High quality reusable plastic utensils. Plastic utensils

The buildings 20.06.2020
The buildings

Tableware made of food grade polypropylene designed for use in the temperature range from -25 to +110 °C. It can store hot and cold food. Food placed in it can be heated in a microwave oven, cooked in a steam oven (steamer), stored in a refrigerator or freezer. Such dishes can be washed in a dishwasher, you can boil water in it using an electric boiler.

Polypropylene is a modern, high-quality and environmentally friendly polymeric material. Its use makes it possible to realize the dream of dishes with lines of any complexity, which are chemically neutral and do not interact with food.

The conditions for obtaining this material are similar to those in which polyethylene is produced. However, compared with it, polypropylene has a number of advantages:

  • resistance to corrosion and cracking;
  • hardness and resistance to abrasion;
  • chemical resistance - reacts only with strong oxidizing agents, absolutely neutral in relation to food;
  • the maximum temperature for using polypropylene dishes is +110 °C.


The company "Tehosnastka" offers a wide range of environmentally friendly tableware made of food grade polypropylene. In our catalog you will find:

  • spoons, forks and knives;
  • plates and bowls;
  • funnels;
  • picnic and travel sets;
  • sets for drinks and brewing tea and herbs;
  • dishes, microwave lids and other utensils made of antimicrobial plastic.

Our advantages:

  • fast processing and execution of orders;
  • delivery of purchases by courier in Moscow, transport companies or mail to the regions, pickup is also possible;
  • guaranteed product quality and manufacturer's prices;
  • promotions and discounts for regular customers.

Many families have plastic dishes in everyday life: salad bowls, plates, mugs, etc. are very convenient to use, easy to clean and do not break. But few of us think about the safety of such a comfortable type of dishes and containers in the kitchen as plastic. But they are in contact with the products that are eaten. Housewives always read the composition of products, but very rarely pay attention to the composition and quality of packaging and containers for storing food and drinks.

In this article, we will try to figure out whether food-grade plastic is harmful and whether dishes made from this material pose a health hazard.

Types of plastic

Plastic is a material made on the basis of synthetic or natural macromolecular compounds and is characterized by a wide range of applications. The most common types of plastic are:

  • PVC,
  • polyethylene,
  • polypropylene,
  • polystyrene
  • polycarbonate.

All polymers are obtained by polymerization - i.e. "crosslinking" of short molecules of a substance into longer chains. Upon heating, damage, aging, contact with other substances, these chains break and monomers of the main substance enter the air or food.

How long can plastic utensils be used

Absolutely all types of plastics are subject to destruction when:

  • aging (they break down, releasing decay products)
  • damage (cracks, scratches)
  • heating to critical temperatures (see below)
  • exposure to alkaline detergents
  • contact with alcohols
  • contact with fats.

Reusable plastic products for food can be used for their intended purpose no more than 1 year(provided that their integrity is maintained - without cracks and scratches). Disposable tableware should not be stored with food for more than 3-4 hours after packaging, the more used the second time.

How to determine that plastic is aging? It becomes cloudy, absorbs odors, is poorly washed, unpleasant to the touch. These products can no longer be used. Even if there are only a couple of scratches on the plastic, it is no longer suitable for food purposes.

Harm of plastic

Polymers are inert by nature and non-toxic, which is why they are used for the production of dishes - they do not get into food products. But!!!

  • By itself, pure plastic is brittle and unstable to high and low temperatures. And in order to give it proper properties, stabilizers are added: the plastic becomes stronger, but also more toxic.
  • Solvents, technological additives and intermediate substances of production and products of chemical decomposition of the polymer, under certain conditions, enter food and have a toxic effect on the body.

Depending on the type of plastic (see table below), certain toxic substances may be released:

  • Formaldehyde has a carcinogenic, mutagenic and allergenic effect, negatively affects the reproductive system, affects internal organs and the central nervous system (see).
  • Phthalates - increase systolic pressure, lead to infertility.
  • Methanol is the most dangerous poison, affects the organs of vision and the central nervous system, causes chronic intoxication.
  • Vinyl chloride is a neurotropic poison with carcinogenic, mutagenic and teratogenic effects.
  • Styrene is a dangerous carcinogen. It has a negative impact on the reproductive system, affects the central and peripheral nervous system, disrupts metabolism and the hematopoietic system.
  • Bisphenol A - accumulates in the body, causing irreversible changes in the reproductive system, increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, as well as the likelihood of oncology. Causes various complications of pregnancy.
  • Vinyl chloride - is released during the aging process from a polyvinyl chloride bottle, refers to neurotropic poisons and carcinogens, mutagens and teratogens. When ingested, it turns into chlorepoxyethylene and can provoke the development of cancer of the lungs, brain, liver, lymphatic and hematopoietic systems. The longer the drink bottle is stored (and often this period is 12 months), the more PVC will be in the contents, and the beginning of this migration begins as early as a week after the bottle is filled at the factory.

There is no protective layer in disposable plastic, however, as in reusable plastic - this is a myth that is designed to console our minds. Just a scratch on the dishes can already cause the plastic components to migrate into the food.

Cons of recycled plastic

Another downside is the spread recycling of plastics. In this regard, it is not always possible to identify the composition of the material and the release from it. Therefore, it is so important when buying plastic packaging or products in it to pay attention to the inscription on the bottom - this is a mandatory attribute of certified products. However, not all manufacturers label the goods as expected, and not all goods on the shelves of Russia are certified. Which creates an even bigger problem for the consumer when choosing plastic products.

Some research by scientists on the dangers of plastic

Russian scientists say that certified plastic utensils are absolutely safe, but only if used correctly and replaced in a timely manner.

American researchers claim that the presence of about 80% of "plastic" substances in the human body is the result of the use of building and finishing materials made of plastic, as well as its use in everyday life, and most of all - in dishes.

Substance diethylhexyl phthalate, which is used to soften plastics, is associated with an increased risk of:

  • the development of obesity
  • cardiovascular disease,
  • and infertility in boys.

So, children with obesity had an increased level of this substance in the blood. Despite the fact that in the last decade the impact of diethylhexylphthalate on the body of expectant mothers has decreased by about 50%, these risks still exist.


  • They lead to an increase in systolic pressure: after a survey of more than 3,000 children who were constantly in contact with plastic products, an increase in the level of phthalates in the urine by 3 times and an increase in blood pressure were found.
  • During their study, the team looked at data from nearly 800 women and their children. It has been confirmed that if the mother's body was exposed to phthalates in the first trimester of pregnancy, the born boys had a higher risk of developing infertility. Boys may be born with a shorter anogenital distance, which is directly related to infertility and poor sperm quality.
  • There is no safe level of exposure to phthalates for pregnant women. In order to completely eliminate this substance, one should not only refuse to use plastic dishes in everyday life, but also avoid eating products packed in plastic packaging.
  • Phthalates will still surround a person - they are in wallpaper, personal care products, medical devices and almost everywhere, but in this form they are less dangerous.

Bisphenol A:

  • In 2015, scientists from the Saudi Arabian Science Campus conducted a study that proved the harmful effects of bisphenol A on the liver of experimental rats and their offspring. The work focuses on the fact that the presence of bisphenol A in the body can cause genetic damage to DNA.
  • Bisphenol A scientists attributed to the "multi-stage" carcinogen, which accumulates in the body and has a negative effect both in the body and in offspring. Empirically, the danger of certain concentrations of a substance was clarified. It turned out that even very low concentrations can lead to harmful effects on the health of a person and his children (see).
  • Studies that were conducted at several foreign institutes with the participation of the US Environmental Protection Agency showed that out of 204 experimental samples of food products (canned food), 73% of them contained the presence of bisphenol A (released from resins that cover the inner layer of metal cans ). At the moment, alternative coatings are being developed that could replace epoxy resins. But in any case, glass is considered the most environmentally friendly container for conservation.
  • Australian scientists conducted an experiment - examined the urine of volunteers, including pregnant women and children who drink bottled water (which is sold in large bottles). Bisphenol A was found in 95% of them. Yes, under normal conditions, plastic does not release chemical elements into the water, but if the water is heated even a few degrees above room temperature, the “migration” of chemistry from the plastic into the water begins.

Tritan bottles

Tritan is a heat-resistant transparent polymer developed by the American company Eastman in 2007. Billed as a "healthy, ultra-safe" plastic. Literally immediately after the presentation, a line of baby bottles was released from tritan, which quickly spread throughout the world. Currently, tritan is used by many American companies for the manufacture of industrial products, utensils, including 19-liter bottles for water. The material is in high demand in third world countries, where consumers are more concerned about the price of goods than about their own safety.

Eastman was founded by Dr. Andrew Weil, who promotes alternative medicine, including urine therapy. In 2014, chemicals used to manufacture plastics leaked from the facility, polluting water in West Virginia and depriving 300,000 people of drinking water for a month.

The popularity of tritan abroad is more likely due to the lack of alternatives than the sound safety of plastic. Consumers categorically refused to use polycarbonate bottles that emit Bisphenol A, and in the PET container market, demand exceeds supply by 3 times. Companies are forced to buy expensive materials suitable for bottle blowing. Tritan is not seen as a competitor to PET in the US, and companies with access to PET are buying it. Tritan is used only by companies that, due to lack of supply, are unable to purchase PET.

Eastman has repeatedly claimed to have thoroughly tested the safety of Tritan, but the methods used in the studies were not up to business standards. In 2008, Eastman partnered with Sciences International, a science company that lost a high-profile lawsuit. They conducted research for the tobacco industry and misinformed consumers about the side effects of new types of cigarettes for 2 years, which led to several deaths.

Meanwhile, Tritan contains synthetic estrogen triphenyl phosphate, or CHP, which is more harmful than Bisphenol A. But Eastman did not test Tritan as a single element, but split it into several components. CHP was not included in the list of analyzed factors, although it is the most dangerous component of Tritan.

Eastman has done another study involving breast cancer cells, and already the first results were positive for estrogenic activity. The company's researcher released the results for synthetic estrogens as negative, although they were positive. This was told by Michael Denison, professor of toxicology at the University of California at Davis, who evaluated the Eastman Tritan safety report as an independent expert.

In parallel, PlastiPure was also researching tritan, also looking for a safer alternative to polycarbonate. As a result, it was found that the components of tritan are more dangerous to human health than Bisphenol A. Different types of tritan (and there are as many as 5 of them) emit harmful chemicals under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

In 2010, Eastman began marketing campaigns claiming that Tritan did not contain synthetic estrogens. In early 2010, Philips Avent, a leader in baby bottles and non-spill cups, wanted to see if they could do their own research on tritan, but for unknown reasons abandoned the idea. In the same year, Nestlé researched tritan and found extremely harmful leached synthetic estrogen in it, but, in agreement with the manufacturer, did not publish these results.

Today, Eastman is pursuing litigation with independent labs that provide evidence of the dangers of tritan.

Characteristics of the main types of plastic

The table shows:

  • Comparative characteristics of plastics used for food products, and the potential risks associated with their use - these data do not mean at all that all food in plastic and utensils made from it are deadly dangerous, but, unfortunately, harm is not excluded (the probability of which increases many times with improper use or recycling of disposable products) .
  • Average softening temperature of plastic- this is the temperature at which the destruction of the polymer begins and the active release of toxic substances into food and air.
  • The digital designation is in a triangle of arrows- it should be sought at the bottom.
Name Designation, softening point Where is used What might stand out

Polyethylene terephthalate (PET, number 1)

The most environmentally friendly polymer, but nevertheless, when recycled or misused, it can release harmful substances

  • from 245 C
Disposable "soft" bottles for water and drinks, oils, sauces, beer, disposable tableware Phthalates and formaldehyde
Polyethylene of high (HDPE, number 2) and low density (LDPE, number 4) containing melamine-formaldehyde resins
  • High density polyethylene from 80C
  • low from 60 C
Packaging for dairy products, reusable tableware, baby bottles, food film, food bags Formaldehyde and methanol, which are released during photoaging (with prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light)
Polyvinyl chloride (number 3, PVC)
  • from 75 С
Disposable bottles and caps for them, food film, containers, but more often - bottles for household chemicals Vinyl chloride, formaldehyde, bisphenol A
Polypropylene (PP, number 5). Relatively safe and most common. There are high, medium and low pressure, only 1 type is allowed for food packaging.
  • from 140 С
Jars, containers and food containers, glasses can be colored. Reusable tableware. Formaldehyde, especially in contact with fatty foods and alcohol
Polystyrene (PS, number 6)
  • from 90 C
Disposable cups, food packaging trays (similar to Styrofoam), jars for dairy products, forks, spoons, disposable knives, disposable containers Styrene and formaldehyde
Polycarbonate (PC or PC)
  • from 220 С
Reusable and disposable bottles, including baby bottles, plastic tableware, plastic parts of pacifiers, the inner layer of metal cans for canned food Bisphenol A
Melamine (Melsage, Melamine, M). Prohibited for the food industry! Melamine melts at 350 C. Dishes that look very similar to porcelain Formaldehyde
Mixtures of plastics (number 7). This includes polycarbonate, polyamide and other types of plastics. Water bottles, packaging Bisphenol A, formaldehyde and others, summing up the negative effect

ABS plastic and San plastic is harmful or not?

These types of plastic not used for food. SAN plastic is a styrene copolymer, the same as ABS plastic. It is a rigid, heat-resistant plastic of several classes, which is mainly used for industrial and domestic purposes, but not for products that come into contact with food and drinks. In the temperature range from -40 C to +80 C, both types of plastic do not change their properties and do not emit chemical elements into the environment. In addition, they withstand short-term heating up to 105 C. But they cannot be used for food products.

Plastik Sun ABS plastic
  • Acrylonitrile is a carcinogen. In case of acute action, it causes irritation of the eyes, upper respiratory tract, and adversely affects the reproductive system. The conditions under which these substances would be released from the plastic is a violation of the specified temperature range.
  • styrene - see above
  • butadiene - a gas with an unpleasant odor that enters the body through the respiratory system, irritates the mucous membranes and has a narcotic effect. Causes chronic neurasthenia, dermatitis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and upper respiratory tract.
  • styrene
  • acrylonitrile.


Plastic, which is used for the production of utensils and products in contact with food (food grade plastic), is subject to certification and undergoes a mandatory examination for compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards.

Manufacturers of food grade plastics are required to label their products accordingly. There is a generally accepted marking of plastic utensils - a fork and a glass. But the crossed-out fork and glass indicate that the product cannot be used for food products.

The product may indicate for which products it is intended (cold, hot, bulk, liquid), where it can be used (in a microwave oven, for freezing, etc.).

Some manufacturers sometimes indicate the temperature range of use.
Marking can be words or icons:
  • snowflake provides for freezing
  • wave oven - use in the microwave
  • dishes under the shower - the possibility of washing in the dishwasher, etc.

Plastic for hot food and microwave

Now there are effective methods of polymerization and purification of plastic, which made it possible to develop heat-resistant types of plastic. On the bottom of such containers is written "for hot products." Such containers are filled with devices for preparing hot drinks, it is often used in public catering.

Plastic labeled "for hot products" and for "microwave oven" are different products:

  • Only those containers can be used in the microwave oven, which are marked with a “wave oven” icon or signed “for a microwave oven”.
  • Hot food labeling- this means you can drink hot tea or eat hot soup, but do not cook and reheat in the microwave.

With repeated use of dishes for hot food, an “aging effect” occurs: under the influence of oxygen and heat, long polymer molecules break up into short pieces, which fall into food.

Separately about plastic bottles

A plastic bottle (from soft drinks, dairy products) is a very practical and convenient container, which, as a rule, turns from disposable into reusable in everyday life. It especially often happens that caring mothers pour compote, juice into a bottle of baby water with a convenient nozzle on the neck for drinking. are used repeatedly.

Plastic bottles are mainly made from polyethylene terephthalate, which the:

  • transmits ultraviolet rays
  • passes oxygen
  • degrading content quality
  • and PVC- a polymer that is quite dangerous due to the release of vinyl chloride and bisphenol A.

    Are there safe bottles that can be used multiple times?

    Yes, these are refillable PET bottles, but nothing but water can be poured into them.

    In addition, there is a “home” way to identify dangerous containers: you should press the bottle with your fingernail. If a white streak remains, the plastic may pose a health hazard.

    How to use dishes and other plastic products so that they are safe for health

    Plastic food utensils are unlikely to make it out of most people's daily routine. It is hygienic, inexpensive, lightweight and comfortable. To prevent harm to health, you should follow the safety rules:

    If possible, give up plastic dishes altogether and replace them with ceramic, porcelain or glass ones, especially for children: the safest feeding bottles are made of glass. Yes, they are fragile, but today on sale you can find products in a special silicone sheath that will not break if accidentally dropped.

    There is also an environmentally friendly disposable tableware made of cane, bamboo, eggshell, cardboard. It is only safe for health, but also does not litter the environment, but, naturally, is more expensive.

    Summing up, we note: when a person develops an oncological disease, hardly anyone understands its causes, and all forces are directed to treatment. Of course, this is correct - every day in the fight against the disease is expensive. But it is important to understand that none of us is immune from cancer. So why increase the likelihood of its development and voluntarily introduce carcinogens into the body? Think about it and do not expose your life to unjustified risk!


    Today I would like to talk about the dangers of plastic dishes. Many of us use such utensils to store or transport food. Plastic utensils are very easy to use, cheap and in many cases considered to be much more effective than iron or glass utensils.

    In our active time, where you need to "spin like a squirrel in a wheel" in order to achieve something in life, it is not always possible to store food in iron or glass dishes (it takes up a lot of space, has a lot of weight and size). People are increasingly using plastic dishes, which are very practical and light, allowing you to carry food or eat comfortably.

    The level of sales of plastic tableware is increasing every year. A large number of disposable tableware is produced for various purposes: cups, plates, food storage containers, etc. Manufacturers claim that their products do not harm human health if the instructions for use are followed. Unfortunately, few of us know these instructions. And in vain...

    What is plastic? By itself, plastic is a brittle polymer material, is considered non-toxic and does not harm human health. But manufacturers, in order to improve its durability and strength, add special chemical components that, under certain conditions, are harmful to health.

    There are different types of plastic utensils. It happens with the material: polypropylene, polyethylene, polycarbonate, polystyrene and polyvinyl chloride. Depending on the composition of the plastic, the product is used for different purposes.

    On such dishes, it must be indicated under what conditions it can be used. The manufacturer puts a special sign on his product, which indicates for what purposes it can be used. The most common signs are: "fork with a glass", "snowflakes", "plates under the shower", etc. . Such labels inform the consumer that the product is suitable for contact with food and that some action on the plastic is allowed (for example, washing with water or hot/low temperature).

    The manufacturer also indicates the type of plastic. Most often, this is a number in a triangle that indicates what material the plastic container is made of. Check out the marking table:


    1. Polyethylene terphthalate (PET) is marked with a number "1" .
    2. Low pressure polyethylene (HDPE or HDPE) is marked with a number "2" .
    3. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC or PVC) is marked with a number "3" .
    4. High pressure polyethylene (LDPE or LDPE) is marked with a number "4" .
    5. Polypropylene (PP) is marked with a number "5" .
    6. Polystyrene (PS) is marked with a number "6" .
    7. A mixture of different plastics (OTHER) is marked with a number "7" .

    Most often, the marking sign is placed on the bottom of the dishes. If you want to buy plastic dishes, then be sure to look for the number in the triangle. Let's take a closer look at what harm various types of plastic can cause if used incorrectly:


    1. Polyethylene terphthalate (PET) .
    2. This material is considered environmentally friendly among the rest. Manufacturers produce disposable cups, plates, jars, boxes, bottles from it. The shelf life of such containers is a year. Unfortunately, this material has weak protective characteristics. It lets in ultraviolet rays, air, which leads to a decrease in the shelf life of products.

      Also, the manufacturer can add additional chemical components (dicols, phthalates or other toxic substances) to improve the reliability of their products. That's when such plastic can harm human health. The main rule is not to reuse PET containers, because over time the protective properties are lost and toxic substances are released.

      Also, when heated, formaldehyde is released, so you can not heat dishes made of polyethylene terephthalate (for example, in a microwave).

      Low pressure polyethylene (HDPE).

      Get it at low pressure. This material is part of various cans, bottles, films. Mostly rigid containers. May be reused. It is safe to say that it belongs to the safest plastics. It has high hardness, high strength, excellent chemical resistance to fats, acids and alkalis. Melting point: +129-135. It has greater fragility, less water absorption, vapor permeability.

    3. High density polyethylene (LDPE) .
    4. The material is very light and durable. Various plastic packaging (flexible), bags, films, containers for storing detergents, and some plastic bottles (for cooking oil) are made from this material. For others, it is considered environmentally friendly due to its characteristics. Used for food contact. The melting point is about 110 degrees. It is resistant to tearing and deformation. Has resistance to influence of sunshine.

      http://beregite-zdorovje.ru/uploads/dolzen_znat_kazduj/posuda_pvh.jpg" alt="(!LANG:LDPE plastic tableware" title="LDPE plastic tableware">!}

    5. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC or PVC) .
    6. Very resistant to acids, various oils, solvents.

      Very common dishes made of this material. They make bottles for water, and is also part of some films for packaging. They also make caps for plastic bottles (vegetable oil for example). It is forbidden to use dishes containing polyvinyl chloride for long-term storage of any products.

      To create color or impact resistance, manufacturers add additional additives: plasticizers, softeners, pigments, and so on. It is these additives that are dangerous to humans.

      If the conditions of use are not observed, hazardous substances are released - phthalates, dioxide, bisphenol A, heavy metals and vinyl chloride (this is a very toxic substance that can be very harmful to health). Scientists have proven that when used improperly, vinyl chloride is released, which penetrates into food.

      Polyvinyl chloride products must not be heated. When burned, toxic substances (very dangerous for humans) are released. Hormonal disorders, reduced immunity, cancer, or infertility may occur.

    7. Polypropylene (PP).
    8. Polypropylene is used for the manufacture of food packaging film, yogurt cups, plates, spoons, lids for various containers, baby bottles, hot food containers. The material withstands high temperatures (up to +100 C), so you can drink hot tea or coffee.

      You can not drink alcohol from polypropylene, because formaldehyde and phenol are released. These substances accumulate in the body and destroy the liver and kidneys. There is a violation of vision, a violation of the gastrointestinal tract (an ulcer is possible).

      Experts also prohibit the use of such dishes for storing fat. Upon contact with fat, the protective walls of the plastic are destroyed and formaldehyde and other toxic substances are released. It is forbidden to heat products from polypropylene above 100 degrees.

    9. Polystyrene (PS).
    10. Manufacturers use this type of plastic to create egg containers and cups. Do not heat polystyrene cookware, because hazardous toxic substances are released. Hot food is highly discouraged.

      The advantage of polystyrene is its resistance to cold, so it can be used for cold food.

      Improper handling may release a carcinogen - styrene. Human reproductive function suffers. Do not drink alcohol or hot tea from such containers. The dishes are intended exclusively for cold food. It is advisable to minimize the use of this type of plastic in your life.

    11. Mix of different plastics (OTHER) .
    12. A mixture of various plastics or polymers not listed above. Packaging marked with this number cannot be recycled and ends its life cycle in a landfill.

      Many manufacturers use combinations of different plastics. Used for making baby bottles, water bottles.

      Very often there is such a component as polycarbonate. In case of improper handling of dishes (very long-term use), a toxic element is released from polycarbonate - bisphenol A. Bisphenol A disrupts physiological processes in the body, metabolism is disturbed, and hormonal imbalance occurs. It is not recommended to use plastic utensils marked OTHER.

    You and I got acquainted with the main types of materials that are used to create plastic dishes, we learned what danger they pose. Unfortunately, nowadays it is almost impossible to do without plastic dishes. Therefore, it is necessary to minimize the harm from their use. Experts recommend the following:


    1. It is necessary to strictly use plastic utensils for their intended purpose.
    2. Do not pour hot water into plastic containers.
    3. Do not purchase dishes if you see that they were made a year ago (the longer they are stored, the more chemistry you will receive).
    4. It is advisable for the child to use only glassware.
    5. Give up plastic bottles for feeding babies (better buy a glass bottle).
    6. Do not store food in plastic containers.
    7. Buy water in glass containers at the store.
    8. Disposable containers are strictly forbidden to be reused.
    9. Do not store food in plastic bags in the refrigerator.

    A wide variety of plastic packaging and its labeling. Disposable and reusable plastic utensils are very convenient in everyday life.

    And we often use it for food purposes.
    Have you ever thought about the harm that even healthy food eaten from plastic disposable tableware can bring to your body!

    So that it does not harm our health, it must be used strictly for its intended purpose.
    Therefore, today we will give you all the information you need about this cookware.

    Marking on plastic utensils

    Food plastic of different markings has different properties. Disposable plastic tableware is usually bought for picnics, office parties or similar events.

    But, it is very important when buying to pay attention to the designations on plastic utensils. Look for glass and fork emblem, it means that it is suitable for food.

    • PS (polystyrene)- dishes with this marking are not compatible with alcohol, hot dishes or drinks that provoke the release of styrene, and it harms the kidneys and liver.
    • PET or 5 in triangle (polyethylene terephthalate)- disposable glasses with this marker are used for soft drinks (juices, mineral water, kvass). It is forbidden to drink milk, hot drinks, and alcohol from them.
    • PP (polypropylene)- not compatible only with alcohol. If you break this rule, you will inflict a “crushing blow” to the kidneys and vision!
    • PVC or 3 in a triangle (polyvinylchloride)- cheap practical plastic. It is potentially hazardous for food use,
      since it may contain dioxins, mercury, cadmium, bisphenol A. They are used in the manufacture of oilcloth, bottles for detergents.
    • PE (polyethylene)- according to experts, the best option, if possible, try to buy it.

    It should be noted that a high-quality one-time plastic will not be painted in bright colors, as a rule, it is made transparent. Dyes contain toxic substances that poison the body!

    It is better not to buy plastic glasses at all, since they not only cannot be recycled, but also contain a lot of toxic substances that, when drinking hot drinks, penetrate our body.

    Reusable plastic tableware

    Reusable plastic dishes are in almost every family. These are trays in which you, perhaps, take food to work, bottles for children, bottles of mineral water and other drinks.


    Reusable plastic utensils are not suitable for storing sauerkraut and sour foods!

    It is important to know about the proper storage of food in plastic dishes. For example, not every plastic is suitable for freezing in the freezer. Often, manufacturers write Thermoplast (Duroplast) at the bottom of the trays, which means they can be used for storage in the freezer.

    Helpful Hints:

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    And you also need to know that plastic bottles from soda, kvass, beer. Not all are reusable. We have already talked about the PVC marker above!


    Pay attention to the markings on plastic utensils.

    Vacuum packaging for food

    Vacuum packaging has recently become popular. The principle of operation is clear from the name - a vacuum is created inside the tray. It is needed for longer storage of products. It is advised to use for ground coffee, smoked meat, fish, hard cheese and others.

    But, vacuum-packed storage is not always beneficial! Firstly, not everything can be stored in reusable plastic containers, such as fresh meat, confectionery, some vegetables and fruits.

    And, secondly, during long-term storage in such packages, Salmonella and Staphylococcus bacteria multiply well. Therefore, in some cases it is better to use paper bags for food packaging.

    Plastic dishes: harm or benefit?

    Finally, I would like to advise you to avoid eating from plastic dishes. As you can see, there is no benefit, but there is a lot of harm to the body. The best alternative is paper disposable packaging.

    Maybe not so comfortable, but environmentally friendly and safe. Well, if you buy plastic dishes, then think in advance for what purposes it is, do not forget about its marking!

    What is the secret behind the popularity of plastic utensils? Why is this product in great demand among completely different people? The fact is that it is convenient - it is indispensable at picnics, receptions, it can often be seen in fast foods and eateries. With its low cost, it has a number of advantages - environmental friendliness, safety, light weight, practicality, spaciousness. If you want to buy plastic dishes, please contact our World of Packages store!

    Types of plastic dishes and their features

    Plastic tableware is divided into two large groups - disposable and reusable. The first is made of less durable and durable plastic, and is thrown away immediately after use. The second can be used more than once (as a rule, these are all kinds of containers, trays, bottles, etc.). Before buying disposable plastic utensils, you should ask what material it is made of - polystyrene (more fragile and thin, can withstand temperatures up to 70 °) or propylene (much stronger, can withstand temperatures up to 130 °). Less common are products made of polyactides and other biodegradable materials (completely decompose in a few months).

    Plastic tableware - basic requirements

    Food plastic utensils for products are products that have a large list of requirements. The main ones include:

    • Attractive appearance. Disposable tableware for a buffet table, picnic or other event should be beautiful - evenly colored (if it is colored), without deformations and other defects. Only in this way will you and your guests enjoy using it;
    • Compliance with generally accepted hygienic and medical requirements. Since plastic disposable tableware comes into contact with the food that a person eats, its poor quality can cause serious harm to health. If you do not want to take risks, please contact our plastic utensils store in Moscow "Mir Packets" - we provide a guarantee for all our products;
    • Resistance to acids and fats;
    • Resistant to high temperatures. If you plan to use food containers, or other utensils for hot meals and drinks, you should choose products made of durable propylene of sufficient thickness;
    • Resistance to deformation, elasticity;
    • Light weight, spaciousness;
    • Disposable spoons, forks and knives should not bend or break during use.

    How to buy plastic tableware at an affordable cost?

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