What if the food mole started in the kitchen? Effective means of combating food mole and its larvae how to get rid of pray in the kitchen cabinet.

The buildings 16.06.2019
The buildings

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There is nothing pleasant when the product mole appears in your kitchen. These insects always deliver the owners of the apartment many damages, problems and inconvenience. They can even put in a room that is supported in perfect purity, and the fight against them takes a lot of time and effort. However, the kitchen mole is possible to output, if you use the following effective advice and means. In this article we will tell about how to get rid of food moths in the kitchen and how to prevent its appearance.

Food mole, which is also called kitchen or food, is a small butterfly of gray or brownish color. On the Internet there are many photos with its image. The torso reaches about 10 millimeters. It is mainly a nightlife, so its emergence of the owners is rarely noticed on time. It flies quickly, it has a good reaction, it knows how to maneuver, so the insect in the air is palm, a newspaper or a fly swatter will be hard. In the daytime, it hides in secluded places, where direct sunlight does not fall and the person is rarely peeking, for example, in the corner of the suspension cabinet. The life cycle of moth begins from several days, but can last up to three weeks. For this, it would seem short time insect capable of postpone a lot of larvae who will still spoil the life of the owners at home.

There is also a kitchen moth in almost all dry products. It can be flour, tea, coffee, bulk products (sugar), cereals and cereals (rice, buckwheat, millet, semolina), nuts and even dried fruits. The larvae defined by adult individuals, spoil the contents of numerous cans with livelihoods and particles of the covers that they drop as they grow and developed. Obviously, the food in which the adult person or the larva of the product moth is unsuitable for food and is irrevocably spoiled.

Kitchen mole can safely live and develop even in a hermetic jar without access to oxygen. The absence of a constant inflow of fresh air does not interfere with the usual processes of the vital activity of these insects. If the cereals were already infected with larvae, they will definitely grow and continue to spoil your life.

There are several basic varieties of food moth:

  • cheering - more nutritious seems to be a variety of cereals;
  • flour - lives and breeds, for the most part, in flour;
  • fruit - puts eggs on seeds, dried fruits, in some varieties of tea.

The chopped owners who collided with a similar problem, the same question arises: "What causes the causes of these unpleasant insects in the kitchen?" The answer is simple. The point is not in the well-kept state of the room and is not in order in the kitchen. Food mole penetrates the house together with purchased croups, flour or fruit. In stores and in the markets, unfortunately, do not always observe necessary rules Transportation and storage. If the product is already infected with eggs or larvae, they will certainly begin to develop in your apartment. Therefore, we advise you to buy ingredients for cooking only in proven places, as well as carefully examine products for a possible threat.

Adults can safely penetrate your home through loosely closed door Or a window, through the outstand or ventilation systems that link your apartment with neighborhood.

Harm and danger

What is the main danger of food moth? Harm for the person she inflicts is not critical, but little pleasant in such a cohabitation. For its short life cycle, an adult special is able to postpone up to 400 eggs, which, as it improves products unsuitable for use, pollute them with excrement and remnants of the shells.

Eating products infected with kitchen moth eggs can lead to the following unpleasant consequences:

  • problems with the immune system;
  • disorder of the digestive system;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • allergic reactions.

General Insect Control Rules

What to do with product moth, how to get rid of the invasions of unwanted guests? There are several general councils and recommendations how to bring food mole quickly and efficiently:

  1. Throw all infected products. Cold mole: how to get rid of it? First of all, it should be checked all dry products for the presence of eggs, larvae or adult individuals. Get all the banks and all secluded angles. If you are not sure about some of the ingredients, it will be better to get rid of it just in case.
  2. Soap solution. Mole is afraid of direct sunlight And soap. Therefore, it is worth walking with a sponge dipped in a soap solution throughout the dishes, storage tanks and surfaces inside the boxes and cabinets where pests can dwell.
  3. Treatment with acetic solution. In addition to light and soap, the mole does not tolerate vinegar. Wipe the wall of the cabinets from the inside and leave dry.
  4. Chemicals. Modern technologies allow you to make effective means from all types of insects. Buy one of these means will be cheap, and the result will be visible instantly. However, carefully with this in the kitchen, do not use chemicals near food.


Aerosol is an option that is not quite suitable for use in the kitchen, although very effective. He is inconvenient by the fact that he will not delibe him directly to the focus of infection, since the chemistry in the composition will certainly poison products. However, it can be sprayed onto the inner walls of the cabinets and wait some time until the tool works. It will be possible to place the products back to the shelves only after the caustic aerosol solution can wash with water with soap.


A mole trap looks like a small sheet with a sticky surface. It exudes the smell that attracts kitchen mole. Adhesive insects move on the smell, stick to the surface of the leaf and dying. Traps are placed on the inner walls of the cabinets. They are usually enough for 3-5 weeks, since after they stop eliminating the smell or they simply do not remain free space.

Folk recipes

Suppose you do not like artificial methods of struggle against food moth. How to get rid of folk remedies without resorting to aggressive chemistry? There are several uncomplicated tips:

  1. Put a pot with geranium on the windowsill. This plant is known for its preventive properties in the fight against many insects.
  2. Spread on the shelves of kitchen cabinets. One of the following products: garlic cloves - the sharp smell does not like moths; Packages with cloves, laurel sheet, mint, pepper - spices scare insects; Orange peel, lemon, grapefruit - the smell of citrus sodes are unbearable for all types of room moth.

Prevention of appearance

In order to avoid the appearance of annoying food moths in your kitchen, you should follow the following simple rules:

  1. Regularly ventilate the room, do not let the air stifter.
  2. Choose glass or metal storage tanks.
  3. Store products in the refrigerator, because at low temperatures insects lose the ability to multiply and die.

Successful anti-insect fight!

Video: how to get rid of moths

Food mole is dangerous pestthat dwells in the kitchen infects food, making them unsuitable. Insects usually fall into the apartment together with spoiled food products brought from the market or from the store. They can also penetrate the room through open windows, doors or ventilation system.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most effective means designed to combat food mol.

Best remedies for moths in the kitchen

Spray "Moskitol"

The insecticidal drug includes substances Permeter and transflouthallowing you to effectively get rid of moths and its larvae. Means does not leave traces, does not have unpleasant odorIt guarantees protection against pests for up to 12 months.

  • Mode of application. The aerosol should be sprayed on the inner surfaces of the kitchen cabinets at a distance of 20-30 cm.
  • Manufacturer: Russia.
  • Volume: 200 ml.
  • Shelf life: 3 years
  • Average cost: 200 rubles.
  • Contraindications. The drug is safe for health, but it is not recommended to use people who are observed increased sensitivity To the components included in its composition. After processing the room, it should be aircraft for 30 minutes.


Hello! I work directly in SanEpidemstation. Professional experience tells me that such a means against kitchen moths as Moskitol is very good when it is necessary to quickly destroy both the larvae, imago and adult females and males. In general, I always liked the whole series of this company. The price is decent, storage time, conditions of application, effect - everything is proportionate. In addition, for kitchen premises, the tool is not considered toxic, only it is necessary that the food does not fall on, on the dishes. To avoine is then room, and wash all the lockers. Beautiful tool Against moths for general cleaning!

Means "Moskitol" - Overview:

Spray "Bros"

The remedy has high efficiency due to its components that provide protection against moths for up to 4 months. Spray can easy to use, it is characterized by instant effect, has a pleasant smell and leaves no trace after the treatment.

  • Mode of application. Spray need to spray on inside Furniture at a distance of 25 cm.
  • Manufacturer: Germany.
  • Volume: 150 ml.
  • Shelf life: 4 years.
  • Average cost: 250 rubles.
  • Contraindications: It is recommended to conduct a procedure in protective clothing, in the absence of children and pets. After the processing is completed, it is necessary to thoroughly wash your face and hand, to ventilate the room for 30 minutes, and then make a wet cleaning.


Hey! I wanted to say two words about the spray ride. Once my parents asked me to help them choose some repellent against moths in the kitchen. I did not know what better, I chose a bump and took a bottle. They checked him in practice and called me later to say: "Thank you!". The means, it turns out, acts almost instantly, besides, they did not have to leave anywhere, waiting for the effect for a long time, as when using tablets or plates. In short, Mom remained very satisfied with this brand.

Tablets "Deesmol"

To destroy insects, you can use special tablets, which include plasticized polyvinyl chloride. The effectiveness of the means is saved on the 4ndels, after which it is replaced with a new one.

  • Mode of application. Tablets need to be wrapped in gauze and put in the cabinet at the rate 3 gauze bag per sectionvolume 1 m3.
  • Manufacturer: Russia.
  • Complete set: In one package contains 3-4 tableted tools.
  • Shelf life: 12 months.
  • Contraindications: Tablets contain components, unsafe for human health, they are recommended to be stored separately from food, in places inaccessible to children


Hello! My name is Sergey. I want to tell about the "Desmol" tablets that I had once to buy to remove the mole from the kitchen, the bark is already the month there. He devoured almost all the grandmother's corn, which she left for seeds for planting, spoiled a couple of packages with a cereal, also climbed into the banks. I had to throw everything out, but on all the cabinets decompose the pills. It must be said that the Dezmolev pills worked perfectly, the mole really fed, and we just wipe the larvae and thrown away. So pills act!

Trap "Raptor"


I "lucky" one day to fight with a moth in the kitchen cabinets. I, somehow, feared to apply an aerosol in those places where I have dishes and products. Therefore, it was considered the optimal exactly suspended options or folding - for example, tablets. I bought after all the trap, which glues on the wall of the cabinet and does not interfere with anyone. There is no smell completely none, it already suggests that the toxins do not allocate. But on the mole, it acts as a fragrant bait, delicacy. They soldered to her and deceived. The only thing that larvae needs to be deleted in a separate way. I just took one trap and myself glued the larvae to her, and then threw it away.

Aeroxon trap


Trappers "Aerockson" helped me overcome such an unpleasant phenomenon as mole in the kitchen. It was enough to put them on the cabinets and all the winged pests began to fall into it, like flies on the adhesive tape. The plate is attached well, once only one trap fell, but it is probably because of the dusty wall of the cabinet. Therefore, before gluing, it is necessary to make sure that there is no dust on the surface. When you change traps, there are no traces on the wall of the furniture, which can already be noted as an additional plus. In principle, if someone does not happen the type of dead insects in their kitchen, then the traps are suitable. But the nest still needs to be removed. Therefore, all packages with moth and their larvae must be thrown out and bring out of the house.

Pyrethro powder


Hello! Alena, 31 years old, I live in Moscow. I do not know where it takes mole in the kitchen, I generally, sometimes it seems that it arrives from the neighbors. I once had just managed to remove mole in a storeroom and a closet, as in 4 months she was already settled in the kitchen. In ventilation, is it overwhelming?! I bought Pyrethrum on the advice of colleagues at work and made a solution from it. Then he removed everything from the cabinets, sprinkled from an ordinary sprayer, and after a day had already noticed the effect. Some worn milk bugs. I have not seen more moths. This is still, then I do not know how will, but it seems to help Pyrethrum.

Many people came across the problem of food moth. These insects settles in packages with croups and constantly fly in the kitchen. If you notice it, you have a food moth.

If you encountered small black insects in bulk products, then immediately throw away all infected cereals and make general cleaning in cabinets. Bring all the suspicious croup.

In another article, we talked about who spoil food. In this article we will discuss one more insect, damaging our food. Food mole settles in products, lives in them, puts eggs. So it is better to get rid of such croup, because The products of their livelihoods have already spoiled food.

Description of food moth

Mol is a representative of the calculation of the scraps, which are small in size and lead, as a rule, a night lifestyle. Moths compared to conventional butterflies are extremely small.

Also, they do not have a trot characteristic of butterflies. Why not? The answer is simple: he is simply not needed. While still embryo, they begin to eat sufficiently hard food, and the need for a trunk disappears.

At a later age, Mol loses the ability to eat and stops digesting food. The main task for it at this stage is to postpone the eggs and take care of the offspring.

The pray butterfly has an imperceptible gray or dark brown. As a rule, butterflies live 2-5 days. Insect in its development passes several stages. The first is the larva. The larva is 2 cm long and has a yellowish or white shade, it can live to 60 days. Then the larva turns into a caterpillar, and the caterpillar is in the butterfly.

Most of the mole love dried fruits, various types of cereals and tea. So the lack of explicit signs of moth is not a guarantee that it is not. Mol very quickly adapts to different conditions Environments, so it can live at any time of the year and in different climates.

The main danger for a person is the eggs and larvae moths. If you have noticed dark rollers in food, then this is exactly mole.

Tired to struggle with pests?

At the cottage or in the apartment wound cockroaches, mice or other pests? You need to fight with them! They are carriers of serious diseases: Salmonellosis, rabies.

Many dackets face pests that destroy the harvest and damage plants.

It has the following properties:

  • Eliminates mosquitoes, cockroaches, rodents, ants, bedbugs
  • Safe for children and pets
  • It works from the network, no recharging is required
  • No effect of addiction in pests
  • Big area of \u200b\u200bthe device

From pests that live in houses, several types can be distinguished:

  • handling;
  • cigarette
  • potato;
  • fruit.

All of them differ from each other in coloring and food. Hardware dwells in the cabinets and everywhere where there is clothes. Therefore, it is so important to sort out old clothes, even which you do not wear. A cereal mole, based on its name, feeds in a cereal.

Fruit mole prefers tea and dried fruits. It can be likely to have a fruit and tea. And potatoes feed on potato tubers. And most of all she loves old potatoes, it is softer.

The stories of our readers!
"All summer we spend on the cottage, mosquitoes, flies and midges are a lot. To be in the house, and even more so on the street it is impossible to do with adults or children. Acquired a lamp trap on the advice of neighbors.

We use a lamp for more than a month. Forgot about flying insects and often in the evenings in the open air. Very satisfied with the result. I recommend to everyone."

How does the food mole appear?

A special danger lies you if you buy cereals not in vacuum packages. If an adult fees fall into the cereal, then it will not stop anything from breeding. It will infect all the cereals in the closet.

Harm food moth

As mentioned earlier, larvae and eggs are presented for the greatest danger. In all his short life, Mol is throwing off the scales several times, as well as life products turn out to be in food.

Also, an adult person is postponed with 400 eggs. It is easy to guess that the use of insect foods in the food is badly affected by the human body. Due to the use of a person infected with moth products, intoxication of the body occurs.

The stories of our readers!
"It was always used fertilizer and feeding in our garden. A neighbor said that he was soaked by seeds, applying a new fertilizer. Seedling grows strong and strong.

Ordered, followed instructions. Wonderful results! We did not expect this! Gathered this year a wonderful harvest, now we will always use only this means. I recommend trying. "

How to get rid of food moths?

Due to the specifics of the power, the moth does not have a definite solution to the problem. Since mol is powered with bulk products, the poison should get into them. Therefore, the destruction of moth is a rather complicated and painstaking process.

There is a lot of choice different means. Almost all of them are aerosol.

Basically, the market is in demand by the company's aerosols:

  • Raid;
  • Raptor;
  • Arch;
  • Antimol;
  • Combat.

They have an instant effect, and also create a protective barrier. Just spray the aerosol in the kitchen, leave the dwelling for a couple of hours, and then ventilate. Now the moth will definitely not be chances, and by calcining the croup you will relieve yourself from a possible recurrence.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies against moth:

Is it possible to remove mole at home forever?

Often help and folk remedies, but they are effective at small colonies.

But the most effective method The struggle will be control. If you constantly take care of the purity of your home, and also to make prevention, then you simply do not lead moths.

Prevention of moth appearance

Do not make big reserves of croup, flour and sugar and keep them in your kitchen. It is better to bribe products as needed. And you need to buy well-known trademarks And try to avoid leakage packages.

If possible, do not leave products on fresh air (dried fruits, tea, cereals). Also important will check all products after purchase. If you suspect a mole infection without regret, throw away the croup.


Mole may appear in rural house, and a fashionable apartment. Only competent use of preventive tools will save you from her appearance, as well as maintain order in the kitchen.

Surely, any hostess knows who is the food mole. it small insect, just less centimeter long, light beige, with wings covered with pollen.

An adult person is pretty quirky and can crawl even into the smallest gaps. Getting up to the most secluded corners, she laying the larvae. The main pest is precisely the larvae, because they eat vegetable products, so they often start in the croups.

The life of this insect no more than three weeks, but during this time it can postpone more than two hundred larvae. The color of the caterpillar varies from milky white to beige, giving in yellowness. Based on a dark brown or black head. The main complexity in the elimination of these pests is that they are quite prolific.
The food mole has a special activity at night, so it is in the evening hours that there is an opportunity to meet it. However, having an inconspicuous color, plus a fairly small size mole is able to easily disappear from human eyes.

Food mole photo

Is there any difference between food and wrapping moth?
Having powered by woolen clothing or fabrics of plant origin, such as silk or flax. In size, the hardware is slightly smaller and has a brighter color. This type of moth is easier to destroy, because you can process things special tool, ventilation cabinets, give in dry cleaning or outdoor clothes. And the disfigurations will serve as lavender bags or special cartridges.

What does food mole look like in a photo.

Where does the food mole come from

It is capable of starting, even if in the kitchen room purely. The insect flies well and can move over long distances, because of this, there is a possibility that it can simply fly to you through the window, door or air duct. There is a danger that the larvae will be preserved in poorly processed products. Therefore, buying cereals, prefer transparent packaging, that you can view the contents of the package.

Coming from the store or market, there is a possibility to bring mole to the house along with the products. Since in storage facilities, before packaging, a pair of larvae can get into the packages.
And find out where the food mole comes from is not always possible. Since it is difficult to track in what conditions products were kept before selling them to you, what is the situation with the moth in warehouses, and how the bodies that lead and control the quality of products work.
You can carefully check the purchased products, follow the cleanliness of kitchen cabinets.

What products will start the food mole

The adult part is practically much eating, but when it arrives in the caterpillar stage, it is rather voracious and can escape essentially.

Most often larvae can be found in dry products, croups, pasta, peas, beans, nuts and dried fruits. In addition to the fact that the caterpillars feed on your surpluses, they also leave behind their livelihoods, which makes the products in which they were noticed unsuitable for food. The larvae leaves after their web, scales, feces and other unpleasant things.

Food mole is able to spoil seeds for sowing, simply discrepancing the embryo. It is also able to start in sweets, seasonings, in tea and breadcrumbs.
Remarkable fact. If the mole started in a bag with grain, it can enhance its web layer to 10 centimeters in depth. At the same time, grains lose their food value And absolutely not suitable for food.
Therefore, answering the question in which products the food mole is started, there is an opportunity only to highlight a large list that you can consider incomplete. Since moth or not, it depends on what conditions you will store your reserves.

Food moth how to get rid of

To eliminate insects, they are not enough to just kill them. During your stay, you probably managed to postpone eggs, of which voracious larvae will soon hatch. And since we are dealing with food applying aerosols is dangerous to health.
To begin with, you need to inspect food, for the presence of larvae in them.
Where the food mole has already been seen, it will be cereals or pasta, not dealing to throw away. Since it is impossible to get rid of insects that are already in bulk products. In addition, it is possible, you will not see the larvae, but an adult person has already managed to postpone the eggs.

What no doubt is possible to calcinate in the microwave or oven (concerns croup), and after keep in a container with a dense cover.

Cabinets in which infected products were stored, wipe the walls with a rag of pre-dipped in acetic acid. Mouse over and air lockers.

Food moth how to get rid of folk remedies

The food mole is sufficiently adapted, however, in order to say goodbye to the larvae and eggs of moths, you need to make products on the frost, it will not leave them a chance to survive.

How to get rid of this insect by folk remedies you can tell any woman who collided with this problem. Since it is clear that dealing with food products, people seek to avoid applying aerosols, due to the danger of poisoning.
Taking into account, not the love of moths of the smell of lavender, you can decompose special bags of lockers, it will scare adult individuals, so they will not be able to postpone eggs there. Mint and wormwood has similar actions.

Do not forget about measures that will help not miss the fact of the appearance of insects. And in order to prevent the pray reproduction, store the cereals in tightly closed banks. Conduct general cleaning of cabinets or premises in which products are stored.

The hostess at least once in his life came across the problem of the appearance of moths in the apartment. A small unwaspberry butterfly flies around the house and delivers a lot of concern, since this means that somewhere already postponed eggs from which voracious larvae will be launched. She threatens the damage of clothes and a setting, but mole in the kitchen is a separate and very serious conversation, since our food is exposed, and therefore we ourselves.

What is food mole

Entomologists distinguish between several types of moths annoying a person in the kitchen. Most often it is nutty, cereal, cocoa, indian, mill and barn fire - butterflies of the detachment of scrapers, preferring a nightlife.

Appearance of food moth

For a non-specialist, the pests of all these species look similar - a moth more than 1 cm in length with grayish-brownish wings, which are easily cropped with scales. Insects whose larvae feed on food products, in everyday life combines in general concept "Food Mol". The methods of struggle are also not varying by type. Most often, grocery is attacked by groceries - cereals, sugar, dried fruits, flakes that are part of finished breakfasts, flour and flour products, pasta, baby food, tea, coffee and nuts with seeds.

Food moth wings can be monophonic or having in the drawing strips with dots

Life cycle insect

Lives no more than two months. But if the conditions are unfavorable, due to the delay of development, this period may increase to 300 days. At temperatures from +25 ° C. And humidity from 50% it quickly multiplies, laying eggs in hard-to-reach places and near food.

The view and size of the eggs of food moth resemble the groats

One individual gives from 100 to 400 eggs, of which the main pests are derived - larva caterpillars. IN favorable conditions Residential cuisines they actively develop, feeding with the products, and in a few weeks grow up to sizes 14-16 mm. The larvae possess a light color, similar to worms with five pairs of legs. It is they who harm the products by clogging them and expecting within accessibility. With a large extent of infection, it is impossible to notice them: they create a web around them, from which cocoons are later forming.

Caterpillars (larvae) of food moths cause significant damage to kitchen reserves

In a state of a cocoon, food mole spends from 1-2 weeks to a month, gradually turning into an adult insect. After hatching, it crashes for mating, which can happen the next day. Then fertilized females are looking for a place in the feed environment to postpone the eggs. The life of an adult insect does not exceed two weeks, and all this time the butterfly does not eat, but only drinks water. Underdeveloped digestive system Does not allow it to absorb products.

In the cocoon, the insect is still, so direct damage can not be applied

Than harmful food mole

Although the main kitchen pests are moth larvae, the insect can cause damage at each stage of its development:

  • eggs clog the products, leading them into disrepair;
    If the eggs of food moth got into the foods, it is impossible to use them
  • the larvae eat stocks, spoil them with web, excrement and dead shells;
    Products infected with nutritional moth larvae are dangerous to health
  • motillas are randomly flying in the kitchen, falling into liquid food, which may cause infection;
    Mole, accidentally flown in food, delivers no less trouble than fly
  • dead insects litter the room and give him an unattractive look.
    Dead insects give the house feeling of running

Randomly consulting foods infect with larvae and replaceable cocoons, you can cause an allergic reaction or get serious food poisoning, fraught with intoxication and further immunity problems.

If the food mole is detected in industrial food products, they are removed from sale. In your own kitchen, the struggle is starting when the first traces of the pest is found.

Signs and reasons for the appearance of food moth

Assuming the presence of insects in kitchen reserves can be in the following cases:

If the infection just started, the larvae is difficult to notice. Therefore, a small grocery inspect very carefully, and more large check for the presence of a negle.

Why pest start

To successfully deal with the mole, you need to know how it falls into the apartment and infects facilities with products. There are three ways:

  1. With purchased products already infected with larvae or pest eggs.
  2. From neighbors (usually through ventilation, like most insect pests).
  3. Through loosely covered doors and windows of the apartment.

The appearance of food pray does not mean that the hostess incorrectly contains the room. Insects come from the outside and come even on the clean kitchen.

The difference between the food moth from the wrapping (relative)

All small butterflies seem similar. But since the methods of combating pests of products and tissues are distinguished, then it is worthwhile to take into account a number of differences that will help determine what kind of moths had a chance to face.

How to get rid of food moli at home

Wrestling methods can be divided into the following categories:

  • mechanical (directed to the mechanical cleansing of the territory of the pest);
  • chemical (insecticidal);
  • folk (without the use of chemicals).

It is allowed to combine them.

Mechanical impact

The pest should be struggling at all stages of development, otherwise the methods will not bring the desired result. If you destroy only larvae, then the remaining adult insects will postpone new eggs and have to begin again.


This is the easiest and effective method. Thrick products in the kitchen and identify the source of infection on the features that are described in detail above.

From infectious products it is better to get rid of right away. But if more than two thirds of the cereals in good condition, you can try to save them, disappear by calcining in the oven at a temperature of +60 ° C. or placing B. freezing Camera for 1-2 days.

Products to which mole did not get, isolate, peeping in dry clean capacities with a tightly closing lid. You can put them on the refrigerator. Shelves and lockers where the source of the appearance of food moths could have thoroughly rinse with a solution economic Soap.

Most often food mole infects grocery products
Food mole does not endure cold, so in the refrigerator products safe


Trap can be bought in stores. Despite big choiceThe principle of action they have one - the mechanical destruction of the insect. They usually include the adhesive basis and the pheromone bait. The sticky layer is applied on cardboard or dense paper, and the bait is already included in the composition of the adhesive or is applied in a separate sachet.

Food pray traps do not contain toxins

This method of mechanical exposure is safe, because the traps do not include toxins and poisonous substances. But it does not work on eggs and larvae: the pheromones are designed to attract adult individuals.

When using adhesive traps, do not cease with the amount. If the pheromones are too many, insects will not fly to any trap.

Collect adhesive trap independently

It is distinguished by the lack of brothering pheromones and shape. Especially for food moths it is infrequently produced, so you can use any kind designed to protect against flying insects. Food mole flies chaotically, so such a type of trap gives good results in the fight against adult butterflies, but the larvae and eggs will not save.

Sticky tape will protect from moths, but will not save moths from larvae and eggs


Modern industrial means for the destruction of food moth are divided into two groups:

  1. Insecticides, most of which are based on the toxicity of the drug.
  2. Repellents are less dangerous substances with the basis of plant origin.

When used indoors, especially in the kitchen, chemicals To combat food mole require caution and compliance with security measures.

Insecticidal agents

One of the most popular forms are aerosols. The positive parties of their use include:

  • the spectrum of exposure - destroy both adult butterflies and their larvae-caterpillars;
  • the duration of exposure - up to a year, depending on the selected means;
  • efficiency - give an instant effect;
  • a wide selection - you can choose a tool, better than others suitable in each case.

Although the minuses are also present:

  • unsafe - Manufacturers recommend not allowing substances to food on food, and using use protective funds - gloves and a dressing or respirator;
  • difficulty in application: Since it is impossible to process directly products, then without mechanical destruction of the larvae that has already fallen into the grocery is not to do.

Aerosols have gained popularity thanks to the convenience of applying and storing active substances

The principle of the operation of fumigators is similar to the operation of aerosols - insecticides are thrown into the air, destroying the food mol. But in contrast to aerosols, they allocate insecticide constantly and in much less concentration. Therefore, they cannot be used constantly, but it is allowed to include only 8 hours and open the window. Their advantages:

  • relative safety;
  • wide spectrum of exposure: the destruction of caterpillars and adult insects.

Cons to use:

  • localization - work from the mains, the place of their installation is limited by the presence of a socket;
  • efficiency - the tool shows a good result in the destruction of butterflies and their caterpillars, but for the complete destruction of the larvae needed additional measures;
  • because of the low insecticide concentration, the effect is not immediately visible.

The reservoir for the fumigator is up to 45 days


Many hostesses prefer the repellent tool in the form of a section of the moth. His advantages:

  • security - are based on essential oils;
  • nice smell;
  • unlike glue traps and fumigators, the section from moth is not too noticeable and looks neat.

Among the minuses should consider:

  • doubtful efficiency: on adult butterflies, aromas act discretely, but they are ineffective against the larvae;
  • diagraval in the fight against the population: from larvae, adjacent to the means, can be launched butterflies, resistant to specific aroma.
Sections from moths may have interesting design solutions

According to the same scheme there are tablets from food moth. Sold usually in small packages and are used according to the instructions. It is best to wrap them in a porous fabric (gauze or bandage) and put it on the kitchen shelves. Positive and negative aspects of use are the same as the sections, but the cost of the tablets is usually lower.

Food pill tablets retain efficiency up to six months

Folk remedies

All those who have passed the time check recipes for combating food moth are based on pest scare. Mole does not make sharp odors, it is not capable of laying eggs in places where tangible flavors reign.

Most industrial repellents are based on the use of folk recipes.

To get rid of food moth, it is enough to create conditions unsuitable for the removal of offspring. And help this:

  1. Essential oils. Multiple drops of this pleasant means applied to a cotton disk or a piece of fabric, enough to scare the pest from the shelves of the kitchen cabinet.
    One of the most pleasant funds in the fight against food moth is essential oil with a favorite aroma
  2. Soap with a sharp smell. Toilet is more pleasant, exercising more efficiently. Bruks are laid out in places of the intended appearance of an insect, creating a fragrant veil.
    The smell of soap will not allow food moth to approach the products and postpone eggs
  3. Dried herbs. Llavananda, Pijm, Mint, wormwood and other plants with similar aromas are sewn into small bags or simply wrapped in a porous fabric or a napkin, so that it is not accidentally lit into the shelves.
    If the herbs to scare the food moth to collect on their own, then it is better to do it at the time of their flowering
  4. Citrus crusts. The peel is placed in the lockers. It will suit both dried zest and a fresh product. It is only necessary to change and watch the fresh crusts in time.
    It should be borne in mind that if the crust starts spoils, its smell is rapidly attracted than scared mole
  5. Indoor fragrant plants: Geranium and fragrant tobacco. One beautiful flower on the kitchen windowsill Enough so that the mole does not closely flew to the room.
    Ordinary geranium will reliably keep the kitchen from the invasion of food moth
  6. Spices and spices. Opening the cover or slightly cool the packaging so that pleasant smells freely spread through the kitchen cabinet.
    Spicy and sharp smells will not let the food mole to kitchen cabinets
  7. Camphor and vinegar. Both means cannot boast of nice use, but effectiveness has been proved for a long time. The camphor is used in the same way as essential oils: a few drops on your cotton disk. Vinegar is added to the water when cleaning the kitchen.

When choosing folk remedies Consider that neither naphthalene nor garlic check the time with the time. Naphthalene is recognized dangerous due to carcinogenic substancesincluded in its composition, and to garlic, most insects have developed addiction.

Preventive measures

Getting rid of food moth, it is important to prevent the re-infection of the kitchen.

  1. Before shifting the products in the tank, check each to infect food mol.
    It is better to acquire groceries in the factory package, and not packaged in the store
  2. If possible, exclude long-term storage of groceries. If you purchase products on the family, then no more than a week - the risk of infection with food mol is significantly reduced.
    It is better to buy a product than throwing out old stocks due to food mole infection
  3. Use pleasant and harmless aromatic means. To prevent them, they will need a very small amount.
    Homemade moth can be made with their own hands
  4. Store food in hermetic container. Even if you accidentally miss the larva, it will not be able to get out of the tank and infect neighboring. In the lifelong adult individuals will not be able to postpone the eggs.
    Hermetically packaged products are not at risk of infection with food mol
  5. Control the condition of windows, doors and ventilation holes. The usual mosquito net will protect the house not only from the random penetration of moths, but also many other home pests.

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