Life in the village pluses and cons. Cons of life in the village

Garden technique 20.09.2019
Garden technique

Life in the village. What is she, this life? On the Internet they write a lot about the advantages and minuses of rural life. The usual urban resident is very difficult to understand, and how really life is in modern Russian village. What is happening there? How and what do the usual villager? Is it hard for them or very easy? What do they care? The site continues to talk about the realities of today's village and the life of its inhabitants.

We offer you a second part of the conversation with Svetlana Lukina - a resident of the modern Russian village (read the beginning of the article).

I. And how are you doing now? How your proceeds life in the village? I personally see in my village that every year it gets worse and harder to live. Go going to the city? If not, why?

Svetlana.At first there was not so much business as learning. How to properly contain, feed, milk (the diploma of the zootechnology did not particularly help - in practice everything is different). Where, what and how much to acquire. Where, what and how much to sell. Although there were no problems with the sale of special. It was more often for sale.

Milk and cottage cheese wanted himself. And the grandmother to refuse milk at the standard rustic price of 50 rubles for three liters was inconvenient. In winter, local cows are more than 6 liters per day do not give, gradually reducing and this fish. Two months of milk are not allowed at all (launch before the echo). After a hotel, 6-9 liters of milk daily leaves a calf, at least within two months. But if you want to get a good animal on the tribe, it is better to ride longer.

So they saw, because we were born alone chicks. Leave, raised everyone, no matter how much money needs. Why? I do not know. Just some stupor in my head: grow at any cost. Growing the second cow, and it became much easier: that year to work on the side only in winter. This year is not needed. Two dairy cows feed themselves, two chicks and us. Profitability!

But we achieved it not only by increasing the orders. I had to limit yourself in the consumption of dairy products. I had to learn to speak no wishing to buy milk at a barn rustic price. Another important moment: moves to the village, we smoked 3 packs of cigarettes per day for two. The evening without a bottle of beer for me was considered to be in vain. Spouse consumed and stronger drinks. Get rid of this infection, it turned out, almost harder than to create a profitable rustic economy. But when they got rid of, it turned out that it was on almost all the money.

Ahead - Perspective! Unattended demand for dairy products and 2 already adult chicks. However, everything has its own price. When she climbed the second cow, it could not be seminated for almost a year. Cases with different bulls: no sense. Everyone said: "Dir, she does not seene. Hungry itself walk, and this is useless feeding the cattle." One good person Said: "Try the dilener." Three months of seeking without cash, the first two thousand rubles earned by two thousand rubles, without thinking, gave the services of the disiment, without any guarantees. But it turned out. "Useless beam" has long calculated with percentages for funds invested in it.

Sepesenator - a specialist in artificial insemination of farm animals.

In the summer it was possible to arrange another chick. But again, the problem: the absence of her estrus. Polloli hormones, spent on a disiment - the first time it did not work. However, the sexual function was restored, it means insemination. Although everything around is already taught: "I can't get anything, why do you kill in vain?"

Yes, in the two words about rural life you will not tell. Back to the city? NEVER!!!

So, about the city ...

We will rely on logic. The person is, above all, the organism, for the normal functioning of which oxygen, water, food, physical activity is necessary. To breathe exhaust gases, drinking chlorine with rust, there is a pleasure of Karaganan and Nitrate sodium, while having deprived himself the movement - the crustane path in the grave. From this point of view, the city is the place in principle not suitable for life.

The following is a living space. Equip country house In several rooms amenities or buy a house with amenities, will cost hundreds of thousands of rubles. Purchase odnushku in the city will cost millions of rubles. Question: Why acquire less living space for big money?

Especially given the fact that its site and green spaces around will be attached to the house in the village, and the city apartment is a mighty staircase, Car stream and crowd of embittered passersby.

I do not consider rented accommodation for housing at all. Figuratively speaking, there I do not have the desire for even a nail into the wall to score. My time spent on this, my work and my nail will be in the end unknown to whom.

It is necessary for a person, in addition to the above, also cultural values. Previously, I was embarrassed that while in the province, I losing access to the books of interest to me, music, movies. Now there is an Internet.

Another person needs work. Here is perhaps the key problem. You can earn money in the village, although here it is really much more difficult than in the city. But when work is only a way to make money, does it make any sense to engage in such work? Life is short and spend its most part of it on business, not interesting and not bringing satisfaction: in my opinion it is too cruel to yourself. When the only favorite thing is possible to do only in the city, it means to live in the city.

As for me, the brewing raging is that, the only one favorite occupation, without which life loses the taste. And stay, no matter what in the village, make me not so much above logic argumentsHow much feeling of delight and happiness from every moment spent here, from everything around, from everything that I do. And if there is no such feeling, then you should not stay. Nor in the village, anywhere else.

I. I agree.

Svetlana. These reasoning about the city and the village will remain not complete, if not to tell about the changes in the state of my health associated with moving first to the city, and then back to the village. Leaving the countryside, I did not know about any health problems. I didn't know what fatigue, even if half a day dragged the water and another half a day of Collane Firewood. A year after moving to the city, I learned what a cold is (which did not happen to me from orphanage). Further sharpening became several times a year. There are problems with digestion. Then there are still problems with pressure, frequent dizziness and even fainting. Having half the day on the legs, it was tired so that nothing could do anything else. And it treated it completely calmly: the years go.

When he got into the village again, it turned out that one bucket of water to do with the well is almost unbearable work. And the most modest half of it categorically refused to split at me under the ax. But gradually drawn up. We left somewhere all sores. Disappeared full fatigue. Health fully restored. Sometimes, it seems, I feel even better than in youth. Two buckets of water in their hands do not notice. Slip the firewood is a question of several days. Although influenced on it, it seems to me, not only moving to the village, but also a refusal of bad habits.

I. how local population Receded and belong to you? I had some problems? Do you consider you for your local rustic or even early?

Svetlana. How did the local population take us? Yes, in general, there were no problems. The appearance of new people in the empty village caused a positive rather. Mostly everyone tried to help. Although in the village, as in the city, people are different. There are good, there are bad. We started here close friends and enemies. In general, I easily, well with these people. Both be friends and swear. Husband is more difficult. He is a man purely urban. I see that sometimes does not know how to behave. Do we consider us for the local? Well, it is not for me to ask.

I. Your rustic business, what is he?

Svetlana. What is our rustic business? 2 cows, 2 chicks. Own milk is gradually well. The husband cooks cottage cheese, faces in packages of 0.5 kg and brings in a bag by train to the city along with the milk of the last milk in Poltarashka from under mineral water (the local population is supplied). Milk - 50 rubles per liter. Cottage cheese - 270 rubles per kilogram. Rides from one to three times a week depending on the flux. Maximum load - how much can drag on yourself. Usually disassemble everything. If sometimes it remains, I am pleased to eat yourself. Store, thus, nothing else has ...

I. And what is the distance to the city? Is it profitable to ride there? After all, the ticket costs money and the cost of the city is also there.

Svetlana. The city is 40 km away. The ticket costs 70 rubles. There and back it turns out 140 rubles. But I do not consider this for expenses.

Loaf bread in the village cost about 30 rubles, and in the city - 20. bottle vegetable oil In the village - 90 rubles, and in the city - 60 rubles. So compensate for road expenses (bread takes 3-4 loaf at once). The cost of the city is usually no. Is that a couple of whites and coffee, if at home did not have time to have breakfast.

When the bull is born, we sell the dealer at the age of 1.5-2 months. Comes, scorches right in the yard and takes off. Pays now 260 rubles per 1 kilogram of carcasses.

This year 15 500 rubles received for 1.5-month bull. It is not profitable, considering that he drank about 10 liters of milk every day, thus, in this way, in 45 days of his life of milk by 22,500 rubles. It is if milk is considered at our sales price - 50 rubles / liter. And if you consider milk to 18 rubles. / Liter, as its dealers are accepted, then it is very profitable. It is advantageous and the fact that itselves does not have to spend funds and time at the bottomment, storage and transportation of meat.

Further arithmetic is this: 3750 rubles costs 1 ton of hay. You can buy 4 tons of hay for money, which will be enough for winter punctures of his mother. It turns out that the annual content of the cow is fulfilled by the realization of its calf. And the money from the sale of milk is already your net profit. This is if the calf is implemented. But it happens, a chick is born, from which you want to grow a cow. It happens, no one is born, the cow remains Yalova.

I. How often does the cow have a born? After all, many think that if there is a cow, it will bring 1 or 2 calf every year and deemed profit and benefits. Without taking into account the fact that the cow puts the calf for 9 months, and the milk will not always be for sale ....

Is it really so profitable to sell a 1.5 month-old calf meat? After all, he weighs a kilogram 30, and even with bones and skin. Meat is very small. Our calves are sold for 7-10 thousand. People take them on writing.

Svetlana. The cow should be brought per year by calf. And only one or two hotels from a hundred are twins. There are truth, and more, but it is extremely rare. If no one is born - wines are usually a person.

Once in our village there was a flock in which private cows grazed, and with them - bulls. Everything happened there a natural way. Well, if for some reason it was not happening, then in the state farm, a dyeingman, branches worked. Then people left, almost did not become cows, did not make her herds.

The owners of the remaining burents began to fall out, tieting to the spicy. And on the owners lay a difficult duty to determine that only day in the month (day of sexual hunting) When a cow can be guided by a bull or to a dyeing. And it is not always easy to determine this day.

There was no further in the village of branching, there was no disiment, did not become private bulls. To the state -hold bull is not always allowed. Therefore, no one is born. Therefore, the last cows cut. Especially when the cow has something wrong: neither diagnoses nor treat it.

We are insequence from afar. It costs it in 2000 rubles, of which 1000 rubles are a dilener for work and 1000 rubles for its delivery. No guarantees. In extreme cases, we have a veterinarian: all the same 1000 rubles for shipping.

30 kilograms usually weighs a newborn calf. In 1.5 months with good feeding, he already weighs 70 kilograms. Our last was born very large. When stabbed, the carcass came out about 60 kilograms. Prices are high on milk calves: up to 2 months. It is advantageous for us to get rid of the Eater of Dear and Scarce Milk. Favorite calf is beneficial where cheap milk and where there are some more cheap feed.

About feeds, too, should be said a few words. When we moved to the village, the state farm could still prepare the feed enough for their needs and for sale. For the first couple of years, we bought food (sometimes they took the debt) in state farm. We bought, and the employees of the state farm they got almost free of charge: Creek Cattle and do not worry about anything.

Then there was no feed for sale. We began to carry from afar (additional costs). Now the state farm harvested feeds not enough even for its needs (the tractors fall apart, tractor drivers are retired). And locals, faced with this feed problem, get rid of livestock. You can, of course, take up the braid. But we have absolutely no time. Someone has no strength left. Someone such headaches are simply not needed.

It also affects the fact that the mouth now has to tie to the pegs. In the sultry weather of such tied animals stuck and jammed the clouds of heaps. You have to drive into the chill, mow and bring herb there. There is no longer before the workpiece of the hay.

Regarding regular customers, the husband says they are. But how much, it is difficult to say. In general, in the system of active sales, hope for a regular customer is considered rather evil that makes relax and not allowing to improve their art of belief.

I. What is active sales system? How does it work?

Svetlana. Active sales - This is one of the sales technologies to the client, in which the initiator of contact is the seller, not the buyer. Wherein potential buyer He could not earlier not to show interest in the product that he is sold. Of the 100 people who have brought to dialogue, 20 are ready to buy if they are on this to be mounted according to a certain formula. You just need to talk with these people, no matter where. The first transactions occur already on the train on the way to the city. Then finish regular customers, and it becomes quite simple.

In addition to milk and cottage cheese until recently we did not sell anything else. The separator was, but cream, sour cream and home oil left without a residue in our stomachs. Recently, the separator broke down, I still don't have a desire to correct it. Resting. Because to move after each use all its components, welded by milk fat - this is a really long and tedious thing.

The other day noticed that he began to germinate winter garlic. In order not to disappear, suggested a husband to try it. 10 rubles per 1 piece. 20 heads left with a bang. They also asked, but I did not have any lamb. Only spring. Here we learned that there is no one who is native garlic. The price of it is 500 rubles per kilogram and there are people ready at such a price to buy in any quantity. Only 1 kilogram of garlic is a lot. Mopic weighing 1 kilogram I allocated for sale. I think I will allocate one more. And more - no. You also need yourself.

I. I like garlic for sale. Not everything for some reason can grow it. And in the store the price has already started to stop. We must do it yourself. It is more profitable than grown cabbage, which in our rustic store sells 14 rubles per kilogram.

Svetlana. In general, I don't even know what to say about prices for rustic products. Milk when we came here, it cost 50 rubles for 3 liters at all. Now who has like. 60-100 rubles for 3 liters. This is if you find who sells. In winter, no one is likely.

0.5 liter cream or 0.5 liters pork fat 5 years ago, I also cost 50 rubles. Now finding such prices is simply not real. If someone's a dog as a foreign chicken cristed, from the owner of the dog - 200 rubles. And to sell eggs, chicken or other meat - it's all usually buying in the store. Prices really nobody knows about your home. For dairy products now also in the store. Potatoes - 100-200 rubles / bucket (depending on its size). Behind other vegetables - also in the store. We have people who do not even plant a garden. Carry out of the store and cabbage, and carrots, and even radishes. I once read a label on a packet with such radish: it turned out from Israel brought.

But we change the products often. We do not even change, but we treat, we give, when unnecessary, or if they ask something, we try not to refuse. Also treat us. Therefore, I do not start anyone, except for cows. From cottage cheese serum remains buckets. We treat her neighbor pigs. We are then treated with bass or eggs.

Dream to dilute the most different bird. But first you need to build her room, and most importantly, to upset normally beds. Perhaps already this year will turn out. With pigs - more difficult. The area is not safe on the African plague plague. To make here these animals - a big risk. Although people risk, hardened.

We had experience with rabbits, however, negative. Once the husband saw how they sell rabbit on the bazaar, and could not move from cells. A couple of kids had to acquire. Although at that moment I was specifically not to rabbits.

How to contain these animals, I explained to him and no longer interfered in anything. Everything seems to be good. To the right time eared scored necessary weightwere ready for the concern. But in the fall of the trouble - mixture.

At first, the boy got sick and on the advice of someone from the local husband immediately scored him. Next fell ill girl. I began to catch her and went out. In general, it is not necessary: \u200b\u200bthe animal recovers itself, but remains a source of infection for others like that. But there were no other rabbits in the district for a long time.

When the rabbit is completely recovered, we decided to find her in a gravy groom. Just did not have time. In the evening, passing by the cells, I noticed that the little animal somehow looked sharply, looked like, despite the fact that everything seems to be good. The next day, the rabbit was dead. What happened, to say difficult. Perhaps VGBC.

Since then, rabbits do not hold. I have no extra time, nor excess means to carry a vaccine from somewhere 2 times a year, which does not always happen in the district veterinary pharmacy. In the future, you can try again.

I. What mistakes did you make when moving to the village? And you, a person who lived in the village of 5 years, the difficulties at least were? What advice you can give those who dream and write: "I want to live in the village."

Svetlana. Errors when moving to the village and advice to those who dream to move? Already acquiring a house in the village, but just going there to move there, I tried in advance very carefully all planning. But real life made serious adjustments to these plans. Practice suggested that you need to do a lot differently. So, abstract plans are difficult to build here.

I. It is necessary to dream, but in moderation.

Svetlana. I think about moving to the village, it seems to me that it is necessary first of all to decide with my desires and with your capabilities (the presence of material means, health, knowledge and experience). After all, one thing is to move to the suburbs to breathe fresh air, admire landscapes, living in a comfortable house and buying environmentally friendly products from fellow villagers for money obtained, let's say, from renting a Moscow apartment. And another thing is to move on an empty place in full detachment from civilization to organize agricultural production there.

For example, we immediately had to put all the forces on the organization of production. There was no domestic amenities and thought. Only pinched the roof in the house, so as not to be charged. Conducted wiring (the house was without electricity). The lawshot of the gap, so as not to blow. Allowed I. serious mistake - Completely spoiled one of the stoves (there are two of them in the house): the metal elements of the construction in it was led, cracks appeared in the walls. As we were explained - this is from what they flipped strongly. How to turn the firewood, I did not know. That oven, which was necessary to drown in childhood, was completely different and dried by coal, the firewood was only on the cross.

With the repair of the house while not in a hurry. In general, it is accepted here: beautiful expensive wallpapers are glued on the wall curves, the rotten frames are beautiful, almost every six months ... such repair does not want to do. Although people are surprised, they say: "Why are so many cows? Zarezh chick, buy wallpaper, paint." No, from the chick I will better grow a cow to wallpaper on smooth walls glue and paint for new plastic windows Not spend. In this, I do not understand the local population.

I do not understand when a person receiving 8 thousand rubles per month goes to the store and records a bottlebody there pomegranate juice, persimmune and still the jar with a beautiful label. Although houses are garden, garden, cow, piglets, chickens. And then he says that can't get out of debts. Although, to whom that joy brings ... I would have pleased the acquisition of Dewar vessel (this is to seed the cows itself). Or the acquisition of at least some tractor burst. All because the prospect of a 100% profitability of rural business circles no worse than wine.

And more about errors. We purchased a gentle cow that gives a lot of fatty milk. Later it turned out that the cow was launched in itself not for 2, and 3 months before the calf (short milk, as they say here). If the calf is redoing, then we remain without milk almost 4 months.

Even later it turned out that we purchased a cramping cow. In the spring, she began to categorically refuse to graze on the rippled. Fucked by all imaginable and unthinkable ways. Local residents explained: the cow was never tied to the cow. The cattle had her former owners, where he wanted, no matter how they swear. Only last year They bought an electroplary. So, the cow, who never knew the restrictions in freedom, is indignant quite fairly ... conflict still with her, and with those in whose gardens it sometimes falls ...

Such disadvantages that are almost impossible to detect when buying an animal, great amount. For example, our second cow completely does not tolerate pain, which makes it difficult even injection of vitamins and is not fertilized by a bull, only in a disiment.

Such a mistake happened: somehow in the winter we unloaded the hay to the place where the garden is planted in the summer. Although it was incredibly hard. The seeds of clover and Timofeevka fell into beds, and the garden turned into a meadow.

There were mistakes and workpiece. When we bought them in front of the winter, they did not have time to dry and the heat was given little. When they bought in the summer and did not have time to beat, the firewood was quickly degraded in warm weather. Therefore, we are still trying to buy and prick in the winter, leave with ripples for the summer, and put only the next winter.

And, probably, the most important thing is that the person must learn to live in the village: in the village constantly nothing is missing !!! Especially if you live in a unavoidable house. Every day you need to ride water from the well. Heat it to wash the dishes, wash. It's all your hands in the basin, and the basin run to pour out on the courtyard. It is necessary to bring firewood, protruding the furnace (firewood to pre-break, maybe even drink). Three times a day to serve cattle: clean, feed, drink, make it up. In the summer the garden is added, the pcs (even if you do not get into the hay, outdoor territory You need to swing several times per season).

And the dream of having to live in the village, we will spend how much time spent in the forest and on the river and remained a dream. Moreover, behind mushrooms or fishing, living in the village, we began to get out much less frequently than in life in the city.

I. I had a similar situation this year. Around us at a distance of 30-80 kilometers there are huge chic salted lakes. In the summer, people come from cities to relax and to become. But I did not succeed, there was a lot of things. Garden, firewood, hay, and so on to infinity.

Is it worth it in such a village as yours, move to urban residents or not? Why?

Svetlana. Is it worth it in such a village, how are our to move to urban residents? Why not. Ecology. Excellent infrastructure. You can inexpensively buy Domishko with facilities on the street and gradually invest in its arrangement. You can buy a house where everything is already equipped, though it will be more expensive. We just need to think carefully to live in such a village. There is no work in the country itself, nor in the nearby settlements. And to organize a business, especially agricultural, will be really not easy.

I. As in your opinion, is it really possible to cope with the rural life independently? This question often ask me the readers of the site. Your opinion?

Svetlana. Immediately I will say that the arrival of the lonely townoor will provoke a lot of conversations to this very city. Most likely to withstand the annoying signs of attention from almost the entire male population of the village, including men of married and men deeply retirement age.

As for household questions, everything again depends on how well-acquired housing is, how much means there are means to attract hired labor in various cases (if there is still sober work force) And that the city-reason itself can.

For several years I actually coped with one. Husband had to work in the city, and in the village he was not shown sometimes for months.

And also, Vlad, there is such a wonderful writer - Anatoly Onega, writing about Nature, about the village and about returning modern man To life on earth. In one of his works: "Return to Earth", he leads my impressions of the first year of life in the village. It is here: This article is five years old.

I re-read this article recently, compared the numbers. Over the past five years, the population of our village has decreased twice! Sad.

I. With great pleasure I read the articles of Anatoly Onegov, writes very wonderful and truthfully. I advise everyone to read.

Svetlana. At the end of our conversation, tell us the readers of the site, where can I get your dairy products? Give the coordinates so that everyone can remember the taste of real rustic milk, cottage cheese and sour cream.

Svetlana. Regarding the acquisition of our products: while we sell only in the city of Spas-Demensk Kaluga regionwhere demand is still exceeding the offer. But production volumes will increase, it means that geography and an assortment will expand over time. Wishing to buy, write here:

Where it is better to live in the city or in the village of pluses and cons, all this and much more we will discuss in our article. Live in the city or lead your farm in the village? This question - eternal chap For conversations in the kitchen and hot disputes. Residents of the village are striving to settle in the city, even if the apartment needs to pay up to 60% of the salary.

Residents of cities do not understand how you can leave the village where your home and. Disputes can continue indefinitely if they do not consider each position from the comparison of the possibilities and disadvantages of the region.

Consider where it is better to live in the city or in the village, pros and cons of moving.

Life in the village Features

Residents of the cities are confident that in the village there is better to live, because there are natural foods, their home, the air is cleaner. At the same time, few of the townspeople really lived in the village for a long time. Trips to grandmother for a couple of weeks can not be considered an objective opinion.

What could be the pros in rustic life:

The air is an order of magnitude, than in the city.

You can grow your vegetables, fruits, berries. Engineering and receive meat, eggs, milk. You will be confident in their quality.

A trip to kebabs, fishing, the forest on the mushrooms is planned faster than in the city, and getting close.

Money is spent on life in the village less than in the city. In fact, because in the village there is no place to spend them.

Children walk freely around the surroundings. Here everyone knows everyone, so it is impossible to get lost.

If you are working in the enterprise, you can get to work with a bike or on foot. At the same time, it is time for the road smaller than in cities.

When you have your hobby, there will be more time to deal with. There are no essential entertainment in the villages.

You will have big garden And the flower garden, the place is enough on the plot.

If you choose between spacious home In the village and one-bedroom apartment in the city, some choose the house.

In addition, there are also substantial cons of moving to the village. And if you decide on a cardinal step, you need to see an objective picture.

Surprises of rural life

Reflecting on the benefits of life in the village, not everyone takes into account the shortcomings of such a decision. Naturally, some things can be replaced, modify or compensate, but facts remain facts.

What are the cons of life in the village:

There is no permanent job. If it is, then the salaries are far from urban. Some residents of the village work in seasonal way, then here you need to really work. Schedule from 8 and to 17.00, as in the city there is irrelevant.

There will be no elementary amenities in your house. Summer shower And the toilet on the street is not considered the limit of dreams. If you have convenience in the house, it will fly to a penny. Crow options how to equip life, and already buy a house, or think about moving.

There are no many products in stores. They can be ordered and you will be brought from the city, but for the price they will be more expensive, and the quality is not always good.

There is practically no medical defense in the village. If you urgently need medicines, then you will not find them in a rural pharmacy. Call home the doctor is almost impossible. The qualifications of personnel in rural hospitals is very different from urban analogues.

Your children will learn at school, where the training program is easier than in the city. At the same moment they will get 40% less knowledge than city children.

There is no cultural life in the village. Movie hiking, museums, developing mugs for children remain unavailable.

To have natural food, you will have to work on household and in the garden. At the same time, financial, temporary and labor attachments do not pay for full. If you count, what time does it really do homemade milk The owner of the house, it is easier to buy it than to keep.

Transport from the village to the city is not always regular. At the same time, you will stand, because there are a lot of people, and the buses are allowed on rural routes not quite comfortable.

You will have a slow Internet or it will not be at all. Not in every village is the possibility of connecting.

Additionally, you can find a few more points that require attention and refinement.

In the village you can live with comfort and pleasure if you have:

  • there is a car, and you can go at any time for products, medicines, things, and not depend on the schedule of transport;
  • there is a hobby that will take time after work;
  • there is good job Or your business that is not tied to a specific firm. Well lived in the village of remote workers, private professionals ,;
  • there is a plan than you will do in winter when the road will be snowing;
  • there is a house with amenities or money to equip life;
  • there are ideas for the development of the regions, and you move to test the work of your ideas;
  • there are developments for the development of your children and your personal development.

In general, living in the village is not good, and not bad. Someone comes here in the hope of saving and falls into the western hopelessness. Some people enjoy communicating with nature, and even organize and live in a village with comfort and benefit.

Life in the city Features

The cities are striving to leave up to 60% of young people from rural regions. Life in the city seems to be comfortless and complete victories. In particular, such thoughts attend those who move from the village to Megacities.

Consider different sides urban life. Is it hard to live well in a big city or is it all smooth, as it seems?

Life in the city What advantages:

You always have a choice how to spend free time. Dozens of master classes, trainings, free events pass every day. Exhibitions, museums and cinema work. You can make your leisure incredibly saturated.

The cities have a lot of interesting job and you will receive decent money.

It is possible to make a lot of useful dating. Easy to open your business.

Many round-the-clock pharmacies and ambulance Works like a clock. In addition to public clinics in cities full of private professionals. Health in the city is an order of magnitude higher than in the village.

You have the opportunity to choose which courses and mugs will go your children. The cities are full of schools, studios where you can take a child.

The cities have opportunities for personal development and sports.

In stores full of goods and food. Natural products can be bought in the market at grandmothers and do not need to work on them with their own hands.

In the city there are relatively good roads. Driving on the car will be convenient.

In the city you have accommodation with amenities, a removable or your own apartment.

In the city there is always a walk.

There is both the second side of the medal of urban life. Consider the details of the shortcomings of life in the city.

City Life What Minuses:

Most urban residents have a removable apartment. You have to deal with payment for rent and pay utility services additionally. As a result, these expenses eat up to 50% of the budget, sometimes much more.

Food in supermarkets and shops are not very good quality. And if you do not use the campaign to the market, the search for alternatives, you can significantly sway the operation of the gastrointestinal tract.

You need to get to work on transport. This consumption of money and a couple of hours of time every day.

To find interesting work Not easy, especially if you are used to working for someone for a fixed rate.

The air in the city was riveted by exhaust gas and waste industrial facilities.

In cities more peopleSo in the spring, and in the fall you will hurt more often with respiratory diseases.

In the city more financial expenses. Almost all entertainment paid.

At the same time, if you struduce your life, you can make a good job in the city. For this, it is not necessary to earn millions or be the second rockefeller.

Make a menu for a month and buy products wholesale. Thus, it will be possible to save a decent amount. Exceptions are products that must be fresh: meat, milk, bread. Semi-finished products can be done with their own hands, you will eat delicious food without additives.

Stylishly dressed will help the sales, pupil of things from other people, drawing up a wardrobe in their needs.

If you take off the apartment, then look for it within walking distance of work. Let it pay a little more expensive than housing on the outskirts. But, by saving a pair of hours a day, you can earn more than spend.

Look for your hobby. It can be decently earned on it to earn the circumstances so that you will not need to go to work soon.

Drink vitamins, follow the elementary rules of hygiene and behavior in crowded places. So you can strengthen your immune system and smoke less in winter.

Use time in transport is reasonable. Audio and paper books, courses, foreign languages All will allow not only to speed up time, but also to learn to things that have always lacked time.

Plan your time. Select what is important for you and put priorities. This will allow you to have a good time and enjoy life.

Clear answer to the question where it is better to live in the city or in countryside does not exist. Every person chooses an option that is close to him inner world and lifestyle.

If you like nature, you want to engage and grow vegetables, then the village will suit you better. Life in the village will be interesting and those who love silence and peace wants to pay more time to sports and their hobbies.

Life in the village allows you to create your business in the area agriculture. You can engage in the processing of secondary raw materials, needlework, growing greenery, vegetables, animals on meat.

Country life becomes popular

Environmental farms are popular with popularity. In urban conditions, you will not have such opportunities. In the village you can arrange your Russian bath and recreation area. This room will not be just a place for your holiday, it can be turned into a local SPA center.

In the village it is easier to promote some ideas and start your business. Business is easier due to the lack of competition. At the same moment you may face complete misunderstanding from the rural population, and customers will be less.

Life in the village can take pleasure if you know what you will do, how and where to live. The city will more suit those who are accustomed to active life.

If you can not sit in one place and deal with the same thing, you need new emotions and dating, then in the village you will be bored. City conditions are perfect for those who want to build a career, create a big business, have decent income.

In cities, young people are usually delayed, which has ambitions, plans for life and wants to receive a lot and immediately. Choose a place for life not for saving considerations, soon it will become sad.

The place for permanent residence must satisfy your financial, cultural and domestic needs.

We hope the article "where it is better to live in the city or in the village of pluses and cons" you liked it!

Probably, each of us was thinking about what conditions are rustic or urban - living better.

Cities attract many people with their broad spectrum opportunities for education and study, work and part-time, entertainment, leisure and many others. However, life in the village is also not devoid of advantages.

Pluses of rustic life

  • The most important dignity of the life of the countryside is positive ecological setting. Fresh air, nature, blue, not tightened by black smoke, transparent water without impurities and smell of chlorine ... These conditions provide healthy sleep, excellent well-being and, as a result, a good mood!
  • Fresh vegetables and fruitsgrown by own plotAlso positively affect human health. You can be absolutely confident as those products that eat. They can not only be manufactured independently, but also to buy from the neighbors. Environmentally friendly food is the key to health and longevity.
  • Pets - A special advantage. Living in the village, you can start so many fluffy pets as you can feed. They will not have to sit on the spot in a stuffy apartment, pleaseing the movements only from one wall to the other and walks on a schedule. Moreover, a rustic resident can afford not only a cat, a dog, a turtle or guinea pig, but a much larger animal - for example, a horse. Of course you need special careRequired I. special conditions content, but creating them in the village is much easier than in the city. Separately, it is worth highlighting the ability to start a cow or goat - these creatures will delight you daily with fresh milk.
  • Can not but rejoice and environmentwhere there is a rustic resident. Everybody knows each other. In such conditions, it is much easier to find good friends. The enemies, of course, can also be discovered ... But about it after.
  • Real estate prices are also the criterion for which the village, in most cases, bypassing the city. The house in a small village will cost cheaper than an apartment in a city high-rise building. There are from this rule and exclusion, but they are rare enough.
  • The total atmosphere of calm - It is she who reigns inside the village borders. Machines are rare, they are very few. Neighbors do not knock on batteries. Workers on the street are not blinking during the change of asphalt or the fixing of tram rails ... the singing of birds, the rolling of the edge in the wind and the noise of water in the local narrow river - these are the sounds that hear a resident of the village.

Life in the village is good in its own way: it is measured and calm, simple and much more close to the lifestyle, which our distant ancestors ... But she has a number of significant drawbacks, because of which many prefer not to move for the city trait.

Cons of rustic life

  • Few opportunities for development - Here is the main negative characteristic that the village has. Typically, residents of such settlements have to go to the city in order to get a good education, and after - high-paying work. Work in the village is, as a rule, trade in self-food products, physical work, Seller's position in a small store, waiter in a local cafe or librarian in one of the premises of the rural club. You can only count on the prestigious work within the city feature.
  • Here no big shopping center , Park with attractions, a mug for young skaters, a musical recording studio and a service for repairing mobile devices. Here do not conduct colorful, funny, cognitive festivals - local authorities rarely suite similar. If you want to visit the cinema, buy a new TV or get a massage - you have to go to the city. It is worth noting that usually the cost of movement from the village to the nearest urban locality Very great, especially if we are talking about public transport. Moreover, a lot of time is spent on the road.
  • An unprepared person will be difficult to arrange a good rustic life. Cow and goat need to milk, and potatoes - plant and dig. A resident of the village has much more daily routine concerns than the average city dweller. Much will have to do on their own, including - entertain yourself that follows from the previous point. Can you repair the roof if it suddenly starts to leak? Of course, you can cause a repair outfit from the nearest city, but how much will it have to wait for?
  • The elementary absence of the usual city dwellery amenities also few people can delight. It is possible that the toilet will need to go outside. Water pipe is far from all villages. Behind the water will need to go to the well. Would you like a shower? Top the bath. Electricity is now almost everywhere, but in the village there is much more interruptions with him.
  • Establish relationships with others may not be so easy. This factor is individual, but if you compare the village existence with life in the city, the main difference is such - here you are unlikely to be able to exist separately from the neighbors. Rustic residents love to be interested in each other's life ... Will you be lucky with the environment if you turn to live in the village?


So let's sum up. Rustic life is fundamentally different from the city - this can be said for sure. Probably, therefore, among the inhabitants of rural areas, a resident of the metropolis is always visible, and, on the contrary, the village resident is very easy to discover when he is surrounded by citizens. Someone will consider plus the fact that for life in the village it is necessary to have a wide range of various skills and skills, someone, on the contrary, it will seem very difficult or even unbearable.

But what should I choose? Traditional farm or modern opportunities and technology? Entertainment created by you, or entertainment created for you? Clean air and lack of bustle or career and prospects?

Before our family was decided to "move", we had repeatedly reflected on this topic. One of the methods of reflections was a leaflet separated by two halves. In the center we wrote "life in the village." In the left, we wrote "that we acquire," and in the right - "what we lose."

Highly good method Reflections! Organize the Bardak in thoughts; Specifies and reveals ill-conceived issues; Allows, repaid with him, once more soberly "top" look at the object of the question.

I suggest everyone to connect to this list and add your items there. So:

Life in the village. What we acquire

Your home on your land

+ a large space for life with much less
+ Independence and independence in survival issues: providing themselves with food, warmth, housing, subsequently - clothing, shoes, utensils and tools
+ Stop paying for housing
+ His sauna

Healthy society

+ Environment of people who think about their health, the future of children open to development information
+ Emotional support from them
+ ready to always help - and skills, and actions
+ lack of tickers like violence, crime, drug addiction, alcoholism, pornography

Physical health

+ OT clean air
+ from clean water
+ From the purity of food
+ from regular physical activity

Emotional health

+ No stress
+ more slow rhythm of life
+ solid life foundation
+ less fear for the future
+ closer the family relationship, because more time together, because the creation joint

Mental health

+ Stop clogging your brain unnecessary information
+ High-quality education for children: based on a clean practice


+ Daily time is exempt for different cases, for family, for yourself
+ Winter time weight - for creativity, family, walking and health


+ necessity Development "Washir", acquiring many different skills - in counterweight concentration and deepening of one
+ planning with a big horizon (you need to plan for at least a year ahead), and in matters of the organization of the landscape and the whole lifestyle - for many years ahead
+ survival in "independent" conditions
+ plants and animal care
+ handicraft

Understanding nature:

+ How the forest lives
+ what herbs grow and how to act on the body
+ like the sun and the moon in the sky go and affect our life
+ like plants, animals, mushrooms - interfaces

Revive the planet

+ Stop buying trash
+ Improving and multiply life in a small corner

Life in the village. What we lose

Amenities accommodation

- central heating
- water pipes
- Sewerage
- garbage removal
- stable a lot of electricity

Qualified medical care

- Svaruyu
- Surgeons
- Pharmacies

Modern education

(I do not even know, is it minus?)

Grocery stores

- Products of products close to home
- Wide range of products
- Exotic and hard-to-reach products

Other stores

- Finished clothes and shoes
- appliances and electronics
- Computers and other toys


- the ability to quickly and comfortably move
- Long Travel


- movie
- a television
- Theaters, museums and other
- Fast Internet
- cafes and restaurants; Exotic cuisine

What will add?

I had a choice in a certain timeAnd money for the house, not bad. But I was not myself. I still have a maman, who also needs employment, and since we are very similar to the energy, then it simply makes no sense to be given, because there is a complete understanding. As a result, I bought a house in the suburbs, for Maman and me - the charm, she has the opportunity to employment-to give private lessons of mathematics and piano, it turned out very in demand, people themselves find themselves and offer greater payment, communication with children, positive energy, person I just came to life after the death of a husband, and 20 hundred. irrigation suburban land is not so little. I have acquired the opportunity to practice on Earth, in parallel working, spreading the ideas of RP, studying the information and selection of the team for the future settlement. It so happened that in closeness, well, we simply do not have any settlements, and people for more than 50-70 km do not want to move away from the city. Yes, and the girl - the companion in life is better to find to the settlement than when you already have something, and it is just before the fact. So - the cons of life in the village: - in mind the absence of criteria for moving rapid and comfortable, finding a companion more difficult. - With a small or undeveloped settlement, a person in retirement is difficult to find employment and remuneration for his works (by profession), it is clear that the trouble is also a garden, but everyone, I am about the functionality that is in a person, but "stands" For lack of liberty. When energy is always not good ... will go to depression. Well ... And in the city he is in business and happy ...

I would probably add (or rather rephrased) + get closer to the ancestors - we work with your hands. With land, wood, water - with nature. And, accordingly, the understanding of the nature of the human body and the human soul. And why are long journeys are missing? Here are my thoughts on the topic of minuses like the theater (read all entertainment) and other stores (in principle, the same journey and all the convenience of living): - You need everything you need, right up to the theater. Having lived a little on earth you will understand - and is it really necessary? (We, for example, in the house sewer we bring, but will we use it in five years - I do not know) - You can always plunge into the world of the city. No one makes you tear all the ties and say goodbye to all familiar family. (I'm in this moment I am writing this comment while in Kiev. I arrived so to speak to plunge :) It was the question of entertainment that I was scared earlier. But my husband firmly settled faith: you can! Want - drive, entertain! Feel the difference. And now I already catch the difference. And what will happen in a year and would I want to go, this is a question. P.S. To the pros - cease to create garbage :)

Began to write on points and realized that after the "year", values \u200b\u200band significance change. This time. The second is that we pay in the city for all these amenities. Therefore, it is necessary to consider instead of "losing" - "cease to work on". Those. change your time on money. In the village you can do everything the same, but directly - and heating, and water. Azzy, you yourself once wrote that in the city for all this you need to pay, pay your time, plus the "suggestion value" is all the financial pyramid.

Until I found minuses. (Maybe after moving ...) For example, education is definitely not minus. The son cannot finish the second education in the "advanced" university, literally do everything to pay and pay. He recently traveled with a friend in small city, not the regional center, where he studies in absentia in the local university. When I returned, says: "You know, there is so clean, cozy, and imagine, you can come to the teacher at any time. Quietly explain, not yell when the student did not immediately understand. A friend passed the entire session in two days, and we need more week to dwell the teachers to appoint the day of the exam! I envy him wildly. " And about medicine. This case is in principle of the car, if not yours, then the neighbors familiar. They, too, maybe once, something will need, it will be the same village, and not a city where everyone is fencepred apart from each other. In addition, it seems that we have such a thing as insurance medicine, when, in the case, in the case of which the doctors are better and for you to go, and do everything possible to pull you out, otherwise they will get insurers after being insurers, and they can.

My friends sold cozy two-room apartment And moved to a small village 10 km from the city. I went to visit them and even envied how they were well placed. I also wanted to leave the concrete captivity somewhere in nature and freedom, but before we take a similar solution, you need to thoroughly think about it.

Friends moved on very valid reason: they were waiting . Everyone lacked the place, since the elderly mother lived with them. Catching that the property in the Volgograd region is cheaper than in cities, they bought a one-story building with 5 bedrooms. For the price they came almost good, the apartment was changed without surcharge, and the maternity capital went to repair the building. But can everyone just move?

Pluses of rustic life

The most important plus life outside the city - fresh air. Many say about pollution of the city atmosphere, but it is possible to feel it, only a few weeks arriving somewhere where it is cleaner, and then returning. The freshness of the village is very attractive, and in addition, noise around is also a bit. Of course, the cars flood the streets, but there are no trams, huge traffic jams, and after 12 night all freezes.

Plus, the real estate is significantly cheaper. Of course, looking where, but usually the farther from large megacities, the more pleasant prices. The cost also affects transport network, as well as the location of the infrastructure. If the village of residential, it has shops, clinic, kindergarten Both the school, the place is quite suitable. Instead of conventional two-room friends purchased a five-room house with all communications. And in the courtyard there is a bath and a couple of Sarai.

Your home is also small plot Earth on which can be grown vegetables, fruits or flowers. For someone it is a big joy. The most important thing is that you decide - concrete the territory or plant lawn. Every year everything can be changed, although it takes time and effort. On the territory you can put a gazebo, make a playground or corner for.

A huge plus life in his home is a separate territory. No annoying neighbors who can hear everything that happens through the walls. You can make repairs at any time and listen to music without restrictions. Fence isolates you from curious eyes, which allows you to maintain confidentiality.

Cons of rustic life

Moving to the village is an important stepwhich is worth thinking. You need to start with where you are going to work. Modern can not always provide a place by a specialist, and therefore difficulties will arise. My friends did not change work, they continue to go to the city, but at the same time they carry out the cost of movement. It is necessary to have personal transport, and also to take into account that the road will take some time.

For the growth of children, the village is very convenient, but it is quite difficult to develop them. There is a kindergarten, and it's great, but in question, the availability of sports institutions, music schools and others interesting placeswhere children will be able to comprehensively develop. This should be considered, because they will have to be in the city to get some skills.

Transportation is also a question. Of course, adults should have cars to be mobile, but the child until 18 years behind the wheel will not sit down. How will he ride a school or somewhere else? Even in 12-14 years old, he will have not very simple, so check what kinds of public transport are in your new place, how often go and how much cost.

It should be understood that life in the house constantly requires some kind of work. The flowing roof, climbed the sink, the burnt lamp and much more will require the skills or masters, ready to help at any time. The current will be permanent, and the costs of it will be significant.

Today we sell many very cheap housing in the region, but this is due to the fact that there are no good roads in the district. In the summer, the place seems very pleasant, but after the rain it is not possible to drive to the dwelling. The autumn-spring season becomes a nightmare for residents. And no one is engaged in creating conditions. When moving you need to make sure that everything is fine with expensive, there are no significant problems. Also learn whether there are no water interruptions, electricity and other elements of infrastructure. It should be understood that even the Internet is not everywhere today.

For myself, I decided that all the difficulties that could be encountered, for me is not a problem. All of them can be solved, there would be a desire. And the fresh air is worth it. But only a house I want to myself closer to the city, and I would not hurt me. While I only plan to move, but I think that soon I will succeed. Where do you live? I would like to know where it's better?

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