Tragedy of the Civil War. (M.

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The civil war, in my opinion, the most cruel and bloody war, because there are sometimes close people who have once lived in one whole, a single country that believed in one God and adhere to some ideals. How does it happen that native people get up different sides Barricades and how such wars end, we can trace the pages of the novel - Epopea M. A. Sholokhov " Silent Don.ยป .
In his novel, the author tells us how the Cossacks lived to be abolished on the Don: worked on Earth, were reliable support Russian kings, fought for them and for the power. Families them lived their work, in prosperity and respect. Merry, joyful, full labor and pleasant worries The life of the Cossacks interrupts the revolution. And in front of people stood unfamiliar to the challenge of choice: whose side to take, to whom to believe - red, promising in all equality, but denying faith in the Lord God; Or white, those who served faith and the truth are their grandfathers and great-grandfathers. But do you need this revolution and war? Knowing what victims will need to bring, what difficulties to overcome, the people would probably respond negatively. It seems to me that no revolutionary need justifies all victims of broken lives, destroyed families. And so, as Sholokhov writes, "in the death of the brother goes to his brother, son on his father." Even Grigory Melekhov, the main character Roman who has previously opposed bloodshed itself easily solves someone else's fate. Of course, the first killing of a man G Luboko and hurts him, makes it makes a lot of sleepless nights, but the war makes him cruel. "I myself became a terrible thing ... I look into my soul to me, and there black, like in an empty well," Gregory admits. All the brutal steel, even women. Recall at least the scene when Daria Melekhov kills Kotlyarov without praying, considering his killer of her husband Peter. However, not everyone is thinking about why blood sheds, what is the meaning of war. Does it really be rich for death "? Or to defend the rights common to all, the meaning of which is not very understandable to the people. A simple Cossack can only see that this war becomes meaningless, because it is impossible to fight for those who rob and kills, rape women and set up at home. And such cases were both on the side of the white and from the red. "They are all the same ... all of them are a yarm on the neck of the Cossacks," says the protagonist.
In my opinion, main reason The tragedies of the Russian people, touched literally everyone in those days, Sholokhov sees in the dramatism of the transition from the old, the eyelids formed, to the new line of life. Two worlds face: everything that was previously an integral part of the life of people, the basis of their existence, suddenly collapses, and the new one still needs to be taken and get used to it.

The civil war, in my opinion, the most cruel and bloody war, because there are sometimes close people who have once lived in one whole, a single country that believed in one God and adhere to some ideals. How does it happen that native people get up on different sides of the barricades and how such wars are ends, we can trace the pages of the novel - Epopea M. A. Sholokhov "Quiet Don".

In his novel, the author tells us how the Cossacks lived to be abolished on Don: they worked on Earth, they were a reliable support of Russian kings, they fought for them and for the power. Families them lived their work, in prosperity and respect. Merry, joyful, full labor and pleasant worries The life of the Cossacks interrupts the revolution. And in front of people stood unfamiliar to the challenge of choice: whose side to take, to whom to believe - red, promising in all equality, but denying faith in the Lord God; Or white, those who served faith and the truth are their grandfathers and great-grandfathers. But do you need this revolution and war? Knowing what victims will need to bring, what difficulties to overcome, the people would probably respond negatively. It seems to me that no revolutionary need justifies all victims of broken lives, destroyed families. And so, as Sholokhov writes, "in the death of the brother goes to his brother, son on his father." Even Gregory Melekhov, the protagonist of the novel, previously opposed by bloodshed, is easily solved by someone else's fate. Of course, the first murder of a person deeply and hurts him, makes it take a lot of sleepless nights, but the war makes him cruel. "I myself became a terrible thing ... I look into my soul to me, and there black, like in an empty well," Gregory admits. All the brutal steel, even women. Recall at least the scene when Daria Melekhov kills Kotlyarov without praying, considering his killer of her husband Peter. However, not everyone is thinking about why blood sheds, what is the meaning of war. Does it really be rich for death "? Or to defend the rights common to all, the meaning of which is not very understandable to the people. A simple Cossack can only see that this war becomes meaningless, because it is impossible to fight for those who rob and kills, rape women and set up at home. And such cases were both on the side of the white and from the red. "They are all the same ... all of them are a yarm on the neck of the Cossacks," says the protagonist.

In my opinion, the main reason for the tragedy of the Russian people, touched literally everyone in those days, Sholokhov sees in the dramatism of the transition from the old, the centuries of the formated way, to the new line of life. Two worlds face: everything that was previously an integral part of the life of people, the basis of their existence, suddenly collapses, and the new one still needs to be taken and get used to it.

The civil battle, in my opinion, the most cruel and bloody battle, because sometimes close people are fighting, once who lived in one whole, a single country, who believed in one God and adhere to some ideals. How does it happen that native people get up on different sides of the barricades and how such wars are ends, we can trace the pages of the novel - Epopea M. A. Sholokhov "Silent Don".

In his novel, the author tells us how the Cossacks lived to be abolished on Don: they worked on Earth, they were a reliable support of Russian kings, they fought for them and for the power. Families them lived their work, in prosperity and respect. Merry, joyful, full labor and pleasant worries The life of the Cossacks interrupts the revolution. And in front of people stood unfamiliar to the challenge of choice: whose side to take, to whom to believe - red, promising in all equality, but denying faith in the Lord God; Or White, those who served faithfully their grandfathers and great-grandfathers. But do you need this revolution and war? Knowing what sacrifices will need to bring, what difficulties to overcome, the people would probably respond negatively. It seems to me that no revolutionary need justifies all victims of broken lives, destroyed families. And here, as the Sholokhov announces, "in the death of the brother goes to his brother, son on his father." Even Grigori Melekhov, the main hero of the novel, who had previously opposed bloodshed, itself easily solves someone else's fate. Of course, the first killing of a person strongly and hurts him, makes it makes a lot of sleepless nights, but the battle makes him cruel. "I myself became a terrible thing ... I look into my soul to me, and there is black, as in an empty well," Gregory admits. All brutal steel, moreover, women. Recall at least the scene when Daria Melekhov kills Kotlyarov without praying, considering his killer of her husband Peter. However, not everyone is thinking about why blood sheds, what is the meaning of war. Is it really "on the need richly driven to death"? Or to defend the rights common to all, the meaning of which is not very understandable to the people. A simple Cossack can only see that this battle becomes meaningless, because it is impossible to fight for those who rob and kills, rape women and set fires at home. And such cases were both on the side of the white and from the red. "They are all the same ... all of them are a yoke on the neck of the Cossacks," says the main hero.

In my opinion, the main reason for the tragedy of the Russian people, touched literally everyone in those days, Sholokhov sees in the dramatism of the transition from the old, the centuries of the formated way, to the new line of life. Two worlds face: everything that was previously an integral part of the lives of people, the basis of their existence, suddenly collapses, and the new one is still needed and getting used to it.

General Education Material

Examine texts and determine which images of "red" and "white" are present in the mass consciousness of descendants - participants in the civil war in Russia.

In the mass consciousness of descendants - participants in the civil war in Russia there are opposite images of "red" and "white": red - good, bold, honest characters, and white - insidious, cruel, stupid people. And exactly the opposite: white - noble, honest characters, and red - negative, coarse, cruel.

What, in your opinion, do they contradict each other? What question can you have on the basis of this contradiction?

Who are the characters in the civil war?

Word your own class challenge, and then compare it with the author.

Who is right in the civil war

Repetition of the necessary knowledge

Explain the meaning of the term Civil War.

The civil war is a large-scale armed confrontation between organized groups within the state or, less likely, between nations, which were part of the previously unified United States. The aim of the parties, as a rule, is the seizure of power in the country or in a separate region.

Signs of civil war are the dramatity of civilians and caused by these significant losses.

Ways of conducting civil wars often differ from traditional. Along with the use of the warring parties of regular troops, the partisan movement is obtained, as well as various elemental uprisings of the population and the like.

Remember, in the history of which countries there were civil wars (10th grade).

Civil wars happened in the history of the USA, Italy, Spain.

What events of the revolution 1917-1918. Leided Russia to the Civil War?

Russia to the Civil War led the events of the revolution 1917-1918:

Overclocking the constituent assembly,

Signing the Brest world with Germany,

The activities of Bolshevik Products and Combeds in the village (seizure of bread from wealthy peasants)

Decree of Earth, which caused the economic crisis

Ban free trade bread

Analyze the composition of the opposing forces.

Take the conclusion: on whose side was the truth in the Civil War?

Three opposing forces:

Red, Bolsheviks ( most of workers, the poorest peasantry, part of the intelligentsia);

- "Democratic counter-revolution", esters, Mensheviks, anarchists (part of workers, secondary peasantry);

White, Cadets and Monarchists (Cossacks, Former landowners, capitalists, officials, officers, a significant part of the intelligentsia)

Conclusion: In the Civil War it is difficult to determine the right. "White" defended the legality and statehood, "Red" fought for a new one, for changes, but dictatorial, violent methods.

White movement began to be issued in early 1918, when the generals M. Alekseev, L. Kornilov and A. Kalin collected voluntary parts in Novocherkassk. The Volunteer Army was headed by General A. Denikin. In the east, Admiral A. Kolchak became the White leader, in the north-west - General N. Yudenich, in the south - A. Denikin, in the north - E. Miller. You failed to connect the fronts to white generals.

White, like red and used the peasantry for permanent towers - the army had to feed. This caused displeasure peasants.

Analyze the text and conclude on the problem of the lesson "on whose side was the truth in the Civil War?"

In the civil war, white fought for legal order and the preservation of the country with a thousand-year history. Red - for the idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding a new, just socialist society. "Green" (peasant detachments) - for the right to live on their land, not paying anyone in theatest and without state intervention. The share of the fault of each side, any citizen of Russia should determine himself. To combine in this matter we can only desire not to repeat the tragedy of the civil war, avoid violence and learn to negotiate with each other.

Moscow: The rebellion of Left Socialists was suppressed - the design of the one-party Bolshevik dictatorship in Soviet Russia.

Highlight 3-4 main events, which, on the one hand, predetermined the victory of the red, and on the other - the defeat of their opponents

Armed suppression of opponents of the Soviet power by the Bolshevik-Levetearean detachments of the Red Guard. Education anti-Bolshevik governments In Ukraine, Don, in Transcaucasia and other outskirts of the former empire.

Soviet Russia: Announcement of "Red Terror" (September 5, 1918) - Taking hostages from "Former Naming Layers" and executing them for every attempt on Soviet leaders. The formation of the rebellious council of the republic led by L.D. Trotsky (supporter of the strengthening of the discipline by shooting for desertion), the abolition of the election of the commanders, attracting military officers - former royal officers, monitoring the army through communist commissioners.

MOSCOW: 10th Congress of the RCP (b) (March 1920): a refusal to "military communism" (PRODUCTORY, prohibition of trade) and the transition to the NEPU (selling, freedom of trade), but confirmation of the dictatorship of the proletariat led by the Communist Party.

Profile Material

Complete your solution to the problem of the general education level, examined it in a new aspect: "Why did the red win in the civil war?"

Spend a critical source analysis and conclusion on the problem of the lesson "Why the red won in the Civil War?"

The red won in the civil war because their actions were clearly organized, centralized, rigid. In addition, they announced the transition to a new economic PolicyWhat attracted the peasants to their side. White did not have such a centralization, on the contrary, the commander of their troops competed with each other and acted more cruelly than red, restoring pre-revolutionary orders.

Perform the analysis of texts. What are the reasons for the red victory allocated in each of them?

In each of these texts, similar reasons are called:

Union and centralization of the Bolsheviks

Attracting the Bolsheviks of Military Specialists of the Tsarist Army

Make a conclusion on the problem of the lesson "Why the red won in the Civil War?"

The red won in the civil war because their actions were clearly organized, centralized, rigid. In addition, they announced the transition to a new economic policy than attracted the peasants to their side. White did not have such a centralization, on the contrary, the commander of their troops competed with each other and acted more cruelly than red, restoring pre-revolutionary orders.

1. War is a tragedy for peaceful people.
2. The enthusiasm of the first call troops.
3. "Today brother, and tomorrow - the enemy."

Any war is a big tragedy for the people, in whose country she comes. Sholokhov in the novel "Quiet Don" masterfully describes this folk disaster. First world War Preceded civil. And many cossack Stunny Already fully felt wartime. Each of them has already collected and sent its first call army. Many families have already understood that they will have to lead their economy without men. And some even managed to get a funeral.

Cossacks were drawn into a new conflict. Instead of the end of the war, the war unfolded - in new territories, on their own fields that women did not have time to treat, in their villages, where small children were left without protection. Historically, Cossack settlements were military, but for many years of peaceful life taught people to solve controversial issues without weapons. And Cossacks of the Civil War, described by Sholokhov, are no longer the harsh warriors who were the first to organize these settlements. After the war, they were squeezed by drying and homely sizzy. And the war did not stop and constantly demanded new injections: people, food, uniforms. Cossack Stanitsa Poled Day Day Day. In every house with horror there was a new day: whether the funeral comes, whether hungry marauders will attack, whether they will get wounded from the broken regiment, whether the last cow will be taken from the courtyard for the Army's Purpose, or the order will come to work urgently and put the order to get ready for battle Another military building. Many farms were completely ruined and burned at home. There were families where the mother received a funeral for every son and, having spent the husband killed the same grief, died on a shop from despair.

The first troops of the village were equipped as a parade of troops. Happy conscripts of the first stage in vainly traded for the best military form, very beautiful decorations For horses. Speed, on the downstream building horses, Gartented guys before all the farm and in front of each other. Childish delete glowed in every face. The news of war was perceived as joyful news, as an opportunity to relax from the routine rustic life, show yourself, your youth delete.

Gorky disappointment has already brought the first "military actions". Instead of fun fights and fierce attacks that boys dreamed of so much, the shelves went and walked, then ahead, then back. Then unexpectedly attacked the enemy and broke any unsuspecting rows. I first encountered death, not everyone turned out to be ready to see her terrible face. Frightened, many after the first fights did not want to return to construction. The violent moral of the militant Cossacks remained only in their memories, and in the fairy tales of old people.

Those who were able to overpower their fear and managed to support the honor of their people, were not ready for professional military actions. Annual fees that were conducted to train soldiers were actually only formality. Without training and military knowledge, the boy became an easy target for regular german army. On this, in fact, the Bolsheviks were played, raising civil war during a terrible folk tragedy. And the calculation was true. Most soldiers, exhausted and tired, believed the promises of the rapid end of the war, and in addition to getting all power.

At that moment, the tragedy of the war was repeatedly intensified by the fact that the people, yesterday still standing in the trenches shoulder to the shoulder, went through different directions of the front. Tired soldiers threw weapons, as the Bolshevik leaders called on, and went home. They suffered home the ideas of free society, the overthrow of the king and power, they told about this to the fathers and younger brothers to raise them on the defense of a new building. But the elderly lived life was not trustful. Although it was not easy to live the life of the rear, but it was tightly supported by tradition. Everyone knew his place in society, his capabilities. And how to live with a new government - it is still unknown. It is impossible to live without power - these are old people know for sure. And if the new government begins with the war, then it does not have to wait for it.

So, the fathers did not support their sons. The younger brothers were in front of a difficult choice: to become the enemy of the father or brother. Father life gave, taught everything he knows. Live to live with my brother. At a difficult moment, who will help, except father and brother? But this split did not bring more grief than mothers. Yesterday a strong familyThe brothers who joyed the mother with their power, youth, look at each other enemies. For the mother, everything is good that her child is good, but how two truths in one chest lay? And there are no joy mothers: children returned, but others.

From the houses this trouble came, and in the army. Brothers, yesterday's game comrades, neighbors became enemies. However, the most terrible grief was not this, but the fact that the majority of those who put to the new way did not think about his essence. Only units traveled to the core of the idea. Others just believed in the possibility of a happy peaceful life. We were delighted with the promised land and horse. These simple peasant peasants, who never studied politicians, believed to theorists who said hotly, convincingly. The fact is that these boys did not want anything bad for their comrades. But they did not want to notice that their ideas contradict the science, which developed in the people. Science, according to which they lived in the ancestors for which they themselves rose.

But the tradition of this time retreated. Tired, exhausted people accepted new law. And the new power has completely started its path in the country. In the novel, "Silent Don" Sholokhov does not describe the device of a new society. However, the first steps no longer promise nothing good. The country is destroyed, the farms are broken. The poorest to the war, the peasants lost even those crumbs that had. New citizens of the new country needed to wear and feed. And again defeat - the exverser. Military power does not know how to live in the world - those who promised the world and happiness after the defeat of the "class enemy" began to look for a new "class enemy". Misfortunes never come alone. Like a snowball, it rolls and, gaining weight and speed, sweeps more and more victims on its path.

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