Means for country toilets and cesspools. Chemistry for a cesspool: types, price and reviews Means for recycling street toilets

garden equipment 20.06.2020
garden equipment
  1. A bit of theory
  2. About the features and principle of operation
  3. What are the types of biobacteria?
  4. What problems do biological products solve?
  5. What are the benefits of using bacteria?
  6. How to make the right choice?
  7. Pay attention to details!
  8. Practical recommendations
  9. How to ensure maximum efficiency of bacteria?
  10. When can microorganisms die?

Owners of cottages and personal plots regularly decide the need to maintain treatment facilities. To solve this problem, they use the help of a sewage machine, but today we want to offer to consider more thoughtful and modern technologies, among which bacteria for sewage treatment plants deserve special attention, which break down and convert wastewater into a purified liquid, carbon dioxide and waste, acting in the form of minerals or the so-called silt.

A bit of theory

Pay attention to details!

Before ordering a specific drug, carefully study the instructions, paying close attention to the points:

  • The degree of concentration. The greater the number of bacteria in the preparation, the higher the efficiency of the work.
  • Types of microorganisms used. The composition establishes the types of waste that the product disposes of during operation. The more different microbes, the wider the possibilities and potential.
  • The volume of waste processed by bacteria from a pack. In case of insufficient number of microorganisms, microbes can die. As a result, the colony will not pull the task. With too many bacteria used for cleaning, they can tritely destroy themselves, reducing efficiency.
  • Dry residue left by microorganisms after work. The lower it is, the better for sure.
  • Best before date. Most often it is equal to the life span of microorganisms. In an expired package, the bacteria have already died or their concentration is decreasing.
  • If the bacteria will be used for the first time, then we recommend buying drugs with the phrase “start” or “for primary use”. The content of such funds includes substances that stimulate the development of a new colony.
  • After cleaning, the liquid remains in the septic tank, which is pumped out by a conventional

    Bacteria are living beings, so for normal operation it is necessary to provide a set of conditions:

    • Temperature regime in the region of 4-30 ° С. If the indicators fall below the indicated figures, then the microorganisms “fall asleep”. When it gets warmer, microbes become active. Remember that in a cold toilet, bacteria will not work properly in winter.
    • Microbes always need food. Otherwise, the microorganisms die. If the toilet is used infrequently, then periodically it is necessary to introduce additional microbes. If the toilet is used exclusively in the summer, then a new colony must be formed annually.
    • For the bacteria to work well, the liquid must rise several centimeters above the level at which the solid waste is located in the treatment plant. In case of insufficient amount of water, liquids must be added.
    • Microbes do not utilize inorganics. Do not drain plastic or metal elements as they will simply remain at the bottom of the treatment plant.
    • Chlorine, manganese and other similar substances can completely kill the colony.
    • In the process of preparing the product, it is necessary to fully comply with the instructions, because otherwise the bacteria may "not come out of hibernation."

    When can microorganisms die?

    The impact of a number of substances for bacteria is similar to death. The wastewater treatment plant should not contain:

    • Substances that contain chlorine.
    • Byt.chemistry.
    • Potassium permanganate.
    • Medicines.
    • Antibacterial drugs.

    If, nevertheless, aggressive elements have got into septic tanks, then it is necessary to introduce new bacteria in time. Such a decision will provide an opportunity to update and strengthen the colony.

Not everyone guesses. At the same time, modern drugs can solve two main problems associated with the operation of "yard amenities":

  • the need for frequent cleaning of the drive,
  • bad smell.

Smell is far from the only nuisance of a country toilet. The mass collected in the reservoir can be toxic in itself or become a source of spread of pathogens. This is due to the fact that putrefactive bacteria appear and actively multiply in the contents of the drive. Sometimes they are fought with the help of chemicals, but this method has its drawbacks:

  • Firstly, due to the toxicity of the compounds, the risk of harmful substances entering the groundwater and soil increases,
  • Secondly, chemical antiseptics kill all microflora, and putrefactive bacteria will settle again in the “uninhabited” territory as soon as the action of the deadly chemistry for them weakens.

Bioactivator for country toilet contains colonies of specially cultivated bacteria, which displace pathogenic microflora. This method of struggle is not only more effective, but also gives a more durable result.

In turn, the “new settlers” that got into the drive from the vial with the bioactivator contribute to the occurrence of not putrefactive processes, but decomposition and fermentation of organic matter. The difference between these processes from the point of view of the user is fundamental - the waste is converted into non-toxic sludge or compost that does not have a sharp and unpleasant odor, instantly volatile gases and water. The comfort and safety of using the toilet is greatly improved, even if it is not equipped with a more advanced cleaning system.

Types and composition of drugs

Bacteria for a country toilet can be bought at a specialized store. The assortment usually has several options for bioactivators.

  • Solutions popular due to ease of use. They are a ready-made composition that is poured into a cesspool through a sewer drain or inspection hatch, a pumping hole, etc.
  • Dry formulations more compact and economical. Before use, they must be dissolved in water (the temperature and volume of the liquid must correspond to the parameters specified in the instructions for each specific preparation. In dry form, bacteria for a toilet in the country can be sold in powder or tablet form. If the expiration date of the bioactivator has not expired, the microorganisms retain their viability and, after entering a humid environment, enter the active phase. When mixing powder (tablets) with water, swelling of the particles can often be observed.

Possibilities possessed by bioactivators for cesspools depend on their composition. Some may also "recycle" paper, fats and other substances. In order to increase the effectiveness of the bioactivator, several types of bacteria are usually introduced into its composition.

In order for the decomposition process to proceed evenly throughout the volume, combine aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. Oxygen is the first requirement for life, so they are active on the surface and in a liquid environment. Anaerobic ensure the decomposition of a dense mass of sediment, caked and almost solid. Such preparations can be used not only in toilets, but also in general storage or sewage treatment plants, where drains from all over the house are collected. In addition to bacteria, the composition of sewage and toilet products includes excipients that support the vital activity of microorganisms.

Thus, the composition of a good toilet bioactivator usually includes:

  • several types of cultures of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria,
  • enzymes accelerating the processes of decomposition and fermentation and acting as catalysts for biological interaction,
  • enzymes are its one type of catalysts to enhance the action of microorganisms on organic matter.

Read also: and its types.

The most popular drugs

When deciding how to clean the toilet in the country with your own hands, choose an “assistant” from among the proven and most popular bioactivators.

Micropan- Under this brand, two types of drugs are produced. "Micropan cesspool" is a dry composition, compressed into a tablet, characterized by a wide spectrum of action and high efficiency. One tablet is enough to process a cubic meter of waste, while Micropan does an excellent job of decomposing toilet paper.

"Micropan toilet-bucket" can be purchased as a liquid or in the form of granules. These compounds are fast-acting and can quickly eliminate unpleasant odors. Waste after treatment with Micropan of any type is environmentally friendly and can be used as a non-toxic and effective fertilizer.

Expel- bioactivator for septic tanks and cesspools, available in the form of tablets or powder. When using it for the sewer system, it is enough to pour the powder or throw a tablet into the hole of any drain. In the process of moving to a treatment plant or storage in pipes, the dry composition itself will dissolve in the liquid.

If Expel is added directly to the cesspool, pre-mixing with water is necessary. A bioactivator of this type is able to ensure the decomposition of organic matter only in the presence of water. It will not work on dry matter. Therefore, if the cesspool is dry in the country or in the house, you will need to add water to it to activate the composition.

Atmosbio- a universal preparation that can clean the cesspool of a toilet or septic tank not only from solid sediment, but also from sludge, which distinguishes it favorably from analogues of other production. A feature of the use of this type of bioactivator is the need for a large amount of water. When introducing the powder into the cesspool, it is necessary to add up to a cubic meter of water per Atmosbio package. At this point, it is recommended to measure the level of effluents in the cesspool, since after six months it will be necessary to add a portion of the drug (the amount is less than the first time) and bring the level with water to the mark obtained during the measurement. This re-introduction of bioactivator allows you to maintain a population of bacteria in the drive.

A drug Saneks it is imperative to dissolve in water before use, and it is desirable that the water be settled (to get rid of chlorine) and have a temperature of the order of + 40 ° C. The solution can be introduced into the drain or revision hatch.

Brand Bio Favorite presents a line of bioactivators separately for septic tanks and cesspools. The preparations are produced in the form of a liquid and have a wide spectrum of action, decomposing any organic matter. The advantage of bioactivators of this type is the absence of the need for repeated infusion for a long time.

General rules for the use of bacteria

When using bioactivators for septic tanks, cesspools, bucket toilets, etc., it is important to observe certain conditions.

  • The drug is chosen in strict accordance with the purpose, since in addition to broad-spectrum agents, there are also highly specialized ones that work well in some systems and are completely unsuitable for others.
  • It is important to use bacteria in dry formulations and solutions in full compliance with the instructions, observing the dosage, introducing the drug into the drain or directly into the pit, ensuring the presence of liquid or other conditions necessary for the vital activity of bacteria.
  • If the storage tank is not insulated, after the end of the winter period, the bacteria population will have to be renewed. Such microorganisms do not tolerate cold well and are likely to die in winter.
  • The death of bacteria can also cause a long interruption in the operation of the cesspool or toilet. This problem is typical for cottages with periodic visits.

“We live in a private house, we have 2 toilets: a septic tank and a cesspool. There is no smell from the septic tank, but there is from the cesspool. We learned about the Atmosbio bioactivator from neighbors. Bought a pack of 24 sachets. The first time, according to the instructions, they poured 5 bags into each hole, and then every week they poured one bag. After 4 weeks, the result was noticed: the level of sewage decreased noticeably and “brightened”, the smell from the cesspool disappeared. I don't think a vacuum cleaner will be needed this season."

Tamara Gennadievna, Stavropol

“I have been using Bio Favorit for a little over a year. The price of the issue is about 700 rubles for 6 months. I can’t say that there is no smell at all - but this is not “that” birdhouse smell, and it does not stink of bleach. I think that the drug in terms of quality / price justifies itself.”

Maria, Podolsk

“We used Saneks for a cesspool this summer at our dacha. Chose it, on the advice of a neighbor. For the first time in my life I used a bio-cleaner. Was shocked by the result. The content of the pit has decreased significantly. The smell is completely gone. Previously, a few meters away it was possible to catch the characteristic "aroma", and after Saneks, it does not smell unpleasant at all. It is very easy to use, everything is written in detail about the necessary dosages in the instructions. For so many years they suffered and did not even know about such wonderful drugs. Now I tell all my acquaintances with delight about my discovery and I advise everyone to this miracle biological product.

Oleg Vasilyevich, Kemerovo


Sewer systems in a private house require constant care, otherwise the cesspool may become clogged. If a similar problem arose, you should not use the first improvised means to solve it. For many years, in many foreign countries, live bacteria intended for the processing of wastewater and chemicals for cleaning cesspools have been used to clean septic tanks.

Assortment of chemicals for cesspools

Biological preparations for cesspools are products consisting of organic microorganisms that actively react with organic types of waste (more details: ""). Such preparations for sewage sumps incorporate a complex of living bacteria that process feces and beneficial enzymes.

They are sensitive to compounds such as:

  • aldehydes;
  • alkalis;
  • phenols;
  • acids;
  • chlorides.
Bioactivators convert sewage into a mass that is safe for people and the environment. From the waste, high-quality organic fertilizer is obtained, which can be used, for example, to care for the garden.

Chemical preparations for cesspools and biological preparations are widely used for the treatment of effluents that are formed in the course of human household activities.

The use of biological products for cesspools

Biological preparations for outdoor toilets can be used when the air temperature is from 4 to 30 degrees Celsius. In the cold season, cesspool chemicals are used, but many of them can cause significant environmental damage. Therefore, in recent years, many homeowners and summer residents prefer strains of live bacteria, if the temperature regime allows (read: "").

Bioactivators are used for street toilets, septic tanks and pits in order to decompose waste - the results of human life (read: ""). They effectively solve the problem of waste disposal and maintaining ecological balance.

Biological agents allow:

  • prevent the reproduction of pathogenic organisms;
  • deal with unpleasant odors from the septic tank;
  • prevent the formation of toxic fumes and gases.
They do not irritate the mucous membranes of human organs and the skin of the hands.

Of the biological products for cesspools, Dr. Robik has proven itself well, the packaging of which is in the photo. It is a potent and highly effective blend of 6 bacterial strains specifically designed to handle sewage and waste that is not biodegradable (read also: ""). These microorganisms are able to utilize detergents, fats, phenols, etc. The use of this tool allows you to reduce the number of calls to sewage equipment, eliminate stench and increase the degree of disposal of solid particles in drains.

Biological products such as Dr. Robik have the following advantages:

  • environmental Safety;
  • resistance to household chemicals;
  • elimination of unpleasant odors;
  • efficient processing of various organics, feces, paper, fats;
  • absolute safety for people, plants and animals;
  • the need for the services of vacuum cleaners is reduced.
When biological preparations and chemicals for toilets and cesspools are used, the contents of the package are diluted in water poured into a bucket and poured into a sump or the product from the bag is poured into the toilet and flushed several times. A high-quality antiseptic for cesspools and toilets helps to quickly solve the problem.

Bioactivators are divided into biopowders and biopreparations. The first of these are non-toxic compounds consisting of enzymes and microorganisms that significantly accelerate the decomposition of sewage.

The use of bioactivators increases the rate of natural cleaning. Due to this, organic substances in wastewater break down into gas, water and sediment. Silt does not accumulate so quickly, and the septic tank will have to be cleaned no more than 3 times during the year.

Bioactivators are also produced in the form of granules. If they are in the form of tablets, they are placed in the toilet and the chemical is released into the cesspool while in an active state. Today, many manufacturers are working to expand the scope of their application in terms of primary treatment. Biopurification allows to penetrate into the layers of fibers and as a result, complex organics are converted into simple compounds that form a mineral sediment. These deposits are colonized by living bacteria over time. The output is water and carbon dioxide.

Today, scientists have managed to realize such an idea as the cultivation of microorganisms that can naturally process wastewater.

On sale are also available, for example, the biological product Waste Treat. This is an environmentally safe complex, which includes 6 anaerobic bacteria cultures that quickly process feces and household waste in cesspools and in all types of septic tanks. This drug also eliminates stench.

This fluid:

  • completely cleans the drainage system laid to the drain pit;
  • destroys bad smell;
  • cleans outdoor toilets and septic tanks;
  • reduces the amount of runoff and waste in cesspools.
A septic tank is an individual treatment facility designed to treat household and household wastewater coming from private households where there is no central sewage system. In the process of functioning in sewer septic facilities, the method of gravitational settling and biological treatment using biological products is used.

Septic tanks have a daily capacity of 2-12 m³. Waste liquids are in it for about three days, and at this time the precipitate is compacted and at the same time undergoes aerobic decomposition. This treatment plant has a sealed housing, which consists of three chambers. Waste water enters the septic tank by gravity.

Cesspool chemicals

Currently, not only bio preparations are widely used to clean pits, but also chemicals for a latrine in a private house. The latter funds are produced mainly in a powdered state. They excel in wastewater treatment and waste disposal in composts and toilets, freeing sewer pipes from grease deposits.

Cleaning a cesspool with chemicals has a number of advantages, since chemicals:

  • have the ability to function effectively at any temperature;
  • chemistry for a septic tank is not afraid of aggressive impurities, hard water.
In the same time:
  • their use negatively affects the state of the environment and the sewerage system as a whole;
  • metal elements used in the construction of treatment facilities are destroyed.
To clean sewage, the following chemicals are used for cesspools:
  • Formaldehyde is the cheapest chemical agent for household and household waste settlers. Even 5-10 years ago it was widely used everywhere. But then it was proved that this remedy is very toxic and has a high degree of carcinogenicity. To date, formaldehyde has been discontinued;
  • nitrate oxidizers - are nothing more than nitrogen fertilizers. They are used to clean street toilets and sewer cesspools. They are environmentally friendly and consist of surfactants that dilute organic effluents and waste. Nitrate oxidizers have an increased detergency, and their effectiveness is not affected by the presence of detergents in the waste liquid;
  • ammonium compounds - are considered excellent disinfectants that process feces. They are also effective in terms of waste decomposition. This chemical for cesspools eliminates unpleasant odors and accelerates the decomposition of waste into components. But ammonium compounds work worse in the presence of detergents in the drains and are ineffective in aggressive environments. It is also important that the impact on the environment of ammonium compounds has not been thoroughly studied. If they are used for a cesspool, you must be extremely careful when cleaning it. It is advisable to drain this waste into specially equipped ditches, and it would be best to use the services of sewers.
You need to know that none of the modern chemicals can turn feces into compost.

The small volume and depth of cesspools bring a lot of difficulties. The contents of the pit have to be pumped out several times a year, and for this it is necessary to rent special equipment, which in most cases is by no means cheap. To solve this problem, cesspool chemistry based on various active substances has been developed. It contributes to the decomposition of organic and inorganic debris, removes an unpleasant odor, and disinfects the surface.

Used to clean cesspools 2 types of funds: based on chemical compounds and with live bacteria. The choice between two drugs depends on several factors at once.

  1. The main advantage of any chemicals is that they can be used at any temperature. Bacteria act only in the range from +4 to +30°C. In winter, they are simply useless, which cannot be said about chemicals. They work great even in severe winter frosts. This feature is very useful when cleaning open pit latrines.
  2. If the pit is used as a container for collecting household waste in an autonomous sewerage system, in addition to organic debris, various chemical compounds also get inside it, for the most part chlorine. It is found in almost every household cleaner or disinfectant. Bacteria in such conditions die very quickly, without even having time to do part of their work. Cesspool chemicals are not afraid of even the most aggressive compounds.
  3. Chemicals affect not only organic debris, but also various synthetic materials. In some way, this is even an advantage, but the question can be looked at from another point of view. Chemicals also affect the quality of sewer elements. They are significantly reduce the service life plastic cesspools, and on metal and concrete - they act extremely aggressively.

Another disadvantage of chemicals for cleaning cesspools can be considered their colossal harm to the environment. It is not recommended to use drugs in outdoor toilets located in the garden and vegetable garden. They will greatly affect the quality of the soil. It is unlikely that anything will grow around the toilet in the next 10 years.

For the same reason, the contents of the cesspool, after the use of chemicals, cannot be used to fertilize the soil, although there is an exception here. Some types of chemicals are more environmentally friendly.

The aggressiveness of cesspool chemistry complicates its use. The smell of many products is very strong, so it is better to use them. wearing a mask. Protect all exposed areas of the skin.

Cesspool cleaning chemicals come in several different forms. More common liquid gels. They do not need to be additionally prepared before starting work, so it is most convenient and easiest to use them.

Can be distinguished 3 main types, into which any chemical means for cleaning cesspools are divided, reviews can be found on each of them. All enjoy approximately the same popularity, but experts do not share such a loyal attitude towards all variants of chemicals. They recommend only some of them, and do not recommend using others.

Preparations are divided into three types depending on the main active substance:


Literally 10 years ago, such means were used everywhere. They were very popular due to their high efficiency and fast action. Recently, formaldehyde-based preparations are no longer produced, they can only be found in someone's stocks.

Very great harm to the environment, toxicity and carcinogenicity of formaldehydes has been proven. Their use is not recommended, but because. such drugs make up a large part of the history of cesspool cleaning chemistry, it would be wrong not to mention them at all.

nitrate oxidants.

In composition, nitrate oxidizers for cleaning cesspools are similar to the same type of fertilizer, so the contents of the cesspool after such treatment can be used for garden work.

Nitrates are safe for the environment, but this does not interfere with their effectiveness. They perfectly process both organic and inorganic waste, remove unpleasant odors, and can work even in the most difficult conditions. The big disadvantage of such funds is the relatively high price.

ammonium compounds.

Such agents work as effectively as nitrate compounds. They perfectly fight unpleasant odors, reduce the volume of the contents of the cesspool, and disinfect the surface. Among the shortcomings, one can single out the fact that in conditions of high chlorine content in household waste, they work less efficiently, and some types of drugs do not work at all.

Rules for the use of chemicals for cesspools

Chemical pit cleaners can be very dangerous if used incorrectly.
On the packaging of any product you can find the following recommendations for use:

  • Before starting work, wear rubber gloves and a protective mask for the respiratory tract. Clothes should be chosen the one that will not be a pity to throw out after cleaning.
  • During the operation of chemicals, gas is released. If, when cleaning a closed cesspool, you do not leave access to the gas outlet, the pressure inside the structure will rise sharply. For metal and concrete pits, such a load can become critical. It is best to slightly open the hatch of the cesspool during cleaning.
  • After cleaning begins, warn everyone in the household that you should not approach the hatch of the cesspool for the next couple of days. First, it is dangerous because of the gas and pungent smell. Secondly, during the cleaning process, the lid will not be closed tightly and stepping on it, a person can easily fall inside.
  • For about a week after cleaning, it is not recommended to light a fire near the cesspool. The gas that is released during the operation of chemicals is highly flammable.
  • When choosing the right amount of cleaning agent for a particular cesspool, carefully follow the instructions. Each tool has its own rules.

Biologically active substances or bioactivators are microorganisms that feed on natural waste, fats, paper, organic fibers, etc. Thus, bacteria help solve the problem of cleaning country toilets by neutralizing unpleasant odors and processing waste masses. Preparations include a concentrate of specially grown bacteria, enzymes and enzymes. Each species of microorganisms settles in the area most suitable for it to live.

Bioactivator for a toilet in the country - the principle of operation

Despite the wide variety of modern disinfectants, their composition and method of application do not have significant differences. All bioactivators for the country toilet contain bacterial strains that have positively proven themselves in terms of their useful qualities. Once in a favorable environment with a certain temperature, humidity and a set of organic substances, bacteria begin to actively multiply, releasing enzymes that speed up the process of processing domestic wastewater.

Advantages of cleaning a country toilet with BioBak bioactivator:

  • exclusion of damage to a structure made of various materials;
  • liquefaction of sediment accumulating at the bottom of the system;
  • no harmful effects on the environment and human health;
  • automatic disappearance of microorganisms after the performance of their functions;
  • reduction in the frequency of pumping out the structure.

Before buying bacteria for an outdoor toilet in the country, you should decide which form of release: liquid or granular is best for your situation. The poured out or poured drug works if there is a sufficient level of water in the container. Only then will it be spent as efficiently and economically as possible. It is recommended to prevent toxic substances and medicines from getting into the bioactivator. In order to increase the activity of microbes, you can increase the dose.

Bacteria for the toilet in the country

There are agents based on either aerobic or anaerobic microorganisms. Biological products are characterized by a mixed composition of live bacteria. In fact, they function as cesspools, activating the natural purification of water.

Aerobic types engage in high degree biochemical decomposition, forming a small amount of solid sediment. During their activity, they exude heat and emit carbon dioxide, without provoking bad odors. Anaerobic bacteria for a country toilet do not require oxygen. They provide primary waste treatment. Thanks to the combination of microorganisms, organic matter decomposes and rots, and the sewer is cleaned.

The combination of aerobic and anaerobic bacteria for the toilet in the country allows you to free 98% of sewage from sewage. However, their functionality is due to the stable use of the system. Temporary conservation will provoke the death of organisms.

Buying a bioactivator

Dear customers, you can buy the BioBak bioactivator in our online store. The catalog contains several types of our products. If you have any questions about the use of bacteria for country toilets, our consultants will be happy to advise on the presented products.

In our online store you can also:

  • purchase the necessary.

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