Location of ventilation ducts in panel houses. The device and scheme of ventilation in a residential panel house

reservoirs 25.06.2019

Among those families that live in typical city apartments, there are probably no those who would not want to increase usable area rooms, especially the traditionally cramped and irrationally planned kitchen.

Today, there are many ways to solve the problem of tightness - from expanding the kitchen at the expense of adjacent rooms: a corridor, a pantry, to combining a kitchen and an adjacent room into a living room. Much less common are redevelopments of the kitchen or the addition of a kitchen, balcony or loggia to the premises.

All these types of redevelopment can be carried out only after appropriate approval of the changes , which guarantees the safety of living in your apartment and in the apartments of your neighbors. But some apartment owners increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen by redevelopment with the dismantling of the ventilation duct, which strictly prohibited by current building codes.

Advantages of removing the ventilation duct and ventilation duct:

Of course, partial or complete dismantling of the ventilation duct can provide certain advantages, because in addition to the fact that you can put a refrigerator, a small wardrobe, install shelves in the resulting niche in the wall, the empty space resulting from the redevelopment of the ventilation duct can become part of the interior, and the kitchen get some flair.

But practice shows that redevelopment of the ventilation box and for all its advantages it has backfire outweighing all the benefits. If you are going to dismantle the ventilation duct, then you should know that the Housing Inspectorate will not agree on such actions. The dismantling of the ventilation stack deprives your neighbors of the air flow, and the ventilation duct is part of the common property, and turn a blind eye to this in living conditions in apartment building will not work.

Redesign of the ventilation duct. P why can't arrange?

Some ventilation systems are built using self-supporting blocks. Simply put, a ventilation shaft consists of many sections stacked on top of each other. It is easy to imagine what can happen if such a block is "pulled out", say, on the fifth floor - the entire shaft from the sixth and above will be deprived of support and hang on the walls, and the apartments below the fifth will be left without fresh air.

It would seem logical to get around this ban on the ground floor, because there are no neighbors below, and the box can be fixed right under the ceiling, but this is also forbidden, since the ventilation shaft is a common house property, and not part of your apartment. For the same reason, it is strictly forbidden to interfere with the layout of the ventilation system fences.

Ventilation duct in an apartment building, photo:

Sometimes unfortunate builders do not remove the entire box in the kitchen, but part of it, hoping that it will continue to function. It should be said right away that even if the size of the ventilation duct makes you think about reducing its area, partial dismantling is also a violation, and is explained by its design. It consists of one large (common) channel and two smaller supply channels.

Photo of the redevelopment of the ventilation duct in the kitchen with violations:

Through small channels, the air rises to a height of three meters from the level of air entering the exhaust windows, which are usually located in the corner of the kitchen and toilet, and only then enters the common channel. By reducing the section in the exhaust shaft, you create an area high blood pressure, which will not allow air to pass from the lower apartments above. Neighbors below will be very grateful for the collective smell from the entire entrance to their housing, because "the exhaust air will go exactly to them.

If you are just planning to buy an apartment, then when choosing a suitable home, you should also pay attention to the presence of illegal redevelopments, and especially the redevelopment of ventilation, since you will not be able to coordinate such work in the future “backdating”, and you will have to eliminate everything without permission at your own expense changes made.

  • It is quite simple to identify illegally carried out redevelopment when checking - all unauthorized changes are marked with red lines on floor plan BTI.
  • The same scheme applies if the redevelopment of the ventilation duct in the kitchenyou did it yourself.

Registration certificate of the apartment with marked illegal redevelopment:

Penalties and penalties for redevelopment of a ventilation duct or ventilation duct

After it becomes known about the unauthorized redevelopment (and sooner or later it will happen), you will be obliged to pay an administrative fine in the amount of 2500 rubles, and then you will have to, or at your own expense, eliminate all the consequences of illegal redevelopment and restore the damaged common house property.

In general, an apartment with an illegal redevelopment loses many advantages compared to an apartment without redevelopment or housing where the redevelopment was legalized in a timely manner. For example, such an apartment cannot participate in real estate transactions, since it is not legally "clean". In many situations, in order to eliminate this shortcoming, it is necessary to legitimize the redevelopment retroactively.

The act of inspection of the ventilation duct, photo:

Therefore, avoid any work that may affect the ventilation system. However, it is worth noting that in some typical ventilation is located in non-obvious places (for example, in load-bearing walls in or). And it is not possible to arrange openings in these walls to unite the premises.

In the houses of the old fund, the location of various ventilation shafts is completely unexpected. They may be inside brick walls, and this fact sometimes becomes an unpleasant surprise with the unauthorized arrangement of openings. Such openings will definitely not be saved: they will have to be laid with the restoration of ventilation.

Dismantling an unused ventilation duct in an old house, photo:

Redevelopment of the ventilation duct in the old house. Dismantling of unused ventilation ducts

However, older houses often have chimneys or non-functioning ventilation ducts. In principle, they can be affected, but only with the consent of 73% of the residents, since this is common house property.

This applies to such changes in the layout of the apartment as, for example, moving or expanding the doorway in the partition, installing or dismantling the partition, redevelopment with the organization of the dressing room - most of these works can be agreed upon after they have been completed. But despite the fact that the Housing Inspectorate often goes to meet those who have carried out unauthorized redevelopment in their apartment and often draws up work already completed,all this does not apply to the illegal alteration of the ventilation duct in the toilet, kitchen or other places.

The list of redevelopments, which also cannot be agreed upon after they have been carried out, includes works that violate the stability of building structures, for example, redevelopments affecting bearing walls Houses. Changes in the layout, which obviously worsen the living conditions in your apartment, are also considered prohibited and you will not be able to agree on them "backdating".

You should not arbitrarily carry out work if, as a result, access to existing risers is difficult - the housing inspection will oblige you to return everything to its previous state, before redevelopment.

Thus, when deciding to redevelop the kitchen, if you want to increase the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen, then you should first of all take care of the legality of your future transformations. In order for changes in the layout to comply with current building and sanitary standards and not violate the law, before starting work, a project for the upcoming redevelopment should be developed in an organization with SRO approval, and then a written permission to redevelop the premises should be obtained.

An example of a ventilation duct device in non-residential premises, Photo:

Examples of failures when coordinating the dismantling of ventilation ducts:

So, to sum up all of the above:

Dismantle the ventilation duct or ventilation duct in an apartment building, and especially high-rise building it is forbidden for several reasons:

  • The house ventilation duct works only when assembled, and by reducing its volume, you will worsen the living conditions of your neighbors in order to increase free space in the kitchen
  • The ventilation duct belongs to the common property and cannot be dismantled without the consent of your neighbors in the apartment building.
  • Restoration of the dismantled ventilation duct will fall on your shoulders, even if you did not produce it, but received it "by inheritance"
  • The price of a mistake is quite high, and when redeveloping the kitchen with the dismantling of the ventilation duct, you will have to restore the duct itself, the ventilation duct, and also pay a fine.
  • As a rule, it is possible to increase the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen without resorting to such drastic measures - it is enough to competently develop a project for changing the configuration of the apartment.
  • In a private house, unlike a multi-storey one, redevelopment of a ventilation duct for an exhaust hood is much easier.
  • The redevelopment of the kitchen with the dismantling of the ventilation duct is, in principle, inconsistent in an apartment building.
  • Such redevelopments are quite easily detected during surveys, for example, when checked by an inspector of the Housing Inspectorate.

Our company will help both with the development of the project and with its approval. Thanks to our experience and all the necessary approvals, we guarantee the full legality of the proposed changes.

The ventilation system in Khrushchevs is a sore point for hundreds of thousands of residents of five-story panel buildings. The scheme, which coped with the air exchange of residential premises for 20-30 years, has clearly failed in the last decade. What is the problem? How is ventilation arranged in Khrushchevs and is it possible to restore air movement in an apartment in an inexpensive way?

How is ventilation in Khrushchev

All houses built in the 60s have a natural ventilation system. This means that under the influence of the difference in pressure and temperature, the air is drawn out of the room. The resulting vacuum is filled with fresh air from the street. The outflow is provided from the most "dirty" premises: kitchens and bathrooms. And the inflow is living rooms. The efficiency of the circuit is completely dependent on weather conditions and some other factors, which we will consider below.

The system was implemented in the most economical way: there is a ventilation shaft in each riser. It is assembled from concrete blocks, its outlet is located above the roof. The ventilation vents of the kitchens go into this shaft. Some houses have their own shaft for bathrooms. Sometimes the air is removed from the toilets and showers through a ventilation duct connected to a single shaft with the kitchen.

For successful work ventilation in Khrushchev requires the following conditions:

  • good draft in the ventilation shaft;
  • supply of fresh air to the apartments.

Few owners of apartments in old five-story buildings can boast of good ventilation.

Signs of poor air exchange:

  • the apartment smells like neighbors' food;
  • "weeping" windows;
  • heavy stale air.

Reasons for the lack of traction in Khrushchev

Checking the operation of ventilation in Khrushchev

First you need to check the operation of the ventilation scheme in Khrushchev. A piece of paper measuring 10 x 10 centimeters is taken and applied to the fence in the kitchen or in the bathroom.

If the leaflet is held as glued, there is traction.

Another method is using the flame of a match or candle: light a match and bring it to the grate (carefully so that the plastic grid does not catch fire, if installed). With good traction, the flame is literally drawn into the ventilation duct. With a bad one, it is directed strictly upwards, with a reverse one, it leans away from the grate. This method is dangerous because combustible and explosive gas can accumulate in the ventilation duct.

Before restoring the ventilation device in Khrushchev, it is necessary to find out: the reason for the violation of air exchange is the lack of inflow or poor draft.

Again, paper is required. You should open all windows and doors to the apartment and test with a leaflet again. If the result is positive, the problem is the lack of traction. Otherwise, the ventilation shaft must be cleaned.

When there are several shafts, we apply a piece of paper to the grate in the kitchen, then in the bathroom and toilet. According to the “behavior” of the sheet, it is immediately noticeable where the air flow is the weakest.

Cleaning the ventilation system in the Khrushchev

According to the law, residents of houses do not have the right to change the ventilation device in Khrushchev and carry out any work in communications serving the entire building. Therefore, it will not be possible to clean the entire ventilation shaft in Khrushchev on your own.

But you can remove the grate from the outlet of the ventilation duct and wash it in soapy water. Use a vacuum cleaner or a broom to sweep away any dirt that you can get. Attach a toilet brush to a long cable and push it as high as possible along the channel. The work is dirty and unpleasant. Sometimes wasps and cockroaches nest in the mines, you should be prepared to meet any nasty things. If the cable rests on an obstacle, it is necessary to change it to a rigid stick or rod.

We provide air circulation throughout the apartment

Cleaning and examining the device exhaust ventilation in Khrushchev, it's time to tackle the problem of air movement inside the apartment itself.

In order for the air flow between the rooms to pass freely, it is necessary to remove the thresholds interior doors. A gap of 3 cm wide is enough. Some owners prefer to drill holes with a diameter of 0.8 - 1.5 cm in three rows at the bottom of the door. You can cover them with a decorative grille.

Holes in the bathroom, bathroom and bedrooms can be made with a slope inward so that it is impossible to peep from the outside.

A fine steel mesh in several rows remarkably muffles sounds, so the presence of holes will be invisible.

We provide inflow by infiltration

The problem of lack of fresh air supply to the premises with plastic windows can be solved with an infiltration system. To do this, the window sash is not fully pressed, there is a small gap of 1 - 2 millimeters. It turns out to be quite enough to ensure the flow of air into the Khrushchev's natural ventilation system.

Cons of the method: if there is a severe frost on the street, in a few days the gap will become overgrown with frost and ice. The seal wears out quickly. With such a ventilation device in Khrushchev, as infiltration, condensation accumulates on the glass, mold may appear.

We provide inflow with a valve

You can upgrade in Khrushchev with the help of supply valves. Window valves (or adjustable supply slots) and wall valves are produced.

The first are installed directly on the window sash. A small air flow is provided without cooling the room. It is possible to adjust the ventilation intensity.

Wall valves are made angular with a flexible corrugated wall and straight. Straight valves are often equipped with an air labyrinth that works according to the throttling effect. They are indispensable in rooms with a large crowd of people. The outer part of the valve is quite bulky, as it houses filters and humidifiers.

Angle valves cost less, they can be installed with an outward slope so that precipitation and dust do not penetrate into the duct.

To install a wall valve, you will have to make a hole in the wall with a diameter of 50 - 100 mm. The best place- Behind the radiator.

There are many varieties of supply valves: with air filters, with humidity sensors. The simplest models are equipped with a manually closed valve.

How to be the owners of old windows?

The gaps between the sash and the frame are mercilessly sealed with tape or paper. And this is a big mistake!

Such windows need to be insulated with strips of foam rubber with an adhesive base. Choose the most porous material you can find. The secret is that under the influence of the temperature difference outside, the air moves inward, passing through all these pores. A throttling effect is created inside the foam rubber, due to which the air is heated by friction against the surface of the foam rubber cells. That is, passing through a thick loose foam rubber, the air warms up. How stronger wind, the more noticeable this effect.

Additional exhaust system in Khrushchev

If all the above measures did not improve the microclimate in the apartment, you will have to resort to forced ventilation of the Khrushchev. How and what devices make up the device of the system?

These are exhaust fans that are installed at the entrance of the ventilation shaft in the toilet, bathroom or kitchen.

  • In the bathroom and toilet, to save electricity, the fan is often powered by a light switch;
  • In the kitchen, an additional extractor hood with a fan is mounted above the stove. But the ventilation grill leading to the mine must not be blocked. You will have to make an additional ventilation duct or use a special grate that provides a hole for the exhaust pipe.

The phrase "struggle for the quality of life" is perceived by most of us as a synonym for the concept of "striving for material prosperity." Meanwhile, air quality in a residential area is much more important than “status” interior elements, branded clothing or designer furniture. After all, prolonged and systematic exposure to low-quality (not corresponding to acceptable standards) air can cause a deterioration in well-being, a decrease in efficiency and, alas, a deterioration in health. Permissible and optimal norms of air mobility, its temperature, humidity are not in vain spelled out in technical regulations and codes of practice. According to the requirements of GOSTs, taking into account all the parameters of the room, a ventilation scheme is developed in panel house, brick high-rise building, any other apartment building. To ensure the necessary air exchange (removal of polluted air and fresh air inflow), a ventilation system is calculated and designed. Let us consider in more detail how a ventilation system can be implemented in an apartment building.

In addition to drawings for the placement of air ducts, air distributors, ventilation ducts and other elements of the ventilation system, detailing of ventilation equipment units is being developed, energy consumption and dimensions. The ventilation device in a panel house, as well as in a brick house, should be thoughtful and effective, because in addition to ensuring air exchange, it is also important to keep heat in the home in winter period. In addition, properly equipped ventilation can prevent the spread of fire in the event of an emergency, this is facilitated by the use of fire-resistant materials during installation, the installation of automatic protective valves.

Features of the choice of ventilation system

The choice of ventilation system is made for a specific building, taking into account the number of storeys, the category of the building, the estimated level of traffic noise, and the degree of air pollution. Organization of air movement through ventilation ducts, carried out natural way(due to temperature and wind pressure drops) is recommended for premises located inside the quarters, with a traffic noise level of not more than 50 dBA. Forced exhaust or inflow systems are installed to ensure comfortable conditions in buildings where the traffic noise level at the facades exceeds 50 dBA.

Scheme of ventilation duct distribution in a multi-storey building using a common main shaft, into which air enters from accelerating satellite ducts

Types of ventilation systems used in residential apartments

  • ventilation, carried out by natural removal of air with the help of draft arising in the ventilation ducts due to the temperature difference and the influx of external air through the vents and windows;
  • combined system with forced removal and natural air intake or, conversely, with mechanical intake of fresh air and natural removal;
  • fully mechanical both the removal of exhaust and the injection of fresh air.

Air supply and exhaust in various ventilation systems

The intake of fresh air into the room is carried out in different ways, it depends on the ventilation system used. If the supply air is not heated, it must be supplied to the upper zone to ensure the best mixing with the heated room air. In systems where supply air is heated by heaters, outside air enters above or behind the appliances to provide heating. In systems with a decentralized flow, where the air is heated using built-in heaters in the supply units, the air is supplied in the upper or lower zone of the room. Air is supplied to residential premises (children's room, office, bedroom and common room).
Removal of exhaust air, regardless of the type of ventilation system, should be carried out from the upper zone of kitchens, bathrooms and other auxiliary premises. Ventilation grilles should be located at a height of 2 m (or higher) from the floor level.

Scheme of ventilation duct wiring with air removal through separate ventilation ducts

The ventilation scheme in an apartment building should be carried out with mandatory zoning for cleanliness, the flow of polluted air from auxiliary premises to residential premises must be excluded.
It is advisable to combine the exhaust ventilation shafts of individual rooms into blocks. Air exchange systems with natural induction of air inlet and outlet are best done separately (excluding vertical or horizontal collection ducts). Ventilation in a multi-storey building can be arranged with the connection of ventilation ducts of different floors to a common (prefabricated) channel.

Scheme of a natural ventilation system with air removal through satellite channels communicating with the main channel through one floor

Accession to the prefabricated shaft of satellite channels must be made through one or more floors. The exhaust ducts of the two upper floors should not be connected to the collection duct; a separate outlet is more appropriate.

Depending on the scheme of air exchange organization, ventilation with mixing and ventilation with air displacement are distinguished. Air exchange with mixing is typical for rooms with airtight vapor barrier, concrete and brick buildings with airtight walls. Both supply and exhaust ventilation is carried out with the help of small ventilation windows, door slots and window openings are also taken into account.

Due to the high local air velocity, fresh and polluted air are effectively mixed and removed. Thus, it is impossible to remove all harmful impurities, because there are always zones in the room with almost zero air velocity. Only the correct organization of the ventilation system can achieve the desired effect.

Wiring diagram of ventilation ducts with connection to the prefabricated ventilation duct through two floors

Most often in Russia, the system was previously used supply and exhaust ventilation. It is carried out due to natural draft, which occurs due to the temperature difference between the indoor and outdoor air. The popularity of the device of the system, in which the source of supply air is the gaps in the window frames and open vents, is explained by the low cost of the device and simplicity. In addition, ventilation with natural inflow practically did not need additional maintenance.

Today, due to tightness modern windows, natural ventilation in an apartment building is ineffective. Only a few of us in the cold season want to lose precious heat to ensure the necessary air flow. However, even depressurization of the apartment (by opening the window) brings only additional discomfort from increased noise levels (from the street), heat loss, but still does not provide the necessary air flow for effective work ventilation. Humidity rises imperceptibly, in a warm, humid microclimate of an apartment with stale air, excellent conditions are created for the growth of fungi and mold, which is unpleasant and harmful to health.

The device of an adjustable system with a natural inflow through the supply valves not only provides the necessary level of air exchange, but also reduces the noise penetrating into the apartment. The device of a mechanical exhaust (as well as a mechanical supply and exhaust) ventilation system can achieve the normalization of the air-thermal regime of apartments, which will make it possible to significantly reduce the cost of heat generation. Air recuperation (exhaust air heat recovery) makes it possible to maintain an optimal microclimate at low energy costs.

There are many device options ventilation systems indoor various types. They differ in the principle of air movement, the shape and material of the air ducts, the number of fittings. But, regardless of the device, all ventilation systems perform the same function: fresh air supply and exhaust air exhaust.

Ventilation in an apartment building

Likely causes:

  • Destruction or clogging of the exhaust shaft;
  • Lack of air flow.

During the years of spontaneous redevelopment, many residents tried to equip the kitchen area at the expense of the apartment. Some simply dismantled it, tightly blocking the air flow. Others tried to change the arrangement of the ventilation duct in the apartment. Not understanding common device exhaust ventilation, they left the tenants lower floors without extract. There is only one way out of the situation - the restoration of the device of ventilation ducts in each apartment of the riser.

Ventilation risers are common property. Therefore, destroying them or modifying them in any way is prohibited.

Garbage from the shaft of the ventilation shaft is removed only by specially trained people. Residents can only clean the area adjacent to the exhaust grills of the kitchen and toilet. Start your search for a solution with a thorough cleaning of the kitchen ventilation grill.

If PVC windows without supply valves are installed in the apartment, the natural supply and exhaust ventilation device is violated. Air is not supplied, so there is no hood. The problem is solved by installing a supply device on a window sash or in a wall. Pre-check the draft in the exhaust grilles. If there is no air outlet, the supply valve is useless.

Traction test

  1. Open all windows in the apartment.
  2. Take a smooth piece of paper the size of your palm.
  3. Attach it to the exhaust grill in the kitchen.

If the sheet is held, everything is in order. Otherwise it is necessary to check the condition of the ventilation shaft.

Mechanisms for apartment ventilation

The device for natural ventilation of an apartment can be improved by adding simple and inexpensive mechanisms.

Kitchen hood. It has been successfully used by many residents. It is installed over hob and turn on when needed. There are active and passive type. The first take the air outside through the duct. The second is just filtering. Installation and selection of an active hood require compliance with a number of rules:

  • it is better to remove the exhaust air directly to the street, and not to the general house ventilation;
  • when connecting an air duct to a common house system, it is impossible to block the ventilation grill in the kitchen;
  • too powerful hood can disrupt the operation of general house ventilation;
  • optimal performance of the kitchen fan is 200 cubic meters per hour.

Exhaust fan. It is installed instead of the exhaust grille. Its power is selected depending on the purpose of the room and its area. But most household exhaust fans have a capacity of up to 250 cubic meters per hour. Exists automatic devices for exhaust ventilation, which start when humidity rises or a person appears. Mechanisms are also successfully used in the ventilation of private houses.

Ventilation of a private house

Even in ancient times, ventilation was arranged in private houses. As a powerful exhaust duct used chimney. And the air flow was provided by the gaps between the logs of the log house. Otherwise, you will not make a fire in the house. The load on such ventilation was small. Everything was cooked in the same oven, washed in separate room baths. And the walls themselves, made of “living”, breathing wood, filtered the air. Today it's not like that. modern houses reminiscent of a thermos, they are built from materials aimed at maximizing heat conservation. Country house without competently arranged ventilation will rapidly collapse, become moldy, endangering the health of its residents.

There are two types of ventilation devices for country houses:

  • Passive or natural;
  • active or mechanical.

As a third option, a combined ventilation system can be considered.

natural ventilation suitable for country cottages, which are used mainly in the warm season. Opened all the windows and doors - that's ventilation for you. A warm breeze blows through all the rooms. The device is simple and quite sufficient for ventilation of a small private house.

Owners of houses with "summer" ventilation, arriving at the dacha in early spring, faced with a musty, heavy smell. You can slightly improve the ventilation device in country house. Mount into walls different levels ventilation openings with shutters. So you can regulate the air flow, and the house will not be left without ventilation even in winter.

Several Yet useful tips to optimize the supply and exhaust natural ventilation device:

  • use various options opening vents and windows. When completely open windows drafts cannot be avoided in the house;
  • Don't forget to open windows on all floors. In summer, the hottest place in a cottage is often the attic;
  • equip all windows with mosquito nets;
  • even with the simplest, take care of floor ventilation. Otherwise, dampness will pull from below, and flooring rot.

mechanical ventilation ideal for large country houses.

The most comfortable cottages are equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation on a mechanical draft. These are powerful, voluminous and expensive devices. They combine the functions of ventilation, air conditioning and heating. To accommodate some modules, special niches, openings in the walls or channels in floors. Therefore, they are calculated and planned at the design stage of the building.

The duct system is hidden in the ceilings or decorated during finishing. And ventilation grilles can be an additional decoration, a highlight of the interior. They are made from the most various materials, various designs. You can make the air supply points completely invisible by hiding them in a multi-level ceiling or lowering them to the floor level.

Before being supplied to the living rooms, the air is given optimal parameters: temperature, humidity, impurity content. Exhaust air is extracted from pantries, kitchens, laundry, bathrooms. Mechanisms are responsible for all movement.

A somewhat simplified and cheap scheme - combined ventilation device in a country house. If the cottage is located in an ecologically clean place, it is not necessary to process the supply air. Enough to provide good hood, a fresh air will flow through the supply valves or open vents. This method is good for small private houses.

Exhaust fans are installed in the kitchen and bathroom. The convenience of supply and exhaust ventilation in a private house is the ability to exhaust air directly to the street, through a hole in the wall. No air ducts are needed for this.

barn ventilation

In the barn, you can arrange ventilation on natural or mechanical draft.


To begin with, you should think about the placement of the supply and exhaust channels.

Channels can be made with a rectangular or round section, the pipe material also does not have of great importance but plastic ones are easier to work with and cheaper.

In work arranged on natural traction, an important role is played by weather. And the performance of such a scheme is not high. However, for a barn this is often sufficient.

The device of the supply part of the ventilation is as follows: a hole is made 20 cm from the floor, into which an air duct with a diameter of 100 - 150 mm is inserted. Outside, the outlet of the pipe is covered with a grate from small animals, and from the inside, you can install blinds that regulate the intensity of the inflow. In winter, such a device supply ventilation save you from chilling.

Unlike the supply ventilation device, the exhaust is installed under the roof, as high as possible. So that there are no stagnant corners in the room, the opposite wall is selected.

The height difference between the inflow and the outlet must be at least 3 m. Otherwise, it will not pull. Therefore, many take out the exhaust pipe above the roof level and cover the head with a ventilation umbrella. Instead of an umbrella, you can install a deflector that enhances traction.

Contact us! We work without days off.

LLC "Domus" informs: in the New Year, 2015, the service for the restoration of the ventilation duct rises in cost by an average of 20%. This is due to the fact that building materials and consumables will rise in price significantly.

Current value:
Standard recovery - 8 500 rubles.
Full recovery - 16 000 rubles.
Operator for details.

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The cost of complex works (turnkey) includes - analysis of the reduced part of the ventilation unit, cutout floor tiles, parquet or laminate (according to size),ventilation box restoration, plastering work(under wallpapering), garbage disposal.

Note! LLC "DOMUS" offers: ACTION for thrifty!

All information:

Supply ventilation in the apartment:

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ventilation ductnatural ventilation systems

Ventilation duct is a rectangular (box-shaped) air duct used in the ventilation and air conditioning system.

Most often, the ventilation duct is located in the kitchen, in the corridor or in the bathroom.

There are three channels inside the ventilation duct: a large 1 (ventilation shaft or common shaft) and two smaller 2 (air ducts or satellite channels) that provide an outflow of exhaust air containing various impurities, gases, dust, moisture and evaporation. These channels are for the apartment located on the floor below. One for the bathroom, the other for the kitchen.
The ventilation system belongs to the general intra-house engineering infrastructures. Therefore, the ventilation duct is not the personal property of the owner of the apartment and any changes or dismantling of it lead to administrative responsibility.


The construction of ventilation shafts was known in ancient Egypt. So, in the pyramid of Cheops, two straight channels departed from the sarcophagi of the pharaoh and his wife, located strictly to the north and south at a certain angle.
During construction medieval castles used on several floors a complex system channels, one of which was smoke, the other air. Such a system made it possible to heat the premises and at the same time ventilate them, so many old buildings are very well preserved.
After the discovery of carbon dioxide by Antoine Lavoisier in 1775, they began to use special pipes for the outflow of exhaust air. It has been proven that several factors influence the degree of gas removal: the length and curvature of the channels, the quality of the inner surface of the pipes, temperature, pressure, and the direction of air flow.
The invention of the ventilation duct modern version(three-channel) connected with the construction multi-storey buildings, for ventilation of which there are not enough window openings.

Ventilation box device

The ventilation duct is located strictly vertically and consists of three or two channels

Ventilation shaft

The ventilation shaft is the largest 30 by 60 cm (Scheme No. 1-1), a through channel that runs through the entire building and connects the premises from the basement to the attic. Between the shaft and the air ducts, a partition made of non-combustible and moisture-resistant material must be installed.

ventilation ducts(scheme of the ventilation shaft of the house series P 44)

Two ventilation ducts ( Scheme No. 1-2) are smaller air ducts with a circular cross section. Corrugated aluminum or galvanized rigid pipes with a diameter of 130 and 125 mm, respectively, are used for their device. Through the ventilation windows located in the bathroom and in the kitchen, the exhaust air enters these air ducts. As a result, air flows from different rooms do not mix, the smell of burning in the kitchen when tightly closed doors not available in other rooms. The mixing of air masses occurs much higher (about 3 meters) when it enters the common ventilation shaft.

Types of ventilation ducts

Depending on the material, the following types of ventilation ducts are distinguished:



In turn, based on the location of the channels, there are:


oblique (conical).

Reasons for recovery

In the 90s, many apartment owners dismantled or reduced the section of the ventilation duct in order to increase living space. All residents of Moscow probably remember the announcements on the entrances: “We will increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen by reducing the air duct.” This area was approximately 0.3 m2. These redevelopments led to a violation in the ventilation. Air flows, rushing up the air ducts, encountering a mechanical obstacle ( Scheme No. 2) are returned. With a partial decrease in the ventilation duct, pressure is created inside, which also directs all odors to the apartment located on the floor below (2-3 floors in summer).
Preventive inspection and cleaning of ventilation systems is carried out by utility workers. If changes in the ventilation duct are detected, the owner of the apartment is issued a restoration order. Holding restoration work it will also be needed in the case of real estate transactions with an apartment (sale, purchase, exchange, privatization, etc.), because the relevant documents can be signed only after the elimination of violations.

Recovery steps

And so it goes through several stages. First, access to the air channels opens. To do this, the previously installed walls and ceilings are dismantled, if necessary, the necessary section of the tile on the floor is cut out.
Then materials are selected to recreate the missing elements (air ducts and partitions between them). All parts are installed in their places and securely fastened.
After restoring the internal contents, they proceed to recreate the box itself. The most commonly used materials are foam blocks or gypsum boards. Both of these materials have high strength, noise insulation, fire resistance and water resistance. The use of other materials (sheets of plywood, tin, fiberboard, chipboard, drywall) is not advisable.
At the final stage, the operation of ventilation is checked and decorative trim box surfaces.

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