking, are the Basis of the Universe, contact with which is thought to be favorable in itself.

On the Blue Sea-Okiyane
On Buyan Island
The oak stands upside down
Yes, branches to the bottom ...

It is characteristic that a certain number of incantations do not have words of initiation and begin directly with a description of the Sacred Space. Also, the beginning is absent in cases where the verbal part - in fact, the words of the beginning - is replaced by an actional one - by one or another action.

5. Interaction with Gods and Elements
After the description of the magical journey and the Sacred Space, the incantatory part itself follows, containing a request, motivation or requirement of a certain nature, depending on the purpose of this or that conspiracy:

- Goy thou, Hot Sun,
The Sun is Hot, Light-Dazhdbozhe
Don't burn, don't burn
Vegetable and my bread
And burn-burn you
Puppet and wormwood-grass ...


How the rain did not break through the water
So would I (name) in the name of Perunov
Swords and arrows did not pierce
My body would be stronger than the White Stone
And how stones are thrown from the water
And the bubbles bounce
So it would be from me (name) in the name of Perunov bounced
Arrows and spears-sulits ...

Often, the verbal incantatory part can be accompanied by certain actions. Such, for example, as “washing away” with water, “blowing away” with air, “burning” diseases or damage by fire.

6. Closure
The conspiracy text ends with a fixing ending - confirming, "closing" the entire complex described above:

Be you, my love spell
Stronger than stone
Stronger than iron
Century after century
From now until forever!


My word is strong, but there is no other!

Since the plot has the status of a magical text, the reproduction of which should be as accurate as possible, often the closure is also designed to neutralize or correct various inaccuracies that may have occurred when pronouncing the previous text:

Be my words and slander
Some non-contracts
Full-full of strong-molding,
Stronger than fire-flame,
And the Alatyr Stone!


Be my words
Who agreed and did not agree,
And who spoke
Word by word,
front to front,
back to back
Medium in the middle.

Also, within the framework of modern traditional culture, the function of closing can be performed by just a short syllable - “Goy!”

The above sequence of steps is general trend and conspiracies with such a structure are now recognized as "classical". At the same time, there are many deviations from this scheme - there are many conspiracies that are not accompanied by the indicated actions and do not have such a complex structure. Such conspiracies are pronounced depending on the specific situation in which the person finds himself or depending on the influence on the person of various kinds. external factors- for example, these are conspiracies to stop bleeding, etc.

There is also a group of so-called "one-time" conspiracies - their texts are compiled by knowledgeable people exclusively for any one single case.
This, in general, is the range of issues related to the use of conspiracies.

The purposes of the use of conspiracies are extensive. According to professional researchers: “they played a prominent role in traditional medicine, in love, domestic and social relationships. Often their role was reduced to irrational methods of influencing the world around them. The rational nature of the influence of certain types of conspiracies on the state of human body.

The meaning of suggestion and the role of the word are proven modern science. Their psychotherapeutic effect is widely known"

It should be noted that in addition to their functional purpose, many conspiracies are also distinguished by truly poetic beauty, which reflected the harmonious and prideful worldview of their creator people - a respectful attitude towards the Natural Elements and magical unity with them, the depth of centuries-old Spiritual quests, the invisible Rope of the Russian Spirit , stretching to us from the depths of millennia ...

In conclusion, let's say that the practice of using conspiracies is accomplished by the trinity of Thoughts, Words and Deeds, addressed to a single Goal:

My slander cannot be avoided
Word-deed can not be broken! ..

The discord between these three components can lead to the futility of using conspiracies. Only one reading of the plot is not enough, without Willpower. Therefore, incantation texts can serve not only as a tool to achieve the desired effect, but also, in some cases, as a way to gain the inherent Harmony, Lada, lost by many of us...

Another section of Russian folklore, rooted in the distant primitiveness of the Stone Age, are numerous and diverse incantations.

Pre-agricultural hunting animism, belief in ghouls and shorelines, and propitiation of their “requisitions” can to some extent be represented by later folklore materials. The material closest to this topic are conspiracies - pagan spells for almost all occasions: for a successful hunt, for protecting livestock from forest animals, a talisman against diseases, spoilage and all evil, good luck spells, a love spell for girls or boys and maliciously inciting misfortune on their own. enemies.

It is very important to note that among the conspiracies as such, there are absolutely no spells related to agriculture. Agrarian magic was widely manifested in the New Year and spring-summer cycles of ritual songs and usually had a collective character, while incantations, as a rule, were individual. The genre of conspiracies was created, apparently, before the establishment of the dominance of agriculture.

Significant literature is devoted to East Slavic conspiracies.

The material collected by the researchers consists of two groups: one includes the records of the ethnographers themselves, and the second - old handwritten collections of conspiracies compiled by sorcerers and healers in the 16th - 18th centuries. or representing court records on witchcraft cases. The records of ethnographers, as it seems to me from my own little experience, do not reflect the fullness of the spells that actually existed. This is especially true of harmful magic, since the village sorcerers, famous for their ability to send damage, were extremely reluctant to share the secrets of this dark and punishing craft.

A feature of the old handwritten collections is, firstly, the predominance of protective formulas over harmful ones, and secondly, the Christianized form of many conspiracies, when the carriers of evil are shown not vampire ghouls, but demons and devils, and the deliverers from evil are not ancient coastlines, but Christian saints and angels. This should not confuse us, since Christian dualism was not an invention of theologians, but reflected very deep primitive ideas that existed from ancient times among all those peoples among whom Christianity spread.

The deep archaism of conspiracies shows through even in their language. The dictionary of conspiracies is full of old, long-forgotten sayings: “chramina” instead of a hut, “ubrus” instead of a towel; “gobino” (harvest, grain), “tiun” (princely steward), “guest” (merchant), “sorcerer” (sorcerer), “haratya” (parchment), “zed” (clay foundation); “magic”, “idol temple”, “ghouls”, etc. It seems that the primary records of conspiracies were made by some literate and bookish magicians back in the Middle Ages. Sometimes archaic signs lead even deeper: for example, hunting prey is a beast killed with a spear; a spear can be a throwing spear (“borzo spear”); a herd of cattle is called "Vlas'ev (Veles) family".

In some cases, in conspiracies there are archaic words that are incomprehensible even to the healers themselves. So, in one conspiracy from wolves, which I wrote down in p. Vshchizhe (Bryansk region), a “hort with hortenyats” was mentioned; the narrator-sorceress did not know the meaning of these words, which were not used at all by the locals. “Khort” is a wolf, as is clear from some Russian and Bulgarian dialects, but in the example given, this long-forgotten word was included in the incantation formula along with the mention of the wolf and wolf cubs. The second example of forgetting the original meaning is the word "drain", translated by some informants as "gadfly", "gadfly", but the true meaning of which should be closer to the concept of a dragon or a lizard: St. Yuri speared "reptiles and reptiles and plums". In another plot, a plum tree is mentioned lying on the ocean under an ash tree, next to a pangolin. It is unlikely that Saint George was chasing a gadfly with a spear, and one can hardly say about a horsefly that he was lying near a lizard. The word survived, but the meaning is obscure.

A conspiracy in antiquity was a verbal accompaniment to a pagan incantation rite. To the share of researchers of the XIX - XX centuries. got only minor fragments of the ceremonial side and props; words have long been torn away from actions and have become almost a complete replacement for them.

Part of the ritual is sometimes included in the text of the conspiracy; it is the time and place of casting spells and the unusual way of the caster himself. Time is indicated very differently: “at sunset”, “as people fall asleep”, “in the morning”, “for the old month”; sometimes the restriction is stricter: “on Ivanovo Friday”, “on Maundy Thursday”, that is, only once a year. The place of casting the spell is usually "dark forest", "black forest", "green oak forest" or somewhere "by the water", "by the grave" or even by the anthill. Sometimes you have to go "to the open field." The actions of a person going to utter a conspiracy spell, or, more precisely, a slander, are peculiar and sometimes completely opposite to the usual, ordinary:

I will stand without blessing.

I will go without crossing

Not gates - dog holes, cockroach trails.

Not in an open field, but in a dark forest ...

I'll go ... without blessing ...

Not at the gate - through the garden hole.

I will not go out to the east side,

I'll take a look at the sunset...

I will go to the evil side, to the west, to the father of Satan ...

I wash myself not with water, not with dew,

Dry off not woven, not spun - dry off

I'll get up without blessing...

I'll go downstairs, basement log,

A mouse hole, a dog chimney, a doorway.

I will stand to the east with a ridge, to the west with my face.

Break out, hell! Make way, Mother Earth!

Come out of this land one hundred and seventy devils….

It should be said that such conspiracies with the reverse, irrational actions of the caster and with an appeal to evil forces were uttered not to protect themselves from possible misfortune, but, on the contrary, when the conjurer himself sought to harm someone. In other cases, conspiracies often obeyed Christian norms, and the order of pronunciation was usual.

The action of conspiracies

The effective side of the rites, in which incantations were only a verbal addition, is almost forgotten or poorly recorded by folklorists, whose informants are very reluctant to reveal the incantation rite in its entirety. Sometimes only fragments of ritual actions become known to us. So, for example, in order to separate two lovers, you need to cut off a slingshot branch and, with the appropriate plot, break the knot into two “parts”, burn one of them and bury the other in the ground. The conspiracy explained that just as the two “parts” were forever separated, so the guy and the girl were separated forever. In order to defeat the enemy, one should, for example, leaving the hut, kick a high stupa with his foot and knock it down on the floor: the enemy should be defeated in this way. The action was accompanied by words. When pronouncing one hunting plot, the following were needed: aspen bark, cobwebs, dewy incense and virgin grass; what actions were performed with these drugs is unknown.

Often, the conspiracy should have been spoken for bread, for a gingerbread given to the bride, for salt, for water or wine, for a needle, for the trace of the person to whom the conspiracy is addressed, for thistles, for wool sheared from cattle, etc. All this required special props and the fusion of words with actions performed in a certain way at a strictly defined time.

Of exceptional interest are handwritten books with conspiracies for many occasions. Here, in these ancient manuals on black magic, the reader of the 16th - 18th centuries. found not only the exact texts of conspiracies, but also a detailed description of all the necessary actions and the props or potions required for their execution.

For example, here is a description of the actions of the caster, which is extremely important for archaeologists, who find many human figures made of clay in the layers of different eras and are far from always able to comprehend their purpose. The book provides for the desire to send famously on your enemy; for this you need:

"Make a man by the water in his [ enemy] a name from clay, carry it to a secret place and put it standing, but shoot the 27th arrow in the belly.

In the process of shooting, "far away" arrows and a conspiracy is pronounced with all dashing wishes; the magical formulas of the spell are supported by the magical actions of the rite. In some cases, we see in these witchcraft books advice to directly address the unknown (alien) dead, i.e. vampire ghouls:

“Before reading the conspiracy, you should dig a grave where the unknown dead is, and not take the dead out. Yes, remove the top board and straighten the shroud and thread the needle through the shroud three times ... “In this way, the prepared needle is used at the moment of pronouncing the plot.

Information about the rites, conveyed by authentic materials of the 17th century, is precious to us, since the various ritual actions that had to be performed by a sorcerer or layman resorting to a spell in order for the spell to have power are not clear from the texts of the conspiracies.

Sometimes the description of actions regulates all the actions of the caster in such detail and in such detail that it can be called a ritual script, a kind of pagan service book. Here is one of the options for the ritual of protecting livestock during the first spring pasture in the field:

“First: get up in the morning before dawn, take the horn that has been in the beast, and let the cattle go for the summer. Outline it three times, and go to the outside side of the yard yourself, and say: “Let the iron circle of my cattle be sharp on vacation!”.

Yes, put the horn on the other side of the gate, and the walkers say:

“Show my cattle to every black and gray beast, and I will roam with a stump and a log, and a stone from this day and all summer to white snow.”

Yes, put a candle to St. George yourself. Please pray for life...

Yes, you yourself put a burning candle of one candle, but make sense of dinner, but in store for that day: fresh pike, and the bones of that day are not swords.

Yes, as you dine, move the table away, but don’t touch anything on the table, but flood the candle burner ... and go out into the yard with your whole family, and let all the cattle out of the yard, blessing yourself, and stand against the horn.

Yes, take a horn, and put it in such a place in a secluded place, so that no one touches it, while the belly (cattle) in the forest walks to white snow.

Yes, having come to the hut, hide (put in order) the table in the likeness.

And don’t give the bones to the dog of that day, and don’t give anything to anyone.”

In the same manuscript there is another version of a similar rite:

“Eve of Yegoreva days on the night of the cattle in the barn do not put anything. Get a scythe (black grouse), and with a scythe a chicken egg; yes, put a candle without fire in the evening before Yegor. As people fall asleep - one or two people of you (how to come to Yegor) - bow three times.

Yes, take an ax and a scythe and an egg, and take a candle and light it, lift it into your hands and carry it to salting, and pull the ax in your right hand along the ground, and in your other hand carry the candle and the scythe by the throat and the egg, go three times and say: “Let an iron tyn become near my cattle from earth to heaven from the beast and from the wolf and from every beast that walks the earth, and from the forest.” And go around thrice and speak thrice. When you come to Yegor, put a candle with fire and put an egg on a hundred (?), And kill the scythe with a knife with a back and say: “To you, holy Yegor, a black ram from me and from my cattle, and you, holy Yegor, guard and take care of my cattle ... » .

Conspiracies for weapons

In other amulets, other recipes for magical actions are given, but the verbal part remains more or less stable. Among the props are mentioned: wool from cattle (from each head), a lock and a key, a pike, and almost certainly one of the peasant weapons - an ax or a hunting spear. The spear, the oldest weapon of man, is given special importance in conspiracies. So, the epic Dobrynya Nikitich, having defeated the Serpent, “slanders” his spear, which should destroy the harmful snake blood:

Beats with a spear on the cheese-ground,

He himself says to the spear:

Make way, mother, cheese-earth ...

Deep archaism emanates from the recommendations of the first rite above: in each hut in a secluded, secret place, a horn, already stained with the blood of a bear, should be kept; it serves as a sacred item when spelling the integrity of cattle being driven into the forest.

Rites and conspiracies, as they are component, reached the XVII - XX centuries. in a much updated form; they are overgrown with Christian symbols and terminology, they mention many relatively late realities, such as a lock and a key, but their spirit and all the magical manipulations recommended by them take us to a deep and distant primitiveness.

The primitive worldview comes out especially clearly in the most detailed long-winded lists of those forces that can help or harm a person. Here are a few typical lists:

“... I conjure and curse all the evil spirits and from evil people and from his house ... [ The prayers of angels, and their darkness] drive away and move away

any malice

and deceit

and envy

and jealousy




cunning eye,


tongue fading,


and all that is harmful, and the advice of evil people,

dashing look,

and other lessons are evil, dirty,

and evil sayings of demons,

and vows

and soul-destructive spells and

bodily harm, and ailments,

and deadly ulcers,

and all sorts of shkoda of this life

vain to wretchedness and belittling

belly and name ... everyone

sorcery of the magicians.

What evil - let it move away

Having enumerated all the possible types of misfortunes that hostile people can bring to a person, who magic with all sorts of magic, the compiler of the spell seeks to further provide for all the diverse circumstances of causing evil:

“And what is evil in that house, this prayer will be read in it, as if it will be allowed, if it is bound in heaven or on land or in the sea, yes it will be allowed!

Even on this earth:

or on the way

or on the field

or in the mountains

or in caves

or the abyss of the earth,

or in the baths

or in the oven

or in the temple of idols,

or in a vault

or in the roof

or at the door

or at the window

or at the top,

or at the bottom,

or in mud

or at the base

or in the wall

let it be resolved!

Or in the yard

or at the entrance

or in the door

or in a bar

or in a ditch

or in the tree

or in a leaf and root and branch

- let it be solved!

Or on the poly

or in the fields and in the vineyards,

or in rveh,

or in the grass

or in the tree

or in the river

or in the source,

or in good hair,

or in fleshly skin,

or in the main ubrus,

or in foot shoes,

or in gold

or in silver

or on the ground (clay plinth),

or in copper

or in lead

or in tin

or in iron

or in sea fish,

or in the four-legged animals of the earth,

or in birds

flying through the air.

Movable and immovable

in charter or on paper,

or in ink

or in some thing -

The compiler of this prayer-conspiracy, taking care to prevent evil spilled everywhere in nature and in the whole environment of man, lists the entire fauna and all elements of the landscape (rivers, forests, mountains, grasses), the courtyard and house of a person, his clothes and shoes, all the materials from which objects are made (wood, copper, gold, iron), and even parchment and ink, with which harmful formulas can be written. Regardless of Christian phraseology, of later accessories (like paper), we feel here an extremely early animistic worldview.

Nowhere, except for conspiracies, does primitive animism appear so fully and in relief. The literate "sorcerer" retained in the most accurate way the characteristic feature of animism: the ubiquity of spirits and their ultimate concreteness. It is not enough to mention the estate of a man protected by a conspiracy as a well-known complex, he had to list 17 separate elements - from the threshold to the roof, from the stove to the window. Of course, Potebnya's student A. Vetukhov was right, who was the first to connect the origin of conspiracies with animism.


Let's look at a few more examples that are important for understanding animism. Conspiracy-prayer from "uskopu" - from damage:

“Let neither the underworld nor the air forces touch me, the servant of God, name, or my house, or family, or sub-kind of my offspring

not in the days

not in the night

not on the way

nor by the rivers and banks,

seas and rivers and lakes,

and water sources

in the mountains and hills,

and sands

and at crossroads and waters,

and at slopes,

and wilds, and forests,

and in the swamps

and in the fields

and vegetable gardens

and various gardens

and mansions,

sources, and wells,

and in every construction:

and unkind,

field and steppe,

nor in the temples of God

and prayer houses

nor at the dissolution of the chapels,

which, when covered with forest ... ".

A conspiracy from corruption seeks to provide for all options for dashing people who can send a disease:

“... I’ll go to an open field ... I’ll wrap myself in a cloud, I’ll gird myself with the morning dawn, I’ll hundred for a young month, I’ll shut up with frequent stars

from the spectators

from a parable

from bites, from white,

from a stubborn person,

from a wicked person

from black,

from the dark [ redhead ],

from blond,

from the black eye

An interesting hunting conspiracy "hunt for animals or birds."

Its beginning is similar to the previous conspiracy - from damage from a variety of dashing people. The main content of the conspiracy is to prevent the harmful ability of “comradely thought” and “envious eye”. The Mother of God, at the request of the hunter, should send the holy spirit to help him, which would protect him from the sorcerer and sorceress and all sorts of spies:

And secretly watching

and openly watching

and watching from the tail,

from the hut of the beholders,

from the watcher's window,

and through the window looking,

from the canopy of the beholders,

from the gate, look from under the gate,

look out of the tynu

and meeting walking looking,

and behind walking looking ...

And so that I, the servant of God,

couldn't even poke

don't spoil

I don't think to think

not a thought to think...

And who cannot read the forest in the forest,

and he could not me, a slave

goddamn it...

not in the new month

not at the expense of the month,

not in between days,

not at the dawn,

not at evening dawn,

not at sunrise

not by sunset

no one a day in the sun,

not in the night with a month,

not early in the morning

not in the evenings late,

“Set, madam, mother, the Most Holy Theotokos ... all around me is an iron tyn from lessons and prizes ... from earth to heaven on all four sides.”

The countless host of ubiquitous evil ghouls (or people controlling their evil power) in conspiracies is also opposed by an immense host of good forces, coastlines, the role of which by the 17th century. has already passed to Christian saints (over a hundred of them are listed by name in conspiracies-prayers) and thousands of thousands of angels.

Malicious conspiracies

Some conspiracies provide for a person’s desire to become dashing, to send evil on someone, using the gloomy power of ghouls. It is these harmful conspiracies that are devoid of a Christian element and begin with a denial: "I will go without blessing."

Moving evil spells in the right direction is carried out with the help of winds:

... The winds are violent,

brave winds,


night and midnight,

day and noon,

blow and blow

Dmitri Alexander dry and love! ..

Idols, devils, cover these words.

The archaic, hunting layer in conspiracies includes spells for successful hunting for wolves, foxes, lynxes, "bead wolverines", hares. Saints are asked to:

Rush and drive from all 4 sides

on my skier, on my trail...

gray roaring wolves,

stormy and brown foxes,

gray lynx,

beaded wolverines,

white rabbits...

Would run (animals) from all sides:

from east and west, from south and north.

On a day in the sun

and at night - for a month,

by small frequent stars,

no mosses, no swamps, no rivers, no lakes would keep (animals).

Would run for thirty lands,

over thirty seas,

because of thirty rivers,

There are special conspiracies addressed to the bear and to the lynx, conspiracies from wolves, also going back, obviously, to a distant hunting season.

Above, in a number of cases, I freely used Russian medieval terminology, correlating conspiracies with the concept of “ghouls”.

I think we have a right to it. In some conspiracies, we are talking about pagan graves (“idol graves”), and sometimes ghouls are directly named (“... stubborn and sage ...”). In a number of cases, ghouls are not named by this name, but are clearly implied: the sorcerer, sending damage to a person, asks in his conspiracy to help him "the dead, the killed, the fallen from the tree, the lost, the unbaptized, the nameless ...".

In some conspiracies, the lists of those who died not by their own death, alien dead, suicides become as detailed and comprehensive as the above lists “from the tail of the beholder” and “through the window of the beholder”. All these dead people are ghouls, evil spirits are the subjects of evil. They basically fall into two categories: these are people who died prematurely as a result of misfortunes (i.e., defeated by evil forces), and strangers who died not in their own tribe, or people deprived of traditional funeral rites.

D.K. Zelenin very clearly divided the old Russian ideas about the dead into two polar, opposing categories: on the one hand, the dead generations of native ancestors (grandfathers, dzyads) are the patrons and defenders of the living, and on the other hand, “dead people”, “ mortgaged dead", ghouls that harm living people.

All conspiracies-slanders that send damage, death, separation, cold, loss of livestock, drought, fire, provide for the implementation of a malicious plan through these "dead men" and ghouls, whose souls are either near the place of accidental death, or in marshy swamps and bogs, but they can also move (mainly with the wind). Therefore, in such slander, earth from the grave, a shroud from the grave of the "unknown dead", a dead hand, nails from a coffin, etc. are often mentioned or used as accessories of the rite. And conspiracies-amulets, as a negative reflection of harmful slander, provide protection from ghouls, driving them away with the power of words and magical rites. The concept of "malicious ghouls" is probably very close to the old Russian "Navi", vicious dead, flying in the night winds and killing people; they tried to propitiate the navi by drowning a bath for them on Maundy Thursday.

The “mortgaged dead” were not buried according to the usual rite, and the church should not be blamed for this, since according to Christian views “without church singing, without incense” only suicides were buried, and in general all unnaturally dead (“killed, lost fallen from the tree"). If such a “dead man” turned out to be buried in a common cemetery, then, according to popular beliefs, he could cause great general misfortunes, and if misfortune occurred, then it was necessary to dig a ghoul from the grave, pierce him with an aspen stake or pour water (in case of drought) and throw the corpse out of the cemetery.

Bishop Serapion of Vladimir in 1273, during the great “poverty”, condemned such actions: “Oh, evil madness, oh, lack of faith! .. Do you pray to God that you drown or suffocate? Do you want to calm down God's punishment with this? . He wrote about such customs in the 16th century. Maxim Grek: “The bodies of the drowned or killed and defeated are not worthy of burial, but when I take them out on the field, we take them away with a stake.” If, in the spring, “icy winds” blew, which could freeze the shoots, then “if we see some drowned or killed one who has not been buried for a long time ... we will dig up the accursed one and regurgitate him somewhere far away.”

Along with such decisive actions, which aimed at neutralizing the "evil ghoul", appeasing the dangerous dead was widely practiced. Once a year, for seven, they were commemorated and buried. Zelenin gives an interesting example of a commemoration for enemies. In Obonezhie, the graves of the "foxes" - the Poles who robbed the local villages in Time of Troubles. "Panov" was commemorated on Semik (the seventh Thursday after Easter); “In honor of them, they cook kissel, which they eat at the chapel in the grove. One year they missed this festival, and there was a crop failure of oats, which was attributed to the revenge of the "lords"; Since then, they have been celebrating neatly every year. Before us here is the real sacrifice to the harmful dead, about which the author of the "Word of the Idols" of the XII century. said that in ancient times the Slavs "put trebs to ghouls ...".

Ideas about the special mysterious, but partly controlled power of ghoul ghouls should have arisen very early, even in the bowels of the hunting society. That ubiquity of the spirits of evil, which is marked by Russian conspiracies of the 17th - 19th centuries, their connection with dark forest, shaking swamps, bagnas, ravines, rivers and lakes suggest that the unknown Mesolithic forest, which then covered half of Europe, left its mark on the initial ideas about the forces of evil lurking in these places. It was easy to get lost in this forest, fall from a tree, looking out for the smoke of your camp, drown in a quagmire, die in a fight with a pack of wolves. Those who perished in no one knows where, defeated by harmful forces, obviously themselves became, in the eyes of their relatives, dangerous representatives of the camp of invisible, supposed prags. In all likelihood, the ghouls also included killed real enemies, strangers, and “fiends of the human race” - criminals expelled from the tribe and who died outside the tribal territory.

Collected by clerks of the 17th century. and ethnographers of the 19th-20th centuries. pagan spells and slander have come a very long historical way. The vitality of this genre, its practical use up to relatively recent times, led to its replenishment with many later elements. Of the two halves of the primitive dualistic worldview - the spirits of good and the spirits of evil - only the second survived in its form, while the first (spirits of good) was almost completely Christianized. The pagan spell that accompanied pagan actions turned into a Christian prayer, where the echo of primitiveness was only the obligatory plurality of human defenders: tens and hundreds of saints and "the darkness" of nameless angels.

The ancient coastlines were completely replaced by Christian characters.

Dualism remained in the sharp contrast of the formulas of conversion, in the details of rituals. When it came to helping people, protecting them from evil spirits, the person behaved as usual: he washed himself, crossed himself, went through the doors and gates into the open field, turned his face to rising sun. If the person himself conceived a black, evil deed, then he went, “don’t bless”, “dog hole” at sunset or at midnight and not into an open field, but into a dark forest, closer to the dwellings of ghouls.

Evil forces are depicted in incantations in an unusually archaic way, and this helps us to some extent to imagine the main essence of primitive hunting animism.

Firstly, the evil forces of conspiracies are connected to a large extent with various dead, alien, unknown and therefore hostile, or with their fellow tribesmen who died an unnatural death, that is, according to the ideas of a primitive hunter, defeated, captured by the evil forces of the forest, swamp , river pool or hostile Horts, lynxes and wolverines. These are the likely foundations for the belief in ghouls.

Secondly, conspiracies persistently and pedantically, to the fullest extent of the imagination of their writers, affirm the ubiquity of evil forces. Evil lies in wait for man everywhere; they pervade all nature. The accumulator of evil and the cause of evil can be not only the forest in general, but also certain tree, and not only the tree as a whole, but also some part of it. Therefore, the conspiracy provides for the neutralization of the evil principle "in the tree, and in the leaf, and in the root, and in the branch." Evil can threaten from everywhere, any object, any person, any “daring look” from the window, from behind the fence, from under the gate or through a crack in the hut can be a source of malignity. The carriers of evil are the winds of all directions, all the "seventy-seven winds", noon and midnight.

The power of ghouls is devoid of anthropomorphism. The emanation of evil comes from the ghouls, but the evil force itself, carried by the winds, is formless, incorporeal and invisible.

Traces of primitiveness in Slavic folklore and culture

Hunting primitiveness, the millennium-long time of the formation of mankind, human society, its relationship to nature and the initial time of the development of a worldview left an indelible mark on the religious ideas of all subsequent times.

Totemic representations, animism, magic of all kinds, the cult of animals and the cult of ancestors - all this is rooted in different chronological layers of the Stone Age, in the psychology of primitive man in the era of appropriating economy. However, the remnants of these distant views are well traced among all civilized peoples (including the Slavs) up to the 20th century, intertwined with a powerful stream of other ideas generated by the agricultural era.

In this chapter, we have only partly examined the traces of hunting primitiveness in the later East Slavic folklore, briefly touching on some rites and partly on the cycle fairy tales. There are a lot of them, these traces, in ceremonies (komoeditsy, turitsy, etc.), in folk costume (headdresses: horns, magpie, kichka, kokoshnik), in round dances and dances (goby, gander), in children's folk games, which often turn out to be the last stage of the degeneration of ancient pagan rites (for example, the already mentioned “Lizard”).

Conspiracies-spells reflected archaic animistic ideas about coastlines and ghouls, about the ubiquity, complete dissolution in nature of harmful, hostile forces.

All this is of great interest to us and should be considered in detail, but it is advisable to do this only after we have become acquainted with the second great epoch in the life of mankind - the epoch of agriculture, which gave rise to many new ideas.

The hunters of the Stone Age were considered here, of course, without connection with any ethnic groups (only remnants traced among the Slavs were caught); in the next, agricultural, era, the contours of the Proto-Slavic massif will already be indicated, and the consideration of pagan ideas will gradually acquire, so to speak, Slavic concreteness.

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