What helps with horseflies. How to easily get rid of horseflies and gadflies

The buildings 15.06.2019
The buildings

Blood-sucking insects are designed in such a way that, depending on the conditions of existence, they are looking for an object to attack by the smell of skin secretions, by body temperature or by appearance.

We meet with bloodsucking insects both outside the house and on the street: in the forest we are attacked by midges - mosquitoes, midges, ticks, gadflies and horseflies, and at home - bedbugs, lice and fleas.

Itching, which is caused by the bites of blood-sucking insects, is explained by the presence in their saliva of special enzymes that thin the blood and prevent it from clotting. In some people, it provokes allergic reactions, even death. Most often, the bite site swells and itches, that is, it itches.

Blood-sucking insects often become carriers of dangerous diseases - plague, encephalitis, typhoid fever, malaria and others.

Protection against bloodsucking in nature

Going to the forest or to the lake in the summer, you must always have a bottle of insect repellent with you. Gnus is a general term for all dipterous blood-sucking insects that live among grass, trees and shrubs.

Pharmacies offer a wide range of the most diverse and effective insecticides and repellents that repel bloodsuckers, such as DETA, Repekul, Benzphthalate, Taiga, Benzimine, Solarol and others that have long and proven themselves well. They are available in the form of aerosols, ointments, emulsions and lotions. However, the effect of all drugs is short-lived. About an hour later, depending on various factors, the smell weakens, and the insects begin to attack again. The difference between insecticides and repellents is that the former destroy insects and are extremely toxic, while the latter only scare away midges.

Despite the fact that chemicals are very convenient and effective, not all of them are equally safe - most of them contain the poison dimethyl phthalate. This substance is strictly contraindicated for small children and pregnant women. For this category of people, it is better to use natural oils of clove, camphor, anise or lavender.

The smell of vanilla against midges

The sweet and delicate aroma of vanilla is pleasing to our sense of smell, but completely unbearable by midges. Prepare the vanilla solution and pour it into a spray bottle. From time to time spray the liquid on yourself and on the child, and no diptera will encroach on you.

Even synthetic vanillin, sold in grocery stores in the baking spices section, will do. Dissolve one sachet in hot water and pour into a bottle. It is very simple and convenient.

You can also make a solution from natural vanilla. To do this, cut the pod and scrape out the seeds along with the inner pulp. Then place the seeds with pulp in boiling water and put on water bath. After half an hour, remove from heat and put in a warm place to infuse. After two hours, the solution will be ready for use. A glass of water requires 6-8 pods. The disadvantage of this tool is its color - it is very dark and leaves marks on clothes. This infusion is recommended for adding to the bath while bathing the child. A baby smelling of vanilla can sleep peacefully in a stroller on a balcony or in a garden - mosquitoes, and other blood-sucking insects, will not even fly up to him, let alone bite.


These tiny vampires are carriers of tularemia, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever and filariasis. Midge midge is the smallest (from 1 to 4 mm) of the blood-sucking insects found in Russian latitudes. Especially a lot of them in the taiga forests and tundra. There were cases when small midges ate to death a slightly tipsy person who had fallen asleep among the trees.

The blood of warm-blooded animals is food for sexually mature females. Since all phases of the development of biting midges are carried out in water, those who are near fresh water bodies with stagnant water are most likely to become a victim of their bites.

Repellents and vegetable oils with a strong and pungent aroma repel midges very effectively. When choosing a victim, biting midges are guided by the smell of skin secretions.

The bite of these blood-sucking representatives is quite painful, since the midges do not pierce the skin, as mosquitoes do with a long proboscis, but bite through with jaws that look like two sharp stilettos.


Mosquitoes all stages of development, except adults, pass through fresh water lakes, ponds and swamps. In moist forests and the tundra has no other salvation from them than repellents and protective ones. It is interesting that the mosquito feeds on human blood, and not the male mosquito. Komariha, that is, the female, drinks blood to carry out the reproductive function, while the male receives food only from the juice of plants.

Essential oils of clove, anise and camphor repel all blood-sucking, including mosquitoes. You can make a mixture of several different oils. You will get excellent and safe protection against mosquitoes and other blood-sucking animals hunting nearby.

Don't forget to take a bottle of the mixture with you when you go outdoors so that you can use it several times. As we said above, after an hour or less, the smell applied to the skin weakens, and flying blood-sucking insects begin to attack again.

Female mosquitoes make a characteristic thin sound. When there are especially many mosquitoes, an incessant rumble is heard in the air. They are especially fierce in hot weather before the rain. Bites quickly become inflamed and the skin swells. No matter how itchy the wound, you can’t comb it - it will only itch even more, and blood poisoning can occur. Pharmacy "Psilo-balm", "Fenistil" and butadion ointment, as well as an aqueous solution of baking soda, help to quickly relieve irritation.

Mosquitoes are active mainly from May to October, but it happens that the mosquito family settles in warm and damp cellars residential buildings. Then there is no escape from their squeak and bites even in winter.

If the midge lives no longer than three dozen days, then mosquitoes born at the end of summer, after 1-2 months, with the onset of cold weather, fall into diapause, from which they emerge with the onset of heat.

Mosquito-borne diseases include certain types of encephalitis, malaria, dengue, yellow fever, and lymphatic filariasis. The most dangerous in this respect are females that have undergone diapause.

Long-term protection against mosquitoes is, first of all, the elimination of their breeding centers located near human habitation. Such measures include: draining small stagnant reservoirs and swamps, maintaining cleanliness and hygiene in basements, active use of insecticides.

The fight against blood-sucking insects is possible and ecologically safe methods, in particular, the colonization of reservoirs with mosquito larvae-eating mosquito larvae, planting eucalyptus trees along the banks and breeding certain types of gram-positive, spore-forming soil bacteria, which are insecticidal food for mosquito larvae, midges and mosquitoes.

horsefly and gadfly

Protection measures against horseflies and gadflies are the same as against any gnat. The same repellents, the same ointments and fragrances.

The bite of a horsefly is very painful and allergenic. You can quickly remove the swelling and itching with an aqueous solution of baking soda.

Another good remedy for the effects of bites is a mash of glycerin, alcohol iodine and ammonia. You need to mix 40 g of iodine and alcohol, add 60 g of glycerin and shake. When the mixture discolors, the drug that relieves swelling and itching is ready. It will not scare away the insect, but it will alleviate the condition of the bitten and neutralize the effect of the anticoagulant injected into the wound. Shake the bottle well before use as glycerin tends to flake off and sink to the bottom.

Gadflies, unlike horseflies, do not drink blood, but lay eggs under the skin of warm-blooded animals. Having bitten through a small hole, the female lays eggs in it, from which larvae emerge, feeding on the blood and tissues of a mammal. Fortunately, on the territory of our country, gadflies attacking a person are not so common. Our gadflies are more dangerous for livestock - sheep, goats, cows, etc. A well-fed and healthy animal is rarely bitten. As a rule, gadflies attack weak and sick individuals when they go down to the reservoir to drink water, or sleep in the open air.

Horseflies infect animals with tularemia and anthrax, and gadflies with myiasis.

Gadflies and horseflies do not tolerate the smell of birch tar, black elderberry, anise, cloves and kerosene.

Deer flies choose a victim, focusing on movement. They only attack adults. Small children may not be afraid of them. The hunting season is autumn, and only when the weather is dry and calm.

The bloodsucker remains a fly until the moment it clings to the skin of the victim with its prickly paws. Immediately after that, she sheds her wings and becomes like a tick. It is very difficult to tear it away from the body, but it is necessary to do this, since after one individual a representative of the opposite sex arrives in order to settle on the found victim and lay eggs. For the first 30-60 minutes, blood-sucking insects crawl, looking for the most secluded place with close blood vessels, and only after that they start eating.

The bites of the bloodsucker fly are imperceptible, but they are sharp and painful, and itching appears only on the second day. At the same time, a small hard papule appears on the affected area, which lasts for two to three weeks.

The best protection against bloodsucking flies is special clothing with a headgear, as well as appropriate repellents.


Forest ticks are especially dangerous for residents of most regions of Russia. Although their bites are not painful, they are carriers of a host of serious ailments - Lyme disease, tick-borne encephalitis, hemorrhagic fever and borreliosis.

Insect activity is sharply increased from the end of spring to the onset of hot summer days and in autumn until frost.

Ticks hide in tall grass and jump on clothes. They move from bottom to top, looking for open areas of the body, so trousers should be tucked into socks, and a shirt should be tucked into the belt. Long sleeves and a collar should be buttoned up, and on the head - a scarf or a hood, and preferably both.

Spotting a tick is not easy. It is very small - up to 2 mm, but on light-colored clothes it is clearly visible as a black spot.

Going to the forest, it is necessary to treat the skin and clothes with a special repellant against ticks, and then, after about an hour, repeat the procedure.

Upon returning home, it is advisable to immediately examine yourself. Favorite places of insects are behind the ears, in the groin, under the armpits and on the back of the head.

If a tick is found, it is required to remove it as soon as possible without tearing off the head. It is in the salivary glands that bacteria-causative agents of diseases are contained.

The tick is pulled out with special tweezers or a thread loop.

Currently, forests and places of popular recreation are processed before the start of the summer season. by special means against ticks, therefore, when going to nature, try to stay close to the places equipped for tourists' recreation, and do not walk far from the paved paths.

Ticks annoy not only people, but also animals. After each walk, carefully inspect your pets for ticks. Against the attack of blood-sucking animals, a few drops are applied to the withers and along the spine. universal remedy"Leopard". From fleas and ticks, it is considered one of the best.

Popular folk remedies for home bloodsuckers

Firstly, because they are most active at night and attack unnoticed, most often when a person is sleeping.

Second, because they are very small size and have a protective color.

Thirdly, they are arranged by nature in such a way that they cannot exist without a person or his warm-blooded pet (cat, dog, budgerigar, etc.) - the instinct of procreation pushes them to a human dwelling.

Fourthly, some of them can live in basements and attics, entering the apartment only to drink blood, and then get out.

Hence the conclusion - it is extremely difficult to defeat bedbugs, fleas and lice. It is easier and more correct to prevent their appearance in the apartment at all. How to do it?

Supported by adding natural or synthetic vinegar, salt, herbal decoctions to the water to wipe the dust.

It was even practiced to charm the dwelling and other witchcraft rituals, for example, they collected harmful insects that settled in the house and threw them into the coffin of the deceased or onto an ice floe during freezing. It was believed that after the brothers, the rest of the domestic blood-sucking insects would also leave the dwelling.

Bed bug

Regarding the spread of any diseases bed bugs beyond suspicion. However, they should be feared because of the great discomfort that they create for people living in the territory they have chosen. Adult bed bugs and their larvae feed on human blood. They do not encroach on animals, as thick hair makes it difficult to get close to the skin. Small children are most often at risk, if there are any in the house. If they don't, then everyone else. It all depends on the size of the population of bedbugs and their appetite.

During the night, the bug feeds repeatedly. It crawls over the human body, leaving characteristic bite paths. After the anticoagulant injected by him ceases to act, the wounds begin to itch.

With the onset of morning, the bug hides in the junction of furniture parts, in bedding, books, crevices of electrical appliances and other hard-to-reach places.

If you don't know, you might not notice them. look like flat beans Brown color. The photo shows what the bugs look like, but this is a strong increase. Their real size is up to 4 mm. It is very difficult to understand that this is an insect, and not just a dirty spot. Neither head nor paws are visible. A blood-fed bug greatly increases in size.

Getting rid of bedbugs is difficult. Even leaving the apartment for a long time is unlikely to help, since these bloodsuckers are able to fall into suspended animation for several months and wake up with the return of their owners.

Domestic cockroaches are considered natural enemies of bedbugs, but it’s up to you to decide whether to start them or not.

To prevent bedbugs from settling in the apartment, it is necessary to observe strict hygiene of the home - regularly carry out wet cleaning, vacuum, boil, and iron bed linens, as bed bugs love to lay their eggs in the folds of sheets, duvet covers, pillowcases, and mattresses. In wardrobes and beds, it is desirable to lay out fresh herbs every year - wild rosemary, wormwood, tansy, calamus, wheatgrass roots and pyrethrum chamomile. If at least one bug is found, all items in the room should be treated as soon as possible with ammonia, vinegar, turpentine, kerosene, acetone or denatured alcohol. Domestic blood-sucking insects cannot stand these smells. They also do not tolerate sunlight, so try to take pillows and mattresses to the balcony more often in the summer. If at least one bug has appeared, then with such an assault, he will not linger in your house, let alone leave offspring, but will look for another, more peaceful haven.

Bedbugs get into apartments along with furniture, books, things brought from vacation, etc. If there were bedbugs in the hotel, then it is likely that they will get into suitcases and bags. In addition, bedbugs enter apartments through ventilation openings.


You can pick up lice in any public place - on a bus, on a train, at work, in a hotel, etc. However, getting rid of these bloodsuckers is not as difficult as getting rid of bedbugs or fleas.

Lice, or pediculosis, is a disease of the poor, the so-called social. The reason is that lice are a consequence of non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. Dirty clothes worn without a change, an unclean body are two factors that contribute to the development of head lice. Epidemics of typhus and relapsing fever are due precisely to lice, which carried infected blood from infected people to healthy ones.

An adult louse (her photograph is in front of you) does not exceed 4 mm. Nits are 4 times smaller. Nits attach themselves to hair or fabric villi.

Lice and their larvae do not tolerate temperatures below -22 degrees Celsius and above +44, so they are removed from clothes by boiling or ironing with a hot iron.

Folk remedies include: head wrapping with a mixture of kerosene and any oil in a 1: 1 ratio; cranberry juice, which kills lice and dissolves nit shells; tar soap; garlic juice; hellebore tincture; vinegar and others. The product must be kept on the hair for at least half an hour, and then rinse and rinse the hair with vinegar (50 ml per 1 liter of water). Then you need to comb out the nits with a fine comb. Repeat the procedure after a week.

Lavender oils help against head lice infection and tea tree(blood-sucking insects do not tolerate their smell). It is enough to put a few drops on the skin behind the ears, and the lice will not want to drink your blood.


Fleas can infect us with more than 20 diseases, including plague, tularemia, typhoid and hepatitis. Carriers of pathogens are primarily rats. Also dangerous are domestic dogs and cats that bring fleas from the street. If birds live in the attic of the house, then they can also become sources of infection.

It is not easy to notice a flea: it is very small (1-2 mm) and has the ability to instantly and far jump.

You can get rid of fleas by limiting their entry into the house. If a dog or cat goes outside, then a special anti-flea collar should be put on it. Bars is also effective. From fleas of your pet, and, consequently, you will be protected by a few drops applied to the withers of the animal.

Chemical preparations against bloodsucking insects

Currently, pharmacies sell insecticidal products that successfully destroy bedbugs, fleas and lice - Chlorophos, Dichlorvos, Metaphos, Karbofos, Raptor, Delta ... or Lambda Zone, Combat , "Executioner", "Sinuzan" and others. They spray or fumigate the entire room. Access to free air during processing should be blocked. People should not be in the room for at least a couple of days, since all of the listed drugs are very toxic.

Horseflies are insects that cause certain inconveniences to both humans and livestock. Their females bite very painfully and then begin to suck blood. They keep mainly near rivers and lakes, where their larvae develop. Fighting these bloodsuckers is quite difficult, but still possible. And today we'll talk about how to choose effective remedy from the blind.

Horsefly remedies may include chemicals, homemade traps, and homemade solutions.

Human Protection

Quite often, an accumulation of horseflies can be observed near pastures, for this reason, first of all, you should bypass those places where cattle are regularly pastured. If you still happen to be there, then in such situations it is advisable to use the simplest personal protective equipment. These include:

  • suit made of dense cotton fabric with long sleeves and full legs;
  • a headdress with a mesh that will protect the face, neck and ears;
  • gloves.

When working in the pasture summer period it is desirable to treat open areas of the body with an aerosol "OFF" or "DEET". Horsefly remedies for people can also include a special mosquito cream, but just remember that the effect of it is noticeably weaker and you will have to renew the layer of the drug quite often. If none of the above funds was available, then in extreme cases, the cheapest cologne with cloves can be used as protection against horseflies - clove powder must be added to the bottle and left for a week in a warm place. The finished product will be enough for you for the whole summer.

Horseflies, as a rule, do not bite people, but if this does happen, then the affected area should be thoroughly washed with water and treated with medical alcohol.

Important! Horseflies are attracted to moving objects, so in order to avoid being bitten, it is advisable to stand still, do not wave your arms and do not run!


Such devices are non-toxic and at the same time show the greatest efficiency near a large number of livestock. You can buy a ready-made trap or make your own.

  • Large insect trap - This device is quite large in size and is ideal for insects such as horseflies. Bloodsuckers attracted big object, fall into its metal compartment and soon die.
  • Sticky paper - such a trap is also called a flycatcher. A layer of special glue is applied to the paper web, which is able to hold both small flies and rather large horseflies.

    Advice! You can attach a small piece of such an adhesive trap to your headgear. This way, horseflies that circle around your head will stop bothering you!

  • Light trap - this device works according to the following principle: light attracts flying insects, which, after contact with the lamp, die from an electric discharge.

In order to make a do-it-yourself trap for horseflies, you will need a stool or a chair and a medium-sized ball, preferably dark in color. We hang the stool from the ceiling in the barn and attach the ball from below so that it can freely rotate around its own axis. We wrap the legs and the lower surface of the seat of the stool with double-sided adhesive tape. Now it remains only to attract insects. To do this, spin the ball from time to time. Horseflies will flock to a dark moving object and will certainly stick to the tape. You will only have to collect dead individuals or periodically change the sticky trap. Such a device can be installed directly on the site, having built it from boards and a linen cone.


Among ready-made chemicals for horsefly protection, you can choose products based on such active ingredients as:

  • organophosphates;
  • organochlorine;
  • pyrethroids.

They all work with the same efficiency, but it is important to remember that insects can develop resistance over time. For this reason, it is advisable not to use one drug for a long time, but to change them periodically.

Important! If you decide to change the chemical, then before buying it is advisable to familiarize yourself with its composition, since the main role is played not by the brand name, but by the active substance. Otherwise, you run the risk of purchasing the same insecticide, but under a different name!

Animal protection

Since it is far from always possible to get rid of all horseflies with the help of a trap alone, especially with a large accumulation of them, therefore it is sometimes allowed to treat the animals themselves with a chemical preparation. The insecticide should be poured into the sprayer and spread evenly on the body of the animal. It happens that horses and cows are afraid of a spray bottle, in such cases the drug can be applied to their body with a sponge. Remember to wear rubber gloves when working with the product and avoid any skin contact with the insecticide.

On a note! Expert opinions on the use of chemicals directly on animals are ambiguous, because due to short contact with insects, they may not bring the expected result. There are, of course, more effective chemical insecticides - based on DEET, but it should be borne in mind that they can dissolve plastic, so they can cause serious harm to animals!

In order to make life easier for livestock and horses without the use of hazardous substances, it is enough to observe the following rules:

  • the places in which they are located must always be clean - periodically remove manure, clean the channels for drinking water and change the old flooring to a new one;
  • don't pour drinking water for animals in buckets and basins, it is better to take care of the availability of good drainage systems- this way you can avoid stagnant water;
  • if there is a pond or a pool near the places where animals are constantly located, then during the period of active horsefly movement, try to cover them with a film;
  • mow periodically tall grass- so insects will be deprived of moist cool places for breeding;
  • try to make sure that the animals are constantly under shady shelters - most often they suffer from insect attacks on the street, so on a hot day they will be more comfortable in a closed barn or barn;
  • if possible, put nets on the ears of horses and cows, protect their muzzles with masks, you can also hang special tapes that repel bloodsuckers directly on the body;
  • castration is carried out exclusively in winter period- at this time there are practically no horseflies and they will not irritate the already painful wounds of animals.

Territory defense

How to get rid of horseflies in the area? For the treatment of the territory, it is allowed to use any chemical from the list above. Before applying insecticide, all animals should be removed from the barn. It is possible that livestock will need to spend some time outdoors after treatment. In other words, read the instructions.

The drug is sprayed into the barn, treating all surfaces: walls, rafters, floor, ceiling and cornices. During operation of the sprayer, pay attention to the fact that the drug comes out at low pressure. At the same time, be extremely careful and try to make sure that the product does not get into drinking water and food. In addition to the barn, it is also desirable to process the adjacent territory, while the more square meters you spray, the longer the effect will last.

To combat horseflies, you can also use folk remedies. The most common solution is liquid soap. To prepare it, a couple of glasses of liquid soap should be diluted in 9 liters of water. Horseflies are sprayed with the finished product and after a while they die.

The second tool is used to spray the area. For this, you will need a mint flavored mouthwash, lemon soap, and lemon ammonia. The components must be mixed in approximately equal proportions and the area treated.

If you do not want your outdoor recreation to be spoiled by horseflies, you should take care of this in advance. Wherever you go: to the country house, to the forest, to the lake or to the river, there is a high probability of meeting this obsessive blood-sucking insect.

Horseflies begin to show activity when the air temperature rises above + 15 ° C, but in extreme heat above +32 ° C they rarely attack. Horseflies are usually active before the start of rain and prefer calm weather. In general, just at the time when most people go to relax in nature.

Horseflies rarely attack one by one, most often they fly in groups. Some insects may distract your attention by buzzing, while others attack and sting.
Horseflies are active in spring and summer, at which time they breed and the need for blood production increases.

What can be done to avoid many bites?

Firstly, in order not to attract the attention of horseflies when going out into nature, it is better to dress in light-colored clothes. The vision of horseflies is arranged in such a way that they see dark and bright colors better.
Horseflies love sunlight and are especially active during the daytime, therefore, if possible, it is better to choose morning or evening time, as well as cloudy weather, for walks.
For country picnics, you should choose places as far as possible from pastures, farms and other places where you can meet livestock, since a herd is always accompanied by many blood-sucking insects.
There are a lot of ways to treat horsefly bites, and you can always use them, but it’s better that no one bites you.

There are several simple rules, which will help avoid horsefly bites, but people often ignore them, and then you have to deal with the consequences, often very unpleasant. In addition to the fact that clothes should be light, of course, they should also be as closed as possible. In hot weather, it is quite possible to wear a long-sleeved T-shirt and pants made of lightweight fabric. So it will be more difficult for horseflies to get to the skin.

In any supermarket you will find many different sprays and ointments that can be used to treat the body or clothes and repel insects. They are called repellents. Be sure to take them with you. These tools usually include many chemical substances, which can become a source of allergies or poisoning. Before using repellents, carefully read the instructions. The drug should not get on the mucous membranes, in the mouth or in the eyes. If possible, for children, choose products that are natural or essential oils. They are equally effective in repelling insects. If for some reason you forgot to take a remedy for horseflies with you, it's time to remember folk remedies to combat horseflies.

The pungent smoke from a campfire can help repel horseflies and other insects, although not very effectively. The most effective protection is a mosquito net that closes the entrance to the tent. Also, with such a grid, it is imperative to close the window openings of the country house.

But what if you do not want to spend the whole day in a tent or in a house, but rather enjoy all the delights of outdoor activities?

You can scare away horseflies using wormwood-based products or the grass itself. Insects don't like its pungent smell and won't fly close to you. Fresh or dried wormwood, collected in bunches, can be hung near the windows and doors of the cottage or at the entrance to the tents and next to the sleeping places.

In addition to wormwood, tansy also effectively repels horseflies. It has a strong odor that they cannot stand. And if you add chamomile to the fire, horseflies will not fly close to your resting place, since its aroma is unpleasant for them.

Reduce the number of horseflies by suburban area some common garden plants such as marigold, tomato, lavender or geranium.

Even if you use horsefly protection, it will not be superfluous to take a first aid kit with you on vacation with all the necessary tools that can be used to treat and treat the stung area.

Summer season is the time for outdoor recreation! Dacha, garden, fishing, hiking in the forest for mushrooms, picnic by the river and more. etc. But gadflies and horseflies can interfere with enjoying such a pleasant pastime. These flying insects can not only annoy with their importunity, but also bite painfully. Compared to them, midges and mosquitoes are “flowers”. In addition, gadflies and horseflies cause great harm to livestock and farming, reducing milk yield and weight gain.

horsefly in the photo

How to protect yourself from the attack of these huge flies? Let's just say that there are many ways to help you. We will tell about the most effective and popular now.


To protect themselves from various midges (midges, mosquitoes, mosquitoes, etc.), people actively use chemicals. Naturally, there are also drugs that help repel gadflies and horseflies.

Most often in the fight against these insects use:

  • Phosphorus organic preparations(dichlorvos, karbofos, tetrafos). Their active substances penetrate the body of insects, where they are converted into dangerous toxins that have a nerve-paralytic effect.
  • pyrethroids(bioalletrin, fenvalerate). They can destroy insects even at the stage of oviposition and larvae. They often process pastures, plots, vegetation along water bodies, etc., to prevent.
  • Chlorine-containing preparations(lindane, chlorvinphos, methoxychlor). They are used to treat affected areas in animals for disinfection. They have high bactericidal activity. Apply with a spray gun.

What kind of chemical contact agents against can come to the rescue when it is necessary to protect livestock? It:

  1. antifly;
  2. hypodectin;
  3. chlorophos;
  4. biofly pur-on;
  5. sanofit;
  6. butox etc.

They must be used according to the instructions. Moreover, some drugs should be injected, some need to treat the skin of animals.

In its turn, good protection a person from gadflies and gadflies is provided with aerosols and creams based on the substance DEET. The main thing is that its content in the preparation should be at least 20%. Otherwise, the tool will be ineffective.

As for specific repellents that we can recommend, these are:

  1. Repels gadflies, horseflies within 2-3 hours after treatment. Can be used no more than twice a day. , ticks and midges.
  2. Aerosol and spray Argus. The duration of action is about 4 hours. You can treat them with open areas of the body and clothes. The cost is more than acceptable - about 100 rubles.
  3. Repellents OFF. You can buy not only on the Internet and specialized points, but also in almost any store household chemicals. A very popular line of effective means against blood-sucking insects. To scare away horseflies, gadflies and ticks, OFF Extreme aerosol is more often used. Price - from 250 rubles. The duration is pretty decent. If you have treated the skin, then protection is provided for 4 hours, if clothes, then about a month.

Able to scare away horseflies and gadflies, as well as a number of other means of other trademarks. These are Fumitox, Mosquitol, Reftamid, DEET, etc. So you can use them too. But in any case, carefully read the instructions and information on the packaging of the drug, because many of them cannot be used by pregnant women and children.

Folk remedies for gadflies and gadflies

People have been suffering from horseflies and gadflies for more than one hundred, or even a thousand years. At the same time, there were no chemicals, repellents and traps against these dangerous insects before. A person had to come up with and try various protective measures in order to protect himself and livestock. Some of them have proven to be very effective.

What folk ways to deal with these bloodsuckers can help? What are several of them:

  1. Tar. Its smell repels the most different insects. You can buy it in pharmacies or specialized stores. To protect against horseflies and gadflies, its oil or aqueous solution is used. As a rule, they are simply sprayed on livestock. Some do otherwise and wash animals with tar soap. However, this tool also has disadvantages. Firstly, due to the use of tar, the taste qualities milk (if used on cows). Secondly, this substance is difficult to wash off from the skin and clothing. Third, after processing protective action lasts no more than four hours. Moreover, this is subject to the complete absence of contact with water.
  2. Soap and vegetable oil. A solution is made from these components. Optimal proportions: 1 bar dissolves in a liter of water laundry soap and add 150 ml vegetable oil. The resulting mixture should be sprayed on the bodies of cows. As a result, the oily protective film will reduce the spread of odor, which attracts gadflies with horseflies. In turn, the scent of laundry soap will repel insects so they don't bite you or animals.
  3. Vishnevsky ointment . This tool is suitable for protecting a person from. It should be applied to open areas of the body. For example, the hands. Insects are afraid of the smell of Vishnevsky's ointment, as it contains birch tar, xeroform and castor oil. In addition, this tool helps with strong. It is enough to spread it on the affected area and fix the place with a gauze bandage. Such a compress will help to pull the pyogenic masses out, clean the wounds and prevent scarring.
  4. Diesel fuel. Used against gadflies and gadflies. True, only to protect livestock. It is not recommended to treat human skin with diesel fuel. The validity period is about 2-3 hours. It is necessary to apply the product on the udder, neck, areas behind the ears and croup.
  5. Herbal infusions. The safest of folk remedies. And for both humans and animals. There are a lot of options for herbal infusions against horseflies and gadflies. The most popular are made on the basis of laurel, tansy, mint, lemon and wormwood. Applying such products is simple - just apply them to clothing, human or animal skin with a spray bottle.

Of course, folk ways more fight against horseflies and gadflies. We have talked about the most popular. Try one of them in action.

True, keep in mind that folk remedies are ineffective if there are a lot of insects. They will not help even with a large number of livestock. Therefore, it is best to use them in combination with chemicals or special traps. By the way, let's talk about the latter.

They do not like gadflies and horseflies the smell of pine needles. Therefore, going to nature, treat your clothes with coniferous oil. If you need to protect livestock, then spruce branches can simply be spread out over the territory where the animals live.

Mechanical methods

Today, various and other large biting insects can be found on sale. Of course, you can’t take them with you for fishing or for a walk in the park, but you can and should use such funds in summer cottages and farms.

  1. The simplest and cheap optionadhesive tape . It is hung in agricultural premises, cattle pens, on door jambs, summer kitchens etc. The disadvantages of such a trap are its low efficiency and the impossibility of using it outdoors, pastures, etc. In addition, you need to regularly change the tape for a new one.
  2. A more effective remedy for horseflies and gadflies - trap with bait . There are many models that differ in design and size. Although the principle of their action is similar - to lure horseflies, gadflies or other flying insects and prevent them from getting out of there. As for the bait, visual “tricks”, attractants and heat sources are most often used in such traps. They all imitate creature. Advantages - environmentally friendly for people and animals, as well as very effective and durable at correct use. Disadvantages - periodically it is required to clean and disinfect the trap.
  3. Trap package. Another device for catching horseflies and gadflies. Usually hung under open sky, in the sun. The fact is that the smell of the filler (attractant) increases when heated, attracting a large number of insects. Once inside the package, flying bloodsuckers can no longer get out. Moreover, a thousand individuals can fit here. The advantages of such a trap are safety and ease of use. There is no need to clean and process anything - a bag with gadflies and horseflies that got there can be thrown away or burned.
  4. Illuminated trap. All insects fly towards the light. Gadflies and horseflies are no exception. Therefore, traps with ultraviolet illumination are being actively developed and used today. True, their cost is much higher than that of the options described above.

Many traps for horseflies and gadflies are made independently with your own hands. There is nothing complicated. If you want to know how to make them, then all detailed information can find . At the same time, we note that home-made insect traps often turn out to be even more effective than purchased ones.

When going to nature, do not forget about the simplest personal protective equipment against horseflies and gadflies. These are clothes that cover the whole body well (long sleeves, pants with elastic at the bottom, gloves, a hat, etc.). Remember that these bloodsuckers are attracted dark color. Therefore, try to avoid it when choosing things.

insecticidal lamps

You can protect yourself from horseflies and gadflies with the help of insecticidal lamps. These devices work on the following principle: light attracts insects, and an electrical discharge kills them. Use such lamps on farms, residential complexes, shops, offices, warehouse areas, household plots and other places. The range of the device is 100-150 sq. meters.

The average cost of such lamps varies from 2 to 6 thousand rubles. In principle, this is inexpensive, considering how effective they are in the fight against flying insects.

Prevention and common mistakes: what else is important to know about the fight against gadflies and gadflies?

Trying to protect pastures, their country houses or adjoining plots from horseflies and gadflies, many people make a number of mistakes, due to which it is not possible to get rid of flying bloodsuckers for a long time. The most common of them:

  1. Only mechanical traps are used. This is not enough. Especially if there is a lot of nastiness. In order to be more effective, repellents should also be used.
  2. In the fight against horseflies, pools and other water containers located in the open air are not drained. Indeed, in such artificial reservoirs, these flies lay eggs and larvae easily develop in them, which leads to repeated reproduction of insects.
  3. Excessive vegetation is not removed, in which the oviposition of horseflies is preserved. In addition, gadflies can hide in its shadow. Therefore, it is regular mowing that can significantly reduce the number of bloodsucking pests on the site.
  4. Manure heaps are not processed special preparations against insects. As a result, their smell attracts all living creatures, including horseflies and gadflies.

Eliminate these mistakes and you can significantly reduce the number of these bloodsuckers. At the same time, one should not forget about preventive measures that are aimed at attracting the attention of gadflies and horseflies as little as possible. In more detail, it is necessary:

  1. Maintain the cleanliness of the place of keeping and walking animals. Remove manure in a timely manner, change bedding and water, clean the barn, wash drinking dishes.
  2. Regularly clean the wool of livestock.
  3. Prevent the spread of dense and tall vegetation. Mowing grass and regular mowing is a guarantee that there will be fewer gadflies and horseflies in the area.
  4. Minimize the number of water containers near the animals (insects love humidity). If you do not have livestock, but there are a lot of gadflies and horseflies in your summer cottage, then it is worth sacrificing a decorative pool and tightly closing all water barrels for watering.


The fight against horseflies and gadflies - urgent problem for many residents countryside, farmers and livestock breeders. At the same time, these dangerous and unpleasant insects can be dealt with only with an integrated approach, which includes the observance of preventive measures, the use of traps, insecticidal lamps, chemicals, and even the use of folk remedies to repel these flying bloodsuckers.

If you are a fisherman, hunter, traveler, or just like to spend time in nature, then always think over protection options in advance. Pick up clothes that gadflies and horseflies cannot bite through, and treat open areas of the body with special products.

With the onset of summer, residents of rural and suburban areas have problems in the form of annoying buzzing and flying guests. The most unpleasant of them are horseflies, which look like a fly, but are much larger in size. Their particular harm lies in the fact that they bite very painfully and drink a large amount of blood at the same time - ten times more than mosquitoes. Horseflies are much more likely to attack animals than people, thereby causing great damage to agriculture.

The fight against horseflies can be of two types: protective and large-scale (destruction and reduction of the insect population). To protect themselves from horseflies, people wear thick clothing that covers the entire body and a hat with a protective net, which is not very convenient in the hot season.

Various sprays, creams, aerosols and gels that repel insects are also used.

A more radical method of dealing with horsefly is to use large-scale tools and techniques. Horseflies survive from the area by creating conditions for them in which they cannot survive: they dry up swamps, get rid of small reservoirs, and the banks of large reservoirs are freed from vegetation. Thus, the places where the pest can live and multiply are significantly reduced. Modern chemicals, various traps and folk methods are also used.


The modern pest control market offers various chemicals for the destruction of horseflies. In order for the insect control to be successful throughout the entire period, it is recommended to use new preparations each time. This will avoid the addiction of the pest to the chemical. Consider the most effective means:

  • organophosphates: tetrachlorvinphos, dichlorvos, umaphos and malathion;
  • pyrethroids: fenvalerate, S-bioalletrin, cypermethrin, sumitrin, permethrin, tetramethrin, resmethrin;
  • organochlorine chemicals: methoxychlor, lindane.

These preparations can be used to treat both domestic animals and various territories.

If animals need treatment, be sure to find out if these chemicals are safe for them.

Then use a sprayer or sponge to apply required amount funds for animal hair.

When treating rooms and territories, take care that the poison does not get into drinking water or animal feed. When working with chemicals, do not forget about safety precautions. Be sure to wear protective gloves to prevent contact chemical agent with your skin.



In a specialized store, you can purchase the following species, which perfectly lure horseflies:

  • Trap for large insects. It's pretty large sizes structure designed specifically for large insects. Approaching the trap, the insect gets into the metal compartment, from which it cannot get out.
  • Fly paper. This is a special tape for catching flies and other insects, which is coated with a sticky astringent adhesive that binds the insect.
  • Light trap. Main principle the actions of this structure are the light to which horseflies flock. Further, the insect can either stick to the trap or die from an electric discharge.
  • Trap package. In such a bag they put food for horseflies, which penetrate inside and after that they can no longer get out of there.


You can make a horsefly trap yourself. It just takes a little skill to do so. Let's talk about the two most simple and effective designs.

ball and chair

In a place where there are especially many horseflies, hang a stool or chair on the ceiling or on a tree. Tie a dark-colored ball or ball with a rope to a chair so that it dangles freely under it. Wrap the chair on the sides and bottom with adhesive tape. Every few hours you will have to approach the trap and spin the ball. Horseflies are very attracted to a moving dark spot. But, when they fly to it and realize that there is nothing interesting here, they will immediately begin to climb up, where the sticky tape is waiting for them.


According to the principle of the previous structure, it is possible to make another, more voluminous structure, which is called the "Bell".

This tricky trap is made taking into account two main features of horseflies: their craving for heat and vertical take-off.

The object of luring here is also a ball, but for this design we take a black rubber ball so that it heats up well and keeps warm.

Above the ball, instead of a chair, we use a large cone-shaped structure into which insects fly. Then they fly up, where they fall into a jar or plastic bottle from which it is impossible to get out.

To build this structure, you will need the following:

  1. gymnastic ball with a diameter of at least 45 cm;
  2. black nitro enamel - half a can;
  3. gymnastic hoop with a diameter of at least 90 cm;
  4. reinforced polyethylene measuring 3 by 1 m;
  5. rails: 6 pcs. - 1 meter, 3 pcs. - 1.5 meters;
  6. screws, a piece of plastic pipe, rope;
  7. 2 water bottles - 5- and 2-liter.

We make the frame of the cone from a hoop and 6-meter rails, fixing them with screws to the hoop. We fasten the top of the cone with a piece of plastic pipe. A plastic bottle with a cut bottom and neck is inserted into the pipe. Then the structure is covered with a film, fixing it with a stapler. A rail is attached inside the cone, almost at the very top, for hanging the ball. Then the “legs” of the trap are fixed - slats 1.5 meters long. The opening from the ground to the beginning of the cone should be 1 meter.

We put a 5-liter bottle on the top of the structure so that a plastic pipe and another bottle are inside it. Previously, small holes can be made in a 5-liter bottle so that the caught insects do not rot inside it. And at the very end we hang a gymnastic ball painted in black paint. In this case, only the top of the ball should be inside the cone, and the rest of it should be outside.

Folk methods

  • Liquid soap. Dilute a glass of ordinary liquid soap in 4.5 liters of water. Spray the horseflies with this mixture. After a while they will all die.
  • Mint and lemon. Prepare a mixture of lemon soap, mint mouthwash, and lemon ammonia. Spray the entire area with this solution.

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