Welcome Anthurium. If the leaves are yellow after transplant

The buildings 12.06.2019
The buildings

At the gardeners, Anthurium is considered a plant, quite capricious in cultivation. However, it is not. It is enough to provide a flower conditions that meet its needs, and it will not require any special labor costs. It is the errors in care who often explains why the leaves are yellow. But first things first.

- Evergreen plant, belongs to the Aroacea family (ARACEAE). It comes from the tropical forests of South and Central America. In nature, the flower can exist in different forms:
  • epiphyts living on trees and feeding with air roots
  • ground
  • lithophytes that have adapted to life on the rocks, and others

Anthurium has thick stems, short or elongated depending on the type of plant. Leaves are usually leathery, matte or glossy. The form of the leaves is diverse: rounded, shovel, heart-shaped. Inflorescence - the pillage of small flowers, around which the so-called bedspread wrapped. It can be different shades White, green, pink, red and even violet.

Because of such an appearance, the plant is called "Flamingo Flower".

In indoor culture, both decorative acquisition types (Crystal anthuriums, Gucker, Wair) are found, and beautiful-flowering are the most popular Anthurium Andreh and Anthurium Sherecer.

Yellow leaves - Cause: Wrong Care

A resident of the tropics, Anthurium loves heat, humidity and scattered light. The change in conditions can react with the yellowing of the leaves.

  • The leaves were covered with the bottom side by yellow spots, which then became brown? Most likely, this is the result of supercooling. For example, a pot with a plant stands on a cold window sill or on a draft. Or after buying on the way from the store to the house flower some time was at negative temperaturesoh.
  • The color of the leaf of anthurium affects the mode. So, with a lack of light, the leaves are pale and yellow, and when it is excess (especially under the right rays), the flower will easily receive sunburnwhich will appear in the form of ugly pale or yellow-brown spots.
  • Full yellowing of several leaves can talk about failures in. Namely - about her boot. The plant is poured, damping the roots of the required oxygen. The situation is exacerbated by high density and low soil temperature when evaporation is slower. Long absence of watering (soil breaking) can also provoke the yellowing of the leaves.
  • Not only the temperature of the content and frequency of watering are responsible for the healthy view of the anthurium. It is important what water is used. The yellowing of the leaves can cause watering with rigid water with an abrasiveness of salts and chlorine.
  • Excessive use of fertilizers, especially on dry ground, leads to roots burns. It can also cause the yellow leaf of Anthurium. At the same time, old leaves suffer more often, and new grow healthy. In this case, it is recommended to refrain from making fertilizers at least a month and observe the plant. The lack of mineral elements in the soil can cause a change in the color of the leaves. When the hardware is lacking, chlorosis develops. In this case, it is recommended to use fertilizers with iron content, as well as water the plant with acidic water.

Finally, bottom leaves Anthurium yellow and fall simply from old age. If the plant is actively producing young leaves and blooms, nothing to worry about. Single trouble - Anthurium loses decorative View Because of the bare stem. In this case, the top of the plant is cut and rooted in wet or water. Side processes may appear on the lower remaining part.

Most trouble with a flower occurs due to care errors when the plant is simply in non-suitable conditions for it. Anthurium is considered a fairly capricious plant for home cultivation.

Consider the basic requirements for its content:

  1. Lighting. Bright but scattered. Avoid direct sunlight. The content of anthurium in Western and eastern windows is optimal. Winter requires shower. If it is impossible to ensure the temperature of the content is reduced to 18 s (not lower), watering is reduced.
  2. Air temperature. The supercooling for Anthurium is detrimental. Optimal temperature 18-25 OS. Drafts and sharp drops of temperature are invalid. Also undesirable to keep the flower next to the battery. In this case, you need to constantly keep a wet bedspread or towel.
  3. Air humidity. Anthuriums require high humidity. It is advisable to spray the leaves every day (but not flowers) with warm water. Drawing ones are better to carry dry air apartments than decorative. To keep the latter required special conditions (mini greenhouse, greenhouse, flurarium).
  4. The soil. Like all the aid, Anthurium needs a light weakness sooth. You can purchase a ready-made specialized mixture or prepare a substrate yourself. To do this, take 50% of the universal soil (with humid and upper peat) and 50% additives (mixture of coke fiber, pine crust, vermiculite, coal, perlite, moss-sfagnum). At the mixing stage, the ingredients are slightly moisturized. Such a substrate will skip the air to the roots.
  5. . Use only soft dilated water, preferably boiled or filtered. For acidification of the soil, you can add lemon juice to water or lemonic acid. Room temperature or slightly higher. The earth comes must be completely soaked, but without water stagnation in the pallet. Watering should be uniform and regular, as soon as dries upper layer Soil (but no less often). The main rule is not to fill the plant! In winter, watering is reduced.

Fertilizers are brought during the growth period. Used complex mineral fertilizer, reducing the concentration specified in the instruction 4 times.

Very often, the yellowing of the leaves signals the flower about problems in the root system of anthurium. Excessive watering and supercooling lead to the appearance of rot, the development of fungal and bacterial diseases.

In case of suspected rot, the root system produces the following actions:

  • the plant is pulled out of the pot and extremely gently shake the earth
  • the roots carefully examine
  • the fired roots are removed to a healthy tissue with a sharp knife, the sections are pushed activated coal and dried
  • plant transplant B. new pot in size of an updated root system (i.e. smaller diameter than the previous one)
  • adjust the conditions for the content of anthurium

In a situation where most leaf leaves and disappeared, that is, with a strong damage to the roots, resuscitation activities are carried out:

  1. the affected leaves are removed
  2. the remaining leaves are treated with stimulating drugs (for example, epinoma)
  3. roots are cut to healthy tissue, processed, wrapped in wet moss-sfagnum and put in a transparent cup with drainage holes
  4. the plant is placed under in mini greenhouse with high humidity.
  5. in the greenhouse, the plant is not watered, the shelter is removed daily by 15-20 minutes for venting
  6. if the roots rotted completely, the stem can be put into water with the addition of activated carbon
  7. after the root of the roots of the anthurium land in a loose substrate for orchids
  8. when the plant is strengthened, it is transplanted into permanent soil

If after transplanting the leaves of the anthurium began to turn yellow, it can talk about damage to the root system during transplantation, excessive bay, incorrect selection of soil or conventional adaptation of the plant to a new soil. Transplant Anthurium once in 1-2 years. A regular transplant is necessary in order to update the exhausted soil and enable the root system.

Important! Anturium has a very gentle root systemTherefore, it is not recommended to disturb it without extreme need.

A healthy plant is transplanted only by the transshipment method so as not to injure the roots. When buying Dutch plants, flower plants are recommended to immediately transplant anthuriums with a complete replacement of soil and thorough flushing of all the roots in order to avoid growing problems in the future. When washing, you need to act very carefully. Damage to the roots can cause rot and, as a result, the yellowing of the leaves.

If the purchased plant is to transplant the transshipment method, there will be two soil in one pot ("Store" and its own), differing in water and air permeability, nutritional properties. From here there will be difficulties with fertilizers and watering, the ground will not be moistened evenly. The complete substrate replacement will help a purchased plant to adapt faster. The first month after transplanting the flower is not feeding.

Special attention to the transplant should be paid to the choice of pot. It is categorically impossible to plant Anthurium in a big pot at once. Capacity needs to be chosen by the volume of the root system and with each transplant to increase by one size (so that there is a pot between the old earthen and edge). In a large pot, the soil will not have time to seek, which can again cause stagnation of water and rotted roots. Good drainage at the bottom is required. Knowing flowers are not recommended to water the aroid minimum 3 days after the transplantation. You can organize a greenhouse plant and regularly spray the leaves.

Yellow leaves - Cause: Diseases and pests

Thus, the key to a beautiful and healthy appearance of anthurium is the correct care. The main rules that must be observed are: warm, lack of drafts, proper soil, close pot, diffused light, regular moderate watering.

More information can be found from the video:

Anturium is yellowing the leaves ..! What to do?

Beautiful indoor plant Anthurium refers to rather whimsical. It requires constant attention. Often, having bought anthurium in a specialized store, the owners face a variety of problems that require solutions, because the plant can perish. Newcomers who do not own complete information About the rules of care, observe that the anthurium is yellow and dry leaves, they appear brown spots, and the flowering disappears at all.

Before taking measures, it is necessary to find out why the leaves of the anthurium or their tips are yellow and dried. After all, ignoring the problem can lead to the dedifications of the leaves and the death of the plant. The main reasons explaining why the leaves of Anthurium are yellow, only two. First, violation or complete absence of proper care. If Anthurium is yellowing the leaves, then the first thing to do is to correct watering. Perhaps moisture the flower is not enough, and maybe the water is too tough or cold. In addition, the plant may not be enough solar color.

When watering and spraying on the leaves, water drops fall, and if the sun is too bright, then yellow spots (like burns) may appear on the leaves of the anthurium. To avoid such situations, try to spray the capricious plant early in the morning or after sunset.

The second reason for the yellowing of the leaves is diseases. Most often, Anthurium suffers from chlorosis - not infectious disease, the development of which is associated with a disadvantage in a magnesium or iron substrate. It is possible to recognize chlorosis by the character of yellowing: the shelter plate itself changes the color to yellow, and the resilience remains greens. How to save Anthurium if yellow leaves are from this disease? Easy enough: use algae extracts or iron chelates for conforming anthurium.

If the leaves are yellow, and in some parts of the anthurium you noticed a grayish flare, then, most likely, the reason is gray rot. It is striking plants that suffer from excess moisture or on the leaves of which water often remains after spraying.

On the upper side of the leaves, light spots appeared, and from the back - the pustulas, inside which the spore powder is noticeable? So Anthurium struck Rust. Damaged leaves immediately follows from the plant to remove, and the remaining washed with soap solution.

A more dangerous disease is fuzariosis, as the patient plant, the leaves of which are yellow, are withering and falling, it is capable of infecting the mushroom neighbors along the windowsill. It will help only special anti-grab drugs (fungicides). Similar measures must be taken under septorize, anthracnose - hazardous fungal diseases.
Sometimes anthuriuma yellow leaves immediately after the transplantation. If in a few days the plant did not move, it should be re-transferred to a pot with good drainage, a mixture of sheet, conifer and peat ground with sand (2: 2: 2: 2: 1). Naturium yellow leaves

We care according to the rules
Healthy I. beautiful plant You can observe if you provide adequate care. Room temperature, distance pots from heating devices and direct sun ray, good lighting During the year, moderate and regular watering with warm water, periodic feeding of nitrogen fertilizers (twice a month enough), wet air, spraying twice a day - compliance with these rules guarantees to your room pet a long life.

Provided by handsome anthurium optimal for growth conditions, you will be able to rejoice in the beauty of his bright green leaves for long years.

Anthurium love many flowerflowers, and I am no exception. The smearing beauty of green glossy leaves and bright unusual flowers with an intriguing pestle cannot leave anyone indifferent. In order for the flower from day to day to the eye with his aesthetic look, you need to carefully care for it.

For some reason, the anthurium may get the leaves. With this phenomenon, I encountered a year ago. My glossy handsome Anthurium began to turn yellow and wake, but now everything is in order. What it happened, and how I coped with it, read in the article.

When Anthurium is healthy and well develops, its leaves are smooth, shiny or matte. And some of his species have a velvety surface. It is for such a foliage, and not just for extravagant flowers, and the anthuriums appreciate. If the leaves began to appear in the leaves, then the flower signals that something is wrong with it.

Since Anthurium is from the tropics, it is a supporter of a wet microclimate and scattered lighting. If the conditions of its content are broken, then it will immediately respond to it. The first sign of the disgusting flower - yellowed leaves. There can be a lot of reasons for this:

  • Excess watering or stagnant water in the pallet - this leads to a damage of the roots, as a result of which the leaves are yellow;
  • Direct sun - burns may appear from sunlight on the leaves. From these burns, the whole sheet turns yellow and dries;
  • Lack of light is also the cause of appearance yellow leaves on Anturium;
  • Too close or too free pot - these irregular conditions of content also lead to the appearance of yellowness on the leaves;
  • Sharp drops of temperatures - it occurs if you leave the pot in the winter open window, or make a flower on the balcony and forget to put it back;
  • The appearance of pests - the leaves may be brightened when mathematical Cherweet or phon, because they suck the juice from the plant and he does not have the strength to resist;
  • Infection with fusarium or chlorosis - with this disease yellowing almost all the leaves and get the whole flower;
  • Acclimatization is a phenomenon after buying a flower, as the apartment can have other air and the other air temperature.

Shooting after transplant

The yellowed folia can be observed after the transplantation of Anthurium. And the reason is the wrong actions of the flower plant:

  1. During the transference, the root system was damaged;
  2. Anthurium did not come up with the composition of the selected soil - the overabundance or lack of any elements;
  3. Excessive watering immediately after transplant;
  4. Adaptation of plants to new soil and pot.

Tip! When transplanting a flower purchased in the store, you need to completely replace the soil. If mixed new sad With the store, Anthurium will be hard to get along to two different soils, because they can be completely different in composition and other characteristics.

You must not forget about the size of the pot. Pick it according to the volume of the root system, and with the next transplant to take the capacity to size more.

Cause of dry leaf tips

The tips of the leaf of anthurium dribble due to dry air. This usually happens in summer days or in winter, when the air in the room is hot and dry.

For such a tropical handsome anthurium, elevation is necessary (within 85-95%). The same phenomenon is observed with poor soil air permeability, when oxygen is almost not falling to the roots.

How to cope with this problem

Healthy anthurium is distinguished by smooth and juicy green foliage, without any stains and damage. In addition, the leaves are quickly updated. If the problem still originated, we'll figure it out how to cope with it.

The reason for the yellowing of the leaves Solution to the problem
Wrong irrigation mode You should limit the amount of water. Watering should always be moderate
Hard Water S. large quantity chlorine or mixture of metals For watering it is better to use soft water. Suitable for this rain or melt water
Improper Lighting - Lack of Light or Direct Sun In winter, you can organize additional lighting, in summer - a little shadow the window and do not put on the window on the south side
The pot is too small or too big Transplant the flower into a container that is 1-2 cm more root system
Appearance of pests Treat anthurium insecticidal drugs

Appearance of yellow spots

Anthuriums may have the yellowing of the entire leaf plate, and the appearance of only yellow spots. They appear due to:

  1. The supercooling - arises due to the temperature difference, for example, when carrying out in winter or early removal to the balcony in the spring. Solving the problem - just do not create such conditions;
  2. Direct sun - his rays can leave burns on the leaves. Solving the problem - to put a flower on the windowsill with an eastern or western side, set a small score for shading, ensure the necessary level of air humidity;
  3. Cececope or septorize infection is fungal diseases in which yellow stains become brown, and after a sheet completely pops. Solving the problem - treatment of fungicides.


If Anturium is wished most leaf leaves, it needs to be resulted:

  • Remove all yellow leaves;
  • Carry out the processing of the remaining leaves with the drug to stimulate growth, for example, epinic;
  • Remove damaged and infected roots, and the remaining to be treated with fungicide;
  • Wrap them with a sphagnum M placed in a container with drainage holes;
  • Put under phytolampu or create mini-greenhouse. Do not water, ventilate daily for 15 minutes;
  • When the Anutrium has new roots, put it in a container with a substrate for orchids;
  • When the flower is completely strengthened, put into the container with constant soil.


In conclusion, I would like to wish to all lovers of anthuriums never faced the problem of yellowed leaves and remember such rules:

  • Comply with the desired flower conditions of content - to observe temperature mode and prevent supercooling, not overflow and do not overcover, observe high humidity air, ensure proper lighting;
  • Organize necessary care - additional feeding, daily spraying;
  • If the anutrium began to deteriorate, carry out the necessary reanimating manipulations.

Anthurium - Flower - "Tail" (Translation from Greek). Luxurious flower culture, natural conditions The habitat of which are the tropics of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay.

Currently in the world there are almost 800 species of the Aroacea family (ARACEAE). Moreover, 75 of them can be grown in the garden and only 25 - at home. But such that are close to natural.

Therefore, if you liked the flower with a wonderful inflorescence in the form of a bedspread over the chief and decorative leavesIt will have to master the basics of care for it. In order to knowWhy Anturium is yellowing the leaves, as well as what to do if the flower begins to dry the tip of the sheet.

Why does Anturium yellow leaves

In a healthy plant, the leaf surface looks smooth, brilliant or matte. Some species it happens velvety. Moreover, decorativeness gives it not only the inflorescences of greenish, white or bright color (pink, red, purple), but also leaf plates are solid, deeply dissected. Especially good species, with outcropped edges.

At home, most often, there are such popular decorative varieties of anthurium, as:

  • crystal;
  • Andre (white, red);
  • Schuzer, Gucker, Wair.

If you have noticed a spot on the surface of the dark-green leaves (Yellow, brown or black), it means there is a reason that spoils their appearance. Perhaps this is a sign of plant disease.

Why does Anthurium turn yellow at home

Anthurium, as a truly tropical culture, prefers warm, wet microclimate and scattered light. For any deviation from comfortable conditions The flower reacts immediately.

First of all, the anthurium is beginning to shrink the leaves. And it is quite natural that the flower water, especially inexperienced, is set as a question - why and for what reason such unwanted changes occur.

The most common cause is non-compliance with the rule of plant care. However, quite often, the anthurium can shut up after buying in the store, being at home. Because there is a dry and completely different temperature in the apartment air, the illumination of the flower will need some time to adapt.

In case the leaves of the anthurium continue to turn yellowThe solution to the problem will take more time, will require knowledge about specific assistance measures.

The reasons why the leaves of Anthurium are yellowing:

In addition to these reasons, the sheet turns yellow due to the sudden pests - Tly ,. They suck juices from the plant, and it turns yellow.

And also, perhaps, the flower is amazed by fusariasis. In this case, the total yellowing of the leaves is observed, their wilt.

The deficiency of iron and magnesium in the composition of the soil is the cause of the infectious disease, called chlorosis. In this case, the yellowness on the sheet plate is inevitable.

If there is a sufficient amount of nitrogen in the substrate, it will cause the yellow leaf of anthurium. Appearance Plants will suffer the same way From a lack or overaffect of sulfur, manganese in the ground.

Why after transplanting yellow leaves at anthurium

It happens that after the flower is starting to yellow leaves. Obviously, this was facilitated by the actions of a flower plant, because of which the plant was worse:

  • when transplanting was damaged root anthurium system;
  • the soil is incorrectly chosen or the process of adaptation of culture to new conditions goes;
  • after transplanting the flower overly watered.

Other errors, which are usually allowed due to the ignorance of the nuances of Anthurium change.

First of all, it concerns full replacement Soil. For example, if you leave a part of the "shop soil" in the pot, and then add your own, then after transplantation, the plant will be hard to adapt to two, completely different in air and water permeability, nutritional properties, substrates.

Council: for transplanting a healthy flower apply the transshipment method.

Capacity flower pot It should correspond to the volume of the root system. At the subsequent transplantation, it is increased by one size (there is a space in the size of a finger between the old clock and the edge of the pot).

Why drown the tips of the leaves at Anturium

In the hot summer months or winterWhen heating is working in residential premises, the leaf tips can dry the flower. The reason is dry air. Culture that perfectly feels in greenhouses, for the health of sheet plates is required high humidity (85- 95%).

Perhaps the appearance of dry tips of the leaves occurred from an insufficient amount of oxygen entering the roots of anthurium. Or the drying of the sheet on the edges provoked the disease - an intermission.

What if Anthurium turns yellow?

In a healthy plant, all foliage is flat, with a characteristic bright green color, without yellowness and spots. In addition, the leaves are updated quicklyAnd the appeared again easily unfold without any damage.

But, if there was still a problem, when Anturium is yellowing the leaves, what to do with the benefit for a flower - help tips of experienced flowerflowers.

When yellowing Anthurium, one of the reasons, the following should be done like this:

What if the anthurium is spots on the leaves?

The appearance of yellow spots on glossy, dense leaves flower signals about uncomfortable conditions for him or about the development of any disease:

Anthurium, no doubt, refers to plants demanding on growing conditions. And, if most of his leaves are yellowed, disappeared, flower need to know how to save anthurium.

Flower Resuscitation Activities:

As soon as the anthuriume will grow new roots, it is planted in a special substrate for orchids. Later, the rapid flower is transferred to a pot with a soil.

In cases where the roots of culture are completely rotted, the stem is put into water with activated carbon. Perhaps your flower has not yet lost vital energy. Then he will be able to save.


Observing simple rules Carewhich are to maintain the elevation of temperature, humidity, good lighting, periodic feeding with nitrogen fertilizers, daily spraying procedures, you are guaranteed to keep the health, beauty of your favorite plant.

Anthurium - One of the most beautiful exotic flowers, whose homeland is South and Central America. In another, anthurium is called Flower of Love, Flamingo Flower or Fire Language. The flower raisin is its inflorescence, which consists of a curved tail and a large bright bract, similar to the heart. The flower color gamut is very bright and diverse - from bright red to black, from white to dark green.

Anthurium leaves can reach 40 cm long, and the flower itself can grow up to two meters. Anthurium leaves grow on solid and long stiffs. Flower flowers round year Without a break, therefore attracts many flowerflowers.

Like any exotic flower, Anthurium loves to capricious and needs special care. This is due, first of all, with the fact that the flower is used to grow in conditions differing from ours. The trouble is that most owners complain about the yellowing leaves of Anthurium.

Causes of Yellow Leaves at Anthurium

  1. Anthurium loves water very much, and if you choose the watering regime of the plant, it will lead to the yellowing of the leaves.
  2. Water stagnation in soil leads to the yellowing of the roots and rotting the roots of anthurium.
  3. Large chlorine or oxide heavy metals leads to the yellowing of the leaves of the plant.
  4. The sun rays and drafts also lead to the yellowing of the leaves.
  5. If the anthurium leaves are yellow in winter, it means that they lack light.
  6. Lack of substrate for anthurium.

How to care for the anthurium?

To leave the leaves are not a cheerful, and the flower did not pain, behind the anthurium you need to carefully care for.

  • First of all, pay attention to the quality of the water you water the flower. Water should be used only in room temperature resistant (or 2 degrees above). After each irrigation of the anthurium, be sure to remove the remnants of water from the pallet - it is necessary that the roots of the flower do not rot. Before change the size of the pot as the anthurium growsOtherwise, he will be closely, and the flower will die soon.
  • Since the flower is exotic, he loves heat, but does not tolerate drafts. Therefore, make sure that the flower is in the room, there were no drafts, but at the same time influx fresh air Must be regular.
  • remember, that anthurium need to feed: in summer, feed the flower once a week, and in the winter - one or twice a month.

  • Provide a good lighting or half a flower. Lights should be enough to the anthurium flowers are bright and beautiful. Just try not to expose the flower with direct sunlight.
  • Select suitable thermal and humidity mode for the flower, then it will not be sick.
  • In the summer, the air temperature should be not lower than 18 degrees of heat, and in winter and autumn - 15-16 degrees. If you want your anthurium faster to bloom, in January, you can increase the temperature to 25 degrees.
  • In the summer, try to abundantly water the flower, but do not overdo it. Spray anthurium leaves boiled water as often as possible.

If you comply with all these rules, the leaves of the anthurium will not turn yellow, and the flower will grow and delight you with their beautiful colors.

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