Environmental Pollution: Environmental Problems of Nature. Basic sources of pollution

Garden technique 20.09.2019
Garden technique

With younger classes, we are taught that man and nature are one that you can not separate one of the other. We know the development of our planet, the features of its structure and device. These areas affect our well-being: the atmosphere, soil, the water of the earth is, perhaps, the most important components of the normal life of a person. But why then every year pollution ambient Going further and gets out of all big scales? Let's consider the main environmental problems.

Environmental pollution, under which the natural medium is also understood and the biosphere is an increased content of physical, chemical or biological reagents that are not characteristic of this medium listed from the outside, the presence of which leads to negative consequences.

Scientists have been alarming about a close ecological catastrophe for several decades. Studies conducted in different areas lead to the conclusion that we are already faced with global climate change and external environment Under the influence of human activity. Pollution of the oceans due to leaks of oil and petroleum products, as well as garbage reached the huge scale, which affects the reduction of populations of many species of animals and the ecosystem as a whole. The growing number of machines each year leads to a large emission into the atmosphere, which, in turn, leads to the drainage of land, abundant precipitation on the continent, to reduce the amount of oxygen in the air. Some countries are already forced to bring water and even buy canned air, since production has spoiled the environment in the country. Many people have already realized the danger and very sensitively react to negative changes in nature and the main ecological problemsBut we are still perceiving the possibility of a disaster, like something unrealized and distant. Is it really or a threat close and immediately need to do something - let's understand.

Types and main sources of environmental pollution

The main types of pollution class environmental pollution sources themselves:

  • biological;
  • chemical
  • physical;
  • mechanical.

In the first case, environmental pollutants are the activities of living organisms or anthropogenic factors. In the second case, there is a change in natural chemical composition The contaminated sphere by adding other chemicals to it. In the third case change physical characteristics Environment. These types of pollution include thermal, radiation, noise and other types of radiation. Last species Pollution is also associated with human activity and waste emissions to the biosphere.

All kinds of contaminants may be present as separately by themselves and flow from one to another or exist together. Consider how they affect the separate areas of the biosphere.

People who have undergone long way in the wilderness will certainly be able to call the price of every drop of water. Although most likely these drops will be priceless, because the life of a person depends on them. In ordinary life, we, alas, give water not great importanceSince we have a lot of us, and it is available at any time. Only in the future it is not quite so. In percentage ratio, only 3% of the entire global stock remained fresh water. Understanding the importance of water for people does not prevent a person to pollute the important source of life of oil and petroleum products, heavy metals, radioactive substances, inorganic pollution, sewer and synthetic fertilizers.

In polluted water, contains a large number of xenobiotics - substances, alien organisms of a person or an animal. If such water falls into the food chain, it can lead to serious food poisoning and even a fatal outcome of all chain participants. Of course, it is also contained in products. volcanic activitywhich pollute water and without the help of a person, but the activities of the metallurgical industry and chemical plants have a prevailing importance.

With the advent of nuclear research, nature is prone to quite significant harm in all areas, including water. The charged particles that have fallen into it bear great harm to living organisms and contribute to the development of oncological diseases. Wastewater plants, courts with nuclear reactors And just rain or snow in the zone of nuclear testing can lead to water infection with products of decomposition.

Sewer drains carrying a lot of garbage: detergents, Food residues, small household waste and the other, in turn, contribute to the reproduction of other pathogenic organisms, which, if a person's injury, give a number of diseases such as abdominal typhoid, dysentery and others.

Perhaps it does not make sense to explain how much soil is an important part of a person's life. Most Food, which feeds the person, brings soil: from cereal crops to rare species of fruits and vegetables. So that it continues further, it is necessary to maintain the condition of the soil at the proper level for the normal cycle of water. But anthropogenic pollution has already led to the fact that 27% of the planet lands are subject to erosion.

Soil contamination is to enter it toxic chemicals and garbage in high quantities that impede the normal flow cycle of soil systems. Main sources of soil pollution:

  • residential buildings;
  • industrial enterprises;
  • transport;
  • agriculture;
  • nuclear power.

In the first case, the soil contamination occurs due to the usual garbage, which is ejected in the wrong places. But the main reason should be called dumps. Gained waste leads to clogging of large areas, and burning products spoil the soil is irretrievably, taking the whole environment.

Industrial enterprises throw out many toxic substances, heavy metals and chemical compounds that affect not only on the soil, but also on the lives of living organisms. It is this source of pollution leads to technogenic soil pollution.

Transport emissions, hydrocarbons, methane and lead, falling into the soil, affect the food chains - enter the human body through food.
Excessive fallout of land, pesticides, pesticides and fertilizers, which contain sufficient mercury and heavy metals, lead to significant soil erosion and desertification. Abundant irrigation can also be called a positive factor, as it leads to saline of the soil.

Today, they burst in Earth to 98% of radioactive waste of nuclear power plants, mainly uranium splitting products, which leads to degradation and depletion of land resources.

The atmosphere in the form of a gaseous shell of the Earth is greater value, because it protects the planet from cosmic radiation, affects the relief, determines the climate of the Earth and its thermal background. It is impossible to say that the composition of the atmosphere was homogeneous and only with the advent of man began to change. But it was after the start of active activity of people, the heterogeneous composition "enriched" with dangerous impurities.

Basic pollutants B. this case Chemical plants, fuel and energy complex, agriculture and cars are performed. They lead to the appearance of copper, mercury, mercury, and other metals. Of course, in industrial zones, air pollution is most felt.

The thermal power plants carry in our homes light and heat, however, in parallel they throw away great amount Carbon dioxide, and soot into the atmosphere.
The cause of acid rains are waste emitted from chemical plants, for example, sulfur oxide or nitrogen. These oxides can be reacted with other elements of the biosphere, which contributes to the appearance of more destructive compounds.

Modern cars are good enough for design and technical characteristicsBut I still failed to solve the problem with the atmosphere. The ash and fuel processing products not only spoil the atmosphere of cities, but also settle on the soil and lead to its disrepair.

In many industrial and industrial areas, the use has become an integral part of life precisely because of environmental pollution by plants and transport. Therefore, if you are concerned about the condition of the air in your apartment, with the help of a bizer you can create a healthy microclimate at home, which, unfortunately, does not cancel the planer problems of environmental pollution, but at least it allows you to protect yourself and loved ones.

In modern conditions, the management of humanity, as a rule, negatively affects nature. For example, the use of fuel resources requires oxygen. It is atmospheric oxygen that supports burning in metallurgical furnaces, on thermal power plants, during the takeoff of jet planes and others. If the amount of oxygen decreases in the atmosphere, the carbon dioxide content increases. The change in air composition affects the climate as a whole, in particular leads to global warming on Earth. According to scientists, it can lead to the melting of glaciers and flooding a significant part of sushi.

In addition, air pollution is associated with emissions of pre-receptions. harmful substances. One of the main air pollutants is automobile transport, primarily this is a combination of heavy metals, dust with rubber residues.

Atmospheric pollution bring harm to the health of people, buildings, equipment, which is used in the farm. Harmful compounds, combined with precipitation, form acid rains, adversely affecting agricultural cultures, inhabitants of water bodies, forest plantations, etc.

Are contaminated with industrial waste and crude industrial runoff rivers, lakes, reservoirs. The breadth of bacteriological pollution of waters and seas. The source of such pollution can be utilities of large cities, livestock farms, from whom the rains are flushed by uncleanness, etc.

River and sea transport pollute water pools with petroleum products, garbage. On soil, the groundwater Industrial structures are negatively affected due to the overdose of chiemented elements and pesticides. Therefore, the human problem arose a huge problem, which can be solved only at the level of international agreements, international cooperation. This is the preservation of the Earth as an environment of human existence. However, not only international agreements, but each of us may personally have to participate in the preservation of the environment. Material from site.

Do not climb the forests, the shores of large and low water bodies with household garbage. Do not break trees, do not destroy rare species of growing and animals. Remember, if we do not save, do not protect at-kind, then it will destroy us!

Our planet, as a big living organism, feels a touch towards it.

Save the earth - and it will save us!

Human economic activity is mainly negative influence in nature (pollution of its components, disappearance or pre-rotation of natural complexes, etc.).

On this page, material on the themes:

I wonder what house do we live in? Our house is Planet Earth, where the air we breathe, the water we drink, the land, on which we walk and which is feeding us. Many people were completely mired in their work, entertainment and do not see anything around. Although it's time to open your eyes and see that our house is close to destruction. And no one is to blame for this, except for each of us.

40% of people in the world die due to environmental pollution, namely water, soil and air. These environmental problems in combination with a rapid population increase lead to an increase in the number of diseases, reported in a press release of Cornell University.

Professor David Piemethel (David Pimentel) with a group of graduate students analyzed about 120 printed works on the influence of demographic and environmental factors (environmental pollution) on the prevalence of disease. Here to what truly terrible conclusions they came:

1. Six million children die annually from hunger, and besides, malnutrition weakens the body and is an indirect cause of many deaths from ORZ, malaria and other diseases. 57 percent of the population of the Earth (6.5 billion people) suffer from hunger (in 1950 there are 20 percent of 2.5 billion).

2. The cities often do not comply with sanitary standards and too high the density of the population, which can lead to outbreaks of such diseases as measles and flu. Approximately half of all mankind lives in cities.

3. Pollution of water leads to the reproduction of malaria mosquitoes, because of which about two million people die every year. The shortage of clean water is experiencing more than a billion people despite the fact that 80% of all infectious diseases Transmitted through water.

4. Soil pollution leads to the fact that poisoning substances are absorbed by a person with food and water.

5. Air pollution to poisonous emissions to the atmosphere cause cancer, congenital pathologies, work disorders immune system. It kills about three million people a year.

Here is a story. We all suffer due to environmental pollution. Indeed, there is nothing to think about and try to do at least something to if not reduce this indicator, then at least to prevent its absolute value.

On the planet it became too dirty

American environmental researchers 6 years have studied natural changes. After the term, it was announced - it is impossible to live clean in purity, everything is polluted on the planet.

Thanks to the study, worth six million dollars, it was possible to find out that the toxic waste of industrial activities managed to pollute everything. According to scientists, there are at least 70 species of poisoning substances in the territory of the 20 national parks of the United States.

Michael Kent, a professor-naturalist from the University of Oregon, condemns the dirty intentions of toxic substances to pollute everything, on which the light is worth. "It is difficult to find more remote areas than the northern regions of Alaska and the tops of the Rocky Mountains, but also we found pollutants," the scientist explains.

Russian environmentalists with their Western colleagues do not quite agree. In the guild of ecologists explained - it is too early to beat the alarm. Almost in all subjects now contains a complete table of Mendeleev. However, the case here, the experts are confident, not in the fact of the content, but in the level of permissible concentration. The fact is that there is a limited level of concentration of toxic substances. If he is not exceeded, it is possible to live.

In Russian cities, it is dangerous to live, environmentalists consider, but in the reserves there is nothing so, tolerant. Nevertheless, the level of environmental pollution is steadily growing. On this occasion, conferences are constantly underway: they say, prevent, stop, duck - but so far, to no avail.

Meanwhile, the leader of industrial emissions to the atmosphere is the United States. In second place are Saudi Arabia and Indonesia. At the last, Balinese conference, all three countries were awarded antipremia for the impossibility of maintaining the territory in purity. In the role of awards performed small, stuffed coal, colors bags state Flag..

It is not accepted to solve the environmental problem at the state level. So, according to the results of CARBON Disclosure Project research, the problem of emissions into the atmosphere is solved only commercial structuresWhile the state-owned bodies are biting good intentions to the root. Speaking in numbers, 80% of companies see a significant risk for doing business in climate change. And aware of the seriousness of the situation and work on its decision - 95% of commercial organizations.

Alexey Kokorin, Head of the Climate and Energy Program of the World Wildlife Foundation, told "True.ru" what the Chukotka children and white bears are afraid of: "There is a very sharp problem. Toxic emissions every year are becoming more and more. It is worth remembering the case with the prohibition of DDT (chloroorganic insecticide) after DDT elements were found in the liver of a polar bear. After that, research was conducted and it turned out that in the bodies of many Chukchi residents, including children, there are traces of DDT content. In Russia, the problem gradually begins to pay more attention to ".

The greatest landfill on the planet

In the Pacific Ocean, the "plastic soup" - a floating strip of garbage, and, according to scientists, to this moment Twice exceeds the continental part of the United States.

Back in 2004, the "island" weighed about 3 million tons - it is six times more quantity Natural plankton. And in size matched territory Central Europe. Four years later, "the island" on the way no, "recovered".

This huge bunch of floating garbage is kept in one place under the influence of underwater flows having a twist. The band "Soup" stretches from the point of about 500 nautical miles from the coast of California through the northern part Pacific Ocean Mima Hawaii and hardly reaches remote Japan.

Actually, "soup" is two connected jumpers on both sides of the Hawaiian Islands - they are referred to by Western-Pacific and Eastern-Pacific garbage stains. Approximately the fifth of the garbage - different differences from football balls and kayaks to "Lego" cubes and cellophane packages - makes up what is thrown from ships and oil platforms. The rest falls into the ocean from sushi.

The American oceanologist Charles Moore is the title of this "Great Pacific Dusting Spot", it is also a "dump truck", it believes that in this region about 100 million tons of floating trash. It warns that if consumers will not limit the use of plastic, which is not processed, in the next ten years, the surface area of \u200b\u200bthe plastic "soup" will double. This is due to the fact that modern plastic is practically not amenable to rotting, and on the North-Pacific dump items are also found for half a century ago.

As a result, it turns out like this: "What falls into the ocean is in the stomachs from the ocean inhabitants, and then - on your plate. Everything is very simple."

Water pollution of the World Ocean

Unpolluted man remained only 4% of world waters. As the new atlas of the ecological state of the World Ocean shows, highly large areas have been exposed to strong exposure. The most unexpected was that different types Human activity, combining, cause significantly greater damage biodiversity than predicting their simple addition.

Human activity - fishing, emissions of industrial and household waste, mining minerals and so on - left an indelible trail in almost every corner of the World Ocean. These are the conclusions of a new large-scale study, which first allowed to create a map of world waters, reflecting the degree of human intervention in natural ecosystems. Scientists have found that water areas not affected by the vital activity of the King of Nature today has been practically not left, and 40% of world waters have been exposed to a strong indulgent effect.

As a result of large-scale research work Humanity was for the first time to see a one-piece picture of the consequences of their work on the development, as it seemed inexhaustible wealth of world waters. Head of Works, Ben Halpern, a researcher from the University of California in Santa Barbara, emphasizes that the resulting ocean pollution map reflects the cumulative impact of various types of human activity. The total effect of these effects was much worse than it could be imagined by a simple addition, and became an unpleasant surprise for Hallperna himself.

Every year, by chance or deliberately, in the world ocean, hundreds of tons of oil and fuel and lubricants are falling. The most disastrous impact on the part of human world waters were subjected to in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Northern, South and East Chinese, Caribbean and Mediterranean Seas.The Ecosystems of the Red and Bering Seas, as well as the Mexican Gulf, are strongly broken. A similar situation is observed along the entire east coast of the North American continent, as well as in the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean. Polar waters turned out to be less affected. However, due to the melting of polar glacier hats and they will soon be at risk.

Scientists noted that different ecosystems were influenced by a person to varying degrees. So, about half of the coral reefs today are on the verge of disappearance, the situation and with thickets of sea algae - posyondos, embroiders, waterproof and many others. There are no bad things with mangrove forests, ecosystems of sea shames, rock reefs and on the continental shelf. Long ecosystems and inhabitants of the open ocean have suffered less than today, but in most places they also felt the impact of man.

Effect of atmospheric pollution

In recent years, due to the increased threat to human health, increasing attention is drawn by environmental pollution by emissions of internal combustion engines.

Huge damage to the environment, and as a result, man, emissions to the atmosphere from industrial and energy facilities and road transport are applied. These emissions contain so harmful substances such as: sulfur anhydride, nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide, dust, lead and other heavy metals.

All polluting atmospheric air substances have a greater or lesser extent have a negative effect on human health. These substances fall into the human body mainly through the respiratory system. Respiratory organs suffer from contamination directly, since about 50% of the impurity particles with a radius of 0.01-0.1 μm penetrating into the lungs are deposited in them.

The observations of the condition of the air is carried out by a network of stationary posts of the State Hydrometeorological Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. The results indicate that harmful substances in the atmosphere associated with the emissions of industrial enterprises rarely exceed the norms of the DGC, although they constitute a significant part in common pollution air. High air pollution is registered in areas nearby motorways and intersections. When creating in the cities of the so-called motion system in the "green wave" mode, significantly reduced the number of transport stops at the intersections, is designed to reduce the contamination of atmospheric air in cities.

It is necessary to use waste-free technologies, replacing harmful materials harmless, sealing technological processes In the production, disposal of harmful waste, as a result of processing, which components used in the production of soil paints, organic fertilizers for colors and in many other things appear on the light of God. The use of the latest filter designs, the choice of the most appropriate technology for the capture of harmful substances, as well as suppressing emissions of motor vehicles, improving environmental legislation, as well as systems of environmental standards, norms and requirements, tightening punishment for environmental crimes.

But we can and we are local to help nature in the purification of air. Since we all know that a good protective function is plants that help us make this world a little cleaner, protecting against harmful substances, it means that we can plant more green plantings. Thus, we will make our surrounding world a little safer and cleaner. As you know, the photosynthesis process will pass while the sun shines, which means that the oxygen is not allowed to stop the oxygen plants and the absorption of carbon dioxide. In addition, the coniferous plants, especially juniped, have a beneficial effect on the human body, highlighting essential oils. It is necessary to plant plants by fencing yourself from pollution. Plant them along the windows and roads. But do not forget about the plants themselves in spring - autumn time to water and spray them. But if you do not have the opportunity, or space under the window, you can get out of the position simple way - To buy juniper home and your house will be your clean world.

Environmental pollution. Report The world. Grade 3.

In the course of man's economic activity, a lot of waste is formed, which pollute the environment. This is a factory smoke that polluting the atmosphere, wastewater from the factories, from institutions and houses, polluting rivers and the sea and much more. Car exhaust gases in the atmosphere large cities So much that people and animals are difficult to breathe.

Fighting of the pollution of the atmosphere

Now people begin to understand what harm is caused by the environment and for themselves. In order to reduce the emission of harmful gases into the air, invented special filters and chemical converters (catalysts). Researchers think about creating new, even more modern options Protection of the atmosphere, but still not enough.

Water pollution

Liquid household and industrial waste contaminate rivers. Harmful and poisonous substances are absorbed from water oxygen, which is deadly for all river inhabitants.

If environmental pollution continues at the same pace, then by the middle of the future century, about half of all types of plants and animals may disappear on Earth.

Together with the factory smoke in the air is thrown chemical compounds. What leads to the fallout of acid rain. It poisoned the soil and ruins trees.

Plants create a huge amount of separation. Cutting the trees leads to the destruction of forests and all their inhabitants. Liquid waste is discharged into the river. And hard - bang on landfills, reaching huge sizes. Car exhaust gases make air harmful to breathing.

Protection of Nature

Many animals and plants on Earth are on the verge of complete disappearance. The place of their habitat ruined pollution, predatory cutting down of forests or something else. Some animals with valuable fur have become a victim of an unlimited hunt. To save still remaining living creatures, urgent environmental measures should be taken.

National parks

Last Orchid

Some warranty plants So rare that they need special protection. So one of the types of orchids today remained only in Yorkshire (in England) and its accurate location is thoroughly hidden.

Save Panda

Empty seas

For millennia, the sea fed a person. But today modern fishing vessels caught fish more than it has time to appear again. Even those species that were so many before (for example, cod) are on the verge of complete destruction.

Saving trees

The forests are cut down to obtain wood and the liberation of land under arable land and buildings. As a result, some forests turned out to be lost forever. But today there are large-scale work on the cultivation of new forests, specially intended to meet the economic needs of a person.

We can also contribute to the protection of nature. Collecting the waste paper, we save from cutting the trees. In our city in the spring and autumn various events are held. For example, cleaning the sera embankment and the streets of the city from the garbage, planting trees. All this allows you to maintain our city clean and beautiful.

Everyone knows that one of the most acute problems of modern problems is polluted by the environment. This topic finds resonance in scientific circles, discuss it and many media.

To date, various organizations have been created and working, the activities of which are aimed at combating all deteriorating natural conditions. Scientists are beyond the alarm, warning humanity about the inevitability of terrible environmental disasters.

And today the topic of pollution of the environment of us is one of the most discussed. She dedicated to a large number of books and scientific work. However, despite all the efforts spent, the issue of pollution of nature remains relevant and important. It is not worth putting it in a long box. The consequences of environmental disasters are unpredictable and can become a big tragedy for our planet.

History of pollution

The problem of conservation of nature, which worries humanity today, not Nova. Even in the era of primitive society, the barbaric people destroyed the forests, animals exterminated, changed the landscape of the territory in order to receive valuable resources and creating arable land. Already in those distant times, such activities led not only to climate change, but also to the emergence of other environmental problems.

As the number of inhabitants of our planet and the progress of civilization increases, people have become hard to produce minerals and drain reservoirs. The impact of a person on nature aggravated, she not only marked new era public defendant, but also brought new wave Natural pollution.

As the technique and science develops, a person gained a different tool in his own hands, using which, you can make a trial and accurate analysis of the ecological state of our planet. And the relevance of this issue is confirmed by an alarming meteorological engineering, data control of the chemical composition of soil, water and air, as well as pictures from the satellite. The negative effect on the smoking pipes of plants and oil spots formed on the surface of the water. With the expansion of the technosphere, the problem of conservation of ecology is rapidly aggravated. No wonder the main ecological catastrophe of our planet is the appearance of a person.

Sources of pollution

To ensure its livelihood, a person is forced to work. It produces water in order to use it in food and use in production. We are necessary for human life and food. They also need to grow, get and process. The goal of all other activities of people is to solve their household needs for clothing and in housing. For this, mining and processing of mineral resources and natural resources are made, their transportation and transportation is carried out, energy is produced.

A person is constantly fighting not only for life, but also for improving its quality. He expands its space, leading devastating wars, develops space, is engaged in science, etc.

All of the above-mentioned activities of a person are nothing more than the main sources of pollution of our planet. After all, their result is the emergence of household and industrial waste.

Sources of pollution of nature are classified according to the respective industrial sephards. The most dangerous for our planet is the production of gas and oil, chemical industry and metallurgy, energy, agriculture and transport. And the formation of waste is not only at the end production cycle. Our planet is produced during the technological process.

Sometimes waste and themselves become dangerous for nature. With their improper storage, disposal, and in the absence of processing, they become the source of emissions of harmful substances.

Evaluation of the environmental situation

Today, humanity seeks to use the achievements of scientific and technological progress in solving environmental problems. First of all, this is due to optimization and improvement of resource-saving and environmentally friendly technological processes, creating required industries and wide applications Water-rotational systems. Special significance takes on the assessment of the state natural environment. It becomes possible on the basis of data obtained by control systems for emissions of dangerous elements to the human environment and the state of natural objects. The main purpose of such an assessment is the possibility of early diagnosis of negative changes.

The information system for continuous monitoring and the subsequent analysis of the levels of pollution and the effects caused by these processes in the biosphere is called monitoring. Such a procedure consists of three elements:

- status estimates;
- forecast of probable changes.

To monitor environmental monitoring, regular observations of natural resources and media, animal and vegetable world. In this case, the data obtained allow them to determine their condition, as well as those processes that occur because the impact of a person in nature is carried out.

As a result of the environmental monitoring conducted by the researchers, there is a constant assessment of the conditions of the environment in which the person and various biological objects (animals, plants, microorganisms, etc.) dwell. It is determined with such an analysis and the functional value of ecosystems. In addition, if there is any problem of environmental pollution, then the ecologists are determined by those corrective impacts that need to be performed to improve the state of nature.

Nevertheless, the main component of the monitoring is the assessment of the state of the natural environment. To determine it, characteristics and indicators of nature objects are selected, and their immediate change is detected. The set of data obtained allows you to answer the question "What is the state of the environment?".

Types of environmental protection measures

What are the ways to solve environmental problems? First of all, they are concluded in the conduct of various kinds of environmental protection measures. This concept, which is abbreviated by POM, includes all types of various economic activities of the person who are aimed at eliminating and decreasing negative influence Environmental production. Under such events also understand the preservation, rational use and improving the resource-raw material base of the country. At the same time, the types of environmental technologies are as follows:

The construction and operation of neutralizing and treatment facilities;
- development of waste-free and low-waste industries and technological processes;
- placement of transport flows and enterprises, taking into account environmental requirements;
- Fight against the erosion of soil cover;
- land reclamation;
- rational use of various mineral resources And much more.

The purpose of environmental protection measures

How to combine such different conceptsHow does "production" and "Environment"? Environmental technologies are the main key to solving environmental problems arising on our planet.

Their use is designed to provide:

Compliance with the developed regulatory requirements to the state of the environment, which meet the interests of human health and take into account the promising changes due to the demographic shifts and the development of the production sector;
- Getting the greatest national economic effect from more complete use and savings of mineral resources.

Atmospheric security

Consider the main ways to solve environmental problems that are concluded in the use of environmentalizing technologies.

Industrial enterprises, developing an atmospheric protection measures, first of all, determine:

Sources of emissions of harmful substances;
- the number and composition of emissions;
- levels of air pollution in dangerous element dispersion zones;
- PDV emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere.

At the same time, one or another technological solution should be made to reduce the harmful effects on the atmosphere with the definition need quantity Gas-cleaning and dust equipment.

Cleaning wastewater

The use of environmental technologies affects this scope of industrial industries. Wastewater of enterprises should be treated with special substances. Only, in this case, the destruction or removal of dangerous elements from them, which should not get into the reservoirs in accordance with applicable legal norms.

There are two methods of such purification - destructive and regenerative. With the first of them, hazardous substances contained in the flowing cycle of water are destroyed by various chemical or physicochemical methods (restoration, oxidation, etc.). As a result, decay products are obtained, which are removed as precipitation or gases.

In the regeneration method, the technological cycle is returned to the technological cycle, used in other industries or are deprived of the valuable components in them. Such environmental technologies are isolated as their objects polluted water, spent fuel or oil, as well as various multicomponent mixtures.


The problem of environmental pollution cannot be solved without the use of environmental technologies relating to the collection, destruction and disposal of various kinds of unnecessary elements. At the same time, waste not only industrial production, but also solid households. Especially acute this problem is in the cities and industrial centers.

What are environmental protection technologies that allow you to eliminate this basic problem? These include:

Reducing waste;
- reuse of resources utilized in the MBC;
- burning of non-hazardous waste;
- Placement of MSW on special polygons, where their long-term storage will be carried out (in the case of hazardous substances in their composition).

Weather-free technologies

Today, increasingly rapid rates acquire the process of improving technology. Industry produces a huge amount of quite complex mechanisms and cars consisting of the most different materials. Their list includes colored and ferrous metals, wood and plastic, fiberglass, rubber and composites. At the same time, the service life of such equipment is determined not at all by its physical wear. She is very quickly obsolete. That is why more and more technically serviceable products and materials are in the landfill. However, this raw material is quite useful when creating new mechanisms. And there are environmental technologies such as creating cyclicity of material flows.

A promising direction at the same time is the expansion of industries using waste-free technology. With this method of product release, environmental and energy-saving technologies are used. This allows you to maintain normal operation due to the minimum impact on it.

A large number of modern industries throws part of its waste into the air and into the water. However, in what falls into the atmosphere, there are also valuable to economic substances. Applying environmental technologies, you can allocate needed elements. The most promising project, which would allow to solve this task, is the use of waste of one production as a raw material of another. This will significantly reduce the volume of liquid, solid and gaseous emissions and discharges.

Ecology and fuel and energy complex

An important condition for the conservation of our planet is environmental protection technologies in the power engineering. This is due to the fact that enterprises of this complex are one of the main sources of negative environmental impacts.

Stages of the fuel and energy complex are enclosed in:

Mining, processing and transportation of fuel;
- production of energy in the form of electricity and heat;
- transportation and recycling of waste and their removal.

In all of the above stages there is a whole technological chain of interrelated processes. And each of these links has its own impact on nature. So, impressive emissions in the air are produced with large coal cuts. At the same time, carbon dioxide and dust, nitrogen oxides and toxins fall into the atmosphere. All these substances are the result of explosive work and movement of career vehicles.

The activity of the TPP has a negative impact on the environment. To generate heat, gas and fuel oil, peat and coal are burned on them, as well as woodworking waste. At the same time, it is thrown into the atmosphere toxic substances And hazardous chemical elements.

What environmental technologies are used in this complex? Harmful effects The environment is reduced by:

Installed cleaning systems;
- optimization of technological processes at all stages of electricity and heat generation;
- choosing organic fuel;
- cleaning outgoing gases;
- Emissions of dangerous elements in the atmosphere and in the reservoirs.

Increase the energy saving and environmental safety of the complex can only be taken when taking measures carried out at all three stages of its work.


In the history of the biosphere there were many shocks. For four billion years, she gaured those negative consequenceswho took place when eruption powerful volcanoes, the fall of large meteorites, etc. The biosphere was managed to change the levels of stability in caseless and glade land, decay and unification of the mainland, etc. At the same time, the stabilization of the environment has always happened, which was held within the borders of acceptability for life.

It is likely that in the past times, nature harvested certain destroyers, which she simply cut off. At the same time, the disappeared species never appeared again. Today, these laws of nature can touch human. If he continues to believe that he plays a dominant role on the planet, the approach of the ecological catastrophe will increase, and may disappear as a speculator. However, this can be avoided if the activity of human society is balanced in accordance with the concept of biosphere development based on the well-known laws of chemistry, physics and biology.

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