Projects and planning options for a village house. Interior Design

Engineering systems 30.08.2019
Engineering systems

Every inhabitant of the metropolis dreams of hiding from the hustle and bustle of the city in a rural cozy house, sleep on a featherbed whipped by a caring grandmother, have breakfast with fresh milk with buns. But if fresh milk with buns is a pipe dream, then rustic comfort is quite possible to recreate not only in country house, but if desired, and in a city apartment. It is only important to choose the direction in this style and follow it exactly.

Features of the interior of a village house inside

Village houses differ, depending on what territorial area they are located in and what culture they belong to. For example, the decoration of a village house in the Siberian hinterland will differ significantly from the hut of the inhabitants of southern Russia.

And a traditional Japanese house is incomparable to the provincial style of a French village.

The unifying moments of all the houses of rural residents are the naturalness of materials, the simplicity of finishing and household items and decor made by hand. Most often, objects of arts and crafts were used, since any thing, even the most exquisite, for example, a knitted tablecloth or embroidered towels, had quite practical use.

In Russian village houses that were located in the forest area, the house itself, furniture: beds, tables, benches and chests were made of strong durable wood.

In mountainous areas, in the construction of the house and in the interior, solidity was emphasized with the help of stone.

Interior styles

  • Provence and country

Country style, the style of a simple village house, with functional handmade things, has gained popularity in many countries and has received many directions. American country is based on practicality, functionality and comfort. Brickwork, solid furniture, although battered, copper utensils and a lot of homespun textiles, including those made in the technique patchwork. The main color - the color of the American prairies - terracotta.

Provincial French country - Provence style epitomizes the charm of the lavender region of France, filled with the colors of the sea, herbs and flowers. The Provence style interior is a combination of simplicity and romance. Bright rooms with furniture made of natural wood, as if burnt out in the sun. Textile durable and delicate shades of nature: blue, green, white, lemon, sand. A characteristic feature of this style is the presence of ceramics - in the external and interior decoration, home decoration.

  • Interior in the spirit of France

The interior of the house in a classic French style can be expressed by the phrase "chic without pretensions." All the furnishings and decoration of the house are exquisite, filled with antiques, but with a touch of slight negligence, expressed in an abandoned shawl, a bouquet of wild flowers in an old vase or asymmetrically arranged furniture.

Chalet style

A house for shepherds, this is how the word "chalet" is translated, which gave the name to the interior style. The chalet-style house is a real fortress from powerful stones and durable logs, with a gently sloping gable roof and huge windows. The main decoration of such a house is picturesque landscapes outside the windows. Such an interior is not distinguished by light content, because the main finish is natural wood. Interior items are characterized by brutality in everything: in the structure, in color shades. Soft carpets, furs, leather bring a bit of comfort to the interior.

English style

Distinctive features English style not only good quality, simplicity and restraint, but also luxury:

  • finishing wooden walls suggests the presence of stucco;
  • classic furniture suggests convenience and comfort;
  • accessories are diverse, with an abundance of exotic gizmos.

The colors of the English style are juicy and noble: red, burgundy, chocolate, dark green. Lighting fixtures are characterized by an interesting finish.

Textiles play an important role in home decoration: heavy curtains and light draped curtains, colorful furniture upholstery made of expensive fabrics and colorful pillows decorate the house and create an atmosphere of comfort.

It is in this style that paintings serve as wall decorations.

Japanese style

Japanese style is based on the principle free space, in which sliding structures are present in everything: as walls and windows, in furniture elements.

Interior items of a Japanese dwelling are designed to live on the floor. Therefore, low furniture is assumed. All forms are simple geometric without abundance decorative elements.

Authentic objects are used as decoration: fans, lithographs and hieroglyphs.

mediterranean style

The style of port cities, elegant, romantic and unpretentious, remains one of the most popular for home interiors. Its characteristic features:

  • a lot of light and color;
  • an abundance of stone and wooden furniture;
  • handmade textiles fine workmanship: lace, openwork embroidery;
  • stained glass windows and mosaic panels;
  • wicker furniture and many houseplants and flowers;
  • pictures are bright and colorful;
  • windows decorated with light curtains.

mediterranean style includes many colors and ethnic shades, therefore it is very democratic, multifunctional and extremely decorative.

Russian style

The basis of the Russian village house is a log hut with a huge Russian stove, with icons in the corner, with an abundance of bleached and unbleached linen.

Furniture and household items are made thoroughly and reliably. There is no frivolous romanticism or deliberate embellishment in the interior, everything feels practical and functional.

Decorative elements based on blending various styles and directions that attract attention and decorate the room. And it is also an indispensable cleanliness and a hospitable table.


The time of globalization, when all boundaries are erased, brings to the fore a style that contains all the best that is in other styles - eclecticism. In order to create a work of art in the style of mixing, you need to choose some kind of neutral style for the canvas and apply bright accents and color spots. It is considered harmonious to use no more than three bright colors and no more than three styles against a classic background. In this style there is a place for the most amazing things: an abstract painting or a stuffed animal, unusual furniture or painted wall.

Mandatory elements of a country house made of wood

A village house made of wood is designed for the life of a person engaged in agriculture. Therefore, its main purpose is to create comfort and coziness in an uncomplicated way. Furniture for storing things and utensils should be roomy, without decorative excesses, not involving polishing and painting.

Textiles for curtains and table linen should be in bright colors and set off the inconspicuousness of the walls. Beds and linens are basic but sturdy.

A mandatory attribute of a village house should be a chest, better not a “remake”, but one that served faithfully to the ancestors.

Patchwork dolls, rugs made from the remnants of fabric, knitted lampshades, hemstitched curtains, lace valances and even embroidered carpets will find their rightful place in a village house.

Advantages of wooden houses

A wooden house is a living organism, with a unique atmosphere, designed for more than one generation. The wooden house is warm in winter and cool in summer. It maintains a certain level of humidity, because the tree allows it to "breathe". Owners of wood smoke inhale the medicinal air filled with phytoncides that the tree releases.

  • Living warmth of the village hearth

In all village houses there was a hearth with a real fire, it was vital for heating the dwelling and for cooking. There were different sources of heat, but the main ones were and remain relevant today are the stove and fireplace.

  • Russian stove

Russian stove returns to space country houses and serves for its intended purpose and as an element of decorative design. No worthy replacement has been found for this device, characteristic of Russian culture.

  • Fireplace

Fireplace - a hearth with an open fire that serves to heat the room and attracts with the possibility of admiring the flame is often an accent in modern houses. There are many shapes and designs of this device that can decorate the house and create an atmosphere of warmth.

Dishes for home

In order not to disturb the harmony of the village house, the first thing to do is to abandon plastic tableware. Stop the choice is on the dishes in the style that is filled country house country style:

copper and ceramic for Provence;

  • clay and wood for the Russian style;
  • faience for English.

Of course, you can use modern products, but stylized antique or country style.

Equipment for a village house

Household appliances will not disturb the decoration of a village house if they are properly built in and hidden in cabinets. Even the TV panel can be covered with painted shutters.

Design in different rooms

  • Kitchen

The kitchen is the center of a village house; in the old days, it replaced the hall, the hallway, and the living room. Therefore, the traditions of honoring the cuisine have been preserved to this day. This room should be bright, the ceilings and walls in which they whiten, paste over wallpaper with vegetable or floral ornament. You can use modern material and decorate the room with wood paneling. Color will be given by self-knitted rugs, embroidered table linen, bouquets of natural dried flowers: wheat ears, oregano, St. John's wort or tansy. You can choose dishes made by design workshops, clay, ceramic or wood.

  • Living room

The interior design of the guest room of a modern country house is distinguished not only by functionality, but also by comfort. A mandatory component is the presence upholstered furniture with embroidered pillows, cozy curtains and a fireplace. The carpet will create additional comfort.

  • Bedroom

The central place in the bedroom is designed for a large bed made of wood or metal. All bedding, preferably, should be made from natural high-quality materials. And the best option is a feather bed with a mass of whipped pillows.

Bedroom furniture, like the bed, is massive, simple and durable. You can give preference to carved furniture or painted in ancient traditions.

  • Children's

Children's in rustic style will allow kids to grow up in an environment filled with natural materials. The simplicity of the interior and the lack of deliberate decoration will only stimulate the development of children's imagination.

  • Corridor

The corridor must match style decision Houses. Wooden furniture, carved hangers, wicker storage boxes, stools for convenience, metal accessories and original lighting fixtures should all be directed towards solving practical problems.

How to decorate a village house with your own hands

You can start filling a village house by bringing in household items left over from grandparents: a poker, lids, clocks with clocks, wicker baskets or a spinning wheel.

Only a person trained in carpentry can make furniture. If there is no such skill, you can start restoring old furniture.

Textiles for the whole house can be sewn independently even on a mechanical sewing machine: curtains, tablecloths, potholders and even bed linen.

On long winter evenings, gathered in front of a living hearth, you can crochet napkins, embroider tablecloths using the Richelieu technique, sew patchwork quilts or knit colorful rugs.

In the summer, harvest dried flowers and make bouquets filled with solar energy from them.

You can paint the furniture yourself using a stencil or decoupage technique.

In a country house, compositions made from natural materials would be appropriate as decorative elements for decorating hangers, beds, stairs.

In order to return to your roots and educate children in the spirit of their ancestors, you can create or recreate the interior of a village house. Enjoy the simplicity of the interior and human relations to see the big in the small and be able to appreciate the small.

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The use of wood in the construction of a private house has received wide application and popularity due to its natural environmental friendliness and naturalness. The tree in the interior can bring comfort and moral peace to the house. If the whole house is made of wood and even the finish is wooden, then this practical solution for lovers of sophistication. When touching a tree, there is no difference what kind of breed it is and how it is processed; on a psychological level, a person immediately feels united with nature, peace of mind and grace.

Now there is no difference where a person lives and what type of house he has, even if it is a small one. country house outside the city, or a chic cottage in an expensive village, wood is a symbol of unity with nature, a stylish material that can bring sophistication to the interior.

Wood fashion

No need to be upset if not own house that is entirely made of wood. Even living in a normal brick house or a small high-rise apartment, you can find a way out of the situation. Designers offer a choice of the buyer a lot interesting ideas and solutions for the use of wood in living spaces.

Now you can use wood almost everywhere and its use is becoming very popular, this is a trend that will be relevant in 2018 and beyond. The advantage of wood is its versatility, because the material is successfully combined with any style. Among wood surfaces, there is a large choice, because you can use: cut, bent, carved and smooth, smooth or varnished surfaces. This is not the whole list, but only a part of it, which opens up new horizons and options for interior design for the homeowner.

In addition to the main wood, you can use bark or stumps, branches and birch bark. For example, you can make an original chair or a decorative shelf from them, which will bring some freshness to the interior, give it zest. Using original design ideas even from ordinary branches, you can create a real work of art that can emphasize the style, place the right accents and make the design more modern.

At the peak of popularity in apartments is veneer and plywood, which are actively used for decoration. Previously, plywood was considered only an auxiliary building material, used to build furniture or its back walls. Due to new technologies, ordinary plywood has been widely used in the interior of modern houses and apartments, but now it can be used to make both a stylish rack or shelf, and a modern waterproof chest of drawers.

The choice of wood for the interior

The material to be used depends on the purpose of its application, the dimensions of the room and style direction. Wood must be selected on an individual basis. Parquet is best made from oak, as it is characterized by hardness and long term operation. If choose color scheme, then here it is better to give preference to dark shades, close to black, black bog oak is best suited. Furniture made of this type of wood will always look interesting, stylish and chic.

Pine is a material with good flexibility and strength, due to the golden texture it has an interesting appearance, gives off a pleasant aroma, which cannot be killed either by time or by special treatments. This material is characterized by a low price, it is best used for the manufacture of doors or interfloor stairs.

In order to make the space brighter, you can use beech with pink undertones. During heat treatment, the wood of this species becomes soft and pliable to deformation. This property is actively used, now bent Viennese furniture is made of beech. The advantage lies in high level strength and abrasion resistance.

Walnut is another popular type of wood that has earned a lot of attention due to its wide color range. Walnut decor elements are always original and interesting, they can have both red and chocolate color, this feature allows you to use the material in any interior. The only drawback of the nut is because of its biological properties wood starts to darken over time.

If the house or apartment is made in the Baroque, Rococo style, then it is better to pay attention to the linden, the core of which is yellow. The best solution would be to use birch, but it is better to use not the usual for our regions, but a special Karelian birch, which has honey shades. Such a color scheme can complement the interior of both an ordinary house and a huge penthouse.

How to brag about an expensive mahogany if there is no money for it? You can use an alternative, which is a cherry. For maximum effect, it is necessary to apply tinting impregnation, after which it will be difficult to distinguish the material from the expensive red material, and for an inexperienced eye it is completely impossible. If the financial situation allows, then you can choose the "king" among the trees - mahogany. It is overpriced, but worth it, and the result is a chic design with red flowers that will last for decades.

Where should you start?

First of all, you need to start with windows, or rather window frames. It would seem that not so long ago everyone tried to switch to plastic windows, following the trends, but it turns out in vain, because fashion moves in a spiral and original wooden windows are now at the peak of their popularity. Before installing windows, you need to carefully check the preparation of the tree, as it will have to cope with the influences of nature in the form of snow and rain, sun rays and constant gusts of wind.

Not many decide to change the armored door to its wooden counterpart, here you can understand everyone. If you want to transform the door, then you can equip the veneer coating.

After windows and doors, the floor follows, or rather its covering. Naturally, it is best to lay parquet using its cheap imitation, but often it does not look very attractive, and discomfort will be felt.

The balcony can be decorated with euro lining, wooden panel. If you paint the tree in different colors, you can create an outwardly interesting balcony that you won’t want to leave. If space and ceiling partitions allow, then in the kitchen, instead of the banal stretch ceiling you can build a system of wood rafters. For a perfect picture, you can add the original table and chairs, which will take residents from an ordinary apartment to aboard a pirate ship or to an ancient palace.

Ecology of consumption. Manor: In the summer, many people think about buying a country house, where they can come on weekends to take a break from the bustle of the city, enjoy the singing of birds and the rustle of leaves.

In the summer, many people think about buying a country house, where they can come on weekends to take a break from the bustle of the city, enjoy the singing of birds and the rustle of leaves. What to choose - a house in a holiday village or in a village?

Having decided to buy their own mini-resort, asphalt children with no experience country life, as a rule, are inclined to buy a house in a dacha cooperative, unaware that the acceptable cost hides the almost complete lack of infrastructure - shops, post office, pharmacies and relatively small area site.

A much more optimal solution for those who dream of real estate away from large settlements may become the purchase of an old village house. This is exactly what the heroes of our today's story did - young married couple, which purchased an abandoned building in a village in eastern Poland and worked with designers from Ynox Studio to transform it into a stylish, contemporary home.

Looking at this building before renovation, it is hard to imagine that very soon it will turn into an oasis of rest and tranquility. It is obvious that the house is in a deplorable state. It seems that he can not withstand even a strong wind.

This photo is the best proof of what talented architects and interior designers are capable of. The renovation of the exterior, which took only a few months, saw the building's frame strengthened, the façade painted on all sides in a dark chestnut color that perfectly matches the graphite tiles that adorned the renovated roof, and dilapidated windows were replaced with new ones.

Wooden houses have a huge number of advantages. First of all, wood is a highly environmentally friendly material that allows oxygen to pass through, therefore, in wooden buildings breathe easily and sleep soundly. Due to the low thermal conductivity, you can save on heating, while even in the harshest winters you are not in danger of freezing in a wooden house. However, such houses have their drawbacks, the main of which is the weak resistance of wood to the effects of the sun, rain and snow, as a result of which wooden houses fail much faster than buildings made of brick or concrete.

After a major overhaul, a wonderful terrace appeared at the entrance to the house, allowing you to enjoy the beauty surrounding nature, relax with a cup of coffee, and in the summer have breakfast in the fresh air.

The best days of this house are long gone. Flooring and the surface of the walls urgently required an early replacement. Old, worn-out furniture had a depressing effect on the new owners and was immediately sent to the landfill.

Here is what the kitchen looks like after the renovation. modern furniture, colorful textiles, a bouquet of flowers and paintings on the walls have completely changed appearance rooms, creating a wonderful mood in it, conducive to spending as much time as possible with your family in this cozy kitchen.

The fashion for a rustic interior appeared a few years ago and has become firmly established in the design world. At the request of the owners, the rooms of the house were decorated in this style. A little rough, but very cozy furniture, hammocks made of colored fabric, floor, walls and ceiling are lined with boards. Such an interior is perfect for those who live today, but do not deny themselves the pleasure from time to time to plunge into a slight nostalgia for a carefree childhood spent in the village.

Almost all buyers of houses in the village are faced with the need to completely update the bathroom. This house is no exception. It took a lot of time and effort to turn this room into a modern bathroom. The result of the designers' work exceeded all expectations.

The new owners of the house prefer warm and cozy wood to all other materials. In this bathroom, as in all other areas of the house, the floor and walls are made of light wood. In contrast, modern washing machine and a large walk-in shower. published

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Vladimir Marchenko December 9, 2014 | 9466

Have you purchased or inherited an old wooden house? Be prepared for the fact that before it turns into a favorite vacation spot for the whole family, you will have to work a little. After all, such buildings are usually in a deplorable state.

First you need to conduct a detailed inspection of all the main structures, load-bearing elements, windows, doors, communications, and also decide what, in your opinion, is missing. Old wooden houses are subject to shrinkage, wear, deformation of the foundation, floors, rotting, etc. Depending on the condition, you will need to undergo cosmetic, preventive or overhaul. Let's start the arrangement with the most important and vulnerable parts of the house.

We strengthen the foundation

The main problems associated with the foundation can be noticed even when buying a house. These include warping, settling, cracks, and generally any signs of deformation. A cardinal measure is a major overhaul, up to complete replacement foundation. But we will dwell in more detail on measures to strengthen the old foundation.

If there is damage to the foundation around the entire perimeter, the first step is to dig a trench around the entire structure. Its depth should be at least 0.5 m below the old foundation and closely adjacent to it. After that, the walls should be cleaned of dirt and foreign bodies, cover up the cracks.

Further, a formwork is made in the ditch, which is filled with concrete using crushed stone or pebbles. So that the "old" and "updated" foundations do not lose touch, reinforcement a little more than 1 cm thick should be driven into the base of the old one at intervals of 20-25 cm.

If the house shrinks on only one side, you need to break the heeling side into equal sections (about 2 m each). Strengthening of the bearing capacity is made in relation to each part separately.

How to update the facade

Options for decorating the facade are limited only by your imagination and financial capabilities. At first glance, the simplest cheap option- painting of the existing facade. However, do not forget about the complexity of this path. To begin with, you will have to inspect the entire area of ​​​​future painting, update, prepare or replace the most problematic parts.

Wood panels need to be cleaned of old paint sander or sandpaper. Rotten areas should be treated with a planer or completely replaced with new boards. Before painting it is necessary to apply a primer. Paint is best applied in two layers. The time spent on this work depends on the condition of the facade, its size and your quickness.

Using siding - plastic or metal - is also a very popular way to give your home a modern and clean look. Sheathing with siding (especially metal) is a more expensive option, but this material is more durable.

Vinyl (plastic) panels often contain harmful substances, and over time tend to fade and lose their attractive appearance.

Siding can be mounted on top of the existing sheathing (simply by covering it) and this is quite within the power of a caring owner.

It is also very convenient to put wooden panels, sheathe the facade with clapboard or timber. You may hear such names as block house, planks, dies. The advantages of wood siding are easy installation and natural appearance, as well as increased strength. Weaknesses: dependence on weather conditions, susceptibility to decay and harmful effects insects.

One type of siding is fiber cement panels. They are made up of cement and man-made fiber. This is a durable and reliable material that does not fade in the sun, is not flammable, and is resistant to mechanical damage. Fiber cement panels are several times heavier and more expensive than vinyl. They also need to purchase a special suspension system.

Roof reconstruction

Do-it-yourself roof repair can be carried out in various ways: complete or partial replacement of roofing sheets, repair of an attic or attic. The duration of the repair depends on the degree of damage to certain elements.
Before starting a roof renovation, you need to climb into the attic and inspect the rafters, insulation layer and flooring. "Alarms" for you should be the smell of dampness, mold, smudges. Signs of roof wear are wet spots on the wallpaper and ceiling.

Next, you can proceed to the external examination. Check the skate - whether it is damaged, whether the moisture barrier is intact. Vulnerabilities are areas where the roof adjoins vertical elements, in particular, the pipe. Moss and lichen sometimes grow on the slopes of the roof, you need to get rid of it. Rest possible damage also determined visually - chips, cracks, bubbles, dents.

If you have slate on the roof, then it is quite possible to repair it with your own hands. Small cracks are covered with a primer based on water and PVA glue. Large damage is "treated" by replacing the slate sheet with a new one.

Steel roofing is resistant to corrosion and the appearance of gaps at the joints. Patches are placed on rotten areas. Large holes can be covered with silicone sealant.

The roof of metal tiles is mainly repaired by replacing damaged sheets with new ones.

Inspection of the roof is best done annually and done in the spring. Just in time for the summer to buy the right materials and determine the scope of work.

Roof repair is not limited to the replacement of roof elements. V severe cases it may need to be completely dismantled. Associated work is sometimes the strengthening or replacement of rafters, battens or a ventilation device.

So, to strengthen the rafters, it is required to remove the sheathing, roofing and disassemble the crate. It is necessary to clean the affected area and nail the boards to the rafters on both sides. Their approximate dimensions should be 80-100 cm in length and 3-5 cm in width. The second option is with the installation of a bar prosthesis, it is suitable for cases where the rafter is rotten to the core.

Due to regular leaks, the waterproofing layer of the skin may deteriorate. If you suspect a leak, you will have to remove the casing and feel the insulation with your hands. If it is wet, all pieces should be replaced with new and dry ones.
In the case of organizing a residential attic or attic, redevelopment, demolition of existing and construction of new floors will be required.

Replacement of windows and doors in a wooden house

Dilapidated and rotten windows are not only unaesthetic, but also an unnecessary factor contributing to heat loss. You can get by with "little blood": repaint the windows. To do this, remove a layer of old paint, treat with an antiseptic, apply putty, primer and paint in two or three layers.

If the windows have become unusable, they will need to be replaced with wooden or plastic ones. Wood is a less durable, although expensive material; frames made of it are prone to deformation and drying out. But at the same time, wood is an environmentally friendly, "breathing" material that is easy to maintain in good condition. PVC windows have excellent sound insulation, are absolutely tight when correct installation are affordable and last longer. However, increased tightness plastic windows- this is also their main disadvantage. Moreover, they are made from artificial materials that release harmful substances.

With installation interior doors easier - most likely, you will choose wood and derivatives from them - from chipboard, fiberboard.

Where should you start warming your house?

Warming of the house is external and internal. External insulation is understood as the laying of heat-insulating material between the outer and inner walls. Under the internal refers to a set of measures to insulate the floor, walls and roof. You need to start with external insulation.

First, you should decide on the material that will be used both for outdoor and for internal insulation. Second, you need to calculate required amount insulation elements. After that, it remains to lay the insulation and carry out facing work.

Expanded polystyrene or mineral wool?

Usually for external insulation of the house using expanded polystyrene or mineral wool. The latter has all the necessary properties: it forms a tight fit, has good heat and sound insulation. The ideal form is mineral wool, released in the form of slabs or mats. Expanded polystyrene is less suitable for wooden houses due to the fact that it practically deprives the tree of the opportunity to "breathe", although it fits perfectly and takes any shape.

If we talk about the insulation of the facade wooden house, then jute, linen tow or felt material is usually used here. These procedures are best postponed until the summer, when fluctuations in the average daily temperature are minimal.

Before insulation, the facade should be treated with fire retardants or antiseptics, and the gaps between the logs should be sealed. For laying insulation, it is necessary to use anchor bolts, and lay the material itself like brickwork. All joints should be covered with a heat-insulating plate. After that, the heater can be laid brickwork or tiles. Don't forget about ventilation ducts that need to be done.

How to insulate a house from the inside?

Creating a pleasant microclimate inside the house begins with a few preparatory stages. First you need to choose a material. Usually mineral wool or polystyrene foam is used, sometimes wood fiber boards. It is necessary to prepare the surfaces on which the installation or installation is planned necessary elements: degrease, apply antiseptics from insects. After that, the cracks should be caulked (linen or jute felt, tape tow). If work was also carried out on the external insulation of the house, it is necessary to create a vapor barrier.

Insulation of the house must begin with the roof. First, you need to sheathe the ceiling with fiberglass or polyethylene, and then smoothly "go down" to the walls and floor.

Carrying water into the house

Water supply to the house can be carried out by connecting to the main water supply or by drawing from a well (well) located on the site. Connection to the central water main is carried out by authorized bodies after agreement with higher authorities. To conduct water from an independent source, you will need:

  • pumping station,
  • hydraulic accumulator (to ensure an adequate supply of water),
  • cleaning filters,
  • water heater.

When conducting water from a well into the house, a trench dug below the freezing mark in the area will be required. A pipe is laid into it under a slope, which is brought to the basement of the house.

Making a rustic toilet

Without cesspool, which is a place of pilgrimage for all the inhabitants of the house without exception, being part-time a toilet, it is impossible to live comfortably in a country house. You should not organize catacombs on your own site. Pits with dimensions of 1.5x1.5x1.5 m are quite enough for daily needs.

The toilet should be located at a sufficient distance from water bodies and wells. It is also advisable to choose its location, taking into account the prevailing winds, so that the specific aroma does not interfere with you and those around you.

After digging the hole, the walls should be reinforced with brick or concrete masonry. A frame made of wooden beams. However, nothing prevents you from making a cabin from a metal profile, slate or corrugated board. Do not forget about the organization of ventilation - a small hole in the wall or closet door is enough, closer to the roof (the easiest option).

Construction of an extension (terrace, veranda, garage)

You should start by determining the location of the future extension and drawing up a project. Veranda is the easiest and cheapest option. For the construction of the veranda, it is best to use wood. The foundation of an extension of any type should be located on the same level as the main one. Next, walls are erected, the roof should fit snugly against the wall or become a continuation of the roof. Warming and installation of communications are made at will.

What kind of fence to install?

It's time to limit your possessions and put up a fence. As a rule, picket fences are most often observed around private houses. Low cost, environmental friendliness and ease of installation are the three main advantages of this type of fence. This also includes a board fence, as one of the varieties. Wooden fences can be given any shape, and for better preservation, it is advisable to carefully treat them with oil paint.

A metal (forged, welded) fence is a beautiful and reliable barrier to unwanted guests. This option is more expensive, although if you get by with a chain-link mesh, you can keep within a small amount.

The most "monolithic" of the above options are brick and concrete fences. They are strong, durable, fully confirm the thesis: "my house is my fortress."

If you don't have the ability to do all the home improvement work right away, start with the most important and urgent - strengthen the foundation, fix the roof, replace windows and doors, build or renovate a toilet. After the completion of these works, you will not recognize your house. It will become a cozy, reliable place of rest, where you want to spend all your free time.

As well as many of us, therefore, I want to completely re-equip the house I recently purchased in a style that will more likely resemble a village one. I wanted to buy a house outside the city after several years of living in the center big city. During all this time, I had to endure not only my own repairs, but also the indefatigable repairs of my neighbors. And we all know what it's like to hear the endless rumble of destroyed walls, during redevelopment, the nasty early morning drilling of a drill and others. construction works sometimes overhead, sometimes practically, in the next room. We all know what partitions are in our apartments, what audibility. And also the incessant noise of passing cars and burning in open windows. Of course, a person gets used to everything out of necessity, but why, if you want a different life, measured and closer to nature.

And so, a house was bought, of course, a lot is worth redoing and rebuilding, not without it. As with all your desires, but not an endless budget, properly equip and furnish each room and so as not to litter with unnecessary things and objects. Of course, I don’t want a huge oven with tongs and pots in the middle of the so-called hut, and bundles of onion and garlic braids hanging in the corners. Everything, that is, everything should be in bright and natural paints. When finishing will be used natural material, wood, brick, textiles and all this in a rough finish with thread elements, and self made. We choose simple natural ones, perhaps chintz, cotton, wool, linen.

Furniture is preferable if it is wicker, wooden, or forged. The walls are decorated decorative plaster with elements of brick and stonework, the ceiling is trimmed and accentuated with wood paneling. They seem to create good quality and durability of living in this house. and kitchen furniture is a special topic. Let everything be no frills, but rational and convenient. Work zone should not be separated from the reception area and the dining area. Open shelves with crockery. Polished frying pans and pots are not stuffed into distant drawers, but hang overhead in formation and can be used at any time. There are all kinds of items on the shelves, these are sometimes necessary and those that will complement the overall look and decorate the kitchen.

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