How and with what can you quickly remove bed bugs from the apartment? How to destroy bedbugs in an apartment at home forever How to destroy bedbugs in an apartment at home.

Encyclopedia of Plants 16.06.2019
Encyclopedia of Plants

For the safety of your home, you need to know how to get rid of bedbugs in an apartment at home on your own. Despite the fact that recently they rarely appear in living quarters, you should know how to get rid of these harmful insects. After all, no one is immune from their appearance. Exist effective methods to fix the problem, but first you need to understand why they appear in the apartment.

A harmful insect drinks the blood of humans and animals. Large bugs can be up to 1 cm long. They can get into the apartment with bed linen, household appliances, clothes, furniture. They are very nimble and tenacious, so the destruction of bedbugs is complex process. You can find them in the following places:

  • Cushioned furniture.
  • Electrical devices.
  • Fur of pets.
  • Clothing.
  • Plinth.
  • Socket.
  • And other warm and dark places.

It should be noted that bedbugs can start, even in a perfectly clean room. Therefore, you need to check new things and items that you transport to the apartment.

How to get rid of harmful insects

Bed bugs feed on blood, so if you find red cuts on the body, you need to act quickly.

  • First of all, you need to determine the source of insect infestation. To do this, carefully check every corner in the apartment. The appearance of the larvae resembles small black dots.
  • If the source has been found, then to destroy the bugs, you must use by special means. You need to process all the joints and cracks.

Bedbugs usually die after four days, in some cases additional treatment may be necessary after a few days. Insects do not live at temperatures below -20 degrees and above +40 degrees. Therefore, in winter time infected items can be taken out to the loggia or balcony, the bugs will die within a day. During processing, it is recommended to leave the premises for a few days to avoid health problems. If the insects managed to be removed, then the room must be treated with an emulsion of soda: dilute 300 g of baking soda in 1 liter of water.

Bed bug chemicals

Today, there are modern and effective chemical agents that allow you to quickly get rid of blood-sucking insects. Each drug has its pros and cons.

GET. It is a capsular liquid, which, in addition to bedbugs, is capable of destroying other insects.
To prepare the product, you need to dilute it with water in a ratio of 1: 5-10. It is necessary to process the places of movement of bedbugs and their focus. After processing, the dwelling needs to be ventilated for about 4 hours. The action of GET is 6 months, it does not harm animals and people.

Fufanon. The tool is intended for the destruction of various insects.
It must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3. After the procedure, the room must be ventilated and held in a day general cleaning. Fufanon also destroys bedbug larvae.

Tetrix. The concentrated liquid is sold in small vials. In 1 liter of water, dilute 10-50 ml of the product. One bottle is enough to process a three-room apartment. The action is almost instantaneous.

Our ancestors knew how to get bedbugs out. With help folk remedies you can also get rid of blood-sucking insects, however, this method is longer and more laborious.

Valerian tincture. This tool is not suitable if there are pets in the apartment. Also does not help to get rid of eggs. Valerian lubricates the surface, after which the insects crawl out.

Acetic essence. Most safe method. The places where bedbugs most often appear are processed.

Evaporation. Boiling water is necessary to process the seams upholstered furniture and gaps between wall and floor.

  • To prevent bedbugs from running away during the procedure, the legs of the bed must be placed in any container with oil.
  • Bed linen should not hang down.
  • All bedding must be thoroughly boiled.
  • Chemicals are used only in folds and seams.
  • With a vacuum cleaner, you can get rid of most of the insects.

It is important to note that bed bugs are almost impossible to get rid of if they live in bed for more than two weeks.

Security measures

  • During processing, it is necessary to use protective equipment: a respirator, gloves, goggles and others.
  • Using chemicals, no one should be in the room, especially small children.
  • Before using the drug, you need to read the attached instructions.
  • It is necessary to process all the habitats of bedbugs.

Compared to other insects - cockroaches, ants, mosquitoes - bed bugs are less versatile in terms of habitats and food items. However, they are also more resistant to different ways struggle, which is why removing bedbugs from an apartment is a rather time-consuming process.

Before you remove bedbugs from your home, you need to figure out what methods exist for this and which one should be preferred in each case. The main methods include the following:

Bedbugs quickly develop resistance to the means by which they are regularly poisoned. Therefore, if bedbugs got into the apartment from neighbors, you need to find out what they were poisoned with and use another drug.

Feedback on the removal of bedbugs:

“I don’t know, fortunately or not, but we got bedbugs just before the repair. We did everything - changed the wallpaper, floors, ceilings, and therefore all this muck was simply swept away and crushed. They threw out two sofas, which were directly teeming with bedbugs. The house was not processed by any means, they just didn’t heat it for a month, but it was still warm in it. Already six months after the repair, there are no bedbugs. I think we got rid of…”

The most effective expulsion of bedbugs from the apartment will be when professionals deal with it.

For this, teams of sanitary services are usually called, whose specialists know perfectly well where bedbugs can hide and in what cases what means and methods are best used. In addition, the treatment of an apartment with heat can only be done with the help of specialized equipment that such specialists have.

Removal of bedbugs depending on the specifics of their localization

Bed bugs in an apartment usually settle in different places. This can be a bed, and furniture, and cracks in the floor and behind the baseboards, and household appliances, clothes or a pantry. The main thing for them is darkness, normal temperature regime and availability of food.

Bed bugs are most often found in beds and sofas where people sleep. There are several ways to get them out of here:

  • take out the furniture in the cold;
  • process it special preparations- Executioner, Karbofos, Tetrix and others;
  • scald over the entire surface with boiling water or walk with a hairdryer.

It is important to understand that if the bugs are hiding in some other place in the apartment, processing one bed will not work - they will return to it sooner or later anyway.

If the bugs have chosen very hard-to-reach places, it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive disinfestation of the entire premises, either on their own or by attracting specialists. The latter, by the way, have special tools for introducing poison into narrow gaps.

Feverfew and some powders and solutions similar to it are widely used in everyday life, with which such slots, baseboards and sockets can be treated. These funds are relatively inexpensive, but do not give a quick effect.

Many powdered insecticides are not effective against bed bug eggs. This means that even after destroying the main nest with these means, in a few weeks you can meet bedbugs hatched from previously laid eggs.

Upholstered furniture is a favorite haven for bed bugs. Here, a sleeping person is most accessible to them, the optimum temperature is constantly maintained, and the insect is less at risk of dying while feeding, being crushed.

Important: the smallest bug larvae can crawl inside mattresses. Because of this, it is much more difficult to detect and destroy them.

But upholstered furniture is the easiest thing to process. It can be scalded in the old fashioned way with boiling water from a large saucepan, it can be taken outside into the cold, or it can be treated with insecticides on the street. It is important before you remove the bedbugs from the apartment, to check that they are nowhere else. Otherwise, all efforts will be in vain.

The easiest way to get bedbugs out of clothes is to heat treatment. Almost everything is effective here:

  • washing at high temperature;
  • scalding in a large bowl;
  • ironing;
  • steaming clothes in a closed car in the sun on a summer day;
  • dry cleaning - they usually include the treatment of clothes with special preparations from insects.

It is possible, during the complex treatment of the apartment, to put all the clothes in bags, carefully treat with an insecticide and tie the bags. After a few hours, all the bugs on the clothes will die. The main thing is not to forget to wash the clothes thoroughly after this.

A representative of the sanitary service will best tell you how to remove bed bugs from a particular apartment. Here it is necessary to take into account:

  1. The size of the apartment;
  2. Bed bug infestation in neighboring apartments;
  3. Season of the year.

As a rule, highly effective insecticides are used in the complex treatment of an apartment, and only sometimes they resort to treating the apartment with heat. Both methods are quite reliable, but temperature treatment is much safer for permanent residents of the premises.

When processing an apartment on your own, you must:

  1. Carefully choose the drug to fight. Today, Karbofos, Executioner, Fufanon, Kombat and some others are considered the most effective. When choosing which means to poison bedbugs, you need to find out which one is used by local sanitary services. They are usually most effective in specific conditions.
  2. Observe all precautions indicated in the instructions. In any case, it is necessary to remove all residents and pets from the premises for a day, and carry out the treatment in a gauze bandage and gloves.
  3. Treat as carefully as possible all the places where bedbugs hide or can potentially be.
  4. Leave the room with the windows closed for several hours.
  5. Ventilate the apartment and thoroughly wipe all surfaces with a damp cloth. Most insecticides used today break down quickly in the air, but even a small amount left on walls and tables can lead to backfire(for example, to allergies).

AT northern regions in winter, the apartment can be frozen out, leaving it for several days with open windows. It is only important to provide protection engineering systems from freezing and make sure that the temperature outside the window has dropped below minus 22°C.

Especially severe case is the simultaneous infestation of bedbugs in several apartments in high-rise building. Here for effective fight it is necessary to find out who has bedbugs in the house, to cooperate and coordinate their actions so that they either independently process the apartment at the same time, or call a pest control team into several rooms at once. It is important to understand that if bugs remain in at least one apartment in the house, they will quickly spread throughout the building.

Review of bedbug persecution in the hostel:

“In general, I never saw this disgusting thing in my eyes, and only after the move, when they started biting at night, did I sin on mosquitoes. And then I found out that almost the entire new hostel was amazed by them. Pickled once, the second, all to no avail. They run from neighboring rooms in a few days. In short, they coordinated the persecution for two weeks, called in a brigade, stole a lot of money (104 rooms with kitchens and pantries!), but they did it notably. For more than a year, no one has ever been bitten. They just called the sanitary and epidemiological station, without any services.”

5 proven ways to kill bed bugs in the apartment

because of small size bed bloodsuckers are very difficult to notice. They do not seek to catch the eye of a person, often hiding in crevices or under sheets, in mattresses and pillows. How to get bloodsuckers out if they are not visible? How to find out who bites at night: a mosquito or a bug? The first difference is the remaining traces: the bite of a winged squeaker is, as a rule, an isolated case. Bedbug bites line up appearing on the body in the form of tracks.

If a thin mosquito squeak is not heard at night, and in the morning multiple red itchy spots are found on the body, then only two options remain: allergies and bedbugs. People often cite an allergic reaction and look for the causative agent when the real problem is bed occupants.

The appearance of unpleasant neighbors in the apartment is accompanied by small bloody spots on linen, upholstery of armchairs and sofas or on clothes, depending on the location of the colony. Droplets of blood remain after the feast of hungry insects, as well as excrement. Black dots, similar to the guano of flies - natural result habitats of living organisms, hardly visible to the eye.

The Internet is teeming with dozens of tips on destruction different types insects. For bedbugs, it is advised to use herbs, a vacuum cleaner, heat treatment, liquids, sulfuric smoke. The authors advise how to get rid of bedbugs without outside help at home.

Professional bed bugs

  • Powder
  • liquid
  • Aerosol
  • Gelatinous
  • Special chalk

Sold in shops and markets a large number of various preparations for the treatment of pests. Among them, you can choose products that are highly effective and relatively safe for human health. Careful processing of the entire room can lead to a positive result, but requires a mandatory repetition of the procedure. A single whole egg or a surviving individual will return the problem, and the owners will puzzle over how to finally get rid of bedbugs.

It is necessary to use insecticides with extreme caution: these are strong chemicals, their harmlessness to people is due to the exact observance of all precautions. Minor residues of the substance on the treated surface can lead to an allergic reaction or poisoning. Pets and babies are especially at risk, their unprotected organisms react more strongly to the irritant. Cases recorded lethal outcome children and animals, as a result of the negligent use of insecticidal preparations.

Determining all the habitats of bedbugs in the house is not easy. Their favorite place of residence is the bed, where they have immediate access to food: human blood. However, they may choose to interesting places: upholstered chairs, sofas, carpets, closets with clothes or linen, towels, wooden things and cracks in the floor. An experienced professional will be able to quickly find all the foci of infection. The exterminator will inspect the premises and choose the best set of ways to solve the problem.

Why choose a pest control company

  • Specialists are experienced in pest control and know quickly.
  • Professional insect exterminators clearly adhere to all necessary safety measures.
  • The most effective remedy for room treatment.
  • Special equipment allows steam and chemicals penetrate all the cracks.
  • The exterminator will not miss any secluded corner in which bugs can hide.
  • After completion of the procedure, it is necessary to ventilate the room for several hours. An employee of the company will instruct the hosts about next steps and safety.
  • If necessary, a repeat procedure will be scheduled.

How to carry out pest control from any room, even in the most neglected situation, the employees of the ECO-CAPITAL company know. You have been suffering from insect bites for a long time or have just noticed their presence - the ECO-CAPITAL team will save you from uncomfortable cohabitants quickly and safely. We will destroy harmful insects and teach you how to prevent their occurrence in the future. Just one call separates you from a quiet life in cozy home where only those you let in live.

How to get rid of bed bugs in the apartment?

There are many means of dealing with bed bugs. In this article, we will consider how to get bedbugs out of the apartment most reliably and quickly, as well as the effectiveness of various chemical and non-chemical agents against them.

Bed bugs are common household pests. Do not think that perfect cleanliness in the house guarantees protection from these insects - they are comfortable in any hygienic conditions. And bed bugs can get into the house in many ways, for example:

At the slightest suspicion of infestation of the apartment with bedbugs - a specific smell, itching and spots on the skin from night bites, blood points on bed linen - it is necessary to arrange a thorough inspection of the mattress, bed and the entire room.

How to get bedbugs out on your own and can you even count on success in such an event? The sooner the fight against these fast-growing domestic pests begins, the more chances for a quick victory.

Where can bed bugs live

  • "Varan"
  • "Neo"
  • "Super"

These products are most effective when sprayed directly on insects and their nests. By analogy with dichlorvos, karbofos acts and is used.

Dichlorvos do not always have a positive effect, just because bedbugs are often poisoned by them, and insects quickly develop immunity to them. When the time comes for re-treatment (and a single application of the drug is not enough), insects, as a rule, already become immune to it.

Crayons, powders and gels

These tools give good results only in combination with more effective means, they are useful as an aid. With crayons, you can draw lines near the baseboards along the floor and along wooden elements furniture inside and out. It is convenient to apply gels with the help of dosing syringes into narrow gaps. Powders are poured into cracks and joints of furniture structural elements.

Temperature treatment

Give very good results:

  • washing and ironing clothes, textiles and bed linen at high temperatures;
  • thorough hot steam treatment of carpets, floors, furniture, crevices behind skirting boards (a steam generator, steam cleaner, steamer or iron with a steam generation system, a vacuum cleaner with a steam function are suitable).
  • steam cleaning services, as an option for outerwear, carpets, blankets and other large fabric items.
  • boiling water treatment of cracks in the floor and behind baseboards, as well as mattresses and furniture (if the material from which the furniture is made can withstand such treatment).

In winter, infected people and clothes can be taken out for several hours in the cold, or the whole apartment can be thoroughly frozen by opening the windows and wrapping all the elements of the heating and plumbing systems (otherwise the cold will cause damage to the pipes). It should also be borne in mind that wallpaper and stretch ceilings can suffer from freezing.

Is it possible to remove bedbugs with folk remedies?

Folk methods require repeated treatments, and most often do not allow bedbugs to be removed quickly and permanently. These methods include:

  • The use of infusions of odorous herbs, for example, wormwood, chamomile;
  • Manual collection of insects;
  • Rubbing vinegar, turpentine, kerosene into infected surfaces.

Rules for working with chemicals

Chemicals in the form of aerosols and emulsions, which are sprayed with spray guns, require special safety precautions. The person who will carry out the treatment must wear:

  • gauze bandage on the mouth;
  • protective glasses;
  • rubber gloves;
  • disposable gown;
  • disposable hat;
  • shoe covers.

For the processing period, you need to remove all other household members and animals from the apartment, take out houseplants, close windows and doors tightly.

After processing, you can not stay in the apartment for at least a day, unless otherwise indicated on the packaging of the selected product. After that, it arranges wet cleaning and intensive ventilation throughout the apartment.

Rules for processing furniture and apartments

When processing cabinets, tables, chests of drawers, you need to remove all the contents from them and be sure to process the space behind the back wall.

How to get bed bugs out of a mattress

An infected mattress can be doused with steam, taken out in the cold, treated with boiling water or a liquid chemical and packed in polyethylene for several hours, days (depending on the speed of action of the selected drug). If the mattress has spring block, mattress pad and removable cover, then it is better to process all these elements separately.

How to get bedbugs out of the house

At full processing apartments, skirting boards, Wall Clock and decorations must be removed, furniture should be moved away from the walls, all things should be removed from the cabinets.

The drug should be sprayed on all surfaces of furniture and floors, especially carefully treating narrow cracks, areas of wallpaper peeling off the walls, and grooves in window frames, laminate, parquet. Linoleum, if possible, it is better to lift and process the floor under it. Sockets, ventilation ducts and spaces behind batteries (bugs love heat) are also subject to treatment.

Prevention measures

To prevent the appearance of bedbugs in the apartment, it is useful to periodically treat ventilation ducts, rugs at the door with insecticides, and clean the apartment disinfectants and thoroughly vacuum floors and furniture.

Ordinary electrical outlets are best replaced with ones that automatically close when not in use. If there are gaps in the joints of the walls and floors, they need to be puttied.

If nothing helps

Sometimes no methods allow you to get bed bugs out of the apartment on your own. Or it turns out that the result does not justify the money spent.

If the apartment is heavily infested with bedbugs, it is better to call experienced exterminators, contact private disinfection services or district SES. If the neighboring apartment of socially disadvantaged citizens serves as a source of constant infection, you should contact the social security services or raise the issue of forced processing of that apartment at a general house meeting, send a complaint to the housing office or the management company.

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