The structure of volcanoes. Types and types of volcanoes

The buildings 13.10.2019
The buildings

Translated from Latin "volcano" means "flame, fire". In the depths of the planet due to very high temperatures, rock rocks are melted with the formation of magma. In this case, there is a huge amount of gaseous substances, which increases the volume of the melt and its pressure on the surrounding solid rocks. Magma rushes in the area with less pressure up to the surface of the Earth. Cracks in the earth's crust are filled with fried liquid rocks, break and races of the earth's crust. Partially magma is frozen in the earth's crust with the formation of magmatic liveli and laccolite. The rest of the hot magma goes to the surface in the eruption of volcanoes, in the form of lava, volcanic ash, gases, frozen lava ingots, rock fragments. The term "volcanism" denote the movement of the molten magma from the deep layers of the earth to the surface of the sushi or bottom of the ocean.

In the structure of each volcano, the channel differ in which the lava moves. This is the so-called Zherlo usually ends with a crater - a funnel-shaped expansion. The diameter of the craters is varied, varies from hundreds of meters to several kilometers. For example, the Vesuvius crater diameter is more than 0.5 km. Excessively large crater are called calderars. Thus, Caldera Volcano Uzon, which is located on Kamchatka, has a diameter of 30 km.

Lava and eruption

The height and shape of volcanoes determines the viscosity of the lava. If the lava is liquid and flocks, the Mountain of the cone shape is not formed, for example, the Kilaruz volcano on the Hawaiian Islands. The crater of this volcano looks like a lake round shape with a diameter of about 1 km. The crater is filled with a hot liquid lava, and its level rises at times, then lowered, sometimes splashing through the edge.

For most of the volcanoes, a viscous lava is characterized, which when cooled and forms a volcanic cone. The structure of such a cone is usually layered. According to this, this feature can be judged that the eruptions were carried out repeatedly, thanks to which volcano Ros gradually with each emission of Lava.

The height of the volcanic cones is different and can be from tens of meters to several kilometers. Very high volcano in Andes - Akonkagua (6960 m) are widely known.

Throughout the land there are about 1,500 volcanoes, among them there are also valid and extinct. For example, Klyuchevskaya Natka on Kamchatka, Elbrus in the Caucasus, Kilimanjaro in Africa, Fujiima in Japan, etc.

The overwhelming majority of the active volcanoes are located around the perimeter of the Pacific Ocean. They make up the Pacific "Fire Ring". Also the zone of active volcanism is considered the Mediterranean-Indonesian belt. For example, 28 volcanoes operate on Kamchatka, and in total there are more than 600. There is a definite pattern in the location of the current volcanoes. They are localized in the moving areas of the earth's crust - in seismic belts.

In the ancient geological epochs of our planet, volcanism was more active than currently. In addition to typical (central) eruptions, fractured were noted. From huge faults in the earth's crust with a length of dozens and hundreds of kilometers, the raging lava was thrown onto the surface. At the same time, the formation of lava covers, both solid and intermittent, occurred. These covers equalized terrain relief. Lava layer thickness could reach 2 km. Such processes led to the formation of lava plains. These include some sites of the Meshness Plateau, Armenian Highlands, the Plateau Dean in India, the Columbia Plateau.

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Volcanoes are geological formations on the surface of the Earth, where Magma comes out in the form of lava. These mountains are not only on Earth, but also on other planets. So, Volcano Olympus on Mars reaches a height of several tens of kilometers. Such formations are dangerous not only by lava, but also release into the atmosphere of a large number of dust and ash.

The eruption of the Iceland volcano Eyyafyallayekul in 2010 made a lot of noise. Let him in force and was not the most destructive, but his proximity to Europe led to the effects of emissions on the mainland transport system. However, the story knows a lot of other cases of destructive impact of volcanoes. We will tell about the ten most famous and large-scale of them.

Vesuvius, Italy. On August 24, 79, there was an eruption of the Vesuvius volcano, which destroyed not only the city of Pompeii, but also the city of Staby and Herkulanum. The ashes came even to Egypt and Syria. It would be mistaken to assume that the catastrophe destroyed the pompei's alive, only 2 thousand were killed out of 20 thousand population. Among the victims turned out to be a famous pole scientist, who approached the volcano on the ship, in order to explore it and turned out to be in virtually the epicenter of the catastrophe. During the excavations of Pompeii, it was found that under the multi-meter of the ash, the life of the city was fried at the time of the catastrophe - the objects and animals were found at their own places, people and animals were found. Today, Vesuvius remains the only existing volcano of the continental part of Europe, more than 80 of his eruptions are known, the very first thing happened allegedly 9 thousand years ago, and the latter had to be in 1944. Then the cities of Mass and San Sebastian were destroyed, and 57 people died. 15 kilometers from Vesuvia is Naples, the height of the mountain is 1281 meters.

Tamboz, Sumbawa Island. The cataclysm on this Indonesian island happened on April 5, 1815. This is the largest number of dead people and in terms of the volume of the discharged material in a modern history eruption. A catastrophe associated with the eruption, and the followed hunger destroyed 92 thousand people. In addition, the culture of the Tambor completely disappeared from the face of the earth, with which Europeans only met shortly before. The volcano lived 10 days, decreasing during this time at a height of 1400 meters. The ashes of 3 days hid from the Sun territory within 500 kilometers radius. According to the British authorities in those days on Indonesia, it was impossible to consider anything at a distance of an elongated hand. Most of the island of Sumbawa was covered with a metering layer of ash, even stone houses were scattered under the severity. 150-180 cubic kilometers of gases and pyroclassics were thrown into the atmosphere. The volcano therefore had a strong impact on the climate of the entire planet - the ash clouds poorly passed the rays of the sun, which led to a noticeable decrease in temperature. 1816 became known as "Year without Summer", in Europe and America, the snow went out only in June, and the first frosts appeared already in August. As a result, mass crops and hunger arose.

Taupo, New Zealand. 27 thousand years ago, a strong volcanic eruption occurred on one of the islands, which surpasses even Tambora. Geologists consider this cataclysm the last of such strength in the history of the planet. As a result of the supervolkan, the lake Taupo was formed, which today is the object of attention of tourists, as it is very beautiful. The last eruption of the giant took place in 180 of our era. The ashes and an explosive wave destroyed half of all living on the North Island, about 100 cubic kilometers of tectonic matter fell into the atmosphere. The rate of eruption of the breed was 700 km / h. The ashes rising in the sky painted sunsets and sunrises around the world, which was reflected in the ancient Roman and Chinese chronicles.

Krakataau, Indonesia. The volcano, located between the islands of the Sumature and Jawa, produced on August 27, 1883 the largest explosion of a kind in modern history. In the course of the cataclysm, tsunami had a height of up to 30 meters, which were simply washed by 295 villages and cities, while about 37 thousand people died. The roar of the explosion was heard on 8% of the entire surface of the planet, and slices of lava were thrown into the air to an unprecedented height of 55 kilometers. The wind is so raised volcanic ash that after 10 days it was found at a distance of 5330 kilometers from the place of events. Mountain island after this split into 3 small parts. The wave from the explosion warked the Earth from 7 to 11 times, geologists believe that the explosion was 200 thousand times stronger than a nuclear strike on Hiroshima. Krakatau also woke up, so, in 535 his activity was noticeably changed the climate of the planet, maybe then the islands of Java and Sumatra were divided. At the site of the volcano destroyed in 1883 during the underwater eruption in 1927, a new volcano appeared, Anac Krakataau, who is quite active today. Its height is now at the expense of new activities is already 300 meters.

Santorin, Greece. Approximately one and a half thousand years before our era on the island of Fera there was an eruption of a volcano, which put an end to the entire Cretan civilization. The sulfur covered all the fields, which made further farming inconceivable. According to some versions, Fera is the very Atlantis described by Plato. Someone believes that the eruption of Santorina entered the chronicles as a fiery pillar, seen by Moses, and the breakdown of the sea is nothing more than the consequences of the goal of the island of Fera under water. However, the volcano continued its activities, in 1886 his eruption lasted the whole year, while the slices of lava flew straight from the sea and rose to a height of 500 meters. As a result, several new islands nearby.

Etna, Sicily. Aromacies of this Italian volcano are known about 200. Among them were quite powerful, so, in 1169, about 15 thousand people died during the cataclysm. Today, Etna remains a current volcano with a height of 3329 meters, waking up for about once every 150 years and destroying some of the nearby settlements. Why do people leave the mountain slopes? The fact is that the frozen lava helps the soil becoming more fertile, which is why Sicilians settle here. In 1928, moreover, a miracle happened - the stream of hot lava stopped in front of the Catholic procession. It was so inspired by believers that in 1930 the chapel was erected in this place, after 30 years, Lava stopped before her. The Italians protect these places, so in 1981 the reserve was created by the local government around the ethna. It is curious that the festival of blues music is even suitable on a calm volcano. Etna is quite large, exceeding the sizes of Vesuvius 2.5 times. The volcano has from 200 to 400 lateral crater, a lava is eructed every three months from one of them.

Montan-Pele, Martinique Island. The eruption of the volcano on the island began in April 1902, and on May 8, a whole cloud from vapors, gases and hot lava fell into the city of Saint-Pierre, located 8 kilometers away. After a few minutes it was not, and from 17 steamers, who were at that moment in the harbor, managed to survive only one. The ship "Roddam" escaped from the paw of the elements with broken masts, smoking and diluted ashes. From the city inhabited by the city of 28 thousand, two were saved, one of them was called the Oposy Siparis, and he was sentenced to death. It was saved by the thick stone walls of the prison. Subsequently, the prisoner was pardoned by the governor, spending the rest of his life on trips to the world with stories about what happened. The impact force was such that the monument on the square, weighing a few tons, was discarded to the side, and the heat was such that even the bottles were melted. Interestingly, it did not happen directly to the outpouring of the liquid lava, the blow caused pairs, gases and sprayed lava. In the future, an acute lava cork with a height of 375 meters came out of the erail of the volcano. It turned out that the bottom of the sea near Martinique fell several hundred meters. Saint-Pierre's city, by the way, was famous for the fact of birth in him Napoleon's wife, Josephine Bogarne.

Nevado del Ruis, Colombia. The volcano of 5400 meters high, located in Andes, splashed Lava's streams on November 13, 1985, and the main blow came to the city of Armero, located 50 kilometers. Only 10 minutes it took Lave to destroy it. The number of dead exceeded 21 thousand people, and just at that time in Armero lived about 29 thousand. Sadly, no one listened to information to volcanogers about the preparing eruption, since the information of specialists was not repeatedly confirmed.

Pinatubo, Philippines. Until June 12, 1991, volcano for 611 years old was considered extinct. The first signs of activity appeared in April and the Power of the Philippines had time to evacuate all the inhabitants within a radius of 20 kilometers. The same eruption has taken the lives of 875 people, and the US Naval Base and the American Strategic Air Base, located 18 kilometers from Pinatubo, were destroyed. Announced ash closed the sky of 125,000 km2. The consequences of the disaster was the overall decrease in the temperature of half grades and the reduction of the ozone layer, due to which a very large ozone hole was formed above Antarctic. The height of the volcano to the eruption was 1486 meters, and after - 1745 meters. In place of PinatoBo, a crate of a 2.5 kilometer diameter was formed. Today, in this area, underground tremors, which prevent any construction in the radius of tens of kilometers are regularly occurring.

Katmy, Alaska. The eruption of this volcano on June 6, 1912 was one of the largest in the 20th century. The height of the asset pillar was 20 kilometers, and the sound came to the capital of the Alaska of the city of Juno, located for 1200 kilometers. At a distance of 4 kilometers from the epicenter of the layer of the ash reached 20 meters. Summer on Alaska was very cold, since the rays could not break through the cloud. After all, thirty billion tons of rocks were understood into the air! In the same, the crater was formed a lake with a diameter of 1.5 kilometers, it became the main attraction of the National Park and the Katmai Reserve formed here in 1980. Today, the height of this current volcano is 2047 meters, and the last well-known eruption occurred in 1921.

The eruption of the volcano is a spectacle affecting the imagination. This makes the volcano interesting object of study. What is a volcano? Volcano is a geological formation on the surface of the Earth, through which a hot magma comes out. Magma, which came to the surface, forms Lava, stones, volcanic gases. The volcano himself usually looks like a mountain, inside which is the result of the earth's crust. Now volcanoes continue to form, but much less often than before.

What is the volcano?

The volcano consists of two main parts - the vent and crater. Zherel Volcano is called the neck, which magma comes to the surface. Wpadina on the top of the mountain to which Zhero leads, is called a crater.

What is the volcanic eruption?

Volcanoes appear in unstable, seismically active places of the planet, where the movement of underground plates occurs and faults are formed in the earth's crust. Liquid, hot, molten mixture of rocks (magma) from the depths of our planet accumulates inside and gradually squeezed out. Magma comes under great pressure and sooner or later breaks through the vulcan zhloh. When an eruption of the volcano comes out a huge amount of ashes and smoke in the air, whose communion of lava and stones fly, often the eruption is accompanied by an earthquake.

Types of volcanoes

Not all volcanoes are energized equally intensively. Depending on their activity, they can be valid, dorming and sleeping. In force, those volcanoes are considered, the eruption of which is possible in the foreseeable future, the eruption of which is unlikely, the sleeping is no longer able to erupt. Also in science there are many types of volcanic eruptions based on the distribution of lava, smoke and ashes.

Volcanoes - It is geological formation on the surface of the earth's crust or the bark of another planet, where the magma comes to the surface, forming Lava, volcanic gases, stones (volcanic bombs) and pyroclastic flows.

The word "volcano" came from ancient Roman mythology and comes on behalf of the ancient Roman God of Fire Volcano.

Science, studying volcanoes - volcanology, geomorphology.

Volcanoes are classified in shape (thyroid, stratulvalkanes, slag cones, dome), activity (valid, sleeping, extinct), location (ground, underwater, coalnik), etc.

Volcanic activity

Volcanoes are divided depending on the degree of volcanic activity on valid, sleeping, extinct and dormant. The volcanic volcano is considered to be the volcano, hesitated in the historical period of time or in the Holocene. The concept of active is quite inaccurate, since a volcano, having valid fumarols, some scientists belong to active, and some to extinct. Inactive volcanoes are considered sleeping, on which eruptions are possible, and the extinct - on which they are unlikely.

At the same time, among volcanologists there is no consensus, how to identify the active volcano. The period of activity of the volcano can continue from several months to several million years. Many volcanoes showed volcanic activity of several tens of thousands of years ago, but are not currently considered valid.

Astrophysics, in a historical aspect, believe that volcanic activity caused by, in turn, the tidal effects of other celestial bodies can contribute to the emergence of life. In particular, the volcanoes contributed to the formation of the earth's atmosphere and hydrosphere, throwing a significant amount of carbon dioxide and water vapor. Scientists also note that too active volcanism, such as on the satellite of Jupiter IO, can make the surface of the planet unsuitable for life. At the same time, weak tectonic activity leads to the disappearance of carbon dioxide and sterilization of the planet. "These two cases are potential borders of the inhabitants of the planets and exist along with the traditional parameters of the life zones for systems of low-mass stars of the main sequence," scientists write.

Types of volcanic buildings

In general, volcanoes are divided into linear and central, but this division is conditionally, since most volcanoes are confined to linear tectonic disorders (faults) in the earth's crust.

Linear volcanoes or crack-type volcanoes have extended supplying channels associated with a deep bark split. As a rule, basalt liquid magma is poured out of such cracks, which spreads to the sides, forms large lava covers. Along the cracks, splashing trees arise, wide flat cones, lava fields. If the magma has a sharper composition (a higher content of silicon dioxide in the melt), linear extrusion shafts and arrays are formed. When explosive eruptions occur, the exposive pips can arise with a length of tens of kilometers.

The forms of central type volcanoes depend on the composition and viscosity of the magma. Hot and lightweight basalt magmas create extensive and flat panel volcanoes (Mauna Loa, Hawaiian Islands). If the volcano periodically spews the Lava, then the pyroclastic material, there is a cone-shaped layered building, stratovulican. The slopes of such a volcano are usually covered with deep radial rags - Barrancos. Central type volcanoes can be pure lavva or formed by only volcanic products - volcanic slags, tuffs, etc. formations, or to be mixed - stratululkans.

Distinguish monogenic and polygenic volcanoes. The first arose as a result of a one-time eruption, the second - multiple eruptions. Viscous, acidic in composition, low-temperature magma, squeezing out of the vent, forms extrusion dome (Montagne-Pele needle, 1902).

In addition to calder, there are also large negative form of reliefs associated with the flexing under the influence of the weight of the crowded volcanic material and the pressure deficit at the depth arising during the unloading of the magmatic focus. Such structures are called volcanicectonic depressions, depressed. Wolkotectonic depressions are distributed very widely and often accompany the formation of powerful strata of the needybrits - volcanic rocks of acidic composition having a different genesis. They are lavva or educated riding or welded tuffs. They are characterized by lenzide separations of volcanic glass, pembassal, lava, called fiamma and tuming or tofovoid structure of the bulk. As a rule, large volumes of the needybristers are associated with shallow-leaning magmatic foci, formed due to melting and replacement of accommodating rocks. Negative relief forms associated with central type volcanoes are represented by calderars - large diplomas of the rounded shape, a large diameter of several kilometers.

Classification of volcanoes in form

The shape of the volcano depends on the composition of the lava spewed; Typically consider five types of volcanoes:

  • Thyroid volcanoes, or "shield volcanoes". They are formed as a result of multiple emissions of liquid lava. This form is typical for volcanoes, spewing low viscosity basalt lava: it leaks for a long time both from the central vent and from the side craters of the volcano. Lava is evenly spreading into many kilometers; Gradually, a wide "shield" with gentle edges is formed from these layers. An example is the Mauna Loa volcano in Hawaii, where Lava flows right into the ocean; His height from the foot at the bottom of the ocean is about ten kilometers (while the underwater base of the volcano has a length of 120 km and a width of 50 km).
  • Slag cones. In the eruption of such volcanoes, large fragments of porous slags are absorbed around the crater by layers in the form of a cone, and small fragments form at the foot of the attached slopes; With each eruption, the volcano is becoming higher. This is the most common type of volcanoes on land. In the height they are no more than a few hundred meters. Example - Volcano Flat Tobachik on Kamchatka, which exploded in December 2012.
  • Stratovulkany, or "layered volcanoes". Periodically spew the lava (viscous and thick, fast frozen) and pyroclastic substance - a mixture of hot gas, ash and rocky stones; As a result of deposits on their cone (acute, with concave slopes) alternate. Lava of such volcanoes also flows out of cracks, frozen on the slopes in the form of ribbed corridors, which are supporting the volcano. Examples - Etna, Vesuvius, Fujiima.
  • Dome volcanoes. It is formed when a viscous granite magma, rising from the subsoil of the volcano, cannot drain on the slopes and freezes at the top, forming the dome. She clogs it to the train, as a plug, which over time, embroider accumulated under the gase dome. Such a dome is being formed now over the Crater of the Saint Helens volcano in the North-West of the United States formed during the eruption of 1980.
  • Complex (mixed, composite) volcanoes.


Volcanic eruptions relate to geological emergency situations that can cause natural disasters. The eruption process can last from several hours to many years. Among the various classifications are allocated common types of eruptions:

  • Hawaiian type - emissions of liquid basalt lava, lava lakes are often formed, they must resemble scorching clouds or soldered avalanches.
  • The hydroexplosive type - eruptions occurring in the shallow water conditions of the oceans and seas, differ in the formation of a large number of steam arising from the contact of the grilled magma and sea water.

Postowncanic phenomena

After the eruptions, when the activity of the volcano is either ceased forever, or he "dorms" for thousands of years, on the volcano itself and its surroundings are processes associated with the cooling of the magmatic focus and called post-zucchic. These include fumarols, terms, geysers.

During the eruptions, there is sometimes collapsing of a volcanic structure with the formation of a caldera - a large depression with a diameter of up to 16 km and a depth of 1000 m. When the magma is lifted, the external pressure weakens the gases associated with it and the liquid products are pulled out to the surface, and the volcanic eruption occurs. If an ancient rock rocks are carried out on the surface, and not a magma, and among gases, water vapor prevails, formed during the heating of groundwater, then such an eruption is called freak.

Lava-rising to the earth's surface does not always come out on this surface. It only raises the layers of sedimentary rocks and freezes in the form of a compact body (Lacolite), forming a kind of system of low mountains. In Germany, such systems include the areas of Ryon and Eifel. The latter is also observed another post-taxable phenomenon in the form of lakes, filling crater former volcanoes, which could not form a characteristic volcanic cone (the so-called Maara).

Sources of heat

One of the unresolved problems of the manifestation of volcanic activity is to determine the source of heat required for local melting of the basalt layer or mantle. Such melting should be narrowed, since the passage of seismic waves shows that the bark and upper mantle are usually in a solid state. Moreover, thermal energy should be enough to melting huge volumes of solid material. For example, in the USA in the Columbia River Basin (Washington and Oregon) volume of basalt more than 820 thousand km³; The same major strata of basalts are found in Argentina (Patagonia), India (Plateau Dean) and South Africa (high kara elevation). Currently there are three hypotheses. Some geologists believe that melting is due to local high concentrations of radioactive elements, but such concentrations in nature seem unlikely; Others suggest that tectonic disorders in the form of shifts and faults are accompanied by the release of thermal energy. There is another point of view according to which the upper mantle under high pressures is in a solid state, and when the pressure falls due to cracking, it melts and the cracks are out of fracture.

Areas of volcanic activity

Main areas of volcanic activity - South America, Central America, Java, Melanesia, Japanese Islands, Kuril Islands, Kamchatka, Northwest USA, Alaska, Hawaiian Islands, Aleuta Islands, Iceland, Atlantic Ocean.

Mud volcanoes

Mud volcanoes - small volcanoes through which no magma comes to the surface, but liquid dirt and gases from the earth's crust. Mud volcanoes are much smaller in size than ordinary. Dirt, as a rule, goes to the surface of cold, but gases, muddled with mud volcanoes, often contain methane and can light up during an eruption, creating a picture like an eruption of an ordinary volcano in miniature.

In our country, mud volcanoes are most common on the Taman Peninsula, there are also in Siberia, near the Caspian Sea and in Kamchatka. On the territory of other CIS countries, mud volcanoes are most in Azerbaijan, they have in Georgia and in the Crimea.

Volcanoes on other planets

Volcanoes in culture

  • Picture of Karl Bryullov "Last Day Pompeii";
  • Movies "Volcano", "Peak Dante" and a scene from the film "2012".
  • Volcano near the Glacier Eyafyadlayukyudl in Iceland during his eruption was the hero of a huge number of humorous programs, plots of television, reports and folk creativity, discussing events in the world.

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August 24-25 79 AD. There was an eruption of considered extinct volcano Vesuvialocated on the shore of the Naples Bay, 16 kilometers east of Naples (Italy). The eruption led to the death of four Roman cities - Pompeii, Herculaneum, blond, stabing - and several small villages and villas. Pompeii, which was 9.5 kilometers from the crater Vesuvius and 4.5 kilometers from the volcanic sole, were covered with a layer of very small pieces of pumice with a thickness of about 5-7 meters and covered with a layer of volcanic ash. With the onset of the night of Vesuvius, Lava flowed everywhere Fires began, it became difficult to breathe from the ashes. On August 25, together with the earthquake, the tsunami began, the sea retreated from the shores, and the black thunder cloud, leaning Mis Cape and the island of Capri, hubbed and the surrounding cities. Most of the Pompey's population was able to escape, but about two thousand people died on the streets and in the houses of the city from poisonous sulfur gases. Among the victims were the Roman writer and the scientist of Pliny Senior. Herculaneum, which was in seven kilometers from the crater of the volcano and about two kilometers from his sole, was covered with a layer of volcanic ash, the temperature of which was so high that all wooden items were completely charred. Pompesya was accidentally discovered at the end of the XVI century, but systematic Excavations began only in 1748 and continue until now, along with reconstruction and restoration.

March 11, 1669an eruption occurred volcano Etna In Sicily, which lasted until July of the same year (on other sources, until November 1669). The eruption was accompanied by numerous earthquakes. Lava fountains along this cracked gradually shifted down, and the largest cone formed near the city of Nikiosi. This cone is known under the name Monti Rossi (Red Mountain) and is well noticeable on the slope of the volcano so far. Nikolai and two nearby villages were destroyed on the very first day of eruption. Even for three days, Lava, flowing down the slope to the south, destroyed four more villages. At the end of March, two larger cities were destroyed, and in early April, Lava's streams reached the outskirts of skating. Lava began to accumulate under the fortress walls. Part of it flowed into the harbor and filled it out. On April 30, 1669, Lava flowed through the upper part of the fortress walls. Citizens have built additional walls across the main roads. This made it possible to stop the promotion of the lava, but the western part of the city was destroyed. The total volume of this eruption is estimated at 830 million cubic meters. Lava flows burned 15 villages and part of the city of Catania, completely changing the configuration of the shore. According to one sources, 20 thousand people, in others - from 60 to 100 thousand.

October 23, 1766 On the island of Luzon (Philippines) began to erupt maison Volcano.. Dozens of villages have been revealed, a huge lava flow (30 meters wide), which went down the eastern slopes for two days. Following the original explosion and stream of Lava Volcano Mayon continued to erupt four more days, throwing a large amount of steam and water dirt. The grayish brown rivers from 25 to 60 meters collapsed down the mountain slopes within a radius of up to 30 kilometers. They thoroughly swept on their way road, animals, villages with people (Daraga, Camalig, Tobako). More than 2,000 residents died during the eruption. Basically, they were absorbed by the first stream of lava or secondary mud avalanches. For two months, Mount Mount the ashes, poured Lava to the surrounding area.

April 5-7 1815 An eruption occurred volcano tagbora At the Indonesian island of Sumbawa. In the air to a height of 43 kilometers, ashes, sand and volcanic dust were thrown. Stones up to five kilograms Weight scattered at a distance of up to 40 kilometers. The islands of Sumbawa, Lombok, Bali, Madura and Java were injured from the tamborhood eruptions. Subsequently, under the three-meter layer of ash, scientists found traces of the dead kingdoms of the back, Santar and Tambor. Simultaneously with the eruption of the volcano, huge tsunami 3.5-9 meters high. Flooring from the island, the water fell into the neighboring islands and drowned hundreds of people. Directly during the eruptions killed about 10 thousand people. Not less than 82 thousand people died of the consequences of the catastrophe - hunger or disease. Ash, covered by Sumba Savan, destroyed the entire harvest and poured the irrigation system; Acid rains poisoned water. For three years after the eruption of the tamborhood, the entire globe joined the paddle from dust and ashes, reflecting the part of the sun's rays and cooling the planet. The next, 1816, the Europeans felt the consequences of the eruption of the volcano. He entered the Annals of History, as "Year without Summer". The average temperature in the northern hemisphere fell about one degree, and in some areas even 3-5 degrees. From the spring and summer frosts on the soil were injured by large areas of crops, and hunger began in many territories.

August 26-27, 1883 An eruption occurred volcanana Krakataaulocated in the probe bargain between Yava and Sumature. From underground jogging on the nearby islands collapsed at home. On August 27, about 10 am the giant explosion occurred, in an hour - the second explosion of the same force. More than 18 cubic kilometers of fragments of rocks and ashes shot down into the atmosphere. The tsunami waves caused by explosions instantly absorbed the city, village, forests on the coast of Java and Sumatra. Many of the islands hide under water along with the population. Tsunami was so powerful that it went around almost the entire planet. On all on the coasts of Java and Sumatra, there were 295 cities and villages from the face of the Earth, over 36 thousand people were killed, hundreds of thousands were left without housing. The shores Sumatra and Java have changed beyond recognition. On the coast of the Stern Strait, fertile soil was washed down up to the rock. From the island of Krakatau only the third part survived. By the amount of displaced water and rock breed, the energy of krakatau eruption is equivalent to the explosion of several hydrogen bombs. Strange glow and optical phenomena persisted within a few months after the eruption. In some places above the ground, the sun seemed blue, and the moon was bright green. And the movement in the atmosphere of the dust thrown into the eruption allowed the scientist to establish the presence of a "inkjet" flow.

May 8, 1902 mont-Pele Volcano, located on Martinique, one of the islands of the Caribbean, literally ripped into parts - they sounded four strong explosions, similar to cannon shots. They threw the black cloud from the main crater, which the lightning flashes penetrated. Since the emissions went not through the vertex of the volcano, but through side craters, then all volcanic eruptions of this type have since called "pelks". Superheated volcanic gas, due to its high density and high speed of movement, turned over the earth itself, penetrated into all the gaps. A huge cloud covered the area of \u200b\u200bcomplete destruction. The second zone of destruction stretches for another 60 square kilometers. This cloud, formed from super-grinding steam and gases, rejected by billions of particles of a chipped ash, moving at a speed sufficient to carry the chips of rocks and volcanic emissions, had a temperature of 700-980 ° C and was able to melt the glass. Mont-Pele everacted once again - May 20, 1902 - almost with the same force as May 8th. Mont-Pele Volcano, scattering into parts, destroyed one of the main ports of Martinique Saint-Pierre together with his population. Instantly killed 36 thousand people, hundreds of people died from side effects. Two survivors became celebrities. Leon's shoemakers to Landra managed to escape in the walls of his own home. He miraculously survived, although he got strong burn burns. Luis-Augusta Cyparis by Nicknorm Samson during the eruption was in the prison cell and sat there for four days, despite serious burns. After salvation, he was pardoned, soon he was hired in the circus and during the presentations showed as the only surviving resident of Saint-Pierre.

June 1, 1912 The eruption began volcanana Katmai. On Alaska, for a long time in the state of rest. On June 4, the ash washed, which, mixed with water, formed mud threads, on June 6 an explosion of enormous force occurred, the sound of which was heard in Juneau for 1200 kilometers and in Dawsone 1040 kilometers from the volcano. After two hours, the second explosion of huge strength occurred and the third evening. Then, for several days, an eruption of a colossal amount of gases and solid products was almost continuous. During the eruption, about 20 cubic kilometers of ashes and debris broke out of the eruption of the volcano. The deposition of this material formed a layer of ash thickness from 25 centimeters to 3 meters, and near the volcano and much more. The amount of ashes was so large that for 60 hours around the volcano at a distance of 160 kilometers stood solid darkness. On June 11, volcanic dust fell in Vancouver and Victoria at a distance of 2,200 km from the volcano. In the upper layers of the atmosphere, it was broadcast throughout North America and fell in large quantities in the Pacific. For a whole year, the small particles of the ashes moved into the atmosphere. Summer on the entire planet was much colder than usual, since more than a quarter of the sun rays falling on the planet was delayed in the ash drove. In addition, in 1912, surprisingly beautiful scariped dawns were celebrated everywhere. In place of the crater, a lake with a diameter of 1.5 kilometers was formed - the main attraction of the National Park and the Katmai Reserve formed in 1980.

December 13-28, 1931 An eruption occurred volcano Merapy. On the island of Java in Indonesia. For two weeks, from December 13 to December 28, the volcano monster the stream of lava is about seven kilometers long, a width of 180 meters and a depth of 30 meters. A hot thread will burn the land, burned the trees and destroyed all the villages on his way. In addition, both slopes of the volcano were exploded, and the crowded volcanic ashes poured the half-island with the same name. During this eruption, 1300 people were killed. Merapy volcanic in 1931 was the most detrimental, but not the last.

In 1976, the volcanic eruption took the lives of 28 people and destroyed 300 houses. The essential morphological changes that happened in the volcano caused another disaster. In 1994, the dome formed in previous years collapsed in previous years, and the massive emission of a pyroclastic material forced the local population to leave his villages. 43 people died.

In 2010, the number of victims from the central part of the Indonesian Island Java amounted to 304 people. The list of deaths caused by the exacerbations caused by emissions of the ashes and heart diseases and other chronic diseases, and also died of injuries were included.

November 12, 1985 The eruption began volcano Ruiz In Colombia, considered extinct. On November 13, one after another was heard several explosions. The power of the strongest explosion, according to experts, was about 10 megaton. In the heaven to the height of eight kilometers, a column of ashes and rock fragments rose. The above eruption caused instant melting of extensive glaciers and eternal snow lying on the top of the volcano. The main blow fell along 50 kilometers from the mountain of the city of Armero, which was destroyed in 10 minutes. Of the 28.7 thousand residents of the city died 21 thousand. Not only Armero was destroyed, but also a number of villages. Strongly suffered from eruptions such settlements such as Chinchino, Libano, Murillo, Casabyanka and others. The village streams damaged pipelines, the fuel supply to the southern and western parts of the country ceased. As a result of a sharp melting of the snow lying in the mountains, nearby rivers came out of the banks. Powerful streams of water blocked the automobile roads, demolished the power lines and telephone supports, destroyed bridges. According to the official report of the Columbia Government, as a result of the eruption of the Volcano Ruiz killed and disappeared 23 thousand people, about five thousand were seriously injured and injured. About 4500 residential buildings and administrative buildings were completely destroyed. Tens of thousands of people remained without a roof above their heads and without any means of existence. The economy of Colombia suffered significant damage.

June 10-15, 1991 An eruption occurred volcano Pinatubo On the island of Luzon in the Philippines. The eruption began quite rapidly and was unexpected, since the volcano came to the state of activity after more than a sixhow hibernation. On June 12, the volcano exploded by throwing mushroom clouds into the sky. The gas flows, ashes and molten to a temperature of 980 ° C rocks were joined on the slopes at a speed of up to 100 kilometers per hour. There are many kilometers around, to the manila itself, the day turned into the night. And the cloud and the ashes falling out of it reached Singapore, which was removed from the volcano by 2.4 thousand kilometers. On the night of June 12 and morning, on June 13, the volcano again everaged, throwing ashes and the flame into the air for 24 kilometers. The volcano continued to erupt on June 15 and 16. Mud streams and water washed off at home. As a result of numerous eruptions, about 200 people died and 100 thousand were left without

Material prepared on the basis of open sources information

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